A Collection of Historic Trolleys
and Cabs Photos
Stage Coach at Central Hotel in Winfield, Ks 1877
Horse Stage Coach Advertising the Opera House
Covered Wagon Race Passing 9th & Main in Winfield, about 1896?
Horse Drawn Cabs at the Train Station, Winfield, Kansas
Horse Drawn Street Cars at 9th & Main in Winfield
Winfield Main Street Looking North Past Old Opera House Horse Drawn trolley Tracks, before 1910.
Mule Drawn trolley at 9th and Main in Winfield, Ks. about 1900.
Union Street Railway Company Headquarters in Winfield, Ks. (before 1905)
Last Trip in Horse Drawn Street Car May 12, 1909
Electric Interurban Trolley, Winfield, KS. circa 1912
Looking North on Main St. Past the old Opera House. Electric trolley on Ninth Street.
Winfield, 9th & Main about 1915
Busy Intersection, Winfield, 9th & Main about 1915
Main Street in (about) 1922 looking north from 9th and Main.
Main Street in (about) 1925 Looking North from 10th and Main St. Look! No trolley!
The New Trolley for Winfield in 1997.