The Last Undefeated Season for the
Winfield High Vikings


The following material was transcribed from

 the scrapbook of Delores Ogrosky, sister of Edison Ogrosky The death of Edison Ogrosky affected the football programs of the schools in Winfield for the next 35 years, even though Ed Ogrosky himself was forgotten. Delores went on after her brothers death to live a full life but had no children. Bob Hartung lived across the street from Delores and after her death Bob retrieved the scrapbook from the trashcan for the Cowley County Museum and allowed me to borrow it to prepare this material on Edison Ogrosky.

Bill Bottorff
Austin, Texas
August 22, 1997

The Life and Death
Edison Ogrosky
Is a story that needs to be told.





Gridiron Season Closes After An
Overwhelming Victory
Winfield closed their 1921 football season Thanksgiving Day when they defeated Arkansas City in their annual Turkey day game by a decisive score of 40 to 0. They played a superb game and outclassed the Arks in every department of the game. The one-sided score was not expected by the fans, but otherwise the game went true to dope.

With this victory, the Winfield eleven completed an ever victorious season. This is the team's second year of football and a victorious season is a boost for the locals. They have played the strongest teams in this part of the state and northern Oklahoma, defeating them by decisive scores.

The record of the team is due mostly to the coach, 'Bonnie' Reber. He has proved himself to be one of the best coaches in this part of the country. The team is very light compared with other teams played. The whole team averages only 152 pounds to the man.

The team boasts no stars this season, all of the eleven men doing equally good work. No team played this season has succeeded in piercing the Blue and White line with any success.

The nucleus of the line is centered around "Rusty" Smith, center and "Ed" Ogrosky, tackle. Both of these men weigh 170 bounds and are very fast. Other men on the line are Crawford and Biddle at guards, Harp at the other tackle and Henderson and Brownfield at ends. Henderson has proved himself a pass grabber and also a good tackler.

The backfield is one of the fastest seen in action in Kansas, according to Carl Schambinger, coach at the Kansas Normal College at Emporia. The headwork of the team has been taken care of by Captain Cooper, quarterback, who has proved himself a real field general. At halfbacks, Mitchell and Hanna have been doing most of the work. Mitchell is the best open-field runner seen in action in this part of the state while Hanna has proved himself to be a real line plunger and broken field runner. Mummert has done most of the line charging and tackle bucking for the team this year form his position at fullback.

The team was prepared to use any sort of an attack necessary. Mummert did most of the passing with Henderson, Brownfield and Cooper doing the better part of the receiving. Cooper and Ogrosky did most of the punting while Mummert helped then on several occasions.

Prospects for next year's team are exceedingly bright as three men will be left on the line with two men in the backfield for next year's team and several men will be eligible to play who were not eligible this year.

With these prospects in view,, Coach "Bonnie" Reber is hoping for an ever victorious record next season.

Edison Ogrosky, human pile driver of the Blue and White eleven, was elected captain of the 1922 football team, Thursday evening at the football banquet given by the Commercial Club.

"Dynamite Ed", ad he is popularly known, has played tackle all season and has plowed through all teams played. He played guard on last year's football team, and tackle on this year's team. Edison also played basketball last and is out for the team again this year. He is a member of the Class of '23.


(Continued from Page 1)

…the piano, then led another song, "Glory to Southwestern," as follows;

Glory, glory, to Southwestern,

Glory, glory, to Southwestern,

As they go marching on.

Rah! Rah! Rah!

Dr. Hawke next introduced Coach Reber, who spoke on "Scrimmage."

Reber declared that it takes more than brawn and muscle for the scrimmage; it takes common sense. He pointed out that in high school the aim was to build character that would be ready for the ultimate scrimmage with the world.

Coach Reber also thanked the business men for their support and declared his squad had worked hard to gain the victories won.

Dr. Hawke, in introducing Captain Donald Cooper of the high school squad presented him with a miniature goat which looked a lot like a spoof hound. It was explained that this goat, which had been Ark City's had pined so for the green fields at Winfield that he had sadly shrunk up.

Captain Cooper accepted the goat and spoke briefly on "Punts." One punted, he explained, to get out of trouble. One punted when on the flunk list, or upon finding two girls had been dated on the same night, or when Bonny found one squaring up to a bowl of chili during the training season.

In closing Cooper introduced the captain-elect, Edison Ogrosky.

:Let be introduce 'Dynamite Ed,' better known as Edison Ogrosky, right tackle," said Cooper.

Captain Ogrosky did not relish speech making but told the assemblage that it was his intention to "do the same thing over again next year, only better," which brought a storm of cheers from the businessmen.

Following Captain-Elect Ogrosky's remarks, Principle Will French of the high school responded to the toast. "Touchdowns." He explained that speakers were supposed to talk away from their subjects rather than towards then and for a time his clever quips directed at other local celebrities kept the hall convulsed.

French then warmed up to his subject and explained that a touchdown is what counts most in football. He then showed that there bigger, better things than marching across the Ark City goal line. The best in life bust be striven for like the touchdown made in a game.

He declared that what has happened to the boy who is able to make a touchdown is the main thing. Mental attitudes caused by school life are what counts. Winfield High, he explained, has always striven for properly supervised play and Winfield has given boys and girls a chance to be good.

"We have not gone to seed in athletics," French declared. "We believe the tired boy is a good boy. If he runs down playing basketball he will not run down in mischief."

The high school principal gave an able address, handling his subject in fine style.

The "Glory" song was then sung again, this time to Winfield High.

Dr. Hawke then led the men in two stirring yells. First S.O.-U, the Builder rallying cry and then Winfield's famous North-South-East-West. Staid old business men who had not let themselves loose in many a year betrayed a knowledge of the yells that was surprising and turned loose their voices with an effect more than surprising

One hundred and thirty-eight were seated at the banquet tables and every seat was taken.

The guest of honor were as follows;

Southwestern - Coach Bates, Captain Kahler, George Gardner, Vernon Seaman, Carrol Smith, Hershel Cornwell, A. J. Cheatum, E. Brickey, Claude Mitchell, Stanley Reif, Ira Madison, McAlister, Harris and Boyd Smith.

Winfield High--Coach Reber, Captain Cooper, Captain-Elect Ogrosky, Earl Henderson, Russel Smith, Bill Crawford, Dudley Biddle, Lloyd Harp, Leon Brownfield, Eddie Mitchell, Ralph Hanna, Lysle Mummert, Frank Jobes, Fred Ridings, and Joyce Ellwell.

The menu served was as follows;

Fruit Cocktail
Eschalloped Chicken
Mashed Potatoes Baked Beans
Cranberry Jelly Cabbage Slaw
Parker House Rolls
Pumpkin Pie with Whipped Cream


Winfield Players

1 D. Cooper, Capt. Quarterback

2 L. Mummert Fullback

3 E. Mitchell Halfback

4 F. Jobes Quarterback

5 R. Hanna Halfback

6 J. Elwell Halfback

7 C. Alspaugh Halfback

8 R. Smith Center

9 D. Biddle Guard

10 B. Crawford Guard

11 E. Ogrosky Tackle

12 F. Ridings Guard

14 F. Harp Tackle

15 E. Henderson End

16 L. Brownfield End

17 L. Barnes End

18 F. Keeney Center

19 B. Herrick Guard

20 B. Hendrickson Fullback

21 G. Thomas Tackle

22 S. Smith End

23 E. Stott End

24 L. Johnson Quarterback

25 Ev. McGowan Halfback

26 E. McGowan Tackle

27 R. McDermott End

28 Brown Center

29 W. Powers Quarterback

30 L. Briscoe Guard

31 M. Cary Halfback

32 I. Harris Guard

33 B. Dressler Halfback

34 H. Bradbury End

35 M. Thomas Tackle

36 D. Gafney End

Arkansas City Players

1 Flindt Guard

2 Hansen Guard

3 Marshall End

4 Brenine Center

5 Morrisey Tackle

6 McMichael Center

7 Carroll Halfback

8 Porter Halfback

9 Miller Guard

10 Stanley Guard

11 Bratches Halfback

12 Wimpey Fullback

13 Wilson Halfback

14 Gilbreath End

15 Smith, F End

16 Marsh Quarter

17 Brewster Halfback

18 Kroenert, R. Quarter

19 Paris End

20 Warren, Capt. Tackle

21 Lucas Guard

22 Kroenert, W Halfback

23 Fretz End

24 Harshfield Tackle

25 Templar Tackle

26 Smith, V End

27 Coyle End

28 Longshore Guard

29 Gamble Tackle

30 McAdams Fullback

31 Crabtree Guard

1 9 2 3
High School Gymnasium
Thursday, May 17, 1923
General Theme:

Education attains its larger significance in the development and utilization of the great capacities with which each individual has been endowed and the application of the consequent powers to the shaping of nobler lives.


Speaking Program by Honor Students of the Class

Anna Foster, presiding
Invocation, Rev. J. M. McClelland
Music, W. H. S. Orchestra

The contributation of scholership to education,
Mariam McClelland
The moral responsibility of education, Howard Latta
The physical factor in education, Cecil Snyder
Music, W. H. S. Orchestra
Educative values of participation in activities, Innis Harris
Supt. Will French, presentation of diplomas

Benediction, Rev. A. Homer Jordan.



President Lysle Mummert

Vice-President Alma Fry

Secretary and Treasurer Miriam McClelland


Cecil Snyder, Howard Latta, Miriam McClelland
Anna Foster, Innis Harris.

Nellie M. Abbott

Ruby Louise Abbott

Zelma Matilda Allen

Majorie Ruth Arnold

Louise A. Bailey

Julia Florence Barry

Perle Bauer

William Glenn Bickford

Margaret Marshall Blount

Hermon P. Bradbury

Mamie Marie Brooks

Marvin A. Bixler

Marion Irene Buffington

Roxie Rowena Bunn

Anna Alberta Calvin

Perry Warfield Chamness

John William Chancellor

Mildred Mae Clark

Kenneth B. Coldwater

Ray R. Cole

Helen Combs

Edward C. Cooper

Alma Bacqueline Cottom

Charles Clark Craig

Mary Edna Cranston

Blanche Olive Cullumber

Buth L. Cuthberson

William H. Crawford

Vera Anna Dalton

Allen Davison

Zerma Irene Dawson

Gladys Marie Denny

Marie Dewitt

Erma Helen Dibbens

Gladys Nelia Dowler

Bruce Ralph Dressler

Verlee Gladys Dunlap

Clara Ealey

Ethyl May Finney

Anna Caldwell Foster

Alma Elnora Fry

Mary Inez Fry

Walter Carl Fry

Hazel M. Fulk

Elmer R. Gane

Ester M. Gentry

Athel Marie Gessler

Franklin E. Golden

Frank Tandy Goodwin

Mary Ellen Hahn

Dayton L. Hale

Laura Mae Hamm

Robert P. Hamm

Innis D. Harris

Olin d. Harris

Dorace D. Harrison

William Cecil Headrick

George A. Herburger

J. Macy Hollowell

Grace E. Hood

Alfred W. Hunter

Eleanor Virginia Ireland

Thelma Anita Jemison

Lamont Richad Johnson

Lee R. Johnson

Alice Jennings

J. Ward Jennings

William Edward Johnson

Russel Maynard Kingsley

Paul William Krueger

Velma Frances Kuhl

Doris Marguerite Latta

Howard Allen Latta

Dollie May Liston

Neva Little

Fern Elizabeth Lutz

Miriam Joy McClelland

Cora A. McDanial

Frank Thomas McGuire

Ruth Lorene McKay

Jean Inez McNeil

Helen B. Mabee

Ruby Irene Mammen

Wilbur Nathaniel Marks

Wilbert K. Martin

Edwin L. Mattison

Ward Vernon Mead

Leona Ellen Miller

Edith Marie Moffet

Clifford L. Moyer

Lysle Durward Mummert

Thelma Myer

Curtis H. Neal

Joseph B. Neville

Hazel Alberta Nichols

Karl F. Nunemaker

Mary Collins Notestine

Delores Larela Ogrosky

Edison Karl Ogrosky

Ruth Olivia Mildred Palmer

Winona Patton

Harry A. Peters

Lucille Marie Pierce

Anna Marvel Pike

Glenn A. Pope

James William Powers

Wesley Lewis Prosser

James C. Radley

Olivia Mae Rawlins

Edna Alice Ridings

Fred Sterling Ridings

Nerr L. Ross

Nilton E. Rush

Martha Lillian Saxe

Frances W. Seaman

John Waldo Seeley

Gertrude Shaver

Murietta F. Shoemaker

Mary Lois Siverd

Berlin Everett Smith

Laura Juanita Smith

Stanley Arthur Smith

Thelma Irene Smith

Cecil Dawson Snyder

Hugh Stevenson Snyder

Pauline Elizabeth Snyder

Fred A. Southard

Virginia Louise Stuber

Hazel Marie Totten

Ferne Leonel Trautwein

Virginia May Turpin

Sidney Allen Watrous

Aleen Watrous

Ruth White

Lois Winfrey

Mildred Ruth Workman

Mildred Marie Wortman

Warren Hutton Youle

The Freshman Class of Southwestern
Requests the honor of your presence
At the
Reception to High School Seniors
Thursday evening, May the third.
Nineteen hundred twenty-three
Richardson Hall at eight o'clock
Edison Ogrosky, Builder Athlete,
Very Low Today in
As the result of injury received in the Bethany-Southwestern football game here last Tuesday Edison Ogrosky, fullback on the Builder eleven, is near death today.

Edison underwent an operation yesterday for an internal injury at St. Mary's hospital and today a report from the hospital and attending physician said that his condition was very grave. However according to the reports from the hospital there is still a chance of his recovery.

He was injured in the game last Tuesday with the Bethany Swedes but the seriousness of the injury was not known until several day later. He was up and around for 24 hours after the game but went under a doctors care Thursday. His condition grew gradually worse, until it was found necessary to operate.

His injury is a severe blow to the Southwestern basketball five as Coach Bates will have to develop tow guards, as Ogrosky played one guard position and the other was made vacant by the graduation of Boyd Smith. Edison has been a member of the Southwestern eleven backfield for the past tow years and is well known over the conference for his ability to hit the line hard. While in high school he obtained the nickname of "Dynamite" by the fact that he tore the other team to pieces in his charges down the field with a football tucked under his arm.


Edison Ogrosky, fullback of the Southwestern varsity football eleven, died last evening at 5:20 at St. Mary's hospital. Complications from a trivial injury received in a football game led to his death.

Ogrosky, one of the most popular athletes ever to don athletic attire in Winfield, made a gallant fight for life. Injured last Tuesday in the game with Bethany, he felt no ill effects until Wednesday evening when a physician was called. An operation was performed Sunday but he sank rapidly.

The injury which caused his death was a rupture of the large vein which supplies the duodenum. Blood leaded into the abdominal cavity from the rupture and when the operation was performed a large amount of clotted blood was removed. Death came as result of internal complications.

Hurt in Game Tuesday.
Edison was hurt in a scrimmage in the third quarter of the Southwestern-Bethany game here last Tuesday afternoon. After the whistle for the down had been blown and he had relaxed he was struck by a Bethany player. The player's knee struck him in the abdominal region. He was not hurt at the time and time was not taken out. He kept on playing and felt no inconvenience that day or night.

Next morning he went to school. In the afternoon he saw Coach Bates and asked about an athletic sweater which Bates had ordered for him. Bates "kidded" him, telling the player he had ordered a sweater much too large. That night he grew ill and a physician was called for the first time.

Ogrosky was under care of a physician from that time on. It was decided at last to operate. The operation was much against his will as he feared that if he should be operated upon he would not be able to play basketball this winter. The operation came Sunday and physicians at one realized that his condition was almost hopeless.

Sent Farewell to Team
He was conscious up until a few hours before his death. He did not lose his confidence that he would recover until late yesterday, when he said, "Bid the boys good bye for me." He lapsed into a semi-conscious state late in the afternoon and died soon after five o'clock.

There is added tragedy to his death in that he was probably playing his last season of football. Coach Bates had planned to train him especially for basketball and track. "Next year." Bates said a week ago, "Ogrosky will be held out of football on account of his value to the basketball team." Jimmy Gardner and Maurelle Dobson are neither on the football squad now though both are good football players, being held out because of their basketball ability.

A deep sense of sorrow pervaded Winfield today on account of the young athlete's death. Ogrosky was perhaps the most popular athlete ever developed at Winfield high school. He was long the idol of the high school fans and was equally popular at Southwestern, where he was a three-letter man, winning honors in football, basketball, and track.

Bates Much Affected.
Not only his prowess as an athlete but his lovable personality made him a favorite. His coaches had only praise for him on the high school and college squads.

Coach Bates was much affected by the tragedy. It is the first time in his 25 years as a coach that here has been a fatal accident on his squad. All football at the college has been suspended and no more game will be played this season by the Builders.

The Thanksgiving Day game with St. Mary's at St. Mary's has been cancelled. Coach Steve O'Roarke agreeing to the plan.

Edison Karl Ogrosky son of Mr. And Mrs. J. E. Ogrosky was born at Fort Dodge Iowa, September 16, 1902. And died at Winfield, Kansas, November 24, 1924, aged 22 years. In 1915 the family came to Cowley county and settled on a farm east of town, where they resided until 1921 when they moved to Winfield. His father died in 1916.

Edison received his education in the city schools. He was graduated from Winfield High school in 1922 where he was extremely popular in all forms of athletics. Following his graduation, he entered Southwestern college, where he held a wonderful record as an all-round clean athlete.

He was a member of the Baden Memorial Lutheran Church having been confirmed in that Church in 1916. Surviving are his mother Mrs. Bertha Ogrosky, a brother Rollo and sister Delores.

Funeral services will be held Wednesday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock from the Lutheran Church with Rev. E. W. Luecke in charge. Burial will be in Highlan cemetery.


High School Notes
Cancel Chapel
In memory of Edison Ogrosky member of the class '22, the big pep chapel arranged for tomorrow morning has been cancelled. According to the present plans the Wichita-Winfield game be played but there is a chance of its postponement.

Principal McConnel uttered a fine tribute to the young man when he said that "Probably no finer examplification of the true athlete has ever graduated from Winfield high school.

A spirit of depression may be noted around the high school as the students realize that one of Winfield's most popular athletes has died. The usual excitement and noise between classes is not to be noted as the students are talking over the wonderful character of Edison.


Wichita Daily Eagle
Football Activity in Winfield Is Ended Today
The big, lovable boy, long the idol of the local fans, is no more. Suddenly, like a bolt from the blue, last night came the unexpected news of his death from a trivial injury received in a football scrimmage last Tuesday.

Edison Ogrosky was loved because he played the game fairly. His was the code of the clean athlete. Endowed by nature with a splendid physical being, his modesty and good sportsmanship were crowning virtues.

What finer thing can be said of a man, after the last down is fought out and the last yard is gained or lost, than that he fought fairly?

Edison Ogrosky Was Injured
In Southwestern-Bethany
Game November 18
(Special to the Eagle)
WINFIELD, KAN, Nov., 24 -- Edison Ogrosky, 20, fullback on the Southwestern college football team, died in a local hospital today at 5:30 p. m. form injuries sustained in the Bethany-Southwestern game here November 18. Ogrosky did not know in what part of the game he was injured and played during the entire contest. But he became ill on Wednesday and a physician was summoned. Later Ogrosky was taken to a local hospital where an operation was performed Sunday.

Had Ruptured Vein
During the operation it was fount that the vein supplying the duodenum had been ruptured. A slow hemorrhage developed and the abdominal cavity was filled with clotted blood. Complications from the peculiar injury led to his death.

Ogrosky, who was one of the most popular athletes that ever attended Southwestern, remained conscious until today at 3:30 p.m. Just before lapsing into unconsciousness he appeared to realize that the end was near and, referring to his teammates and friends, among the athletes at southwestern, said, "Bid the boys goodbye for me."

Ogrosky, a graduate of the local high school, was playing his second year as a member of the Builder football team and had been mentioned for a position on the annual all-conference team. He was known for his display of good sportsmanship at all times and was a general favorite with the students both as an athlete and as a student.

In Chapel This Morning
Miss Alberta Haynes, pupil of Professor and Mrs. Fioramonti, sang the beautiful selection, "Wait on the Lord," in the chapel services this morning. Following the number by Miss Haynes, President Kirk read the Scripture from the nintienth Psalm. The thought of the marning was the untimely death of one of Southwestern's greatest athletes, Edison Ogrosky.

No Class Work Tomorrow.
According to an announcement made in chapel this morning there will be no class work at the college tomorrow because of the funeral services of Edison Orgosky. In connection with that announcement the three services of interest to the student body were spoken of. The first is the funeral services of Mr. Ogrosky at the Lutheran church at 3:30 in the afternoon. The second was the service of memorial held under the direction of the college authorities in the chapel at Richardson Hall at ten o'clock tomorrow morning. The other announcement pertained to the Thanksgiving service at the First Methodist church Wednesday evening.

Play is Postponed.
The first production this year of the Campus Players of Southwestern, "Captain Applejack," which is being directed by Miss Helen Graham, professor of expression in the Fine Arts department, has been postponed from tonight until Friday night of this week. The production of the play was postponed because of the death of one of the students. The death of Mr. Ogrosky has had a profound influence upon the school and community.

The death of Edison Ogrosky is deeply regretted by the old Free Press force. For two years Eddie has put in spare time in the job shop, and he was liked by all the force. He was a fine boy and it hardly seems possible that he is gone. Sympathy for his relatives and appreciation of the boy himself have been expressed everywhere in Winfield since ht seriousness of his injury became known and his death brought deep regret to all.

Winfield-Wichita Annual Battle
Will Not Be Played
Here Thursday
Because of the death of Edison Ogrosky, former Winfield high school athletic ace, the annual Winfield - Wichita Thanksgiving Day classic has been called off.

That announcement was made today by Winfield school authorities.

Edison Ogrosky was for four years a member of football, basketball, or track teams at the high school and it was felt that the game should not be played.

While in high school Ogrosky played on an undefeated football team, helped bring a state basketball championship to Winfield, and was on three state championship track squads.

The following statement was made today by Winfield school authorities:

"The football game scheduled for Thursday morning between Winfield high school and Wichita high school was cancelled today on account of the death of Edison Ogrosky, a graduate of this high school in the class of 1923. [SHOULD BE 1922] While he was a member of the Southwestern college football team at the time of his injury, yet the fact that he so recently graduated from this institution and that while in school, made such a conspicuous contribution to Winfield high school's most outstanding period of athletic prowess makes it proper that we should take this action. The Wichita High School athletic authorities have sensed the situation and have agreed to be governed by our feeling in the matter."

Tickets for the game held by local people will be refunded either at the high school building or at McGregor's.

Coach Bates Sends Message to
Lindsborg Team After
Fatal Accident
The death of Edison Ogrosky was purely accidental, growing out of the breaks of the game, Bethany college coach and players were told in a message today by Coach Willis Bates of Southwestern.

Coach Bates today dispatched a message to Bethany, telling them that athletic officials here did not believe that the injury to the star Builder athlete was intentional. The message was sent from here before any message of sympathy had been received from Lindsborg.

The Bethany team played a clean game here, officials say. The injury to Ogrosky came after the whistle had blown and he had relaxed but it was considered that the leap of the Bethany player had been started before the whistle blew.

Not Even Class Games Will
Be Finished From All
Indications Now
Football is over for the season at Southwestern.

From all indications today the moleskins will be checked in and all remaining games for the season, both varsity, reserves, and inter-class, will be cancelled. The tragic death of Edison Ogrosky has led to cancellation of all gridiron engagements at the college.

A message was sent yesterday to Coach Steve O'Roarke of St. Mary's, telling him that the Thanksgiving Day game at St. Mary's would be cancelled if the young fullback did not recover. He was informed last night that the game was off and acquiesced in the arrangement. Lamont Johnson, fullback of the St. Mary's team, who was a team mate of Ogrosky on the Winfield high eleven, will come for the funeral of Ogrosky, it was said today.

The inter-class championship at Southwestern probably will not be decided because of the tragedy. Also some other games matched for the minor college elevens will be called off, it was indicated today.

The next athletic activity at the college will be when Coach Bates calls for his basketball squad.

Coach Bates Deeply Grieved.
Outside the relatives of the unfortunate youth, perhaps no one in Winfield feels the death of Ogrosky more keenly than Coach Bates. "I have not played a boy this year who was hurt," the coach said last night. "I have tried to have every man ready to play before I started him. We have lost games this year by holding back men who might have played well for Southwestern but who I feared were hurt and I kept them out for fear they would be hurt.

"In all my coaching career of 25 years this is the first time that a man on the squad had died from an injury. I did not know he was hurt or I would have taken him out at the time."

The nearest approach to a causality on the Southwestern squad before this time was in 1913 when Fred Hanilton suffered a broken neck in a gem with the Manuals at Pittsburg. Hamilton was playing halfback on the state championship team of that year. He was hurt near the first of the game and his injury do demoralized his team mates that the best they could do with the weak Pittsburg team was a tie, 13 to 13.

Hamilton was brought here and was kept in a cast for weeks. He recovered and is now coaching.

Borne by his comrades of the white chalked field, the body of Edison Ogrosky was carried to its last resting place today.

An impressive funeral service at the Lutheran church, where flowers almost half filled the church, was held this afternoon. Burial took place at Highland cemetery and the last chapter had been written in the life history of the unfortunate youth whose unexpected death late Monday came as the result of an injury received in a football scrimmage on November 18.

Many Flowers There
All Winfield was saddened. And not only Winfield but other schools and other cities paused today to pay a tribute to the "true sportsman and worthy foe" who was no more. From the conference schools and from individuals came messages of sympathy.

Hundreds of floral pieces were at the church. It seemed they came from everywhere. Kansas conference football elevens paused long enough in their work of preparing for important Thanksgiving Day games to send flowers to Winfield. And the children of the public schools, who had worshipped Edison Ogrosky for years as a high school of college athlete, did their share. No sacrifice was too great for many of these youngsters to make that hay might contribute to various flower funds.

The pall bearers were all men who had played with Ogrosky on football teams. Those who played with him at Winfield high were Lamont Johnson, now with the St. Mary's college team; Don Cooper, Southwestern; Lysle Mummert, Pittsburg Teachers college; Paul Henshaw, Southwestern, and Bill Crawford, Southwestern. The other pall bearer was Captain Carol Smith, of the Southwestern varsity squad.

In Memorial Service
The chapel auditorium of Richardson Hall was crowed at ten o'clock this morning when the memorial service in honor of the memory of Edison Ogrosky began. The service was arranged t5o leave a lasting impression upon the audience. President Kirk, Professors MacFarland, Allen, Hawkins, Shepard, and Phillips, took part in the memorial exercises. The band played "Oh Come All Ye Faithful," and Theodore Marvel sang, There is No Night There."

The service opened by the selection from the band which was robed in blank gowns. The audience joined in singing "Nearer My God to Thee." Following the song Professor Hawkins read the scripture thought of the morning, taking it from several different passages, and Professor Allen led in prayer.

Theodore Marvel sang the beautiful funeral selection, "There is No Night There." It is sometimes known as "The City Forsquare."

Mr. Marvel sang very clearly and the music of the piece seemed to be in accord with the rest of the service to the exact degree.

Letters of condolence from other schools, including St. Mary's, St. John's, Fairmont and Kansas State Teachers college were read by Professor Phillips, vice-president of the college. Inn each was a note of sympathy and sorrow because of the death of Mr. Ogrosky who they called an athlete of the highest type

In A Few Short Hours
Professor MacFarlane, faculty sponsor of the Pi Sigma Phi honorary athletic fraternity of which Ogrosky was a leading member, delivered on of the speeches of the morning. He told of the day on which young Ogrosky came up to his desk after class and told him that he was going down to the hospital for a few days and that he would soon be back in class again. But it was not many days until news came that he was not expected to live, and later that he had gone. Professor MacFarlane made a point of the idea that his class-work here was done, but that he entered into a place where the class-work would be carried on in that realm in the same noble fashion that is had been here at Southwestern. The whole tone of the professor's eulogy was that as Christians we live in a realm of hope and light. We look upon death as a promotion, not a finishing.

The latter part of the hour was occupied by President Kirk who told of the ever-presence of death while we yet live. He spoke of the fact that all about us there is the possibility of death, but death was not to be conceived of, in the pagan was as if it were a monster which snatches here and snatches there at its own pleasure. Death, according to the president, is the embarking on a journey and that the same kind of sorrow should surround it as surrounds the parting of a ship in which there are some loved ones. In Christian thinking there is just the same confidence in the safe arrival of the soul at the Harbor of the Father as in the safety of the arrival of ship on the other side. We see the ship depart; they welcome its arrival.

Miss Dolores Ogrosky, is one of fifteen women on the University of Kansas Women's Rifle team who will be awarded pins for their season's service on the team. The pins will be presented at the annual R. O. T. C. presentation of awards ceremony Wednesday afternoon, May 15. Miss Ogrosky was formerly employed on The Courier.

Caption: GIRLS CAUGHT IN JAM-- Grace Orgosky[THEIR SPELLING], left, and Vera Eigel, members of the Seattle Oratorio Society, are sampling the jam in Mrs. Tom Page's pantry to get the pest for the shun-in sailors on the Navy hospital ship. (hand written note: Of course they had to spell our names wrong. Line point to Ogrosky spelled Orgosky)

Girls Have Reunion

Thirteen girls who were friends when they attended Winfield high school, several years ago net for a reunion and picnic supper at Island park Tuesday evening. With one exception, those who were at the picnic will leave Winfield soon to attend college or to return to their work after a summer vacation spent here.

After the supper at the park, the group went to the homes of Miss Marion Buffington and Miss Reba Denny where they were shown the hope chests of those girls. At the Denny home, they were entertained by Miss Emily Cramer who gave an impromptu reading. Later in the evening they went to King's for refreshments.

The girls who enjoyed the reunion were Mrs. Ralph Voris who will leave soon for her home in Springfield, Mo.; Miss Reba Denny who will teach in the high school at Jewell City; Miss Marion Buffington who will return to her work in Wichita where she is employed by A. H. Hyde; Miss Gladys Denny who will teach in the Edna High school; Miss Alice Jennings, a member of the Attica high school faculty; Mill Delores Ogrosky who will attend Kansas university; Miss Julia Barry who will study in Windield; Miss Emily Cramer, instructor in the Cook County hospital at Chicago, Ill.; Miss Thelma Myer and Miss Doris Latta, teachers in the Osawatomie schools; Miss Margaret Murray, member of the high school faculty at Dexter; and Miss Thelma Jemison who will leave soon for Carl Junction, Mo., to teach in the high school.

(hand written invitation)

The Home Economics Club of The University of Kansas invites you become a member. Initiation will take place in Frasier Hall, room 110 at 4:30, Nov. 13, 1929.

(hand written invitation)

Iota chapter of Omicron Nu cordially invites you to become a member. Election to this society carries with it certain obligations which you are expected to assume. If you desire any information before pledging yourself to this organization - the president, Florence Edmunds, will be glad to talk with you. Kindly answer in person at four thirty o'clock, Monday afternoon, March 31, in the Home Economics office.

Rowena Mammons (Sec.)

J. W. (Bill) Powers was a classmate of Edison Ogrosky, played high school football with him and ran track with him. Here is an interview with Bill Powers as he remembers Edison Ogrosky. Interview.