A Selection of Material about Wirt
Walton, Cowley County Democrat
Winfield Courier, MARCH 13, 1879.
The legislature has authorized the publication of a manual of parliamentary rules for the use and government of the two houses of the legislature and members at the expense of the State. The compilation is to be done by Wirt Walton. It generally takes new members about the whole of one session to "learn the ropes" sufficiently to be able to do the country any good. This work is intended to help them to become useful much sooner. Wirt has become thoroughly well posted and our Solons could have done much worse than putting this work into his hands.
Winfield Courier, APRIL 17, 1879.
Wirt W. Walton, president of the Capitol Guards of our city, has been elected an honorary life member of the "Easton Guards," the crack military company of the Second regiment of the Connecticut National Guards, located at West Meriden, Conn., and has been invited to attend a grand reunion, in June, of all the military companies of that State. This is quite a compliment to the Guards and to Mr. Walton. Of course, Wirt will not allow Kansas to be unrepresented.
Topeka Commonwealth.
Winfield Courier, APRIL 17, 1879.
Drs. Pitmann & Metcalf have left with their ladies for Colorado.
C. A. Bliss is putting up a fine iron fence around his dwelling.
Warren Gillelen's fine brick residence is enclosed and presents a very imposing appearance.
Mr. A. G. Wilson has sold a half interest in his dairy farm, south of town, to Mr. J. Q. Oldham for $2,000.
James Fahey's fine brick business house on 9th avenue is approaching completion and appears
substantial and imposing.
Sanders Wilson's residence in the east part of the city is assuming quite a palatial appearance and will be one of the finest in the city.
The street sprinkler is abroad and it is a pleasure to get around our cool and dustless streets this windy weather. Pay him promptly and keep him going.
W. H. H. Maris has sold out his lumber business to Mr. W. T. Ekel, from Wichita, who is recommended as an excellent businessman.
AD: W. T. EKEL (SUCCESSOR TO W. H. H. MARIS,), Dealer in Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, etc., Plaster Paris, Bbl. Lime, Pastering Hair & Building Material
Yard at the old stand,
C. A. Bliss is putting in a new stone dam for his water power at the Winfield Mills. He hopes this time to put in a dam that will stay. Fortner & Cady have the contract.
We congratulate our friend Tell W. Walton on his position on the engineer corps of the C. S. & F. S. railroad. He will be close to home and among old friends and acquaintances.
Have we a shooting gallery in town? Is John E. Atlen the "boss shootist?" Did he shoot Max Shoeby in the heel? These are matters which the public ought to know all about.
Since the commissioners allowed the claim of the Walnut Valley Association, this agricultural society now have the funds on hand to pay up the premiums awarded at their fair last fall.
P. M. Waite, of Vernon township, will be a prominent candidate for nomination for the office of sheriff before the republican convention this year. He is well qualified in every way for the position.
The Telegram advises our ladies to organize an archery club. We advise them instead to practice with the pistol and be prepared for the trams which will surely infest this city on the approach of the railroad.
Col. Manning is not satisfied with his achievements thus far in making city improvements. He is
excavating just back of the post office and opera house for another brick block to front on 9th avenue.
Capt. J. H. Hibbetts, of Chetopa, was in town the other day in company with Gov. St. John. He will be in command of the frontier guards which are being organized by the governor. His headquarters will be at Fort Dodge.
Wirt attempted to drive Tell's "brag" gray from Wichita to Oxford and Winfield last week, but about half-way down the horse was taken sick, and after nursing the animal overnight, Wirt had to leave him in the hands of a veterinarian and come on in the stage. He thought the horse would die.
On Chisholm creek, just this side of Wichita, the engineers in locating the road ran through a garden patch, and a woman came out with a mop, drove the whole corps off the premises, and pulled up the grade stakes. She did not wany any railroad across her onion bed.
Winfield Courier, APRIL 17, 1879.
Wirt W. Walton made a flying trip home to Winfield, arriving last Friday evening and leaving Sunday morning. His brother, Tell, had been in the employ of the A. T. & S. F. railroad company in the engineer corps at Grand Canon, Colorado, for a few weeks, and Wirt had got him transferred to the engineer corps on the Winfield branch. He came down with Tell and left him with the corps, which was at work a few miles this side of Wichita, establishing the line in this direction. Wirt is looking hale and hearty after his arduous services as chief clerk of the mob called the House of Representatives. He has finished up the journal of the House and left it with the state printer. He will now devote himself to his task of making a manual of rules for the guidance of our future legislators.
Winfield Courier, JULY 10, 1879.
Capt. Amos Walton was up from the city this week.
Mr. Fuller, nephew of our banker, J. C. Fuller, is visiting in Winfield.
Col. Robinson returned from his visit east last Saturday.
Our friend, S. L. Gilbert, had an eight pound girl.
MARRIED: At the residence of Mr. Davis, Winfield, July 3rd, 1879, by Rev. N. L. Rigby, Mr. John L. Bare and Miss Hattie F. Finch, both of Winfield.
Mr. P. N. Decker, one of the substantial men of New York, has purchased a large tract of land near Maple City and intends going into the stock business.
Mr. D. L. Kretsinger has been engaged by J. P. Baden to assist him in the grocery business. Kretsinger is known far and wide and will make an efficient salesman.
Miss Hattie Wilson, one of Dexter's fairest and most intelligent ladies, has just returned from the Kaw Agency, where she has been engaged in teaching school.
Pratt & Plank have erected a neat sign which will direct any of our people needing their fire-arms repaired to the shop in the basement of Fahey's saloon.
Mr. Frank D. Hackney, cousin of W. P., and one of the jolliest boys out, has been visiting in town for some days, but returned to his home in Whitehall, Illinois, last Monday.
Phaetons are becoming quite numerous around town, and on pleasant evenings our streets are thronged with handsome equip-ages driven by equally as handsome ladies.
Mr. Joel Mason, a farmer at Pleasant Valley, believes his corn crop will average seventy bushels to the acre.
Messrs. Stewart & Simpson have the contract for the erection of the Popp building, the Jochems building, and the Bahntge building; and are ready for any others that may come along.
We heard numbers of persons, and especially ladies, complimenting General Green on his appearance last Friday. The General is undoubtedly one of the best looking men in the state.
J. C. Fuller and wife started for Colorado Tuesday morning, and will be absent several weeks. He goes for his health, which has been much impaired by too close confinement to business.
Mr. Jas. Hill returned from his visit to Canada last Saturday evening, and reports having had a glorious time. He visited Chicago, took a trip on the lake, saw the big falls, and enjoyed himself generally.
The celebration at Floral was largely attended, fully 400 people being present. Mr. Chas. Payson
delivered the speech of the occasion, and was followed by Messrs. Cairns, Trimble, and Asp. Mr. Payson's speech was highly spoken of by all who heard it.
Mr. Charles Payson, accompanied by several ladies and gentlemen, is off on a hunting excursion to the territory, and will be absent during the week. This will be a very pleasant trip, whether they establish a reputation as being good hunters or not.
The editor is off on a ramble among the snow-capped peaks of Colorado in search of health and respite from his fourteen hours a day of editorial labor, and now our devil languidly peruses the last edition of "The Red Handed Pirate" without fear of interruption for the next three weeks.
The announcement of A. T. Shinneman for the office of Sheriff will be found in this paper. Mr. Shinneman is an old time Republican, and an earnest disciple of truth and justice. His record is without a stain and his efficiency to fill the office is undoubted. If nominated, he will carry the entire strength of the party and the success of the ticket will be assured.
At Dexter the nation's birthday was observed by all, without regard to race, color, or previous condition of appetites. Hon. James McDermott, in one of his characteristic speeches, did the occasion full justice. Over 600 persons were present and the Dexter people unite in saying that the emblematic bird was given a good send off on Grouse creek.
One day last week a four-horse wagon from Winfield, loaded with provisions and clothing, passed through Douglass en route for Augusta. These provisions were a donation by the people of Winfield to the sufferers from the late storm in Butler county. This is evidence enough that Winfield is a charitable town. What has Douglass done? Echo answers, what? Douglass New Enterprise.
J. P. Baden took charge of the Bahntge store last Friday and expects to move his dry goods stock into the front part about the first of August. Mr. Baden has been connected with the firm of Baden Bros., Independence, and is one of the most successful businessmen in the southwest. His long experience with the people of Elk, Chautauqua, and eastern Cowley has made him acquainted with their wants; and we commend him as a gentleman of integrity and one who will do just what he advertises.
John D. Maurer, of Dexter township, was in the city Monday.
Mrs. Robert Burden, of Lazette, is visiting Winfield friends this week.
Mr. Wm. Cayton, of Richland township, one of the old time Kansans of '56 dropped in last week.
A. H. Green has secured the services of Col. E. C. Manning in the real estate business. This will make a strong team.
The bidding on school land Saturday got quite exciting, and the school fund gained considerable thereby. One quarter section brought $912.
Mr. Anderson Battery, of Omnia township, was in the City Tuesday, taking the initiatory steps toward the organization of a new school district in Omnia.
Surveyor Haight has just completed a beautiful and accurate school district map of Cowley County. It was made for the use of the superintendent's office.
The petition for the attachment of adjacent territory to the city of Winfield for school purposes was presented to the Board Monday night. It was signed by a very large majority of the people living on the land in question.
Max Shoeb came very near losing his ponies in Dutch creek on the Fourth. He attempted to cross the ford at the fair ground, which had become miry from the large number of teams crossing and the rising water, and driving in without knowing the danger, his team mired down. By considerable exertion and cutting his harness up badly, he succeeded in saving the team.
Dr. W. R. Davis, of Nicholasville, Kentucky, who by the way was a highly esteemed citizen of our city and who owns a valuable farm blose by, has been spending a few weeks visiting his friends here and started Monday last on his return to his "Kentucky home." Were it not for his interests and wide practice in his native State, he would become a permanent resident here.
Mr. R. E. Brooking announces himself as an independent candidate for the office of Sheriff. Mr.
Brooking has been a life-long Republican and is a straightforward, honorable man. He has been in the employ of W. C. Root & Co. for several years and owns and operates a fine farm in Richland township. If elected, he will fill the office with credit to himself and benefit to the people.
Messrs. Gilbert & Jarvis, our enterprising land and loan agents, are gaining an enviable reputation
throughout the southwest as one of the most reliable firms in the county. Their business extends over Elk, Chautauqua, Cowley, Sumner, Greenwood, and Butler counties, and now they talk of establishing an agency in Harper. Ability and integrity, combined with a goodly amount of energy and perseverance always win.
Messrs. Kinne, Johnston, Manning, and others of our public spirited citizens deserve great credit for the prompt action in regard to the fireworks on last Friday. Rather than disappoint the people by having the display at an inaccessible place, they bought up all the fireworks in town, paying for them out of their own pockets, and touched them off on the courthouse square. At a late hour the fireworks provided for the occasion were brought out.
With the exception of 17 drunks, a free for all fight, a boy thrown, and a team stuck in the mud, the races Monday passed off very pleasantly. The race between the Patterson horse and Brown Dick was decided a tie, much to the disgust of the backers of the Wichita nag, and vociferous declarations of foul play by the other side. About the best time made was that of the beer wagon in its efforts to quench the thirst of the two or three hundred that had gathered to see the fun.
We have just received a letter from Wirt W. Walton, dated at Boston, Massachusetts, in which he says:
"Having just crossed, diagonally, from N. W. to S. E., the entire length of your native State, I am not surprised that you took Mr. Greeley's advice, long before it was given. I always did think that your judgment was as good as the Chappaqua Farmer's and now I know it. Let me congratulate the girls who never saw a Vermont farm sheltered with a parasol during a thunder storm!"
At the meeting of the commissioners on Monday some important changes were made in the boundaries of the townships of Vernon, Rock, and Pleasant Valley, and a new township called Walnut was created, composed of the eatern and northern portions of the old township of Winifled, and a slice off the southern portion of Rock. Pleasant Valley gets the south part of Winfield township, including the south bridge and the Tunnel Mills, and Vernon gets the western portion including both west bridges and Bliss' mill. This leaves Winfield a municipality of itself. This new township of Walnut holds an election for officers on the 23rd of this month.
A gentleman by the name of Crumstdfeldt, who has been working on the railroad, met with a serious accident last Saturday. He was coming to town, and when hear the head of the canyon on the road west of town, his team got frightened, and becoming unmanageable, commenced running away. He attempted to stop them by running up on the side of the hill, but the horses turned suddenly to the left and overturned the wagon, throwing Mr. Crumstdfeldt violently to the ground, the wagon box falling on him and cutting his head terribly besides mashing his hands and arms considerably. Some parties being near saw the occurrence and came to his assistance, when he was brought to town and placed in charge of Dr. Graham, and at last accounts was getting along well. His home is in Newton county, Missouri.
Saturday was a big day for pugilistic performances. Our hog men had another set to in which the biter bit the dust in the most artistic manner, and the city treasury reaped the benefits. In the afternoon another altercation took place and another man went to grass and arose, with blood in his eye and mud on his nose, only to be snatched like a brand from the burning by the ruthless hand of Marshal Stevens and brought before "His Honor" to answer for deeds done on the public highway. It was an impressive scene. The stern features of the judge, the solemn stillness of the courtroom, and the blood-besmeared garments of the prisoner at the bar produced an impression never to be forgotten "as long as memory holds her seat."
And then the verdict: "Prisoner, arise." He arose. "This court finds you guilty of a gross misdemeanor, for which, in the wisdom of this court, you should pay into the city treasury the sum of five dollars and costs." He paid, and went his way a sadder if not a wiser man, and his majesty of the law was three dollars ahead.
Winfield Courier, July 31, 1879.
The depot of the C., S. & S. F. railroad at Winfield is located three blocks south of M. L. Robinson's residence.
Messrs. Horning & Harter contemplate erecting a large building on the property recently owned by Mr. Hitchcock to be used as a flour and feed store.
Hon. R. F. Burden, of Windsor township, sold awhile ago fifty-five head of cattle of his own raising and fattening for $3,250. We don't wonder that he declines to be a candidate for County Treasurer. Cattle beat politics every time.
A. A. Newman sold the Arkansas City Water Mills last week to Major Searing for $10,000. The Major is a thorough businessman, and will, no doubt, make a success at the milling business.
Dr. Fleming has moved the Flag Drug Store into his new rooms facing on Ninth avenue in Manning's block. These are pleasant, airy apartments, and the doctor's taste in arranging the shelving and bottles give it a neat appearance.
The advertisement of the Southwestern Land and Loan Association will be found in this paper. The gentlemen composing this association are businessmen in every sense of the word, and will make things lively in the land and loan business.
Will give special attention to the sale of REAL ESTATE
When Not in the Hands of Other Agents.
Will pay taxes and investigate titles for their clients.
Will make investments and attend to collections for non-residents.
Office in Maris' Block, Winfield, Kansas.
Mr. J. B. Harden of Dexter, called on us last Friday. Mr. Harden is the senior member of the firm of Harden & Co., and furnishes the people of Dexter and vicinity with everything in the mercantile line.
Mr. H. Jochems has his building enclosed and about ready for the plasterers. When completed it will add materially to the beauty of the street and will be a monument to his enterprise for years to come.
Democrat: Pat Endicott's youngest daughter was bitten by a copperhead snake last week, which would have terminated seriously had it not been for a bottle of liquor that happened to be in the house, which abated the effect of the poison until a physician was called. She is now getting along finely, and will soon be entirely well.
A. H. Green has just issued 5,000 copies of his Real Estate News for distribution on the trains among the immigrants coming to Kansas. Mr. Green has done as much as any one man toward securing for Cowley her share of the immigration pouring into the state. This makes about 40,000 copies of the News that he has circulated over the country.
The grocery firm of A. T. Spottswood & Co. have rented the new Bahntge building and will move their stock in as soon as the building is completed. The room is 26 x 60 and a cellar is to be put under the room. They will be the largest grocery store in the country and it will take an immense stock to fill it up.
Champion: Colonel Wirt Walton, quartermaster general of Kansas, stacked arms at the Otis House last night; pounded some browned coffee in a tin cup with a bayonet; boiled it in Missouri river water; drew ten hard tacks, and a half pound of pork; ate supper, and slept on a gum blanket spread on the balcony. 'Tis thus the hardy warrior doth disport himself.
Winfield Courier, AUGUST 28, 1879.
Large numbers of our citizens walked up to the railroad last Sunday. About twenty hands are employed on the railroad bridge, and are pushing it along right lively. A large number of railroaders were in town Tuesday and the number of plain drunks were quite numerous. There are some men in town who think that they can afford to wet their whistles fifteen or twenty times a day, consequently the flourishing condition of our wet-goods houses. The track is laid to Schwantes' creek, about 24 miles from town, and the cut is being made through the bluff west of town. Thirty days more will anchor the iron horse at "Winfield station."
Why don't someone take hold and work up an excursion when the road gets in. The iron horse is within about three miles of town, and if we are going to have a grand blow-out, it is about time to start the thing along. Let us "excurst."
Mr. John Holmes has sold his Rock creek farm, of 320 acres, to some Indiana parties for $3,500.
Mr. Frank Barclay is engaged in putting the new force pumps into the city wells. Better hang a squirt-gun on each pump to be used in case of fire.
One of our citizens, a few evenings ago, in passing an open door in his house, observed his shadow thrown on the wall. There being no light in his house at the time, he was surprised at this, and looked around to see whence came the light that cast the shadow. His front door being open, he saw Venus shining in the west and with splendor sufficient to throw a distinct and complete shadow on the wall.
Deputy Finch has been out again: this time after "moonshiners." Last week he arrested Mr. Sol. Frazier, of Grouse Creek, for dealing in liquor without being able to show the requisite "parchment" from the government, and brought him before Judge Boyer, where he plead guilty and invoked the clemency of the court, and was fined $10 and costs, amounting to over $40, which was paid. Our worthy Deputy is death on crooked whiskey.
A. A. Newman and C. R. Mitchell have purchased the Mineral Springs at Salt City, of Hackney and McDonald. They gave the neat little sum of $4,000 for the quarter section. These gentlemen intend erecting a large hotel and bath-house thereon, and as they are live businessmen, we doubt not will make it a success. The healing properties of these springs cannot be excelled if equalled in the Union.CDemocrat.
Fred Hunt is pushing the quill for Gilbert & Jarvis.
Hanchet and Searle are out with a new milk wagon with an illuminated sign on each end. Milk is up.
Jim Hill has sold his block in the southwest part of town to Mr. Moorehouse, from Indiana, for $1,200.
Mr. A. P. Johnson was admitted to the bar Monday. Mr. Johnson will make a valuable addition to the Winfield bar.
Mr. Felix Aubuchon has rented the Jillson building, and intends to open a grocery store. He is from Iron Mountain, Mo.
Capital: Capt. W. E. Gillelen and wife, of Winfield, who are the guests of Gov. St. John, went to Bismarck this morning.
The bridge across the Walnut, at Bliss' mill, has been "closed for repairs." It is in rather a dilapidated condition.
Mr. Garroutte is erecting an immense feed-stable on his lot on Ninth avenue. It covers considerable ground and will be a fine stable.
J. P. Baden has returned from his eastern trip with piles and piles of new goods, which fill his large store room to overflowing. He is making some changes in his store room to make room for his immense stock. He proposes to have his share of the trade if good goods, low prices, and liberal advertising will get it.
Mr. Oatman, who has been here visiting Judge McDonald's family, was killed at Wellington, on the 15th, by having a horse fall on him.
Gazette: The extension of the L. L. & G. has been completed to Elk Falls, and they expect to reach Winfield in about seventy-five days.
The Commonwealth says that Will. Garvey has been appointed Agent of the Santa Fe road for Winfield. He is a popular young man of Topeka.
Messrs. Freeman and Booth, old acquaintances of Gen. Green, from Indiana, are stopping in town, and looking at the country with a view of locating.
The Williams House occupied Jillson's building as a sample room Monday and Tuesday, owing to the rush of commercial travelers. This house is becoming very popular with the traveling public.
Mr. Albert Roberts and Miss Annie Clark were married on the 14th, the Rev. J. Albert Hyden tying the silken cord that will hereafter bind them. Mr. and Mrs. Roberts will remove to Wellington.
Conklin credits Wirt Walton with the brains of the Superintendent's office. As Conklin boasts of his own brains, this is rather a back handed compliment on Wirt. We hope Wirt furnishes something better.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 3, 1879.
We learn from the Commonwealth that Wirt Walton has purchased a half interest in the Clay County Dispatch, and taken editorial control on the 1st of January. Wirt will make a No. 1 paper, and we wish him the best success with his purchase.
Winfield Courier, DECEMBER 4, 1879.
COMMONWEALTH: We see by the last Clay County Dispatch that Wirt W. Walton has purchased a half interest in that paper, and takes editorial control on the first of January. We are glad to of this because Mr. Walton, by education and practice, is a newspaperman. Work on a paper is his fort. He has abilities which should command something different from a clerk in the Capitol. We congratulate him and the Dispatch. It has been a good paper under the management of Mr. Campbell, and will be still better under the control of Mr. Walton. It is a good opening
for a bright active man such as Wirt Walton.
Winfield Courier, DECEMBER 18, 1879.
Wirt W. Walton commences in his new field of operations at Clay Center, the editorial management of the Dispatch,on the first day of January. This paper, under the management of Mr. Campbell, brother of our Judge, has been ably edited, and is one of the best in the state. We think that Wirt will sustain its reputation and add something to its brightness. Mr. Campbell retains a half interest in the paper, but will devote his attention mainly to banking.
Winfield Courier, DECEMBER 18, 1879.
On the evening of the 15th, at Topeka, at a ball given by the Capital Guards, that company was presented with a very heavy silver pitcher elaborately inscribed and ornamented, by the National Temperance Camp Meeting as a Bismarck Grove memorial. Gov. St. John made the presentation address, to which Wirt Walton responded in a happy manner.
Winfield Courier, JANUARY 1, 1880.
George Miller has just put an elegant counter in his meat market.
E. S. Torrance returned from his New Mexico trip last week.
Read's Bank is fencing in its bookkeepers with an additional railing.
The keno men who were so summarily fired out of Winfield have taken refuge in Arkansas City.
Ed. Bedilion is talking of moving the District Clerk's office into the upper story of the new bank building.
On Saturday, Ed. Walker pretty well cleaned out the balance of the B. E. Johnston bankrupt stock at auction sale.
Mr. Frank Greer, one of the clerks at Baird Bros., starts for a visit in the north part of the State Thursday morning.
Hon. J. W. McDonald, and family, and Miss Emma Thompson, spent several days last week in Wichita as guests of Judge and Mrs. Campbell.
Rev. C. J. Adams and wife left here on Christmas Day for their new home at Crystal Lake, Illinois. The best wishes of their numerous friends go with them.
R. L. Walker rushed in upon us last Saturday evening, and as quickly disappeared. He is so full of business that he cannot stay long in a place. The Walker boys have sold their farm over toward Oxford, for $1,800.
Mr. Sadler has opened a large stock of clothing and gent's furnishing goods in the old Boyle building. Mr. Sadler is an old hand at the business, buys goods cheap and sells them cheaper.
Last Tuesday the C. S. & F. S. railroad company received its second installment of Cowley county bonds, $50,000, the amount due on the completion of the road to Arkansas City. This makes the total amount issued to that company $128,000.
Wirt W. Walton has been appointed Adjutant First Regiment Kansas State Militia. Wirt evidently has not read Prentiss' squib on the "average militiaman," or he wouldn't be so rash about throwing himself among the dangers that beset their paths.
The "accommodation" train is becoming proverbial for its slowness; so much so, that an old lady en route from Wichita to Winfield last week, upon the appearance of darkness mildly asked conductor Simmons if "he would be kind enough to inform her where they would camp that night."
Winfield Courier, March 25, 1880.
Sheriff Shenneman, after a most diligent pursuit, captured Moore, the second of the escaped prisoners, in Kansas City last Friday. Moore had just got into a fight and been arrested by the police.
After next Monday trains on the K. C., L. & S. will leave here for Kansas City at six o'clock, a.m., and run through from Wellington. They will do away with getting up in the middle of the night when going east.
Mr. W. S. Chandler, of New York, and Miss Veva Walton were married at Wellington on last Wednesday. This leaves Wirt as the lone representative of the Walton family in the ranks of single blessedness.
Winfield Courier, April 22, 1880.
M. L. Robinson has been confined to his bed by sickness for a week past. As soon as he is able, he will likely go to Colorado for fresh air and recreation.
The road supervisor of the district in which is the west iron bridge should repair the plank roadway at once before some serious accident occurs.
A new twelve foot stone sidewalk is being put down in front of the Lindell Hotel in place of the old wooden one. This will improve the looks of North Main street.
Wirt W. Walton had a general time of hand shaking Saturday. His friends in Cowley will recognize him, even if he does wear a wig, dye his mustache, and vote for Blaine.
THE Winfield Courier
[Starting Thursday, May 6, 1880.]
MAY 6, 1880.
Mr. Ryan has succeeded in passing through the House the bill for the relief of homestead and preemption settlers in Western Kansas. The Senate will undoubtedly act favorably in the matter, and the settlers who will be obliged to leave their homes temporarily on account of the destruction of their crops will lose none of their rights.
MAY 6, 1880.
Our late warning to farmers against "iron fence men" and other frauds, strangers tramping over the country, was not given any too soon. The persons then alluded to proved to be frauds, and had secured several notes from persons in the country which they attempted to sell, but our monied men suspected them and would not invest. While our friends should look out for such, there is no reason that they should suspect our well established businessmen who are well known, and who may send business agents to canvass the country.
MAY 6, 1880.
The first train on the K. C., L. & S. railroad carried a large lot of newspaper seeds in a broken package, and scattered them all along the line. Subsequent rains and warm weather have caused them to sprout up at Elk City, Longton, Elk Falls, Grenola, Burden, and Oxford, with four other stations to hear from. The probable dry weather may cause several of these young newspaper sprouts to wilt down and die, but we do not predict. Go in, boys, and win if possible. We admire your pluck.
MAY 6, 1880.
Wirt W. Walton estimates that Winfield is overdoing herself. He evidently supposes that there has lately been an extraordinary boom here, and that the great activity in building and business is a spasm brought on by the completion of the railroads to this place. He ought to know better. If this is a spasm, it is one of wonderful continuance, for it commenced ten years ago with the first settlement of the place, has continued up to the present time, and promises to continue another ten years or more. Since the very beginning of this town, there has been no year in which the percentage of increase of building and improvement was less than that of the past year.
The town was never, and is not now, in advance of the county. With a county steadily increasing in population year by year until it has reached a census of twenty-one thousand, and with a farming population now pouring in at the rate of three thousand a year, bringing wealth and energy with them, it is not strange that its capital should have a population of upwards of three thousand, and continue to increase and make improvements.
Really, Winfield has got a good, healthy start. She has just begin to grow.
Mr. Frank Finch was severely burned while trying to get some of the furniture out of the Central during the fire last week. He was in the east wing of the building and the roof fell in on him. He is recovering rapidly and will be out again in a few days.
The Baptist church has purchased lots 7 and 8, block 150, being the two lots on the corner of 11th avenue and Millington street, south of the M. E. church, of J. W. Johnson, for six hundred dollars. They will begin excavating for the church building immediately.
We take great pleasure in announcing the marriage of Mr. Henry E. Asp and Miss Nellie Powers. It was celebrated at the residence of the bride's parents in this city last evening. Henry's many friends will unite with us in wishing them many long and happy years. No young man in Winfield enjoys the confidence and esteem of its citizens more than does Mr. Asp. Coming among us as he did five years ago, without friends or acquaintances, he has, by his energy, strict integrity, and close attention to business won a legal reputation reaching beyond the confines of Cowley, and which we predict sill some day reach even beyond the confines of the State. The bride is one of Winfield's fairest ladies.
The fire of last Thursday night is a warning that should be heeded by our council at once. When the property of every citizen is in danger, some action should be taken to provide adequate means for its protection. Had we possessed an effective and authoritive fire organization, with appliances and water at hand, much of the property now in ashes might have been saved. Will we act now, or wait until another and costlier warning is given, when we must stand idly by and see our fair city swallowed up by the flames without being able to raise a hand to save? It is with you, gentlemen of the council, to decide and act.
A meeting of prominent citizens was held in the office of Hackney & McDonald, Monday evening, to consider the advisability of forming a stock company for the erection of a large, three-story, brick hotel in Winfield. About $9,000 was subscribed, and committees were appointed to look up a location and solicit subscription to stock. The matter is in good hands, is being warmly advocated by most of our leading citizens, and we may expect ere long to see erected here one of the finest hotels in southern Kansas. The need of such a hotel is felt by all.
Wirt Walton, of the Clay Center Dispatch, in speaking of Miss Clara Lemmon, the assistant State Superintendent of Public Instructions, says: "We cheerfully bear testimony of her competency to discharge the duties of the office; and can safely add that what she accomplishes will be done in the most agreeable and satisfactory manner. The county superintendents and school principals of this part of the State, would almost be willing to favor the 'State-House Ring,'--if there is such a ring,--if by so doing Miss Lemmon could have another term."
The immense success of our job department encourages us to make large and more extensive additions to the same. We will in a few days have another job press. When this press arrives and is set up, we will have in operation printing presses costing alone about two thousand dollars. When it is considered that the cost of the general run of country newspaper offices complete is from $300 to $700, it will be seen that the COURIER printing establishment is no small concern.
Winfield is the prettiest town, has the finest sidewalks, most commodious business block,s convenient opera house, best building stone, liveliest newspapers, spiciest local writers, neatest morning daily, most hospitable people, best regulated post-office, artillery company, public schools, steamboat landing, and has the handsomest women of any town in the state. At least that is the way we heard it when there last week.
Clay Center Dispatch.
Take care, Wirt, you're getting back to your "old tricks" again.
SEPTEMBER 9, 1880.
After E. B. Brainerd was put in nomination by Hon. A. L. Redden, for Treasurer, M. G. Troup, of Winfield, arose and in a short address seconded the nomination. We were back of the Cowley delegation sitting on a table at the end of the hall beside the Hon. Eugene Ware, the famed poet of Fort Scott. Mr. Ware remarked to us that Mr. Troup's speech was "just the neatest and best thing of the kind he ever heard." Not long after this Mr. Troup was strolling
past us and we had the pleasure of introducing to the poet the orator he had so gracefully complimented.
We met Gen. Rice, manager of the Western National Fair at Bismarck Grove. He told us to say that an attempt had been made to supply all Kansas editors with tickets to the fair, and if any have been missed, they should present themselves and let it be known and they will be provided with tickets. The fair opens the 13th and closes the 18th.
When we got home we found it currently reported that Wirt W. Walton was the nominee of the
Convention for Secretary of State. This is a mistake by just two years. Wirt was like the colored Mr. Waller who, when named in the Convention for attorney-general arose and said he would not ask for the nomination "at this time."
The delegation to Topeka would have had a good time had it not been for Jim Finch, who prevented them from getting the full benefit of their Havanas. Before one got his cigar two-thirds smoked, Jim would come around and borrow it under the pretence of lighting his own with it; but the moment he got the stub into his hand, he would stick it into his mouth and march smoking away. How many stubs he got in that way is unknown.
Some Crawford county men insisted that our name was Millington and that we were their candidate for the legislature. It was with difficulty that we convinced them that we were not our Crawford county brother.
Col. D. R. Anthony got into the St. John ranks before the lists were too full to admit more.
Judge Campbell was beaten as chairman of the convention 194 to 100. This was not a test of the relative merits of Morrill and Campbell as estimated by the convention, but only a test of the strength of St. John. Morrill was the St. John candidate, and it was expected that those in favor of St. John would vote for Morrill.
Wirt Walton and F. P. Baker do not like to eat crow, but much prefer chicken. They are usually quite fastidious about their diet and like to range themselves on the winning side. But both missed it this time, hence their disagreeable diet.
Reed, of the State Journal, declares he won't eat the crow, he will be shot first. Wonder if he is interested in that Protective Union campaign fund.
W. P. Hackney, A. H. Green, Fred C. Hunt, and some others got left at Poppendick's Friday morning when the train passed for the southwest. The night clerk woke up the wrong set of passengers.
M. G. Troup was a member of the committee on credentials and was complimented on the efficient work he did in that capacity.
Leading Republicans from all parts of the state inquired anxiously of us if there was any danger that Hackney would be defeated, stating that such a result would be a bad blow for the party not only in Cowley but throughout the State. We assured them that W. P. Hackney would be elected by more than 500 majority.
The trouble with Col. H. L. Taylor, of Sedgwick, E. B. Brainard, of Butler, and James McDermott, of Cowley, was that their local delegations were cold or lukewarm. In the latter case no canvass had been made in the State, or among the delegates, while opposing candidates had made a vigorous canvass and their local delegates were for them first and ready to trade anything else for them. Our delegates were for St. John first and were not solid for McDermott in any event. It was generally admitted that McDonald made the best impression and was the equal in other respects to any candidate. The only way to secure a nomination is to have some local delegation composed of effective and experienced workers who are for him so earnestly that they will be ready to sink all other preferences in his interests.
The Winfield Courier, NOVEMBER 11, 1880.
The Wizard Oil outfit is at Arkansas City this week.
L. J. Webb came down from Topeka to save his vote.
St. John ran 7 votes ahead of his ticket in this county.
Rev. D. P. Mitchell ran 31 votes ahead of his ticket in this county.
The Rifles are talking of giving a masquerade ball during the holidays.
Dr. N. M. Schofield, postmaster of Maple City, was in town last Monday.
Capt. H. L. Barker is building a fine residence in the Northeast part of the city.
E. S. Torrance, judge elect, will soon build a fine residence on the Southeast corner of Fuller block.
Mrs. S. J. Ford started Thursday for Oskaloosa, Iowa, where she will remain during the winter.
Mr. Lemmon's residence on east 9th avenue looms up finely since the addition has been completed.
A snow blockade up about Topeka delayed the mail train on the Santa Fe road three hours yesterday.
Every township, precinct, and ward in Cowley county gave a Republican majority in the late election.
It is probable that Professor Gridley, of Oxford, will take care of the grammar department of our schools.
Mr. Palmer's new brick residence on 9th avenue toward the mound is nearly completed, and makes a substantial show.
The Young Men's Social club opened the season last Friday evening with a ball, which is said to have been a complete success.
The marble walls of the Brettun House are going up finely. This Hotel will be the largest and most elegant in Southern Kansas.
It seemed like old times to see the majestic figure of J. A. Paul "threading the airy mazes of the dance," at the opera house last Friday evening.
Mr. O. F. Boyle and lady and Mr. Geo. W. Melville returned from Leadville last Monday morning after a highly argentiferous summers work.
The colored people take this method to thank the Hancock club of this city for the use of their lamps, for their Garfield celebration last Friday evening.
Miss Birdie Godfrey, of Wellington, spent several days of last week in Winfield. She was one of the prettiest and most tastefully dressed ladies at the ball.
One of Lynn & Loose's clerks is bound to be a bachelor all his life. You see that is his name. Telegram.
He is not a batchelor, has been married many years, and his name is not bachelor, but Batchelder.
Ed. Greer started on Saturday afternoon for Illinois to bring home his wife and baby, leaving us without a local again. Mrs. Greer has been absent since July visiting an only sister.
Our fellow townsman, Mr. J. W. Cairns, is enjoying a visit from his sister, Mrs. Smith, from Pennsylvania. We hope she will like Kansas well enough to remain at least all winter.
Miss Jennie Hane is expected home from Freeport, Ill., this week. She writes that she is enjoying her visit very much, but is ready to return. Her many friends will gladly welcome her.
Lemmon ran 29 votes ahead of his ticket in his district.
C. R. Mitchell 45. These are supposed to have been greenback votes. The greater portion of the
greenback vote was polled in C. R. Mitchell's district.
Mrs. J. Wade McDonald returned last week from a long visit to her mother in Denver, Colorado. Mrs. A. D. Speed, her sister, preceded her about a week. The two ladies are looking well and seem to have enjoyed their visit.
W. H. Clay, the time honored trustee of Sheridan township, has been assisting Doctor Chapman in the dry goods business in Burden. Mr. Clay is well known throughout that part of the county, and the doctor could not have found in all the county a better assistant than "Hank" Clay.
Through the efforts of Hon. A. B. Lemmon, the Walnut river is to be stocked with trout and shad and perhaps some other kinds of fish. State Fish Commissioner Long has procured us 20,000. They are now on the road. J. P. Short will start today to receive them at Topeka, bring them down, and place them in the river. Telegram.
Married: At the residence of the bride's mother, Mrs. Stewart in Winfield, Nov. 4th, 1880, by Rev. J. Cairns, Samuel E. Kephart and Ella L. Stewart.
W. A. Lee, agent for the Moline Wagon, advertising for a lawyer to do his business that did not dabble in politics, has an application from Pennsylvania oil region, from a lawyer who is agent for a colony, who says that after traveling over a greater portion of the United States, he has about decided to make our county their place of locating.
For Sale: 170 head of choice Merino Ewes, 2 to 4 years old in fine condition. Call on subscriber, 2 miles N. E. of Floral P. O., Cowley Co., Kansas. JACOB T. WRIGHT.
After next Tuesday the rural newspapers will be filled with the annual wail, beseeching farmers to avoid starting prairie fires. The Winfield Courier doubtless has a double leaded warning already in type, backed by scientific argument that would cause the Sphynx to cover itself with a wet blanket were it stationed where the Walnut River and Timber Creek bifurcate. Clay County Dispatch.
That is so Wirt. We advise you to fight fire awhile to get used to it and help save your part of the country from drouth next year.
The Young Men's Social Club have elected D. L. Kresinger president; Fred Hunt vice President; H. Bahntge secretary; W. A. Smith treasurer. Members elected by ballot and admitted on payment of $3, initiation fee. Monthly dues $1. First meeting this evening. Prof. Fero is engaged as instructor.
We understand how Charlie Black could take his defeat for senatorship so cheerfully. On Monday he held up his head and stepped around as though he had been the victor. On inquiry we learned that it was a boy 9-1/2 pounds, mother and child doing well, father proud and happy.
Notice: We have at our disposal $50,000.00 which we wish to place on 5 years' time within the next two weeks. None but good security need apply.
For Sale: A fine heifer calf, from one of the best milk cows in the county. Inquire of John Forgey, butcher.
The Winfield Courier, NOVEMBER 25, 1880.
W. L. Mullen shipped five car loads of hogs Tuesday.
Too many quails appear in our markets. It is wicked to kill quails.
Pay your taxes before Dec. 20th if you can and save five percent.
Three thousand turkeys died in Cowley county last evening, the 24th.
Swain & Watkins have the contract for the wood-work of the courthouse wings.
A lamp explosion took place last week at the house of Mr. Sherburn, at Oxford.
Frank Manny talks of converting his brewery into a flouring mill. Good for Frank.
Wood, of the late firm of Wood, Jettinger, & Co., is now the sole owner of the Winfield mill.
W. T. Ekel was relieved of a fine gold watch in Topeka last week by some smart pick-pocket.
We are happy to learn that Judge Martin is not deceased, but is recovering; though slowly.
Max Shoeb has taken a partner, Mr. Brown, in the blacksmithing and wagon making business.
Why don't someone fit up an ice house? They might get a corner on it, as Jim Hill did in 1876.
We hear of cases of the epizootic in mild forms among horses in different parts of the county.
Bahntge & Bro. have sold out their splendid property, corner of 10th and Main, to a Mr. McDonald.
'Squire Kelly has moved his office to the rooms formerly occupied by Jennings & Buckman.
Skating is all the rage among the boys and girls, and the river above the Bliss mill is kept alive and noisy.
Messrs. T. H. Soward and Henry E. Asp have formed a law partnership. It will be an able and active firm.
Miller & Cox give a well-timed lecture on "deceased meats," in this issue.
N. C. Myers and family spent last Sunday with Hon. C. R. Miller and family, of Wichita, returning Monday noon.
Mrs. C. A. Bliss is home again at last. She arrived Saturday evening. We hope that her health is
materially benefited.
The officers of the military company left for Topeka, Tuesday, to attend a meeting of state militiamen at that place Wednesday.
Wm. McGraw, whom we met at Albuquerque last February, has returned to Winfield to spend the winter with his family we presume.
Wm. R. Land, a former citizen of this county, but now residing in Arkansas, is visiting his father, James H. Land, and other friends in this vicinity.
Dressed chickens are selling at 5 cents per pound; dressed turkeys at 6 cents per pound. A great many quails are being brought in. They sell at $1.25 per dozen.
Miss Fannie Skinner, of Bolton township, has secured a position to teach at the Ponca agency.
Ex-treasurer Bryan settled with the County Commissioners last week, and it was found that his accounts did not agree with those of the County Clerk by one cent.
Tax paying commenced at the county treasurer's office a week ago, and Mr. Harden and Will Wilson are kept busy taking in greenbacks. If on going to pay your taxes, you find them higher than last year, don't lay it to the assessor, but remember that we had no bridge bond tax, and now have to pay for the two years.
Frank Barclay has put up a handsome sign, the work of Schrudl & Blomburg. Mr. Barclay has fitted up the basement of Read's bank building, in which his shop will hereafter be.
John Moffitt, wife, and baby left for Illinois Monday. John goes back to look after large property
interests there, while Mrs. Moffitt visits. He will return in two weeks and she will stay all winter.
"Krets." has again taken up his Faber, and the columns of the Daily fairly sparkle with the productions of his lively imagination. As long as almanacs and exchanges hold out, Krets will make a good local page.
The ladies of the Baptist Church gave a social at the residence of Col. McMullen last Thursday evening. It was largely attended and the Colonel's elegant parlors were filled to overflowing with the elite of the city.
Frank Weakly, administrator of the estate of Patrick Kirby, will sell the personal effects of the deceased on December 3rd. Persons who desire to purchase cattle, hogs, horses, farming implements, or household goods on easy terms should attend this sale.
Many persons do not understand the stray laws of the state. If a stray is taken up, it must be advertised in the Kansas Farmer. Every county clerk is required to keep a file of the Farmer in his office for reference. If you have lost a horse, go to the clerk's office, look over the Kansas Farmer, and if your horse has been taken up anywhere in the state, it will be advertised in the stray list. A gentleman from Sumner county called at the courthouse last week inquiring about a horse which had strayed from him and which he had been anxiously hunting for a week. County Clerk Hunt turned to his file of the Farmer and pointed out his horse in the first number. It had been taken up by a neighbor not more than a mile from the owner's house. So it is in many cases, and if all who read this will bear it in mind, it may prove of value to them.
The Telegram urges the necessity of water works, or some adequate means of controlling fires. Its warning is a timely one and should be heeded. The season of fires is now upon us, and we may be called upon at any minute to turn out and help save our city from this devouring element. In what condition are we to meet it? Most of the wells along Main street are dry, hence the "soda-fountain" would be useless. We would just simply have to stand in the street and let the raging demon work its own sweet will. We have had one costly warning: shall we fold our arms and wait for a more disastrous one? Now is the time to act, we willingly join hands with the Telegram in urging this matter upon the citizens.
When Ex Saint was en route to New Mexico last week, Wednesday, he called on Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Wilkinson, at La Junta. Mrs. Wilkinson was sick of the place and did not like her surroundings. It was snowing so the train was provided with two engines and twenty shovelers. About half way to Trinidad the train plunged into a long cut filled with snow, and "stuck". The east bound train was four miles ahead, "stuck" also. The shovelers succeeded in cutting a passage through in a few hours. At Trinidad he met J. B. McMillen, who was temporarily selling goods for a Chicago house. Mac goes on to New Mexico with Ex.
S. M. Jarvis, of the great real estate and money loaning firm of Gilbert, Jarvis & Co., returned from the east last week, where he has been spending some seven weeks visiting and looking up business. He has been well fed and looks plump and healthy. He found money close in the eastern markets just before the October elections, a little easier from then until the November elections, and then the purse strings relaxed and money seeking investments became suddenly abundant.
Levi is making a general stir in the clothing market. He has recently had put into his hands for sale a lot of clothing owned by a wholesale house in Philadelphia. They have concluded to go out of business, and have turned their entire stock over to Mr. Levi for sale at such prices as will most quickly dispose of the bgoods. He will receive and open them up in a few days, when some astonishing bargains will be given.
Dave Stump is working at the case in the Press office at Wellington. The first "typographical row" we ever had was with Dave, when he wanted to make up the old Telegram forms with a break line at the head of a column. Dave was foreman, our advice was gratis, and we got kicked out of the office for our pains. Since then our paths have been separate, and Dave can make up his forms out of the ______ box for all we care.
Business was very lively Saturday, and our businessmen correspondingly happy. The past few days have shown an upward tendency in the hog market, they being quoted at $3.80 to $4 per hundred. This has had the effect of bringing in a large number of hogs, and shippers are kept busy. Corn also commands a fair price, and is selling by the wagon load for 35 cents per bushel. Wheat is quoted at 60 to 75 cents and not much is coming in.
The courthouse repairs are going on apace. The work on the new wings has been stopped on account of the recent "spell" of weather. The inside work is beng done by P. W. Watkins. He has removed the partitions and has made four rooms instead of six in the lower story of the old building. With the present improvements, our courthouse is one of the most commodious in Southern Kansas.
Wirt W. Walton is a candidate for re-election to the office of Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives this winter. As no one else has been spoken of in connection with the place, we suppose he will get it. Will not the Clay Center Dispatch raise its voice in righteous indignation at this attempt at "third-termism," or is this "a horse of another color."
C. Trump, formerly with S. H. Myton, has started a tin shop, hardware, and stove store first door east of Harter's drug store. Mr. Trump is acknowledged to be the best tinsmith in town. Give him a call when you want good honest work at 25 percent less than you have been paying.
The Winfield Courier, DECEMBER 2, 1880.
Wirt W. Walton is talked of again for chief clerk of the house. For that position we do not think he can bebeat. He will get the place without opposition if he will accept.
Two human skeletons have been found in a cave near Silver Cliff, Colorado, and it is supposed that they are those of two of the earlier adventurers into the mines in that locality. Two bars of gold worth $900 were found with them.
There is now in the Cowley County treasury $1,100 of the old Winfield township funds, raised to pay the bridge bond indebtedness, and it is said that there is no authority to pay it out without an act of the legislature, notwithstanding that there are $2,000 of the old bridge bonds now due besides $200 in interest. If we were Gen. Jackson and had the management of this matter, we would "take the responsibility" and pay out this $1,100 on these bonds "quicker than you can say Jack Robinson."
The Winfield Courier, DECEMBER 2, 1880.
A new paper is to be started at Torrance.
R. P. Goodrich keeps a good hotel at Maple City.
Fred Nance is a wide-awake hotel keeper at Maple City.
Dr. Fleming is on the move with his drug store again.
Miller & Cox were displaying six fine deer last Saturday.
G. W. Childers, of Cedar, is wintering seven hundred sheep.
Will Finch has returned from the mountains and the mines.
The hog market is still brisk. The price is $1 per hundred.
S. Suss is an itinerant merchant from a Cincinnati house.
The Monitor understands that Windsor township wants to divide.
Senator Pyburn will be found at his old quarters in the Page building.
Henry Goldsmith went to St. Louis last week, but returned Saturday.
The Arkansas City post office has been made a presidential office with a salary of $2,000 a year.
The K. C., L. & S. are about putting up a wind machine to pump water for their tank at this place.
House to rent. Three rooms, well, cellar, etc., good location, $12 per month. Call at the COURIER office.
For Trade. A well improved farm for a good stock of store goods. Inquire at the Tisdale post office.
The bankrupt sale developed the fact tht we have a few sneal thieves in Winfield. Many goods were carried away Saturday without being paid for.
Wood brings good prices, ranging from four to six dollars a cord. A large amount has been brought into town lately.
A new warehouse for storing grain is in progress of building at the K. C., L. & S. depot. S. A. Brown & Co., are the proprietors.
Telegram: Conductor Miller, of the A., T. & S. F., had his hand badly crushed while coupling cars Thanksgiving morning at Mulvane.
Baird Bros. had a grand run at the Williams & Jettinger store last Saturday. The house was crowded all day and ten salesmen were kept busy.
The county superintendent is trying to locate and distribute the state fund, some twenty-two hundred dollars, now in the county treasury, but uncalled for by school districts.
Judge Stivers and wife, of Fredonia, Kansas, came over to eat turkey with their children, M. G. Troup and wife, and George R. Stivers. The judge is hale and looks in the prime of life.
J. M. P. Butler has gone into the service, for the winter, of a wholesale jewelry firm of St. Jo. His partner, George A. Schroeler, will continue at the old stand to attend to customers.
The Monitor calls attention to the condition of our bridges. That is correct. These matters should be attended to, and the press should keep up a noise about it until it is attended to.
Mr. Wm. Wood and wife, of Ohio, are visiting his brother, Cliff M. Wood, in this city. He is enthusiastic in praise of our city and county, but his magnificent farm in Morrow county will keep him from desiring a change.
Commonwealth: Eugene Bacon, of Winfield, a watchmaker, has come to Topeka and gone into that business. His office is with Stringham & Phillips. Mr. Bacon will be remembered by many as Docket Clerk of the Senate in 1873 and 1876.
Baird Bros. bought the full Williams & Jettinger stock of goods for $7,750 cash. They sold out the groceries to J. A. Earnest. It is considered that this will pay off the chattel mortgages and 67 percent on the other liabilities of the late firm.
Arkansas City Traveler: The Arkansas river bridge is reported to be on the move towards the Bolton shore. Mr. Parvin is our authority and states that by actual measurement the whole fabric has already receded some eight inches from the northern bank.
Dave Dix is the boss well digger of the county. Last Friday he pulled the wall out of S. W. Greer's well, sunk it two feet in solid rock, and had the wall partly in again before dark. The family were deprived of the use of the well only twenty-four hours.
Henry Goldsmith has struck a lead which will be of great benefit to the people of this county. It is the extensive information usually found in encyclopedias and scientific works at a cost of from $100 to $200, which is put up in a cheap form and can be had at less than one-tenth of the usual cost. The people are taking hold of this opportunity, and Mr. Goldsmith is the instrument of a higher culture and wide intelligence in our midst.
Next week Uncle Isaac Comfort leaves Winfield for Wisconsin, where he will hereafter reside with his daughter. Uncle Isaac has been one of the fixtures of Winfield almost since the birth of the town. His kindly face has always been welcome at our fireside, and his words of encouragement have helped many who were just beginning the battle of life. He always had a kind word for his friends, and although bodily infirmities weighed heavily upon him, he bore them bravely and struggled on without a murmur, until borne down by the weight of seventy years, he is compelled to give up, and will pass his few remaining years among his children.
B. F. Baldwin writes from Silver Cliff, Colorado, that he has been settled there a week and expects to remain permanently. He is in business there and likes the place very much. He has an excellent cattle ranch about eight miles northeast of Colorado Springs, which rents for nearly two thousand dollars a year.
R. F. Burden, the father of our town, brought in some young cottonwood trees last Friday and set out six in front of our office. He told us to state to our readers that a can of dynamite was planted underneath each tree, and the first fellow who had no more sense than to hitch a horse to one of them, would get blowed to Torrance. If this isn't sufficient, we shall plant three shot-guns in front of each tree, and then look out. Burden Enterprise.
G. W. Childers, while digging for water to supply his sheep, on his farm on Rock Creek, in Cedar township, cut through a vein of coal twelve to fourteen inches thick. Further investigation shows that the vein extends through a large tract of land. He immediately got out two loads of coal, which he sold at Cedar Vale for 25 cents per bushel. He has employed several hands and will supply the whole section. Samples sent to us are an excellent article. We think he has a bonanza.
The saloon men have resolved to test the prohibition matter and have opened their saloons again. They believe that the courts will hold that they have the right to sell until their licenses expire. They will be prosecuted and the matter will go through the District Court at this term, and a decision will probably be rendered by the Supreme Court by the first of March.
Among the COURIER graduates who have made their mark as editors are Vinnie Becket, of the Norton Advance; Wirt W. Walton, of the Clay Center Dispatch; Tell W. Walton, late of the Mulvane Herald; Tom C. Copeland, of the Elk Falls Signal; Abe Steinbarger, of the Howard Courant; and Frank W. Frye, of the Labette County Democrat.
Beyond a doubt some parties are stealing cattle from the different herds in the territory. Thomas Hill, on Bitter Creek, has lost twenty one head, ten of them branded O on the left hip, and eleven with a diamond brand on right hip, and we have heard of a number of others who have sustained losses. Traveler.
Charley Black paid an eight dollar water bill since the saloons closed, and he doesn't like water very much either.
The Winfield Courier, DECEMBER 2, 1880.
The Prohibitory Amendment to be Enforced.
Monday morning the saloons of Winfield were notified by the temperance committee that unless they quitselling liquor they would be prosecuted. The saloon men held a census and at 11 o'clock all the saloons in the city closed their doors and refused to sell liquor. It is thought that the four saloons will combine and make a test case. If this is not done, they will probably enter suit against the city for the amount due on their unexpired licenses. The temperance people are firm in their resolution to prosecute any and all infringements of the law, and money to carry on such prosecutions has been pledged. The matter is creating much comment.
LATEST. The saloons have opened and are selling again. It is understood that a special case is to be made against R. Ehret, which is to go through the courts as quickly as possible, and the other saloons are to abide the decision of the Supreme Court in this case.
The Winfield Courier, DECEMBER 9, 1880.
Ed. Cole is off on a trip to New Mexico.
The attendance at court this session is larger than usual.
Our city schools are too full for comfort in some departments.
E. H. Bliss has gone east. He will visit New York and other villages.
Taylor Fitzgerald left for Kansas City Tuesday morning on a business trip.
The I. O. G. T. lodge of Winfield numbers about one hundred and ten members.
A. J. Thompson is building a handsome house on east Ninth avenue, for rent.
Last week Frank Manny put up one hundred tons of ice, five and a half inches thick.
The epizootic has attacked most of the horses of the county with a few fatal results.
The traffic in quails has stopped, owing to a drop in the market from $1.20 per dozen to 50 cents.
The "we told you so" fellows are in their glory since the official announcement of the railroad change.
Our intelligent compositor last week made the salary of the postmaster at Arkansas City read $2,000 instead of $1,200 according to copy.
The Brettun House is booming away nicely. The walls of the basement and first and second stories are up and make a magnificent appearance.
The "Hotel de Siverd" will be deserted again next week. Only regular boarders can be accommodate hereafter, as he has shut down on transients.
Dr. W. R. Davis has been appointed surgeon of the Santa Fe railroad. Correct. The doctor is worthy of this compliment to his professional skill.
If anyone volunteers the information that they are moving the Santa Fe depot, don't be too inquisitive about it. We have been informed that it is a sell.
The express office had a crape on the door knob last week on the occasion of the death of Alfred Gaither, general manager of the Adams Express Company.
S. Bowermaster, of Leadville, Colorado, is visiting friends in this city and resting from his work during the severe cold and deep snows of that famous region.
Herve Cole has been spending a few days of each week in Winfield during his brother's absence. Herve is one of the most popular young druggists in the country.
Sam Watt, trustee of Pleasant Valley township, is having the south bridge across the Walnut river
overhauled, tightened up, and got in first class condition this week.
C. R. Mitchell, Charley McIntire, and others are set down as the happy sires of new babies. It seems that there has been a united effort to increase the census of Arkansas City.
Will H. Stewart, who has been clerking at J. S. Mann's for several months past, left last week for Dallas, Texas. Will is a jolly good boy and leaves with the well wishes of many friends.
Lovell H. Webb has moved his office from the Bahntge block to the rooms over Read's Bank, lately occupied by Jennings & Buckman. Lovell is a bright, intelligent young lawyer of excellent habits.
As we predicted, C. A. Bliss has gone into business again. A man who has been in active business for many years cannot keep out of it. He has bought an interest in his old mill again and now he will buy wheat and sell flour. The new firm is styled Bliss & Wood.
Capt. Siverd is very popular with his pets in the stone jug. They praise him up to the highest notch because he furnishes them with plenty of turkeys and other good things to eat, and plenty of reading matter, music, etc. The captain is a whole souled warm hearted man.
Wirt W. Walton (our Wirt) is a candidate for re-election to the office of Chief Clerk of the House. He will be elected, and he ought to be. He has filled the office two terms, and has proved himself to be one of the best officers the House has ever had. We hope he will have no opposition.
Leland J. Webb came down Monday to attend court. Mrs. Webb accompanied him. When he returns he will take his household goods with him and will hereafter make his home in Topeka. He has formed a partnership with his father, Judge W. C. Webb, and will hereafter practice law at the capital.
A little child of Mr. T. J. Harris was considerably chilled while on the way to school Monday morning. We have been told that there is a rule keeping the doors of the school house locked until a short time before the opening of school. If there is such a rule, we think it should be suspended during the cold weather, so that the little ones who come early may not have to stand outside until the doors are opened. It might be a serious inconvenience in the discipline of the school, but is one that should be put up with when the health of the children is at stake.
Speculation is rife among our people as to what the Santa Fe will do with its two roads at this point. The seeming object of the company in getting possession of the L., L. & G. was to relieve their main line, which is already overburdened with Colorado and New Mexico business. By running some of their trains from Newton down over the L., L. & G. into Kansas City, they would relieve two hundred and fifty miles of the main line. If this prediction proves true, through trains from Kansas City to California may yet go west via Winfield. It is also rumored that the Santa Fe will extend its line from Harper City and connect with the main line at Dodge City, thereby making a more direct route via Winfield to Kansas City for such trains as they desire to run that way. If this is the intention of the company, it will make the old L., L. & G. stock much more valuable than it is at present, which perhaps accounts for their desire to exchange 5
percent bonds for such stock. The dividends on the stock would be more than interest on their bonds.
Mayor Lynn, R. D. Jillson, and C. C. Black called at this office last Monday to consider measures for the relief of the poor and destitute in our midst. After consideration, it was decided to call a meeting of the citizens to be held at the city council rooms, on this Thursday evening at 7 o'clock, to take steps in the matter, appoint committees to canvass the city and find out who are in need, to collect money and supplies, and to properly distribute them. The commissioners have a place for the county's poor and require that they shall be moved to that place or not receive aid from the county. There are many in our city who are in need, but temporary assistance would help them through, to whom a removal to the poor house would be disastrous. Let us find and help them. Please turn out to the meeting.
Young King pleaded guilty and was sentenced to one year in the penitentiary, last Monday. This is a case in which idleness was the incentive to crime. Had he "earned his bread by the sweat of his brow," he would not have regarded the possessions of others so lightly, and would have seen a crime in what he seems only to have regarded a slight offense. Father Kelly did all in his power to get the boy released, but the law knows neither young nor old, and both alike must suffer the penalty of their crimes. We trust the punishment will do him good.
Sneak thieves are abroad in our midst. One day last week we left the office and neglected to place in the bank the contents of our money drawer. During the stilly hours of the night, someone who had probably seen us take in money during the day, broke into our office and relieved the aforesaid drawer of its contents. If the person who did the deed will return the fifty cent piece, we will let him keep the dime and say no more about it. It will relieve his conscience of a mighty burden, and that is all the object we have in penning this squib.
The idea of moving the national capital to Winfield is feasible and good. Winfield is near the geographical center of the United States, near the line which divides the north from the south, accessible by railroads, has an intelligent, honest, and virtuous population, and is in the very center of the sentiment for prohibiting the sale of intoxicating drinks. With the seat of government located here, we might reasonably expect that congressmen, senators, cabinet officers, and clerks would keep sober and virtuous.
DECEMBER 23, 1880.
The business being done by M. Hahn & Co. is simply immense.
The question of railroad transportation is exciting much attention over the country at present. A convention of farmers has been called to meet at Topeka and take the matter into consideration.
James Utt dropped in to see us Friday. He comes from near G. W. Childer's coal mine and reports that they are still taking from it rapidly. He has used some of the coal and pronounces it first-class.
Mr. Zach, Whitson, one of the leading farmers of Pleasant Valley township, was perambulating the streets Monday. He came in, doubtless, to negotiate for a box of hats with which to pay "those election wagers."
Wirt W. Walton, formerly of Winfield, surveyor, engineer, chief clerk, and editor of the Clay Center Dispatch, is visiting in this city and brightening the countenances of his many friends.
Joe Greenlee sent us up a specimen of ore which he found in the territory. He is of the opinion that there is mineral in quantities in the Wichita mountains, and will prospect some before returning.
George Denton, of Harvey, George Gardenhire of Windsor, and James England and J. D. Maurer, of Dexter, were in the city Tuesday on business connected with the material interests of Grouse valley.
The county commissioners meet on tthe 24th to consider propositions to purchase the stock in the S. K. & W. railroad. The offer to give A., T. & S. F. bonds at par for the stock at 75 cents is to be held open until February 15th.
Messrs. Jack Randall and Charley Hodges returned Saturday evening from Manhattan, where they have been attending college. The were met at the depot by a delegation of friends who were glad to welcome them home once more.
DECEMBER 30, 1880.
Hon. C. R. Mitchell was in town Monday.
Mr. J. S. Chase has removed his saw mill to Cross Hollows, Arkansas.
Robert Deming and Mr. Bitting, of Wichita, spent one day of last week in the city.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bryan celebrated the sixteenth anniversary of their wedding last Monday.
Wilber Dever has given up his position in Read's bank and will go to Colorado the first of January.
A. T. Spotswood sold over seventeen hundred pounds of candy last week. He was obliged to telegraph for a fresh lot.
Our town is so quite and orderly of late that the police judge and the marshal spend their time feeding snow birds on the public square.
Owing to the unfinished state of the blackboards in the east ward school building, the city schools get this week added to their vacation.
Miss Ella Hittle, living in the east part of the city, celebrated her 18th birthday Monday evening by giving a party to a number of her young friends. [Might have said 13th birthday??]
It is held that putting brandy in mince pies is not a violation of the constitution, which does not prohibit the use of brandy for medicinal purposes.
Capt. Siverd gave his boarders a Christmas dinner last Saturday. Rev. Canfield was present and helped to make the occasion profitable as well as pleasant.
G. L. Reed, editor of the Keota Eagle, published at Keota, Iowa, called on us last Monday. He is looking over the country for items and perhaps for a location.
Rev. C. W. Higgins, of Parkville, Mo., called on us Monday. He is a Presbyterian clergyman and had preached Sunday at Oxford. He is pleased with this country and desires to settle on a farm in this vicinity.
Young Taliefero, who went from here to New Mexico last year, has opened an office for locating and working mines for non-residents in White Oaks. All of our Winfield boys seem to have done well in New Mexico.
Mr. James Lorton returned from attending commercial college in St. Louis last week. James is one of last years graduating class from our high school. He will take a position as assistant book-keeper in the Winfield Bank.
The Sheriff has arrested a number of the persons indicted by the grand jury, among whom is a Josiah Whitman, of Burden. He is arrested for selling whiskey without license, and there are six indictments against him.
The Catholic church was too small to hold all those who attended the evening services on Christmas. The representation of the birth of our Lord was very fine. The Christmas tree was loaded down and the little ones were delighted with it.
The dwelling of Peter Sipe, five miles north of town, was destroyed by fire on Christmas day. All it contained is lost, besides his provisions for the coming year. Mr. Sipe is an industrious, hard-working man, and this is a sad calamity to him.
Messrs. S. T. George, Tom Carter, A. Hughs, J. C. Cooper, and R. J. Brown, gentlemen comprising the Winfield Mining Co., in New Mexico, have sold one-half interest in one of their mines for $4,000, and three others for $300 each. They have several mines left.
Messrs. W. J. Hodges and Charles Snow had a "slight unpleasantness" at the "corners" last Saturday, over a hog trade. Charlie had his nose peeled and W. J. carries a skinned ear. Two panes of glass, a bottle of arnica, and $12.50 apiece were the damages.
The publication of the Monitor's locals last week brought us so much glory that we concluded to repeat the experiment. Besides, Joe gave us a nice little puff, and we were afraid people would think in vain if we reproduce it alone. We think some of devoting a half column to the reproduction of the Telegram's locals also.
Adjutant General Noble has received another letter from the Inaugural Committee in regard to bringing the Kansas militia to Washington, March 14th. The letter states that the militia will have to pay half fare and furnish their own provisions. This will perhaps settle the matter, for no company in the state can afford to go and pay its own expenses.
Mr. Adam Sipe, one of our oldest subscribers, made us a pleasant call last week. He received the first number of the COURIER, which was issued January 1st, 1872, and has been a constant reader of it ever since. It was the support and encouragement of such men as Mr. Sipe that held the paper up through the dark days of 1874, and have done much to make it what it is today.
Drs. Wright & Wilson have formed a partnership and their card appears in this issue. Dr. Wilson is a brother-in-law of Dr. Wright, and is one of the best physicians in the country, a perfect gentleman and a valuable addition to our community.
Especial attention given to chronic and surgical diseases.
Mr. Isaac Harris, of Bushnell, Illinois, arrived Tuesday evening. He will spend a week visiting friends in this vicinity. He is seventy-seven years old and this is his first visit to Kansas. He was somewhat surprised at finding the thermometer eleven degrees below zero way down here in southern Kansas.
Some unprincipled fellow sent a telegram from here to the Kansas City Journal last week, setting forth that Charlie Clayton left town with sundry board and wash bills unsettled. Mr. Clayton without delay jumped the Journal with a libel suit, and will likely make them pay dearly for the unreliability of their correspondent.
We give it up. Wirt Walton failed to outfigure us on population, but he can out-maneuver Satan. In his issue of December 1st he offered a premium of a gold dollar for every baby born in Clay county during the month. The ruse was abundantly successful, and we concede him "the cake." The only trouble about the matter is that his subscribers are clamoring for more time, and insist that the proposition was too precipitate.
Vernon township has in successful operation a circulating library. The membership is the payment of slight yearly dues, and all who can contribute a volume. In this way, they have accumulated a nice little library, accessible to any of the members. This is a most commendable enterprise and one that will be of immense good to the community. Every school district in the county might, with little expense, have such a library.
The post office squabble is over. Mr. J. C. Topliff has received the appointment as postmaster at this place. Mr. Topliff has for the past two years served in the capacity of assistant, and has, so far as we have been able to observe, given universal satisfaction. Speaking for all: the honors have been conferred on a deserving gentleman; and if the postal affairs of the city be conducted in the future as in the past, there can be no reason for complaint.
Arkansas City Democrat.
RECAP OF LONG ARTICLE: Winfield ladies collected from the larders and closets of those who were able to give, large amounts of clothing and provisions. These were distributed Christmas Day to sixteen families in the city in destitute circumstances. They were supplied with food and clothing. Money is being raised to get them fuel.
It has been demonstrated by a preliminary survey that the whole volume of water in the Arkansas river can be utilized for manufacturing purposes. The plan proposed is to take the water by canal out of the Arkansas river one half mile west of the northwest corner of the city, at a point where the river turns to the south. The canal would run in a southeast direction, and enter Arkansas City at or near the west end of Central avenue, and proceed in the same direction to a point a little south of the city, thence east to the Walnut river. On this route we understand that the deepest cut in the canal will only be fifteen feet.
Another route has been surveyed, for the canal to enter the city near the same place, and proceed northeast on the lowest ground and leave the city at or near the northeast corner. On this route the cut would be much deeper, but the distance a great deal less.
We believe the first named route the most feasible as the survey shows the fall to be about fifteen feet. This would afford a vast water power, and when fully developed, would make Arkansas City the largest and best city in the southwest. By this power our city would be furnished with an abundant, and never-failing supply of water, which would prove much less expensive than steam power.
Arkansas City Democrat.
Wednesday evening Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Millington were "at home" to about sixty of their friends. It was a re-union of lots of the "old timers," with a generous sprinkling of those of a more recent importance, and each vied with the other, in common with the kind host and hostess, to make the evening a charming one, and complete success crowned their efforts.
Winfield Courier, December 30, 1800.
With the earliest settlers of Winfield, came Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Millington, since which time their hospitable home has been a favorite with our society people.
At their reception last evening an unusually happy and enjoyable time was had. Mr. and Mrs. Millington, assisted by their daughters, Misses Kate and Jessie, were truly at home in the manner and method of receiving their friends, with a smile and a pleasant word for all. No wonder the hours passed so quickly by. All restraint and formality was laid aside for an evening of genuine good feeling and pleasure.
Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bliss, Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Rigby, Mr. and Mrs. McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. Hackney, Mr. and Mrs. Spotswood, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Baird, Mr. and Mrs. Bedillion, Mr. and Mrs. Moffit, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. McMullen, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. H. Brown, Dr. and Mrs. Black, Mr. and Mrs. Hickok, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Pryor, Mr. and Mrs. Troup, Mr. and Mrs. Scovill, Mr. and Mrs. Lundy, Mr. and Mrs. Lemmon, Dr. and Mrs. Emerson, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Short, Mr. and Mrs.
Kretsinger, Mr. and Mrs. Shrieves, Mr. and Mrs. Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Millington, Mrs. Huston, Miss McCommon, Wirt W. Walton, and J. R. Conklin.
Refreshments were served to the satisfaction and praise of all, and not until a late hour came the "good nights" and the departure of friends for their homes, each of whom will not soon forget the pleasant evening with Mr. and Mrs. Millington.
Daily Telegram.
DECEMBER 30, 1880.
The Telegram has commenced war against the Santa Fe railroad.
There was a dance a few evenings since at Deacon Marris', at Little Dutch. No 'possum, there.
Mrs. W. C. Root is spending the holidays with her parents in McPherson, and Will in consequence pines in solitude.
The net results of the social held at Col. Fuller's for the benefit of the library amounted to the handsome sum of $42.
The wool growers of Cowley county are in earnest in regard to the taxing of dogs out of existence, as can be easily seen from their report in another part of this paper.
Frank Manny always keeps us on the jump to know what he is going to do next. He is now engaged in making hot-houses and he already has three thousand exotics and is propogating thousands more. Hereafter it will not be necessary for us to go abroad for house plants.
76 Horning now has his house heated with steam. He uses a low pressure engine at the expense of half a gallon of water and three hods full of coal per day. While the original outlay is considerable, yet when done, the cost of fuel is the least of any other plan.
Sheriff Shenneman and Deputy Frank Finch returned from Leavenworth Wednesday morning last, having safely delivered to the warden of the penitentiary Tom King, Kenton Grimes, and Earnest Lewis, who were sentenced at the late term of court. Cowley county now has eighteen representatives in that institution.
J. C. Topliff has been appointed postmaster at Arkansas City, vice Dr. Hughes removed. This course was first indicated by this paper at the close of our November election. The man appointed is an excellent one and fully meets the wishes and wants of the City people. [Ed.]
Weitzel is now the proprietor of the Commercial Hotel in place of Major Baker, who left on Tuesday morning, leaving a large amount of unpaid bills. While such an occurrence is lamentable, we do not believe that the Major would intentionally defraud any man. He has been unfortunate in business, could not pay, and saw no way out except the course he took. We have a right to say this for he owes me quite a bill.
The farmers are complaining that it is no longer safe to leave any article loose in their wagons, that more than likely it will disappear during their absence. We fear that these thefts are committed by young sneak-thieves, and we warn the boys to cease or they will find themselves in the grasp of the law. The marshal and his officers are keeping a strict watch and propose to make an example as early as possible.
The Rev. J. Hyden next Tuesday will entertain a large number of guests at the parsonage. The dinner will be unique in many respects. It will be confined to men whose age is sixty or upwards. They will be of all nationalities and conditions in life, and the intention is "to have a high old time."
Cal Ferguson started for Kentucky on last Thursday, and will be gone three weeks.
Miss Nannie Porter, daughter of Judge Porter, of Monmouth, Illinois, is visiting Mrs. W. P. Hackney.
Mr. and Mrs. Donohue, of Belle Plaine, spent a couple of days visiting the families of Messrs. McDonald and Hackney.
Dr. Parsons left Thursday morning for his former home, Evanston, Illinois, where he will spend the holidays with his parents and friends.
On the last three days of this month Father Kelly will give a fair for the purpose of paying off the debt of the Catholic parsonage. It is a worthy object, and the fair will unquestionably be a success.
The genial Wirt W. Walton has been making his old home a visit of business and pleasure. We felt the better able to take another tug at life's tread-mill after being with him an hour.
The grand jury presented fifty-one indictments, and for almost a week five hundred guilty men, more or less, have been "on the ragged edge," for no man excepting the officers of the court have been able to find out who are the accused parties.
Z. B. Myers, P. B. Lee, and Justin Fisher are entitled to the thanks of the Republicans of this county. Under trying circumstances they collected a large amount of money for carrying on the campaign, and absolutely without the loss of a cent, or the hope of any fee or reward. They will yet be remembered and rewarded.
Major Tom Anderson has resigned his position with the Santa Fe to go into the wholesale boot and shoe business. We esteem this resignation quite a loss to the Santa Fe, as Major Tom is blessed with as large a stock of good common sense as any man in the state of Kansas.
The Santa Fe has had their engineer go over the ground and report the cost of a road from Eldorado through Douglass to Winfield. If the people want to vote the necessary aid, they can have the road. Such a road would build up Little Dutch and Rock, and at the expense of Winfield.
Deacon Harris, of Little Dutch, says that Buckingham and others who started that 'possum story will be indicted for criminal libel, if he has to go before the grand jury himself. Deacon, we would advise you to keep away from that grand jury; it is a two edged sword that cuts both ways.
TOPEKA, January 22, 1881.
Editor Traveler: This legislature, like those preceding it, is the ablest gathering of law-makers Kansas ever had. There is no question but there are more leading men in the present legislature than were ever seen in Kansas before. There are probably more members of the 3rd House who want to be clerk of some committee, third assistant doorkeeper, or to get a legislative, judicial, or congressional district in such a shape as to elect their man next time, than ever before. I refer to visiting statesmen. Of course, members of the House and Senate are not thinking of anything of that kind.
Prentiss, with his usual amount of wit, is here, corresponding for the Atchison Champion.
Wirt W. Walton is the banner chief clerk of all chief clerks of all Houses of Representatives of all the States in the Union.
JANUARY 27, 1881.
One week ago last Tuesday we for the first time looked in upon our law-makers in session. Having been born in Kansas, raised in Kansas, and taught to believe that the all-wise Creator had made but one Kansas, and that He was satisfied with the job, we naturally have a veneration for Kansas institutions. It was then, with feelings of pride and pleasure, that we at last found ourself at Topeka, and turned our footsteps toward Capitol square. What Kansan has not seen on the first page of a long-winded public document the picture of the Capitol building? Did not your heart swell with pride as you looked at this beautiful structure with its broad steps and towering dome, which seemed to reach into the heavens? If this is a true statement of your case, take our advice and be satisfied with the picture. We were satisfied until an ill-fated desire to see the thing itself seized upon us. Now we feel like Mark Twain when he got his washing. The building is there, but without the dome. Then there is two of it, connected by a snow-shed. The
main building is to be put up before many years, they told us. We hereby give notice that we will not be a candidate for governor until it is put up.
Equipped with a "complimentary" (our journalistic friends will know what that is) we climbed four flights of stairs, knocked at a door, and after an examination of our ticket, were admitted to the Hall of the House of Representatives. It is in the west wing and was being occupied that day for the first time. The walls and ceiling were unplastered and everything was "in the rough," but when finished it will be a magnificent room. The members' tables are placed in a semi-circle facing the Speaker's desk, sloping downward, so that each row of seats is higher than the one in front of it. The Speaker's desk is on a raised platform, and he's got a cushioned chair to sit on. The embers
haven't, consequently there is always a fight for the speakership.
Just in front of the Speaker's desk and on a lower platform is the Chief Clerk's desk, and here Wirt Walton reigns supreme.
He is the best Chief Clerk we ever saw. At the other end of the desk sits Fred Hunt. Just below and in front of this is the reporter's table, round which is congreated the jolliest set of fellows it has ever been our fortune to meet. Cowley county is represented here by C. M. Scott, whose comprehensive reports bring a smile to Father Baker's face every day. Then there is Price of the "Capital," Rowley of the "K. C. Times," and John Coulter of the "leading daily." Once in a while Noble Prentiss occupies a seat among them.
But the Speaker's gavel falls, the members take off their hats and give "attention to roll-call." After the chief clerk has waded through the 137 names on the roll, he announces a quorum present, and business commences. It is now in order for the member from Cayote to introduce his little bill. He rises to his feet, gesticulates with his right hand (which should contain three or four documents), and says, "Mr. Speaker?" If he is recognized by the chair; a page takes the bill to the chief clerk. The Speaker announces, "The gentleman from Cayotte introduces the following bill," and the chief clerk reads, "A bill to change the name of Maria Jane Smith, etc." This is the first reading of the bill. Next day it will be read again and referred to the committee on _________. The committee will report favorably, it will be passed upon, will go through the Senate, receive the governor's signature, and sometime in the dim future Miss Maria Jane will be officially informed that she is not longer Smith, while the columns of the Cayote "Journal"
fairly teem with the importance of their member.
The House is composed of 137 members. Such a large body must have a leader: one in whom the members have confidence, a good parliamentarian, a ready speaker, and possessed of sufficient discernment to see through a "job" as soon as it is proposed. The "leader" has not yet been settled upon, although there is some lively bidding among members for that position. Most of the talking is done by a half dozen members. When we first noticed this, we remarked to a meek-looking man on our left that unless a fellow "stood in" with the talkers he would eventually get left. The meek-looking man smiled and said that after we had been around there several days, we would discover that legislative work was not done with the mouth.
The Senate now occupies the old representative Hall. It is a quite, dignified body, and has none of the hair-pulling, scalp-lifting qualities of the House. The members have all seen service, and seem filled with a desire to watch over the interests of the State and keep in check their brethren of the Lower House. It sits from three to five hours each day and is composed of forty members.
JANUARY 27, 1881.
Local Elongatus Greer, the big "I am" of the COURIER, has been in Topeka all week.
Our young friend, Grant Stafford, has been very sick with lung fever, but is now better.
It will require three thousand votes to legalize the sale of the railroad stock. If you want to reduce your taxes, see that you vote.
Ex. Saint is at home after a very successful trip. He has been absent since November, and sold immense quantities of flour and groceries.
Col. Alexander wants the registry law repealed. He says that it is the most expensive, cumbersome, and least needed of any law on the statute books.
With the absence of the Oklahoma boom, Tell Walton packed his other shirt and toothbrush and lit out for Clay Center, where he goes to take charge of the local columns of the Dispatch during the absence of Wirt at Topeka.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 8, 1886.
Fatal Railroad Accident.
Junction City, Kansas, September 6, 1886.
Yesterday a passenger train on the Fort Kearney branch of the Union Pacific jumped the track between Alida and
Milford. Hon. Wirt W. Walton, of Clay Center, was on the engine with Engineer Mullis and Fireman Fries. The
engine landed on its side. Mr. Walton was thrown out of the left side window and severely scalded. No other person
hurt. Mr. Walton died at 6 p.m.
George Haywood was being tried for forgery. Judge Torrance sat in his cushioned chair, with a contented look on his beaming face, which would assure anyone that he was the boss, and proposed to run that shop.
Sheriff Shenneman was looking extremely wise, and wore a satisfied smile on account of having two years more to rustle for criminals. Knight was taking down the questions and answers, so as to be able to furnish a transcript for the Supreme Court, and get $75 or $100 from the defendant, who would receive in return about ten years in the penitentiary.
Frank Jennings, who would rather succeed in convicting a man then to go home to his family before ten o'clock at night, was asking all manner of questions of an Arkansas City banker, who was so unfortunate as to pay out $500 last May on a forged draft, and Henry Asp set to his side yelling, "We object" to every question, and would then turn and look Joe Huston uneasily in the face until the court would remark, "Objection overruled."
In fact, everything seemed different from the good old days of yore, and we imagined there would have been more merriment in the proceedings had R. B. Saffold and L. J. Webb been there, throwing law books across the room at each other, Judge Campbell leaning back utterly indifferent, gnawing a musty hunk of dried buffalo meat, and Sheriff Parker dodging around under the tables like a cat shot in the eye with a paper wad. In the good old days of these kind of court proceedings, there were no strings around the lawyers nor rocks suspended to the court's coat-tail, and everyone seemed to enjoy himself, no matter how many cases he had in court.
Then Torrance, a smooth faced lad, gave but little thought of anything save the day when he would get sufficient funds to send back east for his first love.
Fairbank's only pride was to prepare a neat little talk for his Sunday school, held at 9 o'clock every Sabbath morning in the little white church on Ninth Avenue, which now supports a boarding house sign.
Wirt Walton cared only to get on his soldier jacket and talk about the swimming times he would have among the country lasses when elected County surveyor.
The Democrat notices the death of S. C. Winton, who died recently at Pueblo, Colorado. Mr. Winton was one of the pioneers of lower Silver Creek, in Silverdale township, where he kept a store in early days. His two-story log house was a landmark in that section in those days. Elections were held there, and it was the general stopping place for travelers. The writer has a vivid recollection (and Wirt Walton must have too) of the delicious corn pone that Mrs. Winton used to serve up to the hungry travelers who would make a long drive to get there, always being assured of a square meal. Mr. Winton met with reverses, principally three percent, per month, and moved to Arkansas City, and from there to Colorado, where he died. He is entitled to more than a two-line death notice from the Arkansas City papers.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, September 28, 1882.
Sixty thousand miles of wire fencing were put up in 1881 at a cost of $40,000,000.
Hon. Wirt W. Walton, Secretary of the St. John Central Committee, has kindly offered to provide some speakers for Sumner, Sedgwick, and Cowley counties. The state might possibly exist without Wirt, but we confess it don't look at present as though it could.