N. L. Yarbrough
Richland Township.
[Handled Sheep.]
Richland Township 1872: W. H. Yarbrough, 64; spouse, Mary, 57.
Richland Township 1872: A. J. Yarbrough, 25. No spouse.
Richland Township 1874: W. H. Yarbrough, 65; spouse, Mary, 60.
Richland Township 1874: A. J. Yarbrough, 28. No spouse.
Richland Township 1874: N. L. Yarbrough, 24. No spouse.
Kansas 1875 Census Richland Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name age sex color Place/birth Where from
W. H. Yarbrough 66 m w South Carolina Missouri
Mary C. Yarbrough 60 f w Tennessee Missouri
A. J. Yarbrough 29 m w Missouri Missouri
Richland Township 1881: A. J. Yarbrough, 34; spouse, Emma, 26.
Richland Township 1881: F. G. Yarbrough, 40; spouse, M. E., 37.
Winfield Courier, May 31, 1877. Editorial Page.
FLORAL, KAN., May 25, 1877. Saturday, the 19th of May, a heavy storm of wind and rain passed through Richland from southeast to the northwest, which was very destructive. It destroyed E. Anderson’s house, himself and family mysteriously escaping death with few injuries. J. Yarbrough’s house was badly rocked and roof blown off. No lives lost but some badly scared and slightly wounded. The damage will probably reach $1,500 in Richland Township. It is a serious loss to all who were visited by the storm, and they should have the support of the community.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 18, 1879. Front Page.
Nute Yarbrough and Mr. Goodwell ran thieves from their stables recently.
Winfield Courier, March 11, 1880.
We had occasion to visit the north part of Richland township, last week, in company with Mr. Lemmon, and saw many things on our way which are encouraging for the future of Cowley, and which add to our pride in our county.
We saw many other farms worthy of note, and on our return, when about a mile south of Floral, we passed through a flock of sheep belonging to Mr. Yarbrough, about 1200, of a cross between Merino and native, which we thought in the best kind of condition, looking fat, clean, and well wooled with rather fine wool. In short, we look upon this flock of sheep as one of the finest we ever saw.
Winfield Courier, September 23, 1880.
Messrs. Wright and Yarbrough report their sheep in a thriving condition. Also, Mr. L. Dicken, we believe, has a pet lamb.
Winfield Courier, October 21, 1880.
Mr. Newt. Yarbrough and others have gone to Missouri after apples.
Winfield Courier, November 4, 1880.
Mr. Newt. Yarbrough and party have returned from their trip to the eastern part of the state. Also Messrs. Howard, Wright, and Goodwill have returned from Missouri.
Winfield Courier, December 2, 1880.
Miss Sadie McIntire is visiting at Mr. Yarbrough’s.
Winfield Courier, January 6, 1881 - Front Page.
A. J. Yarbrough returned from a trip to the eastern part of the state, where he had gone for apples, last week. Mr. Read bought the most of his load.
N. L. Yarbrough, the sheepman...
Winfield Courier, January 27, 1881.
Mr. N. L. Yarbrough has his sheep up in Butler County this winter on account of the cheapness of feed in that section.
Winfield Courier, January 27, 1881.
Wm. Newton called our attention to the fact that we were considerably off on the wool clip of this last year for this and Sumner counties. That it is very much in excess of the figures that we gave. The truth of it is that Kansas editors are so often accused of exaggeration, that owing to our natural modesty, we would much prefer to be below the real figures than above, but we have no intention of letting our scruples do an injustice to one of our most important industries. Another reason for our error was the report of the Kansas state board of agriculture, which is wrong in its figures. The wool clip of Cowley County last year, instead of being thirty thousand pounds, was upwards of two hundred thousand, and Sumner, instead of fifteen, was upwards of a hundred thousand pounds. George E. Raymond alone had twelve thousand pounds, Mr. Meech ten thousand, Youle Brothers fifteen thousand, Yarbrough nine thousand, Parks, of Cambridge, about the same amount, and lots of fellows yet to hear from. The truth of it is, the sheep interest in Cowley has in three years sprung from nothing until it has reached such proportions that none of us can keep the run of it.
Winfield Courier, June 9, 1881.
Messrs. Yarbrough and Dicken have been putting their sheep through the dipping process again.
Winfield Courier, June 16, 1881.
It has long been the boast of the people of the Walnut Valley that this favored locality was wonderfully exempt from cyclones and destructive storms, but the pitcher has gone once too often to the well,” for on Sunday evening the northwestern part of Cowley County was visited by a destructive cyclone with all its attendant phenomena.
Grundy and Newton Yarbrough had a frame house destroyed. No one was hurt. Loss: $600. The Telegram estimates losses as follows. N. Yarbrough $250.
Winfield Courier, August 4, 1881.
Mrs. Miller, of Pleasant Hill, has rented her farm to F. G. Yarbrough for the coming year. She will spend the winter with her father in Illinois.
Archie Harlow is herding sheep for Mr. N. L. Yarbrough.
Mr. and Mrs. (?) Yarbrough...
Winfield Courier, August 11, 1881.
Last Thursday Mr. Yarbrough met with quite a loss while at a neighbors. Two small children, being the only ones at home, obtained matches and set the house on fire. The children escaped unharmed. Mrs. Yarbrough then returned; and in trying to save what she could, rushed into the fire. A can of kerosene oil exploded in her face, burning her face and lungs very badly. She is improving slowly although not out of danger.
Winfield Courier, August 18, 1881.
Mr. Daniel Tildon Allen has sold a part of his farm to Mr. N. L. Yarbrough; also Mr. Wm. Irwin has sold his farm to Mr. Jack Yarbrough. This looks as if it paid to deal in sheep.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 6, 1881 - FRONT PAGE.
Below will be found the proceedings of township meetings, organizations, and muster rolls as far as heard from. The last week before the reunion we will publish the muster rolls
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 27, 1881 - Front Page.
Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.
T. W. Dicken don’t expect to go thirsty after this, as he has a new drilled well—a large one two feet in diameter. Jack Yarbrough has one of the same kind. It is said Thos. Walker will be the next lucky man.
Hard to tell if N. L. Yarbrough was still handling sheep. He is now handling horses...
Winfield Courier, September 27, 1883.
The next attraction for the visitor is the fine horses. There are horses in profusion, some of them big Clydesdales, Norman, and Canadian, and any number of trotting and running horses, together with some of as fine brooders and yearlings as any county can show. Conspicuous among the blooded horses are the two Norman stallions and one Clydesdale stallion of R. B. Noble, of Dexter, one of the former being the largest in the county, weighing 1970 pounds; also the stallions of N. L. Yarbrough, of Floral; the two year old Clydesdale of R. F. Burden, and the mammoth two year old Clydesdale stallion and four year old mare of Messrs. Tweedle and Purvoi, recently from Scotland. This mare undoubtedly excels anything ever brought into our county. The exhibition of horses of all kinds is exceedingly large and astonishes every beholder.
The following is a full list of premiums awarded. It is complete and correct and is drawn from the Secretary’s books.
CLYDESDALES. Three years and under four, Stalter & Yarbrough, 1st premium.
GENERAL PURPOSE HORSES. Foal (mare) of 1883, N. L. Yarbrough, Richland, 1st premium; C. F. Maris, Cloverdale, 2nd.
Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.
The following special premiums are offered by the citizens of Cowley County. Parties wishing to compete for them must enter articles same as in other class, and must also comply with the instructions and requests named in the premium.
President J. F. Martin will have charge of this department, make assignment of articles, and appoint the necessary judges.
$15.00. For best colt sired by his horse; $10 to first, $5.00 to second.
Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.
N. L. Yarbrough’s fine display of colts from his noted stallion, “Clyde,” attracted great attention, and he carried off a whole bolt of blue ribbon.
We print below a complete list of premiums awarded from the Secretary’s books.
CLASS A—HORSES. CLYDESDALE. Stallion, 4 years old and over: N. L. Yarbrough, first; C. Kimble, second.
Brood mare, with colt; N. L. Yarbrough.
Stallion showing best five colts, N. L. Yarbrough.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 19, 1885.
The Clyde Stallion. JACK CLYDE. Will stand for the season of 1885 at my farm, one mile south of Floral. Took first premium at Cowley County fair in 1883 and 1884, also 1st premium for stallion showing best fine colts. N. L. YARBROUGH.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 18, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds yesterday.
Wade H Yarbrough and wife to N L Yarbrough, pt of nw ¼ 20-31-s-5e: $515.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 24, 1885.
The Third Annual Exhibition of the Cowley County Fair & Driving Park Association opened this morning.
N. L. Yarbrough is here from Richland with his fine stallions and colts.
The exhibit in Clydesdale was remarkably fine, there being six splendid stallions before the Judges, their aggregate being 10,210 pounds. The entries were Col. McMullen’s “Caddie Lad” and “Iago;” J. S. Williams, of Sumner, “Lord Aberdeen” and “Duke;” S. Allison’s “Ochilboy,” and N. L. Yarbrough’s “Jack Clyde.” Again Sumner County came to the front and carried off the blue ribbon on J. S. Williams’ “Duke.” Col. McMullen’s “Caddie Boy” took second. The two horses were so evenly matched that it was very difficult to decide. The judges finally took their preference from color and preferred the dark brown. The spectators seemed to be evenly divided in judgment also. In our estimation “Caddie Lad’s” gentle disposition and easy movement should have been considered in his favor. He is certainly one of the most remarkably fine horses in the west, weighing 1960 pounds, but as supple as a cat. His form is splendid and his disposition as near perfect as can be. He can be hitched to a road cart and driven anywhere, and is but four years old, while “Duke,” who was awarded the first premium over him, is seven. “Caddie Lad” took the first premium at the Iowa State Fair as a two year old. In the class for native draft horses the show was very large. The exhibitors were E. I. Johnson, mare and colt; J. H. Land, mare and colt; L. Stout, mares, colts, and stallion; Col. McMullen, ten mares and seven colts; F. W. Schwantes, mare; S. Allison, stallion; Frank Conkright, two stallions; J. M. Buffington, stallions; J. S. Hubbard, stallion; N. L. Yarbrough, stallion; T. P. Herriott, of Marion County, span of Norman mares.
The display in horses this morning was in the “agricultural” line. The exhibit was large and in excellent form. A. J. Lyon took first premium on a 4 year old stallion and H. C. Hawkins second. S. Allison captured another blue ribbon on his 3 year old, and Frank Conkright on a 2 year old, with N. J. Thompson second. John McMahon’s one year old stallion took a blue ribbon, while N. L. Yarbrough got the red. The colt prize was won by R. W. Stephens, N. L. Yarbrough second.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 1, 1885.
SWEEPSTAKES. This morning witnessed the grandest show of the fair—the sweepstakes in horses and cattle. In the ring for the best stallions of any age or blood, sixteen stallions were exhibited. The horsemen were enthusiastic over the show. There were horses of every form, shape, and weight from the limb built, silken haired thoroughbred to the mammoth Clydesdale, weighing a ton. The society was very fortunate in the selection of judges for the difficult task of awarding the premium in the persons of S. W. Phenix, D. W. Frew, and J. W. Morse. Mr. Morse is a stranger, but a fine horseman. Capt. Lyons’ “Bertrand” was awarded the premium. The premium for best mare was awarded to F. P. Harriott. The award for the best brood mare, with two or more of her offspring, was given to L. Stout, and that for best stallion, with five of his colts, to N. L. Yarbrough.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 1, 1885.
The list given below shows money premiums only. Checks for same will be ready after October 1st, and must be claimed by November 1st, 1885, or forfeit to the association. (See rule 12.) Diplomas for exhibits having no competition may be had by calling at the Secretary’s office.
Class A.—HORSES. Lot 5. Agricultural.
Stallion, 1 year old and under 2. John McMahan 1st, N. S. Yarbrough 2nd.
Foal of 1885. R. W. Stevens 1st, N. L. Yarbrough 2nd.
Lot 7. Sweepstakes. Stallion, any age or blood, showing the best 5 colts under 2 years old. N. L. Yarbrough 1st.
[Above item was the last one I found on N. L. Yarbrough.]