Denver, Menphis & Atlantic Railway Co.
Cowley #5 Engine


The Engine That Never Was!


Cowley #5


The Denver, Menphis and Atlantic Railway was sold to the Missouri Pacific while under construction in May 1887. This was the last of the railroad companies chartered in Winfield from 1873 to 1887. Two engines were manufactured by Brooks Locomotive Works of Schenectedy, New York. Both of these locomotives, Chautauqua #4 and Sumner #6, are listed in the old records as having been built for D. M. & A. in 1886. What was Brooks is now a part of ALCO. The third engine, Cowley #5, was appearantly never built. The computer generated image above is what it might have looked like.


Cowley #5


Name on Cab


Cowley #5


Manufacturers Plate


Cowley #5 Sumner #6


The Cowley and the Sumner, together.


Three Engine Fleet of D. M. & A.


The Three Engine Fleet of D. M. & A.


All three cabs


All three cabs lined up, ready to go.




The way they might have looked in black and white