

RKW set up this file years ago...
Winfield Courier, February 6, 1874.
Married. E. B. Kager and Miss Wright.
MARRIED. [VINCULUM MATRIMONII.] One by one the lilies fade. E pluribus unum, ad astra per aspera, sic semper tyrannus, Vox populi vox Dei, Erin go bragh, vis unitary fortios vive vale Dum vivimus vivamus, etc.
For the benefit of our readers we will say that the above quotations means that our kind jolly friend, and worthy and efficient County Treasurer, E. B. Kager, has gone and got married. The bright eyes and sunny smiles of Miss Wright of Arkan­sas City did the business for him. Well, poor fellow, he has been ailing for some time, and his exit from bachelordom was not altogether a surprise to his friends. The young couple have the best wishes of the entire COURIER force.
Winfield Courier, February 13, 1874.
MARRIED. KAGER. WRIGHT. Married on the evening of Feb. 5th, 1874, at the home of the bride near Arkansas City, Mr. E. B. Kager, of Winfield, to Miss Ada Wright of Arkansas City.
Many of the friends of both bride and bridegroom were present, and everything went off in a manner to reflect much credit to the Rev. J. E. Platter, who performed the ceremony, and to Mrs. Wright—mother of the beautiful bride—who feasted the welcome guests with a rich repast, prepared with excellent taste and artistic skill. After the supper, and before the guests had retired from the table, Mr. Platter, in behalf of the friends of the happy couple, presented them with some fine presents as token of friendship and esteem, followed by some very appropriate and fitting remarks. At a seasonable hour, the guests dispersed, and the happy pair took their departure for their new home at Winfield.
Wm. Wright...
Winfield Courier, November 26, 1874.
  Strayed or Stolen.
From the pasture of Wm. Wright, seven miles south of Winfield, on the Walnut River, on the night of the 22nd inst., three Indian ponies, described as follows: One black mare about 7 years old, white star in forehead, shod smooth in front and heavy plate corks behind; one black horse about 8 years old, brand, figure 1 inside a circle, on shoulder, shod same as mare; one bay mare two years old without shoes. A liberal reward will be paid for the ponies or any information which shall lead to the recovery, left at the stable of Darrah & Doty, in this city, or with Mr. Wright.
Miss Wright; Mrs. Wright...
Winfield Courier, January 21, 1875.
Miss Wright of Arkansas City is stopping in town with her brother-in-law, Mr. Kager.
Winfield Courier, September 23, 1875.
WRIGHT. At the residence of E. B. Kager, in this city, Miss Libbie, daughter of Mrs. Wright, of Arkansas City, on Thursday morning, September 16th, 1875, at 7 o’clock.

Winfield Courier, November 30, 1876.
MARRIED. BREENE - WRIGHT. On Thursday, Nov. 23rd, by Rev. J. E. Platter, at his residence in this city, Mr. J. J. Breene and Miss Josie Wright, of Creswell Township, this county.
After the quiet ceremony had been performed, the happy couple drove back to Arkansas City to receive the blessings of their relatives and “congratulations” of numerous friends. The COURIER ED., wishes “Journey” and Josie a long, happy, prosper­ous, and useful life.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 29, 1876.
MARRIED. At the residence of, and by Rev. J. C. Platter, at Winfield, Thursday, November 23rd, 1876, MR. JOURNEY J. BREENE, and MISS JOSIE WRIGHT, both of this place, and both formerly of Dayton, Ohio. It was the first marriage we have had for a long while, that everyone did not know all about it, and was a com­plete surprise to everyone. Our congratulations are extended to the happy couple.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1877.
MARRIED. At the residence of the bride’s father, on Wednes­day, March 28th, by Rev. S. B. Fleming, MR. WILLIAM N. WRIGHT and MISS XINA COWLES, both of this county.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1877.
MARRIED. Oct. 16th, at the residence of J. B. Plumb, by Rev. J. J. Broadbent, Mr. John Myrtle and Mrs. Florilla Wright, both of Bolton.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 12, 1877.
JOHN C. WELSH, the new Minister to England, is a brother-in-law to Mrs. E. P. Wright and an uncle to Mrs. James Benedict and Mrs. E. B. Kager, all of this place. Effingham Lawrence, late Collector at the port of New Orleans, is also a relative of the above named parties.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 27, 1878.
BORN. It’s Will Wright this time. Ten pounds and a boy at that. Whoop la! Last Monday.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.
A new schoolhouse has been erected in the school district just north of this place, near Goff’s farm. It is about ten by twelve feet square, built of native lumber, with one door and two windows. The benches are made of native lumber also, and Miss Wright has been engaged as teacher. It is a cheap house, to be sure, costing only about $75, but the district does not have to pay $100 interest annually on school bonds, and after a while will be better able to build than those who have $1,000 houses. There are just enough children in the district to fill the little house full. We have promised to visit the school, but will have to wait until some of the children are absent before we can get in; otherwise, the teacher would have to stand on the outside, or send one of the pupils home during our stay.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 3, 1879.
BORN. On Saturday morning, Nov. 29th, to Mr. and Mrs. William Wright, a ten pound son.
Winfield Courier, May 27, 1880.

We learn in a round-about way of the marriage of our friend, Mr. Theodore Wright, of Pleasant Valley township, to Miss Laura Snow.
Winfield Courier, January 20, 1881.
We are glad to learn that our old friend, Theodore Wright of Pleasant Valley township, is recovering his health again. He has been down with inflammatory rheumatism for over two months.
Winfield Courier, July 14, 1881.
Mr. Theodore Wright, of Pleasant Valley township, brought in a load of his new wheat Saturday. It is plump, good color, and yields 22 bushels per acre. It was grown on the Mackeral place on Posey creek.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 6, 1881 - FRONT PAGE.
Below will be found the proceedings of township meetings, organizations, and muster rolls as far as heard from. The last week before the reunion we will publish the muster rolls
Winfield Courier, November 10, 1881.
Geo. Wright, who lived on South Bend in this county, was killed at the Otoe Agency, Indian Territory, last Monday. He was there with his team and load of goods. He went out where a man was chopping down a tree, and when the tree fell, caught in a limb and bounced, striking Wright on the breast and fell on him, killing him instantly. It took eight men to get the tree off from him. Mr. Wright was an estimable young man.
Winfield Courier, November 17, 1881.
Mr. Wright, of Kentucky, called by the sudden death of his brother.
We are sorry to chronicle the death of a man by the name of Wright, who was killed a few days ago by a falling tree. We know not when death will knock at our doors, then let us prepare to meet our God whenever he may call upon us. The bereaved parents have the sympathy of all.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 9, 1881.
Crushed to Death by a Falling Tree.
One of the most sad occurrences we have ever been called upon to record, transpired at the Red Rock (Otoe) Agency, Indian Territory, on Monday morning last, November 7, 1881, resulting in the death of Mr. Geo. T. Wright, a young man who has lived in this section for many years, and was universally known and respected by our people. As near as we can learn, at this writing, the facts are as follows.

Mr. Wright had taken a load of freight to the Agency and had his team hitched for the return journey as he paused a few moments to watch the felling of a tree. But a few left-handed strokes were needed, and as the deceased could chop as well with one hand as the other, he took the ax from Mr. Watts and struck the already tottering giant of the forest its death stroke, and as the sequel sadly proved, his own, and then stepped back, as he thought, out of harm’s way. As the tree crashed to the earth, it glanced against the limb of another tree, throwing the butt end so that it struck Mr. Wright, knocking him down and falling across his chest, instantly crushing out the vital spark. It took the utmost efforts of ten men to extricate the body, but life was extinct, in fact, death must have been instantaneous. The body was tenderly placed in a temporary coffin, and brought to this city by Mr. McAllister on Monday night and consigned to the care of the sorrowing relatives. Funeral services were held at 4 o’clock p.m. yesterday, and the remains were lowered to their last resting place in the Parker Cemetery, in the presence of a very large concourse of the friends and neighbors of the deceased who had gathered to testify their respect for this estimable young man, cut down in the flower of his youth, as well as their sympathy for the afflicted relatives.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 8, 1883.
MARRIED. At the residence of Mr. William Graham, of Grouse Creek, on Thursday, August 2nd, 1883, by Rev. S. B. Fleming, Thomas F. Wright, of the Canyon, and Miss Jessie A. Sankey, of Rose Valley. The happy couple have the best wishes of their many friends in this vicinity, whom with the TRAVELER hope that a long and happy life may be in store for them.
Winfield Courier, March 6, 1884.
Mr. B. F. Wright, one of Cowley’s substantial pioneers, returned Saturday from a six weeks’ visit around his boyhood haunts in Pendelton County, Kentucky. He hadn’t been back since he came to this county some thirteen years ago.