Yount Family


[Originally: Jundt Family.]

The Yount family name was originally spelled Jundt. It is still spelled that way in Alsace, France, and Switzerland.
Hans George Jundt and his wife, Anna Maria, came from a village on the Rhine river in Alsace. They came to Philadelphia on the ship “Brittania.” which arrived September 21, 1721. They brought three sons and a daughter with them. They left behind one son, Andrew, who came to America and became a professional violinist.
The eldest son of Hans George Jundt was Jacob Yount. He was born in 1715, in Alsace, and had four sons that served with the American forces in the Revolution­ary War.
Jacob Yount’s son, John Peter Yount, had a son, John Peter Yount, Jr., who was living in Orange County, Indiana, in 1830.
Peter Yount, Jr., served in the war of 1812 with General Jackson’s army. He had a son, Daniel Yount, who was born in 1806.
Daniel Yount had a son, Peter Francis Yount, Sr.
Peter Francis Yount, Sr., was born in Washington County, Indiana, on February 5, 1832. He married Elizabeth Criswell and they had 9 children. He and his five brothers served through the Civil war with Company F, 9th Indiana regi­ment, enlisting from Washington County in 1862. After the war he was a black­smith and subse­quently a farmer. Three of his chil­dren died in Indiana.
He and his family of six children moved from Fredericksburg, Indiana, to south-central Kansas in a covered wagon and arrived in Winfield on December, 5, 1876, after 45 days on the road. The roads were in poor condition. They encountered much cold weather, rain, and snow and endured many hardships.
They settled, the next day, on a farm southwest of Winfield, along the Arkansas river. This farm was northwest of Arkansas City, near what was then the Post Office and small settlement of Tannehill in Cowley County. He farmed there until he retired to Arkansas City in 1888. He died at Arkansas City March 8, 1889.
Four of the children lived in and died in Arkansas City. Peter Francis Yount, Jr., died May 4, 1915. Susan Ann Yount died May 17, 1936. Emily Jane Catherine Yount died in 1896.
John Wesley Yount was born in Washington County, Indiana, September 17, 1855, and was about twenty-one years of age when the family came out to Kansas and settled on the fron­tier in Cowley County. He worked as a farmer until March 23, 1877, when he took employment with the Santa Fe Railroad and moved to Arkansas City. He was employed by Santa Fe for over thirty years. He died January 26, 1942, at the Santa Fe hospital in Topeka and is buried in the Parker cemetery.

John W. Yount married Louisa Froney Midkiff, who was born in Shelby County, Indiana, August 23, 1863. She died Sept. 30, 1926, and is buried in the Parker cemetery. They had four children: Oscar Maxel Yount, who was born July 28, 1883, and became a lawyer at Galena, Ks.; Louise Ethel Yount, who was born September 15, 1887, and died at the age of twenty-three months; Oral Ray Yount, who was born August 26, 1890, and spent his working career with the Santa Fe Rail­road in Arkansas City; Anna Marie Yount, who was born May 7, 1895, and died in 1949.
Oral Ray Yount. [Kay did not continue with this.] I worked with Oral Yount at the Superintendent’s Office of the Oklahoma Division of the A. T. & S. F. in the early 1950s. MAW

From the book KANSAS AND KANSANS, Pages 2141-2142:
The person of this sketch, Oscar Maxel Yount, is perhaps the most wonderful example, everything being taken into consideration, of what a determined will-power can accomplish that the Sunflower State has ever produced. He has been a lawyer and engaged in the active practice of his profession since June 22, 1905. He is a native son of Kansas, and the work he has done in his profession and in civic affairs has brought him a place of special esteem throughout the state and especially in his home community of Galena.
He was not born with a “silver spoon in his mouth,” but was handicapped from birth with an extreme case of near-sightedness of vision which is equally as bad, and probably worse, as that of the immortal Blackstone. Mr. Yount never had but little more than 3 per cent of far-sighted vision according to optometrical measurement, his case being one that puzzles the best eye-specialists in this country. He was born on a farm in Cowley County, Kansas, July 28, 1883, and represents one of the early pioneer families of that section. He was started to school at the age of six years under the most trying circumstances, the teacher neglecting to teach him because he was unable to discern the words on the blackboard in the front of the schoolroom and advising his parents to keep him at home until he was twelve or fourteen years old; but he was bent on going to school and his parents did not heed the bad advice but continued to send him. To make the situation still worse, he wore glasses and many of the scholars would call him “Grandpa,” and he was very sensitive and as a result of this occurrence, he had numerous fights which invariably resulted in broken glasses, the sum total being $60 spent by his father during his first term at school for glasses. He was untiring, persevering, industrious, ambitious, and extremely methodical from his earliest childhood, and when a small schoolboy it was his determination to make the best of his talents and the most of his resources. After graduating from the high school at Arkansas City, Kansas, in 1901, he spent the summer vacation on the Walnut River fishing and earned enough money from the sale of the fish to purchase Blackstone’s Commentaries; subsequently he took up the study of law, first at home, read industriously every authority he could procure for a short time, and then entered the office of Hon. John H. Dunn; but the latter soon moved to California, whereupon Mr. Yount entered the office of Norman Barker, where he remained until his admission to the bar June 22, 1905. After his admission to the Kansas Supreme Cort, he spent a year in the further study of law in Chicago. Mr. Young is a “self-made man,” having educated himself in the law from his own resources. Although his parents were amply able to send him through any law school in America, they relied on the erroneous advice of an eminent eye specialist, who was of the opinion that the future lawyer was making a mistake when he attempted to study law, and for that reason he did not receive any financial help from them.

But in the course of a few years, Oscar Maxel Yount proved the fallacy of the doctor and today feels the stronger for so doing. He has a photographic memory and but few lawyers read more than Mr. Yount. Besides being a hard and constant student of the law, he is also a close student of literature and history. He has no such word as “fail” in his vocabulary and his motto is “Go On.”
He did his first practice in Arkansas City, Kansas, and while there he was the junior member of the law firm of Long, Beekman & Yount. In April, 1906, he located at Florence, Kansas, where he practiced a few months, locating at Cimarron, Kansas, in August of the same year, where he spent six months. He moved to West Mineral, Kansas, and opened a law office November 17, 1908, where he practiced law until September 26, 1910, on which date he located permanently in Galena, Cherokee County, Kansas. Since that he has been favored with a growing civil and criminal practice. In 1914 he served as city attorney and made the unusual record of being present at every council meeting that year. He is now vice president of the Board of Education of Galena, Mrs. Yount has taught the beginners’ class in the Methodist Sunday School for the last five years. Nobody in Galena is more interested in general educational matters than the subject of this sketch and his estimable wife are. Mr. Yount owns a comfortable home at No. 809 Joplin Street in Galena. He is a republican, a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, belongs to the subordinate and Encampment branches of Odd Fellowship, and is a past grand of the Odd Fellows Lodge.
His paternal ancestors, the Younts, came from Germany to South Carolina in colonial days in order to escape the military laws of the Fatherland. Mr. Yount’s grandfather, Peter Francis Yount, was born in Washington County, Indiana, in 1830. He served through the Civil war with an Indiana regiment, enlisting from Washington County in 1862. After the war he was a blacksmith and subsequently a farmer, and in 1876 came out to Cowley County, Kansas, and farmed there until he retired to Arkansas City in 1888. He died at Arkansas City March 10, 1889.
John Wesley Yount, father of the Galena lawyer, was born in Washington County, Indiana, September 17, 1855, and was about twenty-one years of age when the family came out to Kansas and settled on the frontier in Cowley County. He worked as a farmer in that section until 1887, and on March 23rd of that year took employment with the Santa Fe Railroad and moved to Arkansas City. He has been in the employ of the Santa Fe ever since (now more than thirty years), and is now one of the oldest men in continuous service. He is a democrat in politics, a member of the Christian Church, and belongs to the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. John W. Yount married Lovisa Froney Midkiff, who was born in Shelby County, Indiana, August 23, 1863. They had four children: Oscar M., who is the oldest and the subject of this sketch; Louise Ethel, who was born September 15, 1887, and died at the age of twenty-three months; Oral Ray, born August 26, 1890, is employed by the Santa Fe Railway and lives at Arkansas City; Anna Marie, born May 7, 1895, and living at Arkansas City.

Attorney Oscar M. Yount was married at Carthage, Missouri, June 1, 1909, to Miss Pearly Reba Berry, a daughter of Harry Herbert and Agnes E. (Howard) Berry. Her father, who was in the furniture business at Joplin, Missouri, died February 8, 1914. Her mother is living at Seventeenth and Byers Avenue in Joplin. Mr. and Mrs. Yount have two children: Helen Edith, who was born January 20, 1911, and Kent Eldon, who was born March 20, 1916, both in Galena, Kansas.
Peter Yount.
Beaver Township 1878: Peter Yount, 27; spouse, Mollie, 24. P. O. Address Winfield.
Beaver Township 1882: J. W. Yount, 26; spouse, L. F., 19.
Arkansas City Directory 1893.
FIRST WARD: Isaac Ochs, P. F. Yount.
SECOND WARD: John Landis, H. B. Addington.
THIRD WARD: W. P. Wolfe, George F. Rohr.
FOURTH WARD: A. J. Chapel, T. B. Oldroyd.
FINANCE: A. J. Chapel, chairman; T. B. Oldroyd, and H. B. Addington.
STREETS AND ALLEYS: W. P. Wolfe, chairman; T. B. Oldroyd and John Landis.
PRINTING: H. B. Addington, chairman; W. B. Wolfe, and John Landis.
ORDINANCES AND REVISION: John Landis, chairman; A. J. Chapel, and Isaac Ochs.
PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS: George F. Rohr, chairman; Isaac Ochs, and P. F. Yount.
FIRE DEPARTMENT: John Landis, chairman; George F. Rohr, and H. B. Addington.
SANITARY: A. J. Chapel, chairman; Isaac Ochs, and P. F. Yount.
MANUFACTURING: T. B. Oldroyd, T. B. Wolfe, and P. F. Yount.
BUILDING: P. F. Yount, chairman; George F. Rohr, and W. P. Wolfe.
POLICE: Isaac Ochs, chairman; John Landis, and A. J. Chapel.
Yount, John, switchman, A T & S F, r 715 n D st.
Yount, Miss M. E., r 615 n D st.
Yount, P. Y., switchman, A T & S F, r 615 n D st.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 9, 1877. Front Page.
The following is a list of cases that will stand for trial at the May term of the District Court, of Cowley County, to be begun and held on the first Monday, 7th day of May, A. D. 1877, and have been placed on the Trial docket in the following order.
CIVIL DOCKET. SIXTH DAY. Peter Yount vs. John D. Headrick Adr.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 8, 1881.
M. A. McAfee and wife to John R. Lujin, lots 23 and 24, block 26, Arkansas City.
John R. Lujin and wife to Peter J. Yount, lots 23 and 24, block 26, Arkansas City.
Winfield Courier, October 20, 1881.
Cowley County Courant, January 5, 1882.
Marriage licenses have been issued by Judge Gans lately as follows:
J. W. Yount and Louisa F. Midkiff.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 3, 1883.

DIED. On Thursday morning, of croup, the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. P. Yount of this city.
Winfield Courier, May 24, 1883.
Peter Yount, who is one of the jurors in the Colgate case, has been too ill to sit since last Friday. The defendant by his attorneys offered to waive his right to twelve jurors and go on with the trial with the remaining eleven. The court held that the defendant could not waive that right, and continued the case until next Monday.
Lewis Yount...
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1884.
The first leap year party of Odessa was given by Miss Louie Martin and Miss Mattie DeTurk at the residence of S. G. Martin, on Tuesday evening, January 8th. The evening was exceptionally fine and the spirits of all in harmony with the occasion. At half past eleven an excellent supper was served of the luxuries of the season.
The following is a list of a few present.
Misses Louie Martin, Mattie DeTurk, Nettie Crawford, Mamie VanCleve, Lucy Henderson, Emma Hunt, Cora and Hattie Martin, Mr. and Mrs. William Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. DeTurk, Kate DeTurk and Lizzie Martin; Messrs. Larry Henderson, W. P. Beaumont, Frank Crawford, Stephen McCollum, Oscar DeTurk, Geo. Hunt, Ike DeTurk, B. Crisp, Owen McCollum, and Lewis Yount, and others whose names we did not get. The evening was a pleasant one and everyone went home rejoicing. M. S.
John Yount and Lewis Yount...
Winfield Courier, March 6, 1884.
In response to invitations given, about forty of the young folks met at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Martin, last Monday evening, Feb. 25th, to celebrate the sixteenth birthday of Miss Louie, their eldest daughter. The evening was exceptionally fine and the spirits of all present were in harmony with the occasion. The following is a list of presents left in token of their respect and well wishes for Miss Louie.
Gold bracelets, Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Martin.
Silver thimble, Miss Lucy Henderson.
Gold pen and holder and birthday cards, Oscar and Mattie DeTurk.
Scrap book, Lizzie Martin.
Autograph album, Mr. John Yount.
Looking glass, and birthday card, Bee Crisp.
Handsome silver card receiver, given by W. P. Beaumont, Owen McCollum, D. L. Henderson, Lewis Yount, Frank Crawford, and Stephen McCollum.
Box of stationery, Will Scott.
Beautiful picture, Ed. Hunt.
Handsome tidy, Emma Hunt.
There were a number of other gifts I will not mention. M. S.
Peter Yount, section boss...

Arkansas City Republican, May 17, 1884.
Peter Yount, section boss, was tried yesterday on charge of disturbing the peace by striking Andrew Johnson, colored, with a weight. He broke two or three of Johnson’s teeth, and cut a gash on his lip and on the top of his head, requiring medical attention, but Yount was discharged on the ground of self defense. A warrant has been issued for Johnson and he will be tried on the same charge.
Arkansas City Republican, November 8, 1884.
Judge Pyburn, in a dispute with Pete Yount, was called a falsifier of the truth. The Judge’s honor would not permit such a vile slander, so he retaliated by laying his hand unkindly on Yount’s ear. Major Woodin interposed his manly form, and on account of our committeeman’s elephantine proportion, Yount was unable to discern his pugilistic friend. No damage done to anyone.
Jonathan Yount...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.
Judge Gans has invested the following parties with authority to commit matrimony during the past week: Jonathan Yount and Mary Burge.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 7, 1885.
Marriage License: Jonathan Yount and Mary Burge.
(?) Yount...
Arkansas City Traveler, May 27, 1885.
The mayor stated to the council that Night Watchman Dunckell had resigned; and on recommendation, his honor had appointed Mr. Johnson to fill the vacancy. He submitted this action for the approval of the council. Mr. Yount’s name being also mentioned for the office, a ballot was taken which resulted in two votes for Johnson and three for Yount. The latter was approved as night watch without cost to the city.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 16, 1885.
Through the courtesy of Mr. Spencer Bliss, representing Bliss & Wood in the Arkansas River Navigation Company, our elongated reporter hauled himself from his couch at 3:30 yesterday morning, and in company with Mr. J. W. Millspaugh and Prof. Davis, sped away behind Mr. Bliss’ bay chargers for the city of many “invalids” and much “medicine.” The object was to join the Navigation Company, composed of James Hill, Bliss & Wood, Searing & Mead, and V. M. Ayres, and leading citizens of the Terminus, in an excursion down the “ragin’ Arkinsaw” on the new steamer, Kansas Millers, as a practical test of its ability to master the sand bars and general “cussedness” of the American Nile.
It is managed by T. S. Moorhead, captain; Fred Barrett, mate; Samuel Clarke, formerly a machinist of Winfield, engineer; John Harrigan, fireman; H. P. Barnes, pilot; and Peter Yount, deck hand. James Hill, Spencer Bliss, C. Mead, and Allen Ayres represented the Navigation Company on this trip.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 24, 1885.
Joseph L. Forman [Ferman?] and Katie E. Yount were granted certificates of matrimonial bliss yesterday.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 2, 1886.
Last Tuesday evening the Knights of Labor organization of Arkansas City elected the following officers: F. M. Peak, M. W.; L. M. Ross, W. F.; W. D. Kreamer, R. S.; Pete Yount, F. S.; Gardner Mott, T.; T. Braggins, W. K.; Geo. Piles, W. I.; I. N. Dodd, I. E.; and Ed. Ferguson, O. E. Trustees: D. Baxter, V. J. Conway, and Gardner Mott. Judge of Court, Jacob Crites; Judge advocate, C. M. Johnson, Clerk of court, M. Reno.