[Winfield and Walnut Township.]
[For a short time they apparently handled Sheep.]
Winfield 1878: Thomas Youle, 28; spouse, A. Youle, 26.
Walnut Township 1881: George Youle, 43; spouse, Alice, 31.
Walnut Township 1881: Thomas Youle, 31; spouse, Ann, 22.
Walnut Township 1882: George Youle, 44; spouse, Alice, 31.
Walnut Township 1882: Thomas Youle, 32; spouse, Ann, 23.
Winfield Courier, September 16, 1875.
This is to certify that we, whose names are hereto subscribed, do most heartily recommend for our next County Treasurer, FRANK GALLOTTI, who has for the last year and a half faithfully and satisfactorily performed the duties of said office while acting in the capacity of Deputy; and we do hereby further certify that his character during that time has been such as to fully entitle him to the recommendation. The records of said office kept by him, bears ample testimony of his capability and efficiency. We consider him well qualified to fulfill the duties of said office, and therefore cheerfully recommend him to the voters of Cowley County as well worth of their cordial support, and who, if elected, will most faithfully and systematically perform the duties of said office.
Geo. Youle signed the above recommendation along with many others.
Winfield Courier, September 14, 1876.
The following are the delegates to the Republican county convention for Winfield Township.
Delegates: J. D. Pryor, W. P. Hackney, J. S. Hunt, C. M. Wood, H. Brotherton, G. W. Robertson, Joel Mack, E. C. Seward, Geo. Youle, W. D. Roberts.
Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876. Editorial Page.
Winfield: J. D. Pryor, W. P. Hackney, C. M. Wood, G. W. Robertson, Joel Mack, E. C. Seward, Geo. Youle, H. Brotherton, W. D. Roberts, J. S. Hunt.
Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878. Editorial Page.
V. R. Bartlett, Esq., the grain buyer here, received a letter from Robert Weekly, at Winfield, in which he is offered 10,000 bushels of No. 2 wheat—5,000 owned by Mr. Weekly and 5,000 by the Youle Brothers. The sample shows No. 2 grade, for which Mr. Bartlett offers $1.05, cash, delivered at Eldorado. The sample is better than any we have seen this year. Walnut Valley Times.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
Upon presentation of a petition and bond by M. L. Robinson et al., of Winfield Township, asking for view and survey of county road, the board appointed G. W. Youle, H. C. Loomis, and A. W. Wilson viewers, to meet on the 8th day of May, 1878.
Winfield Courier, June 20, 1878.
The storm of last week, Wednesday morning, came from the W.N.W. across the north part of Sumner County down the Ninnescah River, where it did a considerable damage. The center of the storm passed over Vernon, Winfield, Tisdale, Dexter, and Otter Townships in Cowley County in a general direction of E.S.E., and left the county in the vicinity of Cedarvale. It could not have been more than about fifteen miles wide and the track of the heaviest rainfall was scarcely more than half of that width. From all the circumstances taken together we conclude, it was a cyclone or rotary storm, of about seven or eight miles in diameter; that the rotation was not extremely rapid, and that the progress of the storm was very slow. All the streams and small creeks along the track of the storm were swollen suddenly and excessively, rising from twenty to thirty feet. Beaver, Walnut, Timber, Black Crook, Badger, Silver, Turkey, Plum, Grouse, and Crab Creeks overflowed their banks and swept away large quantities of wheat in the shock, and many hogs. Much damage was done by washing out corn and other crops. Potatoes and onions were washed out of the ground. Stone fences and stone corrals were swept away.
Losers by the storm on Timber Creek: Thos. Youle lost 100 acres of wheat; Geo. Youle 10 acres; Daniel Knox 12 acres; Mrs. Rutherford 12 acres; J. F. Graham and M. V. Phillips 50 acres; Washburne 28 acres; Mentch 40 acres; Mrs. Cochran 30 acres; G. W. Yount 40 acres; John Parks 60 acres; S. A. Burger 14 acres; W. Cowan 40 acres. J. F. Graham lost 10 hogs; G. W. Yount 19 hogs; John Rhodes 1 horse and 10 acres of wheat; W. W. Limbocker 8 acres; J. W. Orr 20 acres; Mr. Keesey 10 acres; Bryant 10 acres.
Winfield Courier, August 1, 1878.
BETHEL, KANSAS, July 29th, 1878. George Youle has 50 acres of corn that will average 12 feet high and will yield 80 bushels per acre.
Winfield Courier, December 12, 1878.
BETHEL, KANSAS, Dec. 5, 1878. Mr. George Youle is freighting his wheat to Eldorado—cost $400. When the railroad is built to Winfield, the cost will be $50, a clear saving of $350 to one man.
Winfield Courier, April 24, 1879.
Mr. George Youle, who lives north of town, will be a candidate before the Republican convention this summer for the office of county treasurer. He is a farmer, a gentlemen of fine talents and education, and is well qualified for the position.
Winfield Courier, September 11, 1879.
Vote for treasurer: M. G. Troup, 15; James Harden, 59; George Youle, 13.
The nomination of James Harden was made unanimous.
Winfield Courier, July 22, 1880.
Mr. Geo. Youle threshed his wheat last week. His yield was 14 bushels per acre, in all, over sixteen hundred bushels. Mr. Thos. Youle also threshed last week, and received a yield of 12 bushels per acre. Mr. Youle says this is a much better yield than he expected.
Winfield Courier, August 5, 1880.
Geo. Youle was whispering around the Probate Judge last Monday. We heard something that sounded like Ellen. The Judge sold him a paper for cash.
Only mention of Youle Brothers handling sheep...
Winfield Courier, January 27, 1881.
Wm. Newton called our attention to the fact that we were considerably off on the wool clip of this last year for this and Sumner counties. That it is very much in excess of the figures that we gave. The truth of it is that Kansas editors are so often accused of exaggeration, that owing to our natural modesty, we would much prefer to be below the real figures than above, but we have no intention of letting our scruples do an injustice to one of our most important industries. Another reason for our error was the report of the Kansas state board of agriculture, which is wrong in its figures. The wool clip of Cowley County last year, instead of being thirty thousand pounds, was upwards of two hundred thousand, and Sumner, instead of fifteen, was upwards of a hundred thousand pounds. George E. Raymond alone had twelve thousand pounds, Mr. Meech ten thousand, Youle Brothers fifteen thousand, Yarbrough nine thousand, Parks, of Cambridge, about the same amount, and lots of fellows yet to hear from. The truth of it is, the sheep interest in Cowley has in three years sprung from nothing until it has reached such proportions that none of us can keep the run of it.
Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.
Mr. George Youle and wife have gone on a visit to his father’s in Illinois. Mrs. Youle will remain there while George visits England to look up an interest in an estate to the amount of $500,000. I hope he will be successful.
The next item puzzled me at the time and for that matter, still does. The reference to “out came a Weakly to hold the filthy lucre” makes me wonder if this was possibly a reference to one of the “Weekly family.” [Paper spelled this name in different ways: “Weekly,” which I believe is correct, “Weekley,” “Weakley,”and “Weakly.” MAW]
Winfield Courier, January 26, 1882.
EDS. COURIER: It has been said that a Bourbon never learns anything. All rules, however, have their exceptions. The “People” of Walnut met in mass convention at Olive schoolhouse on Saturday, the 21st inst. The “People” were nine straight democrats and one to three sore head republicans. The audience outnumbered the “People.” After a bit, steam was turned on and the mill started to grind out an honest candidate for trustee. When the sack was opened, lo and behold! Out popped the Boston 3 score with weekly baby show and all, and honest Farmer Alonzo pronounced xxxx horny handed son of toil. For Clerk the mill did grind, and again the sack was opened. “O glorious thought!” “Oh happy day!” Our son-in-law, brother-in-law et sequa came out like Caesar’s wife, above suspicion, also marked xxxx. “Let’s make it strong,” says one, and forthwith out came a Weakly to hold the filthy lucre. The Judicial ermine will now lie suspended in air. Surely it will fall on some transcendent demo—ah! No, here it comes hovering over a republican. Shades of Jackson and Buchanan! Will it dare? Yes, here it fell on the shoulders of Mr. Youle who will unquestionably—well, we will see what we shall see. The mill again brought forth and Democracy was herself again, for D. W. Ferguson and he of the imperial Roman de Teutonic name were marked “right side up with care,” for constable. This exhausted the list of honest men in Walnut Township, except one for road overseer, and the “People” adjourned until after the spring immigration. Three more honest men wanted to complete the official roll of Walnut. Surely we are living in degenerate times when out of 300 voters, there cannot be found 10 righteous ones. No wonder Ben Butler wrote, “Ah, Honesty, thou art a jewel whose price is above rubies—neither are the diamonds of ‘gold ore’ equal to O. O. (Which means Olive Oil.)
Cowley County Courant, March 23, 1882.
Munroe is in trouble, and its all about something that has been said or that has not been said. They all say that I lie, and never tell the truth. I will let the people judge for this item, at any rate. I know I lie when I say that Squire Anderson has not got another marriageable daughter. I know I lie when I say that Robert Weekly’s youngest son is the homeliest lad to be seen. I know I lie when I say that Sam Burger’s mustache is in sight. I know I lie when I say that Pete Sipe will trade horses again, without sending the trader to consult his wife. I know I lie when I say that George Youle has the prettiest wife in the world. I know I lie when I say there is not a girl at Bethel who does not want to marry. I know I lie when I say that everybody knows who “Munroe” is. MUNROE.
Cowley County Courant, April 20, 1882.
Thomas Youle, Justice of the Peace of Walnut township, the lengthiest man in the country, is the father of four boys straight, the largest real estate holder in the neighborhood, and has the largest field of corn and the straightest rows to be seen in this part.
Cowley County Courant, April 27, 1882.
Mrs. Hutten, of Galena, Illinois, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Thomas Youle, of Olive. She seems to be well pleased with this part of the country.
Cowley County Courant, May 18, 1882.
Mrs. George Youle, of Olive, has been quite sick the past week.
Winfield Courier, May 18, 1882.
Walnut Township, Delegates: S. Cure, J. L. King, H. W. Stubblefield, S. E. Burger, M. A. Graham. Alternates: C. Wilson, T. A. Blanchard, Geo. Youle, Joel Mack, C. Metzger.
Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.
Lightning struck Geo. Youle’s house, went through the floor and set fire to some straw in the cellar last Thursday night. Nobody hurt.
Cowley County Courant, June 8, 1882.
During the thunder storm last Friday evening, the residence of Mr. Geo. Youle, of Olive, was struck by lightning, and the excitement ran high, so I am told by parties who were present.
Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.
Tom. Youle has mown down the weeds in the highways around his farm. Let others do likewise. A good deed like this for the benefit of the public merits attention.
Winfield Courier, October 4, 1883.
Best steam cooking apparatus, Thomas Youle, city, 1st premium.
Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.
I have the testimonials of more than 500 persons who are using the Burgess Steam Washer and say, “The longer we use it the better we like it, and would recommend it to our neighbors and friends as a washer that will clean all parts of the garment, and will wash all kinds of goods perfectly; that it will save its cost in one year in the wear of clothes, as in the ordinary way of washing, clothing is rubbed out more than worn out.” Lewis Conrad.
The following is a partial list of names of ladies in our vicinity who are using the Burgess Steam Washer: Mrs. Folts, Mrs. Irv Randall, Mrs. John McGuire, Mrs. Morehouse, Mrs. Cal. Ferguson, Mrs. H. H. Hughes, Mrs. Franklin, Mrs. Thos. Youle, Mrs. R. J. Yeoman, Mrs. S. Compton, Mrs. W. R. McDonald, Mrs. West, Mrs. Stivers, Mrs. Searl, Mrs. E. J. Gilbert, Mrs. P. P. Powell, Mrs. Samuel Myton, Mrs. J. L. Baker, and 30 others, all of whom can be consulted. Lewis Conrad.
Winfield Courier, December 6, 1883.
Thomas Youle has rented his farm just north of town to Messrs. David for three years at $1,000 a year, cash.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1884.
Viewers appointed for Thos. Youle and R. King Co. roads.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1884.
The Tom Youle horse, which was stolen a few weeks ago, has been recovered. The thief, a negro, is also in jail here. The fellow took the horse from Mr. Youle’s stable, rode up on Rock Creek, traded it for another, turned around and rode back to Winfield, where he got drunk and was taken in by the marshal. He was afterward suspicioned and traced up until he finally confessed.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1884.
Bruner, the negro who stole Thomas Youle’s horse some two weeks ago, plead guilty Monday and was sentenced to three years in the penitentiary.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1884.
Office of the County Clerk, Winfield, Kansas, February 12th, 1884.
BOARD met in regular session agreeable to adjournment of January 16, 1884. Present: S. C. Smith (Chairman), Amos Walton, Commissioner, County Attorney, and J. S. Hunt, County Clerk.
Among other proceedings the following claims were allowed the Judges and Clerks of the February 5th 1884 election...paid from $2.00 to $6.00.
Judges: T. A. Blanchard, J. L. King, Thos. Youle.
Clerks: S. Cure, D. Ferguson.
Winfield Courier, April 17, 1884.
Viewers’ report in C. D. Soule Co. road adopted and $25 damages allowed Peter Theis; also report on Thomas Youle road and damages allowed Thomas Youle, $35; J. B. Corson, $25; and G. W. Mentch, $25.
Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.
Putting in Wheat.
Last Thursday the writer went out with Mr. S. S. Holloway to the Thomas Youle farm north of town for the purpose of examining a wheat field, part of which was put in with a common drill and part with the same drill with a roller attachment. It will pay every farmer in Cowley County to go out and see this field. The difference in the two pieces is most striking. They were put in at about the same time.
With the drill alone a bushel and a peck of seed was used to the acre. When the roller attachment was put on, the amount of seed was reduced to three pecks per acre. The piece which was drilled without the roller is thin and uneven and will yield probably fifteen bushels per acre. The piece lying right along side of it put in with the same drill and the roller attachment, but with only 3/5 of the amount of seed, is thick, strong, and the heads all even, and is the finest piece of wheat we have ever seen growing on Cowley’s soil. It will go forty bushels to the acre.
This visit and examination has convinced us that the roller attachment for wheat drills is the best thing for Cowley County ever yet invented. Instead of the seed being dropped in a drill furrow, with only such slight covering as might sift in on it, the rollers follow along and press seed down deep into the ground and the dirt compactly over it, leaving every seed down where it can get moisture and will germinate, and come up from strong and healthy roots.
The great trouble here with wheat has been to get the seed into the ground, where it would find moisture and get sufficient root to stand the fall and spring winds. That this roller attachment effectually solves the difficulty, no one who will take the trouble to examine the field of wheat on the Youle place can deny. These rollers weigh thirty-five pounds each; one follows just behind each shovel and can be attached to any drill. They cost, we believe, thirty-five dollars for a set. We regard it, in the light of its actual results, as the best investment a farmer can make. Mr. S. S. Holloway is the agent for the sale of the roller attachment for this county.
Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.
Mr. John Davy brought us in a bunch of wheat from a field on the Thos. Youle farm, in Walnut Township, that beats everything we ever saw. It contains four grains to the mesh, round and plump, and Mr. Davy estimates, if nothing unforeseen interferes, that it will yield fifty bushels to the acre. It was put in with a roller attachment and is of the “Fultz” variety.
Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.
EDITOR COURIER. Dear Sir: in your issue of June 12th under the heading of “Prosperous Cowley,” you gave as the entire acreage sown in wheat last fall 58,206 acres. Taking these official figures as a basis, I want to show what would have been in all probability, the gain to these same farmers if they had all used the Smith Roller Attachment to wheat drills, in putting in their wheat. In the first place, allowing that they averaged 1¼ bushels of seed per acre. In the use of this attachment they would have saved ½ to ¾ bushel per acre in seed—we will say ½ bushel, the last amount, which would have made a saving of 29,103 bushels of seed. In the second place their wheat would have averaged from 5 to 10 bushels per acre more by the use of this attachment—we will take the lowest, 5 bushels per acre—which on 68,206 acres would make 291,030 bushels more wheat. Now add 29,103 bushels saved in the seed to the 291,030 bushels increase and you have the nice little sum of 320,133 bushels of wheat gained to our wheat raisers in Cowley County by one year’s use of the roller attachment—(not a press drill at all) can be hooked to any drill. Now 310,133 bushels of wheat at 80 cents a bushel, your estimate, would make $325,106.45 to add to the profits of our wheat raisers for 1884—quite a little sum. Now four farmers in Cowley County used this roller attachment in putting in part of all their wheat last fall, viz: Thos. Youle, one mile north of Winfield; A. R. Gillett, 2 ½ miles southeast of Winfield; Dan. Dressler, on S. S. Holloway’s place, 4 miles east of Winfield; and Jeremiah Murray, 8 miles southeast of Winfield. The undersigned invites all wheat raisers to see these men and their wheat—get the facts from them and their estimate of grain, then decide for yourself whether the estimate herein made as to the amount of grain for this year (provided Smith’s attachment had been used) is any too high. We are clear in our judgment that it is too low. If, then, we have made a fair and correct statement of facts, it is clearly the interest of the wheat raisers of our grand county of Cowley to secure a Smith’s Roller Attachment for their drills this fall. We are sure that every wheat raiser who uses one will be largely the gainer thereby.
S. S. HOLLOWAY, Agent for Cowley County.
Winfield Courier, December 18, 1884.
[From Harris & Clark’s Real Estate News.]
The season of 1884 has been no exception to this general rule of agricultural prosperity in Kansas, and there is now every probability that the final figures of the years’ farming operations will show that this young state outranks all the others in number of bushels of wheat produced, and is only exceeded in the amount of corn harvested by the states of Illinois and Iowa.
WHEAT. The largest yield per acre as yet reported was produced in Cowley County by Thomas Youle, of Winfield: yield, 53 bushels per acre.
SHEEP. The number of sheep has increased in the eleven year period, from 84,838 to 1,206,297. The only serious drawback to successful sheep husbandry in Kansas has been the disease known as “scab.” It can readily be cured, and by care and watchfulness be prevented from entering flocks.
The low price of wool has operated against a rapid increase in the industry of sheep raising during the past two years.