Frank and J. S. Wynant
Geuda Springs, Arkansas City.
[Note: It appears that both Frank Wynant and J. S. Wynant were residents of Sumner County. It is thought that they were related. J. S. Wynant later moved to Arkansas City and then returned to his old home in Indiana.]
Arkansas City Traveler, June 13, 1883.
Drowned. A young man by the name of Wynant was drowned at the Arkansas River ferry near Geuda Springs last Thursday while crossing in a skiff in company with two other men. The boat was capsized by striking the ferry cable, and precipitated its occupants into the water, where Wynant, being unable to swim, met his death by drowning; but his two companions succeeded in reaching the shore in safety.
Caldwell Journal, June 14, 1883.
Two Deaths by Drowning. We have to record this week the loss of two lives by drowning last Friday.
One was that of Green Wise, in the employ of Campbell & Dorsey. Mr. Campbell had sent him from Arkansas City with a message to Mr. Dorsey, who was in Caldwell. Wise rode one horse and led another, and when last seen he had stopped at Mr. Gilbert’s, on the east side of Chikaskia, late Friday afternoon and inquired as to the crossing. From there he went to a rock crossing at Mr. Gillett’s place. At all events the tracks made by his horses where they went in on the other side and came out on this side were plainly seen. The horses were found by Mr. Gillett about dark that evening, and it is supposed that Wise was swept off the horse he was riding, and carried down the stream, as the current was very strong at the point where he attempted to cross.
Word was brought to Mr. Dorsey on Friday night, and on Saturday morning he engaged Messrs. Bates, Fletcher, and Wilson to search for the body. They worked all day Saturday and Sunday, but owing to the high stage of the water, no trace of the unfortunate young man’s remains could be found.
Green Wise was a young man who had been in the employ of Campbell & Dorsey for over three years, and enjoyed their confidence and respect. We understand he has some relatives living a few miles west of this city.
Frank Wynant, who was well known to many of our citizens, and who bore an excellent character as a young man, was the other unfortunate who lost his life in the wild waters. In company with two others, whose names we did not learn, he attempted to cross the Arkansas river near Geuda Springs. At that point there are two wire cables stretched across the river about fifty feet apart, the upper one being used by the ferry boat. When nearly in the middle of the river, the boat was upset by the angry flood, and the men drifted down to the upper cable, which they managed to grasp and hang onto, with their backs up stream. They had not been in this position more than a couple of minutes, when a large log borne on the tide struck the men, throwing them over the wire and breaking their hold. They were carried down to the second wire, which they succeeded in grasping; but Wynant held on for a moment, when he dropped down, never to be seen again by his companions or the people on the shore. The other two worked their way along the cable toward the east shore, and were finally rescued. Two others started out in a boat from the west side to rescue the men, when their boat was swamped, and had it not been for the timely assistance of those on shore they would also have been swept down the stream.
Frank Wynant was the support of his family, his mother having been an invalid for the past two years. Mrs. Wynant was at the Springs receiving treatment when tidings were brought her of the fate of her son. She was almost heart-broken with grief, and it was feared that she would not survive the terrible blow.
Winfield Courier, June 14, 1883.
DIED. The young man drowned at Salt City was named Wynant. Mr. Corby and Mr. Goss also had a very close call.
J. S. Wynant...
Arkansas City Traveler, November 21, 1883.
Geuda Mineral Springs.
NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that on the 15th day of December, A. D. 1883, at 10 o’clock a.m. of said day, at the office of C. R. Mitchell, at the Geuda Mineral Springs, in Cowley County, Kansas, the books of the Geuda Mineral Springs Co., a corporation under the laws of the state of Kansas, will be opened for receiving subscriptions to the capital stock of said corporation.
The authorized capital of said corporation is $250,000, divided into 10,000 non-assessable shares of $25 each. J. W. HOWARD, C. R. MITCHELL, J. S. WYNANT, GEO. M. BAUGH, A. W. McCARTY, Directors.
Arkansas City Republican, October 11, 1884.
Mr. Wynant moved this week to Arkansas City to make that his future home.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 17, 1884.
The coal trade is lively at present. Ivan Robinson thought he could run his business alone this winter, but this cold snap compelled him to hire an assistant. Mr. J. S. Wynant is at present helping him out.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.
Mr. J. S. Wynant and daughter, Pearl, started Monday for Warsaw, Indiana, their old home, where they expect to remain.