[Beginning June 6, 1877.]
All Principal Streams Overflow Their Banks.
[From the Oxford Independent.]
Since the time to which the memory of man runneth, there has been no such flood in Southern Kansas as the one with which we have been visited within the past week. After a long time, with no rain to speak of in this valley, copious showers commenced falling on about the 24th of April, since which time nearly every succeeding twenty four hours have been attended with a heavy rain. For a time the people rejoiced and were glad for the timely visitation, until about the 15th of May, when it was generally conceded by the farmers that we were getting too much wet. The prairies were thoroughly soaked, the ravines and small streams well filled with water, but showers came with the same regularity and increased immensity. On Friday and Saturday nights, May 18th and 19th, the clouds apparently gathered in renewed force, the rain descended, and the floods came.
The Arkansas, Ninnescah, and Slate Creek, with all their principal tributaries, were thrown out of bank and the bottoms, to the extent of from one to three miles wide, completely covered with water, corn, and wheat fields submerged, frequently to a depth of from one to three feet, which must inevitably result in great damage to the crops and a loss to the farmers by destruction, damaging and carrying away of loose property. In many cases the farmers living on bottom farms were compelled to vacate their houses and seek a more elevated position, the water having taken possession of the first floor, which, in many instances, happened to be the only one in the house.
The bridge across the Ninnescah, the only one over that stream in the county, having been for days considered unsafe, was finally cut off from dry land by a sheet of water from one to three miles in width, and in many places too deep for fording, and on the morning of May 19th, no longer able to resist the pressure, went down the river.
The bridge over Slate Creek, south of Wellington, the only bridge over that stream, was also on the same day carried away, leaving parties on different sides of the stream most effectually cut off from communication.
The bridge over the Arkansas, at Arkansas City, was the first upon that river to give way, and is reported to have quietly let loose from its moorings on the night of May 15, 1877, and went whirling down that raging stream.
The bridge at El Paso fell early in the contest, and was carried away on the 17th, leaving the residents opposite no chance for escape except to the high land west of the Cow Skin, a distance of from three to five miles across the bottom, then nearly covered with water, and in places to a depth of from three to six feet, which was fortunately accomplished with no fatal results.
The bridge at Oxford was the last to yield to the force of the surging elements; was yet on Saturday night thought to be safe, but in this we were doomed to disappointment. With the bright sun on Sunday morning, the people of Oxford found themselves cut off from communication with the east, and all that was left of the Oxford bridge inaccessible by the space of over 300 feet, over which rolled the surging turbulent, and apparently angry waters of the raging Arkansas, three span of the west end of the bridge with two massive piers of masonry having entirely disappeared during the night.
The loss of the Oxford bridge is a heavy blow upon the business of Oxford, as well as upon the owners of the bridge. It was supposed to have been the best and most substantial bridge on the river; was owned by a private corporation here; built in 1872, at a cost of $14,500, and reflected great credit upon the enterprising owners, who conceived and executed the enterprise at so early a day and under very adverse circumstances. It was noticeable on Sunday morning that none of the owners appeared more discouraged or exhibited more profound regret at the loss of their property in the bridge than was manifested by the people generally. There is no property in Oxford but could have been better spared, or the loss of which could have been so sorely felt, but such is life.
Arrangements have been made by the bridge company by which a ferry boat will be immediately constructed and operated across the river at this point until such time as the bridge can be rebuilt. We have received or sent away no mail from this point since Friday, May 18th, so we are without news from the outside world. Arrangements are completed for transporting the mail across the river for the present by skiff, but up to date no one has been able to reach the stage road on account of high water in the bottom east of the river.
We have had no authentic communication from above this point, but it is rumored, upon what authority we are unable to say, that both bridges over the Arkansas at Wichita have been swept away by the flood. It is still hoped this may prove to be a mistake, but portions of broken bridges passed this point going down the river, hence there are grave fears that the rumor may be well founded.
Parties have now gone down the river in boats looking after bridges and other property that may have stranded or been carried out upon some of the over flowed bottom lands.
The following letter has been received by the Elk county railroad committee.
KANSAS CITY, MO., May 2, 1877.
Messrs. Woodring, Sweet and Vliet.
GENTLEMEN: We are authorized by Mr. Hunnewell, President of the L. L. & G. R. R. Co., to say that the extension of the Southern Kansas Railroad from Independence west will be made as fast as it can be done with the net earnings of the L. L. & G. and Southern Kansas road and individual subscriptions on the part of the bondholders of both roads, provided that aid of $4,000 per mile is secured. While they expect to accomplish more, they are willing to guarantee that the road will be finished to Elk City this year, to Elk Falls next year, and through Cowley county the year before. Yours,
GEO. H. NETTLETON, Gen. Manager.
B. S. HENNING, Receiver.
The Elk county Ledger says the surest indications we have seen that the L. L. & G. railroad is to be extended west is the fact that Independence is terribly scared. The people of that city send delegations out to Elk county to discourage and prevent our people from taking measures to secure the building of the L. L. & G. west from Independence. We cannot blame Independence for taking this course--it is only in self defense.
But if the people of Elk and Cowley counties really want a standard gauge road built through their respective counties, they have only to take hold with a will and pull together, and, in our opinion, they will secure the road within a few months. We are confident that it intends to build the road right away, and if it will give the proper guarantees that it will pass through the center of the county, there will be comparatively little trouble in securing the amount of bonds asked for, i. e., $4,000. Press.
A Chance to Make Money.
The Legislature at last session passed a law, a portion of which reads like this:
That the county commissioners of the several counties within the State shall issue county warrants to the person killing, to the amount of one dollar for every wolf, coyote, wild cat, or fox, and five cents for each rabbit killed in said county. . . .
The person to whom the bounty is awarded shall deliver the scalps of the animal, containing both ears, who shall cause the same to be destroyed. This act does not apply to counties having a total property valuation of less than $5. This act shall not be enforced until the same has been ordered by the board of county commissioners.
It is the intention of the county clerk to range these scalps around the walls of his office, and he thinks thus to be enabled to start quite a respectable museum in course of time. Wolves are quite plenty in the southern part of the county, hence here's an opportunity for the young men having nothing to do to occupy their spare time with profit to themselves and the county.
Mr. Titus, of Cowley county, has recovered $100 damages from Mr. Corking, the latter having bitten off a part of Mr. Titus' ear. This pays better than the old testament rule of "and ear for an ear." Commonwealth.
How are you "an ear for an ear" for an old testament quotation? You will have to read scripture more frequently, Prentiss. Besides, it was Corking that lost the ear.
The Arrival, Yesterday, of the Defaulting
Wichita First National Bank President,
Being Accompanied by a United States Detective,
And Adorned With a Pair of Steel Bracelets.
Mr. Chas. Jones, a United States Deputy Marshal, of Wichita, arrived in the city yesterday at noon, accompanied by the very Rev. J. C. Faker, ex-clergyman and ex-President of the First National Bank, the funds of which, ably assisted by Eldridge, the cashier, and Wright, the teller, he succeeded in getting away with. Eldridge and Wright were indicted at the last session of the United States District Court at Topeka, but when the officers of the law cast their eyes about them in search of the festive and religious Fraker, no trace of him could be found, he having folded up his little tent and his carpet bag and gone off somewhere on a visit for the benefit of his health. But
The ubiquitous United States detective smelled him out and found that the devout defaulter was on his way to the friendly land of Mexico, that paradise of defaulters and criminals generally. Fraker played it sharp. He didn't disguise himself as a tramp, or pass himself off as an Italian count. He changed his name to James Franks, and represented himself as
with $35,000 cash, wanted to buy some of the fertile woodlands and prairies of Texas. He shaved off his whiskers, and except to an intimate acquaintance, he couldn't have been recognized by any photograph in existence. And that's they way the managed it. They sent a intimate acquaintance in the shape and form of the United States Deputy Marshal, Charles Jones, who followed him with steady pertinacity and stealthy persistence until he finally had the pleasure of turning over his man to the tender mercies of the United States Marshal in this city, yesterday. They didn't have the easiest time imaginable in capturing the revered rogue, as he was nervy and
sufficient to shoot his revolver a few times before being taken. The scene of his capture was El Paso county, Texas, near Isletia, about two weeks ago. He is under bonds of $9,000, and it is understood that the U. S. District Attorney Peck will endeavor to have it raised. In the meantime the revered gentleman is occupying his time between meals in playing checkers with his nose, which, although probably a more pleasant recreation, is hardly as profitable as robbing National Banks. Leavenworth Times.
We had the pleasure, Saturday, of a call from Maj. Frank North, of this city. Maj. North has for some time been in command of the Pawnee scouts in the service of the Government, numbering several hundred, and was on his way back to camp at Sidney, Nebraska, from the Indian Territory, to which place had had taken the scouts, they now being discharged of service because the Cheyennes have surrendered and there is no serious trouble anywhere with Indians. Maj. North, though a native of New York, has passed most of his life on the frontier, and is one of the best known and most skillful Indian fighters in the service. He is very well informed in regard to the Indians, and acts as interpreter, as he can speak the language of a number of Indian tribes.
In personal appearance, Maj. North looks just like one would expect an Indian scout and frontiersman to look. Tall, athletic, keen eyed, with his perceptive and observing faculties prominently developed, easy and quick in his movements, and with just such features and expression as we should think an artist would portray were he designing the portrait of a man whose business it was to cope with the wily savage and force him to retire before the advancing wave of civilization, we found Maj. North a man worth listening to.
The Pawnee tribe, which occupies a reservation in the Indian Territory, is always called upon to furnish scouts in case of war with hostile Indians, and in some of the recent battles with the Cheyennes, these scouts have done most of the fighting.
Major North left on Monday for Sidney, and will remain in the service of the Government if the army is not largely reduced in consequence of the failure of Congress to appropriate money for it as usual. Emporia News.
The Commissioners, last Saturday, licensed a ferry on the Arkansas river at Oxford. Messrs. Murphy and Carroll will run it. Their application for license was hotly contested by other parties. Press.
The city of Newton lost one thousand dollars worth of bridges by the late flood.
Many sheep, cattle, and hogs were drowned in the vicinity of Sedgwick City, by the flood.
E. G. Topping lost three cows, and J. N. Hayes fifty lambs, near Sedgwick City, by the flood.
Henry Stansbury was drowned at the mouth of Sand Creek, south of El Paso, on Sunday last.
The dam across the Little Arkansas, at Halstead, was swept away by the late flood, and the mill damaged to the amount of $3,000.
The fine bridge over the Arkansas river at Oxford withstood the fury of the surging waters until 12 o'clock Saturday night, when it too weakened and went out.
Gatling, the inventor of the celebrated Gatling gun, formerly lived at White Cloud, Kansas.
J. C. Fraker, the Wichita fugitive banker arrested in Texas, passed down the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe yesterday guarded by two men, and in irons.
The chief engineer of the Santa Fe road says $5,000 will cover all damages to the track of that road by the recent floods.
A part of the Ponca tribe of Indians, in about 25 wagons, passed through here Wednesday en route to their new reservation in the Indian Territory. They had been 45 days on the road from Dacotah, and number nearly two hundred of all ages. The white men had charge of the party. The balance of the tribe will be along in about a month. Emporia News.
MORE rain. GREEN peas. NEW potatoes. STRAWBERRIES are ripe. RIPE cherries in market. MOSQUITOES plenty along the river.
New gilt sign over L. H. Gardner & Co.'s.
MR. TISDALE, proprietor of the stage line, came over the road last week.
The ferry boat at Oxford tipped up and put one man in the river last Friday.
WANTED. A good canvasser wanted in each township to travel for the TRAVELER.
The house of Mr. Samuel Hoyt, in Canada, was burned before he reached it, after leaving this place.
JOSEPH H. SHERBURNE started for Washington last Monday on business pertaining to Indian contracts.
A horse of A. C. Wells was drowned in the Walnut last Saturday while he was endeavoring to get it across.
WM. SPEERS had a new boat made and is carrying all parties with grists for his mill free of charge across the Arkansas.
O. P. HOUGHTON was taken suddenly ill last Friday with a severe cramp and chill, and was considered dangerously sick for awhile.
MR. REXFORD sold his 80 acre farm north of town to Mr. Campbell, of Clay County, Kansas, for $300. Mr. Campbell has moved upon the place.
THEORIZING. Al. Mowry, Frank Speers, the editor, and half a dozen other old bachelors were looking at Walker's new house last week, and making calculations.
VOYAGERS. Tom and Jake Haney and Hallett, with their wives, started on a journey to Arkansas in a small boat last week. They were making twelve miles an hour when last seen.
Southern Kansas to Have a Railroad.
By a letter from E. P. Bancroft, of Emporia, to S. P. Channell, of this place, we learn that the contract for the grading of the Kansas City, Emporia & Southern Railroad in Lyon county will be let on the 15th inst., and the bridge for the Cottonwood river has been ordered, and is now being made at Chicago. Judge Peyton, of Emporia, has been appointed right of way commissioner for Lyon county, to adjust claims. The contract for the stone work of the Cottonwood bridge will be let this week, and work commenced on it as soon as the water will permit. The work will be pushed rapidly until the south line of Butler is reached.
The usual quiet and sereneness of our peaceable and moral town was somewhat modified last Sunday afternoon by an old cow getting her head fast in an empty salt barrel in front of the City Bakery. There happened (as usual) to be a number of small boys and several grown men standing nearby, and when the old cow launched out in a bewildered manner, they laughed.
"Small boys should not be laughing around on Sundays," an elderly gentleman remarked. But they did laugh. And the men looking on laughed too--in fact, everybody laughed. But when the Dutchman sprang out and engaged in a foot race with her, yelling, "So! Bossi!" they more than laughed. That was bad. Finally, after crawling on her knees, standing on her hind feet, and bumping against a house or two, the animal stopped, and all said, "So, Bossi. Just so a minute." During the few minutes of the "so," the barrel was extricated and the bovine liberated; and soon after you could hear "the best children in the world" telling what a fine show there had been up at Hermann's. It will be no use to be on hand next Sunday, for while the show is an entirely new thing, it never repeats itself at any town, no matter how sanguine they may be of success. For the benefit of those who may not be able to acquaint themselves of the fact, we will state that Mike Harkins was alive yet when last heard from.
That equable state of the mind which is unruffled by trifling incidents, and looks on the sunny side of things in general, is the result of a healthful state of the brain and stomach. The dyspeptic and nervous invalid may--although this is rare indeed--feign cheerfulness, and bear the harrassing symptoms which persecute him with an assumption of heroic indifference, but in reality he is the victim of despondency. To experience genuine cheerfulness of mind, the stomach must recover its lost tone, and the thinking organ its normal quietude.
To accomplish this no better remedy can be given than to partake three times each day of Kellogg & Hoyt's refreshing drink, known as "spring chicken," made of a whole lemon, an egg, some sugar, and ice cold water. You will say it is the best beverage you ever drank.
The Clerk of this township engaged a boat last week, and went down the Arkansas as far as Deer Creek, in search of the missing bridge. On the island at the mouth of the Walnut, he found one bottom cord and part of the flooring lodged in the trees. The next lot, one whole span was found on an island near Mr. Myers' in good condition. Some one had been taking it to pieces, and some of the iron was carried away. About two miles this side of Deer Creek, another lot was found, badly broken. Fully one-half of the missing part was found, and information gained that one span and a half had lodged near the Kaw Agency. They also learned that a considerable portion of a red painted bridge was lying near the mouth of Deer Creek.
As we were passing by the fashionable bootmaker's shop, one dreary night this week, we heard the gentle voice of that Anglo-Saxon, Al. Horn, indulging in the following hymn.
"Blow, oh blow, ye gentle breezes,
All among the leaves and treeses.
Sing, oh sing, ye heavenly muses,
And I will make your boots and shoozes."
A delegation soon waited on him and carried him out. The effort was attended with such exertion that he became too prostrated to walk alone.
EVERGREENS. June is the month for planting the evergree tree. No tree excels the evergreen for adornment, and many more would be planted if it were not that most of thos purchased heretofore have died. Mr. Trissell has a fine lot next to Kellogg & Hoyt's store that are fresh and growing, and he insures them to grow for $3 each. Inasmuch as he is living among us, and makes it his everyday duty to look after them, a better chance will not be offered to secure them.
We are glad to learn that arrangements have been made at Newark, New Jersey, for the extensive manufacture of the only successful peach pearing machine ever invented, and that they will be placed on the market within the present year. Robert P. Scott, of Cadiz, Ohio, is the inventor of the long needed household implement, by whom all communications will be answered. His address is No. 23 Orange Street, Newark, N. J.
COMPLAINTS are made of cattle running at large, and injuring shade trees and gardens. Notice is hereby given that all cattle found loose after this date will be taken up and held for
damages. Cattle must not be turned loose until the herders come for them.
W. J. GRAY, City Marshal.
That's what's the matter with those "spring chickens" at Kellogg & Hoyt's.
The practice of some of our businessmen taking midnight baths on the main street of town, during the refreshing showers, has become too well known for them to continue the practice without an audience.
SPRING CHICKENS with ice is what Kellogg & Hoyt propose to cool off on this summer. Try one and you'll not forget it--nor regret it.
GETTING the Santa Fe road down the Walnut Valley is like trying to make a whistle out of a pig's tail--it was made for another useful purpose. The hog is at Winfield, however, and the tail should be also.
The Courier wants another railroad election in Rock township on the fourth of July. The lawyers got so tired hanging around Winfield that it is a treat for them to run up into Rock and startle the people with big stories.
MARRIED. On Saturday evening, May 19th, at the residence of the bride, by Rev. J. L. Rusbridge, Mr. Phillip Stump and Mrs. E. F. Kennedy.
Crossing Rush bridge has put an end to his Stumping around. How Ken he die.
DON'T forget those Spring Chickens!
WILL MOWRY keeps the best brands of Smoking and Fine Cut Tobaccos.
There will be a meeting of the Directors of the South Kansas & Western Railroad Company at Cedar Vale, Chautauqua Co., Saturday, June 9th. E. B. HIBBARD, Secretary.
$20 PER ACRE. The southwest quarter of Section 19, excepting fifteen acres, is for sale. It adjoins the town site on the north for over 130 rods; is fertile and valuable. Inquire of
L. C. Norton.
M. E. SOCIAL. A social will be given under the auspices of the M. E. Church, at Pearson's Hall, on next Wednesday evening, June 13th, to which all are cordially invited. Ice cream will be served at fifteen cents per dish, and lemonade at five cents a glass, so that it will come within the reach of all. A programme has been arranged for the evening exercises and amusements guaranteed. Any one who attends and does not speakd during the evening will be entitled to a treat. The proceeds will be devoted to paying for the erection of the new church, which we all take pride in seeing completed. Come one, come all, and enjoy a pleasant evening.
STRUCK BY LIGHTNING. During the thunder shower Sunday evening, William Crabb, residing on Posey creek, was struck by lightning. He had been to church and returned home, and took the saddle off his horse, and was picketing his horse out when he was struck near the neck, the bolt ranging down his body, tearing his vest and pants, and breaking both legs. He was not found until the next morning.
NEW TOWN. BERRY BROTHERS are having a building erected on the south side of the Arkansas, near the bridge, and intend placing half of their large stock of groceries over there. Mr. Woodard will open a blacksmith shop, and an effort is being made to have Dr. Cormack locate on that side. If all parties go, they will make quite a little village.
The officers of School District No. 2 (Arkansas City), met at Mitchell's office, May 30th, and accepted the application of Mr. Edwin Thompson, as principal of the school for the ensuing year, commencing September 1st, 1877, at $80 per month, for ten months school. Miss Ela remains as Assistant.
One of the Winfield agaricians, who was lately up in Rock township, actually voted his last twenty-five-cent shinplaster, and never discovered his mistake until he was kicked out of Old Joe's saloon for offering his ballot in payment for a glass of "red-eye" which he had just swallowed.
The Telegram promising us a railroad reminds us of the story of a fond mother who took her darling on her knee, and then a loaf, intending to make bread and butter for it; but by a strange fatality she buttered the child's face, and cut its head off before she discovered her mistake.
Mr. and Mrs. Eddy, of Adrian, Michigan, parents of E. D. Eddy, of this place, are making their son a short visit, in this new land of promise. Both parties are over seventy years of age and know what it is to grow up with a new country.
We have a sample of May wheat measuring four feet and ten inches in length, with heads five inches long, grown on Carder's farm on the Arkansas bottoms. Talk about sandy land not growing anything. It is the best.
LAWSUIT. A suit took place yesterday before Esquire Bonsall, J. P., between Samuel Endicott and Mr. Beach over some ponies. Mitchell and Christian were attorneys for Endicott and Kager for Mr. Beach.
BOLTON TOWNSHIP, June 3, 1877.
Friend Scott: As I have had some experience in buying fruit trees of canvassers since I have lived here, I thought I would let your patrons and my neighbors know who is the best man to buy of. I first bought $53 worth of T. A. Wilkinson; they are all dead. I then bought of Blair Brothers; their trees did not fill the bill, and I would not take them. I then bought 100 trees of W. B. Trissell, some four years old and some two years old. I set the 4-year-old trees out last fall, and mulched them well; heeled in the 2-year-old trees, and set them out this spring; have not lost a tree. Four of the 4-year-old trees had over 50 blossoms each; and one of them has two apples on it--the Ben Davis variety--and look very thrifty.
I would say to all who intend to purchase fruit trees, try Mr. Trissell once, and you will try him always. He takes great pains, in taking up his trees, to have good roots on them.
A special from Denison, Texas, May 11th, says: Capt. Lee, commanding the post of Fort Griffin, Texas, with a party of 40 soldiers and 15 Tonkaway Indians, surprised a band of Comanches 150 miles west of the post of Griffin on the 4th inst., killed four, and captured six squaws, 69 horses, 12 lodges, and a quantity of supplies. On the 6th, he captured and burned three lodges and some supplies. Casualties, one negro sergeant killed. These Indians had been depredating on the buffalo hunters, running off their horses, and otherwise harassing them. The success of this scout will be a wholesome lesson to marauders.
The undersigned will sell at auction, to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, at Fort Sill, Indian Territory, Wednesday, June 27, 1877, at 1 o'clock, p.m., the following condemned Government property.
12 Horses, 13 Mules, 12 Army Wagons, 6 single sets Ambulance Harness, 31 single sets Wagon Harness, 8 Wagon Saddles, 1 Range, 2 Cooking and heating Stoves, 1 Water wagon, 5 monkey wrenches, 38 chisels, 3 compasses, 4 gauges, 10 carpenter's hatchets, 4 drawing knives, 1 boring machine, 3 blacksmith's cutting nippers, 14 planes, 28 wood rasps, 2 saddler's cutting nippers, two wheelbarrows, 26 axes, two camp hatchets, 5 spades, and 9
At the same time and place--28 pounds Butter, 272 pounds Lard, 15 cans Plums, 10 cans Cranberry sauce, 5 pounds Green Tea.
Property to be removed at time of sale.
By order of the Department Comander:
1st Lieut. 4th Cavalry,
A. A. Q. M. & A. C. S.
STRAWBERRIES will soon be ripe.
STRAW HATS are becoming plenty.
EDDY'S fountain continues to flow.
SUMNER COUNTY hankers after a jail.
FARMERS are now busy plowing corn.
HARVEST will be on hand in two weeks.
THE FLOOD carried away every bridge in Sumner county.
LIPPMAN's mill is now at work sawing lumber for Mr. Coombs.
The Oxford Independent is advertising R. Hoffmaster, as a livery man, yet.
WYARD GOOCH started down the Arkansas to Deer Creek last Friday in search of the bridge lately carried away.
RYE. Russell Cowles left us a bunch of rye last week measuring six feet, three inches in length, with heads nine inches long. Who can beat it?
The "June half" of taxes are due this month. If one-half of your taxes are paid on or before December 20th, a rebate of five percent will be made.
ABOUT FORTY PAWNEE INDIANS passed on the west side of the Arkansas last Wednesday, on their way to the Agency. They had thirty ponies and twenty-five Sioux scalps with them. They crossed the river at Great Bend.
The Stock Protective Union met Thursday night of last week, and elected Rudolph Hoffmaster, Captain, and Frank Lorry, First Lieutenant. The object of the organization is to prevent stock stealing, and follow the transgressors.
PARTIES who first came to this section say that large logs of drift wood were found on the bottom between the bluff on the north and this town, proving that at one time the river was fully five feet higher than it was during the late flood.
A suspicious looking character with two large revolvers strapped on him was seen hiding in the sand hills of the Arkansas south of town last week. He came into town at night and returned again before morning. He evidently was waiting on an opportunity to steal a horse.
RESIGNED. WM. BURGESS, AGENT OF THE PAWNEE INDIANS, has resigned his position on account of his poor health, and returned to his former home at Columbus, Nebraska. Mr. Burgess made many friends during his stay in the Territory and won the esteem of all who knew him.
One of the new laws passed requires that all deeds shall be registered with the county clerk before the register of deeds can receive them. The clerk is allowed five cents for registering each town lot transfer and ten cents for each description of land, and the register is liable to a fine of five dollars for recording a deed not having been first registered with the clerk. By a decision of the Attorney General, these fees belong to the clerk and not to the county.
A charter has been granted to the Elk Valley and Western Railroad Company. Place of business, Montgomery, Elk, and Cowley counties. Directors: M. D. Henry, J. C. Jocelyn, W. W. Woodring, Emery J. Sweet, Geo. B. Dusinberrie, M. S. Manswell,
B. H. Clover, Jas. E. Platter, and S. B. Fleming.
A government train, composed of 72 wagons, accompanied by about 170 of the Ponca tribe of Indians from Dakota Territory, on their way to the Quapaw reservation in the Indian Territory, passed through town yesterday. The balance of the tribe, numbering about 700 in all, are yet to come. The party yesterday were in charge of Col. Kimball, the inspector of Indian Agencies.
TRAVELER, JUNE 13, 1877.
In Lawrence the Board of Education has reemployed all the city teachers, twenty in number. The wages of the teachers, however, were reduced, the principal hereafter receiving $90 instead of $100 per month, and a corresponding reduction being made throughout all the grades. Commonwealth.
A few years ago Lawrence paid the principal $1,900 a year.
From Silverdale.
SILVERDALE, June 11th, 1877.
"The floods came and the rain descended, and beat against that house; and it fell, and great was the fall thereof," so thought Mr. Turner, last week, when his house went down the Arkansas. The old man stayed in it until one-half of the foundation had been swept away. We need not say that the house was built on the sand; it was nevertheless. The oldest inhabitant never saw the like of this "right smart" rise of water, as some of them will have it.
The Haney brothers and Mr. Hallett started down the river last Tuesday, the 31st of May. Their boat was well made, and large enough to carry 20 tons. It was 12 x 80 feet, with gunnells 4 x 16 inches, with an additional plank, 2 x 10, pinned down four inches on the outside of the main gunnell, giving a depth of 22 inches. When loaded with their household goods, it drew about six inches of water. The good wishes of all their friends accompany them on their way. Mr. Haney intends to work at his trade in Arkansas.
The good people of Grouse valley and vicinity are going to have a grand jollification on the Fourth of July. We are going to have an old fashioned celebration. The fair damsels of Southeast Cowley will vie with each other in "fixing up." Speeches will be made, toasts given, and responded to. Vocal and instrumental music will be one of the main features of the day.
A greased pole will be on the grounds with money, of course, on the top of it for the lucky climber. Sack races and other amusements will be engaged in, such as swinging, playing croquet, etc. A mammoth kite will be raised for the benefit of the wee ones. The many citizens of Arkansas City are invited to attend and see what country Jakes can do, for all on the programme live in the country. Come out and see for yourselves. Young men bring out your sweethearts and see how people act in the rural districts.
The celebration will take place on the premises of Mr. J. O. West, in Southeast Creswell, about 20 rods from three of the best springs in the county; no one need get thirsty, as is often the case at celebrations. We again say come and enjoy yourselves.
TRAVELER, JUNE 13, 1877.
MAPLE CITY, KAN., June 11th.
We had the pleasure of a visit to the east part of Elk county, in company with Wm. T. Benson, of McLean county, Illinois. Our drive from home to Fall river was pleasant and interesting. We must give Elk county credit for the finest gardens, orchards, and groves of forest trees that we have seen in any new country that we have passed through. But she cannot come up with Cowley county for wheat and corn.
While in Elk county we made especial inquiry in regard to the general feeling of the people in regard to the "Parsons & Puget Sound Railroad." We found but one man who favored the proposition; he claimed to have the heart disease, but as he could not tell us why he was in favor of the proposition, we concluded that his brain was more effected than his heart.
On the way homeward we met two gentlemen--one of whom hailed from Winfield. We suppose they were up there to "steal a march on the boys," and tell them how to vote.
Crops in this vicinity are looking well, notwithstanding the recent heavy rains have kept the farmers out of their corrn fields most of the time for over a week.
Mr. Southard is doing a lively business in general merchandise. Mr. Ketcham is teaching an interesting school in "Pinch Nickel" district, No. 58. More anon. OBSERVER.
TRAVELER, JUNE 13, 1877.
If the people will take hold of the enterprise, we think a railroad can be had through this county in a short time. The
L. L. & G. road, we feel sure, desires to extend its business westward, and it could do no better than to run through Chautauqua county towards Arkansas City, even if it should run through Elk county. This would make no difference to us. It could easily do both, and we are inclined to think would so so, if the requisite aid were given, in both.
We regard it as almost certain that the Missouri and Western railroad from Oswego will be extended to Independence this season. The officers of this road were at Independence this week to see what could be done in that direction and the people of Independence are wide awake on the matter, and are extremely anxious to secure the road, if possible. We doubt not they will succeed in doing so.
Here are two chances for us to secure a road if we act promptly and at once. On account of high waters, the Directors of the South Kansas & Western Railway have had no meeting for some time past, but will have one as soon as possible. It is very important that they should; and also be prepared to make a contract where it can be done for the best interests of our people to procure a road through this county to Arkansas City and westward. Peru News.
TRAVELER, JUNE 13, 1877.
Killed by Lightning.
Mr. Wm. Crabb, of Pleasant Valley township, was killed by lightning on Sunday night last. He had just returned from church to his farm, turned his horse out in the pasture, and started to the house, when the bolt struck him on the fore part of the head, passing down his body and lower limbs to the ground. In its passage down his shirt front was torn out and both boots torn nearly off his feet. He was, it is supposed, walking toward the house, when struck by the force of the stroke and was whirled completely around so that when found he lay on his face with his head toward the pasture. He was a single man, and was boarding with a family living in his house; and they, supposing that he had gone home from church with some of the neighbors, thought nothing of his absence. Hence, he was not discovered until the following morning.
The coroner, upon hearing of the accident, empanelled a jury and drove down. The investigation brought out no facts except those mentioned above.
Mr. Crabb was a young man, well respected and liked by all who knew him, and great sorrow over his death is expressed by all his neighbors and friends. Telegram.
TRAVELER, JUNE 13, 1877.
The following dispatch was received at Chicago on the 5th.
Headquarters Yellow Stone Command,
Cantonment at Tongue River,
Wyoming Territory, May 16, 1877.
On the 7th inst., the hostile Sioux camp of 510 lodges, under Large Deer, was surrendered, captured, and destroyed. Four hundred and fifty horses, mules, and provisions were captured, and fourteen Indians left dead on the field, including the principal chief, leader and head warrior, Iron Star.
Our loss in killed: Privates Chas. A. Martindale and Frank Glacksueky, Company F, 2nd cavalry, and Privates Peter Lewis and Chas. Springer, Company H, 2nd cavalry.
Wounded: Second Lieut. A. M. Fuller, 2nd cavalry, right shoulder; Private R. W. Jeffey, Company G, 2nd cavalry, in scalp; Private Samuel Fryer, Company F, 2nd cavalry, right arm; Private Wm. Oweer, Company F, 2nd cavalry, right hand; Private Polk Ryan, Company G, 2nd cavalry, left arm; Private Thomas D. Gilmore, Company H, 2nd cavalry, neck; Private Fred Wilkers, Company L, 2nd cavalry, left hand; and Private Wm. Leonard, Company L, 2nd cavalry, chin wounded. They are in a comfortable condition.
Particulars reported by mail.
Col. Commanding.
This is the first official intelligence of the battle received at the military headquarters.
TRAVELER, JUNE 13, 1877.
The stage came in last Sunday.
The wheat harvest begins this week.
The Winfield public schools closed last week.
The City Marshal began shooting dogs last Monday.
The Shilocco is navigable for frogs up to the county line of Sumner.
They haven't seen a wolf or killed a wild cat up at Kager's for a week.
Dr. Shepard was taken suddenly sick Saturday night. He is up again now.
Russell Cowles commenced cutting a twenty-acre field of wheat on Monday last.
Mr. Marshall, of Pennsylvania, has come out to see the land of milk and honey.
GEORGE NEWMAN, OF EMPORIA, retails more dry goods than any other house in Kansas.
The rivers are again on a high, and out of the banks. "How long, Oh Lord, how long."
HOUGHTON & McLAUGHLIN are going to put a grocery over the Arkansas. A feed stable would pay there now.
The stage does not run to Winfield now. Passengers and mail matter change coaches at a station a few miles west of town.
BENEDICT & BRO. have greatly improved their store by elevating the floor of their work room to a level with the salesroom.
E. J. Hoyt returned to Eldorado yesterday. He says the band boys at that place are going to have a big time on the 20th of July.
A couple of thieves are held at Osage Agency for stealing ponies from the Indians. One is an orphan, fourteen years of age.
MRS. BONSALL has a beautiful night-blooming jasmine in full bloom. The perfurme is strongest between eight and ten o'clock in the evening.
ONE OF THE PAWNEE SCOUTS was shot and killed at Hays City, while on his way to the Indian reservation. It is claimed the shooting was done by mistake.
DAVE FINNEY visited Osage Agency last week, and reports plenty of water at that place. Mr. Beede was expected to leave last Sunday, leaving J. L. Stubbs in charge.
The foreman of the Telegram fell in a hole last week, and now has to bathe himself in chloride of lime for his health. His extreme length is all that saved him.
The editor has gone off excurting to the mountains. He started yesterday morning, leaving the office in charge of the boys. "Bully, bully, bully, bully, bully."
MR. CHAMBERS, a member of the Free Methodist church, preached on the street in front of Haywood's store last Saturday. His sermon was generally well received.
Arkansas River Bridge.
BRIDGE. A talk upon bridge matters was had by our merchants yesterday afternoon, but no definite line of action was decided upon. The question of repairing the break in the bridge across the Arkansas, either by means of an iron span (which would cost some $5,000) or a pontoon bridge to join on to the half of the old bridge still standing, was warmly discussed, as was the proposition to build a pontoon bridge west of town. The most feasible scheme would seem to be to repair the old bridge, using whatever of the old timbers that could be recovered.
Mr. Wyard Gooch, the township Treasurer, made a trip down the Arkansas last week to see if any portion of the lost spans could be recovered, and reports that he found at least one-third of the missing timbers that would be available for repairs.
Many of the farmers upon whose land the timbers were left by the flood have offered to return them to the bridge site free of charge if it is decided to use them.
Something should be done in this matter at once, for in some cases portions of the lumber of the wreck have been sold. In this connection we cannot help contrasting the activity of Mr. Gooch, both at the time of the break and since, with the apathy of the Trustee, whose duty it is to look after such matters, and for which he is paid.
DECEIVED. While we were enjoying a pleasant chat with Mr. Hoyt, at half past twelve one school day, three small boys came loitering along in front of the drug store, leisurely wending their way to school. By chance one glanced at the dumb clock in the window, when he exclaimed: "Good gracious! Seven minutes to two!" and the next minute the linen coat tail of the slowest was whipping around the corner of Hartsock's. When they arrived at the school house and found no one there, they could not account for it, and now denounce Perry Woodard in strong terms for causing such unusual exertion.
COBAUGH, the boy who stole the pony of Smythia, was caught at Fredonia, last week, and brought back. He had traded the animal off, but he told where it was, so that the property was recovered. He says he hardly knows what made him steal the pony.
There will be a meeting Bolton township at Bland's school house, on Saturday evening, June 16th, for the purpose of making arrangements for a grand celebration on July 4th. All are invited.
AT THIS WRITING, BOTH THE ARKANSAS AND WALNUT RIVERS ARE FALLING, and the fine weather of the past few days bids fair to continue.
For purifying your blood, and restoring the liver to healthy action, use a preparation of Sarsaparilla, Dandelion, and Iodide Potassium. All Physicians recommend it. For weakness, indigestion, and a debilitated system, it will be found beneficial. Sold at E. D. Eddy, Kellogg & Hoyt, and L. H. Gardner.
PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX. The penalty will be added on personal property tax after June 20th, and warrants for the collection of the same will be issued forthwith. All persons who have not already paid their taxes will do well to do so on or before the 20th inst.
CHRIS. BIRDZELL was capsized into the Walnut last Sunday while crossing the river in a boat to see his dulciana, and had to remain in a tree several hours before he was liberated.
Notice the large mirrors in Houghton & McLaughlin's. Mac says they will make a homely man look handsome. The editor has ordered a couple of them placed in his sanctum.
On Tuesday the Sheriff of Sumner county arrested at Arkansas City, this county, on a requisition from the Governor of Iowa, one John O. Fieldkirchner, of State Center, Marshal County, Iowa, and lodged him in the Winfield jail to await further orders. The young man is charged with seduction, which under the laws of the State of Iowa is very severely punished. Telegram.
The Wichita and Winfield road through the valley is in a miserable condition. The parties responsible for the keeping up of the roads, etc., should give this immediate attention. A team can be driven from the ridge to Arkansas City about as soon as it can be driven through the valley to Winfield. Telegram.
TRAVELER, JUNE 13, 1877.
WINFIELD, June 5, 1877.
NOTICE is hereby given that the Board of Commissioners of Cowley county, Kansas, will, at their regular July session, award the contract for the keeping of the paupers of said county to the lowest responsible bidder: Said contract to be made for a period of six months. All bids to be filed with the County Clerk on or before the 2nd day of July, 1877. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids.
M. G. TROUP, County Clerk.
DIED. On Friday, June 1st, the wife of Joseph Burtch.
HAYWOOD's harvesting machinery has come on and is now ready for those who want them.
THE SAW FRAME OF LIPPMAN'S MILL was lost in the river while crossing in a boat at Newman's mill last Wednesday.
BRIDGE FOUND. Mr. Henry Hanson, living about seven miles up the Arkansas River, informs us that a bridge 100 feet long with floor and all complete has lodged on an island near his place.
NARROW ESCAPE. Lyman Herrick and Miss Urquehart attempted to ford Wolf creek in the Indian Nation, about sixteen miles from this place, last Wednesday, and barely escaped with their lives. The team of horses were drowned.
The editor is in Leavenworth today, attending the Kansas Editorial Convention, and will leave for Denver and the Rocky Mountains tomorrow. They expect to be absent two weeks, going via Santa Fe railway and returning on the Kansas Pacific.
CONTRACT FOR FREIGHT. Houghton & McLaughlin have been awarded the contract for transporting Indian goods from Wichita to the Pawnee and Kaw Agencies. Edward Fenlow received the contract for hauling the goods for the Osages, and those for the Sac and Fox and their stations was awarded to D. C. Blossom, of Muscogee, Indian Territory.
John Broderick Drowned.
On last Thursday, as John Broderick, of Salt City, was attempting to cross the Nenescah river on a ferry boat, with a team of mules, the boat was capsized by the mules becoming frightened and jumping, and all were thrown into the river. Mr. Broderick went under the water at the first plunge, and drowned with very little exertion. He will be remembered by many in this locality.
CAPT. NORTH had several adventures in getting away from Caldwell, during the high water last week. Leaving Caldwell he drove to the Sha-was-cos-pa where he found a ferry, and put his buggy and sample cases on it. Before the boat was half way across it dipped over, the buggy rolled off, and in a minute the whole outfit was rolling down stream. One minute the pole would be up, then the wheels, then the top, and nothing could be seen. Capt. North followed the vehicle a mile down the river to where it lodged among the willows. After considerable trouble it was taken out and repaired and started again. At Slate Creek he put the buggy on a ferry at that place, and had gone but a few feet from the shore when the boat tipped over and emptied its contents into the creek. The Captain had taken the precaution this time to take everything he had left out of the buggy. After many hours delay, the buggy was taken out, and he continued his journey. Endurance and pluck is all that carried him through.
TRAVELER, JUNE 20, 1877.
EMPORIA, KAS., June 14, 1877.
I arrived here today--Thursday, having been detained one day at Wichita. The road from Arkansas City was comparatively good, except one fearful mud hole one mile from Wichita, where the empty stage stuck, with four horses attached.
The wash-out near Ellinwood, on the A., T. & S. F. has been repaired and trains are running regularly. Wichita is dull, but not muddy any longer. All freight is behind time, and parties from Winfield and Arkansas City were anxiously waiting for it to come in.
No trains run over the Missouri Pacific. Passengers go via Atchison.
On the Arkansas river at Wichita I saw a boat 100 feet long by 16 feet wide, loaded with 27 reaping machines for Oxford and Wellington.
Col. Young, Gen. Course, and S. L. Simons, one of the directors and Treasurer of the Chicago & St. Louis Air Line Railway, are expected here every day. The following dispatch has just been received.
CHICAGO, ILL., June 13, 1877.
E. P. BANCROFT: Would like to have directors give attention to obtain right of way, at once. Refer to Engineers for location. Make costs within estimates.
The following notice appeared in the Emporia papers and shows the Company means to build the road.
EMPORIA, June 8th, 1877.
BIDS will be received at this office until June 25th for the earth work and masonry on the first division of the Kansas City, Emporia & Southern railroad, from Emporia to the crossing of the Verdigris river in Greenwood county. Profiles, plans, and specifications can be seen at the office of the Chief Engineer, at Emporia, on and after June 20th, 1877. Bids will be received for all or any portion of the work. Bidders will be required to complete their contracts within ninety days from date of letting. The Company reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Successful bidder will be required to give a satisfactory bond to the Company for the due completion of their contracts.
L. B. FULLER, Chief Engineer.
Everybody is interested in the enterprise here, and have no other idea than that the road will be completed before the time specified. Work has already begun and will be continued all winter. The profiles to the south side of the Verdigris river will be completed next Saturday. Distance twenty miles.
Mr. Jackson and Williams of Winfield were here yesterday, returning from Topeka, where had been endeavoring to get a proposition from the Santa Fe Company. They were not much elated over the result of their visit.
W. H. Walker and myself separated at this place. He went on to Cincinnati, to be absent two months, and will return with a frow. C. M.
TRAVELER, JUNE 20, 1877.
A Basket Picnic will be held in Captain Smith's Grove, west of the Arkansas, on the Fourth of July. A cordial invitation is extended to all. The following committees have been appointed.
Estella Burnett.
A. Lorry.
BAND: L. Herrick.
GROUNDS: C. J. Beck, S. Pepper, W. Linton, O. C. Smith,
J. D. Guthrie, H. J. Donnelly.
AMUSEMENTS: Lyman Herrick, Henry Endicott Jr.
MARSHALS: J. K. Stevens, John Lewis.
Calithumpians will appear just before dinner, etc.
TRAVELER, JUNE 20, 1877.
The Old Aborigine has Taken Refuge in the British Possessions. He is interviewed and gives his story in regard to affairs.
Chicago, June 16. A special from Winnipeg, Manitoba, says: Dispatches from Ft. Walsh says Sitting Bull, with 850 lodges, is setting between there and Wood mountain. He claims to have won many victories over the United States troops of which the public know nothing, and exhibits numerous trophies, including arms, wagons, etc., some belonging to Custer's party. He holds that violations of federal treaties by the United States warranted his rebellion.
A Bismarck special says Rev. Abbot Martin returned yesterday from a conference with Sitting Bull, held at the latter's camp in the British possession, May 28. Martin, accompanied by six Sioux Indians and an interpreter, was joined while there by Major Walsh and other Canadian officers from Fort Walsh, some sixty miles away.
Sitting Bull was courteous, and very hospitable and attentive. He told the same old story of his errings in an eloquent and fiery speech. The conclusion reached was that Sitting Bull would not return to the United States, but would remain in the British possession. He could not bear the idea of surrendering his possessions, ponies, arms, etc. Besides, he feared for his personal safety. Indians lost all their lodges, many arms and supplies, while crossing the river this spring, and are in a bad condition to continue the war. There are three hundred and twenty lodges, or about 1,000 warriors. The British officers sympathized with them, and assured them of protection during good behavior. Father Martin thinks the band is better off as it is, and recommends that they be encouraged to remain, and believes the Indian war is over.
TRAVELER, JUNE 20, 1877.
WORK ON THE FERRY BOAT is going lively now.
RAFTERS went up on the M. E. Church last week.
ICE has been in good demand for the past few days. It is selling for 2 cents per pound.
SCHOOL CLOSES. The present term of school will close on Friday the 22nd inst.
SPRING CHICKENS were sold in town last week at twenty-five cents each. Good demand.
The streets have been full of harvesters and other cutting machines for the past three days.
HOUGHTON & McLAUGHLIN have a branch store on the south side of the Arkansas river.
The road to the Arkansas river south of town has been fixed and is now in good shape for traveling.
RETURNED. JOHN PARDY [? PURDY ?] has returned from the Black Hills. We believe he took in Texas on his way back.
FORDABLE. The Walnut river became fordable at Harmon's ford, on Monday last, for the first time in six weeks.
BRIDGE. Now that the Walnut is down, we presume that no time will be lost in getting the bridge up at Newman's mill.
BUSTED. The Commercial Insurance Co. of St. Louis, Mo., made an assignment on the 11th inst. Mr. Bonsall was its agent in town.
NEW POSTMASTER. W. T. ESTUS, late P. M. at Silverdale
P. O., gave up possession of that office to Israel Tiptor on Saturday evening last.
MARICLE. David Maricle, of Bolton township, has 400 acres of wheat in first-class order. He commenced cutting on Monday last.
SALTY. MESSRS WILSON and J. I. MITCHELL, of this place, have opened branch stores for the transaction of their respective businesses at Salt City.
"FREE RIDE to the Arkansas" seems to have played out, and the sturdy yeoman is compelled to take a little extra exercise between the river and town.
FOUND. The body of John Broderick, who was drowned some weeks since by the upsetting of a ferry boat on the Nenescah river, has been recovered.
Several self binding Harvesters have been used in this vicinity, doing excellent work and saving an immense amount of labor necessary to harvest a crop.
At last the Walnut is fordable and the farmers are permitted to come to town without the exquisite pleasure of a ride on the ferry and a walk the balance of the way.
HORRIBLE. An experience of anything but a pleasant nature befell Mr. W. H. Nelson, one of our citizens, the other day, or rather night. He relates that upon retiring to bed he fancied there was something in the bed that handn't ought to be there and arose to make an investigation, but could find nothing, and thinking at the most it could but be a mouse laid down and Morpheused till morning. So far so good, but in the morning while dressing, happening to cast his eyes upon the pillow, he beheld a very comely snake of the class which is called copperhead. His snakeship is now expiating his crime in a bottle of alcohol.
4TH OF JULY CELEBRATION IN BOLTON. On the fourth of July the citizens of Bolton will have a celebration at Captain Smith's grove and spring about a mile south of the bridge. Judge Christian is to deliver the oration. Amos Walton and other speakers are invited to address the crowd. A good time generally is expected. All are cordially invited to attend, and join in the festivities. Come one, come all, bring your baskets and have a jolly time.
MUDDY. Now that the river is fordable something should be done towards draining the slue by Dr. Hughes. As it now stands, it is far worse to pull through the mud and water than it ever was last year. The road needs to be thrown up at least 4 feet and a culvert put in. The work done last year was good, but the trouble was that not half enough was done. We canot expect people to come to town while the approaches thereto are in such bad shape.
NATIVE LUMBER. Wm. Coombs has secured the services of W. L. Lippman, late of Grouse creek, who now has his saw mill in full blast on Mr. Coombs' land northeast of town. Mr. Lippman is a thorough master of his business and all needing lumber will do well to see him. He expects to cut out a large amount of lumber during the summer, will keep on hand all kinds of sawed material, which he will sell at low rates. Go and see for yourselves.
LEGAL. WM. NAYLOR and GUSTAVE P. STRUM, two of the most well known and popular of the "Surveyor Boys" of bygone days, have turned their attention to the study of law and received diplomas from the Law Department of the Columbian University on the 13th inst. They have the best wishes of their many friends in this community for their success in their profession.
Our hardware merchants have been doing a driving business for the past week or two. Something over twenty harvesters and headers have gone over the Arkansas in the boat. This doesn't look much like as if Arkansas City was retrograding to be the home of the snipe and the gentleman with spectacles.
MR. D. P. MARSHALL, of Pennsylvania, had been viewing our county over for the last week or two and has about concluded to locate in this part of Cowley. We welcome here, as he will make a first-class citizen.
RECOVERED. The saw frame belonging to Lippman's mill, sunk in the Walnut river by the capsizing of the boat, was fished out yesterday. It was lying 15 feet under water and was bedded 18 inches in mud.
WORK UPON THE BRIDGE PIERS AT NEWMAN'S MILL has been resumed and will be pushed forward to completion as rapidly as possible. If everything progresses favorably, we may expect to have the bridge in position by the middle of July.
ROUGH. THEORON HOUGHTON had quite a time getting back to town from the Pawnee Agency, where he had been breaking. It took him ten days to make the trip, and he had to leave his team at that. M. T. Bonar started a little ahead of him, and reached and forded the Red Rock; but when Theoron arrived, an hour later, the waters had risen so that he could not ford. The serious part was that Bonar had no provisions with him and after sticking it out five days in sight of each other waiting for the waters to subside, Theoron returned to the agency and Bonar started west for the cattle trail. Nothing has since been heard of him. A party of men went in search of him on Monday and have not yet
AGITATING. We have heard several methods discussed as to the how to replace the Arkansas bridge, during the last two days on the streets. Although nothing has yet been done, it conclusively proves that the situation is grasped and the necessity for immediate action of some kind realized.
TOO LOW. While some persons with a team and wagon were fording the Walnut on Monday night, they by some means got too low down stream, and were compelled to leave the wagon and scramble out with the horses as best they could. The wagon was recovered the next morning.
I SCREAMED. The ice cream festival held in Pearson's hall last Wednesday evening was very well attended, and a first-class time was had, added to which it was a financial success.
GOOD. The lumber for the ferry across the Arkansas, south of town, arrived last Monday; and as all the necessary arrangements are now made, the same will speedily be in running order.
Rev. Wingar and his family think of taking a trip out "over the plains." There has been an unusual amount of sickness in his family for some time past and a trip like that would undoubtedly be beneficial.
THANKS. Through the courtesy of Wm. Naylor and Gustave Strum, Law graduates of the Columbia University, we are indebted for an invitation to attend the commencement exercises of The Class of 1877.
ERRATUM. In last week's issue, we stated that Mr. Chambers (the open air preacher) was a Free Methodist. We have since been informed that such is not the case, but that he is a member of the United Brethren.
COLLARS. Persons owning dogs upon which they have paid tax will do well to put collars with checks attached on the same, as after the 23rd inst. the Marshal intends shooting all dogs running loose without collars.
ED. G. GRAY, alias ye local, has been sick for the past few days, but is now progressing favorably, and will soon be convalescent. In view of the above, the readers of the "Traveler" must excuse all short-comings in this issue.
GOOD FOR BOLTON. No stronger proof for the good times in store for Bolton township is needed than the fact that at this writing fifteen Headers and Harvesters and two Buckeye Reapers have been put across the Arkansas to harvest this season's yield of small grain.
MALARIA. CHARLEY COOMBS, one of the office boys, was compelled to go home yesterday morning, he having an attack of intermittent fever, which will probably invalid him for the balance of the week.
REMOVED. PARKER and CANFIELD have moved their lumber from under A. O. Porter's blacksmith shop, and may now be found back of Benedict's building.
TRAVELER, JUNE 20, 1877.
LOST at the Arkansas river, a dark checked frock coat. Finder will be rewarded by leaving the same at the Post Office.
The bridge has gone, but Houghton & McLaughlin have a full line of groceries and a full assortment of staple dry goods in their new store, near the old bridge on the south side of the river. Farmers, you can get your Harvest Supplies without crossing the river.
GOOD BOARD at the Arkansas City House, Summit street.
J. E. WILLIAMS, Proprietor.
"Our neighboring village of Freedom was the scene last Wednesday of a remarkable golden wedding--remarkable in the fact that the mother of one of the contracting parties was present. It is rare enough in itself that a couple celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of their marriage, but rarer still that a parent lives to an age to see a son or a daughter become one of the principlas to such a golden wedding and the parent be present on the occasion. Indeed, such a sight might not be seen again in a life time. The parties to the Freedom celebration were Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kelly, and the aged parent who was present on the occasion was Mrs. Black, the mother of Mrs. Kelly, who has passed the Centennial year of her existence."
We take the above from the Pittsburgh Leader of the 10th inst. Of late years in this country quite a stir has been made through the press about silver and golden weddings, and occasionally a diamond wedding, and some remarkable instances of longevity.
But these events in the "Old Country" create no such excitement. I was once present at the christening of a child in the old home of St. Patrick. When the ceremony was over and the feasting commenced, someone suggested the propriety of taking the ages of its progenitors then present, and the length of time the parents had been married. The father and mother had been married 30 years, the grandfather and grandmother 65 years, the great grandfather 83 years, the great grandmother having been dead some years. I have heard the term given to 25, 50, and 75 years of married life, but am at a loss what term to apply to this case of 83 years of married life. Here was an old gentleman 105 years old, who could have celebrated his 83 years of married life. A fact well known in the neighborhood of St. John's Point, Parish of Russglass, county Down, Ireland, 45 years ago.
Another remarkable case of longevity, as well as fecundity, upon this side of the "Herring Pond" came under my own observation shortly after my marriage in 1846. We paid a visit to my wife's grandmother, an old lady then past 90. Quite a number of the relatives sat down to dinner, having assembled to congratulate us upon our union, as well as to pay their respects to old "Grandma," as she was familiarly called. At the table sat the old lady, then past 90 years of age; next to her sat her oldest daughter, a married lady of 72 years; next to this lady was her oldest son, aged fifty years, grandson of the old lady. Beside this gentleman sat his daughter, 28 years old, and at her side was her little son, 6 years old.
"Grandma" could thus tell her grandson to help his grandson, all at the same table: five generations. Her 72 year old daughter was amongst the first babies brought into Kentucky. This venerable lady of some 90 years, accompanied by her husband, came with Daniel Boone and settled at Boonesborough at an early day. In their long march from Virginia, traveling by night and laying by during the day for fear of the Indians, "old Grandma" rode a pony loaded with all their worldly goods while her husband walked alongside with his trusty rifle.
The old lady known as "Grandma" died of old age in the bosom of her family to the fifth generation.
Editorial Excursionists.
MANITOU, COL., June 18. The Kansas Editorial excursion left here this morning and took a trip over the extension of the Denver and Rio Grande Railroad, in the direction of the San Juan mining country. This road is completed to the highest point of the Veta Pass of the Sangre de Christo range, and the excursion train was the first passenger train to the summit. The altitude of that point is 9,340 above the level of the sea, or over 1,000 feet above the highest point on the Union Pacific Railroad, and higher than any other point reached by any railroad in the world. It is a magnificent triumph of engineering skill and railroad energy.
The scenery is wild and grand beyond description. Many of the curves far exceed the famous Horse Shoe bend on the Pennsylvania Railroad, sweeping around the sharp points of the mountains in graceful curves one above another, at dizzy heights from Lovets. [LOVETS...???] The summit distance is fourteen miles, and the ascent 2,400 feet. The greatest ascent for a single mile is 211 feet, and the average grade for the entire distance is 165 feet. The road will be completed to Ft. Garland by July, and opened for business. At that time it will be one hundred and seven miles from Pueblo to Ft. Garland in San Luis Park.
The excursionists were accompanied on the first trip to the summit by Gen. Dodge, General Passenger Agent, and J. A. McMurtry, the engineer under whose direction and supervision the road was built.
Before starting on the return trip from the summit, an impromptu meeting was held and brief speeches were made by Col. Anthony, President of the Association, Chief Justice Horton, and Congressman Haskell, of Kansas, congratulating Gen. Dodge and Mr. McMurtry on the successful completion of this road to the highest point ever attained by a railroad company, and the trip of the first passenger train over it. These gentlemen briefly
The Kansas Editorial excursionists enjoyed the novelty of the ride and the grandeur of the scenery to the most. On Sunday afternoon John Anderson, president of the Denver and Rio Grande Railroad, delivered a sermon in the parlors of the Manitou House. The party was furnished with splendid music for the occasion.
Today the excursionists visit Ute Pass, Williams Canon, Cheyenne Canon, Garden of the Gods, Glen Eyrie, Monument Park, and then Denver, which should be reached about 8:00 p.m.
And now the talk is of levees for the Arkansas river.
Rev. Mr. Upham, of Massachusetts, was visiting his son in Coffeyville recently, when he suddenly fell dead a few minutes after arriving in the morning. He was for several years Baptist missionary among the Cherokee Indians.
Beer Millionaires.
[From the Hartford Times.]
It is only about thirty years ago since lager beer came into use in the United States. The first brewery was established in Philadelphia in 1845.
Two years later the Schaefers introduced the business into New York. It is now one of the most important industries in the city. There are 37 lager beer breweries in the city and suburbs, and they turn out over a million barrels in the course of the year.
The beer made by George Ehret is considered to be the best; at least there is more demand for it than any other. Ehret sold 132,000 barrels of beer in 1876. Ruppert ranks next as an extensive manufacturer, his product the same year being 74,000 barrels. The Schaefers, who introduced the business, sold 45,000 barrels. It is hardly necessary to say that all the large beer brewers are Germans. Some have become very rich and only a few have failed in business.
The capital invested in it is very large. Ehret's capital is about $1,000,000. When he started eleven years ago, he had to borrow money to carry him over the first few months. Rupper has $750,000 in his breweries, horses, wagons, etc. He started in 1867.
Another brewer who started in the same year, 1867, retired on a fortune a few years ago, and his partner continues the business on a capital of $400,000. Altogether, the money in-vested in the brewing of lager beer in and around New York is
probably not less than $8,000,000.
The men employed in the business earn from $68 to $75 per month, and have all the beer they want to drink. Their hours are long, averaging fifteen out of the twenty-four. An employee who doesn't drink more than twenty glasses a day is considered economical. Many go up to fifty and sixty, and there are some who boast of a capacity for one hundred.
Ruppert's men drank 800 barrels last year at the expense of the firm.
Nearly all the beer manufactured nowadays is doctored--that is, to color and tone it up drugs are used. The business of supplying drugs to the beer men has become quite large. The brewers admit the use of drugs, and maintain that the beer is improved rather than injured by them.
The different sorts or kinds of beer are so well known that any steady imbiber can tell at a sip whose beer he is drinking--whether it is Ehret's, Ruppert's, Doelger's, Claulsen's, or some other. Some of the brewers use Croton water, paying an immence tax for it yearly, and others get water from artesian wells. One firm has a well of this kind that yields over 200,000 gallons daily.
TRAVELER, JUNE 27, 1877.
The Editorial Excursion.
We can make but a brief allusion to our recent trip to Colorado and the mountains this week, owing to a late return. The convention of newspaper men of Kansas was held at Leavenworth, and an address delivered by Captain Henry King, of Topeka, that was pronounced to be the best ever delivered before the association. In it is a history of the Kansas press, and the able and courageous men who conducted it in an early day. Owing to the non-arrival of the stage coach, we were prevented from attending the convention, but joined the party at Emporia, as they came down the Santa Fe road on their way to Pueblo.
We left Emporia about 9 o'clock and were landed at Pueblo Friday evening, after following the Arkansas river a distance of nearly 500 miles, over fertile valleys and plains unequalled for verdant growths of green pastures. On the way we passed a number of beautiful cities and thriving towns of wonderful existence, and met near Great Bend the Illinois editors, who were returning from an errand similar to the one that we had just begun.
There were 98 members in the party, counting the ladies, and a general lively time was engaged in, as we sped rapidly on our way.
In the morning after our arrival at Pueblo we took the Denver & Rio Grande narrow gauge railway and traveled south to Chucharas, thence west to La Veta, and up the mountains to Sangra de Christo pass. The scenery over this route is too grand for comparison, and can only be realized by actual sight. For 14 miles the little giant engine made an ascent up a grade of 165 feet to the mile with 160 pounds pressure of steam to the square inch, drawing three well-filled passenger coaches behind it.
It was the first passenger train that ever made the ascent, which is at present the highest of any railroad in the world. The Sangre de Christo pass, generally known as La Veta pass, is 9,340 feet above the level of the sea, and at present the terminus of the railway leading to the San Juan country. It is the highest railway elevation on the globe, although one of still greater height is being constructed in Peru, South America.
The cost of construction of the railroad up the mountain was $18,000 per mile, and was built by Mr. Greenwood, chief engineer. In order to reach the summit, grades as great as 211 feet to the mile have to be climbed, which is done by a continuous curve around the mountains. The journey over this route in comfortable commodious cars, up steep grades at the rate of 18 miles an hour, with a load heavy enough for a three-wheeled driving engine of standard gauge, convinced the most unwielding ones that the three-foot narrow gauge railway system is a success, and should be generally adopted where the business is not sufficient for wider grades, as it is not yet in this and many other sections of the country. The most skeptical cannot fail to be convinced after a voage over this route.
After spending a few hours on this great lookout, the party took their seats in the cars and did not stop for sight seeing until we reached Colorado Springs on Saturday morning. Manitou being the place of our destiny, seven miles distant, we took carriages and enjoyed a pleasant ride of about half an hour, when we drew up at the Beebe House, and remained during the Sabbath.
Manitou is a watering place of considerable renown, and is blessed with every variety of the healthy fluid. Within a scope of half a mile, soda, iron, sulphur, warm and cold waters are to be found. We partook freely of the soda water, which flowed from the ground in a large stream, and could be dipped up by the bucket full. To the taste, it is the same as the soda water made by druggists and sold at ten cents per glass. There it is as free as the air to all who desire it.
Every convenience is made at Manito for the entertainment of strangers, and they have many to entertain, as excursion parties from almost every Sate in the Union are constantly visiting them. The BEEBE House is one of the grandest and best hotels it has been our good fortune to stop at, and reminds one of the fashionable houses of Niagara Falls, only they excel in quantity and quality of eatables.
Manitou is at the foot of the far famed Pike's Peak, that rises 14,836 feet towards the heavens. As we stood gazing at this great snow capped mountain, we could imagine that heaven's foundation rested upon it, so mighty is its construction.
After visiting the Ute pass, we directed our guide to drive to the "Garden of the Gods." Its entrance is gained by passing between two mammoth rocks rising 100 feet in mid air. Once within the almost continuous wall that surrounds it, every shade of living green can be seen on the earth, while on every side rise the mountain heights, and monuments of rock. Rocks of every form and feature are there to be found. One as large as an ordinary prairie house stands balanced on an eight foot footing, while others are mere stems at the bottom and small table lands at the top. They are so singularly shaped that you imagine lions, seals, and other animals out of their formation.
From the "Garden of the Gods," we drove to Cheyenne Canon, and after following the small stream to near its source, suddenly beheld the most grand scenery we found in Colorado. On each side of the narrow stream, solid blocks of stone rose to a height of from five to ten hundred feet, with overhaning tops that are ever threatening to crush all below them, while in front of us seven distinct and separate falls of silver water are rolling, tumbling, and gliding down the rocky abyss.
Stopping long enough at Colorado Springs to see the young and aristocratic city, we again took the train and did not stop until reaching the remarkable city of Denver, built upon a desert almost surrounded with high mountains. It is a pretty city, filled with enterprising and ambitious men from almost every Sate in the Union, and many representatives of foreign nations. Water courses all through its streets, for without it, the green trees that adorn it so beautifully would be but dry sticks.
There are many places of interest in Denver and many institutions that we would gladly mention, but that is not the purpose of this article at this time.
While at Denver we were exceedingly fortunate in meeting our old friend and fellow townsman of Cadiz, Ohio, Archie J. Sampson, Attorney General of the State, and his accomplished wife, who was a school mate of ours, among the clay and sun-burnt hills of our native Buckeye State.
On Tuesday morning our party left Denver for a ride up the wonderful Clear Creek Canon, which proved a pleasant and instructive excursion. Along the route we passed the once great city of Golden and reached the place in view, Idaho City, in time for dinner. Here we found one quartz mill at work with fifteen stamps, pounding riches out of nothing, comparatively speaking, for the ore resembled dirt or stone of no value.
After visiting the different springs and bathing places, we declared our willingness to return, and it was not long until we were back to the busy scenes of the champion western town, Denver.
After spending one day more in Denver, those of the party who had not gone the day before, again placed themselves on the plush cushions and were soon hurling homeward. The route along the Kansas Pacific, until we reached nearly the center of Kansas, was a dull and lonely one. Nothing but the short, green grass could be seen on either side for miles. As we neared Salina, large fields of wheat and corn took place of the unbroken sod, and but a short distance from the town, we passed through the enormous wheat field of Mr. T. C. Henry, covering 2,200 acres. It will not yield as well as it did last year, owing to the heavy rains, but may average fifteen bushels to the acre.
At Topeka we bid farewell to those of the party who had accompanied us that far, and by Saturday night we were in our office at home, well contented and well recompensed for the trip.
Colorado is a State of mining and stock raising, that is all. Farming there is but child's play in realization and profit, but the mines turn out gold and the hills are the best in the world for sheep pastures.
TRAVELER, JUNE 27, 1877.
The proposition to vote $4,000 per mile to the Memphis, Parsons & Ellsworth Railroad company in Elk county was defeated by a majority of 140 votes. An effort will be made next to carry the proposition by townships. Cowley's officials will figure in the project as before.
WELLINGTON, KANSAS, June 16, 1877.
The Solomon, Arkansas Valley & Eastern Railway Company was organized for the purpose of building a narrow gauge railway from Beloit, in Mitchell county, south to Wellington, and thence to the eastern boundary of the State, with another line from Wellington southeast down the valley of the Arkansas to Fort Smith via Arkansas City.
Sumner county votes July 2nd on a proposition to extend county aid to this company and in case the vote is in favor thereof, the road will be built to Wellington within 12 months, and to Arkansas City within 18 months from that day as well as to a connection with such other roads as may reach Cowley county in the meantime.
TRAVELER, JUNE 27, 1877.
We clip the following paragraph from the Augusta Gazette, of last week, concerning the narrow gauge.
"Winfield's railroad project, the West Branch of the Memphis, Parsons & Ellsworth, is likely to fall stillborn. Townships and counties along the main line are refusing to vote the bonds in aid of the same; and no county or township along the branch, save Cowley, has voted a dollar to help it, and if the papers along the route represent the sentiments of the people, no further aid is likely to be voted. We are inclined to believe that Winfield will regret her action toward the Kansas City road."
TRAVELER, JUNE 27, 1877.
C. M. SCOTT: Your complimentary notice of my peach pearing machine having given rise to some correspondence upon the part of your subscribers, I desire to say that after July 1st, I will have no connection with the peach pearer, having transferred the manufacturing to Mr. E. P. Monroe, who will have charge of it.
He is a courteous business gentleman and will attend
promptly to all correspondence. He manufactures and sells exclusively to the regular hardware trade.
TRAVELER, JUNE 27, 1877.
Winfield is jubilant over the proposition of the A. T. & S. F. R. R. Company to build through Cowley count, and in their magnanimity say to their old neighbor, Arkansas City, "Now let us make up and be friends and we'll give you the A. T. & S. F." Well, they have got it, i. e., the proposition; we've seen a copy. Here is the text and conditions (not verbatim, but in substance).
1st. Butler county must give in county bonds $4,000 per mile for every mile constructed in that county, estimated at forty-five miles or $180,000, and assume the township bonds heretofore voted to the company by the townships between Florence and Eldorado, and Cowley county to give in bonds $4,000 per mile for each and every mile across the county, from the northern boundary to Arkansas City, a distance in round numbers of forty-five miles, or $180,000.
Now, what are the prospects? Butler county has already secured a contract for the construction of the road to Eldorado without a dollar in county bonds, and, of course, will oppose the construction of the road below that point upon any terms, but will much prefer making Eldorado the terminus.
Cowley county has already voted $120,000 to the Memphis & Parsons road, hence, under the law, can only vote $80,000 more. Now, while we admit that the people of Winfield have a happy faculty of contracting or expending the resources of the county to suit almost any emergency, we, like their neighbors of Arkansas City, fail to see how they will be able to cover these deficiencies at home and carry Butler county. Hence the magnanimous offer to their neighbor, though no doubt prompted by good intentions, looks pretty thin. Oxford Independent.
TRAVELER, JUNE 27, 1877.
Mr. John Wilkinson, a very excellent young man from the Ninnescah valley, was drowned June 14th in endeavoring to swim across that stream, to come over to Oxford. The drowning is difficult to account for as he was an excellent swimmer and acquainted with the stream; had been in town in the morning to look after a harvester and was returning to make arrangements to get it home, when the accident occurred. Independent.
TRAVELER, JUNE 27, 1877.
Watsa-shin-kah and Wah-kon-tike, members of the Ta wan-ge-he's band of Big Hill Osages, were in town on Monday with their families, doing considerable trading with our merchants. Peru Journal.
TRAVELER, JUNE 27, 1877.
PUEBLO, COL., June 7th, 1877.
As we journeyed up the Arkansas river to Dodge City, we saw a great deal of wheat, good as any I ever saw. Dodge City is a lively little town, as well as a hard one. It is in the valley near Fort Dodge. Has near 250 inhabitants, with 17 houses of ill fame and 3 dance houses, where regular soldiers and cow boys, as well as citizens, take their spite out in shooting one another. I was told that there were over 200 persons buried there, and only 5 died of natural death.
Traveling through the eastern portion of Colorado, one can see many towns, which once were lively, but today are dead; Pueblo one among the rest. Pueblo once claimed near 5,000 inhabitants, but the rush to the mining districts hurt her. Property which four years ago could have been sold for $7,000 sold the other day for $2,500. A person can rent a nice brick residence in town for $5 or $6 per month.
Many who come to this country leave their families in Pueblo and vicinity and go on to the mines, as everything is cheap here and they can keep their families for half what they can in the mountains. Goods are as cheap here as they are in Kansas. Best flour, five dollars per hundred; coffee, 3-1/2 pounds per dollar; bacon sells at 13 cents per pound, and everything else in proportion. Dry goods are a good deal cheaper here than they are in Kansas.
Now let me say something about the mines. Doubtless, they are rich in all their mineral properties, but on account of their being mostly owned by poor men who are not able to buy a sufficient amount of machinery which they should have, they cannot give work to more than half of the people who are immigrating there at the present time. Taking Colorado all over, it is a poor place for a poor man. It is entirely overdone by poor men.
Lake City, among many other towns in the mines, has at present 800 or 1,000 men without money or work. Those who can get work for their board are doing so, while many are stealing. Hundreds are leaving and hundreds are coming in.
Colorado is a poor place for a poor man to come to at present. All those who can stay in Kansas and make their board, had better stay, for they can't make anything here. I think in the course of a year or two, when the mines get developed, it will be a good place for a laboring man, but it is running over with laboring men now.
I started to Colorado from Cowley county last April, where I had been living since 1870. I had the intention of making Colorado my home and haven't changed my mind yet. I like the country as well as I expected, and think Colorado is the healthiest country I was ever in. That is the reason why I expect to make it my home.
Rosy and Cass Endicott are well satisfied with the country, also Coburn and Jay.
TRAVELER, JUNE 27, 1877.
Another boat for the Lower Arkansas is now tied up at the bridge. It is sixty feet long, and provided with two cabins all complete and painted. Wichita Eagle.
The body of John Broderick, who was drowned in the Ninneschah, was recovered on the 12th inst. It washed ashore about one half mile below the place where he met his terrible death. Independent.
TRAVELER, JUNE 27, 1877.
TEN FEET of water in the Walnut.
TRADE is brisk with machine men.
The Traveler editor sports $18 alligator boots.
Prof. Bacon is employed at Kellogg & Hoyt's drug store.
We learn the wife of Capt. Smith is lying ill from a stroke of paralysis.
O. P. JOHNSON was at Winfield last week, hailing from the Black Hills.
The election in Elk county for the L. L. & G. railroad bonds has been called for July 17th.
BORN. To Mr. and Mrs. Patterson, on Monday night, June 25th, a daughter. Average weight.
The Oxford ferry-boat is doing a fine business crossing passengers and freight over the Arkansas river.
WILL LEONARD returned to his father house last week, after perambulating through Arkansas and a great portion of Kansas.
The Telegram's ad, "We still want a boy at this office," has been responded to, and the want supplied by the editor's wife.
The yield of wheat per acre will not be as large as anticipated in this county, owing to the heavy rainfalls when the wheat was in blossom.
Rev. Wingar and family will take a trip west this week for their health, camping out as they go along. They will be absent about six weeks.
ESCAPED. Last week A. W. Patterson and Wm. Gray arrested a man in Sumner county known under the assumed name of John Scott, by order of a Sheriff of Iowa. The arrested party was accused of horse stealing in Iowa, and broke jail from that State before his trial. The real name of the man was John Marahue. He was taken from this place to Wichita and was confined in a hotel during the night. Thinking him asleep, one of the officers left him locked in his room for a few minutes while he went downstairs after a pair of handcuffs.
As soon as Marahue discovered he was alone, he jumped out of bed, took his clothes under his arm, broke the lock of his door, and one on the hall door, and made his way out. He was then tracked in the mud under an elevator, but before a light could be procured, escaped from them again and is now at large. The Sheriff came down on the train Saturday night, but failed to find his man. Marahue was arrested at this place before he moved to Sumner county for stealing, but afterwards turned loose.
The committee appointed to arrange for some kind of an entertainment on the Fourth, after consulting with the friends of the different schools, have decided to join with the good people of Bolton in a general celebration. The place of meeting, in Capt. Smith's grove, just west of the Arkansas. The facilities for crossing the river afforded by the new ferry, just west of the city, have removed all objections to going to the west side, and for this reason the committee unanimously recommend that we avail ourselves of this opportunity of meeting our friends in Bolton. By order of committee.
HAIL STORM. On Monday night a hail storm fell in this section with considerable violence. At Mr. Clingman's farm a colt was killed by hail, and a mare by lightning. Parties who were out in the storm had to seek cover. Considerable wheat was blown down and theshed out.
DISTINGUISHED GUEST. O. J. Schneck, of the St. Charles Hotel, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, who lately paid this place a visit to see his friend, James Huey, is a young man of considerable renown. It was he, two years ago, who made the balloon ascension from Philadelphia that created so much excitement. He has made five ascensions, varying from one to three and a half miles above the earth. It was his intention, when he left this place, to return and engage in the stock business before many months.
Among other acquaintance the editor had the pleasure of meeting in the mountains was Walt. Smith, of Colorado Springs, formerly a cattle man and Register of Deeds in this county, and David Lewis, of Denver, who is attending school at the above place. Also, Rev. I. O. Smith, who is following the avocation of selling books. Dave was lively, and apparently doing well. He works at his trade, stone-cutting, half of the time, and attends a commercial school the other half.
The Elk county folks speak in the highest terms of praise of the delegation sent by Winfield to assist in their bond election, Messrs. Manning, Seward, Kelly, Curns, and Kinne. Courier.
Yes, they praise them, for in working to carry the bonds, they defeated them. Elk county is able to manage her own affairs without the help of Winfield politicians.
LIGHTNING STRIKE. About two o'clock Tuesday morning a bolt of lightning struck the spire of the First Church, and tore the cupola considerably, besides knocking off the plastering and damaging the sides of the building. The cause of the damage is attributed to an old lightning rod being improperly adjusted on the building.
SICK. ED. G. GRAY, foreman of the printing office, has been confined to his room for several days, and Charley Coombs, one of the main helps, has just recovered from an attack of fever. The responsibility of the office for awhile rested entirely on Clarence Harris, who managed it manfully.
MR. YOUNG, engineer of the Kansas City, Emporia & Southern Railway, with Gov. Eskridge, were at Nenescah yesterday. The represent a road that will be built into this section of country within the next two years.
About three thousand northern Cheyennes, accompanied by three companies of soldiers, are on their way to the Indian Territory, west of the Arkansas river. They should reach their destination next Saturday.
PANTHER. A couple of men from Colorado, camped back of Finney's stable, have a young panther three months old, about the size of an ordinary dog, that is as playful as a kitten.
SALT CITY has elected city fathers. One of the principla amusements in a western city of the third class is to pass ordinances. Some western Legislatures are addicted to the same habit.
MAPLE TOWNSHIP, June 26, 1877.
A heavy thunderstorm passed over Maple township yesterday. Hailstones fell as large as hen eggs, though fortunately few in number. The house of Mr. John Gayman was struck by lightning, and a young lady sitting by the stone [?] had her shoes torn from her feet, but was not personally injured.
A stable belonging to Mr. Butler was lifted from its foundation and turned partially around. Mr. B. K. Berry had a valuable horse killed by the lightning. No serious damage was done to the crops. Wheat badly damaged by rust; all ripe and ready at once for the sickle, ground too soft to run the reapers. Health good. Harvest hands plenty. RED BUD.
CORN is growing very fast.
EVERY stage brings strangers.
WHEAT harvesting everywhere.
The Walnut affords excellent swimming.
BLACKBERRIES are getting ripe and lots of them.
P. H. WOODARD goes to Pawnee Agency as blacksmith.
YOUNG prairie chickens will be ready to shoot by August 15th.
The Kaw Agency school closed last week for a vacation of six week.
Indian war dance and grand jollification over at Peru, Chautauqua county, today.
DIED. On Saturday, June 30th, of dropsy, B. F. Edwards, of Grouse creek.
WILD plums are ripe on the Arkansas, and will continue ripening for six weeks to come.
One of the stage horses driven by Tommy Young dropped dead in the road last Wednesday.
The wind storm of last Friday night blew down the stables of Charles Parker and J. T. Stewart.
The State Bank of Missouri has failed, and one of our prosperous farmers has a check of $500 on it.
JOSEPH H. SHERBURNE returned from Washington City last Monday. He has been absent several weeks.
JUDGE CHRISTIAN's daughter, who has been a missionary to Egypt, spent a few days with her parents this week.
One of the crew that accompanied Rexford on his trip to Kaw Agency became so dry on the way that he claimed to sweat dust.
Under a late decision by the Supreme Court of Kansas, a tax deed containing more than one description or tract of land is void.
MR. HOPKINS, formerly of Hopkins' Ranche, on Pond Creek, passed by this place this week on his way to Coffeyville with beef cattle.
PRESTON WALKER lost one of his ponies yesterday morning from costiveness [?]. It was one of the team known as the "Hughes" ponies.
PETITIONS are again in circulation to submit bond propositions in the townships that failed to vote aid to the
K. C., E. & S. R. R. in Butler county.
The Courier implores its readers not to give up on the east and west railroad. It is only a question of time when they will give up the Parsons humbug.
It is rumored that two Indians were killed on Rock Creek, this county; last week, by parties from Nebraska, from whom said Indians had stolen horses.
DIED. On Wednesday, June 27th, of paralysis, Mrs. Smith, wife of Capt. O. C. Smith, of Bolton Township. The afflicted brother has our heartfelt sympathies.
MEN OF THE BORDER soon learn to provide for themselves in time of trial. In the winter the timber is warmer than the prairie, but if caught on the prairie, a hole dug in the ground large enough for the body would often prevent freezing. The compass or resin weed indicates north, as does the moss and bark on trees. Water can be obtained from the root of a prairie plant, while the cactus affords food when baked. Land turtles are found in the shade of small plants; and when roasted, are good eating. A match, ever so wet, can be dried by placing it in the hair of your head, or next to your body.
MR. D. H. CLOUGH, having lately sold his place, intends starting for Oregon by the 1st of August next, either by rail or team. If he goes by wagon, he would like to have company, and consequently would be pleased to hear from any person or persons contemplating such a trip. From what we know of Mr. Clough, we feel safe in saying that he would be good company for anybody, and would do his share toward lessening the tediousness of such a journey. Parties desiring good company should address him at Arkansas City. He has the stamps, and is a whole-souled fellow.
A CASE OF BRUTALITY. We learn that one of our citizens, in a fit of passion, beat a fine calf to death on Sunday evening, because it would not do as he wanted it to do. We have a statute making it a misdemeanor, subject to a fine of $50, to beat, maim, or torture any horse, ox, or other cattle. If such a case occurs again, we shall give the name of the party guilty of such wanton cruelty.
PROF. HOYT is organizing a class in gymnastic performances. The courthouse is the place where they exercise themselves. The professor is quite an expert at the various tricks on the horizontal bar, tumbling, etc., having been connected at various times with traveling exhibitions. He is as good as any of them. Eldorado Press.
You can bet your last nickel on our "Buffalo Joe." He gave lessons to the circus performers here two years ago.
ANOTHER BOAT, about thirty-five feet long by twelve feet eight inches in width, is lying at the west ferry with a load of drugs, bound for Fort Smith. It has a cabin on each end, and contains thirteen persons and five tons of chattels. Dr. Trichen, of Wichita, has command of the vessel, and is moving his entire drug store from the railroad terminus of Sedgwick county.
We had the pleasure last week of meeting Mr. Searing, Agent of the Pawnees. Mr. Searing was formerly connected with the agency of the Sioux, and while comparatively a young man, is an experienced man among Indians. He is an agreeable gentleman, and we hope to meet him often.
The Eldorado Times says: "Tom Bonar, of Grouse creek, is lost in the Indian Territory, and a party of men are hunting for him." Can't be. Tom's feet are so large that he could be trailed to California. The Times must mean that the Territory is lost to Tom Bonar.
SILVER BRICKS. While riding in the express car from Denver, we had the pleasure of seating ourself on three silver bricks, each about five by four inches broad on the end and ten inches long, being valued at $1,500 each.
The citizens of Bolton are requested to meet at the Turner school house on Saturday next, 7th inst., at 3 o'clock sharp, to take some action in regard to repairing the bridge across the Arkansas. Let there be a full turn-out. T.
MANSON REXFORD started from the place last Thursday morning, and reached Kaw Agency Friday morning with a load of machinery for the Agency, weighing 1,820 pounds. His boat was six by sixteen feet.
There will be a Fourth of July celebration at West's grove on Grouse creek today. Orations will be delivered by J. J. Johnson, Andrew Jackson Show, and Orin Wilkinson. A general good time is expected.
THE STORM on Friday night blew down the old stable on Central Avenue. It had a slight leaning to the north for several days previous, but the wind on Friday night brought it down flat.
ORIN WILKINSON attempted to swim the Arkansas last week, with the halter strap of his pony tied around his neck. When he got about half way across, the animal turned about and towed the man to the shore he started from, nearly choking the life out of him in the performance.
The city council met and granted a saloon license to Blenden and Cundeff Monday evening. Ordered $250 to be paid for the ferry boat west of town on the Arkansas, and decided that it should be a free ferry.
That large lemon hanging in the Post Office was left by
A. A. Beck, who has just returned from Los Angeles, California. He says California is no place for a poor man.
ALL persons indebted to P. H. Woodard, will please call at Berry Brothers for settlement.
30 head of large Texas horses for sale. Apply to L. C. Wood.
HORSE. Taken up by S. D. Cole, of Vernon township. One black horse, 15-1/2 hands high; 10 or 12 years old, star in forehead, and white on end of nose and hind foot, stringhalted in both hind legs--swaybacked; had an old leather halter on when taken.
TRAVELER, JULY 14, 1877.
Wonder what the Oxford Independent thinks now about the Memphis & Ellsworth railroad? Winfield Courier.
Well, after considering the matter carefully and dispassionately, we have finally arrived at the conclusion that if, and if, the company had been composed of railroad men and really desired to build a road of that magnitude, over that line, and had been able to command the necessary capital to build it with, and Cowley county had made arrangements to construct the road en-tirely across the county, and Elk county, and other counties east, had voted the bonds at the rate of $4,000 per mile, the company might probably have built the road, but in the absence of any and all of these necessary adjuncts and qualifications, the "little Kingdom on the Walnut" is left out in the cold; but then, the Kansas City, Emporia & Southern road will be constructed, and near enough to be accessible to most people of that county, besides they, in time, may be able to get a branch of the road to Winfield. Oxford Independent.
Bill Posey, who had up to that time led a decent life in Limestone county, Texas, three years ago began the career of an outlaw. Lack of money could not have incited him to such a course, for he was doing well as a herder, and simple love of deviltry must have been the cause. He became a horse thief, and his crimes were so numerous that twenty-nine indictments accumulated against him.
He recently escaped from a prison to which he had been sentenced for ten years, and a Sheriff's party, hoping to get the reward of $500 that was offered for him "dead or alive," pursued him into the Indian Territory.
Bill Posey was armed with a rifle and two revolvers when overtaken, but a shot broke his right arm before he could fire. He tried to use a revolver with his left hand, but a bullet in his shoulder completely disabled him. Still he persevered, and, spurring his horse into a run, overturned one of his assailants by a violent collision. Then more bullets were fired into his body, and killed him.
Mr. O. P. Johnson and Miss Clara Tansey were married on Monday evening of this week. We have often wondered what attraction there could be at Winfield for O. P., who was so familiar with the excitements accompanying the life of an Indian scout--and now the mystery is solved. O. P. has our heartfelt congratulations on the happy and successful termination of his scouting around Winfield. He has won a treasure of whom he may ever be proud, and we wish he and his fair bride every happiness that they could wish. That O. P.'s future "scouts" may not lead him into danger, but be made up principally of "little harmless scouts," is the wish of the Telegram.
The Indians are again at their devilish work in Idaho. They are on the war path in dead earnest, and are murdering men, women, children, and soldiers, stealing stock, and burning villages. There are no troups in that country and the chances are that it will be depopulated.
The Indians are on the war path near Washington Territory, and are said to number 1,500 braves, in several bands. A number of settlers have been killed by them, and Gen. Howard has ordered all available troops to Lewiston, and telegraphed to Gen. Sherman to send all he could as the outbreak is becoming formidable.
The Ponca Indians, who lately passed through this place on their way to the Indian Territory, are civilized, and have partially learned the arts of peace. In their new home they will undoubtedly progress more rapidly. In their new home the 800 Indians will have 40,000 acres of land, and will be the nearest tribe to Baxter Springs. Girard Press.
Five Indians stole seven horses at or near Grand Island, Nebraska, ten days ago. The officers were here after the thieves, having tracked them over three hundred miles and to within two miles of Wichita. In all that distance, the party passed through but two towns and high water forced them through these. The officers think they crossed the Big river night before last. No doubt the thieves were making for the Indian Territory. Eagle.
The Fourth of July in Bolton.
[For the TRAVELER.]
Mr. Editor:
I attended the Fourth of July in Bolton last Wednesday, and took a few notes I want to tell you. I did not go for fun; I did not go for frolic; but for sober, solid information and instruction, and to see the people and things. I saw you there, to begin with, and concluded from appearances that the local department of the paper would be neglected, as you had your hand full, mind full, and from the monstrous basket you towed around, I took it for granted you would soon have a stomach full. An editor is always hungry, they say, and I believe it. But I don't want to write this article entirely about you, for there were others equally as handsome as yourself and lady.
Do not censure me if I am too critical, for you know half a woman lives for is to see and be seen, talk a great deal, and hear much more. Men are slow, stupid beings, capable of talking only one at a time, but we, the fairest of God's creatures, can talk all together.
Isn't it delightful to go to a picnic, sit down under a shady bough, and watch the people, and make comparisons? I had just such a location when I made these notes.
First on the scene was Mr. Skinner, senior. You can assure yourself he would be first if he came at all. Then came Frank Denton, Mr. Parvin, Capt. Hoffmaster, Mr. Steiner, and "Jim," with their amiable wives all neatly dressed. Soon after came what the TRAVELER has dubbed the "young bloods" of Bolton and Creswell.
There was that wild and reckless Will Stewart, who drives as though he was running a passenger coach, followed by modest (?) O. C. Skinner and the constable of your town, with gayly attired ladies.
Soon the dignity of Creswell appeared, with covered carriages and fine horses. Among them Col. McMullen, Dr. Alexander, Rev. Fleming, O. P. Houghton, and last, but not least, his Honor, Judge Christian, and Amos Walton, speakers of the day.
I did like Judge Christian's oration, and was surprised at the ability of the old gentleman and his powers of delivery. Anyone could see it was a speech prepared by hard study, and a great amount of reading. If the ground committee had done their duty and prepared seats, many more would have heard the speech, but for elderly persons to stand in a grove without a breath of air stirring is too much for comfort, much less to pay attention to an oration.
Among the audience there was the handsome young widow with money to loan, the belles of Bolton and their adored, the boisterous town roughs, and wives of distinguished citizens, who came alone, leaving their husbands to remain at home to look after the "by-bie." There wee good, bad, and indifferent persons among the crowd. At the table also was a sight. On one side, mild, kind, and lovely women could be seen, and nearby the uncouth, voracious individual whose mouth looked as though he had his throat cut, every time he opened it.
There were many strangers I had never seen before, and familiar faces I have not had the pleasure of seeing for some time. One fine appearing, Christian looking gentleman, I learned, was from Illinois, and others I was informed lived across the Arkansas. Understand me when I say across the Arkansas, to mean on the north side, for I am a resident of Bolton township.
But I have scarcely referred to my notes. Rev. McClanahan, a new preacher, began the exercises with prayer. The Declaration was then commendably read by Mr. Parvin, of our side; then the brass band of your place, after a series of toots, and yells for "Charley," "Frank," "Ret," "where's Lyman Herrick?" and "where's Ed. Thompson?" worked up a tune. We supposed "Charley" and "Frank" and "Ret" to be single men, and imagined they might be promenading with someone's sister, but we do not know it. Yes, they worked up a tune finally. I would give you the name of it, if I could, but I could not find anyone who knew it.
After prayer, Dr. Shepard, who was appointed Chairman, introduced Hon. James Christian. His speech lasted about half an hour, and was appreciated by all who heard it. Hon. Amos Walton then spoke in a strong, pleasing tone, after which the gathering began to separate and seek their homes.
This, Mr. Editor, is all I have to say. If at any future time you wish me to express my sentiments, I may be in the mood to favor you. I desire to thank the people of your township for the patriotism they manifested in coming to Bolton township for a Fourth of July Celebration when they couldn't have one at home, and the good wives of the Bolton men who worked to make it a success.
I also want to say that the visit paid us by your most estimable ladies, Mrs. and Miss Revs. Thompson, Mrs. Fleming, Mrs. Shepard, Mrs. Hughes, Mrs. Sipes, Mrs. McMullen, and a number of others, will be returned, as they added much to the enjoyment of the occasion. I also desire to thank the band boys, for they meant well in their heads, but their hearts, I fear, troubled them. There were a number of young ladies, also, whom I would be gratified to have call on me at any time, and the young boys know they are all cherished and loved by
Incidents in the Career of Hon. Wm. Cody, Better Known as
"Buffalo Bill"--How He Obtained His Sobriquet--Adventures in Indian Campaigns.
[From the San Francisco Call.]
Nearly everyone, male or female, young or old, is tinged with a love of adventure and admiration of those few whose daring deeds on flood or field have made them famous. One cannot help respecting bravery, whether moral or physical, and where it is aided by indomitable will, keen perception, strict integrity, unassuming modesty, and unfailing good humor, this respect merges into a still warmer feeling for the fortunate man who possesses so many good qualities.
William T. Cody, better known as "Buffalo Bill," is fully entitled to this character, as any army officer with whom he has served during the past 20 years will bear witness. Cody is
for, with every disadvantage of education and early training to contend against, he has steadily advanced upon the road which chance engineered for him, keeping clerk of the pitfalls, and passing, one after another, all his competitors, until he stands today the foremost scout in America. This is no fulsome flattery, for everyone who knows Cody acknowledges his worth and feels honored in claiming him as a friend.
The writer of this article has had many opportunities to judge the man's character, and has always found him courageous, keen witted, and absolutely faithful to his friends. When serving as a scout, he is the associate, not the inferior, of the officers, is always a welcome visitor to their tents, and holds receptions in his own camp second only to those of the General in command. Or course, his roving, vagabond life has given little opportunity for the acquirement of society polish, or of educational improvement, and his manner lacks the refinement of the carpet knight; but that ingredient of the true gentleman, which instinctively avoids any word or deed that might wound the feelings of another, that self-denial for the sake of others, and that almost reckless generosity toward those who are in trouble, are found in Cody, and prove him to be one of those rare phenomena, a nature's nobleman.
Will Cody was born in Iowa, Scott county, in 1838, and is therefore 39 years of age. While he was yet an infant, his father, whose pioneer instincts always carried him to the farthest frontier, became an Indian trader in Kansas and Nebraska, and it was in that wilderness and under such untoward circumstances that "Little Billy," his then nom de plume, picked up the rudiments of education from the kindly wives of officers at different forts and trading posts.
In 1855 the boy started in life on his own account, and drove an army team until 1857, when he
and made the campaign under Sidney Johnston. During 1860 and 1861 he was employed as pony express rider on some of the most dangerous portions of the overland route.
Early in 1862 he joined that celebrated band known as Gen. Blount's "Red legged Scouts," and served with them in Kansas and Western Missouri until the close of the war, when he went out to the plains as government scout and dispatch carrier.
In 1867 he was appointed chief hunter of the Kansas Pacific Railroad Company, and it was in their service that he gained his sobriquet of "Buffalo Bill," on account of the immense number of bison that fell to his rifle.
When the Indian war broke out, during that year he served with the army under Generals Hancock and Custer, and in 1868 was appointed Chief of Scouts for the Department of the Missouri. He remained in service until 1871, when he had the management of the Grand Duke Alexis' hunting party.
In February, 1872, he paid his first visit to the East. Being then taken in hand by theatrical managers, who scented a fresh sensation in a good looking frontiersman, Cody made
and since that time has passed his winters in paint and tinsel on the stage, his summers in patched buckskin on the plains. So far superior is his love of actual music warfare that at the outbreak of the Sioux war last year he forfeited an engagement in the East, and hurried to the front, where he was at once appointed chief of scouts, first to Gen. Crook's command and after to the joint commands of Crook and Terry. Toward the close of the campaign, Cody performed a remarkable feat of physical endurance, and the writer can vouch for the truth of the following description.
Believing the war practically at a close, so far as any actual fighting was concerned, when the command reached the Yellowstone River, he resigned his position and started for the Missouri on a steamer, the commands meanwhile marching back into the Bad Lands on their bootless (fruitless) search for the unfindable Sitting Bull.
The steamer was delayed for two days some few miles below the late camp, and as he was starting out on the second afternoon, met a steamer coming up from the settlement with dispatches for Terry and Crook. There were several well known scouts on board, but Gen. Whistler made a special request that Cody should carry the dispatches through, offering him, in case he should accept the task, the use of his own blooded mare.
The mission was not only difficult, but dangerous. Difficult, because the command was known to be at least thirty miles distant, and the intervening country to be as scarred and rugged as the face of a volcano; dangerous, on account of the small war parties of Indians that were scattered all through the district.
Of course, Cody undertook the mission, leaving the steamer at 5 a.m. He returned shortly after midnight with counter dispatches from the twin commands, and so great had been the exertion that General Whistler's mare died during the night.
Finding that a fresh batch of orders must be sent forward, Cody insisted upon carrying them, as he had already crossed the country and could make better time. At one o'clock, after only three-quarters of an hour's rest, he started off upon a fresh horse into the dark night, for it was raining, and the darkness seemed impenetrable.
At 11:00 a.m. the next morning he appeared mounted upon the third horse, for the second one also had broken down. His face looked haggard, and his step was weary as he came across the gang plank to be greeted by rousing cheers from rank and file;. but he quickly handed over the dispatches and said, "If you don't need me longer, General, I'll take a nap." Within six hours he was up again, apparently as bright and fresh as on the previous day, and that after riding more than 120 miles over a land that is truly named "God-forsaken."
Cody is a splendid looking specimen of humanity, over six feet in height, weighing nearly 200 pounds, and admirably proportioned, while his aquiline features, somewhat outre style in dress, and long dark brown hair, which falls in masses of curls over his shoulders, make him a center of attraction among the puny dwellers in cities.
A couple of anecdotes, as told by him to the narrator, told over the campfire and vouched for by gentlemen present, will give a fair idea of the life this adventurous man has passed, of his endurance in time of suffering, and desperate courage in the hour of danger.
"Look here, Will," said one of the officers as he kicked the glowing embers into a blaze, "spin us a yarn about yourself and shut up about other people." The request was unanimously approved, and one officer remarked: "Tell them about that rough spell on the Republican, for they have probably not heard it."
Will shook the last drop out of his canteen (it was only alkali water with a dash of lemon in it) and said: "I'm not much of a hand at blowing this sort of a trumpet, but if you want to hear
when he was on the ragged edge, I'll tell you how George Hanson stood by me.
In the winter of 1859, and it was a winter, George and I were trapping on a branch of the Republican river. The Indians were pretty much friendly at that time, and it was too cold for them to be browsing around much anyhow, so we felt cozy as pie in a little dug-out we'd made in the side of the bluff. One day while George and I were skylarking on the ice, I fell and broke my leg, or rather, I splintered the shin bone. That sort of thing isn't the pleasantest in the world, even if you are at a post where there's a doctor to look out for you, and when it happens on the plains in mid-winter, you feel like saying your prayers.
George took it very rough, almost worse than I did, and he just hustled around me as though I was a baby. He made some splints, and set the bone as well as he could, and then he got a lot of firewood and piled it in the dug-out, laid in a supply of meat, and as much water as we had cans to hold, and then he said: "I must get you to the settlement, old boy." Our horses saw nothing for them to eat thereabouts, so had wandered away some time before. George piled our blankets and pelts together, and laid me on them; then he took a pull at his belt, picked up his rifle, and started out a foot.
To say I felt lonely wouldn't express it, but you see I knew he ought to be back in twelve days, and I just counted the hours. The twelve days passed, somehow or other, then came the thirteenth, but George didn't turn up. All the wood I could get was gone by this time, so I couldn't melt the ice or cook the meat, and had to be content with raw flesh frozen and icicles or snow. Day after day passed and still he didn't come, and I knew he was dead or had come to grief somewhere, for that sort of a man don't leave a friend in the lurch, cost what it may. I tell you, gentlemen, you can hear the wolves now if you listen, but you are used to it and don't mind them, nor did I until that time; but when my fire was gone, they'd get around that dug-out at nights, and howl like dogs over their dead master. It wasn't cheerful at the start and didn't grow more comfortable as
But you see a man hates to die like a wounded bear, so I just held on for all I knew. Twenty days and nights had passed, and I began to reckon up what I had done in this world and the time I had left to stay in it. I got through that night somehow or other, but I guess my head was a little off next day, for I seemed to hear voices all around, and didn't feel the bitter cold as I had before. All of a sudden I heard footsteps crackling on the ice outside, but couldn't call out for the life of me. It was George. He crawled slowly into the dug-out and came along side of me, where I lay with my eyes shut, for I couldn't look up at first, and when I did then--well, didn't either of us say anything for awhile.
You see he had reached the settlements all right, and started back alone with an ox team--people didn't care about traveling around much that winter. On the second day out, an awful snow storm commenced, and he struggled and blundered against it till his team wouldn't go any further. He didn't give up, however, but fought his way along whenever he could get a start out of his team, although he made up his mind at last that he'd find nothing of me but the bones; and this is how he came to be so late. He took me down to the nearest fort on the cart, and there they set the leg over again. You can see the lump on it still. No, that's a bullet wound, and that's where an arrow struck.
On another, but similar occasion, Will told the following story.
"We were coming back from the Mormon scrimmage, when Sidney Johnson had command, you know, and I was sort of assistant in the wagon train. I was quite a lad then. Lou. Simpson was Brigade Wagonmaster, and had charge of two trains, which traveled about 15 miles apart, and his second in command was George Woods. About noon one day Simpson, Woods, and I started from the hindmost train to overtake the one in front. Knowing there were Indians about, we kept the sharpest kind of a lookout, but didn't see anything until we got near Ash Hollow, on the North Platte, some eight miles from the train we'd left, when a band of about sixty Indians rose out of a gulch a half mile off and came for us. Simpson, who understood that sort of business, made us jump off and put our mules together, head to tail, in the shape of a triangle, and he then shot them dead in their tracks with a revolver. This made an all around breast-work, behind which we lay. Each of us had a heavy muzzle loading rifle and two Colt's revolvers, so we made it pretty warm for the reds; but it was right on the smooth prairie, and they charged up within a few yards of us, hitting Woods hard at the first fire. He couldn't do any more fighting, poor fellow, but he lay on his back and loaded while we did the shooting. The Indians didn't have any guns at that time, and they didn't charge right over people as they sometimes do nowadays, but they'd ride up within a few yards, pop off their arrows, and circle away, throwing themselves on the off side of their ponies. After keeping up this business until almost sundown, they gave it up and squatted out of range, evidently determined to starve us out, and so we had no way of getting water. They, of course, thought we were stragglers from the train they had seen pass. During that afternoon we killed twelve Indians, besides wounding a number, for they would ride up so close that we could give it to them with a revolver in each hand. In the morning they made a few charges, just enough to keep us excited, but the holding on policy is what they meant. At eleven o'clock that day the train hove in sight, and the Indians, whooping like devils, made one final charge, and left in short order. This is about the tightest scrape I ever got caught in, and it did not make me love the Indians any better, you may be sure."
TRAVELER, JULY 11, 1877.
A lady correspondent of the Leavenworth Times speaks complimentary of one of the editors of this county as follows.
"There was another little feller who belongs to the rural destricks, they called Manning. He is a nice, smart, little feller; he had lemon and sugar and tea. He would lemon and sugar and then fold himself up till he just fit in one of them seats; and slept and slept, and after awhile he would wake up and lemon and sugar, and say something nice and smart to the ladies, and go to sleep again. But then he was very kind with his cold tea; he passed it round quite often; he gave me some--awful strong tea, but pretty good. If ever I go again with the brains of Kansas, I hope Manning will be along."
MAPLE CITY, June 28, 1877.
Friend Scott:
I am in trouble. For six months or more there has regularly appeared, at the tail of my name, a phonetic specimen of writing, which at first, not understanding what it meant, looked quite funny, but soon the funny part of it left and it began to worry me. I commenced getting nervous whenever I took the TRAVELER out of the office and found that tail end still attached to my name. Soon the nervous symptoms began to give way for the more dreaded ones of the galloping consumption. Now, unless I can persuade you to stop that way of doing, you will certainly have my obituary notice to write in a very short time. I thought for a time it was one of your gentlemanly duns, and I sent $2 by W. T. Estus and got a receipt from you showing that my subscription was paid up two weeks or more in advance of the receipt, which was May 27, 1877. Now rise and explain by return mail if you please.
The joke is too good to keep, so we publish Mr. Libby's letter. He is the oldest subscriber we have at Maple City, and his name appears first on the list. The mailing clerk, in making up each "pack" puts a mark in phonography, for short, indicating what post office the pack goes to, so that when they are all made up and ready to be wrapped, the top paper shows the address. A few weeks ago we had to "explain" to the Wichita Eagle, and later the Oxford Independent inquired, and now comes Mr. Libby to cap the climax. ED.
The A. T. & S. F. R. R.
Its Proposed Extension to the Pacific Ocean.
Several papers both eastern and western, are publishing rumors to the effect that a junction between the new Southern California railroad and the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad is in contemplation, and will be made as soon as it becomes evident that a Southern Pacific road cannot be constructed at the expense of the Government.
The Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad is private property, and was constructed by Massachusetts capital as a business investment. It runs in a southwesterly direction, through Kansas, through the Arkansas Valley to Pueblo, Colorado, and thence proceeds to Trinidad. But the design of the company is to cross the mountains in a pass near Fort Garland, and thence proceed almost due south to Santa Fe, in New Mexico; the company have the money to carry out their design.
There will remain only the gap between Tucson, the proposed terminus in Arizona of the Southern California road, and Santa Fe, the terminus of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe, to fill up. This is a distance of about 450 miles, and two rich corporations, that have already built several thousand miles of railroad, will not find it difficult to arrange for filling up so short a gap, which will give them a new and independent route to the Pacific.
Major Wm. Burgess, for a long time agent of the Pawnees, and relieved at his own request, has gone back to his old home in Iowa. He leaves many warm friends in this locality, and we doubt if ever a better man fills the place he has so well and long filled. Coffeyville Courier.
TRAVELER, JULY 11, 1877.
The Last Stubborn Fight and Death
Of the Terror of the Indian Territory.
[From the Chicago Times.]
Eufaula, Indian Territory, June 22. "Killed while resisting arrest," is the return to be made by Sun thlar pee, of Utechee Town, Captain of the Creek light horse, in the chase of Bill Posey, one of the most notorious and reckless daredevils of the gang of Texas, Indian Territory, and Kansas desperadoes, horse and cattle thieves, that have invested this country for years.
With headquarters in Kansas and Texas, their trail has led through the Indian Territory from Coffeyville south through the wilderness of the Osage reservation, crossing the Arkansas river near Childer's ferry, through Creek and Chickasaw nations to Dennison or Fort Worth, Texas.
Tens of thousands of dollars worth of stock have been stolen from Texas, driven north through the Territory, always under charge of some outlaw along the route, driven by hidden and unused trails through a country so sparsely settled that often days elapsed without a human being in sight to identify either the stock or the thieves. Picking up cattle feeding on the range belonging to Indians, their droves were always increasing, until the loss to the citizens of the Creek nation became unbearable.
Among this band Bill Posey, an escaped convict from the Texas penitentiary, was a skilled, daring, and influential leader. A Spanish-Mexican, with a claim to Indian blood in his veins, Posey has made his headquarters on Cane creek, Polecat, and Arkansas rivers, drifting back and forth as occasion required, always armed to the teeth. With a long Spanish knife and three six-shooting revolvers in his belt, and a double barrelled shot gun loaded with buckshot, he was the terror of the road.
For several years he had been a member of the gang in Texas. He had wealthy and influential friends in Limestone and other counties, who had managed to screen him until four years ago, when he was arrested, tried, and sentenced to five years in the penitentiary. He had served out twenty months of his sentence, but so turbulent had he been that he had inspired a feeling of terror even among the prison officials. Bucking, gagging, flogging, or showering failed to subdue him, and he was put in the chain gang and set to work on the streets under charge of guards.
While working one day with a twelve pound ball attached to his leg, he struck down one of the guards with a stone, snatched his gun, and "stood off" four of the guards. He called on the prison authorities, with oaths, to come out and rearrest him, and he would kill them all. Holding all the officers at bay, he slowly retreated toward some horses feeding nearby. Getting one of the horses between himself and the guard, he coolly picked up the ball, slung it over the horse, mounted and rode off to his father's house, where he secured his own gun, revolver, and a good horse, and crossed the line into the Indian Territory.
While at his temporary home on Cane creek, two Deputy United States Marshals attempted his arrest. He assented, and asked them into the house for dinner before starting for Fort Smith. With four revolvers pointed at his head, he coolly walked into the house with them, placed chairs, and ordered dinner quick for three, and made preparations for the start. Suddenly he reached under his low couch, brought out his six shooter, and sent one ball through the thigh of one of the deputies and another ball through the eye of the other. He then drove them from the house. He ordered them to throw up their hands, down their arms, and then coolly asked for the writ. This he destroyed. Then he compelled the officers to go back into the house and partake of the meal prepared for them, after which he let them go back to report their failure.
Between Muscogee and Okmulgee, Bill Posey built a block-house, surrounded himself with a set of desperadoes, and bade defiance to all the marshals of Texas or the Territory. Here for fifteen months he had been on the scout. During the day he never for a moment laid down his arms. He slept always with his belt of arms on the bed before him and the sixteen shooting Henry rifle in his hands. A fresh horse was always saddled near the door, and no man was ever permitted to approach him unless he was covered with the inevitable rifle. His reckless bravado led him, out of pure cussedness, to mingle with crowds of men, visiting stores, whenever supplies were needed, or taking a seat in church among the worshippers, armed, and taking care to keep the saints always to the front.
Recently the Governor of Texas made a requisition on the Chief of the Creek nation for Bill Posey's arrest and return to the Texas officials. Chief Ward Coachman placed the necessary papers at once in the hands of Capt. Sun thiar pee, of Utechee town, with orders to "bring in Bill Posey, alive or dead."
On Friday last the captain learned that Posey had visited Okmulgee that day and had a wounded finger amputated, and had gone toward the Arkansas river. All that night, with a posse of two picked men, the Captain followed on Posey's trail, and on Saturday evening they came up with him near Concharte town, on Polecat creek, driving some stray horses. He was well mounted, as usual, and disdained to run from three Indians. The Captain ordered him to surrender and throw up his hands.
Posey reached for his ever present rifle, but his lost finger was in the way, and before he could bring it to bear, a load of buckshot went through his right arm, breaking it above the elbow. As it dropped limp at his side, he dropped his rifle, drew his revolver with his left, and emptied two of the chambers, and then another mass of buckshot broke his left arm. Spurring his well trained horse, he charged full speed at the Captain, knocking him and his horse over the bluff to the creek below.
Posey then wheeled upon the posse, who stood their ground, firing at him with their revolvers. The orders to take him dead or alive must be obeyed. The fight was now at close quarters. Riddled with bullets and shot, the flesh torn from his hips, both arms broken, he continued to fight, trying to ride down the officers.
Capt. Sun thiar pee had again joined his posse, this time on foot. A well aimed shot from his revolver tore off Posey's nose. It seemed impossible to kill him. Still he refused to surrender. Then the last bullet from the Captain's revolver struck Posey in the chin, breaking his jaw, and went crashing up through his brain. Bill Posey fell dead from his horse.
TRAVELER, JULY 11, 1877.
BOLTON TOWNSHIP, July 5th, 1877.
Today finds us in Bolton again, enjoying the luxuries of which all practical grangers have a bountiful supply about harvest time. Harvesting has been going on at a rapid rate during the past two weeks. Many farmers are done cutting wheat, and some have already commenced stacking. Mr. Parmer has cut 200 acres of wheat with one Marsh harvester and has a greater portion of it stacked. Mr. Dave Marcie is nearly done heading his 400 acres. Polk Stevens has been running his harvester day and night during the past week. He says he will get away with 275 acres with one machine.
The wheat crop is light this year, caused by the recent heavy rains. Corn and oats promise a good yield.
We had the pleasure of attending a picnic in Capt. O. C. Smith's grove, on Spring creek, yesterday, the 4th. Owing to the committee being busily engaged, the grove was not very well prepared. Notwithstanding the limited preparations made and the heat in the grove, the participators in the picnic seemed to enjoy themselves finely. The programme for the day was somewhat varied on account of the band boys being unable to get over until noon. The exercises of the day commenced with prayer by Rev. McClanahan. Then came Lieut. Thos. S. Parvin, who read the Declaration of Independence, which was listened to with extraordinary patience, as Mr. Parvin is an elegant reader. Next in order was dinner, which consisted of every variety of goodies, which are too numerous to mention. After dinner we listened to a very interesting, eloquent, and patriotic discourse, delivered by Judge Christian, of Arkansas City. Then came the band boys with a recital of "The Red, White, and Blue," which seemed to cheer all present, even the "old folks." Next in order was a speech from Mr. Amos Walton, who spread the eagle in the most elegant manner, after which lemonade, ice cream, music by the band, etc., until evening, when everybody went home with a gladsome heart.
The citizens of Bolton tender their many thanks to the gentlemen, speakers, and the band for their favors. More anon.
C. C. H.
TRAVELER, JULY 11, 1877.
SILVERDALE, July 9th, 1877.
The good people of Grouse valley celebrated the 4th in good style. Everything went well after getting started; but it took until 2 o'clock to get under headway owing to the neglect of some of the committees to perform duties allotted them.
All seemed to be happy, especially those young men who had their sweethearts along. The day was very warm, but the ground was well chosen, and situated in a fine grove of elm, walnut, mulberry, and other species of trees, without any underbrush or weeds. A good breeze was blowing during the day, which had free access to where the audience was seated.
The speaking was good. Owing to pressing business, Rev. McCarney, who was to deliver the oration of the day, was not on hand. Anyone else on the programme could have been spared better. The Toast, "The Flag of our Union," was well responded to by Mr. J. J. Johnson. Among other good things he said of the "old flag," I will mention one, viz: "Let an American be absent from home for the space of five or six months in foreign lands, and then let his eyes suddenly catch a glimpse of the stars and stripes. What a host of recollections of home, of friends, and all that we hold dear spring into the mind."
Mr. Daniel Grant responded to the toast, "New England," in an able manner and showed that he was acquainted with the subject. He gave the early history, in brief, of New England: the Pilgrim fathers, witchcraft, the Pequod war, etc. Among other things he said that New England was never behind when the nation was in danger, an assertion that all reading people know to be correct. Others were on for toasts, but did not respond.
The singing was excellent. The national songs, "America" and "Star Spangled Banner," were well rendered by the choir. "Take it up one side and down the other," it was a well spent Fourth.
Scott, what in the world ails that reporter of yours? Before he started out last week, he must have taken (to use a well known author's phrases) an "eye opener,"{ a "whisky straight," a "brandy smash," a "stone fence," an earthquake," all at once, or he never could have got things missed in regard to me as he did. I feel constrained to reply somewhat in detail, to his crooked assertions, simply because my name is used in the manufactured stuff. I found in the locals of July 4th the following concerning the celebration in Mr. West's grove: "Orations will be delivered by J. J. Johnson, Andrew Jackson Show, and Orin Wilkinson." Now, Scott, that is fearful. I wished I had another split stick, on a load of poles, I'd, I'd--well, it don't make any difference, the fools are not all dead yet, I can see that. I was not down on oration, J. J. Johnson was not down for one either. And Andy Show--well, Andy, no doubt will whip the man that says he had anything to do with any part of the programme except the singing and firing the salutes. Rev. McCarney was down on the programme as orator of the day. Mr. Daniel Grant, to reply to a toast I have already given. Mr. Johnson, the same, and I read an essay on the "American Union," also read the "Declaration of Independence."
Now, Scott, make that reporter "take that back," or else I'll--well, I'll not say anything more about it, only that he ought to be better posted, that's all on that.
Now about that halter, Arkansas river, pony, etc., I will say this. I did try to swim the river, but did not tie the halter around my neck, simply because I did not have any halter, but I tied the picket rope I had to the pony's neck, and started to swim the river; but the pony, like Mark Twain's mule, wanted to wade the stream, and because I would not let him he turned around and went back again. I wish the reptiles that report such stuff about me would all get the seven year itch, and scratch, scratch, scratch forever more.
TRAVELER, JULY 11, 1877.
Editor Traveler:
I don't know if I have any duty to perform and I am sure that I have no promise to render, but at the same time I feel like writing you a line about the same old theme so over done and so poorly done. I would not send this so far but I see that a recent number of the Courier of Winfield has taken the trouble to copy that old article of "B. B.," which was published and criticized by the Black Hills Daily Times some time ago but the remarks of the Times was entirely omitted and of course every reader of this partial exhibit will be deceived and pronounce the Black Hills a grand farce, which is totally false for they are as truly real as anything under the sun. Would they have moped around the parlor stove? Would they have missed those valuable experiences of life? Would they have those rich mines go undeveloped? Would they have the untold millions of wealth in gold, silver, and copper bored from the circulating medium of our country? Would they have the vast leads or lodes of lead,
lumbago [?], and mica go unused? Would they have all those and more lay in the dark and hidden recesses of the earth? Would hey have some of the prettiest and best valleys of the northwest go unpeopled entirely? Would they have a vast body of pine timber, millions upon millions of feet unused go to the consuming fire and to decay? Would they let go unseen some of the prettiest views of nature's sublimest scenery, which is lavished here, that was ever given man to feast his eyes upon, or to treat the world to scenes by transferring them by the "Tripod" to stereoscopic views?
Then aside from those reasons for giving the "Hills" a fair hearing, I am free to say that there is not one young man in every hundred, but what will find one season spent in the Black Hills a valuable schooling to him. We hear forceable expressions to that effect every day not only by the young, who is getting his eye teeth cut, but by the old as well.
They behold a round, rugged, bold, and strong manhood displayed here that will soon be nowhere else except under these circumstances, and would never meet in our quiet, little country homes which we enjoy so much and have so well.
I am bold to say that a man cannot come here and spend a season and go away again without being either wealthier, wiser, or better, for his sojourn.
Botany and Geology are two branches of science that are very different from any other locality I ever visited, but enough of those now. Good bye, Mr. Editor, wishing you as beautiful scenes and as pleasant dreams as we enjoy here, we are as ever yours.
TRAVELER, JULY 11, 1877.
CORN in tassel.
KANSAS air is pure.
CABBAGE growing nicely.
RASPBERRIES are all gone.
HARVESTING is about over.
CUCUMBERS at the Central Avenue.
The church bells chimed last Sunday.
A child of Mr. Sifford's was buried last Sunday.
After sundown a toll will be charged on the ferry.
Newman paid $1.57 cash for 86 bushels of old wheat lately.
Fifty grists of new wheat were ground at Newman's mill last week.
The work on the bridge across the Walnut is delayed for want of lime.
A number of Texans were in town yesterday selling ponies and horses, from $10 to $75.
Six hundred Ponca Indians have recently been located in the Indian Territory south of Baxter.
A few manipulators in Winfield have escrowed Cowley county out of a railroad, and gave it to Sumner.
MR. HUTCHINSON killed a large gentleman cow snake last week that measured six feet four inches in length.
A festival of blackberries and ice cream will be given at the M. E. Hall next Friday evening. All are invited.
A 300 pound bell was ordered for the school house yesterday, to cost $125. It will be here in about a month.
FREE FERRY on the Arkansas at this place. Come and go as often as you please without it costing a cent, as long as it is daylight.
A large work horse was sold by auction for $39, last Saturday, to satisfy a mortgage given by Spencer, of Sumner county, to Jacob Beall.
ANOTHER change in the ownership of the meat market took place last week. A. W. Patterson now has charge of it, and will supply the public.
WINFIELD votes on a proposition to erect a bridge across the Walnut at the brewery, and to repair the bridge south of tht place, on the 17th inst.
MEAT. A. W. PATTERSON will deliver fresh meat at Salt City every Monday morning, and at the houses at this place every day in the week except Sunday and Monday.
JUDGE CHRISTIAN has been appointed a Justice of the Peace for Creswell township by Gov. Anthony, and James Huey a Notary Public. Both appointments were well bestowed.
At the meeting of the city council Friday night, it was decided to employ C. R. Bridges to run the ferry on the Arkansas for one month, at $1 per day. The ferry will be free to everyone during that time.
A pretty good joke is told on one of Winfield's attorneys, that is worth telling again. On the 4th of July the said attorney went to Elk County to deliver the oration. He began by stating that "he had never made a 4th of July speech in his life, and did not have his speech ready when he left Winfield, but as he came along admiring the beautiful country, with its cattle blooming on the hill sides, in the gentle rays of the bright green sky," he was struck with the wonderful work of the Almighty." At this junction a titter was heard all around, and the speech soon ended, leaving the soaring eagle to go home with his feathers woefully dropped.
In another column can be seen the card of Drs. Graham & Strong, of Winfield, who will visit this place on Wednesday of each week, at the Central Avenue hotel.
Dr. Graham is the oldest resident physician in Cowley county, and has a reputation and practice that anyone might well be proud of. He was formerly of New York City, and is a graduate of the medical college of that place.
Dr. Strong, his partner, is a graduate of the Cleveland, Ohio, Homeopathic Hospital, and a young man of more than ordinary ability.
AD: Drs. GRAHAM & STRONG, Homeopathic Physicians of Winfield, Ks., will be at the Central Avenue Hotel, Arkansas City, on Wednesday of each week, where they will be pleased to wait upon any who may need medical aid. Office hours from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Arkansas City, July 6, 1877.
TRAVELER, JULY 11, 1877.
A few citizens celebrated the 4th on Mr. Hickock's farm.
A great many young as well as married men are addicted to drinking spirituous liquors; in fact, it is popular.
The Telegram does all of its own printing now.
Seventeen physicians are at the public service here. There is just one more lawyer than there are doctors.
The picnic in Bolton township, July 4th, was well attended by an intelligent class of people. R. A. Houghton, Herman Godehard, and E. D. Eddy had stands on the ground and dispensed the lemonade, ice cream, candy, etc. We might go into details, but as we have two communications on the subject, will let it pass.
A petition has been in circulation in Bolton township asking that an election be called to vote on a proposition to issue $2,000 in bonds, payable in two years, to complete the bridge across the Arkansas. Creswell, or Arkansas City, will be called on for $3,000, making a total of $5,000 for an iron bridge.
PARTIES IN WINFIELD are engaged in filing an injunction on the railroad bonds voted to the Kansas City, Emporia & Southern railway in Sumner. Let's see: Winfield is now manipulating Cowley, Elk, and Sumner counties against railroad interests.
MR. VANCE and lady, with Mr. Copeland and one of the belles of Winfield, were on the grounds of the 4th of July celebration in Bolton. Mr. Vance is one of the managers of the Central, and Copeland exercises a lively qill on the Courier.
R. L. WALKER, Sheriff of Cowley county, paid the TRAVELER a visit on Tuesday of this week. Dick must have good living and plenty of beer, as he is getting a regular lager beer Dutchman's "frontespiece" on him.
TRAVELER, JULY 11, 1877.
John Allen put on a good deal of style one day last week, driving a fast stallion through the streets without lines. He was showing him off with a view of making a sale.
Col. Nickerson, President of the A. T. & S. F. R. R., is expected down the valley this week. He comes to arrange for the extension of the Florence branch of his road into Cowley county.
A. B. Lemmon, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, is in the city. He arrived on Tuesday evening, accompanied by Mrs. Lemmon, who will remain in Winfield while Mr. Lemmon makes his annual visit to the various counties.
Several of the papers grow witty over the fact that the editor's son was born immediately after an advertisement for a boy was inserted in the Telegram. Easy, boys, don't throw yourselves away on this. You know that two thirds of you would advertise for a boy for a solid year if you thought it would do you any good.
TRAVELER, JULY 11, 1877.
Mr. W. P. Hackney was over from Winfield last week and spoke in a very hopeful manner of the early completion of the Parsons, Ellsworth & Puget Sound Railroad. Work will begin as soon as the core of engineers, now engaged in finding a suitable crossing over the Pacific Ocean, make a favorable report. This line of road is to encircle the globe parallel with the Equator. It is a mammoth undertaking, but the men having control of the enterprise are equal to the task. This will be one of the greatest achievements of the age. The bridge across the Pacific Ocean will be the grandest structure ever known. Sumner County Democrat.
TRAVELER, JULY 11, 1877.
TO RENT. 160 acres of land, all under cultivation; apply at this office or to Frank Lorry.
HAY. All those wanting hay this fall can make sure of it by calling on J. W. Hutchinson.
FARM FOR RENT. Bottom land, about 150 acres ready for cultivation; seed furnished; good accommodations; inquire of Houghton & McLaughlin.
FOR SALE. 1 mule and harness, also a set of double harness nearly new. 1 John Deere Sulky Plow, breaker and stirrer complete;. nearly new, and in good order. Also 1 double harrow very little used. Inquire of Houghton & McLaughlin.
HORSES FOR SALE. I have for sale, for cash, or on time with bankable security, one bay pony, warranted to work in plow or wagon, price $40; one light sorrel mare, $30; one light gray mare, $25. C. M. SCOTT.
MARES FOR MULES. I have a team of good brood and work mares I will trade for a team of good mules. GEORGE WHITNEY.
TRAVELER, JULY 11, 1877.
[Written for the Indian Herald.]
The Western Indian in 1806--Numbers and Names of Chiefs--Catlin, the Painter, Among the Osages--Ravages of the Small Pox.
In the chart prepared by Lieut. Montgomery Pike, U. S. A., who explored the Arkansas to the Great Rocky Mountains, and thence across to the Rio Grande, after whom Pike's Peak is named, we find the following locations of Indians of 1806.
Main village in fork of Kansas and Blue Earth rivers, numbering 1,565. Old villages were above the mouth of the Platte on the Missouri.
This tribe was located on White river, Arkansas, near where Forsythe now stands.
Grand Osage village on Sac river, at the head of Osage river, in Missouri, in Big Bend, on east side, numbering 1,695; Principal Chief, Cahagatonga, White Hair; Second Chief,
Shen-ga-Was-sa--Beautiful Bird, became most known from being a great deal with Pike.
This tribe was situated lower down on the west side of the Sac river, numbering 824; Principal Chief, Sut ta-sug-gy--The Wind; Second Chief, Watch-kes-ingar--Soldier Dog. Arkansas Osage village in forks of Vermillion (Verdigris) numbering 1,500.
Republican village on Republican Fork of Kansas, had 1,618. Chiefs Char-ac-ter-ish-White Wolf, and Is-ta kap be--Rich Man. Grand village on south side of Platte, near where Benton,
Nebraska, now is, numbering 3,120. Pawnee Loups on Loup Fork of Platte, above the forks in Nebraska, numbering 1,485.
Or Tetans, as the French called them, numbering 8,200. The names of the other Osage Chiefs are given as:
Ta-wan-ga-ha, he who drives villages.
Ic-he so hun-gar, wise family, (Son of White Hair).
Hapense Pointed Horn (first soldier).
Ona-po-ran-ga Go-ha-gat che, the Chief himself.
Wa-sa ba-gun ga, without nerve.
O-ga hawass, the Son-in-law.
Tonemancara, the heart of the town, Great Osages.
Nezuma, the rain that walks.
Tetobasi, without ear rings.
Taichem, the yellow skin deer.
Mandgraide, the big rogue, Little Osages.
The Osages warred with Pottawattamies, Arkansas, Cherokees, Chickasaws, Choctaws, Creeks, Comanches, Caddoes, etc.
The Canadian river was called on Pike's chart Nesonchebrara.
The Poteau river is called Otter river.
South Fork of Canadian is called Nesconregasca.
The Cimarron is called Nesewketonga.
The Salt Fork of the Arkansas is called Negracka river.
At the mouth of the latter it is marked "crossing place of the Osage."
A little Osage camp is also marked on the Missouri, about where Lexington now stands, and "Satasuggy camps," near the mouth of a stream (apparently Buck Creek), running into the Arkansas, in the Indian Territory.
There was a camp of Missouris near the mouth of Grand river, Missouri, and remains of Otto and Missouri villages; in one, two hundred men, nearly opposite Shell river south side of Platte, now in Nebraska.
It is said that a party of Osages were at Braddock's defeat in 1755, and had to eat their horses on their return home. In their narrations of the circumstance, given early in this
century, they said the party rendezvoused at a great waterfall. It might have been the Niagara.
I forgot to state that on Pike's chart, a Choctaw village is located opposite Arkansas Post, a Quapaw village on the Arkansas river, a short distance above; a Conshalta village on the Red river near Conshalta Shute, and old Caddo villages near where Fulton, Arkansas, Jefferson, Texas, and Shreveport, Louisiana, now stand.
TRAVELER, JULY 11, 1877.
COL. McMULLEN now owns Murdock's race horse, "Sleepy Jack."
AUNT MARY was the TRAVELER reporter on the 4th, in Bolton township.
A single man pays tax on $200 more personal property than a married man in Kansas.
MISS HORN was severely hurt by being thrown from a horse while riding last Wednesday.
It will be a good plan to take a side of bacon with you when you go to the timber, to rub the jiggers with.
The butt of Democracy that was left after the cutting of the pole on Benedict's corner is sprouting. It is too tender a growth, however, to endure the chill of winter.
A number of Pawnees were in town last week, selling ponies from $5 to $25 each. Some of the Indians were very thinly clad, having only a thin garmet over their shoulders.
"COONEY," Joe Sherburne's dog, accompanied him on his return trip from Maine. The young terrier has been East about a year, and gives appearance of having enjoyed the sea breeze.
The principal amusement after the 4th of July was rubbing ammonia or salt bacon on the body to kill the jiggers. We noticed one of the merchants on Summit street with his pants over his ears, trying to find what made him itch so.
Hon. Ed. Hewins, member of the House of Representatives from Chautauqua county, made us a call last week while in town. Mr. Hewins has 600 head of cattle in the Territory, near the mouth of Deer Creek, that he is holding for shipment. Mr. Titus, of Kansas City, was with him. Both are wide awake cattle men.
TRAVELER, JULY 11, 1877.
How They Were Sold.
When the people of the New West go away three to five hundred miles to St. Louis, on another wild goose chase for a narrow gauge road, it will be their fault--this time it was the fault of others.
They were made fun of, in some instances, by doggeral poetry published in the papers, and insulted by such paragraphs as this.
"Some of the Kansas delegates, who were talking in the Convention the other day about building a narrow gauge railroad, were around town last night trying to borrow a dollar to help them back home."
But they also met some gentlemen there too honorable to deceive them with false pretenses, who told them the exact truth, and no one did it more frankly than George Bain, one of the leading millers of St. Louis, and for several years president of the National Millers' Association. We take what he said because the staple of all the noise as to the narrow gauge has been about the grain of the West.
Mr. George Bain said:
"As a delegate from the Merchant's Exchange, I would say that, if they want a narrow gauge road built, they must build it themselves, or at least take the principal part of the burden."
Mr. Bain spoke knowingly. It was uphill work to get support for the project in St. Louis, although it would be something if it was that the counties were in earnest. He was in favor of the city giving its "moral" support. [Laughter.] They were all ready to do that. If the convention adjourned and left the whole matter in the hands of the committee of twenty-five, it would simply be "throwing straws" in the way of other roads, and he for one did not feel like doing this. He was not willing that the committee should take the whole affair in their own hands.
The mercantile community of St. Louis was divided into four classes.
1. Those who do nothing but take in their rent; and they never subscribe to anything.
2. Those who owned real estate, but could not subscribe to anything.
3. Merchants who owned millions, and who in the old days got 25 percent on all their transactions, and who would now never invest a dollar unless they could get a dollar back.
4. This class is that of the young merchants, who need everything they have for their own business.
Mr. Bain said that if $100,000 could be got out of St. Louis, he would be the most surprised man in the city.
We have taken some pains to ventilate this scheme, for the reason that we knew what there was back of it--nothing--and because it was misleading many honest communities who really want railroads and who must have them.
For example, the people of Cowley County, Kansas, on the representations made, defeated a connection with a road that runs to their county line from Emporia and Eldorado, and subscribed to an East and West road, where a narrow gauge will never be built, and sent delegates six hundred miles to find out just what Mr. Bain told them.
Now any man of railroad experience knows that, save the Pacific roads, built from the national treasury in time of war, no road of a thousand miles has ever been built in this country by even State aid, let alone county and individual subscriptions. The project was so wild that we did not affect to treat it gravely until we saw well meaning people deceived by it.
To build even a narrow gauge "from St. Louis to some point in Colorado," would, in cash, take $10,000,000, and as no county would subscribe except the road would pass through it, the whole would fall on some twenty-five counties, or $400,000 to a county. Or suppose half cash and half mortgage bonds, it would be $200,000 to a county.
The idea of selling county bonds, with the supreme court blockaded with suits against defaulting counties, among them nearly half the counties on the proposed line of road, the project is one of the craziest things ever undertaken by crazy men. We think, however, that it will be necessary to spend much more time in undeceiving the people as to this humbug.
Let the people address themselves to getting a way to market the best way they can, and let them hold on to their means until they see that they count. Don't credit the smooth tongued tales of anybody, and above all don't allow themselves to be frightened out of common sense, by threats to build somewhere else.
Money to a bona fide project commands the situation, and business terms will be met by men who mean business.
Kansas City Journal of Commerce.
TRAVELER, JULY 11, 1877.
Colorado Names.
Spanish or Indian names are very common in Colorado, and the editors who recently visited the State, as well as the public generally, may be interested in learning the signification of some of them, which we give below.
Animas: Souls; spirits.
Las Animas: Popularly, the souls of purgatory.
Canon: tube; hollow cleft.
Colorado: Colored; ruddy.
Cosejos: Rabbits.
Costilla: Timber.
Dolores: Grief; sorrow.
El Moro: The fortress.
Garita [La.]: The sentinel, or little fort.
Hermosa: Beautiful.
Huierfano (pronounced Warfano): Orphan.
La Junta (pronounced La Hunta): The junction.
Las Vegas: Meadows, or tracts of fruitful land.
La Veta: The uein [vein].
Laguna: Lake.
La Loma: Hill; mound.
La Plata: Silver.
Los Pinos: The pines.
Miguel: Michael.
Pueblo: A town; a people-place.
Rio: River.
Rio Grande del Norte: Great river of the North.
Rio Grande: The great river.
Rio San Juan: St. John river.
Rio de la Plata: Silver river.
Roseta: A little rose.
Santa Cruz: Holy Cross.
Sierra Blanca: White Mountains.
Sierra: Literally, serrated or notched; figuratively, rugged mountains.
Sangre de Cristo: Blood of Christ.
Santa Fe: Holy faith.
San Luis: St. Louis.
San Juan: St. John.
Sierra Madre: Mother mountains--main range of the Rocky Mountains.
Trinidad: Trinity.
TRAVELER, JULY 11, 1877.
Editor Traveler:
The floods have passed away and dry land can be seen once more. All travel which has been delayed by high water has opened up again. The cattle drive is proving to be a good one; over 100,000 have already passed up. Five thousand and sixty in one herd (the largest of the season) belonging to Littlefield & Huston, in charge of J. W. Jeffries, passed up yesterday: 4,000 were beeves, were worked with fourteen men, were in fine order.
The Northern Cheyennes are expected soon.
Occasionally some man rides off on another man's horse or mule.
Agent J. L. Miles' two daughters returned to the Agency today from Leavenworth, where they have been attending school. Many friends will welcome them.
Thermometer at 110 degrees in the sun with a strong breeze blowing.