Early Aviation in Cowley County




First came the balloons...

Emporia News, June 25, 1869.

BALLOON ASCENSION. We are informed that arrangements have been made to send up a large balloon on the evening of the celebration—July 3rd. The balloon has been ordered.


Winfield Courier, July 10, 1873.

RECAP: Grand march at 11 a.m., with at least 2,500 in march to the speakers' stand. Rev. Lowery invoked blessing; Byron A. Snow read Declaration of American Independence; John B. Fairbank, Esq., delivered oration. After lunch: address by D. C. Scull, speech by Hon. James McDermott, benediction by Rev. J. B. Parmalee. March again taken up. Late in the evening a balloon ascension took place.

Funny thing: fireworks not mentioned.

Second came the "flying machines."

Traveler article dated July 30, 1971.

Airplane Ascension! This was a big event of 1910 in Arkansas City. It took place in the old Ball Park at Madison and F Street, and was attended by a great crowd, which was anxious to see the much-talked about "flying machine" in action.

They came in carriages, buggies, in lumber wagons, on bicycles, a-horseback, and a-foot. They watched with bated breath—the women in huge hats loaded with plumes and flowers that perched on pompadours, puffed hair and braided coils; the little girls in patent slippers, black lisle-thread hose, braids and hair ribbons; small boys squirming and jumping about in knickerbockers, ribbed black full-length hose and suspenders, men clad in hard detachable linen collars, suspenders plus sleeve garters, vests without coats, button shoes and peg top pants. They came, and watched the fragile plane sputter, flutter, then ascend, circle, then descend. Then they left, rather silently—feeling perhaps (and rightly) that their world would never be the same.

[This foregoing article was found by Mrs. Quinton Budd in an early Traveler. At the time she found the article, she was head librarian of the Arkansas City Public Library.]

Bill: Kay started gathering some of the facts he had obtained for "Aircraft and Arkansas City"...a file he later for some reason deleted from computer. I found the hard copy! Later I realized that much given below came from Saturday, December 31, 1921, issue of Traveler...which quoted a New York A. P. article. You will probably want to skip this first write-up! MAW

When Wilbur Wright, in a heavier than air machine, flew 852 feet at Kitty Hawk on December 17, 1903, that feat was pronounced one of the marvels of the century. The whole world rang with the accomplishment.

In 1906 A. Santos Dumont covered 720 feet in the first flight ever made in Europe.

The early development of the American Flying Service rested entirely with the Signal Corps, which had, on December 23, 1907, issued specifications for a man-carrying aeroplane that would be capable of remaining in the air for one hour without landing. These conditions were fulfilled the following summer by a Wright biplane fitted with a 35 h.p. engine, and the machine was duly purchased.

In 1908, five years after Wright’s original flight, he still held the world’s record with seventy seven miles made in two hours, twenty minutes, and twenty three seconds at Anvours, France.

In 1909 Henry Farman had gained the flying honors for France with a flight of 137 miles in four hours, six minutes, 25 seconds.

In 1910 Arkansas City had its first airplane land. It lit at the baseball field at the southeast corner of F Street and Madison Avenue.

By 1915 less than one million dollars was appropriated by Congress for military aeronautics, and the Flying Service remained a subsidiary branch of the Signal Corps, known as the Aviation Section, which had been established by Act of Congress on July 18, 1914.

On April 6, 1917, when the United States declared war on Germany, the establishment of the Aviation Section comprised 65 officers, 1,120 enlisted men, two small flying fields (Mineola and San Diego), and less than 300 very second-rate training aeroplanes. Most of the American service aeroplanes produced during the war were of British or French design, with the minor alterations the fitting of the Liberty engine necessitated, if such was fitted.

During 1917: American aircraft industry produced almost exclusively training aeroplanes. Among these:

  1. Curtiss J.N. 4 (models B, C, and D).
  2. Standard J.1 (for primary training).
  3. Curtiss J.N. H. (Hispano-Suiza) two-seater.
  4. Thomas-Morse S.4 (B. and C.).
  5. Standard E.1 single-seaters for advanced training.


Some 30 flying fields were created for the training of aviators, and large numbers of Allied (especially French) specialists in military aeronautics were drawn upon for establishing the Flying Service on a thoroughly up-to-date foundation.

Standardizing three types of service machines.

  1. D.H. 4
  2. Bristol F.2 B
  3. Spad de chasse

These planes were all modified to allow the fitting of a standardized aero engine, which was to be built in 4, 6, 8, and 12 cyl. models.

Liberty Engines—Orders Placed August 1917 With Following Firms.

  1. Packard Motor Car Co.—6,000 engines.
  2. Lincoln Motors Co.—6,000 engines.
  3. Ford Motor Co.—5,000 engines.
  4. Nordyke and Marmon—3,000 engines.
  5. General Motors Corp.—2,000 engines.
  6. Trego Motors Corp.—500 engines.

Total: 22,500 engines.

D.H. 4 and Bristol F. 2B: 12 cyl., 400 h.p. model.

Spad: 8 cyl., 225 h.p. model.

Liberty 12 Engine.

By the time the Armistice was signed, 13,396 of these engines had been delivered; the output for October, 1918, alone having reached 4,200.

On April 24, 1918, the Aviation Section was separated from the Signal Corps and re-named "Air Service."

Beginning early in 1919, standardized Air Service machines were to be built; but war ended before production was underway. All orders were deleted, but some had been shipped before December 27, 1918. A total of 4,587 were shipped.

There were in operation on the front 39 aero squadrons, distributed as follows.

Pursuit: 20

Night bombardment: 1

Day bombardment: 6

Army Observation: 5

Daytime Observation Corp: 12

Night Observation: 1


Enemy aeroplanes brought down by American aviators included 491 confirmed and 354 unconfirmed, a total of 845; while 82 enemy observation balloons were reported as destroyed, of which 57 were confirmed. The Air Service lost, on the other hand, only 271 aeroplanes and 45 observation balloons, thus showing its marked superiority over the enemy.

The number of aeroplanes, by type, received from all sources by the American Expeditionary Force between September 12, 1917, and November 16, 1918, was as follows.

Pursuit for service: 3,337

Pursuit for schools: 90

Observation for service: 3,421

Observation for schools: 664

Day bombing for service: 421

Day bombing for schools: 85

Night reconnaissance: 31

Other planes received included—

Training planes: 2,285

Experimental planes: 30

Miscellaneous: 108

Total: 10,472

Eight different schools under American control were established in France and designed for training 3,800 officers and 11,700 men. A total of 159 officers and soldiers were killed in training. Casualties at the front included 19 killed, 103 wounded, 200 missing, 27 prisoners, and 3 interned, making a total of 442.

The total strength of the Division of Military Aeronautics, Air Service, on November 11, 1918:18,688 officers, 5,775 cadets, and 133,644 soldiers. At that date the Air Service had trained 8,933 reserve military aviators at home, and about 2,300 had been trained in France, Great Britain, and Italy.

The personnel of the Bureau of Aircraft Production, Air Service, comprised 32,520 officers and soldiers.

The ground establishments of the Air Service in the United States comprised 40 flying fields, 8 balloon fields, 3 radio schools, 3 photography schools, 5 schools of military aeronautics, and 14 aircraft depots.

Standard Aircraft Corporation.

Had factories at Elizabeth and Plainfield, New Jersey. This was the second largest American aeronautical construction firm in 1919. It had produced during the war a great variety of machines. Among these is the first postal aeroplane distinctly designed for this purpose, and various numbers of standard JR-1 single seater Biplane training machines and Dh-4a, which was a two-seater fighter.




"Albin K. Longren’s 1921 fold-wing airplane, the wings of which could be positioned for flight in about 30 seconds."


Retired minister wants to see Albin K. Longren’s flying machine take flight again.

By John Hanna.

Associated Press.

TOPEKA. A small crowd gathered in a farmer’s field on the outskirts of the Oakland neighborhood in the northeast part of town. A stunt pilot was going to test Albin K. Longren’s newest flying machine, built in the old woolen mill nearby.

At that time, in 1921, this plane was really something. It had a clean fuselage made of vulcanized fiber, and a pilot and passenger could sit side by side on a buff leather seat.

But its wings represented the biggest innovation. If you removed a set of metal pins on each side, you could fold them back along the body, so that the machine would fit in your garage.

The pilot, J. Hodgins Smith, took off and executed spins and barrel rolls, doing everything, it seemed, except straight flying. After he landed, he said, "That is the best machine I ever saw."

Had Longren been a better businessman, he might have become as famous as aviation pioneers Clyde Cessna or Walter Beech, and Topeka might be a center of light aircraft manufacturing. Instead, he and his "flivver" were all but forgotten for years.

Now, the Rev. Richard Taylor, a retired Methodist minister and history buff, hopes to see Longren’s fold-wing flyer take to the air again. The 75th anniversary of its first flight is Tuesday.

"This thing was revolutionary," Taylor said. "He thought this could be the plane for the ranch man, the traveling salesman, the doctor."

Taylor wants to find and restore a Longren fold-wing plane, or even build a replica if he can find the money. He plans to put together a guide so that people can see the places where Longren built and flew his aircraft.

The minister, the former head of the state’s leading temperance and anti-gambling group, has spent nearly two decades researching Longren’s life. He has compiled a book of clippings and pictures about the aviator, which he sells for $10—the cost of producing it. He has applied to the state Aviation Hall of Fame to get Longren’s name included.

He has scheduled a historical pageant for 2 p.m., Aug. 10, at Hetrick Hangar at Billard Airport, with local residents taking on the roles of people who were present on Aug. 6, 1921, or who figured prominently in other episodes of Longren’s life. Billard is near the field where Longren flew his fold-wing.

Taylor also plans to put up a sign southeast of Topeka, near the spot Longren flew his first plane—and completed the first successful flight of a Kansas plane in the state—on September 2, 1911.

Two buildings in which he manufactured airplanes still stand. If you look closely enough at one, four blocks north of the Statehouse, you can still see his name stenciled above the top windows. The second is the woolen mill—now a warehouse—on the outskirts of Oakland.

Taylor suspects the ruts left by Longren’s fold-wings are in the field near Billard Airport, but soybeans grow there now. The Longren house still stands, within walking distance, occupied by another family.

Longren built the fold-wing because he thought one of the biggest problems for owners of light aircraft was storing them. With the metal pins in place, the plane’s wingspan was nearly 28 feet. With the wings folded back, the plane was less than 10 feet wide.

Despite its innovations—which included a small door so that people wouldn’t have to climb into the fuselage—Longren’s aircraft company went bankrupt. Taylor suspects it did so because Longren did not have a relative or a friend who could handle the business end, as Cessna and Beech did.

"He was the engineer; he was the dreamer," Taylor said.

Born in 1882, Longren grew up in Leonardville, a small town 19 miles northwest of Manhattan. Contemporary accounts of his aviation activities suggest he dreamed of flying as a boy after watching hawks soar overhead.

By 1910, he and his brother, E. J., worked as mechanics and car salesmen in Clay Center and were members of what would become the Kansas Air National Guard. Both had a natural aptitude for engineering, even though neither had taken more than a correspondence course.

By chance, the two brothers came to Topeka in June 1910 to help control the crowds at an air show. The pilot, J. C. Mars, wrecked his plane, and the Longren brothers helped fix it. They decided to build their own.

Both brothers were pilots, and Albin would keep E. J. informed of later projects. They built that first plane, Topeka I, later known as the Dixie Flyer, in a building near downtown. It had two wings, a single seat, and a great deal of wire.

In September, after six weeks, it was ready.

Albin Longren took off from Aviation Hill, then southeast of Topeka. The spot is not marked today, but Taylor’s research indicates it was near where Lake Shawnee is now.

Albin Longren kept a scrapbook, and in it, he wrote, "I had never sat in any other airplane, or received any instructions from anyone experienced in flying. The plane was also an unknown quantity, because its balance and airworthiness was a big question."

That flight ended safely, but he wasn’t so lucky in later flights.

In August 1913, he started a flight southeast of Topeka and clipped a giant cottonwood tree. He was unhurt; his friends found him standing by his fallen craft, "cool and collected," as one newspaper account put it.

Two years later, he broke his leg and suffered internal injuries when he crashed a new model near Abilene. He recovered, and so did the plane, which now hangs in the Kansas Museum of History.

Albin Longren left Topeka in 1926, worked for other companies, including Cessna, and ended up in California working as an engineer. He died there in 1950 but is buried in Leonardville.

Taylor believes Albin Longren’s work deserves to be remembered.

"I think he was Leonardo da Vinci reborn," Taylor said.


Bill...among notes I made from material at Winfield Museum:

Winfield Courier, Circa Friday, July 20, 1973.

Little Stories.

Karl Conner states that he was present when the first airplane landed in Winfield. The location was between 9th and 14th streets east of the Country Club road on the Hiatt place. there were no buildings there then, Conner states.

The plane was built by Alvin [Albin] K. Longren of Rago, Kansas, north of Harper. It was shipped in and reassembled, as it only had a 2½ gallon gas tank.

The plane was patterned after those made by the Glen Martin Co. They charged 50 cents just to go in to watch the plane fly.


Interesting facts are brought out in the Hughes airplane report which was published in Arkansas City on November 12, 1918. For instance, the Packard company and the Lincoln Motor company each have contracts for 6,000 Liberty motors. The Ford company has a contract for 5,000 motors. On each of these machines a profit of about $1,075 will be realized. It is shown that the cost of producing a Liberty motor is about $3,200, hence the profit is at the rate of 33-1/3 percent.

In commenting on the report Attorney General Gregory insists that such profits are not excessive when it is considered that "60 percent or more of them must be paid to the government as income and excess profits taxes." In the frequent communications of large private profits that have emanated from this administration, we have failed to note that mitigating statement. But how easy it is for a cabinet officer to find means for whitewashing the questionable acts of his administration.

Bill, here is where I took up with flyers’ story...

Arkansas City Traveler, November 12, 1918.


Peace Jubilee in Arkansas City Lasted Many Hours

With One Or Two Exceptions the Affair Was Pleasant and

There Were No Serious Accidents.

The peace celebration held in Arkansas City on November 11, which lasted from three o'clock in the morning until nearly midnight last night, was without doubt the largest affair of the kind or any other kind ever held here. From early morning until late at night the noise was almost unbearable, but everyone was rejoicing to such an extent that they all enjoyed the noise. The parade lasted nearly all day and was participated in by many owners of automobiles and other rigs, the vehicles being decorated with flags and bunting, and everyone seemed to thoroughly enjoy the affair.

The Santa Fe office force started the ball rolling about 9 o'clock in the morning when they marched through Summit street, and very soon others joined in the demonstration, while in the afternoon there was one continual parade up and down Summit street.

In compliance with the mayor's proclamation for business houses to close to make the affair a real holiday, all of the stores closed their doors at noon and, with one or two exceptions later in the day, they remained closed for the big celebration. There were no accidents during the day, with the exception of several auto collisions, in which there was no damage done. During the jam at different times several autos ran together, but fortunately there was no one injured, at least the police and state guards report no serious accidents of any kind.

The official parade booked for 7 o'clock in the evening, started ahead of time and soon after dark the crowd on the streets were larger than ever seen on any other occasion in Arkansas City. The procession was headed by the Santa Fe laborers from the different departments and nearly all of them carried torches, which made a splendid picture after night. The local carpenters union joined in the parade with a large crowd of men, and Maple City with a nice crowd of Red Cross women workers, also participated. Several lodges also took part in the parade and the Arkansas City military band, under Professor Hatley, also the drum corps of this city, took part in the affair, and the band furnished music for the closing program of the evening, which was an open air dance on East Fifth avenue.

For this occasion the avenue east of Summit street for one block was roped off and sawdust placed on the pavement. The crowd of young folks, who participated in the dance, enjoyed themselves until a late hour.

One of the unpleasant features of the day's celebration was the fact that Lieutenant Wilbur (Pete) Hill, who had charge of the state guards, was compelled on account of numerous complaints to call upon Fred Bower, the meat market man of South Summit street, and ask him to close his place of business. This was late at night, about 10 o'clock according to Mr. Hill, when he called upon Mr. Bower, who was in the shop at the time. Mr. Hill was accompanied by Sergeant Smith and Policeman Randol. Lieutenant Hill says that he asked Mr. Bower to close his place as he had received numerous complaints about his transacting business when everything was supposed to be closed. At that time Mr. Bower said all right, and there was no argument about the matter, but the shop was closed immediately. Later in the evening, someone at present unknown to the officers, daubed yellow paint over the front of Mr. Bower's market.

Mayor Hunt, who issued the closing proclamation in the morning, found K. Weller Daniels, in his place of business on East Fifth avenue, transacting business early in the evening, and he instructed him to close up the music store. It is said that the place was closed after the mayor had given the order to the proprietor. Other parties first reported the Daniels incident to Mr. Hunt.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Friday, November 15, 1918.

Lieut. Wilbur (Pete) Hill received a letter, on Nov. 15, 1918, announcing that his cousin, Eliza Denny, was killed Oct. 1 in action overseas. 

Lieut. Hill has also received word from Geo. Smith, who had been first lieutenant of the Kansas state guards in Arkansas City. Lieut. Smith is now at Camp McArthur, Texas, saying that he arrived all right and was assigned to his company. He has been given his equipment but has not yet received his clothing. Lt. Smith thinks he will be retained at Camp McArthur for some time yet.

At Marine Flying Field.

Ed Wilkinson wrote Nov. 18 from the Marine Flying Field, Miami, Florida, that he is progressing in learning aviation in the army, but he fears he will not get to go to France on account of the signing of the armistice terms. Ed tried to break into the war several months ago by enlisting in the British Royal Flying corps, but his nationality was discovered and on account of not being an Englishman, he was dropped. Later he succeeded in getting into the American Marine aviation branch and he has been in this service since last August. He was stationed at the navy yards at Charleston for a long time. Edward is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wilkinson, who formerly conducted the Windsor hotel. They live at Wellington now, but all the family have numerous friends in this city.


Many of Them Are Undecided What to Do Since Fighting is Over

Paris, Nov. 26—What will become of the aviators now that the fighting has ended?

Commercial aviation doubtlessly will be extended greatly, but it is a question whether it will present sufficient attraction to the men who have taken up aviation for the distinction to be won in air fighting. The Aero club of France up to the present, has issued 16,000 pilot licenses, and hundreds of military pilots have not taken out the Aero club's license to which they are entitled.

Inquiry among the French aces shows the majority are too young to be worrying about the next phase of life, although some hope that civilian aviation will offer satisfactory careers.

Lieutenant Rena Fonck, the ace of aces, with 75 official victories, has not yet decided what he will do, but may remain in the army. Sub-Lieutenant Nungesser, with 44 victories, has decided to quit the army. He has received many offers and may go to the United States.

Lieutenant Lemaitre, after leading 135 bombing expeditions, will be in charge of an aero transport undertaking.

A young lieutenant barely of age, who has won 14 victories, says: "All I know is that I will not continue my law studies."

Sub-Lieutenant Bourjade, with 26 successes, probably will have the least difficulty in returning to civilian life. He is a priest and will resume his clerical duties.


Chanute Field Has Been An Unusually Busy Place

Chanute Field, Rantoul, Ill., Dec. 4—With a record of having graduated 475 flyers and several thousand mechanics in the 18 months of its existence, many of whom performed active service on the French and Italian battle fronts, Chanute Field will soon be closed as an instruction school for army aviators. A small detachment will be left in charge to guard the government's property, valued at several millions of dollars.

Officers in charge of the flying field are proud of the work done and the results accomplished.

Chanute Field was established in May, 1917, through the efforts of William Wheat and other citizens of Rantoul, Ill. Work of converting the 640 acres of fertile farm land into an army flying field consumed several months. The first students to arrive were the 10th aero squadron from Kelly Field, Texas, on July 7, 1917. Two days later 30 members of the 16th aero squadron from Osburne Field, Chicago, reported for duty.

Actual instructions in flying began July 12 and during the summer 125 students were graduated and given commissions as lieutenants.

Flying continued until early in December when the advanced students and a number of aeroplanes were transferred to southern camps to continue their work. Throughout the winter months a school for beginners was kept open at Rantoul.

Practical instruction in flying was resumed February 10, 1918, and continued until late this fall with from three to five squadrons in attendance.

The aero squadrons stationed at the field since it opened were the 10th, 16th, 38th, 39th, 112th, 152nd, 163rd, 173rd, 174th, 203rd, 210th, 267th, 268th, 287th, 288th, 831st, and 832nd.


[From Traveler...dates not given.]

Mayor Hunt Names a Committee to Work on the Proposition

Mayor C. N. Hunt received, on December 5, 1918, a letter from the Aerial League of America, of which Rear Admiral Robert E. Peary is president, and Woodrow Wilson, commander in chief. This letter makes it assured that this city has a splendid chance for serious consideration as one of the landing places for the great new mail service.

Mayor Hunt has named the following committee to cooperate with the government and will consider aeronautic plans for this city. The committee is as follows:

E. L. McDowell, chairman, Carl Kinslow, J. S. Younkin, H. S. Collinson, Forest Howard, Jay Fairclo, Ralph Oldroyd, Dr. C. H. House, George S. Hartley, Max Coulter, Robert M. Davis, Alfred Sowden, Harry Lightstone, Vern Thompson, Frank McKeever, J. R. Burford, Dr. R. L. Baker, Charles Masters, Doug Wilson, and J. R. Lantz.


Springfield, Mo., Dec. 9—Three army airplanes from Scott Field, Belleville, Ill., which arrived in Springfield yesterday, left at noon today for Tulsa, Okla. The aviators are surveying a route proposed for an aerial highway, which is advocated by army fliers of various flying fields. The party will return Wednesday or Thursday. The flight so far has been made without serious mishap.

Writes An Interesting Letter to His Folks From France

France, Nov. 7, 1918.

Dear Ones:—Will type you a few lines this evening as it has been some time since I have written to you, and I know that you are always anxious to hear from me. You know when a person neglects writing for some time it seems to be the custom to give some alibi, so that being true, I shall be obliged to do so. Never-the-less, I have been quite busy and have also been on the move considerably; I have been on duty away from my organization for over a month and just joined them again a few days ago, and I assure you that I was more than glad to return to the good regiment, although I had a very long and tiresome trip.

However, the monotony of the trip was broken by a two days' stop over in Paris, and from there I was also traveling one and a half days to my destination, which I reached without mishap. In Paris I had a very nice and interesting trip, visiting many places of interest. One of which was the largest church that was shelled on Good Friday by the long range gun of the dirty Hun, and killing eighty five people. I also went through the Notre Dame and my guide explained everything of interest to me as he could speak English quite well, and was a man of fifty-one years of age and had lived in the great city of Paris as many. Paris has the most wonderful works of art I have ever seen. There are quite a number of Americans in Paris, but all that I saw wore the uniform of the army, navy, Red Cross, or Y. M. C. A., and I wish to state that everyone wearing the uniform looked the part of a neat and smart appearing American, their conduct was worth commenting on.

In Paris I saw perhaps one hundred captured airplanes of all descriptions and several hundred guns of all calibre, field pieces, machine guns, tanks, balloons—both observation and scouting, and very much other captured war material. Well, I left Paris at night after some difficulty getting my baggage transferred, as traveling in France is anything but delightful. After traveling all night I arrived at a certain place near the front about six o'clock in the morning. I say near the front for it was about fifteen miles from the front. However, that is not considered near the front. I remained for about an hour and a half and then continued my trip to the place where I am now located, but will only be here a very short time as you know the army is on the move toward Berlin, but the dirty Hun is in the lead, and I am glad to be back with my regiment. The big guns are hammering tonight and the flash from the guns and boom, boom is quite thrilling. But I don't think it will be a great long time until it will all be over, and then there will still remain work for everyone of us over here.

It is certainly muddy here and the mud is very much like gumbo, it sticks to our boots like wax. But why growl at the mud, we are here for but one purpose, and every man is striving to do his bit to succeed in that one purpose, and then return to dear old America. I have read in some of the papers that some people have the impression that a great many Americans will remain over here and marry French girls. I am inclined to believe that they are wrong, far wrong, and after the war is over and the troops have returned home, I believe the word "many" in that case will be replaced by the word "few."

I received a Traveler today and was certainly glad to get it, although it was dated September 19th. I spent some time reading it as it contained many names of persons I know. I hope to receive the Traveler quite often now. Of course, we are quite busy, but we find time to read letters and a home paper even if we have got to fold them up and stick them down in our pockets and carry them around with us for some time.

I received the appointment at adjutant battalion as soon as I arrived here, and I am fine and dandy and getting along the same. By the way, there are two French officers sitting here about ten feet from me and they have just received a French newspaper, and by the way they are talking in French, I think the war must be over. I hear quite often from dear Lela and she always gives me the news from all the folks. Believe me, I will certainly be glad when the time comes for the return home. Well, I think I shall investigate and find out what the excitement is with the two French officers, so dear ones will say good night for this time, hoping to hear from you soon, and hoping that this will find all well. Give my best regards to all. Worlds of love. From a loving son.—Roy Branstetter, First Lieutenant 38th Inf., American E. F., France.



Army Airmen are Mapping Out Aerial Highway Across Country

Arkansas City has the best Landing Place They Had Seen on The Trip

One of The Pilots Declared.

Two airplanes from Richfield, Waco, Texas, dropped in on Arkansas City, Saturday evening, December 21, 1918, at 5 o'clock, encircling the city in the air for fifteen or twenty minutes before landing; meanwhile pulling off various stunts in the air, including the tail spin, loop the loop, and others that only the fliers themselves know what they are. It was very interesting entertainment for a large number of people who saw them.

One of the machines landed on the alfalfa field directly across Kansas Avenue at the end of North Summit street, which was declared by one of the pilots to be the best landing field they had encountered since they left Waco, Texas. He said a big white cross ought to be put there so that aviators would know it was a good place to land. NOTE - This land is on the east side of the road and was owned by the Land and Power Company which was headed by A. A. Newman at that time. RKW.

The other ship landed two miles east, on Madison avenue, on the McGee farm.

The Chamber of Commerce will look after this suggestion, Secretary Heffelfinger promised. The visiting airmen told the secretary that Arkansas City can get an exhibition flight, if it wants one, giving the name of the proper official to write to; and Secretary Heffelfinger has already acted on this tip.

The party was put up at the Fifth Avenue Hotel by the Chamber of Commerce. It was composed of Lieutenants B. R. Jacobi and J. H. Smith, pilots; Lieutenant E. G. Bahl, publicity officer, and Walter Hines, mechanic. They were exceptionally pleasant young men and expressed their warm appreciation of the accommodations extended to them here. Sergeant Hines visited in the city with Miss Wilson, his fiance, a daughter of Sam Wilson, a foreman of the construction of the grain tanks at the New Era Mill. He notified her when they were going to arrive here.

They left Waco, Texas, Saturday morning at 7:30 o'clock, covering the 400 miles to this city by 5 o'clock in the evening. They flew here from Oklahoma City in one hour and a half. These machines will fly at the rate of 75 miles an hour and at an altitude of ----? feet. They flew as low as 800 feet while encircling this city to pick out a landing place. From their enthusiastic conversation about Arkansas City, it was evident they will put it on the aerial route. One of the pilots said it took 15 gallons of gasoline for one of the machines from Oklahoma City here.

Both planes were 8 cylinder Curtiss Training Biplanes of the JDN 4 type with 90 horsepower Curtiss engines. The engines alone cost the Government $3,000, the planes complete, $8,000. The normal speed of these planes is 70 to 80 miles per hour. At the close of the war the Government had on hand 5,779 Curtiss training planes with Curtiss engines, and 2,500 advanced training planes equipped with the famous Hispano-Suiza motors.

During the war 17,000 cadets were turned out from the ground schools or the schools of military aeronautics, and 8,800 army aviators have received commissions.

Sergeant Walter Hines, while in the city, delivered a message to Mrs. O. I. Stewart, of 126 North Second street, from her son, Robert, who is located at Waco. The message was that her son had been granted a ten days furlough and would be home Sunday. Sergeant Hines phoned the message to Mrs. Stewart Saturday evening from Sollitt & Swarts' drug store. Robert came home and had a pleasant visit with his mother and his brother, J. H. Stewart. Robert has not been home for a year and a half, before the present visit.

Upon their arrival in the city the state guards were called out to guard the ships overnight. Lieutenant Wilbur (Pete) Hill, who completed a course of flying at Dewey Field several months ago, was in charge of the guards. On account of his technical knowledge of airplanes, the two airplanes were looked after in splendid shape. In fact, Lieut. Hill knew more about the engines than the visiting airmen, they said. He had the manifolds drained and covered up the machines. So pleased with the way their machines were handled under his direction were the aviators that one of them took Lieut. Hill on a flight over the city before they left. All the air stunts were pulled off to the great enjoyment of Lt. Hill, who had been through them himself and knew how to appreciate the experience.

The aviators left at 10:30 o'clock for Fredonia where they had orders to remain for five days. They thought they might go on to Omaha from there or return to Waco. If they return by way of Arkansas City, they will send a message in advance so the people can turn out to welcome them. They will visit at Fredonia with relatives of Lieut. Smith.

There was a big crowd present to see them off from this city.

Lieut. Bahl gave the following information to a Traveler reporter.

In compliance with a special order from Major General Kenley of Washington, D. C., received at Rich Field, Waco, Monday, December 16, Major John G. Whitesides ordered two airplanes to start Wednesday morning, having Fredonia, Kansas, as their destination. This trip is of a most important nature, inasmuch as it has for its purpose the development of aerial routes and the gathering of important data on weather conditions, landing fields, etc. Major John G. Whitesides is taking a special interest in this trip, and thinks that the data obtained will be of the utmost value to the war department. Rich Field, located at Waco, in the central part of Texas, offers a most advantageous point from which to start aerial mail mapping trips. By courses laid out radiating from Rich Field, the entire south-central and western districts of the United States may be mapped with the view to determining the best routes possible over which aerial mail may be carried.

This is one of the first expeditions of this nature. The ships will pass through the following cities: Dallas, Ardmore, Oklahoma City, Guthrie, Arkansas City, and Fredonia. The men detailed to do this work are Lieutenant E. G. Bahl, publicity officer, and Sergeant Walter Hines, mechanic."

Lieutenant Musselman Home

Lieutenant Beachy Musselman, who is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Musselman of North Second street, was home from California. He returned Tuesday night, December 24th. He has been located at Mather flying field, near Sacramento, California, and he received his commission there. Lieutenant Musselman has been discharged from the service until called again. He plans to continue his education at Kansas University.


Government Calls For Bids To Be In By February 1.

Secretary John B. Heffelfinger, of the Chamber of Commerce, is in receipt of a communication from the office of the director of military aeronautics, supply section, salvage branch, at Washington, D. C., announcing the sale of airplanes and motors by the government. Those interested in this sale are requested to call upon Mr. Heffelfinger for further particulars. Bids on these machines are to be opened at 11 a.m., February 1, 1919. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check for 20 percent of the amount of the bid and must be sent sealed. The schedule of property includes 1,600 airplanes, 2 seated biplanes with Curtiss 90 h. p. motor (the kind of planes seen in this city a few days ago), 200 Hispano Suiza, 150 h. p. motor, ten 2 seated biplanes with the Thomas 135 h. p. motor, and 2,000 4 cylinder motors without planes. Delivery is to be made and accepted within 90 days from date of bid. Further particulars to be furnished upon request from J. B. Heffelfinger at the office of the Chamber of Commerce here.

Snow Stops Aviators

Kansas City, Jan. 2—Because of the snow, Lieut. Samuel Yarborough and Sergeant J. H. Sims, mapping aerial mail routes between this city and St. Louis and over Kansas, were unable to start for Scott Field, Belleville, Ill., today. Repairs to their plane also had to be made and it was thought possible their flight might be resumed tomorrow.


Same Two Aeroplanes Here Two Weeks Ago This Afternoon.

The same two airships that were here a couple of weeks ago, landed at Newman field, just across Kansas avenue, from the north end of Summit street, Saturday afternoon, January 4, 1919, about 3:20 o'clock, on their way back to Rich Field, Waco, Texas.

In the two Curtiss training biplanes of the JDN-4 type, with 90 horsepower Curtiss eight cylinder engines each, were the pilots—Lieutenants B. R. Jacobi and J. H. Smith; Lieutenant E. G. Bahl, publicity officer; and Sergeant Walter Hines, mechanic, it was reported.

The aviators encircled the city before landing, flying at a very low altitude, skimming over the tops of buildings and houses. When they landed here before, they declared that the Newman field was the best landing place they had seen on their trip from Waco, Texas, and that they intended to call it to the attention of the government officials making out the aerial mail highway. These flyers are picking out the best landing places, and they were enthusiastic about this field, suggesting that a big white cross be placed there to guide airmen in picking a place to light.

Sergeant Hines notified his fiancé, Miss Gertrude Wilson, daughter of Sam Wilson, a foreman of the construction company on the New Era Milling grain elevators, that they were going to arrive here this afternoon.


Popular Auto Service Firm Is Located In New Dye Building

Jan. 15, 1919. Although located in the basement of the new building erected by C. B. Dye at 500 South Summit street in automobile row, the Vale-Hill new repair shop has an entrance that is on a level with the street and causes no inconvenience to the car drivers. Their new shop is completely equipped to handle all repair work and the part of the new building occupied by them was designed especially for this purpose. It is fire-proof and modern in every detail.

New machinery will be installed by this enterprising firm to handle their rapidly increasing business more promptly and more satisfactorily to them and their customers.

The Vale-Hill partnership has prospered from the beginning, and their success is attributed to the fact that they give unexcelled service because they are their own mechanics and not the smallest thing is slighted in their work on an automobile. The shop will be open day and night.

About our New Home

This building was designated and erected especially for automobile work. The entire basement, which we occupy, was designed after our suggestions. The entire building is posi-tively fire proof and is thoroughly accessible from all points. An especially built elevator for the carrying of even the heaviest truck is one of the big features.

REAR ENTRANCE on the level with the street—positively no trouble getting in and out with cars.

NEW EQUIPMENT, new machinery, lathes, drills, press, modern equipment, etc., are now on the freight car coming this way. When installed our shop will be second to none in Southern Kansas. Equipment plus experience and an untiring desire to do the best work—should attract your business to us.

Note: Arthur G. Hill, partner in the Vale-Hill Garage is a brother of Lieut. Wilbur (Pete) Hill. RKW.


Sued for $10,500 for Failure to Honor Check of Arthur G. Hill.

Jan.29, 1919. Arthur G. Hill of Arkansas City, a member of the firm of Vale-Hill Auto Repair shop of that city, filed suit in district court Monday against the Traders State Bank of that city asking judgment for $10,500. The plaintiff alleges said defendant refused to honor a check given by Hill to the Standard Oil company for $16.77 for a barrel of oil to be used by the said firm, which is a partnership existing between W. F. Vale and Arthur G. Hill. Though plaintiffs have been partners in business since July 1918, they did not keep a partnership account or fund; but each partner kept his own account and payments for materials made by either partner. Mr. Hill claims in said petition that he paid for the oil with his own personal check and had sufficient funds on deposit in bank of the said defendant to cover the check. Thereby, the refusal of the bank to pay it dishonored the check, which was wrongful, and Hill and partnership were injured in business reputation and credit with the Standard Oil company, and the company withdrew its offer of credit.

Hill asks for a judgment of $5,000 personal injuries which were wrongful, willful, and malicious and $5,000 for judgment as a partnership injury and $500 attorney fees, making a total of $10,500 for damages sustained.—Winfield Courier.


January 22, 1919. Recently when two government aviators flew to Arkansas City, mapping out the new aerial mail highway, they purchased Lesh gasoline and oils for their motors. On their return to this city they sought out the Lesh plant for replenishment in gasoline and oils, declaring that these high grade products had given their motors a kick they had not had before. They praised the Lesh products highly, and announced that they would pass the good word along to other aviators who were coming this way. It takes an exceptionally high grade of gasoline to hit the ball in an airplane, one of the aviators said, and he found the Lesh gasoline delivered the goods.


No doubt you knew they were mapping out an aeroplane mail route for the United States Government and this city has a mighty good chance of having aero-mail delivery here within a short time.

But You Didn't Know That While You Were Admiring Them Flying

About the City That They Were Using Lesh Gasoline and Lesh Oils

in those wonderful large engines. Lieut. Smith, in charge of the flyers, said Lesh Gasoline and Lesh Oil gives the proper kick to the airplane engines and that he would pass the magic word, "Lesh Gasoline and Oil" to all flyers that come this way.

Government Seeks Information For Air Postal Service Here

The Chamber of Commerce is in receipt (May 21, 1919) of a request from the war department (air service) to furnish information to aid in planning a national aerial mail, passenger, and merchandise service. They propose to lease or purchase a landing field near the city, size 500 x 1,500 feet, which should have a hard surface and not be surrounded by trees or other objects. This field should be as near to the postoffice as practicable and so located as to provide good transportation facilities between the field and the postoffice.

Aircraft has advanced to such a stage of perfection that there is nothing to prevent a rapid development and organization of a complete aerial service throughout the United States provided a sufficient number of men can be secured and trained to operate it.

Such service is already established in the east and there seems to be no good reason why Arkansas City should not be on one of the first routes established in the west. The Chamber of Commerce wants information regarding prices for lease or purchase of such a tract; also suggestions from readers as to where the field should be located and any other information which can be used in support of the argument to place Arkansas City on such an aerial route.

All communications should be addressed to R. E. Hughes, chairman of the traffic committee, for consideration and recommendation.


Government Map Shows This is An Ideal Landing Place

The current Aerial Age magazine shows a map of the military aerial routes of the United States, and Arkansas City is on the map as having a field suitable for landing and securing supplies. This is a big advertisement for this city, and the birdmen who flew through here last winter from Waco, Texas, to Fredonia, put this city on the map. The splendid treatment accorded them by the state guards, under charge of Lieut. Wilbur (Pete) Hill, had a lot to do with getting this city on this important aerial map. Lieut. Hill has had experience in flying and he is an expert in handling airplane engines. He put Arkansas City in good with the visiting military aviators, and as a result this city is now on the official aerial routes of the government.

Roy Hume is Home

Roy Hume has returned from Camp Funston, having been discharged from the army service on Tuesday, Feb. 4, 1919. He has been located at Kelley Field, San Antonio, Texas, for many months. He has been a valuable man in the mechanical department of the aviation corps; but now as the war is over, he is glad to be released and to get back to his home in Arkansas City. In a few days Mr. Hume will resume his duties in the Security National bank, where he was employed before entering the service.


Hanging at Eddie Rickenbacker's Famous Auto Racer, Belt

American Ace of Aces Is Back in the United States With a Phenomenal Record.

His Achievements.

New York, Feb. 14—Eddie Rickenbacker, former racing star, returned on the steamship "Adriatic" today as Captain Rickenbacker and as an American Ace, with twenty-six Hun planes to his credit in the short period of seven months that he was on the American front in France. He comes home with more planes than any other aviator in the American service, his closest rival being the late Lufberry, shot down in France some months ago and who had eighteen to his credit.

Captain Rickenbacker left his squadron, the 94th, of which he was commander, and which squadron was the leading American one with sixty-nine Hun planes, the day after Christmas and is proceeding to Washington, D. C., on military orders.

It is not known whether he will remain permanently in this country or not. His squadron was, because of its fine work, beginning the Chateau Thierry show in July and continuing up to the armistice, Nov. 11, selected to accompany the army of occupation to Coblenz, Germany, a very coveted honor for any squadron.

Captain Rickenbacker, or Eddie, or Rick, as we still prefer to call him, had a truly meteoric career in the war. He was ordered to the front as an aviator on April 14, 1918, and got his first Hun on April 29. It was from that date up to November that he won the very highest honor that could come to an American aviator. He chalked up more victories than any of our flyers in the Lafayette squadron, which had over three years' experience in France. He proved himself as fearless a fighter against Boche as he was racing driver on our speedways. In flying he was more fortunate. He had machines, a Nieuport and a Spad, that he could not break up. In his old racing days on Indianapolis and other speedways, he ran the wheels off his cars, burning out bearings, and put himself out of the winning.

In aviation his record has been 100 percent perfect. He has never crashed a single machine. In training he never once broke up a plane, not even breaking a wing or a tail.

His fighting record has been as wonderful. He brought down eighteen Boche planes with his Spad fighter. He never had to have a new rudder or elevator put on. Even the 220 h.p. Hispano-Suiza engine lasted him for 120 hours, although the average life of these engines in fighting service was nine hours on the American front.

Once Rick was caught in a dog fight: that is what the show is called when eight or ten Boches attack three or four allied planes. Rick had been out nearly the limit of two hours and fifteen minutes, for which his Nieuport carried gasoline, when the dog fight started. He finished the scrap, getting one Hun, and then made across the front line trenches for home. Before he reached the line, his engine oil was exhausted, the bearings seized, and he was just able to glide across No Man's Land and make a forced landing between rows of barbed wire in an open field. But his pilotship was so expert that even here he did not crash his machine. He tore the tail skid off, but did not crash the landing gear. It was necessary to take the wings off before the plane could be removed to the squadron.

Rick is accompanied to America by two aces from his 94th squadron: one is Major Meissner of Brooklyn, with eight victories to his credit, and the other is Captain Douglas Campbell of Mt. Hamilton, Colorado, who brought down seven Boches as his official record. Both are reporting to aviation headquarters at Washington with Captain Rickenbacker.

When Rick left his famous 94th at Coblenz the day after Christmas, he left it in charge of Reed Chambers, who, before going to the war, was the Cadillac agent at Memphis, Tennessee. Chambers is now Captain Chambers, with seven victories on the official record.

Some of Rick's other fighting 94th's had previous connections with the motor industry, and some were boys fresh from unfinished courses in college.

Samuel Kays, with four Boche victims, was the Ford agent at Columbus, Mississippi. He is still with the squadron at Coblenz.

Weird Cook, Anderson, Indiana, was one of the college graduates, a mere lad from school, yet he had six victories when Nov. 11 ended the show.

An unfortunate member of the 94th was Hamilton Coolidge of Boston, who was shot down when he had eight Huns on his official score.

The squadron, although officially made up of twenty-five planes, was in service composed of twenty four, with about twenty pilots. They all flew Spads, type XIII, fitted with Hispano-Suiza engines. The Spad is France's best single-seated scout fighter, and has a flying speed of 135 miles per hour, with a driving speed as high as 300 miles per hour. All American fighting scouts used the Spad machine during the last few months. Previous to that many of them used Nieuport scouts, also French machines, using a rotary air-cooled engine. There were not so recent a fighting creation as the Spad.

Joe Dawson, Denver, Colorado, no relation to the old race driver, was another fighting member of the 94th and has six Boches to his record.


Develops More Power for Weight Than Any Other Motor.

The Buick Bulletin, a monthly magazine put out by the Buick Motor company, this month (March 1919) carried a story on the Liberty motor. It also has several photographs showing the new motor. The article in part said:

Prior to the coming of the Liberty motor, America was anything but a leader in the aeroplane field in spite of the fact that the aeroplane is really an American invention. But today the Liberty motor stands upon its record, made under the most difficult service conditions, as the world's premier aeroplane motor and is so acknowledged, even in Europe.

The Liberty motor is purely an American product. It was designed by a committee composed of some of the leading motor designers of America, after a careful investigation of the leading types of aeroplane motors used in European countries.

The Service required of an aeroplane motor is very severe. It is running under full load all the time, and to ensure the safety of the occupants of the plane, it must be efficient and dependable in every respect.

The question of power in relation to weight is a particularly important one, because all aeroplanes are so much heavier than the medium through which they travel. And the Liberty motor delivers more power to its weight than any other aeroplane motor ever built.

Yet it has been necessary to sacrifice strength in the construction of this motor—in fact, it was impossible to do so, because strength was essential to safety.

The committee, as previously stated, was formed of some of the men who were connected with various companies building internal combustion motors of several different types. Yet when it came to a question of building the Liberty motor, they agreed upon the Valve-in-head principle of design as the one that would give the combination of power, strength, and dependability.

Engines For Education

Washington, March 14—The senate has passed an amendment authorizing the loan of aviation engines and aircraft material to educational institutions. Two of these such institutions, including the college of the city of New York, have requested the war department to lend them Liberty engines for the use of students. The war department is willing to do this but has not had the authority. By this amendment the war department has authority to make such loans at its own discretion.


Victory Loan Airplanes To Fly From New York To Dallas

Efforts are being made by V. E. Creighton, chairman of Cowley county's Liberty Loan drive, to secure a demonstration and landing here by the flock of airplanes that will fly from New York City to Dallas, Texas, dropping literature for the Victory Liberty Loan campaign which begins April 21st. The aviators will pass through Wichita and Oklahoma City, and Arkansas City is sure to be on their route.

When two army aviators flew through Arkansas City this winter, landing here, they described the field north of Kansas avenue on the east side of the Interurban line, as being the best and smoothest landing place they had encountered between Waco, Texas, and this city. They suggested at that time that a white cross be placed there, indicating to airmen that it was a landing place. This will probably be done before the Victory loan machines start on their advertising trip. Quite a number of persons in Arkansas City are writing to C. L. Davison at Wichita asking him to persuade the aviators to give an exhibition flight and landing in this city.


But Ability to Leave and Land in Small Places More Important.

As to Size of Future Commercial Planes, C. H. Day says the Machines

Most Used Will Carry 1 to 12.

New York, March 21.—That it is not only quite feasible to produce an airplane that will be inherently stable and virtually fly itself until its fuel is exhausted, but one that will even land itself, was one of the surprising statements made recently at the aeronautical meeting of the Society of Automotive Engineers, held in conjunction with the Aeronautical Show. About 450 members and guests attended the two sessions, and listened to papers by officers prominent in the army and navy air services.

The statement with regard to a self-landing plane was made by C. H. Day, chief engineer of the Standard Aircraft Corp., Elizabeth, New Jersey. After reviewing the history of the heavier-than-air machines and crediting the first experiments to a Taranto philosopher by the name of Archytas who lived about 400 B. C., Day launched into "The Commercial Future of Airplane from the Engineer's Standpoint."

Easily Learn to Fly.

"A great deal of attention has been given to devices to increase the stability of the airplane, with an idea that this will greatly increase its safety," he said. "I do not believe that the development of such devices will greatly enhance the future of the airplane. The ease with which pilots have learned to fly existing training machines would certainly indicate that the stability of these airplanes is sufficient for present needs, and investigation will show that the majority of accidents have been due either to collisions in the air or bad landings, and not through any inability of the pilots to control the actions of the machine."

"The stability of these machines can be increased to almost any extent desired at very little sacrifice of efficiency. In fact, it is perfectly feasible for any aeronautical engineer to design a machine of any type with the surfaces proportioned and arranged so that the machine will be self-righting under all conditions: will not tail spin unless forced into it, and will come out of the tail spin of its own accord."

Will Fly Alone Indefinitely.

"By fixing the rudder on such a machine, it will fly almost indefinitely with all controls released, and in case of motor stoppage will assume a natural gliding angle until it reaches ground. With good air conditions it would even make a safe landing, if the ground were suitable. . . . While riding as a passenger in such a machine, three years ago, I personally saw all these things demonstrated in flight.

"To my mind, the most important development for the future will be that which will enable airplanes to land in extremely small fields, or literally in a man's back yard. And this must be obtained at not too great a sacrifice of high speed. At the present time, the load carried on an airplane which has sufficient reserve power for safe flying is about 20 lb. per horse power, and a speed range of from 40 to 90 m. p. h. is now obtainable with this loading. It would, therefore, seem that the future airplane should maintain a speed of 90 miles an hour, speed being one of the main advantages of the airplane over other means of travel."

Must Get Into Small Fields.

"At the same time we must consider the advantages of low landing speeds to get into small fields; we should not forget that it is also necessary to leave these fields. It would, therefore, be highly advantageous to develop machines which will gain their normal flying speed with a short run, and have a high climb at low speeds of advance.

"In getting out of small fields, climb per distance and climb per time is the improved factor. The development of improved airfoils will better this condition, as well as that of low landing speeds. Once we have secured this much desired ability to get in and out of small fields, the safety and usefulness of the airplane, from a commercial standpoint, will be increased enormously. Not only will we be able to reach high points that are now available near cities, but we can fly over congested or mountainous districts with perfect safety.

"As to the size of the future commercial airplane, it is my opinion that the machines most used will be those carrying passengers or corresponding loads of mail or express, but for certain purposes we may expect to see airplanes of a size far beyond our present dreams."

12-Passenger Machines the Best.

"However, machines beyond the capacity of twelve passengers become somewhat unwieldy and expensive of operation.

"As to the particular type of airplane to be used for commercial purposes, the tractor would seem to be the most advantageous. Inasmuch as safety is of the greatest importance and most wrecks occur in landing, pilots and passengers should be located well to the rear of the center of gravity so that the heavier parts of the machine, such as engine, etc., may reach the ground first, as they are more capable of absorbing the shocks than is the human being.

"It would also appear that the multi-engine machine will not only add to the safety of the machine but also reduce the likelihood of breakage, thus reducing the cost of upkeep. For small passenger carrying machines, twin engines are extremely advantageous, as it is then possible to design a tractor type of airplane which will be perfectly clean and avoid the objectionable oil which drips back into the pilot's face in a single-engine tractor type. Maneuvering on the ground also becomes much easier."

Ladisias d'Orcy, in presenting "The Case for the Airship," offered as his opinion that "airships should mainly be employed in trans-continental and trans-oceanic traffic, while airplanes could be used for feeding the airship terminals with passengers. In this way, the airship would compete with the steamship and the airplane with the railroad train. The saving of time in either case would amount to at least 50 percent." In his opinion, the lighter-than-air machine is far superior to the airplane for passenger carrying over considerable distances because of the increased safety and the possibility of providing comforts for the passengers.

The remainder of the papers were largely of a technical nature and included "Development of Military Airplanes During the War," by Lieut. Col. V. E. Clark, U. S. A.; "Naval Air-ships by Commander J. C. Hunnaker, U. S. N.; "Aerial Combat at St. Mihiel," by Brig. Gen. William Mitchell, A. S., A. E. F., and "Aircraft Radiators," by Archibald Black, U. S. N.

Secure Landing Field

June 11, 1919. R. E. Hughes, chairman of the traffic committee of the Chamber of Commerce, has notified Lieut. Roy Branstetter of the local recruiting office, that the chamber has secured the tract of land one mile north of the city for a landing place for the three government airplanes which it is proposed to send here to stimulate recruiting. The grounds is the Land & Power company's farm where the planes landed last winter. The field is 1,320 x 2,640 feet. A large white cross will be put there to mark the landing place.

May Buy an Aeroplane.

June 13, 1919. Ex Lt. Wilbur "Pete" Hill planned to go to Blackwell this afternoon to inspect a Curtiss aeroplane which belonged to the late Ira Bidwell, flier, of that city. The machine was damaged when Bidwell was taking off and swerved in his course to avoid striking the crowd which closed in on him. Mr. Hill is an experienced mechanic and flier and he believed he could repair the machine so that he could use it in flights here and other places. It is to be hoped he secures the airplane so that the people of this city and surrounding territory will get to see some thrilling exhibitions in the air like the people of Blackwell, Ponca City, and other neighboring towns are seeing.


Proposed Landing Place Is Located Just North of City

Following is a copy of the letter sent, June 20, 1919, by R. E. Hughes, chairman of the traffic committee of the Chamber of Commerce, to Sergt. Roy Branstetter, who is in charge of the local U. S. recruiting station, which is in relation to the landing field for government airplanes that are to be sent here soon:

Sergt. Roy Branstetter, U. S. Army Recruiting Station, Arkansas City, Kansas:

Dear Sir:—

We have made arrangements for you to use a tract of land about one mile north of the center of the city temporarily for the planes which will visit here about the last of this month.

Note: He does not refer to this field as previously being used by the flyers. RKW

This field is 1320 feet x 2640 feet, and part of it is in alfalfa and part in wheat at the present time. The wheat covers an area of about 700 x 2640 feet and is the nearest to the city. This wheat will be out within the next twelve or fifteen days and the Chamber of Commerce will provide a white cross to mark the landing.

If you desire to use the whole tract and will give us a few days advance notice, the alfalfa can be cut and gotten out of the way. The parties owning this field, however, would object to having the white cross marked with lime on this alfalfa field but would be agreeable to marking it with cheese cloth provided it was only to be used two or three days.

This committee assures you that any assistance you need from the Chamber of Commerce will be gladly furnished.


U. S. Recruiting Office Receives Word to This Effect

Other Features Are Now Being Planned for Soldiers and Sailors Here on June 26

Next Week.

June 21, 1919. Through the efforts of Sergeant Roy Branstetter, of the local recruiting office for the United States army and air service, assisted by J. R. Burford of the amusement committee and Frank Jencks of the advertising committee for the soldiers and sailors home-coming in Arkansas City, Thursday, June 26, the plan to have government airplanes here on that day for exhibition has been carried to a successful end. This morning Mr. Branstetter received a communication from Col. C. E. Ide, who is the colonel of field artillery of the district recruiting office at Wichita, stating that if he would see to it that the landing field was marked with a large white cross, he would have one, two, or perhaps three planes here for that day to take part in the big victory celebration. These government airplanes reached Wichita today and they will be used there in exhibition flights, in order to stimulate recruiting for the air service.

R. E. Hughes, head of the traffic department of the local chamber of commerce, will see to it that the ground is marked as requested. The landing field, which has already been secured, is one mile north of the center of the city, on the Land & Power Co. land, where the government planes landed last winter. It is just north of the new base ball park.

This will be a big feature for the Victory day and it will no doubt attract many out-of-town people here that day, who will also have a chance to visit the returned soldier boys.

In connection with the air service recruiting, Mr. Branstetter has received the following notice:

"All applicants who are accepted for enlistment in the air service will either be given a ride from your station to Wichita, or will be given a ride in a plane before they leave this station."

"Any civilian who obtains a total of five applicants for the air service will be given a free ride, if they so desire."

The following notice has been received at the local station.

"Up until July 10th only, you are authorized to accept applicants for enlistment in any organization camp, post, or station, located within 500 miles of your station."

Word comes from the Wichita station that Lieut. Colonel Fred Lemon of the 140th Infantry, company I, Second Kansas National Guards, of Hutchinson, now located at Camp Funston, may be secured to make a short talk here that day. This matter has been placed in the hands of the speakers committee, headed by Dr. R. Claude Young.

The committee has arranged for a merry go round, a ferris wheel, and other amusing features at Wilson park for the day of celebration, June 26.

The women's committee is also very busy at present and they have announced that the dancing platform at Paris park will be open Thursday night to help furnish a social time for the soldier boys. The ladies of the Community service council will have this part of the entertainment in charge.

The soliciting committee reports vary favorably from yesterday's work, but the ladies state that they have heard many complaints on account of the date set by the committee. These women are in no way responsible for the date, as the original committee voted on the date and the majority ruled in fixing it on June 26.

The community service council ladies are glad to be of assistance in any way possible, and they expect to have the required $1,000 by tonight. Mrs. C. N. Hunt states that her assistants are heartily in sympathy with the movement and they will do all they can to carry out the plans of the committee in charge.


A Big Program for Celebration Thursday.


Huge Spread at Wilson Park At Noon.


Baseball Game in Afternoon Between Ponca City and Giants.

Nationally Famed Talkers.

Arkansas City and Cowley county will show appreciation for the heroic service rendered by their sons in the world war in a welcoming celebration which will be held here Thursday, June 26, 1919.

The program has been completed and a record breaking attendance is expected, for it will be the greatest event in the history of the county.

All returned soldiers, sailors, and marines, and men and women who served in any capacity for the government during the war, are invited to accept the hospitality and appreciation of a grateful people on that day. All the fighting men or those who wore uniforms in the war, are requested to wear their army togs for the celebration. True, most of them have discarded their uniforms for civilian clothes, but they are expected to don the khaki or blue again for this occasion.

Distinguished service crosses will be given by Arkansas City to all who served from this locality.

Following the monster parade from the Newman store to Wilson park at 10 o'clock, the roll will be called and decoration of the heroes of the war with medals will take place. This promises to be the most interesting number on the program. Relatives and friends will extend congratulations to the men who answered the call of their country and served it so magnificently. Some of the gallant boys who went from here to war did not return. Little white crosses mark their resting place in France, and they are not forgotten. Medals for them will be given to relatives to keep.

How They Acted in Battle

A tremendously interesting feature of the program will be a talk by Col. John O'Connor of Winfield, if it is possible for him to be here. Col. O'Connor had charge of the 137th regiment, which is composed entirely of Kansas men, a large number of them from this locality. He was promoted from a major to lieutenant colonel in France. He served on the battle front with Cowley county boys and he can give an intimate account of their gallantry in action. It will be a talk to the home folks about the home boys by a home man. Col. O'Connor is a good speaker and he will bring an interesting message to Cowley County people about their own boys who served in the 137th. Col. O'Connor was captain of the old national guards, Company H, at Winfield for a number of years.

At 12 o'clock a big spread will be served to the men in uniform at Wilson park, free, followed by a keen musical program, sandwiched by notable speakers.

Flying Stunts in Afternoon

Lieut. G. H. McNeil of the government recruiting service at Wichita, will give exhibition flights at 2:45 from the aviation field north of the ball park.

The ball game between Ponca City and Arkansas City, at Athletic park at 3:30 o'clock, will be free to all men in uniform.

After supper a band concert will be given followed by a grand ball in the Elks hall and the park.

The parade will start at 10 o'clock sharp from the Newman building, at the corner of Summit street and Adams avenue, proceeding north to Chestnut avenue, thence west to First street and north to the park.

The soldiers, sailors, and marines will form on East Adams avenue; Red Cross units on West Adams avenue; headed by overseas Red Cross and Y. M. C. A. workers, consisting of W. L. Cunningham, A. H. Denton, Wm. Bunnell, and C. T. Main. Mrs. W. D. MacAllister will have charge of the Red Cross division. Members of the junior Red Cross organization, in charge of Prof. Funk, will wear white and carry flags. Then will come the state guards, Community Service council, and other organizations of the city. The Municipal band will be divided into units and interspersed in the procession.

The program for the celebration follows:

10 a.m.—Grand Parade—from Newman building to Wilson park.

11 a.m.—Roll-call and decoration of heroes of the world war.

12 noon—Dinner free to all soldiers and sailors in uniform.

(a)—prayer by the Rev. D. Everett Smith.

(b)—music by the orchestra.

1 p.m.—After-dinner program:

(a)—Vocal solo, Miss Dolly Varner,

("America for Me." Henry Van Dyke).

(b)—Addresses by Col. Fred Lemon, of Hutchinson, and Chaplain Inzer of Alabama.

(c)—Selection by orchestra.

(d)—Vocal solo by Mrs. George Sayles,

("When Pershing's Men Go Marching Into Picardy." James Rogers).

2:45 p.m.—Aeroplane flight.

3:30 p.m.—Ball game at Athletic park. Admission free to all men in uniform.

(a)—Home team versus Ponca City team.

8:45 p.m.—Evening program:

(a)—Band Concert.

(b)—Grand ball.


One Boy Joins Aero Service and Will Get Free Ride

Sergt. Roy Branstetter, of the local recruiting service, has signed up two more men for the service on June 24th. John Hamilton of Arkansas City, age 18, who is a son of Mrs. Lou Hamilton of this city, enlisted for service in the Quartermaster's corps. He has served a previous enlistment in the army.

Everett Pond, of Uncas, Okla., enlisted in the aerial service, expressing a preference for Philippine duty. Under the new ruling in regard to enlistment in the air service, he will be entitled to a ride in an airship before being sent to camp. He will probably get his ride in the airplane in Wichita.

Both of these recruits left yesterday for Wichita, en route to Fort Logan, Colorado.


ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Wednesday, June 25, 1919.


Everything Is Now in Readiness for Soldiers Home-Coming

Parade Will Start at 10 O'clock and Then the Dinner at Park—Airplane

and Then the Ball Game

Tomorrow morning at ten o'clock will start Arkansas City's first honor celebration for the soldier and sailor boys of the late war. The program starts promptly at ten o'clock with the grand parade of soldiers, sailors, members of the S. A. T. C., Merchant Marine, and any division which participated in any manner with the government as uniformed men in the late war service.

At a meeting last evening of the executive committee, which is looking after the entertainment and program, a resolution was passed asking every industry and line of business in this city that employs one or more soldier or sailor boys, or any other person who by reason of service should participate in the parade to see that they are relieved of work Thursday all day and instructed to participate in the program which has been prepared for them. Today a committee has been engaged in making a personal appeal to the industries and places of business to see that their men take part and to allow them wages for the day off.

The parade will form at Adams and Summit street with the soldiers and sailors forming on East Adams avenue and the Red Cross and allied war workers on West Adams avenue. State Guards, Community Service Council, and other organizations will follow. The parade will march north on Summit street to Chestnut avenue, thence west to First street, thence north to the park where the first number on the program will be the roll call of soldiers and sailors and the honor decorations, which part of the program so far as the decorations are concerned will be in charge of city officials.

Two hundred good ladies of this city have prepared a feed for soldiers and sailors, and two hundred ladies will be there to serve them. It is a feature that has taken a lot of work, and the boys ought to appreciate the fact that it has been done to honor them and be glad to honor the mothers with their presence.

The afternoon program will consist of vocal solos, orchestra music, and a feature address by Chaplin J. W. Inzer of Mobile, Alabama, who was chosen as one of the most eloquent of speakers who had seen service overseas. This will be one of the biggest treats of the day.

Col. Fred Lemon of Hutchinson and Col. John H. O'Connor of Winfield will also make addresses.

At 2:45 from Kansas Avenue, Athletic park, or the Rock Road, folk may view the aeroplane demonstration. This will last for thirty to forty-five minutes, after which the ball game will occupy the program. Soldiers and sailors will be admitted free, in fact everything is free to the boys in uniform or who have procured credentials.

The evening program will be at Paris park and will consist of a band concert, grand ball for the soldiers and sailors, and a demonstration of fire works which will be worthwhile to everyone. The evening program will be one of the big features of the celebration.

Lieutenant Branstetter, recruiting officer and instructor in an officers training school, will be the commanding officer of the parade, having been named by the celebration committee to take charge of the squad of boys whom they hope will number 700 to 1000. The boys are to come in their uniforms, but they may leave their coats at home. In fact, it is suggested that all be coatless.

The one big feature is that the parade must start on scheduled time and that all parties participating shall be on hand at about 9:30. Especially will this be necessary for the soldiers and sailors, as they will have to arrange the formation of the parade at that time.

Business of the city will be entirely shut down for the afternoon. Even the postoffice is going to close, and many of the business places will close in the forenoon. Everyone is going to see that their soldier or sailor boy is going to be in the parade.

Mayor Hunt announced at the meeting yesterday evening that the city had purchased $250 worth of fire works, which will be set off from the island at Paris park lake that night.

W. D. Kreamer announced that Wilson park and the rotunda would be properly decorated today.

Rev. Moore reported for the program committee and Mrs. J. W. Martin for the dinner arrangements. Mrs. W. D. MacAllister has charge of the Red Cross department of the parade.

Secretary Heffelfinger reported that the airplane exhibition affair had been placed in the hands of "Pete" Hill and that all arrangements had been completed. Mr. Hill announced that autos will not be allowed in the aviation field. Guards will be placed all about the grounds. Lieut. G. H. McNeil of the government recruiting service will bring his plane here from Wichita tomorrow morning and will give his exhibition at 2:45 p.m. sharp.

The baseball game will follow the air exhibit immediately.

All business houses have agreed to close their doors at noon, to remain closed the rest of the day.

All business houses and all residences are expected to be decorated with flags and bunting for this occasion.


Returned Soldiers and Sailors Are Being Honored Here Today

Nearly 200 returned soldiers and sailors were in the line of march when the parade started shortly after 10 o'clock this morning, which was the opening number on the program for the homecoming celebration.

The parade started at Newman's corner and the line of march was to Wilson park, where at the noon hour a delicious dinner was served to the heroes of the great world war by a committee of Arkansas City women and girls. The boys in uniform were cheered by hundreds of people, who had gathered along the line of march to witness the parade.

Col. Lemon of the United States army, from Hutchinson, and Lieut. Roy Branstetter of this city had charge of the boys in uniform and lined them up for the parade. The Arkansas City band led the parade, then came the local state guards, Red cross ladies, canteen girls, Salvation army, and members of the local war work committees.

Immediately after the parade, a group picture of the boys in uniform was taken at the park by the Miller & Main Studio. Then the bronze medals were given out and roll call was held.

In the afternoon there was a speaking program, airplane exhibition, and baseball game. The closing program of the gala day is to be held in Paris park, when a fireworks display will be given and other amusements indulged in by the boys in uniform and their relatives and friends.


400 Returned Heroes Given Medals Here.


Great Spread at Wilson Park at Noon Hour.


Baseball Game, Splendid Addresses by Chaplain Inzer and Col. Lemon;

Dance; Fireworks.

Arkansas City welcomed back the soldiers, sailors, and marines of Cowley County, who have returned from overseas and American training Camps since the hostilities between the allies and Germany ceased, yesterday.

The celebration lasted all day and the program provided a variety of entertainment consisting of a parade, roll call and decoration of uniformed men, orchestral music, band selections, vocal solos, aeroplane flights, baseball game, fireworks display, and dancing.

On account of the harvest, a large number of returned soldiers were not able to participate in the celebration. Also, a large number of them did not march in the procession, but remained on the sidewalks and watched the line go by. As one doughboy said: "I got all the hiking I wanted in the army, but I'll stroll down to the park and get in on the eats."

The airplane exhibitions by Lieut. McNeil of the government recruiting service at Wichita attracted the greatest interest of the day. The lieutenant and a sergeant arrived in the city about 11 o'clock and flew over the community, performing spectacular and difficult feats in the air before descending to the landing field north of the city on the top of the old Wiley hill directly east of the Empire gasoline plant.

Note: The landing field location has changed. RKW

These grounds had been prepared for the landing of the machine by Lieut. Wilbur (Pete) Hill of the state guards, an experienced flier as well as an expert mechanic. It was marked with a "T", which Lieut. McNeil said could be seen from 10 miles away. He liked the field except for the high weeds which broke a piece out of his propeller when he was taking off. It took an hour or two to mend it under the direction of Lieut. Hill. This was what caused the delay in the exhibition flight in the afternoon. It was a little after 4 o'clock when Lieut. McNeil ascended for the last flight and departed for home.

Took Lieut. Hill Up

Shortly after lunch Lieut. McNeil took Lieut. Hill up for a spin in the air. During this flight Lieut. McNeil's foot slipped off the rudder and the machine fell 500 feet in a side slip. It fell through the danger zone and was only about 1,000 feet up when the ship was righted. Lieut. Hill had flown numerous times and did not become excited. He greatly enjoyed the flight. 

While the airship was falling, the big crowd realized something was wrong and stood petrified. The sigh of relief from the spectators when the aeroplane righted itself resembled the blowing off of steam by a locomotive.

Fancy stunts in the air, consisting of the Immelman turn, tail spins, and vertical bank, were performed by the aviator. He had planned to give the crowd a more thrilling demonstration in the afternoon, but his engine was not working perfectly and the break in the propeller prohibited him. Three flights were given by him.

The machine was a Curtiss J-N 4 with a Hispano Suiza 150 h.p. motor. It had a 9 foot propeller which was very frail, accounting for the accident to it by the weeds.

Lieut. McNeil and Lieut. Hill flew over the Country club golf course, and both agreed that the top of the hill would make an ideal landing field. An effort will be made to have the club put a "T" on the hill which will not interfere in any way with the golf course. All flying machines passing over the city will land there if this is done.

Roy Hume assisted Lieut. Hill in taking care of the visiting aviator and machine. Lieut. McNeil was delighted with the treatment he received here. All his supplies were on the field for him when he landed, due to the forethought of Lieut. Hill and his experience in knowing what would be required for the plane.

The air was heavy and bumpy yesterday, Lieut. Hill said, making high altitude flying very difficult.

The rock road was packed with automobiles like sardines. The road became choked and the cars got locked so they couldn't get out from either direction for some time.

Distinguished service crosses were presented to Lieut. McNeil and the sergeant with him by Arkansas City, and the lieutenant said they would "knock 'em dizzy" when they got back to Wichita with their "croix de guerres."

A large crowd attended the ball game which resulted in a score of 5 to 0 in favor of Ponca City. The crowd had a good view of the flying machine from the grandstand.

Medals Pinned on Heroes

Mayor Hunt asked V. E. Creighton, chairman of the celebration committee, to make the presentation speech on the medals given to the men who served the country in the war, on account of having labor troubles at the Empire steam laundry yesterday morning. Mr. Creighton made an excellent address. The medals were distributed by the members of the Community Service council, on request of Mrs. C. N. Hunt, president, who said the money for the celebration had been collected by them and they should be allowed to hand out the crosses. The original plan to have this done by members of the Red Cross chapter was abandoned.

The distinguished service cross is a bronze medal bearing the state seal and inscription: "Presented by Arkansas City, Kansas, in recognition of world's war service." It is suspended from a red, white, and blue ribbon, and there is a place for the name of the recipient to be engraved. Over 400 of these medals were presented yesterday. Relatives will receive crosses for the boys who paid the supreme sacrifice.

Mr. Creighton's presentation speech follows:

"Ladies and gentlemen, it was to have been the pleasure of Mayor Hunt to greet you at this time and to give you the right hand of fellowship as a token of our esteem for you and our welcome home. It was only at a late hour this morning that Mayor Hunt advised us he would not be able to be at the meeting until afternoon and he has requested me on behalf of the city and community to extend to you the right hand of fellowship and tell you of the high esteem in which we hold you and to tell you how glad we are that you are with us once more.

"There is no need for me to tell you of the valiant service you performed overseas, or the valiant service you were ready to perform the minute you entered the training camp, even though you did not go over seas. It is all right for England to say she won the war because she furnished the largest number of soldiers and because she maintained the blockade of the high seas. It is all right for Belgium to say she won the war because she stopped the Huns in the first onward march to Paris and held them in check for eight days while England and France could muster their armies for resistance. It is all right for France to say she won the war because the greatest number of battles were actually fought on her soil and the sacrifices made by her people can never be described by tongue or pen. It is all right for each of the other nations who participated in this great struggle to set for their claims for the great deeds they did. The truth remains, however, that the Germans maintained a comparatively steady march toward Paris with not very much interruption until they came face to face with the American soldiers. It was then that they encountered the real resistance, it was then that they encountered the American spirit—which is the spirit of Victory.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, it is needless for me to say to you that this was the turning point of the war and all glory should be given to the American soldiers for the service rendered by them in behalf of civilization.

"The American soldiers were fine citizens before they entered the war and made a study of our government and the economic conditions of this country. We recognize them as fine citizens and the government recognizes them as fine citizens when they called them to defend civilization. You were infinitely fine citizens before entering the war, but let me say to you that we recognize you as finer citizens now than before you answered your country's call.

"You are coming back to us after going through the refining fires to defend civilization. You have literally gone through the crucible, the melting pot of civilization, and your valor has won. You have world visions of greater things than those of us who remained at home can ever have, and so I say you are coming back to us finer men and finer citizens than before you answered your country's call. You will be a greater force in molding the character and the destiny of this nation than ever before and greater than you would have been had you not taken part in the world's great war. We are looking to you more than ever before to guide us in building a country which shall ever be for the people and by the people and we know we will not be disappointed.

"The Associated Press and the United Press kept us informed daily of your heroic deeds and from thousands of our witnesses we have been told of the heroic sacrifices made by you in our behalf. We want you to know how much we appreciate these sacrifices on your part and how much we honor you for the things you have done. Nothing will ever erase from our hearts the monuments you have built there; and so long as we shall live together, we will continue to hold you in that high esteem to which you are justly entitled.

"To the mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters of Cowley County who gave up your sons in this great crisis, we want you to know how the people of this county appreciate the sacrifice you have made. You gave up that which was more precious to you than any material things of life, you gave your own son, and we want you to know how this community honors you for this sacrifice on your part; and it is with heartfelt gratitude that we welcome these boys back to our home.

"Some of you made the supreme sacrifice, some of our boys will never come home, and we want you to know they are this day not forgotten. Their names are inscribed in our hearts and in the archives of this city, and we will always remember them as the defenders of our civilization. It is to you today we extend our deepest sympathy which can come from human hearts and the medals which are presented to you today from the city of Arkansas City are tokens of our remembrance of the sacrifice made by you and by your sons.

"Again, on behalf of the city and on behalf of the community, we welcome you home. It is your day, the city is yours, and everything in the city is free to you today. Your uniform and your badge are the only pass words you need and the services you have performed will always be cherished by us as the greatest deeds performed by human beings."

The Afternoon Program

The afternoon program opened shortly after one o'clock, or as soon as the tables had been removed from the rotunda at Wilson park, and W. L. Cunningham was the master of ceremonies. He first introduced Col. Fred Lemon, of Hutchinson, Kansas, who is still in the service at Camp Funston. Col. Lemon is quite well known here and he made many more fast friends during his short stay in the city. He is a very pleasant gentleman and an officer who was well liked by his men. He spoke of Col. John H. O'Connor, who was with the famous 137th, 35th division, and made some very complimentary remarks regarding Mr. O'Connor, who is well known here and whose many friends were greatly disappointed because he could not be here for the big event. Col. Lemon had charge of the 140th in the great battle of the Argonne, and he related some interesting facts in this regard.

He highly praised the Kansas boys and also the people at home, who helped materially in winning the war. He referred to Lieut. Louis Thorp, a Winfield boy, who was killed in battle while not over 50 feet from the commander officer. Col. Lemon stated that he was glad to be here and said he certainly appreciated the nice medal given him on this occasion.

Mr. Cunningham then caused tears to rush into the eyes of many persons in the audience by eloquently stating that the people of this country wanted to remember that it is a fact that the American boys turned the tide of the great war and that this must never be forgotten for an instant in this country. Mr. Cunningham then suddenly said that he had almost forgotten he was not to make an address but was simply the toastmaster on this occasion. However, he made several statements that will never be forgotten by his hearers.

Chaplain John W. Inzer

Chaplain John W. Inzer, of Mobile, Alabama, was the second speaker, and he certainly injected American "pep" into those who might possibly have become lukewarm since the boys have returned. The advance notice in regard to his being eloquent and interesting was more than true, for on this occasion, he demonstrated the fact that he is an American from his head to his feet. While in the city Chaplain Inzer was a guest of Captain R. Claude Young. The subject of his address was "The American Legion." He gave the creed of the Legion and said that, "It was organized before it was organized and that it was, naturally, an organization before it was an organization." This was made possible, he said, on account of the feeling of the boys before they returned from overseas. Their feeling expressed in words was, "Just wait till this war is over," he stated. That splendid feeling was the cause of the organization being perfected in St. Louis several weeks ago.

The speaker dwelt at length on the declaration of independence and said that America was just now coming into its own.

Some Splendid Music

The musical numbers on the afternoon program included vocal solos by Miss Dollie Varner, who sang "America for Me," and Mrs. George Sayles, who sang "When Pershing's Men Go Marching into Picardy" and "There's a Long, Long Trail a Winding." Miss Louise Jones played the accompaniment for Miss Varner, and Miss Pearl Buck for Mrs. Sayles. These numbers were delightfully rendered and they greatly inspired the members of the large audience.

A seven-piece orchestra, under the direction of Ernest Hatley, furnished splendid music during the dinner hour from 12 to 1:30 o'clock.

The Big Feed

The dinner served at Wilson Park following the parade and roll call was a splendid treat for the boys. The committee, headed by Mrs. J. W. Martin, had prepared food for 700, and as there were only about 300 soldiers seated at the tables, it was decided to invite the boys' relatives to eat also.

Some 800 or 1,000 people ate of the delicious food and there was plenty for all. This was a wonderful sight and it was a feature of the day's program which will not soon be forgotten by the soldiers and sailors. At this time many of the home boys met companions whom they had not seen before since returning home and they also made many new acquaintances there. The army of women and girls who prepared and served the dinner deserve much praise and special mention, but space forbids the using of all the names, at present. They certainly conducted the affair in a splendid and capable manner.

In the afternoon many of the boys shed their O. D. W. uniforms on account of the excessive heat and therefore the crowd of soldiers did not seem to be as large as it really was about the park grounds.

As stated by one returned soldier, this was a great day for one particular reason, if for no other, and that was that the soldier boys for the first time had an opportunity to see all the home folks who worked for them while they were in the service and also the home workers had an opportunity to see and visit with all the boys who served from this city and surrounding country.

The Evening Program

The evening program was given at Paris park, where boating, bathing, riding on the merry-go-round and ferris wheel, and dancing also, were indulged in by a large crowd. The park was filled to overflowing long before dark and the crowd there certainly had a merry time. The fireworks display was handled by City Commissioner R. J. Murray and the city purchased the fireworks for this occasion.

The Community Service council conducted the dance platform and V. E. Creighton was the master of ceremonies there. All boys in uniform or those wearing the Arkansas City bronze medal were admitted to the dance platform and all other amusements of the day, free of charge. A well trained orchestra furnished music for the dancers last night.

Many persons residing in and about Arkansas City were greatly disappointed yesterday afternoon on account of the failure of Col. John H. O'Connor, of Winfield, to appear on the platform. However, Col. O'Connor was, no doubt, with the boys in spirit and he may be secured for another date to come to this city and talk to the boys. He is now in the employ of the Winfield Daily Courier and was unable to get off from his work in time to come here for the afternoon program.

The Parade and Photo

The opening feature of the day's celebration was the parade given in the morning at 10 o'clock. About 200 boys in uniform, including members of the infantry, artillery, navy, aero service, and marines, were in line. Col. Fred Lemon, of Hutchinson, commanded the parade and gave some familiar orders to the boys in uniform. The Arkansas City municipal band led the parade. The soldiers came next, then the State guards and Red Cross department, canteen committee, the Salvation army, and war work teams. A pleasing feature of the parade was the little boy, Lyle Mitchell, riding in a small automobile and carrying a banner representing team No. 9 of the local war work committee.

A representative of the Miller studio took a fine photo of the soldier boys, the local Red Cross workers, and the officials of the Salvation army at the park yesterday immediately after the parade and the pictures were being offered for sale at Paris park last night.

The names of the boys who received medals and who registered yesterday will not be in shape to publish for a day or two or until the committee has a chance to copy and compile the list in regular order.

Flying Machine at Wellington Injured Three Spectators

Mr. and Mrs. Foss Farrar and children spent the Fourth at Wellington with relatives yesterday. They saw an airplane accident there in which three persons were injured. The airship, piloted by Mr. Ferguson, had been taking off down a hill all day, but the wind changed in the evening and the flier started to take off in the opposite direction. His machine struck some telephone wires and nosed down, striking a Ford car occupied by Mr. Livingston (of Argonia), his wife, and little daughter. The aeroplane bounced off the Ford and alighted without injury to the flier or the passenger in his machine, but the little girl in the Ford had her skull fractured. The man had the little finger of his left hand completely severed. The woman was severely bruised but not seriously injured. The plane was extensively damaged.


At Newkirk, the man who made a balloon ascension Thursday evening, July 3, 1919, making three parachute leaps, was injured internally by a fall. The balloon did not go high enough before he cut loose and the parachute did not open soon enough to save him. He was unable to make an ascension Friday night. 


An airplane piloted by H. F. Giese, a discharged soldier from the French army, and carrying Oscar Pepper of Newkirk as a passenger, fell at Newkirk on the morning of the Fourth, injuring both men perhaps fatally.

A spectator said the ship was flying swiftly in a southernly direction and suddenly turned to the north and then plunged downward, striking a stack of wheat shocks head first. The two men were removed from the demolished machine in an unconscious condition. Giese regained consciousness later in a hospital at Newkirk and was released in a few days.

Oscar Pepper was brought to the Mercy hospital in Arkansas city in a delirious condition. The attending physician said Pepper showed symptoms of having internal injuries. He has a deep cut over his right eye, one ear is nearly cut off, a knee cap is badly cut, and there is a possibility his skull is fractured. He died on July 7 at the age of 22. He was a son of Mr. and Mrs H. A. Pepper of Newkirk. 

It is not known what altitude they were flying when the machine started to dive toward the earth, but spectators estimated it anywhere between 1,000 and 3,000 feet, the former probably being nearer correct. The machine fell on an angle of about 40 degrees into a wheat field east of the fair grounds. It is not known what caused the airship to fall. It was a Curtiss JN-4 type. It seemed to be the belief of some of the spectators that Giese was not an expert flyer and that the machine got out of his control.

It was rumored at first that Pepper had grabbed hold of the rear controls over the aeroplane, but this was disputed by the man who first arrived on the scene. It is always customary to disconnect the rear controls when inexperienced passengers are taken up. Giese was taking up passengers for $15 a trip, and was also engaged to give exhibition flying at the celebration in Newkirk yesterday.

"Pete" Hill and Beachy Musselman of this city helped to take the wrecked machine apart and load it on a wagon. Hill said the dash had on it wording to the effect that the plane belonged to Sergeant E. G. Elliott of Eldorado. It is said to be the property of the Eldorado Aircraft corporation.


R. E. Hughes, chairman of the traffic committee of the local chamber of commerce, is in receipt of the following communication in regard to an aviation landing field here:

Wabash, Ind., July 8, 1919. Chamber of Commerce, Arkansas City, Kansas. Attention of Mr. R. E. Hughes, Chairman of Traffic Committee.


We are pleased to acknowledge receipt of your letter of June 21st and want to thank you for your kind attention and prompt reply.

We regret that Arkansas City has, as yet, no landing field for the use of commercial airplanes; but feel satisfied that the interest you have taken in placing this matter before your committee will eventually lead toward the establishment of such a field for your city.

In compliance with your request for more information regarding such a field, will say—

first, that there are no fixed dimensions. The field should contain not less than twenty acres and as much more as can be had, within or as near the corporation limits as possible. It should be comparatively level although it is well to have a gentle slope so that it will be well drained. The field should be about square, but this is not absolutely essential. If it is oblong, its greatest length should be in an easterly and westerly direction; an airplane always lands into the wind.

The various rules and regulations governing the use of a landing-field by commercial airplanes should be formulated by your city's legal department.

Other cities are planning landing-fields and we have received several letters enclosing blue prints and plats showing field locations, their proximity to the city, etc.; and these places have gladly offered their fields for commercial use— realizing the benefit the city and public in general may receive from this mode of transportation.

There are, no doubt, returned aviators or men who have been in the aviation branch of the service, in or near your city, who will gladly act as a committee to assist in the laying-out of a landing-field; and they would furnish points in detail which are very essential to the establishment of a perfect field.

May we not hear from you in the very near future stating that you have a field ready for use? If there is any help we can extend or any other suggestions we can make, please feel free to command us.—Service Aviation Training & Transportation Company, G. E. McCaskey. Signed: G. E. McCaskey, Asst. Manager.


Pilot Who Flew in Winfield on the Fourth.

Winfield, Kans., July 14—Second Lieutenant Charles W. Stell, air service, United States army, who entertained thousands in Winfield the Fourth of July with his daring flying, was killed at Lawton, Okla., Friday, when his airplane fell.

Lieut. Stell was but twenty years old and had been flying more than a year. That he was considered a skilled flyer was attested to by the position he held as instructor at Post field, Fort Sill. He had taken two courses in advanced flying in addition to the usual reserve military aviator's training.

In conversation with a Courier reporter in Winfield on the Forth of July, Lieutenant Stell said he had flown more than five hundred hours without an accident; then, with the aviator's superstition, he walked to a nearby door and promptly "knocked on wood." In addition to his skill as a pilot, Lieutenant Stell had a very attractive personality and those who met him on his Winfield visit feel deeply his untimely death.

Few particulars of the accident in which he lost his life have been received in Winfield. It is reported he was flying with a flying circus at Lawton in the interest of army recruiting at the time of his fall and was flying at a low altitude. He was not carrying a passenger at the time of the accident. His home is in Brownsville, Texas, and he enlisted soon after the United States entered the war, having been at that time a student in the University of Texas at Austin.


Dozens of Arkansas City people were standing in line at the landing field north of the city last night (Wednesday, July 23, 1919) waiting their turn to be taken up by Aviator Warren Kite in his American built Curtiss aeroplane. Among the people of this city who took flights with him were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Maxey, Bob Finney, Gavin Younkin, F. E. Goodrich and son, Mrs. Lester Rhoads, Miss Marie Carlton, Walter Matthews, Harley McElhinney, Joe McGiboney, and many others whose names were not learned. Those who went up with the birdman say there is not the sensation in flying that they had imagined, except when the machine is coasting down to the ground and then they feel their breath slipping away from them. When the machine turns around in the air, the passengers grab for a handhold. The flight consists of a trip over the city lasting about 10 minutes. The aviator is taking up passengers here again this afternoon and tonight. He flies until about 9 o'clock. He may stay here another day. He is accompanied by his bride of a few weeks, and mechanician, G. Caton.

Air Mail Men Strike

New York, July 25 — A strike of aerial mail pilots began today, no aviator appearing to take out the plane with Chicago mail due to start for Bellefonte, Pa., at 5 a.m.

The strike, the first of its kind in this country, follows the refusal of the postoffice department to reinstate two aviators who refused to take out planes on Tuesday on account of the fog.

Postoffice officials at Belmont Park, L. I., the landing field for mail planes, stated that they had received instructions to give out no information concerning the aviator's action.

Protest against the discharge of two pilots, Leon Smith and Hamilton Lee, was sent to Second Assistant Postmaster General Praeger, Wednesday. Mr. Praeger in his reply which was received by the aviators last night, announced that the order discharging the two men had not been revoked.

"They came into the service," Mr. Praeger's telegram said, "as every other pilot, with the knowledge that they must comply with the department's orders to fly with the mail and where flying conditions are such that they cannot operate they have the option to resign."

The aviators state they have complained on several occasions that the planes supplied them were poorly equipped for flying, even in good weather, because of their high speed. They said they desired lighter and slower machines, as in misty or foggy weather the visibility was so poor as to make high speed dangerous. The men declared that since July 15 no less than fifteen accidents have occurred in which ten planes were demolished and two aviators killed.

Aviators of planes at Chicago, Bellfonte, and other points will join in the strike.

In a statement today, Otto Praeger, second assistant Postmaster General in charge of the air mail service, denied specifically that mail planes used are unsafe or that the department forced pilots to take the air regardless of weather conditions. Published statements attributed to the striking pilots in New York have contained such criticisms.

Mr. Praeger said the Curtiss R-4 equipped with a liberty motor, had a safe, minimum speed of about 65 miles an hour, or five miles faster than the smaller, less powerful JN-4-h, which is being abandoned. He said the statement that the R-4's cannot be flown at less than 100 miles was incorrect.

The discharge of pilots Lee and Smith, which precipitated the strike according to the statement, followed their refusal to take the air except in machines of their own selection.

The necessary dangers attending airplane work, Mr. Praeger said, had been reduced to a negligible quantity, for mail flyers.

A Striker Explains

New York, July 25.—Hamilton Lee, one of the discharged aviators, said today in speaking of his dismissal, "I won't go up in foggy weather with a big machine which travels 100 miles an hour. The smaller ships are right because they are slower.

"In foggy weather it is often necessary to fly only 150 to 250 feet above the ground and a high compressed Liberty motor is apt to get hot at a low altitude, causing a forced landing. If I am traveling over a large city, such flying is dangerous to people below as well as to me."



Aviator Kite Makes Special Trip With a Traveler Man

Looping the Loop, Immelmann Turn, Tail Spin and All the Fancy Tricks of the Air Were Staged on Friday, July 25.

"When he loops the loop, keep your back stiff and brace your feet," were the cheering parting words of G. Caton, mechanician, to a representative of the Traveler, whom he had strapped into Warren Kite's Curtiss aeroplane, at the landing field, at 7 o'clock, last evening, and the newspaper man was trying to get the lump out of his throat to say that he had a family to support and really didn't crave any of the loop the loop stuff; but by the time he got his throat cleared and looked around to speak, the ground was gone and he was up in the clouds with nothing but his conscience in the front seat with him and his heart in his mouth. When the driver of an automobile is stepping too hard on the gas, you can tell him to cut it out; but in an aeroplane you hold no conversation with the pilot. The roar of the engine makes it useless to let out the big squawk. The aviator pays no attention to you whatever. There you are all by yourself and all the sins you have ever committed knock at the door of your befuddled brain, all trying to gain access at the same time. Maybe you never prayed before, but you sure do breathe something that resembles a prayer now. You remember the comic who asked, when he was invited to ascend in an airship, "Suppose the engine stops up thar. Where you all going to put your foot to crank it up?"

Well, after the ground was left a thousand or two feet behind and the machine was sailing along beautifully, the news chaser began to get a breath now and then and take in the scenery. You will never know how beautiful Arkansas City is until you fly with Aviator Kite. It presents a picture that is indescribably picturesque. At this time of the year when the trees and lawns are green, the view of the city from an airplane is entrancing to the eye and enthralling to the brain.

Stunt flying cannot be described by the passenger on his first flight into the air, and details cannot be given here, but suffice to say that all the thrills you have read about in fancy flying are real and not fictitious. When the ship began to turn over, in the Immelmann turn, or whatever they call it, the reporter began silent communion with St. Peter. The Germans might have been slow and meditative getting off the Vesle, but they were not two thousand feet up in the air either.

No sooner had the man-made bird emerged from the Immelmann turn, then it plunged into the loop the loop. This sensation is like turning a somersault off a skyscraper and hoping for the best when you strike the pavement below. Three times the aviator heartlessly looped the loop; and had his acquaintances been able to see the face of the reporter at that moment, they would have been recommending their favorite undertaker to him for if anyone ever looked like a sick man he surely did.

Then the aviator seemed to go into a fit. The ship was rocking back and forth and flopping up and down like a cork in a whirlpool. He saved the tail spin for the final crushing blow to the nerve of the passenger. This sensation is exactly like having your stomach turned completely inside out, similar to a sudden drop in an elevator. Your heart has done jumped out of your mouth and about the only thing you have left is your stomach, and now the demon air monster is determined to get rid of that. The mechanician said to keep a stiff back, but who is going to have a stiff back when his spine is limp as a rag? During the execution of the various stunts, the aviator shuts off the engine—and you can imagine what a glorious feeling that gives you! You rejoice over it about as much as you would if your wife told you that your mother-in-law was coming to make her permanent home with you. When the engine is killed by the aviator, your heart is making a racket like a boiler factory and you can tell the world your ears are strained to hear that motor begin talking again; and when it does come back to life, the Rex orchestra would sound like the beating of a pom pom compared to the music of that engine, which has never entirely stopped running, but you think it has.

They say the life of an aeroplane motor is about 50 hours, and when this machine was looping the loop, the Traveler man firmly believed that 49 hours, 59 minutes, and 59 seconds had done gone, and the wires were singing: "Nearer My God to Thee."

When the downward flight begins and you realize the flight is ending, you have an irresistible desire to remain aloft. Nothing can compare with the fascination of taking a spin in the air. But on the level: when your feet are planted safely back on terra firma, you may not own a foot of land, but you feel as good as if you had just inherited a thousand acres if you have been doing what the birdmen call stunt flying. It is a great life if you don't weaken.

Aviator Kite said today he probably would remain here until after Sunday. His waiting list was so long last night that he couldn't accommodate all those who wanted to fly and Mrs. Kite returned $150 that had been collected from waiting passengers. They will have the chance to go up with the birdman this afternoon and this evening.

Aviator Kite wins the confidence of the people who want to experience the sensations of a flight by the superb skill he displays in handling his machine. He makes a perfect landing and he ranked about 17th in the army on the number of hours spent in the air. He is accompanied by G. Caton, an expert mechanician who keeps the ship in perfect condition. Mrs. Kite, whose romantic courtship by her flyer husband took place a few weeks ago at Larned, goes with her husband and she loves to fly. She is going to learn to fly the machine by herself. Her husband was first attracted to her by the wonderful nerve she displayed in her first flight with him when he looped the loop eight times and she never batted an eye. 

The landing field where passengers are taken up is north of the city on the rock road.

NOTE: I believe that the Traveler man was R. C. (Dick) Howard. RKW


Rosella Conrod and Irene Bloomhart Fly With Kite.

Probably none of the passengers who have flown with Aviator Kite in this city enjoyed the flight in the air more than the Misses Rosella Conrod and Irene Bloomhart, who went up with the airman on Friday, July 25. The birdman gave them an altitude flight, and they were sorry the trip to the sky did not last longer. They said they weren't a bit nervous and both of them are eager to go up in the air again, and the next time they said they would choose stunt flying instead of the ordinary trip, which they are now accustomed to, and desire the more thrilling experience of looping the loop, nose dive, tail spin, and Immelmann which the aviator has done for three or four passengers here.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Saturday, July 26, 1919.

For Aviator Kite and Wife

Friday night, July 25, at their home on North B street, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hill were host and hostess at a dinner party given in honor of Aviator Warren Kite and wife and G. Caton. The affair was a very pleasing one for all parties concerned, and it was one long to be remembered by the guests. On this occasion Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur (Pete) Hill were also guests. Wilbur and Arthur Hill are brothers, and the latter was acquainted with Mr. Kite some years ago, at Springfield, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. Kite are newly weds and the dinner party was given in their honor.


Dr. R. L. Baker Was a Glutton for Stunt Flying 

Spectacular air flying was witnessed by the large crowd at the aviation grounds, north of the city, Friday night, July 25th, when Aviator Kite did a lot of stunts with his American built Curtiss airplane with Dr. R. L. Baker of this city the lone passenger. The doctor didn't get his fill of stunt flying on the first trip so he engaged the birdman to take him up a second time and give him all he had. The doctor was fully satisfied when the machine landed for the second time.

In addition to the loop, Immelmann turn, and tail spin, the aviator did the whip stall for Dr. Baker. This sensation, it is said, is something like a chiropractor cracking down on your spine except that nearly every bone in your body feels like it had been dislocated. During the flight the belt around the doctor's waist came unbuckled and the aviator says he never saw a pair of hands work as rapidly as Baker's in trying to adjust the strap again. Kite reached over and helped him. The aviator conversed with the passenger when they were about 2000 feet in the air by slowing down the motor, and their voices could be distinctly heard by the people on the ground. Dr. Baker experienced a very thrilling ride, and he is an enthusiastic fan for stunting in the air.

Mrs. Pete Hill was given the thrill of a loop by Aviator Kite in her spin into the air last night. Straight flying was enjoyed by the following persons yesterday: Russell Rogers, Roy Bernard, Jim Woods, Miss Vera Pickett, Jack Taylor, Herb Kronert, Noble Nelson, Ray Pybas, J. C. Pybas, H. Smith, J. R. Sims, Miss Irene Bloomhart, Miss Rosella Conrod, Mrs. D. C. Reder and daughter Ruth, W. W. Dixon, Jim Saxon, Miss Verna Collier, Miss Eunice Brown, Orvil Samos, Harry Fry, Harry A. Derry, Cleve Mitchell, and M. U. Larson.

Aviator Kite will remain here until tomorrow eve. He and Mrs. Kite are mighty nice people and they have made a large number of friends here who will regret to see them leave. They may go to Pawhuska, Fairfax, or Winfield. When the airman, his wife, and the mechanician are riding from town to town in the air, they use a hand language invented by themselves with which to carry on conversation. In picking a landing field, Aviator Kite selects a field and encircles it three times getting an idea of the lay of the ground and location of trees and telephone and telegraph wires before descending. He usually picks out meadow land in which to make a landing. He says it is very difficult to tell how hilly the ground is from the air as it all looks pretty level from up where he is. When the crowd sees him land a couple of times, any person with the least desire to fly has the utmost confidence in going up with him, so skillfully does he handle the machine.

Asa Dean was seized with a desire to fly while watching Aviator Kite making trips north of the city Friday night, but he neglected to take any currency with him. R. J. Grover quickly remedied that by advancing the amount necessary and telling Dean that he could drop into the Union State bank this morning and pay it back. Mr. Dean said, "I may drop into the bank tonight, instead of waiting until in the morning," but he was brought safely back to the ground by the birdman.


Arkansas City has one of the best landing fields in this part of the country north of the city where Aviator Kite has been taking off and descending in his flights here, G. Caton, his mechanician told the Traveler today. He said it was a perfect field if it was fenced off so spectators cannot get onto the field and a few other improvements made.

The Traveler suggested that the Chamber of Commerce lease the land some weeks ago, and make it a landing place for airships. It was suggested by a director of the Chamber of Commerce this morning that it should be a municipal aviation grounds and that the city commissioners should be asked to lease the land for that purpose. Flying is progressing fast and soon aviators will be flying over this city nearly every day and they will stop here if there is a suitable landing field properly marked with a "T." Unless a landing place of this character is provided the airmen will pass up this city.

No better test as to the suitability of this land for an aviation park could be asked than the demonstration by Aviator Kite, who has been making between 40 and 50 landings a day since he arrived in the city, and not a single accident has resulted to his machine.

Given Complimentary Air Spin

The Misses Alice Goodell and Edna Craik were given a complimentary flight by Aviator Kite Saturday afternoon in appreciation of the exceptionally high grade of gasoline which he has been securing from the Lesh refining division of the National Oil company here. These young ladies are employed in the Lesh refinery office. Aviator Kite is delighted with the superior quality of the Lesh gasoline, which he says "is the best that has been used in his engine since he struck this state, and as good as any that he has ever used."


He Flew to Winfield, But Another Machine Was There

Mr. and Mrs. Warren Kite, the aviator and his wife, who have been here for the last several days, flew to Pawhuska Monday afternoon July 28th where he will take up passengers. His mechanician, G. Caton, preceded him there yesterday.

Aviator and Mrs. Kite and Mr. Caton went to Winfield Sunday, but they found another aviator had arrived first and they returned here. Mr. Kite was in an automobile accident while there. He was going to town in a big Cadillac to buy some gasoline for his machine when the car turned over. He was not hurt.

Quite a number of persons flew Saturday and Sunday with Aviator Kite, but all of their names could not be obtained. The Misses Frances Carlton, Ruby Brooks, Ted Carlton, and Dorothy Brooke took the tail spin.

Harold Hill, six-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Hill, went up with the aviator and greatly enjoyed the trip. He was the youngest chap in the city to go airplaning.

Aviator Kite's airship was slightly damaged Saturday night by a cow, which hooked its horns into the wings and walked on the rudder and elevator. Evidently the animal resented the invasion of its green pastures by the strange looking object. The damage was soon repaired.

Stunt Flying by a Woman

Mrs. Wilbur (Pete) Hill went stunt flying with Aviator Kite Saturday afternoon. All the various stunts, including the loop, nose dive, tail spin, and Immelmann turn were done for her and she is the only young woman in the city who had this thrilling experience. She says the sensations described by the Traveler reporter a few nights ago were not overdrawn. Mrs. Hill's husband is an experienced flyer and she has now become as great an enthusiast for the game as he.


Cecil Lucas, Back from Overseas, Is Now at Fort Sill.

Much has been said and written recently in regard to the aviator of today sailing home in his airplane for a visit with his parents and other relatives, but the reality of this saying was carried out one day very recently when a Kay County boy flew home in his army plane and landed on the farm for a several days stay. The young man in question was Cecil Lucas. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Lucas, of nine miles southeast of the city. He is now located at Fort Sill, Okla., but he has been overseas and served his country well and successfully. The young man is well known in the city. He was on the firing line when the first American troops opened fire on the Germans, and he was there when the last shots were fired and the armistice was signed.

A few days ago Cecil flew from Fort Sill to the home of his parents, being on furlough at the time, and landed in the farm pasture. His parents, brothers, and sisters knew of his intended visit and were looking for his airship to come in. Relatives and friends gathered around the plane to greet the army hero flier and he was given a royal welcome home, amid many tears of joy and happiness. The dear old mother clasped her son in her arms, and the boy who served his country against the inhuman Hun keenly felt once more the love and kindness of home folks and home ties.

Before returning to Fort Sill, Cecil gave the residents of Newkirk, Ponca City, and Blackwell a great thrill by giving exhibitions at each of these Kay County towns with his army plane. The young man probably will be discharged from service in the near future and he will then return to the farm.


Former A. C. Boy First to Perform the Daring Stunt.

August 6, 1919.— Alexander Lendrum, formerly an Arkansas City boy, residing at 314 South B street, has won national fame by circling the summit of Pikes Peak in a Curtiss Oriole three-seated biplane with an observer, at an altitude of 15,400 feet. It is the first time the feat has ever been accomplished. It is considered an extremely dangerous stunt on account of so many air pockets to go through.

Alex Lendrum is a son of James Lendrum, formerly general foreman of the Santa Fe shops in this city. An account of his air exploit is contained in a Colorado Springs newspaper received from J. F. Hoffman by W. H. Nelson. The Lendrums were neighbors of the Nelson family when they lived here.

BIG AD IN THE TRAVELER PAPER on Friday, August 8, 1919.

The Best Gasoline in Kansas

That's What Aviator Kite Says of the Lesh Product

"Lesh gasoline has the greatest power and biggest kick in it of any gasoline I have used in my engine in this state," says Aviator Warren Kite, who is taking passengers up in this city in his American made Curtiss ship at present. His verdict of the Lesh gasoline was endorsed by his mechanician, G. Caton, who said it was as good as any gasoline that has ever been used in the engine, and better than any other brand he had used in this state. It was first used by them at Belle Plaine and they immediately noticed the difference. It has unlimited power and a greater amount of "pep" than any gasoline they had previously used.


Which is being used by Aviator Kite, is not a special gasoline, but the very same gasoline that you use in your automobile.

Drive Up and Get a Filling at the Following Places







Lesh Gasoline and Oil


The Lesh Refining Division Of the National Oil Company


Topeka, Aug. 13.—The contract between this city and the United States government for aerial mail service includes the provision that the city shall maintain a landing field. This field was selected recently by a representative of the aerial mail service, who chose a pasture about three miles from the postoffice. It is estimated this will require an outlay of $2,000 a year by the city.

According to plans outlined to the city, Topeka is to become a terminal for the aerial mail service and as such will be the home station for not less than five big government planes and the services of a staff of at least 20 clerks, mechanics, and pilots will be required. Also, it will be necessary for the government to provide hangars and machine shops for the planes.

Postmaster Rigby says the aerial mail service to Topeka probably will be started about October 1.


October 25.—Arkansas City had visitors from abroad yesterday and today to take advantage of the trade week specials, who came by the air route. Mr. and Mrs. Bagwell, of Fairfax, Okla., flew to the city yesterday afternoon in their own machine and spent the afternoon shopping with the local merchants. Mr. Bagwell landed on the hill north of the city and he thought it was a fine landing field. Late in the day yesterday Roy McElhinney, a local auto liveryman, rode with Mr. Bagwell in the airplane as a passenger.


October 31.—Arkansas City is going to have aviation established here in the next week or two if the Chamber of Commerce accepts the proposition of Errett Williams of Fort Worth, Texas, and Wilbur (Pete) Hill of this city. All the chamber is asked to do is to buy or lease the landing field north of the city where Williams and Hill will build hangers and go into the business of exhibition flying, teaching, and selling.

Arrangements have been completed for an exhibition flight here in November. Zeno Michaels, a former Ringling circus acrobat of international fame, will stand on the wings while the aeroplane piloted by Errett Williams is breezing through the air at terrific speed. He will do a lot of novelty and daring stunts on the plane and he will drop 5,000 bills bearing advertising matter of local firms.

He will pull off a parachute jump in the air, dropping from the aeroplane to the ground in the parachute.

Seven towns were bidding for Lieutenant Williams, but he preferred to come to Arkansas City. He was in the city yesterday but he has gone to Fairfax to get his machine. He served in the war and saw active service at the battlefront in France. He is an experienced flier and knows the air as well as the pedestrian knows the ground.

"Pete" Hill has had experience as a flier and he is an expert mechanic on an airplane. Williams is coming here particularly on account of this being the home of Hill. They are old school chums and will make a fine team in this venture.

Mr. Hill said if the landing field is provided for them, they will immediately begin the construction of the hangers and shop and a storehouse for supplies which will be furnished to transient aviators. They will bring three airships here at once and they will take the agency for the Curtiss make of ship and also another aeroplane. The Arkansas City Aviation Co., will be the name of their firm. Hill has had a dream for some time of getting into the game and it now looks like it is going to be realized. He is ablaze with enthusiasm in this enterprise.

It will be announced in a few days whether the Chamber of Commerce can secure the landing field for the proposed company.

It will be a big advertisement to have aviation established here, and a drawing card that will bring hundreds of people to the city and the stores will profit from the enterprise. Exhibition flights will be given all over this part of the country and it will advertise this city extensively. Lessons in aeroplaning will be taught by Williams and Hill. They will have a regular school in aviation like the instruction that is given at Dewey, Oklahoma. This will attract prospective fliers to the city and perhaps some of the young men who live here will take up the game. Hill has his heart set on the proposition going through and it is believed the Chamber of Commerce will not let this big thing get away from the town.

Mr. Hill stated this afternoon that passengers will be carried November 11th, like Lieut. Warren Kite did when he was here several weeks ago.


November 5.— Roy Burford, manager of the Rex Theater, has completed arrangements for the most thrilling sight the people of Arkansas City have ever seen here Armistice Day, Nov. 11th at 4:30 o'clock, when a drop of 3,000 feet will be made by the performer he has secured with only the aid of a huge umbrella. The first person alighting will be given 10 passes to the "Miracle Man," the greatest picture Manager Burford has ever booked for his theater.

Aviator Errett Williams will pilot the ship when the performer makes the death defying leap from the clouds. The descension will be made from as near over the center of the city as possible so that everyone may see it. At first Mr. Burford declined to engage the sensational act on account of the peril involved in the stunt, but evidence was produced to him to show that it had been done a number of times and he agreed to let the people here see it.

In addition to this spectacular performance, Zeno Michaels, formerly a leading acrobat of Ringling Bros. Circus, will perform stunts in the air on the flying aeroplane that will make the crowd hold its breath.

Mr. Burford engaged the act described above because he thought it was such a miracle performance that it would fit nicely into his advertising scheme for "The Miracle Man," for surely none but a miracle man would attempt to defy death in such a sensational manner.

Aviator Williams and Mr. Hill said today that doctors will be taken on hurry up out-of-town calls in their aeroplane. This will be a regular service established by them here.

Quite a lot of interesting history is connected with the airship which will be used on Armistice Day. It formerly belonged to the late Vernon Castle and was constructed especially for him by the Curtiss company. It was his private machine and was used by him on special exhibition flights.

The construction of the hangars on the aviation grounds north of the city will begin in a few days. Three or four ships will be kept here all the time as Williams and Hill will sell planes and also teach flying in addition to their other activities. Supplies for aviators passing through here will be kept at the landing field all the time.

The Chamber of Commerce is leasing the field for Williams and Hill.

Proclaimed a Holiday

The mayor is proclaiming Tuesday, November 11th, a holiday, and asking all places of business and public buildings to close at 11 o'clock to celebrate the remainder of the day. The significance of 11 o'clock is due to the fact that the armistice was signed at that hour on the 11th of November, and the 11th month of the year, 1918.

E. L. McDowell acted as chairman and the committee appointed by him to plan for the celebration is as follows: Dr. E. F. Day, chairman, Robert Cox and John N. Floyd, representing Shelton Beaty post of the American Legion, and H. S. Collinson and Mrs. C. N. Hunt.

Only a tentative program had been arranged as yet today, but the committee will meet again tonight at Dr. Day's office and arrange a definite program.

It is planned to have a big parade, in charge of John Floyd, in which the school children, Red Cross, members of American Legion and all ex-service men, and any organization that may desire, participate. The Chilocco band and students will be invited to join in the celebration and procession which is scheduled to take place at 2 o'clock.

Marvelous Stunts in Air

From 3 to 4 o'clock Aviator Williams and Zeno Michaels, acrobat, will perform thrilling stunts in the air. This will be a great attraction and is expected to draw a huge crowd of out-of-town people.

In the evening it is planned to have a musicale at the auditorium of the high school at 8 o'clock, and perhaps two or three dance halls in the city will be engaged for dancing after 9 o'clock. None of the attractions will cost anything.

Dr. Day was trying today to arrange a boxing match between two fast and clever lightweights he saw in action while he was in the service at Fort Worth. If they can be secured, the bout will be staged at the Fifth Avenue theatre at 10 o'clock.

Possibly a track meet will be arranged with prizes for the winners. It will probably be for ex-service men only and many of them are in good trim for this affair, having had considerable experience in the army.

The finance committee: R. T. Keefe, chairman, C. E. Masters, Foss Farrar, A. H. Dohrer, Claude Vaughan, Roy Burford, Doug Wilson, J. B. Lantz and Chas. Spencer.

To Become a "World Day"

At the meeting last night, Rev. Nichols expressed the opinion that Armistice day would become a "world day" and that all nations participating in the war would celebrate on that day to commemorate the historic ending of the war. He thought Arkansas City should get in on the ground floor.

Dr. Young suggested that a special program should be arranged for observance by the schools on that day, explaining to them the causes of the war and why Armistice day is going to be perpetuated in the world's history. He said more people in the world will celebrate Armistice day than will celebrate Christmas because the number that knew about the war are in excess of those that knew about the birth of Christ. It was his opinion that this would become the greatest day in the world.

Mayor Hunt expressed disappointment in the attitude of Arkansas City toward the world war veterans. He held the opinion that this city had been apathetic and tardy in arranging a program for Armistice day. The indifference of the people, he said, had made him wonder what had happened to the spirit of the city.

Chairman McDowell and Chas. Spencer blamed the mayor for not taking the initiative in the armistice day celebration. Mr. Hunt demanded to know why he should have initiated the movement, and he told Mr. Spencer that obligation rested more with a newspaper than with him, and referred to the fact that Mr. Spencer had not been so enthusiastic for the memorial bonds as he was for a demonstration armistice day.

The tentative program for Armistice day is as follows:

11 a.m.—Whistle and bells and cease work for balance of day.

2 p.m.—Gigantic free street parade—A. C. band in uniform; ex-service men in uniform; army nurses in uniform; state guards in uniform; Red Cross ladies in uniform; Y. W. C. A.; Chilocco band in uniform; 350 Chilocco students in uniform; A. C. school children; vehicles. Each section of this parade will be in charge of an overseas sergeant.

3 p.m.—Aerial exhibition of daredevil, hair-raising stunts by Aviator Errett Williams and Zeno Michaels, former circus acrobat.

4 p.m.—Band concert.

5 p.m.—Adjourn till 7 p.m.

7 p.m.—Band concert.

8 p.m.—High-class entertainment at junior high school auditorium (west on Fifth avenue); "America" by audience; Robinson and Ogram, whistling and singing; Miss Cecil Day, vocal solo; Dr. Brody, short talk; Prof. Temple, violin solo; Stanley Rotary quartette; Y. W. C. A. open house with musical program for ladies and their soldier friends.

9 to 12—Dancing at Elk's hall.

11 p.m.—At Rex theatre—Battle royal: five colored warriors. Referee's instructions (from the side lines): "Whenever you see a head, hit it, and the last man out of the ring gets the money." Ten round boxing contests; two fast light weights from Ft. Worth.

7 p.m. to 12 p.m.—Carnival night on the streets, confetti, clowns and open house in general.

12 p.m.—Goodnight.

Subject to change without notice. Everything free.

The Parade

The state guards will meet and report in uniform at the point where the parade starts and the following will have charge of the parade: Frank Hunt and Forrest Kuhn in charge with these men assisting: Sergeant Branstetter, Cecil Agan, Henry Newcomb, Harry Derry, Roy Lane, Chet Breon, Tony McAdam. Captain Foss Farrar of the state guards expects to have the discharge paper for his men ready for service immediately after the parade, and therefore all are expected to appear in uniform.

The schools will be dismissed at 11 o'clock and the teachers will reassemble the students in the afternoon for the parade.

Pete Hill reports that Beachy Musselman arrived today from Tulsa with the second airplane and it is assured that there will be two, and possibly three, ships here for the celebration.

A special invitation is extended to the veterans of the civil war and Spanish war, and to members of the Women's Relief Corps to march in the parade tomorrow afternoon.


November 12.—Armistice Day was celebrated in Arkansas City by a mammoth crowd that witnessed thrilling stunt flying by Aviator Williams and Zeno Michaels, acrobat, a big parade and a variety of entertainment including a splendid program at the junior high auditorium, and boxing match in the Rex theatre.

Several thousand people saw the parade, the sidewalks being jammed until it was impossible to wiggle an elbow, and a lot of people with stiff necks today from trying to watch the procession and the aviators flying low over Summit street simultaneously.

The parade was led by Forrest Kuhn, ex-service man, upon a magnificent steed. He carried a large American flag. Following him came the Arkansas City band, which arrived late and caused a delay of half an hour in the start of the parade, but they rendered some snappy music in the march.

Veterans of the world war came behind the band, a splendid looking bunch of fellows in uniform and in squad formation, marching with heads erect and eyes to the front. Cheers welled from the throats of the crowd as they passed by. It was a glorious reception for the boys who fought and brought home the "bacon."

Army nurses and Red Cross women followed the ex-service men, and written into their faces was the splendid service and sacrifices they rendered to support the men in the trenches. This section received much applause.

The Chilocco band led the students of Chilocco, and a more attractive body of boys and girls cannot be found. In their natty uniforms they presented a striking appearance and their marching was in perfect rhythmic motion presenting a striking effect of military training in the schools. The Chilocco band is a splendidly trained musical organization and its playing was a distinct feature of the parade.

Next came the Salvation army corps of this city, and the vocabulary of an ordinary news mongrel is inadequate to describe the respect and exalted regard the public has for the valiant service rendered in the war by the Salvation army. The appearance of the local corps was a signal for cheers and applause. Members of the Elks cheered from their lodge rooms. The Elks furnished scads of money to the Salvation army, which is said by large numbers of ex-service men to have been the most popular organization serving at the front.

The next section of the parade was composed of the Arkansas City school children, the smaller grades taking the lead. Spectators remarked that these children should have been on the side lines for they produced more noise than all the side lines could muster. Their unrestrained enthusiasm was contagious and spectators responded with a greater volume of noise than they had produced up to that time.

The last section of the parade consisted of numerous decorated automobiles led by the Y. W. C. A. automobile float, which was artistically decorated, and it received its share of the applause.

Thrilling Stunts in Air

Two airships sailed over Arkansas City the greater part of the day, giving the final touch to the Armistice day celebration. Advertising circulars and tickets to the Rex theatre were showered upon the people below.

Aviator Williams performed thrilling stunts in the air including the loop the loop, tail spin, Immelmann turn, and the famous acrobat, Zeno Michaels, entertained the spectators by climbing around on the wings of the plane and hanging from a part of the machine by one leg. Owing to a misunderstanding he did his stunts first over the aviation grounds and was not seen by the vast throng of people that filled the streets uptown, but the gallant acrobat climbed into the aeroplane with Aviator Williams later and flew over the center of the town where all the people could see him perform. The program in the air gave complete satisfaction, and flying was increasingly difficult yesterday because the air was extremely bumpy on account of the terrific wind; but the daring aviator and the acrobat braved these conditions and performed their stunts according to contract despite the extreme hazards encountered by the wind. Aviator Williams and "Pete" Hill flew over the city for about an hour while they were engaged in dropping the advertising matter from the local stores. On account of the strong wind, it was impossible to drop the bills so they would light in the business section although they dropped them from the air a mile or two south of the city.

The "Miracle Man" made the drop with only the aid of a big umbrella. This stunt created great excitement. It was a dummy, but the aviator and acrobat pulled it off so cleverly that the crowd was fooled. They went up in the air and dropped the dummy. When Williams landed Michaels dropped off the plane out of sight of the crowd, which surged around the ship and tried to find him.

Beachy Musselman, former flier in the army, made several ascensions in one of the ships. He took his mother up with him on the last flight and he said it was the first time he had ever been nervous in flying, but his mother greatly enjoyed the trip and displayed not a bit of nervousness.

Plenty of entertainment was provided for everyone in the evening. An exceptionally fine program was given at the junior high, and a big dance was held at the Elks hall, also at the Yeoman's hall.

A ten round boxing match between the champion of the A. E. F. and a regimental champ was pulled off at the Rex theatre following the picture show, and it was a fast bout. The boxers were welterweights, and they gave an exciting exhibition of the manly art of self defense. Don Wilson introduced the boxers. Leb White acted as referee and Dr. E. F. Day was timekeeper.

The program in the evening at 8 o'clock was carried out at the junior high school auditorium as planned, with one or two exceptions. The crowd in attendance was not as large as expected nor as large as should have been on an occasion like this. Supt. C. E. St. John, of the city schools, was chairman of the meeting and the principal address was given by the Rev. Dr. Brodie, pastor of the First Presbyterian church of Wichita, who is well and favorably known here. He is an eloquent speaker and is equal to any occasion on subject.

He has the faculty and earnestness to thrill his audience, and having lost a son in the late world war, he is well versed on that subject. He also visited the war zone last year and he always has a splendid message when called upon to talk. He made a short but very impressive address last night. Dr. Brodie has a number of warm friends in Arkansas City, who are always glad to see and visit with him. He has delivered stirring addresses here on several different occasions before this event.

The meeting last night was opened by the audience singing "America." Then Miss Cecil Day favored those present with one of her very choice vocal solos, which was greatly appreciated.

C. J. Robinson, formerly traffic manager of the Kanotex refinery, and now with the Cosden Oil Co., at Tulsa, rendered a whistling solo that took the audience by storm. He possesses rare talent in this respect and is a high class entertainer. He also has other gifts in a musical way, being more than an ordinary violinist and pianist and has composed a number of clever pieces on the piano. His many friends were glad to see him here again yesterday. The famous Rotary quartet from Wichita also gave several up-to-date and very pleasing numbers. These four young men are quite well known in Arkansas City, especially among the Rotary club in the Presbyterian church.

Following the program at the school house, the Y. W. C. A. ladies gave a reception for the girls and their soldier boy friends at the Y. W. rooms. Many young folks also went to the Elks hall to attend the free public dance given there by the celebration committee.

The Armistice day celebration was a huge success, and the committee is deserving of much praise for providing so much entertainment upon so short a notice. They only had about two days to arrange the program, but they went "over the top" in splendid style.


November 12.—The first airplane funeral service to be performed in this section of the country was that carried out yesterday, when in spite of the cold and disagreeable weather Errett Williams and "Pete" Hill, of the Williams & Hill Airplane Co., of this city, carried the corpse of a little girl from Kaw City to Fairfax, Okla., for burial at the latter place. The casket bearing the little girl was strapped to the airplane and Aviators Williams and Hill made a successful flight to Fairfax, landing within 25 feet of the grave which had been prepared for the corpse. Then the funeral rites were said and the body given over to mother earth, from whence it came.

The little girl was a half sister of Pete and Arthur Hill of this city and was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Hill, of Kaw City. Her death occurred on Monday and all arrangements had been made for the funeral on Tuesday, but when the train which was to carry the body from Kaw City to Fairfax arrived at Kaw City, for some reason it was denied passage on the train. Then Messrs. Williams and Hill quickly made plans and carried them out, in the manner described above. They had flown from here to Kaw City in the morning and then after making the trip from there to Fairfax, they had covered about 60 miles in the airplane. They then returned to Arkansas City in the evening, making a total flight for the day, and in zero temperature, of 120 miles.

The Williams-Hill Airplane Co., of Arkansas City, Kansas, therefore claims the distinc-tion of having performed the first airplane funeral the middle west has ever had.

To Take Up Passengers

November 12.—Aviator Errett Williams and Wilbur Hill flew to Ponca City today, where they will do stunt flying at a roping contest there tomorrow. They will return to the landing field north of the city tomorrow night and passengers will be taken up from this field on Sunday. Quite a number of persons have expressed the desire to fly with Aviator Williams and their wish will be granted. He has demonstrated that he is an expert flier and confidence is bestowed in him by the people who want to go up. He makes a beautiful landing and takes off beautifully. He flew a plane at the front during the war.

November 18.—Aviator Errett Williams and Pete Hill flew to Kaw City today in their aeroplane. They will remain in Oklahoma until next Sunday, doing stunts and taking up passengers, and they expect to be here Sunday to take up those who want to experience the sensation of flying.

Will Fly at Ponca City

December 1.—Aviators Pete Hill and Errett Williams went to Ponca City this morning, where they are making arrangements to put on a flying exhibition next Saturday. They were joined here by F. L. Armstrong, who will join them in the exhibition at Ponca City, with a parachute leap from a height of 5,000 feet, from an aeroplane. Mr. Armstrong is a professional at this business and he will no doubt, with the able assistance of Aviators Hill and Williams, put on a good attraction for the Ponca City people.

Flew to Kaw City

December 5.—Thursday morning a traveling man missed his train in Arkansas City, so he made arrangements to head it off in a Curtiss aeroplane. He passed the train at Uncas and landed in Kaw City and was on the depot platform when the train pulled in. Missing the train is not so bad any more if you have the money and the nerve to ride in a plane.—Newkirk News-Journal.

December 15.—Mrs. G. E. Moody is in receipt of a telegram from her son, Dwight Moody, saying that he had arrived at New Orleans from Panama where he has been the past year in the aviation service. From New Orleans he will go to Little Rock, Arkansas, where he will be discharged from the army.

Aviators Home From Oklahoma

January 2.—Aviators Pete Hill and Errett Williams are back in the city after having spent the past few days in neighboring towns carrying passengers. They visited Ponca City, Guthrie, Enid, Coil, and Red Rock, Oklahoma. They reported a good trip and excellent business. The aviators say they had no trouble whatsoever. They arrived here at 4:30 yesterday afternoon.


Record Flight 

January 3, 1920.—A "free" army balloon, manned by Lieutenant C. F. Bond, Lieutenant T. E. Knode, and Sergeant Harry Gamblin, made a successful landing at William and Hill field yesterday evening at 7:05.

The balloon left Post Field at 5:30 Monday afternoon with New Orleans as the objective point, but the air conditions were such that the balloon was carried northward. A distance of 150 miles was made in one hour and thirty-five minutes.

The flight was made without incident and was one of their many successful training trips. The same balloon passed over Arkansas City about two months ago and landed at St. Johns, Kansas.

Lieutenant Bond was in charge of the crew, and told of their many successful flights, especially a 600-miles trip to the Mexican border a few weeks ago. Regular flights are made from Post Field, the object of which is a more thorough training in this branch of the service. He also stated the government was paying more attention to the balloon branch of the air service and was investing heavily in dirigibles as they carry more passengers, more freight than the airplanes, and can travel as fast.

This balloon is known as a "free" balloon as it is free to travel the way the air currents will have it go. Other types are known as "captive" dirigibles. The "free" balloon has a capacity of 35,000 cubic feet of hydrogen gas, and not having the hydrogen service in Arkansas City, it will be shipped to Post Field this afternoon. The crew will return to the field at the same time. Post Field is a permanent one and has one balloon company and one aerial squadron stationed there.

January 23, 1920.—Neal Pickett sold, via airplane, the Eft 320 acre farm 17 miles southwest of Arkansas City to Sam Berry, a prominent contractor and builder of this city. Mr. Berry was too busy to go by train to see the place, the bargain would not last, and the bad roads would not admit of auto travel so the airplane was used. The party left here at 12:10 Wednesday, visited the place, and had landed at the aviation field north of the city at 12:35. At one o'clock Mr. Pickett and Mr. Berry had finished their lunch, closed the deal, and Mr. Berry was back at his work with the consolation that he had picked a real bargain. "It's an ideal way to see a farm," said Mr. Berry, and his money talked for he was ready to purchase immediately upon landing. This makes 960 acres of land that Mr. Berry has bought of Mr. Pickett.

This puts Arkansas City on the map as having used an airplane for the first time by a real estate man, and that it was successful is shown by the fact that the land sold readily.

Buy New Airplanes

February 2, 1920.—Aviator Williams and "Pete" Hill arrived in the city from Dallas, Texas, Saturday night in a new Standard airplane they have purchased for training purposes at the local aviation grounds. They were in Winfield Sunday where they took up passengers all day. They left for Dallas Sunday night to get another ship. They have purchased six machines during the last few days. Two or three of them have been sold.

The Hill-Williams Airplane Co. and Flying School have engaged Jimmie Ward, an aviator of 13 years flying experience without a single accident, to give instructions to novice fliers at their aviation field north of the city. He will be here next week and he will move his family to this city.


February 9,1920.—Pete Hill and Errett Williams arrived in the city Saturday evening with a brand new aeroplane for their station north of the city. They drove the machine from Houston, Texas, in exactly nine hours against a strong wind nearly all the way. It is said to be seven hundred miles from here to Houston and this was certainly a record flight with no accidents of any sort. Messrs. Williams and Hill have four planes at the station north of the city now, and they have purchased five others which will be brought here very soon.

Today Messrs. Williams and Hill gave their first lessons in flying in connection with their school of instruction to two local boys, Virgil 'Runt' LaSarge and Monroe George, who were the first to take flying lessons here. These two boys were taken on flights above the city this morning and they will soon be flying alone. Mr. Hill says they are adaptable pupils and he is well pleased with the flights made this morning. One of the planes, which was seen flying above the city this morning and which appeared to be very high, was 6000 feet above the earth it was said.

James Ward has been retained by the Williams & Hill Co. to act as flying instructor and he is now engaged in that work here. Mr. Ward is an expert flier and has been operating machines for thirteen years without an accident of any sort.


February 19, 1920.—Students in flying at the Hill-Williams Flying school in Arkansas City are increasing in number almost daily.

Mrs. Bobbie Jewel of Wichita has engaged Hill & Williams to teach her to pilot an airplane, and she is expected here some day this week to start upon her training course. She will learn to fly from the aviation grounds north of Arkansas City.

In addition to Mrs. Jewel there are several young men taking lessons from the Hill-Williams flying school of Arkansas City, and they are progressing rapidly. A young man by the name of Barrett of Ponca City is a new student.

Hill & Williams are also taking many orders for flying machines. Chas. C. Derr of Oklahoma City has purchased a ship from them and he will send a man here to be instructed in flying.

Aviator Williams flew to Pawhuska and back yesterday with a young man by the name of Revard. The passenger engaged him to meet him at Ponca City today and take him back to Pawhuska.

Motor School

The Hill-Williams Airplane Co. and Flying School has installed a fully equipped motor school in the Vale & Hill machine shop in the basement of the Dye building. Overhauling and instruction will be given in motor mechanics. The company already has an airplane motor dissembled in the shop and ready for instruction. It is the only motor school of this kind in the southwest, neither Wichita or Oklahoma City having anything like it. Wilbur (Pete) Hill is an expert mechanic and he took a full course in airplane motor instruction. Errett Williams is an expert flier, having been a lieutenant in the army during the war. They make a fine team and flying airplanes here is being very popular.


Feb. 19, 1920.—William Stryker, president of the Security National bank, used a novel method yesterday of entertaining a friend from Kansas City, a Mr. Smith who designed the interior of the new bank. Mr. Stryker took his guest to the aviation field north of the city and engaged Aviator Williams to give him a spin in the air. After Mr. Smith had enjoyed a flight, Mr. Stryker was taken up into the clouds. Both gentlemen were treated to the loop the loop and other fancy stunt flying by the airman, and they greatly enjoyed the sensations that are produced by the airship about 5,000 feet above the ground.


March 2, 1920.—The Williams & Hill Airplane Co. has purchased a 180 horse power airplane engine from the Curtiss Plane Co. The name of the engine is "Hispano-Suiza," and is the same make of motor that was used on the battle front. It came second under the class of the Liberty motor. The price of the engine alone is $5,000. It has a 5 inch bore and 7-1/2 inch stroke.

The motor is equipped with the latest and most up-to-date fittings. This and the Liberty motors are the only motors that will climb the height as did Schroeder, just last week, it is said.

The motor is on display at the Vale-Hill garage, but it will be installed in one of the planes of the company for exhibition and school work very soon. This motor will no doubt surprise the people of Arkansas City, as never before have they had the privilege of seeing a motor of this class and it will be worth the time of anyone to look at this motor.

The plane is equipped with an electric starter, as two men could not crank the motor at all. It is also said that the engine will permit the plane to go so high that it cannot be seen on a clear day, and no doubt the people of the vicinity will have the chance of seeing this same plane go out of sight in the air.


March 4, 1920.—The Williams & Hill Airplane company of this city lost two high-priced planes last night on account of the severe wind storm, and it is doubtful whether or not the planes can be repaired. The two planes which were blown from the landing field north of the city were staked down, but the wind nevertheless picked them up bodily and carried them several hundred feet, landing them in a ravine and smashing them almost to pieces. One of the planes was a new Standard and cost the company $3,850. The other one was a new Curtiss Canadian plane and was known as the white machine. It cost $2,500. The worst part of it is that the company had no tornado insurance on either of the planes. The young men had neglected to have the insurance papers made out; therefore, they are the losers to the extent of several thousand dollars.

Another plane of the company is now in Missouri, Errett Williams having driven it there several days ago. Pete Hill remained at the landing field yesterday afternoon to look after the company's property and thought he had the two planes well tied down and anchored. He came into the city at 7 o'clock to eat his supper and upon his return there he found the planes had been blown from their resting places and were practically destroyed. It is certainly a hard blow to the new enterprise and the friends of Messrs. Williams and Hill are very sorry to learn of their heavy loss.

Building Damaged By Wind

The high wind damaged the front of the one-story brick building located at 111 North Summit street, to the extent of blowing off the brick wall that extended above the roof, at the front. The building is occupied by Ellis Billings Plumbing Shop. The brick from the front wall was blown onto the sidewalk between 7 and 8 o'clock last night. Fortunately, there was no one injured by the falling of the brick. The building is owned by Attorney Albert Faulconer.


Local Flying Instructor Is Oldest Commercial Aviator Living

March 20, 1920.—"Jimmie" Ward, who is now engaged at the task of instructing in flying for the local airplane company, the Williams-Hill Aviation Co., and who now is making his home in Arkansas City, is the oldest commercial aviator living. He is a real live young man, being 38 years of age at the present time, and he likes Arkansas City so well that he has located here. He and his estimable wife are residing in a part of the Mrs. W. H. Hume (parents of Roy Hume) residence, at 126 North A street. They have two children, who are now attending school in Tennessee, where Mr. and Mrs. Ward formerly resided. "Jimmie" is small of stature, but he is a man nevertheless and he certainly understands the art of mastering the airplane and the air.

Mr. Ward began his flying career in 1907 at Hammond's Port, New York. He learned to fly there with Glen H. Curtiss and at that time used the airplanes, "June Bug" and "Silver Dust," the first two planes to be used for commercial purposes in the United States. He came to Kansas in 1910 and first gave exhibition flights in Wichita. Roy Hume, who was in the government airplane corps in Texas during the war, and other Arkansas City people here, saw Mr. Ward fly in Wichita at that time. In the year 1917 he joined the government service as a flying instructor. After that he was located at Dayton, Ohio, on the Wright field for eleven months. He then spent one year at Park field, Tennessee (where his children now reside); then four months at San Diego, California, field; and more recently was located at Dallas, Texas. He is a fine fellow to meet and talk with as he possesses a pleasing personality; and he says Arkansas City is the best city he has ever seen.


March 11, 1920.—Monroe George has purchased the interest of Barney Vale in the Vale-Hill garage located in the basement of the Dye building. Mr. Vale sold out on account of ill health. He has been quite sick for the past several months. Monroe George is well known as a mechanic in the city as he has been very successfully repairing cars while working in different shops in this city.

Arthur Hill will retain his interest. Mr. Hill is an automobile mechanic with fourteen years experience. He was with the Western Motor Company, of Springfield, Mo., eleven years before coming to this city.

The name of the new firm will be George-Hill garage and it is one of the best equipped shops in the southwest. Besides just recently installing a reboring machine to rebore cylinders in engines, they are installing a new 15-inch lathe which will enable this firm to make any part of an automobile, a service when parts in a car are broken. Instead of sending to a factory and waiting for the parts, they can make the parts on this machine and do not have a delay. This firm is also getting a reputation on efficient airplane motor repair work as they have done several jobs for the Williams-Hill Airplane Co. of this city.


March 13, 1920.—J. P. Donahue, representing the Kendall Drug company of Tulsa, Oklahoma, and Aviator Paul H. Meng of the same place, arrived in the city yesterday evening, making the trip here in a big Curtiss aeroplane. These two Tulsa gentlemen came to Arkansas City for the purpose of purchasing and taking home with them a quantity of the famous Ranney Mallow-Milk chocolate made by the Ranney-Davis candy factory here. Aviation Meng and Mr. Donahue were forced to land six miles south of the city yesterday evening because their supply of gasoline had become exhausted. They landed at the L. J. Pudden farm, which is located on route No. 2, and the plane was left there overnight. This morning Mr. Donahue visited the Ranney-Davis candy factory and made a large purchase of the goods manufactured by that firm. Manager Henry of the candy plant provided the Tulsa men with a large order of chocolates and Mr. Donahue and Aviator Meng returned to Tulsa today, carrying 100 pounds of the chocolates in the aeroplane.

The trip to Arkansas City was made as an advertising feature of the Tulsa advertising club and it was planned for the two men to land in Tulsa today while the advertising club was in session and to carry the candy to the club room. Aviator Meng drove his plane from the Pudden farm south of the city to the Williams-Hill field north of town this morning, where he secured a supply of gasoline and the start was made from that place at 10:25. It was planned to make the trip from here to Tulsa in one and one-half hours. The trip from Tulsa to the city yesterday was made by the aeroplane in two hours, and this is considered excellent time as the machine was bucking a stiff northwest wind all the time.

Mr. Donahue, who represents the Kendall Drug company of Tulsa, a distributor for the Ranney candy in that city, purchases 500 pounds and sometimes more of these chocolates each week. Pilot Meng represents the Southwest Airplane Co. of Tulsa.


March 31, 1920.—Arrangements were made today with the Williams & Hill Co. to exhibit at the automobile show, April 8, 9 and 10th, the famous Hispano-Suiza motor. This motor is 150 horse power, weighing less than 400 pounds, belonging to Captain Geymnemer, who is the Ace of Aces, having 96 German planes to his credit. This is the type of motor used in the French Spads as a pursuit plane. During the show Williams & Hill company will make exhibition flights in their new three-passenger plane. They have secured as an additional pilot, C. E. McElvaine, who was a first lieutenant with Eddie Rickenbacker. Lieutenant McElvaine trained under the British flag, was shot down August 1st, when in pursuit of five German planes, 25 miles back of the German lines. The magneto was shot from his engine; and in order to carry out the instructions which every aviator has, "not to permit the plane to land so as to be used by the enemy," Lieutenant McElvaine drove it into a stone wall. When he awakened, he was in a German hospital; but the plane was wrecked according to orders.

Mr. McElvaine is a banker at Redding, Iowa, and has just purchased a new standard, three-passenger plane, with a Curtiss 90 horse power motor from the William & Hill company. Delivery was made to Mr. McElvaine at Houston, Texas, and he is now on his way back home; but he has consented to stop off and take in the show and incidently show a few thrillers at the same time.

The city commissioners today granted permission to Geo. L. Sayles to use part of Summit street and Walnut avenue, between First and Summit, in order to provide additional room for the tractor and automobile show.

The request for space has been so great that it has been necessary to arrange for tents on the outside of the building. These tents will house trucks and farm machinery.


April 3, 1920.—The Williams & Hill aeroplane landing field north of the city was the scene of a string of real planes today, when planes from other parts landed there; and it is planned to have the five ex-service men now in the city fly in formation this evening or tomorrow morning provided the wind goes down so that this is possible. The field today was made more distinguished by the fact that five former army men were there at the same time and each of them has a machine there. Geo. B. Cornish, the local photographer, went to the landing field at noon and made pictures of the men and their planes. The members of the crowd, as it might be called, were:

C. E. McElvaine, of Redding, Iowa, an ex-service man who is flying his Standard plane, purchased from Williams & Hill. He took delivery at Houston, Texas, and is en route to his home. He is accompanied by his mechanic. Mr. McElvaine was intending to remain here and give an exhibition for the auto show, but he is compelled to go on home immediately.

S. Q. Noel, of Kansas City, who is flying from Waco, Texas, to his home. He is accompanied by his mechanic, John Rose.

Beachy Musselman, a local boy and ex-service man, who is now attending college at K. U. and is at home for the Easter vacation.

Mr. Zimmerman, of Kansas City, who happened this way and stopped because he saw a good landing field. He also secured some repairs here from the George & Hill garage.

Errett Williams, of the Williams & Hill Co., of this city, is the fifth man. He is well and favorably known here, and is a partner of Pete Hill in the company established in this city to sell planes and conduct a flying school.

While in this city Mr. McElvaine secured the services of a local mechanic, H. E. Crow, of the George & Hill garage, and Mr. Crow will accompany Mr. McElvaine to Redding, Iowa. Mr. Crow is an expert in this line and he will take care of Mr. McElvaine's Standard plane in the future.

A large number of people visited the field today and saw the planes. They desired very much to witness the formation flying, but on account of the high wind, they were disappointed in this regard.

The Williams & Hill Co. has had built a large stand for the big Hispano-Suiza motor and also one for the Curtiss motor at the George & Hill garage, and these two engines will be on exhibition at the motor show next week.

Aeroplane Engine Display

April 8, 1920.—The George-Hill garage has on display at the automobile show one of the 90 horse-power aeroplane engines which they have just finished overhauling. The engine is a Curtiss Motor belonging to the Williams-Hill Aeroplane Co. They also have on display a new 180 horse-power Hispano-Suiza motor. This motor was the one that was used so successfully on the western front by the allies in the recent world's war. This engine alone cost $5,000. This firm is also displaying the official insignia of the 95th aeroplane squadron. This squadron is credited with bringing down 54 German planes on five different fronts—the Toul, Chateau-Thierry, St. Mihiel, Verdun, and Champagne. The insignia was taken off a wrecked American plane and shows a jackass kicking the iron cross.

Monroe George of the George-Hill garage has on display at the automobile show several pictures taken of Arkansas City by aeroplane. Mr. George took these pictures while making a flying trip over the city several days ago.

Jimmie Ward and Roy Hume Go to Galveston For Airship

April 20, 1920.—Jimmie Ward, aviator, and Roy Hume will leave for Galveston, Texas, this evening to buy a Standard airplane and to fly it back to Arkansas City. The machine will be the property of a bunch of Arkansas City men, who are buying it for an investment. It will be flown by Aviator Ward in taking up passengers in this city and elsewhere.

Aviator Ward and Roy Hume are both interested in the airship. Roy will continue to work at the Security National bank, but Ward will devote his time to flying the ship. He is an expert flier having a record of a large number of hours spent in the air. He is a careful flier and is considered a highly skilled pilot. Hume was in an aviation camp in Texas during the war and acquired considerable experience in the mechanical science of an airplane. He can rebuild automobiles and do most anything in the mechanical line, having been greatly interested in all mechanical things since he was a small boy.

Arkansas City is becoming an important aviation center. The Hill-Williams Airplane company and school for flying has been established here on the aviation grounds north of the city, and the company has prospered. It encountered some hard luck during the windstorm several weeks ago when considerable damage was done to two machines, but this did not deter the company from going ahead with its plans to put Arkansas City on the map as an important center for aviation activities.

Another New Plane

April 21, 1920.—Pete Hill and Cecil Lucas returned last night from Tulsa, bringing home another new plane for the Williams-Hill Aeroplane Co. of this city. They drove the plane here from Tulsa without mishap of any sort and stopped over at Ponca City for lunch. The wind was so strong that they spent several hours at Ponca City and drove on here late in the evening.


April 24, 1920.—At a meeting of the directors of the chamber of commerce yesterday afternoon, it was decided to appropriate $500 toward the cost of the construction of a hangar for the Hill & Williams Airplane company on the aviation grounds north of the city.

It is understood that the men who have assumed the indebtedness of the baseball team in the O. K. league last season will sell the lumber in the grandstand for $500 to help build the hangar. This lumber, at present day prices, is estimated to be worth about $1,120. The baseball debts amount to approximately $1,200; and the boosters who stood good for that amount are willing to make the sacrifice sale of the lumber so that the hangar can be constructed.


April 29, 1920.—Jimmie Ward, aviator, landed at the aviation grounds north of the city yesterday in a new Standard aeroplane, which was flown from Houston here by him. He was accompanied as far as Oklahoma City by Roy Hume, who took the train to this city so he could get back to his work in the Security National bank.

Aviator Ward flew from Oklahoma City to this city yesterday morning. The machine was purchased by some Arkansas City men through the Hill-Williams Aeroplane Company & Flying school of Arkansas City. It will be used to take up passengers. Ward will leave shortly for a trip on the road. He has spent one whole year of his life in the air. He first went up with Curtiss in 1907. He is a careful and experienced flier.


Hill-Williams Company Are Going to Stage Big Enterprise

May 11, 1920.—The Hill-Williams Airplane company of Arkansas City is going to pull off a spectacular flying circus trip through the country covering at least nine states as follows: Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Iowa, North and South Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, and Colorado. It is the first flying circus attraction that has gone on the road so far as known.

In the party will be the following pilots: Errett Williams, Pete Hill, Cecil Lucas, and Dick Phillips, accompanied by Zeno Michaels, the former daredevil of Ringling Bros. circus, and who leaps with a parachute from a flying plane at 4,000 feet, besides walking on the planes and hanging from them while the aeroplane is traveling at a terrific rate of speed.

An advance man has been secured to precede the circus and make the dates. He is L. A. Babb of Wichita, formerly an aviator in the Royal Flying corps of England. He will cover all the states mentioned above and make engagements for the circus. The enterprise will be known as the Arkansas City Flying Circus, operated by the Hill-Williams Airplane Co.

It will also be in the nature of a booster trip for Arkansas City, for the company will distribute scads of advertising matter which has been furnished by the local chamber of commerce. This is an opportunity to scatter advertising over a bigger territory than has been accessible to this city at any time in its history.

The Hill-Williams Airplane Co. was established in this city several months ago and its aviation grounds and hangars are located on a hill north of the city. The young men who own the company are both well known here. Pete Hill has lived in this city for a number of years and is very popular. Errett Williams was an aviator in the army and he helped lick the Germans.

The people of Arkansas City will wish the flying circus big success on their trip for they are all Arkansas City boys and they will put Arkansas City on the map where it probably has never been heard of before.

Buys Garage Partner Out

May 18, 1920.—Arthur Hill has purchased the interest of Monroe George in the George-Hill garage and henceforth it will be known as the Hill Garage. Mr. Hill is one of the highest class mechanics in the city and is thoroughly acquainted with all the business pertaining to a garage. The same courteous treatment and prompt service will be extended to all the patrons as has been done in the past.


Arkansas City Birdmen Will Carry Passengers There

May 21, 1920.—The advance guard of a flying circus arrived in Emporia last evening ahead of the storm from Arkansas City. Dick Phillips, Errett Williams, Gene O'Michaels, and Pete Hill are the flyers who came to Emporia in two Standard Curtiss machines. The airmen landed at Hatcher Field.

"You have an A-1 field," Mr. Hill said today. "I never have seen a better one, and it is conveniently located. If your Chamber of Commerce will spend $30 marking the field, it will be a good investment."

The Arkansas City flying circus will carry passengers in Emporia for two days. The circus has three airplanes. The flyers are Errett Williams, Pete Hill, Cecil Lucas, and Gene O'Michaels. They advertise Zeno the famous aerial acrobat, who leaps 4,000 feet from a moving plane.

Rates are $10 a flight, school children two for $15. Stunt flights, including the latest in air maneuvers, cost $25.

The two airplanes made the trip from Arkansas City in 1 hour and 15 minutes. The time from Arkansas City to Strong City was 1 hour. The trip from Strong City was made in 15 minutes.

"The wind helped us last night," Mr. Hill said. "We had no trouble locating the field, and the cattle in the field did not make the landing difficult. We always can dodge cattle. They are afraid of airplanes and do not bother us."—Emporia Gazette, May 19, 1920.

May 21, 1920. An ad appeared in the Traveler placed by the George-Hill Garage. It stated: "Whenever accident or wear makes your car go wrong, bring it in here and you'll understand what real economy in motor repairing is. There's economy in our charges and effectiveness in our work."



Basement of Dye building, 502-504 South Summit street

Phone 128

"The only airplane engine repair shop in the Southwest"

May 24, 1920.—Errett Williams, the aviator who went out with Pete Hill and several other members of the party on the flying expedition several days ago, returned to the city from Emporia yesterday, and he is quite sick. He has been admitted to the Arkansas City hospital for medical treatment.


Boys From Arkansas City Having Some Bad Luck at Present

May 29, 1920.—Art Hill, brother of Pete Hill, who is a member of the flying circus of the Williams-Hill Airplane Co. of this city, received a letter from his brother today. In the letter Pete stated that the flying circus, composed of Cecil Lucas, Dick Phillips, Zeno Michaels, and himself, is at present in St. Joseph, Mo. They have been encountering stormy weather nearly ever since they left the city. However, they have made flights at Emporia, Atchison, Kansas, and St. Joseph, Mo. They will leave St. Joseph today. Errett Williams, one of the aviators who started out with the circus, had to return to the city on account of sickness, but he intends joining them again in about a week. Pete stated that Zeno Michaels, who does the parachute drop from the airplane, was injured last week and was laid up for four days. Zeno was out riding on a motorcycle, which fell with him and bruised him up considerably. He is now able to be on duty again, however. Errett Williams is in the Arkansas City hospital for medical treatment at present. He returned to the city last Saturday, one week ago today.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Monday, June 21, 1920. The following advertisement appeared.




Are being exclusively used in the operation of aeroplanes from the aviation field north of Arkansas City. Their use will develop the same feeling of satisfaction and security to YOU.

Gasoline producing the maximum of power; Lubricants which really lubricate. 

For Sale At


126 North Summit Street

Arkansas City, Kansas.


Many Ride in Airplane

June 21, 1920.—Pete Hill and Aviator Lucas, with one of the big airplanes of the Williams-Hill Aeroplane Co., of this city, did a land office business Sunday in carrying passengers. The plane was located on the landing field north of the city and all day long the passengers were taken up for the unusual experience of a ride in the air. There was a large crowd at the landing field in the afternoon and there was not time enough for all who cared to ride to be accommodated that day.

The baseball game, which was scheduled to be played Sunday afternoon by the Oak Grove team and a picked team from this city, was called off on account of wet grounds. The diamond at Athletic park north of the city was too soft to play on at that time, but it is said to be in good condition for the city league game this evening.


Art Hill Has the Only One Between Tulsa and Omaha

June 29, 1920.—Going after and getting the airplane repair work throughout the southwest is what one of Arkansas City's enterprising businessmen is doing. Art Hill of the Hill Garage, is the gentleman referred to. Mr. Hill conducts one of the finest equipped automobile garages in the southwest and he has now broken out into the airplane repair work.

Mr. Hill has in his employ H. W. Beach, an expert mechanic. Mr. Beach has traveled throughout every country in the world, with the exception of Japan and China. He was a member of the John Willy's corp of mechanical engineers who went to Europe several years ago and studied the mechanism in the European automobile motors. Later he worked in the mechanical department of the White Motor Truck Co. For the past three years Mr. Beach has been in the army and he was head mechanic at the Rich Flying field, at Waco, Texas. Mr. Beach, besides being a first class mechanic on airplanes and automobiles, is also an expert airplane pilot.

Note - This is the first reference to any person named Beech or Beach. The Traveler mixed up the name: It should have been Walter H. Beech. RKW

The Hill Garage has now in its repair shop an airplane from Smith Center, Kansas, which was badly damaged in a fall, also two more planes coming which were wrecked in falls at Caldwell, and Albany, Mo., to be thoroughly overhauled and put in flying shape by Mr. Beach. Either Friday or Saturday of this week, Mr. Beach will fly over this city in the plane he is now repairing from Smith Center. He will do every flying stunt known to the flying world, testing out the plane he has overhauled and seeing that it is in perfect shape before delivering it to the owner.

The establishing of an airplane repair shop in Arkansas City will give the city much advertising as it is the only repair shop between Tulsa, Oklahoma, and Omaha. Mr. Hill intends carrying a full stock of parts for Standard, Curtiss, and Canuck airplanes. He invites the public to visit his airplane shop at any time.

The late Mrs. Bess Oldroyd had the following interview in her unpublished and undated notes.

"It was about the year 1920.

"Early one morning, Walter Beech came to Art Hill's car repair shop, seeking employment. The shop was located in the basement of the Dye building at 500 South Summit Street, formerly the Dye carriage factory.

"Clyde Armstrong was working for Art Hill at that time. He remembered after Beech was hired, he asked Art to advance him money, that he might go buy his breakfast before starting to work. At that time Beech didn't own a car, he didn't smoke, he only spent money for necessities, nor was he interested in girls. Clyde owned a Chevie touring car, and he and Beech took many rides together.

"Later Beech bought an old army surplus biplane that was in need of repairs. Art Hill let him put the plane in his shop. Beech and others, including Clyde, worked nights repairing the plane. They were called "rags and sticks" planes, since the wings were a wooden frame, covered with a canvas-like material. The material was stretched tightly over the frame, then coated with a shellac-like liquid called "dope." The "dope" would shrink the fabric, making it exceedingly tight on the frame. It also water proofed the fabric.

"When Beech was ready to start on his barnstorming tour of the country, he wanted Clyde to go with him; however, he declined because his mother was in poor health.

"Such are some of the remembrances of when Walter Beech was in Arkansas City, as told to me by my late husband, Clyde P. Armstrong."

[Signed] Irene Armstrong.


Jim Ward and Roy Hume Take Carl Kinslow On His First Plane Ride

June 30, 1920.—This is Essex week all over the world and every Essex dealer is supposed to demonstrate the endurance, speed, power, and the economy of this wonderful four cylinder car.

Carl Kinslow of the Kinslow Motor Co. had planned to race the Essex against an airplane between this city and Winfield. He, Jimmie Ward, pilot, and Roy Hume, manager of the Arkansas City Aerial Co., left Arkansas City at nine o'clock to go to Winfield to make the necessary arrangements for publicity, etc. The three of them climbed into the Arkansas City Aerial Co. plane, (Note: This is the first appearance of a second airplane company. RKW.) piloted by Jimmie Ward, and started to Winfield. After arriving in Winfield, they could not find a landing place and returned to the city. The race was scheduled for tomorrow afternoon, but it has been called off because the necessary arrangements could not be completed by that time and could not be postponed until later in the week as Mr. Ward with his machine is going on a tour Friday morning. The Essex will race the plane later. Mr. Kinslow will have the Essex perform some other sensational feat before the week is over.

This morning's ride was Mr. Kinslow's first, and he is wild over the flying sport. He said they flew to Winfield in six minutes this morning and it was the finest ride he has ever taken. Carl said you couldn't appreciate the beautiful scenery of Cowley County until you observed it from an airplane.

Fly to La Junta in 5 Hours

July 2, 1920.—Pete Hill, of the Williams-Hill Aeroplane Co., received word this morning from Errett Williams, stating that he arrived in La Junta, Colorado, in fine shape. Errett left the flying field here yesterday morning at 5:30 o'clock and made the trip to La Junta in 5 hours and 20 minutes. He will do stunt flying at the celebration at La Junta the Fourth of July.

July 2, 1920.—Art Hill, of the Hill garage, received one of the finest lathes ever placed in an automobile repair shop this morning. He ordered the lathe last January and just received it. It is a Carroll-Jamieson lathe and cost Mr. Hill $1,100.


July 6, 1920.—Jimmie Ward, pilot for the Arkansas City Aerial company, suffered a painful accident at Newkirk yesterday when he caught his hand in the propeller of his machine while cranking it preparatory to a flight. The little finger and a small portion of his left hand were cut off. Ward was in this city all last week, and made several flights to neighboring points with Roy Hume, who is one of the members of the aerial company, and other Arkansas Cityans. Ward was brought to this city and placed in the A. C. hospital. He is reported to be getting along all right at present.

Jimmie Ward is well and favorably known here, as he has made this city his home for some time past. He is an aviator with many years of experience and has been fortunate in not having an accident of any serious nature before. His friends will hope for his speedy recovery and all will be glad to see him once more on the flying field in the very near future.


July 19, 1920.—Elmer Michaels, better known as "Zeno," daredevil wingwalker and circus performer, was instantly killed at Winfield last Saturday afternoon when the wing skid on which he was performing when flying at a height of 800 feet gave way. His body plunged into a clump of trees just behind the grandstand, which was filled with spectators.

The hundreds who packed the grandstand at the fairgrounds there when the round-up was being held were horrified to see the acrobat's body suddenly separate from the airplane and plunge earthward. Men groaned and women fainted as Michaels' body crashed into the clump of trees in plain view of everyone.

The pilot was not injured, as the plane was not disturbed in the flight by the fall of Michaels.

Michaels and Errett Williams, his pilot, had staged similar stunts at Arkansas City that morning, says the report from Winfield.

The airplane performer's home was in Bethany, Missouri. He was 25 years of age and during the war was with company G of the thirty-fifth division. He was formerly an acrobat engaged by Ringling Brothers circus.

The people of this city and vicinity were shocked and more than startled at the news of the sudden and untimely death of Zeno, as he had become well acquainted here. He had been in and out of this city for the past several months and many people here knew of him as the daredevil of the air. That he gave his life for the amusement of the masses, there is no doubt, and it is safe to say that everyone who had ever seen him perform in the air was anxious to see him again, as they are anxious to see the airplanes time after time. It is said that Zeno was a daredevil in the real sense of the word, and that he thought or cared little for the dangers of the pastime he chose to indulge in. He did not seem to realize the dangers of the stunts he pulled off in midair, and he did not seem to care, taking it as a matter of course much in the same manner as a railroad man takes to his work when he is in danger at all times and must watch every step and movement lest he make a slight mistake and forever do away with his earthly career.

In fact, it is said by Zeno's associates that he had been instructed and warned not to hang onto the wing skid piece, which was made of wood, and was not intended for such use. He weighed about 170 pounds, it is said, and the small piece of wood could not hold his weight. The wing skids on some of the planes are made of metal, but not so with those on this plane. It is further stated by the associates of Zeno that he was not engaged to perform at the Winfield show, but that he happened to be there and went up with Errett Williams of his own accord. There were three planes at the show at that time and they were arranging to form and fly in formation at the time the fatal accident occurred. Williams did not know that Zeno was hanging on the wing skid; but when the acrobat fell, the man at the steering gear realized it at once. There was, however, no possible chance for any of the other planes to get under the man and make an attempt to save him. One of the planes made a dash as though to get under him, but this was impossible as it is said that the man was only about five seconds in descending to the ground from the plane. Pete Hill, who was in the city this morning, reported that the man had no life insurance. Williams, Beach, Phillips, and Walker were the men who were engaged to put on the airplane show at Winfield that day, Mr. Hill states.

Elmer Michaels, alias "Zeno," had been a natural acrobat all his life, it is said, and he had performed many different kinds of stunts in his lifetime. He was with Ringling Bros. circus a number of years and he joined the army in the recent world war. He served in the 35th division with Co. G, and was a motorcycle messenger. Pete Hill says that Zeno fell about 1,000 feet instead of 800 feet, as the first report stated. The fatal accident occurred at 4:30 in the afternoon.

Many Arkansas City people saw Zeno the last time he appeared here, which was last Saturday about the noon hour, and he was seen hanging by his toes from the airplane as it hovered over the business section of this city.

The body of the acrobat was taken to Bethany, Mo., the home of his mother, being escorted there by Mr. and Mrs. Errett Williams. The mother of the young man was notified of his sad ending last Saturday evening over the telephone, and she ordered the body sent home for burial.

Examination of the body of Zeno on Sunday showed that every bone in the body was broken with the exception of the right arm. His face was crushed beyond recognition, it is said. His body struck a tree—and the limb which he hit and which was at least 8 inches thick, was broken off entirely.

A. C. Airplane Damaged

July 19, 1920.—Roy Hume of the Security National bank, who is one of the promoters of the airplane industry in Arkansas City, received some bad news today concerning the new machine which he, C. J. Lucas, and W. J. Weigle recently purchased, and which was being brought to this city by C. J. Lucas, pilot. Mr. Hume received a message this morning from Lucas, saying that he had a crash yesterday afternoon. He said that the light air let him down into a tree, and that the two lower wings, one upper wing, part of the landing gear, and the propeller of the plane were damaged. According to the message, no one was hurt.





From front to back, from top to bottom, inside and outside, we can give your car the attention it needs. No matter what the trouble, great or small, we can repair it so it will be in as good condition as it is possible to put a car.

"Service is our slogan"


ART HILL, Manager

Basement of Dye building, 502-504 South Summit street

Phone 128

"The only airplane engine repair shop in the Southwest"

July 30, 1920.—Pilot Walter H. Beach, Roy Hume, and Miss Mary Huffman flew to Ponca City yesterday afternoon. Miss Aliene Stimson of this city returned here with them for a visit with Miss Huffman, Mr. Hume coming back by train.


July 4, 1920.—Private Albert Campbell, who died in France in October 1918, was buried in Arkansas City yesterday by the Shelton Beaty post of the American Legion with full military honors. The services bore the usual impressiveness of a military funeral. Many people of the city realized for the first time the solemnity and the appropriateness of such a ceremony, this being the first military funeral ever conducted here. The American Legion and all who assisted deserve praise for the creditable manner in which all the details of the ceremony were observed. Sergt. Roy Branstetter was in charge of the military formation.

The body of Private Campbell lay in state at the Presbyterian church from 10 o'clock in the morning until 3 p.m., the hour of the funeral. During this time an armed guard of honor was present at the church, and the flags all over the city were flown at half mast.

The members of the legion met at the club rooms in full uniform and marched to the church in a body. Several members of the post served as ushers at the church. There were fifty or more ex-service men in uniform who participated in the ceremony.

The ladies' auxiliary, which had charge of the services at the church, and the Daniels professional band, which furnished the music for the procession, also proceeded to the church in a body.

The church was entirely filled with friends of the family and others who desired to show their respect for the soldier who gave his life in the world war. The Rev. J. E. Henshaw, a former pastor of the Christian church here, preached the sermon, which consisted of some fitting remarks appropriate to the occasion. The music for the services was given by a quartet composed of Mr. and Mrs. R. Otis Fowler, Mrs. Fred Gould, and J. Harry Oldroyd. Two beautiful selections were sung by the quartet. Prof. E. M. Druley was at the pipe organ. Following the church services, which lasted about an hour, the band, in charge of Director A. C. Montin, took a position in the street facing the church, while the members of the legion took a corresponding position in line to the right of the band.

The military escort formed on the steps of the church in two parallel lines facing each other. The flag draped casket was born through the two lines of the escort and was placed on a caisson, which was draped in black. The pall-bearers were members of the Legion especially selected for the occasion. While the casket was being placed on the caisson, the band played "Nearer My God To Thee," the escort presented arms, and the members of the Legion stood at attention and saluted.

The procession passed up Adams avenue to Summit street and then went north on Summit. First in line was the band in uniform, which played a funeral dirge during the procession. The work of the band on this occasion showed the careful training of Director Montin, who has had a number of years of experience with army bands. Following the band came the firing squad, and after them the caisson and pall bearers. The caisson was drawn by two teams of horses with mounted men. Behind this marched the legion in column, and after them the mourners. A large number of cars bearing friends and attendants at the ceremonies drew up the rear of the procession.

A couple of airplanes hovered over the line of march and followed the procession to the cemetery to drop flowers on the grave. One of the machines was piloted by Pete Hill, and the other by Walter H. Beach, accompanied by Art Hill.

At Vine avenue, the members of the legion entered automobiles furnished by the chamber of commerce and were transported to the gates of the cemetery, where the march to the grave was resumed. The band, the members of the legion, and the firing squad — in charge of Sergt. Branstetter, were grouped around the grave. The services at the grave were in charge of Colonel Griffith of Wichita, who presided as chaplain, and who conducted the brief rites prescribed by military regulations.

Following the lowering of the casket, the firing squad fired three volleys over the grave, and the impressive ceremony was concluded by the blowing of taps by the bugler, A. J. Bredenkamp.

Will Fly Tomorrow

August 21, 1920.—The Williams & Hill Aeroplane Co. has a new machine in the city and it may be seen at the landing field north of the city tomorrow. At that time Walter H. Beech will carry passengers and show them the high waters in the two rivers and other places about the surrounding country.

September 13, 1920.—Roy Hume and Cecil Lucas, aviators, were at Braman, Okla., Sunday where they spent the day carrying passengers and they report a good business there.

September 27, 1920.—Aviator Pete Hill made a spectacular fly in one of the Williams-Hill planes last Saturday night after dark over the celebration grounds on North Summit street, at which he attracted the attention of all those on the ground for some time. The plane made a fine appearance in the moonlight and the sparks from the exhaust of the big machine appeared as a beautiful fire works display.


October 19, 1920.—Aviators Errett Williams and Pete Hill flew to the city this afternoon from Garber, Okla., where they have been for the past few days, engaged in carrying passengers. They report having had a splendid business there and on Sunday there was a large crowd at the landing field at Garber. There was also a big baseball game there on that day and some other sports events. Williams and Hill flew to this city from Garber this afternoon in thirty-two minutes. These two aviators are about to close a deal to put on a flying circus in a southern Oklahoma town on Armistice day, November 11. Should this contract not be closed as is now expected, these two men may decide to put on a flying circus here on that day.


Nov. 6, 1920.—The Arkansas City Coursing club held a meeting last night and made arrangements for a coursing meet here on Thanksgiving day and the following day. At this time the majority of racing dogs owners in this section will be here with their dogs to enter the meet. The Arkansas City Coursing club is expecting at least 100 of the fastest dogs in the southwest to be here for these two days.

Arrangements have already been completed for the setting up of the course and 1,000 yards of new burlap has been purchased to make the course with. The races will be held on the aviation hill north of Arkansas City and a silver cup now on display in the Eagle jewelry store, and several hundred dollars in prizes will be awarded the winners.

The Arkansas City Coursing club is affiliated with the National Coursing association and the course for the races will be regulation size and run under the National Coursing association rules.

Greyhound Races on Thanksgiving

Nov. 22, 1920.—The Arkansas City Coursing Club has arranged for some of the fastest greyhound races for Thursday and Friday afternoon that have ever been run in this section of the country. Fast dogs from all over this state and surrounding states will be here for these races. $500 in prize money and a $100 silver loving cup will be given to the winners. The burlap for the coursing meet is being laid today on the racing course on the hill north of the city. Fifty rabbits arrived today especially for this meet. It is expected that the races will be witnessed by a large crowd each of the two days.


Arkansas City is Listed in This Interesting Volume

Nov. 23, 1920.—The chamber of commerce has received a new book, "Municipal Landing Fields & Airports," edited and compiled by George Seay Wheat, and published by C. P. Putman's sons, New York.

This book explains the needs for landing fields, the present condition of air transportation, and descriptions of field equipment and types of airplane and dirigibles. It also lists the fields that are now available in the various states and gives a map showing their location. Arkansas City is listed in this book and on the map is one of five in the southern half of Kansas. Illinois has the greatest number of landing fields. Oklahoma is among the front rank of states having available landing fields. This is a very interesting book and Secretary O. B. Seyster expects to turn it over to the library as a reference book.


Dec. 2, 1920.—Arrangements were completed today for the first real air frolic to be given here, by the Williams-Hill Airplane Co. of this city, the date being fixed for Sunday, December 12, the location of the affair to be from the company's landing field north of the city and for which invitations have been issued to a number of the commercial and government flyers from all sections of the country within a radius of 200 miles in all directions from Arkansas City. Already it has been assured by the managers of this big event, Errett Williams and "Pete" Hill, that there will be on the flying list that day here planes from all the larger cities and flying fields such as Tulsa, Okmulgee, Oklahoma City, Wichita, and Post Field at Lawton, Okla. These will include regular fighting planes from the government fields, planes with Liberty motors, DeHaviland planes, and the famous German "Fokker." The latter will be something that the people of this section of the country have never before had the chance to see, and it will be a treat in itself to even get a glimpse of this plane. It will be seen in the air stunts along with the other makes of planes it is promised by the management. One of the planes of the local company that will be seen on the field that day is a new one, which has just been received here and which was seen flying over the city this afternoon. It is the "Blue Bird" and is a Curtiss plane. It was also seen at the Derry Top Co.'s place of business on A street this morning, where it was left for the purpose of having a cover made to fit it. The machine was designed by Walter H. Beech, engineer and designer for the Williams-Hill Co.

The purpose of the flying frolic here at this time is to raise funds for the local company with which to erect hangars on the field north of the city. On this occasion the price of admission to the grounds will be $1 for adults and 50 cents for children between the ages of 6 and 12 years. The campaign to sell tickets is now on and every business house in the city is going to have the tickets on hand beginning tomorrow and from now until the date of the big affair. The business men in general and the chamber of commerce are behind the movement to sell the tickets, the promoters report, and it is planned to sell several thousand of them at least. In this connection there will be prizes given to the person who sells the greatest number of tickets for the derby on that day.

One of the feature attractions of the flying circus is the "Human squirrel," who will be seen in all manner of stunts on the wings of the planes. He will be seen sitting and standing on the center section of the plane while the machine is looping the loop; he will stand with outstretched arms on the upper wing, will be seen hanging by his toes, his knees, his teeth, and by his hands. The human squirrel offers $1,000 to anyone in this city who will duplicate his stunts.

The event is to be advertised in all the papers in towns surrounding the city, and it is expected that there will be a crowd of several thousand visitors here on that day. The loving cup for the winners of the various events are to be given by the business men of the city, according to the present arrangements.

The Program

The program of events shows the following:

First event at 1 o'clock—Battle formation of all the planes in the exhibit.

Second event at 1:30—Landing for mark with motor from 1,000 feet. This is open to all. Parachute jump at 2 o'clock and at 2:30. This is to be one of the most exciting events of the entire day, it is said.

Third event at 2:30—Will be a 30 miles derby free for all, with a loving cup for the prize.

Fourth event at 3 o'clock—Will be consecutive take offs and landings, points to be judged as follows: Time, one point; take off, one point; landing, three points. Prize: a loving cup.

Fifth event at 3:30—15 mile handicap, open races free for all. Prize: a loving cup.

At 4 o'clock will come the thriller—The human squirrel in all manner of stunts.

Sixth event at 4:30—Looping contest, from 2,500 to 1,000 feet, free for all. Prize: a loving cup.

Seventh event at 5 o'clock—Five mile altitude climb for commercial planes. Prize: a loving cup.


Improved Aircrafts Demand Their Development in America

Dec. 2, 1920.—The World War brought aircraft and their engines to a very advanced state of development in a short space of time; but it did nothing to develop landing fields in America. Aeronautics is in the position of a railroad with its right-of-way and equipment, but no terminals.

Landing fields are as essential in flying as yards and stations are to railroads, as docks and harbours are to steamships; and when fields are established, there is no question but that aircraft will utilize them. Remember there are around twenty-five thousand who at one time were army and navy fliers in the United States. Landing fields will get them back into the "game".

The example of automobilists who patronize the towns and cities blessed with good roads will be followed by fliers in establishing air routes from point to point connecting all the cities which have good landing fields. One thing is without argument. The locality failing to provide an aerial port will certainly be without this means of transportation.

Landing fields should be established under municipal control by cities and towns. Many individuals and corporations are ready to purchase large numbers of planes and airships for passenger and express service when assured of the establishment of these landing fields. The traverse of the United States by regular lines running airplanes and airships carrying passengers, express, mail, and light freight is dependent directly on the speed with which our country provides these facilities. The element of risk, unnecessarily associated with flying, is at once removed by a widespread network of airdromes. Safety in cross-country flying depends upon the possibility of being able to land conveniently upon properly prepared ground. The problem of insurance for aircraft, crew, passengers, express, and freight is directly modified by the number and character of landing fields over any particular route.

The business and industrial interests of the country are reminded that by aiding in the development of commercial flying, they are contributing in no small way to national defense. The future development of aeronautics and the allied sciences depends on the growth of commercial, sport, and governmental flying. With the best engineering thought in the country centered upon such problems, the United States, the birthplace of flying, is sure to keep in the van of aeronautical development.

Major-General Charles Threnoher, chief of the Army Air Service.



Commander of Post Field Heard From and Will Be Here

Dec. 3, 1920.—Errett Williams and Pete Hill, of the Williams-Hill Airplane Co., of this city, are in receipt of the news from the commander of Post Field at Lawton, Okla., that he will accept the invitation of the local air men to come here on December 12 and take part in the air frolic. He says he will bring along five DeHaviland planes, with Liberty motors; and he will also bring the German fokker machine, which belongs at that field.

Mr. Mays, of Wichita, landed on the local field yesterday afternoon; and he too has accepted the invitation to appear here on the date named with an American Curtiss plane. He is highly elated over the prospects of a big time on that date and has entered the races for that day.

Williams and Hill report that all the details in connection with the air frolic to be held here have now been arranged, and many entries have already been made for the seven big events on that date. The program is to begin at one o'clock and there will be several events that have never before been seen here by the air fans. The loving cups, to be given as prizes for the various events, have been arranged for and the sale of tickets for entrance to the field that day is now being carried on. The tickets will be on sale in nearly all the business houses on Summit street.


Prizes Offered for School Students for Selling for Air Frolic

Dec. 4, 1920.—The Williams & Hill Airplane Co. today began the sale of tickets for the air frolic to be given on the landing field north of the city one week from Sunday, December 12, and the tickets can now be purchased in all the leading business houses in the city. The committee which was appointed to see to the ticket matter has been busy and has now placed the tickets on sale. There is great interest being taken in the sale of tickets and the high school students have become interested in the sale, as there are some nice prizes offered in this connection by the management of the affair. The student selling the greatest number of tickets will be given a 50 mile air ride free of all charge. The second prize is a stunt ride, and this will be worth the money there is no doubt. Third prize is a free ride, probably of a short distance.

Frank Armstrong, the parachute jumper who is to perform that day, was in the city today conferring with the management in regard to his stunt and he will be ready to go at the appointed time, he states. The jump here on that date will be Armstrong's 978th jump with the parachute.

The Human Squirrel has sent word that he will be sure and be here to perform his hair-raising stunts; and this is going to be the feature of the air circus, it is said by the management. Other members on the program, which have been described in the former notices, will surely be given and the management of the affair is highly elated over the prospects of entertaining a big crowd on the date set for the air frolic.


Grounds North of City Will be Policed in Proper Manner

Dec. 6, 1920.—Williams and Hill, of the local airplane company, have now about completed all the details in connection with the flying frolic to be put on at the landing field north of the city next Sunday. There will be moving pictures taken there on that day of the crowd in attendance and of planes while they are in action by the Pathe company. This will be a feature never before seen in this section of the country. The road leading into the grounds will be kept open, it is said, and this part of the affair will be in charge of a crowd of deputy sheriffs of the county. The cars will be compelled to park inside the fence in order to keep the road open at all times during the day. There will be no flying over the crowds and protection of the spectators is guaranteed. The members of the local American Legion Post will police the grounds and will see to it that the crowd is kept back of the danger line.

The DeHaviland plane with a Liberty motor and also the German fokker plane will be located so that the spectators may see them and go over them for inspection. These planes will be well worth the price of admission to see.

Williams and Hill are now in a position to say that the events of this day are all arranged for and that there will be a wonderful show in this line given on the field next Sunday. Feature attractions of the day will be the parachute leap and the work of the human squirrel. Many planes are expected to take part in the frolic and the affair is going to be one that has never before been witnessed in this part of the country.


Some Unusual Features Are Promised For the Flying Circus

Dec. 7, 1920.—Williams and Hill, of the local airplane company bearing that name, this morning received a telegram from the management of the Central Continental Flying school, located at Oklahoma City, stating that this school was going to send two or more planes here to enter all the contests to be held on the flying field north of the city next Sunday afternoon. The planes from that place are expected to reach the city on or before Saturday of this week.

Geo. N. Belser, manager of the Southwest Aviation Co. of Tulsa, has notified the local men that he will be here on that date with the big Curtiss Oriole, which has a K-6 self-starting motor, and which costs the sum of $8,900. Mr. McIntire, assistant manager of the same company, will enter the K-6 standard with self-starter. Both of these are new planes, and the latter cost the sum of $6,750. These new model planes are the kind for which the Williams-Hill company are agents in this territory, and they expect to place some of them here in the near future. These machines will be brought here more for demonstration purposes.

It is also expected that the - J L 6 - an eight-passenger, enclosed cabin, monoplane, which cost $30,000, and is all metal, will be here from Tulsa on that date. W. E. Graham and Lieut. Stowell are expected to come here with this machine. Lieut. Stowell was at Kelly field at the time Errett Williams was there in the air service of the army and they worked together there. The big eight-passenger plane will remain in the air for a period of seven and one-half hours, and carries gas enough to last that length of time. It will travel at the rate of 110 miles an hour.

Williams and Hill this morning received a telephone message from the human squirrel, whose name is Cyle Horchem, and who is now in Wichita, stating that he would be here in time for the banquet to be given for the performers of the circus at the Osage hotel on Saturday evening. Several other of the visitors will be here at that time and will be guests of the local chamber of commerce at a banquet at 6:30 o'clock Saturday in the Osage hotel. Further announcements along this line will be made before the weekend.


Promoters Receive More Good News of Planes that are Coming

Dec. 8, 1920.—Twenty-five airplanes and seven big events in the program outlined for the first flying frolic to be given on the landing field of the Williams-Hill company, north of the city next Sunday afternoon. The affair is bound to be a success, according to the promoters, and there is going to be a record crowd here on that day. The human squirrel, the greatest air thriller in the world, is to be a feature attraction and the planes to be seen on that date will be many and of various designs.

Manager Anderson, of the Continental Flying school of Oklahoma City, has written to Secretary Seyster of this city, telling all the details of the events given there some time ago; and this company will have representatives here on the date named for the frolic. They will also have several planes here at that time.

Walter Beech, pilot for the Williams-Hill company, has gone to Forrest City, Mo., to bring a Standard plane here for the events. This plane was sold to Mr. Williams by a local company and he is going to enter the events here and wanted a pilot to drive the plane here for him.

The ticket sale is going fine the local men report and the paid admissions will be many. The proceeds of the air exhibitions and frolic here are to go to the fund for the erection of hangars on the hill north of the city.

Sheriff B. R. Day was here today from Winfield, and he promises the company that he will have a force of deputies on hand that day to police the grounds and to keep the cars on the road on the move so that the road will not become congested at that time. The sheriff will appoint local men to police the grounds and all possible care will be taken to prevent accidents of any kind on the field or on the road leading to and from the flying field.


Dec. 9, 1920.—Williams and Hill Airplane Company today received a telegram from the commander of the air service, Post field, in Oklahoma, stating that the government post was going to send nineteen men here for the flying frolic to be held next Sunday.

The message also stated that there would be five DeHaviland planes and the German Fokker plane sent here at that time. The squadron will arrive here some time Saturday afternoon, it is stated. The commander sent word for a description of the landing field here and the location of the same. This information was sent the commander this morning by wire.

Secretary O. B. Seyster of the chamber of commerce today received a letter from Major Follett Bradley, commander of Post field, stating that he would send five DeHaviland planes here on that day in charge of First Lieut. William E. Lynd. They will arrive on Saturday afternoon some time before dark and will land on the field north of the city. This will be a wonderful sight to witness and the people of this city and vicinity will watch with interest for the battle planes to arrive that day.

"Hun" Griffin of Oklahoma City has wired that he will be here on Saturday afternoon with a 150 horsepower Hispano Suiza plane. He is the Oklahoma state representative of the Lincoln Aircraft corporation and is quite well known here.

With fair weather on Sunday there will without doubt be several thousand spectators at the field north of the city and the local men are planning for a big time with the flying stunts that afternoon. Ponca City has written for all the information on the affair and will send many visitors here that day, it was said by the promoters today.

The loving cups, to be awarded to the winners of the seven different events on this day, have arrived in the city and will be on display in the show windows of E. L. McDowell's jewelry store tomorrow. These cups are furnished by the following business firms of the city: Finney Creamery Co.; E. L. McDowell; Hill-Howard Motor Co.; Collinson Hardware Co.; Keefe-LeStourgeon Co.; Sollitt & Swarts Drug Co., and Copple-Holt-Sturtz Real Estate Co.

Next Saturday evening there will be a banquet at the Osage hotel for all the air men who are going to take part in the affair here on Sunday, as all of them are expected to arrive here on the afternoon of that day. Already about 50 have been assigned plates for the banquet, which will be served at 6:30 under the direction of the chamber of commerce.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Saturday, December 11, 1920.


The first of the visitors who will take part in the contests of the flying frolic to be put on here tomorrow arrived at the landing field north of the city yesterday evening and others came in today. The first to reach the field last night was Aviator Mays, of the Wedell Motor Co., of Wichita, who flew here in his American Curtiss plane. He is the man who won the cross country derby at the frolic held in Wichita recently. He has entered his plane in all the events here.

C. A. Williams and daughter, of Forrest City, Mo., piloted by Walter Beech of the local company, arrived here after dark last night and landed north of the city. They made most of the trip of 500 miles after dark and report a fine trip. Williams and Hill sold this plane, a Curtiss Standard, to Mr. Williams some time ago for his private use and he came here to enter the events. He is greatly impressed with the city and the landing field here and has leased space for his plane in the hangars that are to be erected on the field north of the city. He will leave the plane here during the remainder of the winter.

Walter Beech went to Covington, Okla., this morning to bring back a man named Knox with a plane that was sold by the local company and which will arrive here this evening and will be entered in the events also.

Shirley DeVore, of Central, Kansas, has arrived with his Curtiss Standard, which was sold by Williams and Hill, and it is also entered in the events for tomorrow.

The great sight today, however, was the arrival of the government planes from Post field. These planes, seven in all, had among them the German Fokker. They landed here between 12 and one o'clock. Crowds of sightseers rushed to the landing field as soon as the arrival of the government planes was known and many viewed them at the field this afternoon.

There was a slight accident upon the arrival of one of these planes when the pilot of a DeHaviland, Lieut. Prime, misunderstood the signals of the leader and landed against the wind on the east slope of the field. In the landing the plane turned over on its back; but fortunately, the driver was not injured in any way and neither was the plane hurt, it is said. All the others of the government squad landed safely and in proper formation, the local men reported this afternoon.

The seven government planes and the men from Post field attracted a lot of attention here and the army men were registered at the Osage hotel this afternoon, which is to be the headquarters of the air men taking part in the events of tomorrow. There were a number of them there for the noon luncheon; and all of the visitors will be on hand at the banquet to be served for them at 6:30 o'clock this evening under the direction of the Arkansas City Chamber of Commerce.

The weather today has been perfect for flying and the planes were seen all day hovering over the city and cutting some capers. The promoters are hoping for a fair day, just like this one has been, for tomorrow's events.

The ticket sale will be closed this evening, and the managers desire that all the tickets not disposed of be turned in by 8 o'clock this evening in order that a check may be had on the number that have been disposed of. Tag day was carried out today and the school students were busy placing the tickets on all those they found running around without the proper credentials to enter the landing field. The students took a great interest in the sale of tickets as there was a contest on, with three prizes offered. The first is for the team selling most, which is a 50 mile aeroplane ride. The second is a stunt ride, and the third a free short ride.

The human squirrel will perform and the parachute leap positively will take place tomorrow as planned, the promoters stated today. The program of seven events will begin at 1 o'clock and only those who are tagged will be permitted to enter the field and examine the airships. The roads will be kept clear of cars, it is said, and Sheriff Day and the local Legion men will have charge of the policing of the grounds.


First Flying Frolic Here was a Huge Success


Events as Planned Carried out to the Letter


Dec. 13, 1920.—Fully four thousand people, who were on the inside of the field, and many more than that number, who were on the outside looking in, witnessed the first flying frolic put on for the benefit of this community Sunday afternoon at the landing field north of the city. The receipts probably will total $1,700, it is estimated, but the returns in this regard were not all in this morning. The proceeds are to go to the fund for the building of permanent hangars on the field here. The first flying frolic here was put on by the Williams and Hill Aeroplane company, of this city, under the auspices of the chamber of commerce, and there seems to be no doubt at this time but that it will become an annual event for Arkansas City.

The Post Field boys from Fort Sill with their five DeHavilands and the German boat carried away five of the silver cups given as prizes for the different events and the other two were won by commercial planes.

The winners of the various events were as follows, according to the judges, who were Oliver Fuller, R. W. Oldroyd, and Lieut. Lynd; and Foss Farrar, who was the official time keeper.

Thirty mile derby to Winfield and return, Lieut. Johnson, time 10 min. 39 1-5 seconds.

Landing for mark, Lieut. Beverly. The first try at this event was a tie between Beverly and Lucas; and in the second trial, Beverly was announced the winner.

Fifteen mile derby to Chilocco and return, C. J. Lucas, time 12 min. 20 seconds.

Loop the loop from a height of 2,500 feet, down to 1,000 feet, Lieut. Mille in the German Fokker. He looped twelve times in that distance.

Altitude climb of two minutes for government planes, Lieut. Johnson, who climbed 2,500 feet.

Altitude climb for commercial plane, Dick Phillips.

Three landings and take offs, Lieut. Beverly.

The first event of the afternoon's program was the flying of the five DeHavilands and the German Fokker, in battle formation. This was a wonderful sight and one that had never before been witnessed in this section of the country. The motion picture operator for the Pathe News service had his machine attached to the lead plane and made pictures of the others bringing up the rear.

John N. Floyd was the official announcer, and he used a large megaphone to make the announcements of the coming events and the results of the same.

Pete Hill and Errett Williams were as busy as bees all the afternoon and they certainly handled their part of the program in fine fashion. They received many compliments for the manner in which they staged the entire affair, carrying out every number on the program for the day. They are well satisfied with the results and with the manner in which they were treated in putting on the first event of this kind here. It is considered as good or better than the events put on at either Oklahoma City or Wichita recently.

The Right Spirit

The Lesh refinery furnished 1,000 gallons of gasoline for the planes taking part in the events of the day and delivered the gas to the men on the grounds. They also gave to the visitors enough gasoline to fly each of the planes to their home towns.

The Ark-Superior Oil Co. furnished a barrel of the famous Mobile B oil for aviators on this day. These two firms gave this material absolutely free of cost to any one, and they are to be commended for the proper spirit and thoughtfulness in carrying out this part of the day's program.

Four Accidents

There were four slight accidents during the first flying frolic here, or to be more explicit, there were two on that day and two on Saturday. Lieut. Prime, piloting one of the big DeHaviland planes from Post field, made a bad landing Saturday afternoon on account of a misunderstanding in regard to the signals of the local company, and turned his plane over. In the fall the wings were broken and the plane was left here for repairs. The pilot was not injured.

The "Human Squirrel," Mr. Horchem, piloting his own plane carrying his wife and little daughter, was forced to land in the brush on the Ernest Young farm, just north of Riverview cemetery Saturday afternoon at 5 o'clock on account of the plane running out of gasoline. In the landing one wing of the plane was damaged and it was put out of use. Fortunately, there was no one hurt as he coasted down. And he came near making the field, at that, he stated. It was at first thought the wing could be repaired in time to use the plane yesterday afternoon, but this could not be done. The plane was taken apart and hauled to the field today and was left here to be repaired by the Hill garage on South Summit, which is equipped for all sorts of airplane repairs. Horchem came here from his home in Oklahoma City and returned there today.

The third accident was on Sunday afternoon when Pilot McIntire, a Tulsa man, was driving his own plane; and on account of engine trouble, was compelled to land in a field some distance northwest of the landing field. He nosed into the ground and broke one end of the propeller. He was not injured. The Oldroyd ambulance, which was kept on the field all afternoon, was rushed to the scene of the accident, but was not needed there. This plane will also be repaired here.

The fourth accident was when the DeVore plane was forced to land near Winfield. The pilot was not injured.

There were thirteen planes on the ground Sunday, all of which took part in the different events. Had the DeHaviland and the plane of the Human Squirrel been on hand, there would have been fifteen. But as it was, most of the crowd of spectators on that day saw more airplanes in one bunch than they had ever seen before. Those on the field that day included the five DeHavilands and the German Fokker from Post field, which is made of steel and is very substantial and a swift flyer as was demonstrated in the loop-the-loop contest; two planes belonging to Williams and Hill; a Curtiss Standard, owned by C. A. Williams of Forrest City, Mo.; a Curtiss Standard owned by Shirley DeVore of Central, Kansas; a Standard Curtiss owned by Mr. Knox of Covington, Oklahoma; and an American Curtiss, owned by the Wadell Motor Co. of Wichita; and a Curtiss belonging to the Curtiss South-west Aircraft Co. of Tulsa.

Walter Beech, of this city, piloted the plane on which the Human Squirrel put on his stunts. Dick Phillips, also of this city, piloted the plane in which Frank Armstrong of Ponca City, the parachute man, leaped from a distance of 5,000. He made a fine landing, just east of the landing field and west of the Santa Fe tracks.

Both the Human Squirrel act and the parachute leap were pulled off in fine shape and, in fact, every number on the program took place as advertised. The Human Squirrel hung from the plane by his knees on the trapeze, walked the lower wing, and stood on the upper wing while the plane looped-the-loop.

Williams & Hill have received many compliments for the manner in which they put on the flying frolic for Arkansas City and everyone is for them in making the show an annual event.

The contestants in the various events all stated that they had never before competed for such elegant and costly loving cups.

The grounds were well taken care of yesterday by Sheriff Day and a force of deputies, and there were no accidents of consequence on the road it is said. But there was an awful jam of cars and there were about as many people on the outside looking in as there was on the inside looking on.

Ralph Oldroyd and Foss Farrar each got a nice ride in one of the big 12-cylinder government planes on the last event, the altitude fly, and they enjoyed the ride very much.

Make Motion Pictures

V. A. Simes of Kansas City, who is the staff photo man for the Andlener & Simes Co., known as the Pathe News Service, was on the ground Sunday afternoon and he made motion pictures of all the events at the frolic. He told the men interested in the affair that he secured some fine pictures and they would be shown all over the United States. Mr. Simes is also the staff photo man for the big Newman theatre in Kansas City and these pictures will be shown first in that theatre, he stated, probably within a few days. Then they will be sent here and shown at the Rex theatre. They will be here in a week or ten days, it is expected, and Mr. Burford will show them to his patrons. One of the pictures taken on this occasion was a group picture of the pilots of the government planes, the human squirrel, the parachute man, and Secretary O. B. Seyster, of the local chamber of commerce. Mr. Simes was a very busy man all the afternoon. He returned to his home in Kansas City last night.

The Banquet

The banquet served Saturday evening at the Osage hotel for the visiting aviators was a very pleasing affair to say the least. There were fifty in attendance all told, seventeen of whom were visitors. A. H. Denton, for the chamber of commerce, was the toastmaster and he greeted the visitors with a well chosen address. There was joy and good cheer mingled with all the talks of the evening, and it was evident that the visitors were well pleased with the affair from start to finish. The dinner was one of the nicest that has been served by the management of the Osage and it was put up in ship shape.

O. B. Seyster gave an explanation of the loving cups that were presented by seven different business firms for the events of yesterday and the cups were on display there. The visitors expressed the belief that they were the nicest ever offered to the flying fraternity as prizes. All were pleased and all who had a chance to respond stated they were anxious to win a cup. Mr. Seyster explained that the cups were donated to the cause by the Finney Creamery company, E. L. McDowell, Hill-Howard Motor Co., Collinson Hardware Company, Keefe-LeStourgeon Company, Sollitt & Swarts Drug company, and the Copple-Holt-Sturtz Real Estate company.

Lieut. Lynd of Post Field was the first speaker. He is a native Kansas and is from Winfield. He has served in the army several years and saw active service in air tactics in France. He told of the progress in air service from the army standpoint and said that in another year the class of aircraft used would be greatly improved upon. Passenger service by air is now very common in many lands, he said, and Germany is in the lead in this business, and with the class of planes and ships used. He said the machines that Post Field force had here, five planes, were DeHaviland, Liberty motors, made in America. The German Fokker, he also explained, was made in Germany.

Lieut. Lynd said the commander of the Post Field was unable to be here, but he had sent eight men and six planes. He assured the men present that aircraft was still in its infancy in America and that greater things were expected. He complimented Arkansas City on her landing field and paid tribute to Williams and Hill as the first to take up the work here.

J. B. Heffelfinger spoke from the commercial standpoint of air service. There is a great advantage for the cities that provide landing fields, he said. He also paid a tribute to Williams and Hill on their progress here and said they had certainly put Arkansas City on the air map of the United States.

Mr. Belser of the Curtiss Southwest Aircraft Company of Tulsa said his company would consider a proposition of moving to Arkansas City. This brought great applause. He said they had not received any sort of encouragement from the city of Tulsa, and he knew the business men of this city would at least give their moral support to such a company, as has already been demonstrated. He said his company did a $300,000 business in a year. He said Arkansas City would become well known on the air map. He also said that the United States was behind in the aircraft movement. The Curtiss company will build a great many planes for the army in the near future, he stated. If the army were to quit, the aircraft would fall flat, he said.

R. T. Keefe said Arkansas City was ready to help Williams & Hill at any time. He said by all means, make it an annual event. His address was a spirited one and he received much applause and told some interesting stories to the men present. All the speakers, in fact, said let it be an annual event and the toastmaster was very much enthused over the proposition. Mr. Keefe said, "Undoubtedly we are ready to help Williams & Hill whenever they are ready for help."

Errett Williams, one of the promoters of the day's frolic, was the next speaker. He said he was overjoyed at the turnout and told the men present that the affair was going to be a big success. He said the business men had always been ready to "kick in" whenever the occasion demanded and he thanked everyone who had taken any part in the success of the company in its efforts so far. He said the company started here with one plane and told how the business had grown. He is a bright young man and has made many friends during his stay in the city.

Harry Collinson was introduced as "Buick Collinson" and he told some facts in regard to the automobile business in relation to aircraft. His talk was made more spicy by relating several good and very enjoyable stories.

The visitors present at the banquet were as follows:

Lieut. Wm. E. Lynd, Post Field; Lieut. H. A. Johnson, Post Field; Lieut. Harry H. Mills, Post Field; Lieut. Joseph H. Davidson, Post Field; Lieut. Geo. H. Beverley, Post Field; Lieut. J. T. Morris, Post Field; Lieut. C. P. Prime, Post Field; Lieut. Donald Wilson, Post Field; Chas. E. Knox, Covington, Oklahoma; Lieut. Russell H. Cooper, Post Field; C. J. Lucas, Arkansas City; Frank L. Armstrong, Ponca City; Cyle Horchem, Central Continental Flying School, Oklahoma City; A. O. Williams, Forrest City, Missouri; Chas. Mayse, Pawhuska; Chester F. Colby, Post Field; Everett L. Pond, Post Field; Mr. Belser, Tulsa, Oklahoma.


Two Accidents But No One Hurt Says the Free Press

Dec. 14, 1920.—The flying circus attracted quite a number of visitors on the field between Winfield and Arkansas City. Some of the planes flew over Winfield encircling the city.

Two small accidents occurred but were not serious. One plane flew into a fence and one plane lost a propeller and had to nose to the ground. Someone tried to make a joke claiming Winfield witnesses did not have the price to go inside but kept to the road and around the fence. However, others took pains to count and found that there were as many Arkansas City viewers in the highway as there were from Winfield and that Winfield visitors paid as freely as anyone else.

There was quite a crowd in attendance.—Free Press


Two of the Damaged Machines Made Ready to Leave Today

Dec. 15, 1920.—Owners of airplanes who experience accidents of any kind to their machines, while they are within landing distance of this city, need not have any worry in regard to picking them up and transferring them to some larger city in order to have them repaired, as there is a garage located here for the purpose of doing just such work. This is the Arthur Hill garage, located on South Summit street, and Mr. Hill and his assistants have just completed two neat jobs of this character, which were turned over to the owners today. The Laird plane belonging to Cyle Horchem, the "Human Squirrel," which made a forced landing northwest of the city last Saturday evening when the pilot discovered his plane was out of gasoline, has been repaired and was ready to be flown today. Horchem will pilot the plane to his home at Oklahoma City tomorrow, it is said.

The plane which belongs to the Curtiss Southwest Aircraft Co., of Tulsa, which was damaged in a forced landing last Sunday during the flying frolic, has also been repaired at this shop; and Mr. McIntire, the pilot, and Mr. Belser of that company left the city this morning with the plane.

Both of these planes had the wings damaged; and Art Hill and Walter Beech, wing expert, repaired the damage right here in Arkansas City.

The Shirley DeVore plane, which also was damaged, is here for repairs, and it will be ready to fly in a day or two it was stated this afternoon. The Laird plane, referred to above, was built in Wichita.

The DeHaviland plane from Post Field, which was damaged last Saturday while landing on the field north of the city, was taken apart and shipped back to the government field. The German Fokker was shipped back to the field, also, on account of some slight damage to the engine, which rendered it unsafe to fly at this time. Two of the DeHavilands which have been on the field north of the city since last Saturday, and which took part in the flying frolic, left the city today for Post Field.


Cyle Horchem and His Wife Flew to Oklahoma City Today

Dec. 16, 1920.—The "Human Squirrel" was in the city today and called at the Traveler office to say "Howdy" to the force. The Human Squirrel has another name. It is Cyle Horchem. His home is in Oklahoma City and he was en route to that place today after a visit of several days in Wichita. Mr. Horchem and his wife left the city this afternoon for their home in their airplane. He expects, however, to make some stops between this city and his home city for the purpose of making some exhibition flights. His plane was repaired here at the Art Hill garage and was ready to be flown yesterday. The plane was damaged last Saturday when Horchem and his wife were compelled to land because the supply of gasoline carried in the plane was exhausted. They were not injured in the fall, which took place northwest of the city near Riverview cemetery. One of the wings of the plane was damaged when it struck a tree. Horchem took part in the flying frolic here last Sunday and put on a thrilling exhibition at that time, and one that was never before witnessed by the flying fans here. Mrs. Horchem accompanies him on his trips about the country to make exhibitions and enjoys riding above the terra firma as well as he does.


Will Be Shown at the Rex Next Monday and Tuesday

Dec. 30, 1920.—Word was received in the city this morning by the Williams & Hill Airplane company that the motion pictures, taken of the flying frolic here several weeks ago, will be shown here at the Rex theatre next Monday and Tuesday, both afternoon and night. On this occasion the home pictures will be a great treat to those who attended the flying frolic; and those interested are invited to come and see themselves as others see them. There will be 500 feet of these pictures and they are said to be fine. A report comes from Emporia, from people who reside there, who saw the pictures and who are acquainted here, that they recognized many of those in the pictures. You can't afford to miss seeing yourself in action so come out on Monday and Tuesday and witness the local show in motion pictures.

Next Saturday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock, the Williams & Hill fliers will put on a novel exhibition as an advertisement for these pictures, which will be an attractive sight. Errett Williams will take a live guinea up in his airplane and will release the bird while at a height of 1500 feet. To the person who catches the guinea as it alights, ten free tickets will be given to the show on Monday or Tuesday. This prize may be competed for by anyone and the bird may light in the country or in the city: no one can tell about this part of the show.

This afternoon Williams & Hill took the local people who won the prizes in the ticket selling contest for the recent flying frolic on the rides that were promised them in this connection.

This morning the flying men took two of the actors who are playing at the Rex this week for an air spin over the city. They were Mrs. Effie Aiken and Palmer Brandow.


Large D. H. Flying Machines From England Came Yesterday

Jan. 25, 1921.—The Hill-Williams Aeroplane company announced this morning that the two large DeHaviland aeroplanes which have been ordered for some time arrived in Arkansas City this morning and that they would be assembled and tested out at once. The machines are different from any that have been flown from the local aviation field and are expected to cause considerable comment.

The planes were purchased for two local businessmen, whose names are withheld for the time being. Mr. Williams stated that the new planes are a wonderful piece of work and will no doubt become a very prominent commercial plane. You can expect anytime to see the new D. H.'s "Zooming" around in the air.


Senator R. C. Howard Attracts Special Attention at Topeka

Topeka, Jan. 26.—R. C. Howard, publisher of the ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, who has been promoted from the house of representatives to a seat in the senate from the 27th senatorial district, has prepared the first bill to regulate aviation ever placed before a Kansas legislature. Senator Howard's bill would establish a state department of aviation that would have the power to make rules and regulations for flying.

Under this bill every flyer in Kansas would be required to pass an examination and procure a license before taking up passengers and every plane would have to be submitted to an inspector.

Arkansas City, Senator Howard's home town, has an aviation field and a number of planes. The senator is optimistic over the future of the airplane—in fact, he is so confident that it is going to find a place in the everyday life of Kansas that he believes it is time for the state to consider seriously legislation of this character.

Senator Howard also has a bill to permit cities of the second class to vote bonds to establish an incinerator, and some time ago he announced that he would introduce a bill to protect game in Kansas through the year and the matter was given wide publicity because of the fact that he jocularly said this bill would forbid the killing of game at any season of the year with any weapons except a bow and arrow.


For the Folks Down Below, Unless the Plane Comes Down

Topeka, Jan. 27.—A future age, perhaps not far distant, when airplane traffic will be the common mode of passenger and freight transportation, is anticipated in a bill to regulate air traffic now before the Kansas legislature. Senator R. C. Howard of Arkansas City, author of the measure, is receiving numerous inquiries concerning his bill which is one of the first of the kind introduced in any state legislature. One of the latest requests for a copy of the bill was from the Omaha Chamber of Commerce.

Although the Howard bill lost in the preliminary skirmish in the house, the fight for its passage has not been abandoned.

The bill calls for creation of a state aircraft inspection board consisting of the adjutant general and two experienced pilots. No person would be permitted to navigate the air in any kind of aircraft without obtaining a license from the board. Nor would it be permissible to operate any aircraft until it has passed an inspection and is determined safe. Especially careful and frequent inspection is provided for passenger carrying craft.

Every Kansas city with a population of 3,000 or more would be authorized to acquire and maintain a municipal landing field with proper marking to be used exclusively by commercial, United States army, and United States mail planes.

The proposed statute contains traffic rules for the purpose of making flying safe and sane over the entire state. These rules include:

"The board shall not permit any pilot to fly over any city at an altitude from which he cannot glide out of the city limits in case of motor trouble.

"No pilot or other persons traveling in an aircraft shall be permitted to perform any acrobatic feats, athletic stunts, tail spins, or any other perilous or dangerous experiments while passing over or making a near approach to a city or center of population.

"No pilot shall fly over any premises at an altitude lower than 100 feet above the highest tree or building situated on the said premises, except he be compelled to fly at a lower level in the event of a fog or in attempting to make a forced landing.

"In the event of making a forced landing, a pilot may land at any convenient place, but nothing herein contained shall be construed to release him from actual damages to crops, persons, livestock, or other property committed by him in making such landing."


Feb. 2, 1921.—The two new DeHaviland aeroplanes which were recently purchased by the Williams-Hill Aeroplane company have been assembled and were tested out this afternoon by Mr. Williams and Mr. Hill. The new planes are very pretty and bear the finest inspection of the pilots here. The planes were purchased for Arkansas City business men who in all probabilities will learn to fly them in the near future. With the purchase of these new planes, the list of private owned planes in this city will make 10 planes.


Feb. 3, 1921.—More than 100 people were present yesterday afternoon at the aviation field north of the city to witness the testing out of the new DeHaviland aeroplane which was flown for the first time.

Pilot Walter Beech was the first man to take off with the plane. He flew rather low until he was sure that the plane was in good mechanical condition and then made an altitude climb. The machine took off fine and is said to be a very fast plane.

The next pilot to take off was Errett Williams. Mr. Williams climbed to an altitude of more than 5000 feet in 18 minutes and tested the machine with stunts. He made ten consecutive loops without losing hardly any altitude. Both Williams and Beech announced they expect it to do wonders in the air.

The new planes are entirely different from anything which has been flown around here and are expected to become very popular among the local pilots. The other DeHaviland plane it is expected will be tested out Sunday afternoon. Several prospective aeroplane buyers were on the field yesterday and the fever was very high with these men. The new DeHaviland plane which was used yesterday has a Curtiss 90 horse power engine. The new plane also carried several passengers yesterday.


London Paper Carried Recent Story on Airplane Frolic

Feb. 3, 1921.—The following story was published in "The London Flight," a copy of which was sent to the Williams-Hill Aeroplane company by Lieutenant Johnson of Post Field, Fort Sill, Oklahoma.

"From an account on hand the people of Arkansas City, Kansas, U. S. A., went nearly crazy over a successful aviation meet held in the states last December. A local concern, the Williams-Hill Aeroplane company, was responsible for the show, and they hope to make an annual event of it. Five of the seven prizes awarded were secured by DeHaviland machines and one German Fokker."


Aero Club Asks Arkansas City to be One of Stopping Places

Feb. 4, 1921.—Errett Williams of the Williams-Hill Aeroplane company received a letter this morning from members of the Los Angeles Aero club, which brings the information regarding the stops which will be made on the big trans-continental aeroplane trip from Los Angeles to New York and return. In the communication the writer asked Mr. Williams if Arkansas City, Kansas, would like to be one of the stopping places. This matter has been taken up and Mr. Williams had advised that this town would be very pleased to receive the pilots and assist them when lighting here. The Aero club in deciding on landing places learned that Arkansas City has a much better field to land on and take off than that of Wichita, and gave this city preference over Wichita. This event will be pulled off in the near future and the business men who have any suggestions to offer the local aeroplane company are invited to get in communication with either Mr. Williams or Mr. Hill, who will go into detail with them on this proposition.


Feb. 7, 1921.—The committee appointed for the purpose of assisting to secure the erection of aeroplane hangars north of the city reported late Saturday afternoon that they had made final arrangements for a 5 year lease on the ground which is now occupied by the Williams-Hill Aeroplane company north of the city. This committee will get to work at once and push the movement to completion. It was stated this afternoon that work on a 12 ship hangar would be commenced within the near future and rushed to an early completion.

In accomplishing this task the chamber of commerce has spared no time in doing what it was proposed to do. The fact was brought out that the coming events planned for Arkansas City and its good, derived from the publicity which the city has been given through aviation, makes this project one of the most important ones to come before the business men of this city at present. Williams-Hill have at no time failed to tell the world that they were from the best town in the world, for its size, Arkansas City, Kansas; and this kind of advertising has helped to bring the city into the limelight. The new hangars will be built according to specifications which have been followed out in the bigger cities. The field will also be marked so as to direct aviators from other parts of the country who decide to land here at any time.


Feb. 8, 1921.—This week's issue of the "Aerial Age," published in New York City, carries an article relative to the flying frolic which was pulled off in this city last December. In the article appears the names of Foss Farrar, Ralph Oldroyd, and Oliver Fuller, who acted as judges and time-keepers. The article gives Arkansas City a big send-off and carries quite a lengthy story regarding the judges and time-keepers of the derby. Mr. Oldroyd and Oliver Fuller acted as judges and Foss Farrar acted as time-keeper. This aero publication has a circulation of over 500,000 and is read by more than a million people.


Feb. 8, 1921.—The Williams-Hill Aeroplane company of this city received a special delivery letter this morning from the aviation department of the Chamber of Commerce at Topeka, informing them that the new aviation bill would come before the legislature tomorrow evening, and was very desirous of having the local aeroplane men come to Topeka if possible.

Local business men made up a public subscription this afternoon to defray the boys' expenses, who will fly to Topeka tomorrow to be present when the bill comes up. In the party will be four planes, which will carry Arkansas City advertising matter and drop hand bills from their planes into the various towns between Arkansas City and Topeka.

The local aviators were trying to get four business men to make the trip with them and at a late hour this afternoon Ralph Oldroyd, Foss Farrar, Rae Hudson, and John Floyd advised that they would make the trip. The flyers who will represent Arkansas City on this advertising campaign are: Cecil Lucas, Standard plane; Dick Phillips, Standard plane; Errett Williams, DeHaviland plane; Pete Hill, Curtiss plane.


Feb. 9, 1921.—At 9:30 o'clock this morning Pilot Williams, Hill, Phillips and Lucas with passengers John Floyd, Ralph Oldroyd, Rae Hudson, and Foss Farrar, took off from the aviation field north of the city for Topeka, where they expected to arrive before noon, to be present there to participate and assist in negotiating an aviation bill which comes up this evening. Along the road the boys will drop Arkansas City advertising matter to let the people know where they are from.

The following Arkansas City business men and firms contributed to defray the expenses of the pilots who made the trip: Home National bank, Hill Investment Company, Traders State bank, Union State bank, R. H. Rhoads, H. D. Howard, K. W. Daniels, J. R. Burford, Wm. Gardner, R. T. Keefe, New Era Mill, Security National Bank, Dohrer Shoe Company, News Publishing Company, I. E. Cornell, Frank Axley, Finney Creamery Co., Puritan Billiard Parlors, Lions Club, Arkansas City Milling Co., and the Kanotex Refining company.


Feb. 10, 1921.—"Kansas men interested in flying and air craft construction gave approval of the bill to regulate airplanes at a committee hearing last night. The committee then voted for the bill. Eight Arkansas City men flew to Topeka from Arkansas City yesterday to attend the meeting. The bill is fashioned after the automobile law, imposing an annual license fee of $20; only trained pilots would be granted licenses; regional inspectors would be employed by the state to see that planes are fit for flying, a fee of $2.50 being charged for each inspection. Air supervision would be under a state aircraft board of which the state adjutant general would be chairman ex-officio."


Aeroplane Field South of City Used For Pilots to Fly

Feb. 10, 1921.—Pilot Cecil Lucas of the Lucas-Hume Aeroplane company has recently enrolled five members in his flying class, whom he will instruct in the art of flying. Bob Turner of Blackwell, Rae Hudson, and John Turner of this city are three of five students who are receiving their instructions in this city.

Mr. Lucas is a pilot who has had considerable experience in the air, having served with the 135th air squadron in France. He flew under Captain Eddie Rickenbacher and Captain Roosevelt while in France. Pilot Lucas went to Topeka yesterday with the aero squadron from Arkansas City and expects to arrive home this evening according to word received in a telegram by Mrs. Lucas.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Thursday, February 10, 1921.


Boys Arrive at Topeka Yesterday.

Flying Time 2 hours 35 Minutes

The Arkansas City flying squad which left here yesterday morning for Topeka arrived in that city yesterday afternoon a little after 3 o'clock. They were compelled to make 3 forced landings but encountered no serious mishaps.

From Pete Hill to his wife, "Arrived fine and dandy, no trouble. Made trip in 2 hours and 30 minutes flying time."

From Ralph Oldroyd to his wife: "Arrived Topeka OK. 3 forced landings, no serious mishaps."

From John Floyd to Mrs. Floyd: "Arrived safely. Enjoyed trip very much. Will return today on the train."

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Thursday, February 10, 1921.

Frank Clough Writes

Frank Clough, who is attending college at Emporia, writes to the Traveler that he had a fine visit with the Arkansas City airplane men and their passengers in this city yesterday afternoon. The local flyers stopped at Emporia for gasoline and they made a decided hit with the people of that city, according to all reports. Frank says he certainly enjoyed his visit with the home business men yesterday.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Thursday, February 10, 1921.


Arkansas City Flyers "Bomb" That City Yesterday

Four airplanes from Arkansas City bombarded Emporia Wednesday noon with thousands of dodgers boosting Arkansas City. The airmen composing the Arkansas City flying squadron were on their way to Topeka to lobby for Senator R. C. Howard's bill to establish aviation fields, in the state legislature.

The planes appeared over Emporia about 12 o'clock, and after flying low and releasing great quantities of bills, turned to the northwest and landed on the Hatcher pasture. Gasoline and supplies were taken and the flying squadron continued its journey to Topeka.

The dodgers call Arkansas City "The best town on earth for its size" and list the follow-ing advantages:

Two aviation fields, 12,000 population, bank deposits over $6,000,000, 55 miles of paved streets, four oil refineries, surrounded by finest farm land in the state, two chambers of commerce, two daily newspapers, and 99.1 per cent pure city water.

The planes are from the Williams-Hill airplane company, which owns ten planes, two of which were in Emporia last summer for commercial trips.

Several business men were with the planes including John Floyd, Foss Farrar, Ralph Oldroyd, and Rae Hudson. The pilots were Errett Williams, Cecil Lucas, Pete Hill, and Dick Phillips. They also threw out literature advertising the New Era Milling company and Ark-Superior oil and gas, refined in Arkansas City.—Gazette, Emporia.


ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Friday, February 11, 1921.


Thrilling Ride To and From Topeka, as Told by Flyers

Report Fine Time and nice Visit there and it Developed that This City has a Real "Flying Squirrel."

The Arkansas City flying squadron, composed of Pilots Williams, Lucas, Hill, and Phillips, and the passengers, Oldroyd, Farrar, Floyd, and Hudson returned last evening from Topeka, landing at the aviation field north of the city at 6 o'clock.

When the boys flew over Topeka, the entire city was watching for them and when they bombarded the town with literature advertising Arkansas City, the boys at the Capitol city knew someone was in town. The town was literally covered with hand bills, after which the boys flew to the Topeka aviation field where they were received by members of the Topeka chamber of commerce and other delegations, who had been waiting for them to land. After landing they were entertained with a dinner by the Elks club, after which they were taken to the Capitol building and met by Senator R. C. Howard. Mr. Howard had been looking for the boys all morning and was much relieved when he knew they had arrived safely in Topeka. After a brief visit with Senator Howard, several of the pilots gave flying exhibitions.

In the evening the chamber of commerce had planned some very interesting entertainment for the boys, and had invited several senators from different parts of Kansas. Here, the Arkansas City boys met representatives and senators from every part of the state, renewing old acquaintances and making new ones. Wednesday night the boys were taken to the National hotel, where arrangements had been made to take care of them.

Yesterday morning Pilots Lucas, Williams, and Phillips gave the senators some exhibition flying showing them just what kind of flying should be prohibited and which kind of flying they would like to have made a law.

Pilot Williams showed the crowd the kind of flying that was most dangerous. He made an altitude climb with his ship and "nosed" it down, encircling the dome of the capital building several times, driving the spectators from their standing places to the inside of the building.

Pilot Phillips also did some stunt flying which raised the hair on their heads. He gave the boys some tail spins, nose dives, loops, and other spectacular stunts, which should be forbidden.

Pilot Lucas gave a conservative exhibition of flying and was warmly received by the spectators.

Each one of the boys in the party gave good talks along the lines of aviation and many good features were brought out, which had never been explained before.

The flying party left Topeka yesterday about noon and made the trip home in 1 hour and 55 minutes flying time. The trip was surely a successful one, the flyers and ships encounter-ing no hardships whatever and the weather was ideal.

Sidelights on the Trip

The line-up leaving Arkansas City was as follows: Ralph Oldroyd flying with Pilot Williams, John Floyd with Dick Phillips, Foss Farrar with Pete Hill, and Rae Hudson with Cecil Lucas.

The first forced landing was made by Pete Hill and Foss Farrar, when they were forced down just east of New Salem, Kansas. One bank of the motor went out and it was necessary to change spark plugs. All ships encircled the disabled ship, landed, and gave their assistance.

The boys landed at Emporia for gasoline and oil and were charged 34 cents per gallon for gasoline, which gave them a great surprise. It was not high test, either, they say.

Next forced landing was made just north of Emporia, when Pilot Williams came down for water. His temperature gauge read in centigrade renominations instead of Fahrenheit, which should be 70.

It developed on this trip there was another human squirrel in the world, namely John Floyd. John was flying with Dick Phillips, and at the request of Phillips, who asked John if he would climb out on the cockpit and take the canvas off from the radiator, John got out of the seat and took the canvas off as requested. [John said later that there were two or three big knots raised in his throat.] Pilot Phillips thinks John would make a good wing walker and is thinking seriously of employing him for this work.

On the trip home Pete Hill and Cadet Farrar had quite a time taking off at Topeka due to the fact there were several bad air pockets in the air and it was hard for them to get altitude. Foss says that feeling of dropping is sure a real sensation. They finally got their altitude and gave the other boys a fast run for their money.

John Floyd, who had never been up before, upon leaving Arkansas City was busily engaged fastening his belt on himself, not thinking he had left the ground, but thought they were merely taxiing about. He looked out of the ship and found they were more than 1000 feet in the air. He says, "You just separate yourself from the ground."

On the return trip home John Floyd and Dick Phillips made many landings; the other boys landing to see what was the trouble found they had landed merely to have a smoke. Dick excused John on several occasions, but he has other ideas regarding the landings.

Foss Farrar was kept busy on the trip keeping the grass picked off the flywheel wires of the plane. It was necessary for Pilot Hill to land and padlock the safety belt, to hold him in, in case he was "looped."

The boys were surprised at a statement made by Ralph Oldroyd when they flew over the capitol building at Topeka. Pilot Williams thought of course Ralph would recognize the capitol city. Just as the boys were flying over the dome of the capitol, Ralph turned and said to Williams, "Isn't that a beautiful church!"

The most exciting experience of anyone on the trip was told on Rae Hudson. Anyone wanting to know the circumstances will please call on Mr. Hudson. or any of the other boys, who will tell of the sad thing which took place.



Another Spicy Epistle That's Filled with Much News.

Tells of Arkansas City's Airmen—Puts Their Town and Themselves in the Limelight of State of Kansas.

Dear Traveler:—Arkansas City has been strictly on the map for the past few days. The airmen and their passengers arrived yesterday evening and created quite a sensation. The flying time was two hours and thirty-five minutes. They visited several cities on the way, stopping in Emporia an hour or so and while there they took gas, and were charged 34 cents per gallon. They claimed that this was ten cents higher than the market price.

Last night a dinner was given by the aeronautic committee of the chamber of commerce of Topeka, at the Elks club, and about forty people were in attendance and it was a swell affair. The Arkansas City flyers were all present, also the Arkansas City business men. After the dinner the bunch appeared before the State Affairs committee and explained the bill to the satisfaction of that committee, which reported it out at the morning session of the senate.

At noon today the four Arkansas City airmen and two Topeka boats gave a flying exhibi-tion. One made an altitude flight and went so high that the boat was barely visible to the eye. The other planes did all sorts of fancy stunts, diving within a few feet of the dome of the statehouse, almost scraping the tall buildings of the city in their daredevil experiments. Many people of Topeka were out to witness these stunts and a large number with whom I have talked stated that they considered the exhibition the best ever given in and around Topeka.

Topeka has an airplane factory here, operated by the Longren Company, and I am informed that this company has sold two hundred airplanes within the last year, in Kansas. Some of them were sold to farmers. The airmen offered to take up any member of the legislature that wanted to go, but none of them were particular about trying it after Senator Coleman made the statement that all who went up would be sure to come down. Several of my friends and the airmen invited me to make the trip, but I concluded that I was better suited for riding in a Cole Eight than in a DeHaviland. The Arkansas City airmen did a good job of advertising for Arkansas City, and enjoyed themselves while here, having been splendidly entertained. This afternoon they started on the return trip.

Just how far the aeronautic bill gets towards being a law I am unable to state at this time. It may not get very far this session, but it will probably attract enough attention at this time to have a proper law passed next time.


The bills for an incinerating plant prepared at the request of Mayor Hunt have passed the senate and are now in the house. It is possible that they will pass, as indications are favorable.

Last Sunday the Missus and myself were entertained at the O. H. White home at dinner and there were also present Dr. McCarter and Mrs. Margaret Hill McCarter. After dinner, Dr. McCarter took the party out riding in his Cadillac, driving us through the city of Topeka and out over the new hard surfaced road which Shawnee county has put in east of the city. It is the intention of the county to build this hard surfaced road to the county line, and then Douglas county will take it up and build the same kind of a road through that county, and on to Kansas City. This road is built of concrete. It is eighteen feet wide and is already finished for eight miles east of Topeka. It cost the county $33,000 per mile and it is claimed that the contractor lost $24,000 on the job. This road is a wonderful one and for pleasure driving cannot be surpassed. For eight miles each side of the road was almost continuously lined with machines, so thick in fact that in order to turn around, it was necessary for one to drive into an open field beside the road, in order to accomplish the feat.

Mrs. McCarter is a most interesting talker. She knows the history of this section and relates it in a most interesting style. The road mentioned above passes by Tecumseh, where the first territorial government convened, and the old house which housed that government is still standing and is in use as a storehouse and store. There are no windows in the first floor, they are all in the second story.

One of the most interesting days in my life was last Sunday due to the visit to historical places in this section, having them explained by Mrs. McCarter. It is much more interesting to hear her tell a story than it is to read it. It will be remembered that the O. H. White family lived in Arkansas City some years ago. A matter of considerable interest to people there is that Mr. and Mrs. White have a daughter who is the wife of a missionary who is now in Turkey. They were driven out of Russia by the Bolsheviks and are now under the protection of the Turks.

The Lambertson stock is going down. His attack on Governor Allen has made him lose his prestige. For a while the house appeared to be with him, but now they are just about as strong against him.

Wednesday afternoon I had quite a set-to in the senate trying to amend the election law. Senator Johnson of Brown county had a bill before the senate increasing the amount to $75.00 to be allowed for election expenses at the primary and at the general elections. The present law permits the expenditure of $50.00 by the candidate and also allows him to spend all he wants for traveling expenses and hotel bills. I moved to amend the law to permit the candidate to have the same privilege for advertising as for traveling expenses and hotel bills. Other senators present agreed that they had spent all the law allowed and that other parties had spent a great deal more to elect them; and one was frank enough to say that if he came back again, he would possibly let the street car company or electric light company pay his expenses unless he was permitted to spend what he thought was necessary in the way of advertising. However, the senators refused to amend the law and it sill stands that a candidate cannot expend more than ten percent of his first year's salary, or fifty dollars as candidate for senator or representative. After an hour or two of discussing, someone moved to knock out the enacting clause, and that ended the controversy. The Topeka Journal contains the following report of the scrap:

The senate Wednesday bared trade secrets as to how they came to Topeka and searched their souls for words to tell what they thought of the newspapers during a discussion of a bill by Johnson of Brown which is designed to increase the amount of money which may be spent in campaigns by candidates for office.

Most of the senators seemed in favor, at first, of making the limit $75 for the primary and $75 for the general election, in each county. The present limit is $50. But there was a provision in the bill which required candidates who own newspapers to charge themselves for personal notices at the same rate that they would have charged other candidates. Senator J. M. Satterthwaite, who publishes the Douglass Tribune in Butler county, objected vigorously to this provision.

Senator Satterthwaite took the stand that the editor has as good a right to use the columns of his own paper in furthering his candidacy, as the lawyer has to use the eloquence which is a part of his own stock in trade. The other members of the senate, however, were unable to see the point of the Tribune editor's argument, and voted down the amendment.

Then Senator "Dick" Howard took a whack at another provision of the bill. Under it and under the present law, certain expenses—traveling and hotel, are not counted in as campaign expenses, and that candidate may spend as much money as he likes on these items. Senator Howard maintained that advertising should come under the same head, and that the candidate should spend what he pleases for this purpose. He pointed out that it would take very few advertisements to use up the entire fund which the candidate is allowed to spend. Of course, the "friends" of the candidate who feel like extolling him through the press are at perfect liberty to do so under the present law, to any extent they wish.

But the Howard amendment brought down the deluge. Everybody took a whack at the practical, wolfish editor, who goes about seeking whom, among the candidates, he may devour.

Most of the senators love their newspapers just about as they cherish the hold-up man, to hear them tell it. Of course, they almost invariably pointed out, it didn't affect them personally because they had not had to spend any money whatever themselves to win their $3 a day jobs. It was marvelous, the unanimity with which they had avoided incurring campaign expenses. But one of the essential items had almost always been the insertion of advertisements in various papers, to keep on the good side of the editors, and prevent those trenchant penmen from "roasting them." Of course, there were in most cases friends to foot the bills.

Senator Laing, of Russell, advanced the theory that the constituents wanted to see and talk with the candidates personally rather than to get their views and impressions second-handed through the columns of the newspapers. He declared that he believed it better to spend money for traveling and get out and meet the people personally than to spend it for advertising.

Senator Hegler took the opposite view of the matter, urging that in a district such as his own it was not only a physical impossibility to get out and meet the people face to face but that the people refused to be bothered and didn't want their candidates coming around to meet them.

"Wouldn't live in such a community," was Laing's retort.

Hegler declared that he loathes, hates, and despises the use of newspaper advertisements, but regards them as necessary evils, very evil indeed.

Senator Fisher, of Shawnee, then proposed an amendment which would require the candidate to do his own advertising and would prevent any third parties from doing it for him.

This didn't appeal to the senators; and they finally, after knocking out the various amendments, voted to kill the entire bill over the protest of its author that it was designed to permit a candidate to spend a "reasonable" amount of money to land his coveted $3 a day job.

Yesterday afternoon at the governor's home, Mrs. Allen gave a tea for the wives of the members of the legislature. It was some affair and a large number of the ladies were present. Mrs. Howard and Mrs. Price presided and had the honor of pouring the tea. Society is getting to be so fast and furious here that I do not see my wife only during sleeping time.

The senate this week has been getting down to business, and I have had but very little time for writing; however, if nothing happens, I will be more prompt with my future letters.

—R. C. Howard.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Saturday, February 12, 1921.


Advertising Matter from This City Surely was Recognized

Topeka, Feb. 12.—In their flight from Arkansas City to Topeka last Wednesday, four Arkansas City business men in the four planes utilized the opportunity to advertise their city by bombarding cities and town en route from the skies with small posters. In bold type heralding "Arkansas City, Kansas, the Best Town on Earth for its Size," the booster posters set forth that the city has "two aviation fields, 12,000 population, $5,000,000 bank deposits, 55 miles of paved streets, four big oil refineries, two chambers of commerce, 99 99.100 per cent pure water, two daily newspapers, surrounded by finest farm land in the state."

The novel trip was made to attend a hearing on a bill regulating air travel in the state, before the senate committee on state affairs. Senator R. C. Howard of Arkansas City was author of the original air bill; but this measure was substituted by a bill drafted by Harry H. Colmery of Topeka, former army aviator.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Saturday, February 12, 1921.


New Measure Puts Air Traffic Under State Control

Favorable comment on the new aircraft bill before the legislature by men interested in aircraft brought about an early and unanimous decision by the senate committee on state affairs to report the bill out favorably at a public hearing last night. It will go to the senate on general orders today.

Visitors at the hearing were the pilots and business men interested in the Arkansas City airplane school who came here yesterday in planes to be at the hearing and incidentally to demonstrate the progress aeronautics has made in the state.

A dinner was given the visitors at the Elks' club last night by A. L. Oliver, secretary of the Kansas Motor Trades association. Senator R. C. Howard, of Arkansas City, was a guest.

Senator is in Air

"I am a good pilot," he said. Being a member of the legislature gives me good practice of being up in the air most of the time."

State regulation of air traffic is the short way of stating the provision of the bill. It is as near the automobile licensing system as is possible with the variance of mode of travel.

A state aircraft board is proposed. The adjutant general would be chairman ex-officio of the board. Two other members would be appointed by him.

License fees would be $20 a year. A tag on the lower wing would indicate that the license is paid.

State to Inspect Machines

Regional inspectors would be kept by the state to see that all planes are kept fit for flying. A fee of $2.50 would be charged for each inspection.

Only pilots who have reached the "solo stage" would be granted a license to fly. A certificate from the instructor would be proof of eligibility.—Topeka Capital.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Tuesday, February 15, 1921.


Report Circulated that Senate is not Friendly to American Legion

Praises Ark Bacon—Tells of R. T. Keefe of Henneberry & Co.,

Sending Him Slab of Wonderful Bacon

Dear Traveler:—There was quite a scrap Friday in the senate over the bill of Senator Laing's in which he endeavored to get a measure passed that would prevent any one voting in bond elections—except school bond elections—who did not own property. It created a great deal of discussion. Judge Skidmore probably made the best speech against the measure and Senator Laing for the bill. After the speeches were all made, the senate knocked out the enacting clause. I was opposed to the bill for the reason that it was un-American and apparently made voting a closed corporation. I would rather be for a bill that would make everyone vote. Senator Laing was for the bill because he claimed that the floating population voted the bonds upon the property owners. It has been my experience that such is not the case. I have always noticed that when bonds were voted the business men, commercial clubs, and newspapers as well as property owners were for the proposition. I think all the bonds we have ever had voted in our town were voted by the business men, newspapers, chamber of commerce and tax payers. I do not believe that any floating vote ever put any taxes on our community. I know in the last bond election in Arkansas City that it was the working men who defeated the memorial bonds. At any rate the life of the bill under discussion was short after it got on the floor of the senate, and it went where most of the "good" bills should go.

Friday Grant Wilkins and Joe Henderson of Burden were in the city. Mr. Henderson is chairman of the republican county central committee and put up the last campaign. While Mr. Henderson never told me so, I understand that he is a candidate for the appointment of prohibition enforcement officer. A. Q. Miller, publicity man of the republican state central committee in the last campaign, and Herb Caverness of the Chanute Tribune are also candidates.

Senate Bill No. 34 regulating state aeronautics was reported out by the state affairs committee for passage and is now on general orders. There is a possibility of its passage in the senate, and it has already been reported out of the house and is on second reading. It is just possible that this bill may become a law, and if it should, it will be due to the fact that the Arkansas City airmen came here and put on their splendid exhibition. I have had a great deal of aid also from the aeronautic committee of the Topeka chamber of commerce.

Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Etter called up room 403 at the National and asked Mr. and Mrs. Howard and Mrs. Norris to go riding. The invitation was accepted and Assistant General Manager Etter drove us all over the city and through the parks. The drive was very much enjoyed and the weather here was of the summer variety.

Mrs. George Norris, delegate to the executive council of the American Legion from the Arkansas City local, arrived in the city this morning and what time she could spare from Legion work has been visiting with Mrs. Howard. They have had a very nice time. Mrs. Norris has had to devote considerable time to attending the meetings of the executive council. Mrs. Norris is becoming state-wide known in the American Legion work and possibly may become a national figure. Members of the Topeka American Legion suggested that if she desired they would get behind her and push her for member of the national committee. She told the overseas boys here that she would give the matter consideration and if she thought that she could give the position the attention it needed she might accept their offer. There is but little doubt if Mrs. Norris should become an active candidate for this position it would be given her. If she does not secure it, it will be because she came to the conclusion that she could not look after it as it should be and give it the time it should have.

One afternoon this week Mrs. Howard attended a reception given by the Woman's Club at the home of Mrs. H. P. Dillon. Mrs. Dillon has the reputation of having the finest furnished home in Topeka. Her husband, who was a railroad attorney, spent years of his life in building the home and furnishing and selecting the furniture. The missus claims that it was a treat just to see the interior and furnishings of this home. The guests of the club that day all had a most enjoyable time and remarked upon the splendor of the Dillon mansion. Yesterday afternoon and today Mrs. Watt Weightman and Mrs. Charles Searle, wives of Topeka members of the house, entertained for the ladies of the legislature, celebrating the 75th birthday of Mrs. Weightman. Mrs. Howard was fortunate enough to be invited to both of these affairs.

Representative Bob Murray, who is about to get his name in the papers up here oftener than I do, went home Friday and will return for the session the first of the week. As soon as Bob gets there, he will regale you with some wonderful stories and I believe they are absolutely true. I think there is hardly a man in the house who is more popular than Bob. He is one of the best story tellers of my acquaintance. After the day's work is done and members convene in the hotel lobby, Bob will entertain a number of his friends with very interesting stories of his experiences and descriptions of the proceedings of the house. It is no trouble for Bob to entertain and amuse all listeners from 7:30 until 11:00. One evening this last week a crowd was gathered around him listening to his stories and I want to assure you that he absolutely made me laugh until my sides ached. Bob is usually bubbling over with humor and his stories and fun seem to be inexhaustible. All the members of the house with whom I have talked say that Bob is making an excellent representative and that he is very watchful and careful in considering all bills that come before that body.

Representative James McDermott has had but little time to devote to any legislative work except that of the administration. He is floor leader and has given nearly all of his time to the work mapped out by Governor Allen and his administration. Up to this time he has given very little time to community bills. Jim has gotten wonderful results for the administration. He has put bills through that at first looked impossible. He is one of the best debaters in the house and he generally makes a clear and forcible argument in behalf of any subject he takes up.

On Lincoln's birthday only a short session of the senate was held, from eleven to eleven-thirty. The Woman's Relief Corps put on a little program from 11:30 to 12. There was a reading of Lincoln's speech at Gettysburg, given by a talented young lady of this city, and America, Star-Spangled Banner, and Columbia, the Gem of the Ocean, were sung after which a short talk was given by Mrs. Fitzgerald, representing the W.R.C. Mrs. Fitzgerald is a sister of Mrs. W. I. Martin of Arkansas City.

My old friend, Mrs. Myra McHenry, is on duty in the third house. Whenever the legislature is not in session, you can generally find a group of legislators standing around listening to her. When the legislature is busy, Mrs. McHenry can generally be found doing her share of polishing the brass rail in the rotunda. Usually, however, she is giving someone fits and I often wonder how I escape her; but she told a bunch of the legislators the other day that she had known me for years and that she had been in my city in jail for ten days and made the city feed her. She also said that I was her friend and one of the best men she ever knew. I always try and manage to keep away from her for fear that she may change her mind.

The legislature has now a gridiron press club made up of the editor-members of the house and senate. Thursday at Pellitier's the active editors who are members of the legislature and their wives met and broke bread together. I was elected president of the club and Charles Mann of the house, secretary. We had at this meeting one of the most delightful times I have ever had in Topeka. There were about seventeen present and around the banquet table and all told newspaper experiences. Ever since I began life in the printing office I have always had the feeling that printer's ink makes the atmosphere just a little purer, and I breathe freer when in the company of the newspaper boys. This bunch of editor-members of the legislature got their newspaper education in Kansas and the most of them were old-timers, men who had been in the newspaper business when the silver dollar appeared to be as large as a cart wheel when it came to taking it in or expending it. As a guest of the club, Mrs. Noble Prentis was present. Mrs. Prentis has spent a great portion of her life in Kansas and the most of it in Topeka. She is the wife of the lamented Noble Prentis, one of the pioneer editors of the sunflower state. Everyone who has lived in Kansas a score of years knew Noble Prentis or knew of him.

The Rotary club puts on a mock session of the legislature at its next luncheon and I have a bill I am going to introduce, which I think will be satisfactory to the club members, but which will no doubt get the enacting clause struck out.

The house has resolved to quit introducing bills on the 16th of February. The senate has not yet agreed to concur in the resolution.

The other day I got a letter from Richard T. Keefe, and in answering I told him that I wished I had a slice of his good Ark bacon and you can't guess what Dick did to me. By return mail he sent me a slab of bacon which would last me a month at home; but if I can get someone to cook it, I am going to have some real bacon, the palatable kind, the more you eat the more you want to eat. I am arranging with the legislators of the press club to have a bacon supper some evening next week at Pellitiers. I am going to have that slab of Ark bacon served to all the editors and wives that belong to the club. I have told them what wonderful bacon is turned out by Henneberry & Company and I have their mouths all watering in anticipation of that supper.

There are several members of the senate who were overseas and several other senators who had sons overseas. I mention this fact because I understand that the report has been circulated in Arkansas City that there are no members of the senate friendly to the American Legion, which report I desire to say is false and without foundation.—R. C. Howard

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Tuesday, February 15, 1921.


Arkansas City Cadets Receiving Telegrams from California

Foss Farrar of the Home National bank received the following telegram from Ralph Dixon this morning, who is spending a few weeks in California. The telegram reads as follows: "Farrar, Oldroyd, and Floyd, Aviators, Arkansas City, Kansas, 'One Hundred Per Cent on Nerve, nothing on judgment.'" It is evident that Dr. Dixon is receiving the Arkansas City Traveler and saw the account of the flying squadron which recently made a trip to Topeka. The boys were very much pleased to hear from Dr. Dixon.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Friday, February 18, 1921.


800 Mile Trip Made by Aeroplane by Local Men

H. E. Chouteau of the ReNu Tire company of this city and Chas. Mays of Pawhuska, have returned from an 800 mile aeroplane trip through Texas and Oklahoma, where they went several days ago, with the intention of buying some farm lands; however, they did not purchase any land. The trip was made without any mishaps, save a couple of forced landings. The boys report a very enjoyable time on the flying trip to the south.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Monday, February 21, 1921.


Workmen Have Laid All Plans For Building North of City

Lee Biggs and Foss Farrar completed all arrangements Saturday for the erection of the aeroplane hangars which will be erected on the land north of this city, which is at the present time occupied by the Williams-Hill Aeroplane company, as a landing field. Mr. Biggs recently returned from Wichita where he purchased the necessary material to build the building. Work was started this morning and the ground has already been laid off. It is thought this work will be completed within the course of a week or so and the new hangars will then be ready for occupancy. The Chamber of Commerce recently got behind this proposition and put it through in a hurry, thus making it possible for Arkansas City to be recognized as a stopping place for transit aeroplanes.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Tuesday, February 22, 1921.


Williams-Hill Aeroplane Company Soon to Occupy New Hangars

The Williams-Hill Aeroplane Co., which has been occupying the front part of the basement in the Overland agency building in this city, is making preparations to move their work shop to the aviation field north of this city, where they will be located in the future. As soon as the hangars are completed, this firm will install a new and up-to-date machine shop to do all kinds of repairing to aeroplane motors as well as doing other kind of work on an aeroplane or the parts of a plane.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Wednesday, February 23, 1921.



Not to be Circulated by Manufacturers of Material, a Howard Bill, Passed Senate.

[Excerpts from Topeka paper]

Senator Howard's Aircraft Bill

Senator Howard's bill creating an aircraft inspection board and regulating air navigation was passed by the house today on third reading. It received a barely constitutional majority of 64 to 52.

Mustn't Solicit Work

A bill under consideration in the senate today would make it a violation of law for any dealer or manufacturers of highway making materials such as cement or brick or his repre-sentative to circulate a petition to pave any street, avenue, or alley in a second or third class city. Senator Howard of Arkansas City is chairman of the committee which submitted the measure.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Wednesday, February 23, 1921.


While Making Eloquent Speech on His Aircraft Bill Senators Leave

City Attorney Dale Wants Bill Passed Changing Sewer Law—Sen. Howard

Says Arkansas City Always Late.

Dear Traveler:—There has been a considerable change in the weather up here, a very heavy snow is falling at this writing; however, it is melting about as fast as it falls. Up to this time we have had nothing but sunshiny weather, and several days it was not cold enough for an overcoat; as a result, the change and snow is very disagreeable, but it will not last long.

Last Saturday was the time for discontinuing the introduction of bills, except those introduced as committee bills. Of course, there are many who still have bills they want to get in and are trying to get them in as committee bills, and a number are succeeding. It looks like at this time the legislature would be in session a month longer.

I saw Rev. Gardner when he was here with the basketball team last week, and trimmed the Washburn team; also saw Harry Hart of the Winfield Free Press, and had a very pleasant visit with Rev. Gardner.

Saturday night I met W. L. Cunningham in the hotel lobby. It was quite a surprise to me, as I did not know he was in town. He brought his mother to her home in Topeka Saturday. Will's mother is quite old and he accompanied her home to see that she arrived safely. She had been down there visiting for about six weeks and did not intend to stay that long, but while she was there William Cunningham, Jr., contracted a case of scarlet fever and the Cunninghams were quarantined and Mrs. Cunningham had to remain there until the quaran-tine was lifted, which was last week some time.

Saturday senate bill No. 34, the aircraft bill, came up in the senate on general orders and while the reading was in progress the entire senate except five members walked out on me and went up in the gallery where they sat during the reading of the bill so they could be up in the air, you know. Just before the vote was taken Senator Coleman, who remained in the senate chamber, made a motion that the sergeant-at-arms be instructed to remove the rough-necks from the gallery; and when the attention of the chair was called to the senators in the gallery, he ordered the sergeant-at-arms to see that all those senators who were physically able be returned to their seats in the senate chamber and that each senator who was not in his seat during the reading of the bill be fined a box of apples. The senators returned and tried to get excused from the apples, but the chair overruled them; then they appealed to the senate and the senate voted unanimously to sustain the members who went to the gallery, but the chair announced the vote contrariwise. As it turned out the joke was on the senators rather than me. They are not only stuck for the apples, but they walked out on general orders instead of third reading. The joke is supposed to be, to walk quietly out on some senator who has a bill up on third reading, and roll call is on, so when the senator wakes up by hearing no answers to the roll call, he begins to wonder what the trouble is. This joke was planned by Senator Paul Kimball, who claims that they wanted to get up in the air as high as they could in order to help my aircraft bill along. Senator Kimball also claims that this kind of a joke is never attempted except on members they like or members they consider good fellows.

I meet George and Byron Wagner occasionally. They are former Arkansas City people, and are well known. Byron Wagner married a sister of Mrs. J. W. Heck of Arkansas City.

City Attorney Kirke Dale arrived in the city this morning. He wants a bill passed changing the sewer law; and if it goes through, it will take some exceptionally hard work. In this connection I want to say that the trouble with Arkansas City is it never has its legislation ready to present until the last minute. You take Wyandotte and Sedgwick counties and other counties that have a great deal of special legislation to be put through; they have everything ready in the early part of the session and as a result they get nearly everything they want.

The Topeka Capital contained the following report of the joke pulled on me in regard to the aircraft bill.

"When Senator Howard's aviation bill came up in the senate on general orders yesterday, the other senators did their best to show that they are for it. While the author and sponsor of the bill was making an eloquent speech on its merits, the senators one by one left their seats and went up in the balcony as high as they could get.

"Senator Howard didn't notice the crowd diminishing. The practice of carrying on business in the senate with an almost empty house is getting to be a common thing anyway.

"However, the joke wasn't altogether on Howard. Senator Fisher, acting as chairman, continued to put motions and carry on other business with only five senators in their seats.

"Senator Howard 'tumbled' to the joke by seeing Senator Johnson glance toward the gallery. Then the fun started. Senator Coleman made a motion that the sergeant-at-arms be instructed to clear the gallery of rough-necks. The motion prevailed and the galleries were at once cleared.

"Senator Fisher fined each senator who was out of his seat at the time a box of apples. A motion to override his ruling was lost so the senate is expecting to have an all week's apple feast."

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Wednesday, February 23, 1921.


Strand Received Views From 101 Ranch For Program

Pilot Cecil Lucas and E. J. Reid, a representative of the Traveler, went to the 101 ranch this afternoon to get a feature picture which will run at the Strand theatre tonight. The regular shipment of pictures that were supposed to come here for today's program did not arrive, and it was necessary to get a program at once. W. L. Baldridge thought of the aeroplane and employed Cecil Lucas of the Hume-Lucas Aeroplane company of south of the city to make the trip. The trip from Arkansas City to the 101 ranch was made in 19 minutes. Joe Miller, of the ranch, was notified of the proposed trip and had a big dinner awaiting the arrival of the boys. After dinner Mr. Miller was given a short ride after which the boys left for home, making the trip here in 35 minutes. The Strand theatre received the pictures in due time for the afternoon matinee. The trip was made without any mishaps and the verdict of the invited guest was that it was a wonderful trip.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Thursday, February 24, 1921.


Machines and Eleven Passengers Go To Elks Meeting

Pilots Lucas, Phillips, Beech, Hill, and Williams with passengers Dick Butler, Burton Hess, Ike Stewart, Walter Mathews, Harley McElhinney, and Earl Hart left Arkansas City this morning for Dodge City, Kansas, where they will be present at the inaugural exercises of an Elk lodge at that city tonight. The Hutchinson lodge will have charge of the meeting and will be assisted by Arkansas City Elks. A big time has been planned and many Elks from all over Kansas will be there. The trip by air line constitutes more than 200 miles, but the boys expected to make the trip in less than 3 hours. They will return tomorrow.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Thursday, February 24, 1921.


Real Old Time 101 Ranch Pictures Exhibited Last Night

The Strand theatre presented a very unusual program last night to its patrons, the pro-gram coming from the 101 Ranch. The picture, "The White Dove's Sacrifice," a feature picture made at the 101 Ranch, was an Indian story with an all star Indian cast and was very pleasing. In connection a one reel picture of the 101 Ranch Wild West show in California was shown and a one reel special picture of ranch life showing the modern equipment used on this big ranch. The picture looked very familiar to those who attended and who have been guests at the ranch at some time or other.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Friday, February 25, 1921.


Local Pilots and Elks Landed on Field at Wichita Yesterday

Wichita, Kan., Feb. 25—Flying against the strong winds prevailing Thursday was too much of a job for four airplanes, which were forced to land at Laird field in Wichita about 1:30 o'clock on their way from the lower altitude.

The planes carried eight Elks from Arkansas City Lodge No. 956 who are going to Dodge City to organize a new lodge Friday evening. They left Arkansas City about 11:30 o'clock and landed two hours later in Wichita. Richard Phillips, pilot of a DeHaviland, carried W. W. Matthews as a passenger. The other planes were Standards and a Canadian Curtiss. The pilots were going from Arkansas City to Dodge City. Both low and high altitudes were tried, but the high velocity of the wind prevailed at 6000 feet as well as at lower altitudes. Pilots were Walter Beech, Errett Williams, and Peter Hill. Passengers were B. F. Hess, Dick Butler, and Earl Hart.

The travelers were entertained at the Elks club Thursday night. The planes are owned by the Williams-Hill Airplane company of Arkansas City.

"Battle against the winds," is the way Aviator Dick Phillips, piloting one of the four planes, characterized his fight to reach the Laird field, and who was caught in an air pocket and forced to the ground in the south edge of Wichita.

Phillips said he was flying low and when the uncertain current bore him downward he settled behind a grove of trees, the plane never moving a yard after it struck, so slowly was it traveling. Phillips had been forced previously to land at Mulvane, where he discharged his passenger, Walter Matthews, the latter coming to Wichita by automobile. Cecil Lucas, a fifth flyer, failed to get away from Arkansas City with his passenger.

One plane was slightly damaged by the wind, but it was repaired by the Laird Airplane company Thursday night. The party expected to start Friday morning for Dodge City. The same group went to Topeka recently by the airplane and lobbied for air legislation.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Friday, February 25, 1921.


101 Ranch Pioneer Called on Friends For Visit Here

Colonel Joe Miller from the 101 ranch was in the city yesterday en route to Winfield, where he went to attend a sale of registered hogs. Mr. Miller made the trip by automobile to Arkansas City and intended making the trip to Winfield and return to the 101 ranch by aeroplane, but he was informed that the wind was entirely too strong to make the trip, so he continued the trip by automobile. Mr. Miller stated while in the city that he would soon have more than 1000 little pigs to add to his already large number of hogs, now in the pens at the ranch.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Saturday, February 26, 1921.


Cecil Lucas and Ike Stewart Left This Morning On Air Trip

Pilot Cecil Lucas and a passenger, Ike Stewart, left this morning in the Lucas aeroplane for Dodge City, where they expect to meet the other flyers who left here yesterday morning, and who were compelled to land at Wichita on account of the high winds. The other boys left Wichita this morning and expect to arrive at Dodge City by noon. It is possible that Lucas and Stewart overtook the other boys at Wichita; but if they did not, they intended to meet them at Dodge City. Lucas and Stewart were forced to land north of the city yesterday morning on account of a leaky water connection, which shorted the motor. Everything was working fine this morning when they took off from the field north of town. They are making the trip in a Standard plane.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Saturday, February 26, 1921.


Local Boys Did not Go to Dodge City as Expected

Pilots Williams, Lucas, Phillips, Beech, and Hill and passengers Stewart, Hess, Hart, Mathews, and Butler returned this morning from Wichita, where they flew Thursday en route to Dodge City where they were to assist in installing a new Elks Lodge.

The high winds of Thursday made it necessary for the flyers to come down at Wichita, and they did not go on to Dodge City. It was necessary for Pilot Williams to land in the dark at the field north of the city, which landing he made with very much success.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Monday, February 28, 1921.

Hill Garage Moved

Art Hill, proprietor of the Hill garage, has moved from his former location in the basement of the Overland Motor Co. building to 306 North Summit street. Mr. Hill purchased the business of the Cannon Ball garage located at the above address, and has moved his repair shop there. Mr. Hill has several of the best mechanics in this section, and he has one of the finest equipped automobile shops in the southwest. Besides doing general repair work on automobiles, Mr. Hill in his new location will have storage for cars. The Hill garage opened for business with a big rush this morning.



Arkansas City Men Use Air Route To Sale Today

Fred Jepson, assistant cashier of the Security National bank, and Pilot Cecil Lucas, of the Lucas-Hume aeroplane company, went to the J. W. Cook sale southeast of this city this morning in the Big Standard aeroplane belonging to the Hume-Lucas company. Mr. Jepson clerked the sale. The boys expected to make the trip in only a few minutes, as the distance is less than 15 miles. They returned home this evening.



Plane and Passengers Crash to the Ground Saturday Night

Pilot Dick Phillips and two passengers, Virgil "Runt" LaSarge and a lady, whose name was not learned, met with a very severe accident late Saturday evening when they were flying north of the city. According to the information from persons who knew regarding the accident, it is to the effect that late Saturday afternoon Phillips, LaSarge, and a young lady who was playing at the Rex theatre last week, went to the north field for an aeroplane ride. The pilot got the ship up to about 2,000 feet altitude, "kicked" it into two loops, then threw the ship into a tail spin. From all indications, the ship did not come out of the spin and crashed to the ground with great force; however, the position in which the ship landed on the ground is the only reason given that all three occupants were not seriously injured or killed. As it was, not one of the three received a scratch. In going over the ground where the ship landed, the track made by the plane indicated both of the wings on one side were buried into the ground, and as it lit the engine nosed over, completely demolishing the propeller, engine, and indicator. The ship is a total wreck according to pilots who saw it after the accident.

The ship piloted by Phillips was owned by O. A. Williams of Forest City, Mo., and was brought here in December to take part in the air frolic, which was held here at that time. The ship did not belong to the Williams-Hill Aeroplane company; neither did Phillips work for this company, as he only used the north field for commercial purposes. The accident which occurred Saturday afternoon is the first accident of any kind that has ever happened on the Williams-Hill field and it could have been prevented according to experienced pilots, who know the facts. The damage done to the ship is estimated at $2,500.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Wednesday, March 8, 1921.

Pilot Mays is expected to arrive this evening in his new Lincoln Standard plane from Pawhuska, where he went several days ago on business.

Pilot Beech has returned from a business trip to points in Missouri, where he took a new plane several days ago. Mr. Beech will remain in this city for the time being and work out of here.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Wednesday, March 8, 1921.


Local Aeroplane Company Makes a Trip Today By Air.

Pilot Errett Williams received a telephone message last evening asking him if he would take a passenger to McAlester, Oklahoma, and he replied that he would. The man at the other end of the line informed Mr. Williams that he would be ready to start early this morning. Pilot Williams did not learn the passenger’s name, but the two met at the aviation field this morning and took off for the Oklahoma town. Mr. Williams stated the air distance to McAlester was probably 250 miles, and he was in hopes of making the trip in about three hours. The weather for flying this morning, according to Pilot Williams, was fine.

The men took off in the big DeHaviland plane, which is a new one and should not give any trouble on the trip. Mr. Williams expects to return tomorrow, stopping at Tulsa, Oklahoma, on his return trip.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Wednesday, March 8, 1921.

Pete Hill in Nebraska.

Pilot Pete Hill of the Williams-Hill Aeroplane company left last evening for Lincoln, Nebraska, where he will look over the different models of Lincoln-Standard planes, and in all probability will fly a new ship to Arkansas City. This company has several good prospects for planes, and the Williams-Hill company wants to furnish only the best ships that can be built.



Gen. Martin Will Appoint Aides on Board Soon.

Law Governs Fliers and Provides Regulation of Planes—

Larger Cities May Maintain Aviation Field.

W. G. Clugston, well-known newspaper correspondent of the United Press and the Kansas City Post, with headquarters at Topeka, at the present time is engaged in writing up and explaining the important laws passed by the last legislature. Clugston, as a reporter, is a regular "go and get it." He is the reporter who was caught hid behind a desk taking notes during an executive session of the senate. He was arrested and kept a prisoner by the sergeant-at-arms of the senate for 25 hours and ever since the newspaper boys have consid-ered "Clug" a martyr as well as a hero.

In writing up the important laws passed by the last legislature, "Clug" wrote up the aircraft bill by Senator Howard as the one second in importance. At first glance the aircraft bill might not be taken seriously, but is really an important measure when it is given the proper consideration. It is left to Kansas to blaze the way in this important legislation. The next move is to secure national legislation, and it has already been started.

Navigating the air has come to stay and it should be controlled by the proper authorities. The aviation field in time will become just as important to larger cities as grounds for railroad terminals. All big cities will want them, and in Kansas this can now be arranged for according to law.

In case of another war every Kansas pilot who is licensed will be able to serve at a moment’s notice.

There are other features in the law just as important as those mentioned above, but further details will be omitted excepting those given by Mr. Clugston in the Kansas City Post, in his correspondence under a Topeka date line of March 6, which follows.

"Adjutant General Charles I. Martin, who will be chairman of the state aircraft board created by the legislators, stated Friday that he expected to get at the work of organizing the new "flying board" at once and hoped to have the board in operation in a short time.

"Under provisions of the bill, the adjutant general will appoint two other persons who will serve with him as members of the state aircraft board, and aviators will be forced to show the proper qualifications before being permitted to fly and their machines will have to be licensed just as automobiles are.

"The registration fee for pilots is fixed at $15 a year and the license tag fee for planes will be $10 a year when the new law, drawn up by Sen. R. C. Howard of Arkansas City, becomes effective. Also, it is provided that all planes used for carrying passengers shall be inspected and after making one inspection a year free, the board is allowed to collect $2.50 for each additional inspection."

Protects Persons on Ground.

"Not only will the new Howard law attempt to lessen the danger of flying by requiring inspection and licensing of planes and the registration of pilots, but it will protect persons on the ground from dangers from the air.

"One of its provisions would prohibit flying over any city at an altitude lower than that at which the plane could glide to safety in case of engine trouble, and flyers will be prohibited from flying over any premises at an altitude lower than 250 feet. Another section of the law designed to protect persons on the ground from ‘flying dangers’ reads:

"‘No person in aircraft shall cause or permit to be thrown out, discharged, or dropped, any ballast, instruments, tools, or containers unless it be directly over a place established for that purpose and all equipment carried in aircraft shall be fastened securely in place before leaving the ground."

Eliminates Outside Competition.

"One of the features of the Howard bill that will be of great interest and benefit to the larger cities is that which empowers the mayors and city commissioners of all cities in the state to use money in the general funds of such cities for the purpose of purchasing and maintaining suitable aviation fields. And it is further provided that all funds collected by the aircraft board which are not used in paying actual expenses shall be distributed among the cities that establish municipal landing fields under the provisions of this law.

"Kansas aviators who engage in commercial or taxi flying are protected from unfair competition from other states in that the new law provides that a non-resident cannot engage in this state in the carrying of passengers for hire by aircraft or in any commercial aviation for hire unless he has complied with the provisions of this act governing registration, the payment of license fees and inspections, as if he were a resident of this state.

"All dealers who handle airplanes will be required to pay a license fee of $20 a year."

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Wednesday, March 16, 1921.

The Aeroplane Hangars

The work on the aeroplane hangars north of the city is being rushed to completion, according to Errett Williams, and will be ready to be occupied by the last of next week. This building, when completed, will be one of the best and most up-to-date hangars in this section of the country. The building is of reinforced concrete. Lee Biggs is the contractor.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Thursday, March 17, 1921.


Williams & Hill Will Have Opening Day Next Week

The improvement on the Williams-Hill aeroplane field, one mile north of the city, will be completed on Saturday, March 19, and an opening will be held early next week.

The building will contain ten hangars and a workshop of 60 by 40 feet, large enough to hold five planes for complete overhauling and rebuilding.

The entire construction bespeaks the last word in commodious arrangement and general utility. It is equipped with gas, oil, water, electricity, and telephone. Pete Hill is the architect.

The 500 gallon gasoline tank, which is placed underground, is furnished with a five gallon throw, one of the latest devices in tank filling.

The official mark of the port is ARK-17. Any flyer is privileged to land and to obtain service.

The field is officially recognized by the United States government as one of the best in the country since the landing place is especially adapted for use in wet weather.

The Chamber of Commerce and Lee M. Biggs, contractor, deserve praiseworthy mention in regard to the development of the field and the building under construction. All commercial rights are held by Errett Williams and Pete Hill, who are master mechanics, and aviators of unusual qualifications. They are Arkansas City boys, and genial young fellows who have a host of friends who wish them success.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Thursday, March 17, 1921.


Aeroplane From Great Bend Here Last Night

Pilot Asque and passenger Ralph A. Northrup of Great Bend, Kansas, landed at the north field last night en route to Ardmore, Okla., where they expected to arrive before noon today. These men were going to Ardmore on business and expected to hear some of the Hamon murder trial, which is in session at that city at this time. Mr. Northrup and Pilot Asque said when they landed here last night that they had heard a great deal about Arkansas City, its landing field, and the business men of this city. They were greatly impressed when they drove into the city last night. They left early this morning for the south after a pleasant visit here.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Tuesday, March 22, 1921.


Long Trip from Lincoln, Neb., to Arkansas City Made in Good Time

Despite the bad weather of the past few days Pilot Mays returned yesterday evening from Lincoln, Neb., where he went after a new Standard aeroplane, which he will use in passenger service. Pilot Mays says the new machine is a dandy and is an unusually good flyer. The machine is one of the new type Standard planes with a very high horse power motor, capable of making better than 110 miles per hour, has a capacity of carrying many hundred pounds, and can stay in the air several more hours than any of the local planes. It also is a very attractive machine.

Pilot Williams states that the plane is a huge affair and splendid for passenger work. It has seating capacity for three passengers.

Pilot Mays, who is very well acquainted with the local aviators, flew over the field last evening, settled and landed his plane with ease. The local pilots complimented him very highly for the skillful way he handled the new ship. Mays will remain here for several days before he takes off for his home at Pawhuska.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Tuesday, March 22, 1921.


Ships Have Been Taken into New Quarters North of City

Errett Williams, of the Williams-Hill aeroplane company, announced last evening that it was possible now to take their planes into the new hangars. They were needed badly owing to the fact that a storm would do much damage to the planes should a strong wind arise. The planes, it was stated, are now in out of the weather and are protected. The machine shop located at the hangars is also nearly ready for use, and it is thought that within a short time things will be running in good shape at the Arkansas City landing field north of the city.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Thursday, March 24, 1921.


Pilot Mays Here on Short Visit with his new Airplane

Pilot Mays expects to leave this evening for his home at Pawhuska, after landing here Tuesday with his new Standard aeroplane, which he recently purchased at Lincoln, Neb. The new ship is equipped for long distance flying and Pilot Mays expects to make the trip to Pawhuska in only a few minutes. He says that he will do passenger work in and around Arkansas City and expects to make this his headquarters. He landed at the flying field north of the city Tuesday evening in the rain. He made the trip from Lincoln to Arkansas City in two hours and forty-five minutes.



Monster Machine Took Off for Pawhuska Saturday Afternoon.

The large Lincoln Standard aeroplane, which was purchased at Lincoln, Nebraska, several days ago by W. H. Mays, of Pawhuska, Oklahoma, and which landed in the aviation field north of the city last Tuesday, took off for Pawhuska Saturday afternoon, where the machine will be used for commercial purposes. Pilot Mays announced before he left that he expected to return to Arkansas City in a short time and would do commercial work around here, most of his trips being long distance flights. The specifications of this monster ship are as follows: length overall, 27 feet; height overall, 11 feet 7 inches; span, upper panel, 44 feet, 7 inches; span, lower panel, 32 feet, 7 inches; chord, 6 feet; gap, 6 feet; stagger 5½ inches; diehedral 1½ inches; sweepback 3 degrees, weight with water 1600 pounds; 2 passengers and pilot 450 pounds; fuel and oil 200 pounds; landing speed, 35 miles per hour; maximum speed, full load, 90 miles per hour; will climb 10,000 feet in 15 minutes; 15,000 feet in 39½ minutes; ceiling, 18,000 feet. Equipped with Hispano-Suiza type "A" horse power engine. The big feature of this ship is the fact that it can remain in the air a great many hours, as the fuel supply is very large and will keep the ship flying. This airplane is one of the most elaborate affairs that has landed here. It cost $6,500.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Tuesday, March 29, 1921.


Fireworks From the Air Will Be Feature of the Evening.

The Williams-Hill Aeroplane company announced today that the official opening date for the new hangars, recently constructed north of the city, would be next Tuesday evening, April 5th. This date has been fixed so that it would not conflict with other events.

The aeroplane hangars, which have just recently been completed, are the largest of this kind to be erected in this part of the state, and will accommodate 10 ships at one time. The east end of the hangar will be used as the storage department, while the west end will be used for the working department, and the parts department. The building has been so constructed that it is very conspicuous from all angles and will be painted in the very near future. Two large wind indicators will be erected at once so that flyers coming to this field may know which direction the wind is coming from. These indicators are one of the most important features of any flying field, it is said.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Thursday, March 31, 1921.

Aviator Mays, in a Lincoln Standard plane, and Aviator Elders, in a Curtiss plane, flew here from Pawhuska yesterday on business. They landed at the Lucas-Hume airport south of the city and visited here for a time.


Pete Hill is expected to return today from a business trip to Lincoln, Nebraska, where he went several days ago.

Walter Beech will leave tomorrow for an extended visit to points in northern Kansas.

Cecil Lucas made a business trip to points in Oklahoma yesterday. He made the trip by the way of the air.

Pilot Mays arrived yesterday afternoon from Pawhuska in his new Lincoln Standard aeroplane to which place he flew several days ago on a business trip.



Landing Field North of City is Attraction to Flyers.

Arkansas City is pioneering. This city is the first to bid welcome to air travel. A complete landing field and hangars is the greeting offered to visiting aircraft in their hops from one city to the other at the present time.

The hangars at the Williams-Hill landing field have been completed, thus letting Arkansas City gain a jump on Topeka, Kansas City, and all cities in the state. Accommodations for ten planes have been made in the newly constructed "sky garage," five of which will belong to people in Arkansas City. The Williams-Hill company operates three planes, and there are two others in the city which will be housed in the new home.

The landing field is north of the city, and in itself comprises about 60 acres. The site was 

first obtained by the Chamber of Commerce, and it was later purchased by the local aircraft corporation. A government rating has been applied to the field through the efforts of the Chamber of Commerce.

The possibilities of getting on the air mail route are good. When the thing is officially opened, Arkansas City is bidding for a place, and Arkansas City has every inducement to offer. A place for housing the planes, a field, and equipment to work on the planes. The government has this fact itemized, and the possibilities are that Arkansas City will get its share of transcontinental sky tourists.

The Williams-Hill company has the agency for Curtiss and Lincoln Standard planes. On top of this they are in the commercial business, making trips through this section of the country.

Arkansas City is pioneering in an industry which within the next few years will be the leading one, and Arkansas City will reap the benefits.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Saturday, April 2, 1921.


Plans Completed at Meeting Last Night for Interesting Affair.

Dates of the Show, Which is to Include Air Frolic,

Auto Polo, Motor Vehicle Show, April 28, 29, and 30.

Yes, Arkansas City is going to have a spring festival and auto show, combined with an air frolic, auto polo, high carnival, and all the other things in the free entertainment line, that can possibly be arranged for and the dates for this big event, which is expected to bring several thousand visitors to the city, are April 28, 29, and 30. Plans were perfected for this affair at a meeting held last night in the Osage hotel, and the members of the local auto dealers association are the instigators of the big show. The men of this organization have been discussing the plans for some time, and have had good ideas up their sleeves, all of which were sprung at the meeting of last night. The auto men conceived the idea of following up the first annual auto show, given a year ago, with something of the same nature; and they enlisted the services and the suggestions of other business organizations of the city. Now the plans of a year ago, which were carried out very successfully, are being enlarged on and the spring attraction this year will last for three days—these days being Thursday, Friday, and Saturday—the last three days of the present month. The last day, of course, will be the high carnival and on this night all who appear on the streets with a carnival costume will be fined, it is said. Several days previous to the big show, there will be a trade extension committee from the various business organizations in the city, which will make a trip to the surrounding towns on an advertising tour for the annual event. The committee in charge of the trip will be assisted by the Williams-Hill Aeroplane Co., which will have their pilots fly over all the towns and drop advertising matter.

The meeting of last night was called by the officers of the auto association, and H. S. Collinson, president of that club, acted as the chairman. He was later elected president of the committee as a whole and he will have several sub-committees to assist in the work and help complete the plans for the big event. The meeting last night was attended by nearly all the members of the auto club, and by representatives from other well known organizations in the city. Those in attendance were as follows, and these well known businessmen are behind the movement to make the spring frolic a success: H. S. Collinson, Pete Hill, Robt. Cox, Tony McAdam, R. H. Rhoads, Dr. C. H. House, E. C. Mireau, Mayor Hunt, W. D. MacAllister, J. V. Parks, Geo. Sayles, Earl Newman, E. H. Hill, Dr. M. M. Miller, Stanley Spencer, Cas. Spencer, L. E. Parman, Errett Williams, Geo. Kidwell, John McE. Ames, O. B. Seyster, and Walter Hutchison. Dinner was served at 6:30 o’clock, after which the meeting was entered into with a vim and a spirit of go to it, for a bigger and better Arkansas City.

Emmett Hill was called upon to state the purpose of the gathering and he gave some very valuable suggestions on the proposed celebration. He was followed by several others of the crowd and soon the ball was started rolling. It was suggested that there be prizes offered for the best display windows and other features of the week. One day, or a part of a day, is to be set aside for the private auto owners to show their cars, these to be decorated in the manner desired by the owner, and prizes to be offered for this feature, also. It was suggested that everything be thrown open to the crowds free with the possible exception of the auto polo game. There may be a charge to see this game, it was stated by some of those interested in the plans so far adopted. Committees were appointed after which the meeting adjourned and the heads of the various committees are to meet at the Osage next Tuesday evening at 6:30 o’clock, when the Retailers association meets there for the regular monthly session, and to make further plans for the big show.

The committee as a whole is composed of the presidents of the following organizations: Auto Association, Chamber of Commerce, Junior Chamber of Commerce, Rotary, Lions, American Legion, Retailers Association, and the A. C. Aeroplane Co. These men are H. S. Collinson, E. C. Mireau, Stanley Spencer, Chas. Spencer, F. E. Goodrich, Dr. C. H. House, Robt. Cox, Errett Williams, Mayor Hunt. Supt. C. E. St. John for the city schools, and Fred DeMott for the farmers’ union, were also made members of this committee. Secretary O. B. Seyster of the Chamber of Commerce and the Retailers Association was elected as the secretary and he got busy at once. Mayor Hunt stated that the spring frolic committee could have anything it desired for the big event. The committee on sub-committees is composed of E. C. Mireau, Stanley Spencer, and H. S. Collinson. A committee on finance was also named at this time. Members of the auto club agreed to see to it that the sum of $1,000 would be forthcoming and they thought that an additional sum of at least $1,500 should be added to this amount.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Saturday, April 2, 1921.


Army Aviator Known Here, Loses His Life in Auto Accident.

Word has been received in this city that Lieut. Mills of the U. S. aviation corps at Fort Sill, and who was quite well known here, had been killed in an auto accident in Texas. Lieut. Mills is the army aviator who piloted the German Fokker machine here at the time of the air frolic last fall. He made many friends during his stay of several days in the city and it is with regret that the Traveler reports this sad ending. He had been in the army service a number of years and doubtless had had some thrilling experiences in the air. But while on a visit to his home town in Texas, a Ford car in which he was riding overturned and in the accident he lost his life.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Saturday, April 2, 1921.


Has Successful Air Trip to City of Lincoln, Nebraska.

Pete Hill returned yesterday over the Santa Fe from Lincoln, Nebraska, to which place he flew a new ship several days ago. Mr. Hill went to Oklahoma City, where he met a man who had purchased a new plane, and piloted the ship for this man. On the trip from Oklahoma City to Arkansas City, Mr. Hill says they were only 1 hour and 10 minutes in the air. From Arkansas City to Lincoln, a distance of more than 250 miles, the trip was made in less than three hours, the men stopping only once, at Manhattan, Kansas, for oil and gas. The ship made an average of better than 120 miles per hour. Mr. Hill says the strong tail wind assisted greatly in making this fast time. The Williams-Hill Aeroplane company has taken on the contract to handle the Lincoln Standard plane and will have some of these ships here in the near future, it is reported.


Errett Williams returned this morning from a business trip to northern Kansas points, where he has been in the interest of the Williams-Hill Aeroplane company.

Pilot Mays returned last evening from a short business trip to points in Oklahoma.

Cecil Lucas made a business trip to points in Oklahoma yesterday.

H. E. Chouteau, owner of a Lincoln Standard airplane, and his pilot, Charles Mays, flew to Burbank, Oklahoma, yesterday. According to Mr. Chouteau he made the return trip in three and one-half minutes.



Spring Frolic Affairs Are Coming Along Nicely at Present.

At a meeting of the committee as a whole on the spring frolic and celebration, which was held at the office of the secretary of the chamber of commerce on Saturday, the following heads of committees were chosen to act on the arrangements for the affair to be held here on April 28, 29, and 30: Finance, R. A. Brown; advertising, Guy Ecroyd; program, Emmett Hill; soliciting, C. G. Roseberry; rural communities, F. C. DeMott; field, Lee Biggs, marshal of the day; Robt. Cox, who will be assisted by the American Legion and boy scouts of the city. The heads of the committees will meet Tuesday evening at the Osage hotel with the Retailers Association, which is to hold its regular monthly session at that time. The time of the meeting is 6:30 and it is expected that all the business of the two bodies will be completed in time for the businessmen to attend the opening program at the landing field north of the city.



Will Establish Airplane Route for Commercial Purposes.

Landing Field for Planes of this Company is Being Prepared at the Plant Southwest of Arkansas City.

Arkansas City paces forth another step over the other cities over the state through the announcement made this morning by officials of the Mid-Co Refining company that they were to use airplanes for commercial purposes. This is one of the first concerns in the state to make this move, it is reported to the Traveler.

The Mid-Co company recently moved its offices from Blackwell to Arkansas City, and has taken over the site used by the Milliken refinery at Tenth street and Madison avenue. The main offices of the company are located at Tulsa, Oklahoma, but the local plant is more centrally located for the company’s business throughout the mid-continent field.

The local office is something on the order of a clearing house, for reports on drilling operations all over this district, and as a consequence a great deal of time has been lost of late in transferring reports from the local plant to the main offices at Tulsa. The aero system is being installed to do away with this delay.

A landing field for the plane is already being constructed at the plant and a pilot and machine will be obtained within the next thirty days. Officials of the company are testing several planes and it is thought that they will have obtained one within a short while. Both the Lincoln Standard and the Curtiss planes, handled by the Williams-Hill aircraft company, are being investigated.

Several oil men from over the state have purchased planes for their individual use, but this is the first large business concern to install an air route of their own. A round trip a day is the schedule for the pilot, it is said in this connection.



Everything in Readiness for the Big Blow Out Tonight.

Errett Williams and Pete Hill announced this morning that everything was in readiness for the dedication services of the new aeroplane hangars which would be held this evening starting promptly at 8:30 o’clock.

The big DeHaviland plane has been electrically wired up and Mr. Williams will give an exhibition of night flying. He will also do some stunts to show the people how it looks after night. Several other interesting numbers will be added to the program, which will be surprises to those who attend. Each person admitted will be given a free number and the lucky person will be given an aeroplane ride free of charge.

Arkansas City Traveler, Tuesday, April 5, 1921.


The Pawhuska "Flash" Will Meet Frankie Adams Tonight.

Bobby Donaldson, the Pawhuska Flash, who is to meet Frankie Adams at the Williams-Hill landing field tonight in a 10 round embroglio, arrived in the city yesterday and proceeded to show his wares. Donaldson packs a lightning-like right, which came in connection with several of his trainers yesterday afternoon. He is fast, and many of his admirers from the Oklahoma town are claiming a victory for him over Arkansas City’s claim to light weight fame.

It is certain that the calcium rays are going to shine for the winner of this evening’s mixup, as the promoters are planning to bring Bobby Waugh, Fort Worth fighter, here for the winner to meet. Waugh is a tried scrapper and a victory over him would mean prominence.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Wednesday, April 6, 1921.


Session Last Night to Arrange for Entertainment Features.

Program for Event to be Held on April 28, 29, and 30,

Is Going to Be Very Elaborate, Its Reported.

Arkansas City business is to undergo a "jazzing up process." 

Such was the ultimatum issued from the meeting of the local Retailers association at their regular monthly dinner held last evening at the Osage hotel. Almost a full representation was present to make plans for the spring festival, which is to be held the last three days of this month.

The principal issue with regard to the festival was the formation of plans for the trade trip, which is to be taken during the week of April 18. The plans for this trade trip are going to be almost identical with the ones which were planned for the fall trip. Most of the souvenirs that were to have been distributed on that trip have been saved, and all of the men present signified their willingness to make the trip in the early spring. It is planned to have all of the representatives dress in some uniform manner. The day prior to the trip Pilot Williams, accompanied by Mayor Hunt, will sail over the territory and announce that the Arkansas City boosters will arrive the next day. Pilot Williams, in his plane, will also head the delegation over the route.

For the spring festival, the entertainment planned is about the most lavish ever formulated here. It is planned on the first night to unveil the window display.

The following is a partial outline of the program that will be observed and will start Thursday, April 28th, at 7:30 p.m., with the unveiling of the merchants’ show windows. Prizes will be awarded for the most entrancingly decorated window and also for the best stunt window. At 9 o’clock will be the maypole dances and school programs.

Friday afternoon’s feature will be a motor car fashion parade. This will be a parade of local motor cars driven by their owners. An auto polo game will also be held during the afternoon.

Another feature for Friday and Saturday afternoons will be the air frolic. This will be in the form of bombing at a target placed somewhere in the city. Pilots and planes from Post Field have been promised for this event, and it is thought that five planes will be brought here for this phase of the program.

Friday evening the boy scout review and an illuminated industrial parade will be held. Everybody is invited to enter a float in this parade, especially labor unions, rural districts, city industries, and the merchants.

On Saturday afternoon Chilocco has been invited to put on a program and there will be another auto polo game and a continuation of the air frolic.

Saturday night a Mardi Gras feature will be held. This is to be copied something on the order of the famous New Orleans festival. A masked carnival is the program for that evening, and an all around good time jubilee is planned. Bands will be playing during the course of the evening, and it is planned to have the streets roped off for the affair.

Sunday is to be "Go to Church" Sunday in Arkansas City, and the ministers have agreed to give a special May service on this occasion. Sunday afternoon there will be a musical proram, location and nature to be announced later. There will be several bands of musicians on the streets in the afternoon and evening, and also a hobby show. This hobby show is for anybody with old stamps, old coins, relics, heirlooms, and whatnot.

It is hoped that everybody will bring their hobby to this show and put it on display. Admission is to be free of charge to everything with the possible exception of the auto polo games for which a charge will have to be made in order to cover expenses.

The chairmen of the various committees have already started to work on the festival, and a meeting of all the chairmen was held at 9:20 o’clock this morning at the offices of the Chamber of Commerce.

The meeting of the Retailers association last night was largely attended and was in charge of the president of the organization and Secretary Seyster was also on hand at this time. It was the regular monthly session of the body and the meeting of the committee on the spring festival was held in connection with the retailers’ meeting, which was for the purpose of killing two birds with one stone. Following the meeting at the Osage, many of the men in attendance went to the Williams-Hill landing field north of the city to witness the dedication of the new hangar building at that place.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Wednesday, April 6, 1921.


Frankie Adams Defeats Pawhuska "Flash" in Last Night’s Affair.

Other Interesting Events at Williams-Hill Landing Field, North of the City.

Large Crowd Attends.

Bobby Donaldson stayed for seven rounds, but right there is where it all ends for during those seven rounds Frankie Adams, local lightweight, gave the Pawhuska "Flash" the most unmerciful beating he has probably ever taken. In the end, Donaldson’s seconds tossed in the sponge for their boxer, giving Adams a technical knockout.

The event was held as part of the program on the dedication of the Williams-Hill landing field hangars, north of the city.

The athletic exhibit opened with a bout between two local youngsters, Simpson and Pauley, who staged three rounds. The bout ended in a draw.

The next bout on the bill was between Joe Williams, light heavyweight, and Kid Ray, bantam. Williams’ opponent failed to arrive in time for the bout and Ray was substituted. The men worked three rounds, but Williams just toyed with his opponent.

Just prior to the opening of the main bout of the evening it was announced that ticket 355 won the free airplane ride. This ticket was held by William Bunnell.

Both Adams and Donaldson weighed in at 135 at ringside. The first round opened in rather a tame fashion, both men seemingly angling for the one blow to end the encounter. Adams was the first to score, sending a right chop through to Donaldson’s head. Donaldson repeatedly clinched, and the round ended with Adams putting home a stiff right to the body.

Donaldson stepped out in the second round, the only one in which he showed anything, and worked a left hook. He scored twice to Adams’ face, with no telling effect. Adams was on the defense most of this round.

Donaldson attempted an offensive in the third which was frustrated when he missed a wild swing at Adams’ head. Adams started the blood flowing with a right to the nose, and partially closed his right eye with a stinging left jab. Adams worked his left repeatedly in this round.

Donaldson started the fourth round with a short left to the body. Adams, in an attempt to dodge the blow, slipped, and went into a clinch to protect himself. Adams started crowd-ing Donaldson to the ropes with short body punches.

Donaldson attempted an offense in the fifth round, which was met with a counter offense by Adams. Adams plastered rights and lefts to the head and crowded Donaldson into the ropes continually. Adams scored to the body, with right and left, which weakened Donaldson. Donaldson went to the ropes with a right to the head, and buried himself there for the remainder of the round.

Donaldson’s defense was weakened noticeably in the sixth. To the tunes of the crowd’s "knockout," Adams attempted to finish off the Pawhuska boxer, but Donaldson buried himself in the ropes and Adams could not get an open blow.

The seventh round was a repetition of the sixth, Adams seemingly angered by Donaldson’s refusal to work in the center of the ring. All of Adams’ ring tactics were of no avail in bringing Donaldson out. Adams contented himself with rights and lefts to Donald-son’s protected head.

Following this round, Donaldson forfeited the bout to Adams.

Pilot Errett Williams did not make the night flight last night owing to the high wind and the cloudy weather. He decided it was too dangerous to attempt to take off of the ground as his landing possibilities were very uncertain.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Thursday, April 7, 1921.

Pilot Lucas accompanied by Ed. L. Reid flew over the city this morning and distributed matter for the Strand theatre. Pilot Lucas put on some fancy stunts for his passenger on this occasion and Ed. stood the ordeal very well.

Ex-Lieut. Blinn, formerly of Mr. Lucas’ squadron in France, is in the city for a visit with Mr. Lucas.


Pilot Lucas and wife were in Blackwell yesterday. Mr. Lucas was called to that place to finish giving instructions to two airplane students who are oil contractors and are learning the flying game. Mr. Lucas will bring the ships to this city as the Blackwell field is not adequate for the further training. The Lucas-Hill field of 160 acres will be a splendid place for the two machines, which are the Standard and DeHaviland. The two men will be ready for the "solo" in a few days.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Wednesday, April 13, 1921.


Plans for Fall Stock Show Are being Formulated.

Plans for a stock show to be held in Arkansas City in the fall are being formulated. This was brought out at the meeting of the chamber of commerce last night. In accord with the livestock project which is being put on in the city, the show will exhibit all of the displays of the livestock project, and will also show exhibits of stock from over this entire section of the country.

It also was announced that during the last day of the spring festival there will be a dairy exhibit, showing the advantages of good herds over the poorer herds for commercial purposes. Livestock is coming back in this part of the county and local businessmen are boosting the industry through the mammoth show which is to be staged during the early fall months.

Committee on highway reported that the Abo Pass had been discovered. This highway goes through Arkansas City north around El Dorado and Florence and on into Kansas City, Missouri. Markings have been completed on this highway from Clovis, New Mexico, through to Florence, Kansas. The markings are red with a yellow arrow pointing toward the ground. The markers are to be seen now on the rock road north of the city.

Rev. Moore reported in behalf of the charity organizations of the city. As yet no organization has been perfected to further this work. Two meetings have been held and a third is to be held on Friday night at which time it is expected to perfect an organization. Letters from the charity organizations in several of the larger cities of the country have been received and the local organization will be perfected sometime after these organizations. The plan of having a social worker come to the city to investigate conditions here is also being talked over, and this will be brought up again at the Friday evening meeting.

The committee on the landing field reported that the work on the hangars had been completed. This gives Arkansas City the largest hangars in the state, capable of holding ten planes. The cost of these hangars was $4,200. Wichita and Arkansas City are the only cities in the state having airplane hangars.

It was also brought up through the report of the traffic committee that express delivery routes were being extended. Citizens from the north part of the city reported that packages had been delivered to them during the past few weeks.

[Note: Believe the Robert Hill referred to in the following article is really "Pete" Hill of the Williams-Hill Aeroplane Company. MAW]

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Thursday, April 14, 1921.


D. E. Wilcox, of El Dorado, With Pilot, Takes a Daring Ride.

El Dorado, Kansas, April 14.—Transporting several quarts of nitro-glycerine by airplane in a hurry up order to shoot a well was the experience of D. A. Wilcox, local manager of the Osage Torpedo Co., yesterday. Mr. Wilcox called Robert Hill at Arkansas City and offered him $75 to make the trip by air. Hill arrived in El Dorado in a short time and loaded up Wilcox and the nitro at the company magazine, three miles south of El Dorado. The plane took the air at 8:15 o’clock. Mr. Wilcox sat nonchalantly in the passenger seat with his playful explosive tucked between his legs. In a little more than an hour the plane reached the well near Newkirk. A safe landing was made and Mr. Wilcox went ahead with the shooting.

There is one other instance on record, it is said, of nitro being carried by plane. However, this is declared to be the biggest load of the explosive ever carried through the air for commercial purposes.



Sgt. Chambers, of U. S. Air Service, at Spring Frolic.

Committees at Meeting Last Night, Arrange for Auto Parade and Other

Leading Features of Big Show.

Sergeant Chambers, of the United States air service, will attempt to break the world’s parachute jump—of which he is now holder—during the spring festival to be held here during the last three days of this month. To do so, Chambers will have to descend something over 20,000 feet, as his present record is close to that mark. This was the statement made last night by the committee planning for the entertainment at the festival at the meeting in the Chamber of Commerce rooms.

All of the committees working on plans for the festival were present at the meeting last night and made reports of their progress during the past week. One of the principal issues taken up during last night’s meeting was the industrial parade, which is to be one of the principal features during the event.

Forty floats have already been signed for this parade and it is expected that many more will have been signed up by the time of the opening of the festival. The illumination for the parade will consist of colored torch flares along Summit street, and several of the entrants have signified their intentions of illuminating their places with electric bulbs.

The floats will advertise the products of local firms, but at the same time they will be artistically decorated. The floats will not be loaded just with merchandise, as several of the merchants are planning to vary and offer some metropolitan ideas to the parade.

The window display which will open the festival will be divided into two classes. One class will be for the most artistically decorated window, and the other will be for the comedy, or stunt window.

Practically every motor dealer in Arkansas City has assured the committee that they will have entries in the parade. Several of the private motor owners of the city have signified their intention of entering their motor cars also. Some of the cars in this parade will be decorated, while most of the show cars will be sent into the parade just as they are shown on the stock room floor.


Takes New Plane Home

Pilot Lucas today "soloed" Ed. Kinnard, of Blackwell, in the new plane he recently purchased here and later in the day the owner of the Curtiss Standard piloted the plane to his home. Mr. Kinnard is in the oil game at Blackwell and he has purchased the new plane from the Lucas-Hume company of this city. Mr. Lucas has been giving the owner of the new plane flying lessons on the field south of the city and the teaching of the flyer was finished today.


Cars Stop at Landing Field.

The Williams-Hill Landing Field was further favored this morning when an announcement was received at the office of the Chamber of Commerce. This notice was from the Company, to the effect that a stop would be made regularly at the landing field. All parties wishing to go to the landing field can take the interurban and it will stop hereafter on the top of the hill, just west of the hangars.



Fire of Unknown Origin Leaves Pile of Junk.


Building Insured But Loss Will Reach $25,000.


Campaign is on Today for Funds to be Raised Locally for the Williams-Hill Airplane Co.

Fire of unknown origin which could be seen for miles around this city and the vicinity of the blaze totally destroyed the ten plane hangar and seven airplanes belonging to Williams-Hill Airplane company, which was located on the hill north of the city, early Sunday morning and today there are thousands of Arkansas City people feeling sorry for the men who have succeeded in less than two years time in making a decided success of the airplane business in this southern Kansas city.

The blaze started in the northeast corner of the large building and it was discovered almost as soon as it burst out, but there was no chance in the world to save the structure or the planes that were housed inside. The fire started from an unknown cause and there was no one on the premises at the time. The building had been locked up Saturday afternoon at 1:30 o’clock by Errett Williams, a member of the firm, after Pete Hill and Walter Beech had taken a plane out of the hangar and had started on an air trip to Oklahoma City. Mr. Williams was on the scene soon after the fire was discovered, but the only thing he could get safely out of the building was a small writing desk which was in the office of the shop room.

Loss Will Reach $25,000.

The loss to the Williams-Hill Co. will reach around the $25,000 mark as the seven planes, the parts of other planes, and the tools in the building at the time had been invoiced at $24,000 only a short time ago. The loss is about one-fifth covered by insurance, and some of this amount is said to be questionable for various reasons; and therefore the loss will be almost a total one, it was stated this morning by Mr. Williams. The hangar building was insured for the sum of $3,500 by the Arkansas City Chamber of Commerce, which body financed the cost erection of the building only a short time ago. The cost of the frame building was about $4,300, it is stated by the secretary of the Chamber of Commerce.

Campaign for Funds Started.

Members of the local chamber of commerce started out today while the iron was hot to ascertain just how sorry the people of this city and vicinity are for the members of the airplane company, and to raise a fund with which to rebuild the hangars at once in order that Williams and Hill may house the one plane they still have intact and in order that they will have room for other planes which will be purchased at once. E. C. Mireau, president of the chamber, and Ralph Oldroyd were busy on this proposition at sunrise this morning; and the campaign is going to be carried on in a vigorous manner from today on until the necessary funds are forthcoming for this proposition. Here is a chance for all to assist in this worthy cause, and you will not be missed. The airplane business has been a great thing for this city and the entire community and the chamber of commerce and Williams and Hill do not intend to let it die at this stage of the game. On the other hand it is planned to have the necessary funds raised within a short time and before many more days pass, the erection of the new hangar will be begun, it is fully expected.

A Real Pile of Junk.

The remains of the seven airplanes and the tools and parts of the other planes, on hand at the time of the fire, together with the charred beams of the building, presented a sorry sight Sunday; and on that day there were thousands of people from this city and all parts of the surrounding country who drove to the place to take a look at the junk. And junk it surely is, as there is not a thing on the ground that is worth a cent except a few pieces that might be sold for old iron. The statement of probably everyone who visited the place Sunday and today was something in regard to being sorry for the men at the head of the airplane company and kind remarks in regard to their business being taken away from them in this manner.

Discovered by Four Boys.

Errett Williams stated this morning that the fire was discovered by four farmer lads who were passing the place about 12:30 o’clock Sunday morning, and they gave the alarm. They drove to the city at once and called the local fire department, but there was nothing the boys at the fire station could do in the matter as there was no water handy to the hangars. The night watchman at the Empire plant, located just west of the hangars and across the road, noticed the blaze at about the same time the four young men saw it and gave the alarm. The boys ran to the building, but there was nothing they could do as the place was all locked tight, so they came on to the city at once. The boys and the Empire people stated to Mr. Williams that the blaze started in the northeast corner of the building, which is the opposite end from where the work shop was located. This explains and settles the report which gained headway Sunday that the fire started from an explosion of some sort in the work shop. There was never a time after the fire started that anyone could have gained entrance to the building and had even the chance to get any of the planes out.

One Plane Was Out.

One of the English DeHaviland planes recently purchased by the company, fortunately, was out of the hangar at the time of the fire as Hill and Beech had driven it to Oklahoma City on Saturday afternoon. They returned to the city today to view the remains of the building and the once beautiful planes that they left in the building at the time they took off of the landing field on Saturday. The other DeHaviland was in the building and had never been taken out of the crates or set up. This plane alone was worth several thousand dollars. Mr. Williams stated that he himself locked the building on Saturday afternoon at one thirty and that there had been no one inside the place after that time and before the fire broke out.

The seven planes that were in the building and which were burned to junk except for the wire strings and some parts of the motors of the big DeHaviland, which was the property of the Williams-Hill company, and had not been removed from the crate; a plane which belonged to Shirley DeVore of Winfield, and which was in the shop for repairs; one belonging to a man by the name of Nordin, of Holdenville, Oklahoma, which was there for repairs; and two others belonging to the Williams-Hill company. Besides, there were parts of two others, which makes in all seven planes or parts of planes that were destroyed totally.

The big Hispano motor, which belonged to the company and which was exhibited here some time ago, was also in the fire; and it too is a pile of junk today. The company had sold this motor for $2,500, and it was to have been delivered this week to the purchaser. There was also about $2,000 worth of motor and wing repair work on hand in the shop which would have been turned within a few days. This loss the Williams-Hill company must also stand.

The loss of the seven planes, together with five extra motors, tools, and the large amount of repair work on hand, entails a great loss, and to the casual observer it would seem that the loss would be much greater than the figures set by Mr. Williams. At any rate, it is a heavy loss; and there is not a person in the entire country, it is safe to say, who if they should see that amount of goods or money go up in smoke, would not be discouraged and feel like giving up.

But not so with Messrs. Williams and Hill, who have been in the business here almost two years and who have been on the square with all their fellow men and in all their business deals, for they are ready to start again and the good people of this city are going to assist them in any way possible, even in a financial way, and very soon the rebuilding of the hangars will be started and it is the plan of the two men and their associates here to purchase at least four new planes at once and have them delivered to the landing field north of the city.


Real Estate Men Meet.

The members of the local real estate association met at the noon hour today at the Osage hotel for a luncheon and to discuss affairs pertaining to their line. There was an attendance of 15 and there were some interesting talks made at this time. The real estate men decided to assist the Williams-Hill Airplane Co. in any way possible in the rebuilding of their business here. They also decided to attend the real estate meeting at Wichita on Wednesday of this week and expect to attend in a body.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Tuesday, April 19, 1921.

Pilot Cecil Lucas returned yesterday afternoon via aeroplane from Oklahoma City, where he went Saturday afternoon to attend the flying frolic which was held in that city Sunday afternoon. A most wonderful time is the verdict of pilot Lucas.

Pete Hill returned last evening from Oklahoma City, where he has been to attend the flying frolic which took place there Sunday afternoon. Mr. Hill reports a very good time and says there was much excitement there during the frolic.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Wednesday, April 20, 1921.


Local Airman’s "Ship" Burned at Arkansas City.

A jinx of the most malignant character seems to have married itself to a local aeronautic enthusiast, Shirley DeVore by name. His latest stroke of misfortune was the burning of his plane in the fire that destroyed the Williams and Hill aeroplane hangar north of Arkansas City Saturday night. His plane was a total loss as the insurance policy had been canceled on it several days before without notice. It is estimated that the damage will run to about three thousand dollars.

This is the third serious stroke of ill fortune that has befallen the local airman this winter. How his plane wrecked on asylum hill, in Winfield, early this winter is a matter of common history, as well as his misfortune in suffering a broken leg in skating a few days after his plane nosed to earth.

His plane has been rebuilding at the Williams and Hill hangar and although Shirley has been getting about with the aid of his walking stick, repairs were about finished and he was prepared to take to the air next Saturday. And then came the fire and the "ship" went up in smoke.

Despite three rebuffs by fortune, Shirley is still optimistic about the birdman’s game and says he will purchase another plane as soon as he can get financial backing.

Winfield Free Press.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Wednesday, April 20, 1921.

The large Standard plane belonging to the Lucas-Hume Aeroplane company, which has been receiving some repairs and a new coat of paint, will be ready to fly in a few days, according to Pilot Lucas, who has been supervising the work on the machine.



Several Well Known Flyers Will Be Here.


Attractions Will Include Leap From Plane by Sgt. Chambers, Who Holds Record.

In connection with the flying frolic to be staged here the last two days of the present week as a feature of the spring festival, the committee on this affair today made final arrangements for the appearance of some of the noted aviators of this section of the country, who have signed to come here and assist in the entertainment of the visitors who are expected to be in Arkansas City to attend the three days affair, such has never before been put on in a city the size of this one.

But as Arkansas City is now in the limelight in more ways than one, the big attraction to be staged on April 28, 29, and 30 is certainly going to be a success and the men of the city, assisted by the women, of course, and the school students, as well, are all lined up to make the affair a sure go which it will, without a doubt be, as the city folks do not undertake anything of this sort without seeing to it that all the arrangements are properly handled and therefore the crowd is assured before the big thing starts. The beauty of the spring festival is that everything is free to the visitors with the exception of the side shows to be staged by the Junior Chamber of Commerce, which is a side issue for the purpose of raising funds to defray the expenses of the delegates of this body to the United States Junior Chamber convention to be held in June of this year at Dallas, Texas.

Today the local committee on the flying frolic, to be staged on the Williams-Hill landing field north of the city on Friday and Saturday afternoons, gave out the following information in connection with the flying stunts to be put on for these two days.

Major Richards of Dallas will be here with his S. E. 5 scout plane. Captain Lynd, of Post Field, known here as one of the army men who took part in the frolic last fall, and Sergeant Chambers of the same field will be here—each with a plane.

Laird Company of Wichita will send two of the Laird Swallows that are manufactured in that city.

Bennett Griffin of Oklahoma City will be here with a Lincoln Standard.

Cyle Horchem of Oklahoma City, the noted wing walker, who is also known here, will be in the city at this time with his Laird Swallow.

Mr. Kinnard of Blackwell will be here with his Standard plane. There will also be an American D. plane here from that city.

A Curtiss Scout from Curtiss Southwest Airplane Co., Tulsa, will be here.

Each of these men have wired they will be here and take part in the stunts of the two days.

The program of Friday and Saturday, which will be staged at 3 p.m. on this days, and which will be free to all, includes the following: Friday, a looping contest and bombing contest. In the latter contest the planes will endeavor to demonstrate the use of the bombs dropped from planes, as used in connection with the bombing of ships; and in this demonstration there will be dummy ships located on the ground as targets for the men in the planes. This alone will be an interesting feature and will, without doubt, attract a large crowd to the landing field.

There will also be a parachute leap and stunts galore for the afternoon.

On Saturday afternoon there will be a time take off and landing contest such as was put on here last fall and which is always interesting. There will also be an eight mile handicap race. There will be a parachute jump and landing on Summit street by Sergt. Chambers, who holds the world’s record with a 22,000 feet drop. This act alone will be worth coming miles to witness and there will be other stunts on both of these days, too numerous to mention, and which will be of great interest to the residents of the far inland country which has recently been put on the air map through the efforts of the Williams-Hill Airplane company of this city.




Williams-Hill Aeroplane Company Purchase Curtiss Machine.

Pete Hill, of the Williams-Hill Aeroplane company, announced this morning that he would leave in a few days for Dallas, Texas, where he will purchase and fly to the city a new Curtiss aeroplane, which will be added to the equipment of the Williams-Hill company. Mr. Hill expects to leave tomorrow for the new plane. It will be remembered that the Williams-Hill aeroplane company lost its hangar and several planes a week ago when the big building north of the city burned to the ground.


Another New Hangar.

Cecil Lucas of the Lucas-Hume Aeroplane company has announced that this company is anticipating the erection of a six-ship hangar on their 160 acres of land south of this city, the work to commence in the near future. Mr. Lucas is at the present time giving flying instructions to several out of town men, who expect to purchase ships when they complete their flying training.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Tuesday, April 26, 1921.



Big Automobile Show and Air Frolic.








Stunt Flying Contests and Parachute Drops. Armstrong says he can land on Summit Street. Sergt. Chambers will try to break his record of 22,000 feet for a parachute drop.





Wear a Mask and act natural. Everybody stays for the Big Street Dance.

Program of Events.


1:00 P.M.—Opening Big Free Auto Show.

3:00 P.M.—Track Meet. Arkansas City High School vs. Wellington High School.

7:00 P.M.—Special Music Program.

8:00 P.M.—Unveiling of Merchants’ Show Windows.

9:00 P.M.—School Program on Summit St. Folk Dances, Spring Son, May Poles, etc.


1:30 P.M.—Auto Fashion Parade.

3:00 P.M.—Air Frolic, Stunt Flying, Parachute Drop, landing on Summit Street.

7:30 P.M.—Boy Scout Demonstration.

9:00 P.M.—Parade of 75 Illuminated Floats, light—with Searchlights and Flares.

10:30 P.M.—Free Boxing Exhibition and Battle Royal.


1:30 P.M.—Dairy Demonstration and Parade.

3:00 P.M.—Air Frolic, Stunt Flying. Sgt. Chambers, holder of world’s altitude record for a parachute drop, will try to break his record of 22,000 feet.

7:30 P.M.—Masked Parade. Carnival night and Big Street Dance.



A.M.—Special Services in every church.

P.M.—Parade of all Church Members and Special Music Program in Wilson Park.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Wednesday, April 27, 1921.


Auto Show, Flying Frolic, and Other Features.


Attractions are Expected to Draw Large Crowds.


Side Show by Junior Chamber and Booths for Business Women’s Club Are Being Arranged.

The time clock is set.

Arkansas City is waiting impatiently for the opening blast which will shock the entire country side, as the opening blast presents the 1921 Spring Festival and business awakening of this city. Just a few hours remain before the doors are thrown open tomorrow afternoon and from that time until the close of Sunday’s program something will be doing every minute to amuse and to startle all visitors and local people.

Arkansas City high school has drawn the opening number of the program and tomorrow afternoon’s entertainment will be at the city athletic field when local cinder tracksters tackle Wellington high school in a dual meeting. The track meet will last all afternoon. It is free, of course, as is everything on the program, except the Junior Chamber of Commerce side show.

In the evening a May Pole dance will be held in the downtown district. Four poles will be erected, the street roped off, and the dance will open the evening’s performance. Beginning at the south end of Summit street, the judges will unveil a half of a block at a time. A band will follow the procession throughout the evening’s work.

Beginning at 1 o’clock Friday afternoon the motor car fashion show will open with over thirty women entrants, piloting their own motor cars in a competitive test for prizes which will be awarded by local merchants. The parade will start from Madison Avenue.

An air frolic, contested by planes from all over this state, Oklahoma, and Missouri, is also a Friday afternoon’s feature, and a parachute jump will be included in the aero program of the afternoon.

To start off the evening’s entertainment, a battle royal will be held at a special platform erected at Summit and Fifth. About twenty battlers will take part in this event. Following this troop No. 1 of the Boy Scouts will give a demonstration of scout craft. A band concert and the illuminated float parade will wind up Friday’s show. About fifty floats will take part in the parade. Summit street will be illuminated with colored flares every twelve and a half feet, and this is thought to be one of the biggest and prettiest features of the entire program.

Chilocco has the initial part of Saturday’s program. Five hundred students from the Indian school will come to Arkansas City and will put on a school demonstration at the city athletic field. They will be headed by the Chilocco band, and following the demonstration the band will give a concert throughout the downtown district. Following this the dairy show will be held at Fifth Avenue and A Street. The air frolic will also be on during the afternoon.

One of the features of Saturday’s program is the parachute drop to be made by Sgt. Chambers. He will attempt to break his own record of 22,000 feet, providing the weather permits.

Saturday evening will be ushered in by a second battle royal. Following this comes the good time occasion of the entire program. Gus Gloom, the blue cuss who has been camping on business interests of the city for so long, will be publicly executed and in his stead King Optimo will be throned. The coronation is to take place at the intersection of Fifth Avenue and Summit Street on a specially built platform.

The carnival and street dance follows. Every home loving and peace abiding citizen of Arkansas City is to be routed out, cast into a ridiculous looking costume, masked, and shoved out upon the broad expanse of Summit street at this time. Sick headaches, business appoint-ments, engagements with the fairest little girl in the land, all of these time-worn and age-old excuses will be cast into the discard for this occasion as everyone is expected and will be out at that occasion, which will rival the famed Mardi Gras both in popularity, stunts, and attendance.

Sunday marks the closing feature of the program and it is to be a quiet but remarkable day in its simplicity. A well arranged program has been worked out, at which time the Choral Club and several local vocalists will please the audience at an entertainment to be given at Wilson park, following which members of the various committees will call, if over, and adjourn to their homes for rest.

Expense has been one of the mere trifles of the program. Members of the committee have thrown discretion to the winds and have grabbed the absolute best for Arkansas City and its visiting people. A twenty-five piece local band has been secured, which will play continually from the start until the closing number of the program. A troupe of Hawaiian entertainers have been secured, who will tour the city daily and nightly giving concerts.

A vaudeville act will be staged on a big bus and hauled about town. They will give four acts daily at different points in the city and the act is said to be a scream. A stringed quartette and a vocal quartette have also been secured for the big entertainment.

The Junior Chamber of Commerce is staging a stunt which members this morning were willing to remark just a little about. They state it is a knockout, with a punch in every exhibit. This will be running continually at Washington Avenue and Summit Street in the big tent. A nominal fee will be charged for this to defray the expenses of delegates to the national convention. This is the only number that will cost.

The Boy Scouts are on the welcoming committee. They will be stationed at the railway stations and at the various entrances to the city to greet the travelers and to direct them to the field of activities.

Members of the American Legion will act as police, so don’t be hard-boiled if one comes and requests you to move off Summit street. Summit is to be open during the entire affair and businessmen are urged to park either in the alleys at the rear of their offices or on A or Second street.

The stores will be wide open during the entire show for the shoppers, especially on Saturday night when they will bloom out in carnival array to greet the shoppers.

Arkansas City is close to one of the biggest stunts in its history and the opening number will create a series of shocks which will notify surrounding territories that Arkansas City is up and after ’em.

The Business Women’s club of this city will put on a special feature for the spring festival, for the purpose of raising a fund to defray the expenses of a delegate to the national congress to be held in Estes Park, Colorado, this summer. The committee on this matter is headed by Miss Esther Duvall, and she and the other members of the club have a nice program arranged. They will maintain three booths on the business street: one in the doorway of the Smith Bros. clothing store; one at Summit and Fifth; and one in front of the Y. W. C. A. rooms. They will be assisted in the work of selling goods at these stands by a number of the Girl Reserves. They will maintain three booths on corn, balloons, and other small articles to the visitors who come to the city the last three days of this week.

The Y. W., under the direction of Miss Guild, secretary, will also have some special features for the festival, which are now being arranged and which will appear on the official program.

Among relics offered for the hobby show in the Roseberry and MacAllister sales room on North Summit street, are some valuable ones owned by D. Hays, who is an auto mechanic in the employ of that firm. Mr. Hays has some civil war relics which were the property of his father-in-law, J. M. Lunsmore, of Thayer, speaker of the last house of representatives in this state, and which were given to Mr. Hays by that well known Kansas statesman. Included in the list are the following: A piece of rock taken from the wall of the famous Gettysburg prison, a belt, caps, and some bullets from the battlefield, and formerly worn by a confederate soldier, and other valued war pieces. He also has some guns from this war, which he will bring to the show later in the week. Mr. Hays is also the owner of a hand sewed quilt block which is 127 years old and is very unique indeed.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Wednesday, April 27, 1921.


Kansas First State to Enact Law Requiring License.

Measure Originated by Senator Howard of this City,

Calls for An Examination by State Board.

Topeka, Kansas, April 21.—"Kansas had the vision" and was the first state on the map to pass aerial license regulations according to word just received from A. S. Bachelder of Washington, D. C., who was himself a charter member of the Aero Club of America. If Bachelder is right, then A. K. Longren of Topeka has made application for aero license number 1, U.S.A. Bachelder has written Kansas authorities of national legislation pending for the regulation of aircraft. He suggests that Kansas hold up state action with a view to conforming state and national laws.

Kansas has however already passed the bill introduced by Senator Howard of Arkansas City, which provides for the creation of a state aircraft board of which C. I. Martin, adjutant general, is to be the head and have the appointing of the other two officers. The law which is now in effect authorizes a license for all machines to be operated by Kansas owners of $15 and a pilot’s fee of $10 for all air navigators. The pilot must pass examination by the state board and is not eligible for a state license until he has attained the "solo" stage.

One thing that must recommend air navigation, Bachelder points out, is that no expensive airways need be constructed or maintained at state or government expense. Under the Kansas law, cities voting to maintain landing fields may establish such for the convenience of the bird men.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Wednesday, April 27, 1921.


Gets In For the Museum a Rare Scolopendrus.

"Cherub" Fowler, the renowned reptile trainer, who says he is not afraid of a scolo-pendrus but is afraid of snakes, is in receipt of one of the largest scolopendrus that has ever been captured in the wilds of the Osage hills, and which now reclines in the noted museum which will be open in this city during the spring festival.

This scolopendrus has a black body and has six yellow legs and feet on each side, and a horn at each end. It can blow both at the same time and spell death with the wink of the eye. Its very touch is poisonous, and if you let it sink its fangs in your flesh even slightly, with no tangle foot in sight, then you might as well say good-bye to this mundane sphere.

This reptile was captured by Col. Bill Buffington, the oil man, after a most vigorous and strenuous campaign. A lot of you have seen brothers of this wonderful reptile insect or whatever you may call it, but you do not recognize it under its right name. This wonderful specimen can be seen at the museum all during the spring festival, but don’t touch it or let it touch you.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Wednesday, April 27, 1921.


Claim Horns Growed On, Not Buttoned On.

It seems as though "Cherub" Fowler is in trouble over the snake item that was published in the Traveler last evening. The Traveler representative thought he would explain how the horns got on the snakes, and he didn’t tell the story as "Cherub" told it. These big horn snakes were caught down on the island of Yap and two expert cowboys had to be secured to lasso them. That is the only way they can catch them alive. They have a lasso especially prepared to catch these snakes, and it takes an expert to land this lasso over the horns of the snake. Once the lasso is placed firmly over the horns of the snake, the snake is helpless; otherwise, it is very dangerous to handle.

That is what "Cherub" Fowler really told the Traveler representative, but remembering other snake stories he had heard, he thought he would try and improve upon it, and make it sound as sensational as it was possible to do so.

The Traveler cheerfully makes this correction in order to save the hide of its staunch friend, "Cherub" Fowler, who is a second George Washington.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Wednesday, April 27, 1921.

At the meeting of the board of education held at the noon hour today, the board granted the American Legion the use of the south part of the Third ward athletic field south of the telephone line that crosses the field, to be used by a carnival company next week.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Wednesday, April 27, 1921.


Queer Actions in Newman’s Millinery Department.

If you have been in Newman’s millinery department the last day or so and one of the clerks jumped and ran as you came in, don’t be alarmed because they are running from every-body these days.

The secret is that Miss Dewey and her assistants are all busy trying to keep the $1,000 hat hid, not only from customers, but from the sales people, as Miss Dewey promises that the hat will be very popular and much admired Thursday evening when it is put on display. She says it is to be sold with the big store’s usual guarantee of satisfaction or money back.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Wednesday, April 27, 1921.

Getting the Money.

A committee of businessmen were around calling on the merchants of the city yesterday afternoon raising money to defray the expenses of the spring festival, which will start tomorrow and last until Sunday. According to reports of this committee, each businessman approached responded very readily to their requests. Large sums of money were raised yesterday afternoon and more was to come. Keep your eye open for this committee, as they will see you sooner or later.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Thursday, April 28, 1921.


Everything Ready and Opening Program Given.


Unveiling of Store Windows at 8 Tonight.


Spring Affair Ends Sunday, May Day, with Program of Music by A. C. Choral Society.


Final arrangements for both the illuminated and motor parades have been made. The motor parade will assemble on East Madison and North and South Summit street at 12:30 o’clock tomorrow afternoon. The parade starts promptly at 1:30 o’clock. The line of march will be—north on Summit to Walnut; west on Walnut to First; South on First to Chestnut; east on Chestnut to Summit; south on Summit to Madison. Entries will be accepted until time of parade at the point of assemblage.

The plans for the industrial illuminated float parade are practically the same. The floats will assemble at 7 o’clock on East Madison and North and South A street. The parade will start promptly at 8 o’clock. The line of march will be same as for the motor fashion show.

It’s started.

With a crash the opening doors were swung this afternoon on the gigantic 1921 Spring Festival and business awakening being staged by Arkansas City business interests. The opening attention was focused about the track meet between Wellington high school and Arkansas City high school at the city athletic field, and as the Traveler goes to press the youngsters are battling for supremacy before the crowd which has already gathered for the show.

The downtown opening will be staged this evening with the Junior Chamber of Commerce Side Show, the first performer. The doors of this stupendous production will open at 6:30 o’clock this evening, and will be open afternoons and evenings during the remainder of the time. At 7 o’clock the attention will be centered on the opening crash at the automobile show on West Washington Avenue, where spick and span, freshly polished motor cars will be shown.

At 8 o’clock this evening the unveiling of the show windows will be started. The unveiling will start at the north end of Summit street business district and the examiners will go south, taking one half block at a time. The judges will work in the center of the street in order that the spectators may see just what is going on all of the time. The prize award will be made as soon as the judges are able to get together and hand out a decision, which will probably be late this evening or tomorrow morning. Prizes will be awarded for the most attractive window and the most grotesque.

Rider’s Jazz Hounds from Kansas City arrived this morning prepared for three days of bewailing syncopation, which should make the feet of young and old alike tingle with a craving to dance.

This troupe will be stationed on a truck and will play continually throughout the down-town business district. They will also be in the big motor car fashion parade to be held tomorrow afternoon.

Giant searchlights have been placed in three different localities in the downtown district. Two lights are on top of the Osage Hotel, three over the Reed store, and two on the Newman building. These lights will play on the crowd all evening, and will serve as additional lighting effect during the various night celebrations.

Preparations for the flying frolic have been completed, which means that one of the best flying arrangements ever staged in this part of the country will be pulled off here. Every kind of plane in the category of commercial activity will be here. The Laird, Kansas made craft, Lincoln Standard, Curtiss, and DeHaviland will all be on exhibit during the festival at the Williams-Hill landing field. An additional treat is in store for lovers of the flying game in case Major Richards decides to attend. He will fly his "Spad" to the frolic, which means that one of the few scout machines in the southwest will be here.

The frolic will be held Friday and Saturday afternoon beginning at 3 o’clock. The stunts will be at the Williams-Hill landing field. Parachute drops and an attempt at the world’s title for parachute drop will be staged during the meet here. Night flying will be on the program, provided Pilots Beech and Hill complete negotiations on their Dallas trip.

Costumes for the big carnival night will be for rent at the Kuntz Clothiers. A costume company from Kansas City is bringing a complete set of 300 costumes here for the event, and they will rent them for $2.00 a set. Everyone should either make reservations for one of these costumes or arrange to make their own. Confetti, serpentine, whistles, horns, balloons, and everything that goes with a successful mardi gras feature has been arranged for so that the big Saturday night program is to be a feature de luxe.

The first evening show begins tonight at the Junior Chamber of Commerce tent, East Washington and Summit.

Musical Program Sunday.

The program of the spring festival will close on Sunday afternoon, at which time the Arkansas City Choral society, with W. N. Harris, E. M. Druley, and Guy Curfman as the committee, will put on a fine program of music. The A. C. Choral society is one of the newest musical organizations in the city, but it is already doing fine work. Mr. Curfman is the director and the members of the society had a splendid rehearsal last night in the club room at the city hall, taking up some new music and learning the same for the Sunday afternoon program. This program will begin at 2:30 and will be given at the Wilson park rotunda. The public is invited and several of the local ministers of the city will deliver addresses. There will also be band and orchestra music and the choral society numbers will be varied, with chorus work, solos, and a quartette. This is free to all and the residents of this city and vicinity will miss a great treat if they fail to attend the May day concert.

On Sunday morning the ministers of the city will conduct special services in the various churches and this is to be known as "go to church Sunday." There will be a special effort made to have all the places of worship filled to overflowing on this day. Everyone, whether in the habit of attending church services or not, is invited to be in attendance at some one of the churches on that morning, Sunday, May first.



Large Crowds in Bright Lights First Night.


Prizes for Elegant Displays in Show Windows.

Novelty Auto Parade by Lady Drivers Today and Big Time at the Flying Frolic.

Program—Friday Evening.

7:30—Boy Scout review at First and Washington.

8:30—Illuminated float parade on Summit street.

9:00—Night flying by local pilots.

9:30—Battle Royal between 10 scrappers at ring at Summit Street and Fifth Avenue.

Saturday Afternoon.

1:30—Demonstration by Chilocco school (probability).

3:00—Air frolic, parachute jump. Sgt. Chambers will attempt to break his own record for a 22,000 feet drop.

Cooling zephyrs from the far north lands played upon the thousands who gathered last evening to witness the opening of the spring festival, but the sudden chill did not daunt the spirit of the performers or the crowd which had gathered. The thing went off with a bang at the opening celebration and from start to finish of the opening night it was a success.

Pep reigned supreme throughout the evening’s performance. From the blare of the band to the squawk of the jazz orchestra, the May pole dance, shouts from the ballyhooer at the side show, the motor exhibit and the window unveiling, everything portrayed the spirit of snappy work. It showed to the gathering mob that Arkansas City was up and at ’em with the spirit which has pulled the city through.

The window displays for the occasion were some of the most remarkable seen here in many days. Every color scheme possible and every bit of originality was portrayed in the competitive window decorating schemes. The prize winners were hard to select as the many windows presented an array of cleverness which shocked the most skeptical onlookers. Prizes were awarded to the following.

General Merchandise.

First prize—Newman Dry Goods Company, $35.

Second prize—Masters-Fuhrman, $20.

Third prize—Kuhns-Gray Furniture Co., $12.50.

Fourth prize—A. H. Moore Grocery, $7.50.

Honorable mention—Kuntz Clothiers; White Star Market; J. C. Penney; Devilin; Purity Candy Kitchen; and Kirkpatrick Furniture Company.

Novelty Windows.

First prize—Gilbreath-Calvert, $35.

Second prize—A. C. Floral Company, $20.

Third prize—Fowler Office Supply Company, $12.50.

Fourth prize—Schwartz Electric Company, $7.50.

Honorable mention—Boyer Hardware Company; Hall Electric Company; Rexall Drug Company.

The judges for this contest were: D. L. Pontius of the Kerr Store at Winfield; Charles Allen, Allen Grocery at Winfield; and Oscar Gafney, Harder Implement and Motor Company, Winfield.

Motor Car Fashion Parade.

One hundred and ten cars were entered in the motor car fashion parade held this afternoon, the biggest event of this kind ever staged in Arkansas City. Cars of every description, size, make, and mileage were entered in this event, which topped off last night’s celebration in a typical Arkansas City snappy style.

Several clever entries were made in the contest. One was a Chalmers, non-competitive, driven by a bewitching looking female, who it turned out was one of the employees at the Hill-Howard Motor Car Company. This car attracted great attention through its sign, "There’s Something About Us That You Will Like."

The prize awards made by the judges for the parade were as follows.

First Class—Dodge, driven by Mrs. Ross Jones.

Honorable mention—Maxwell belonging to Baber.

Second Class—Nash, driven by Irene Bloomheart.

Honorable mention—Elgin owned by Vogle.

Third Class—Cadillac, driven by Mrs. Roy Rinehart.

Honorable mention—Hudson driven by Mrs. John Curtis.

Fourth Class—Maxwell Sedan, owned by Mitchell.

Honorable mention—Ford owned by Heathman.

Fifth Class—Chalmers, driven by Mrs. McDowell.

Honorable mention—Buick, driven by Mrs. Willis Brandon.

Sixth Class—Franklin, driven by Mrs. W. C. Root.

Honorable mention—Cole Eight, driven by Mrs. Tyler.

Seventh Class—Marmon specialty job, belonging to "Red" Derry.

Several out of town parties were present for the occasion and several out of town women drove in the contest. A party from Winfield was: Mrs. W. C. Root, Mrs. O. A. Strother, Mrs. J. W. Schakelton, Mrs. H. W. Herrick.

A party from Ponca City was composed of the following: Mrs. J. H. McIntire, Georgia Harter, Fannie Lessert, Francis Doepel, Esther Doepel, Gladys Diamond.

Gay Manchester, of Winfield, had an attractive motor car entered in the parade. She carried out the black and white color scheme throughout her display.

The parade was headed by Mayor Hunt and Commissioners Sturtz and Clay. Following this the 100 motor cars paraded down Summit Street to Wilson Park, where they turned and returned on the opposite side of Summit Street. The parade lasted for a little over one hour, and the streets were thronged throughout the occasion.

The first number of the flying frolic was held this afternoon when about ten planes went up and went through some preliminary stunts. At press time it was unknown as to which planes were up, but several were doing fancy stunting, specializing in Immelmanns, barrel rolls, falling leafs, etc. This number will again be repeated tomorrow afternoon.

Notes of the Festival.

The May pole display in the window of the People’s Store was one of the most attractive windows in the city last night and today and many people gathered around this display for another look after the unveiling process last night.

B. X. Gatwood, alias Bart Allen, who is said to be the best slide trombone player in the state, unpacked his horn last night and played in the band which is playing for the Spring Festival. Bart said as he entered the procession that this was the first time he had played in a band for three years, and it seemed good to "hit ’em up" once more.

The automobile arch, which spans the entrance to the auto show on Washington Avenue, is "keen," as expressed in the language of many of the visitors last night; and the big white way inside this enclosure is even "keener." This well lighted arch would be a credit to such an affair for a much larger city and it has been suggested that the arch and the white way be left in place there for the remainder of the spring and summer.

The wax figure of a woman, located just inside the door of the Ark. Valley Gas Co., on South Summit Street, is an attraction that is a real treat. The wax woman, dressed in house attire and standing over the ironing board, looks very natural and the men who stop to look in at the door are heard to remark, "Just like wife and home." This morning as several men were seen to enter the gas office, they were caught in the act of raising their hats to the lady in wax and saying a pleasant, "Good morning."

The children’s week display in the window of the Traders State Bank at present is a very attractive display, and it will pay anyone to stop and look at it. The booth at the corner of Summit and Fifth in connection with their affair is registering many people this week.

Yes, the big knife which is on display in the show window of the Collinson Hardware Company this week will cut as the blades come down. The knife is arranged so that it opens and shuts by an electric appliance.

Many people of this city and vicinity are calling each day now at the hobby show to see the many relics placed there for the benefit of the public. Mrs. McConn has the display arranged in fine fashion to be viewed and the great lot of stuff there is well worth anyone’s time to go and look at this opportune time.

Geo. Cornish of the Cornish Studio says he thinks the judges failed to come down Fifth Avenue last evening while judging the different display windows of the stores. He thinks he has a keen display window—and he really has; and he takes it for granted that the judges failed to visit Fifth Avenue, or he would have won first prize for the best looking display window.

It was announced this afternoon by Secretary Seyster that the carnival costumes will arrive here this evening and they may be rented at the Kuntz Cash Clothiers tomorrow at $2 per suit, cash.

Major Richards, of Love Field, Texas, wired the local committee at the noon hour today that he expected to arrive here about 4 o’clock this afternoon, and will put on the stunts as advertised for that day. Sgt. Chambers is expected to make a parachute jump from his plane and to land on Summit Street.

The novelty show in the Gilbreath Calvert store last night attracted the crowds until a late hour.

Taken as a whole the window decorations of last evening were keen and each merchant who made an effort along this line deserves special mention, but space today forbids this to be done. The display on spring goods on this occasion is truly wonderful, and the Arkansas City merchants are not outdone in this line by any other city in the state of Kansas.



Parachute Jumper and Bird Man From Post Field Fly In.

Frank Armstrong, the parachute jumper from Post Field, Oklahoma, accompanied by Mr. J. E. Marder, a bird man from Post Field, arrived last night to take part in the big air frolic to be staged here in connection with the spring festival. Charles E. Towers, pilot from Missouri, came in yesterday also to attend the frolic.

Reservations have been made at the Osage Hotel for eleven more pilots from all sections of the southwest to attend the big fete. They will arrive some time today. About twelve planes will be stationed here in preparation for the big event.


Pete Hill and Pilot Beech returned last night from Dallas, Texas, where they secured a new plane.



Pete Hill and Walter Beech Make Record Time From Dallas.

Leaving Dallas, Texas, at noon yesterday and landing at the field north of the city at 5 o’clock in the afternoon, is the time it took Pilots Walter Beech and Pete Hill to fly from Dallas, Texas, to Arkansas City—a distance of over 400 miles.

These two men left Arkansas City several days ago for Dallas, where they went to purchase a new Curtiss aeroplane to take part in the air frolic which will be held here today and tomorrow, owing to the fact that their planes burned up several days ago when the hangars were destroyed. When the men arrived at Dallas, they set up their own plane and made arrangements to fly it home. Their only landing was at Oklahoma City, where they landed for gasoline and oil.

The new plane is a wonderful looking ship and carries the earmarks of a real flyer. Beech and Hill stated that the new ship was one of the most up-to-date ships that could be bought and they expected to do some wonderful things with it. These two men have set a new record between Arkansas City and Dallas, a little less than five hours.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Saturday, April 30, 1921.

Reptile Escaped.

"Cherub" Fowler reports that one of the big Yap snakes made its escape from the Junior Chamber of Commerce Museum this morning and started for the People’s Store to fill up on something or another, but was captured before it got there. However, an Arkansas City man, who used to take on a little bit once in awhile, began wondering if the reptile had headed in his direction. The snake was captured and returned to its cage.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Saturday, April 30, 1921.


A. C. Public Schools Draws First in Parade.


Dazzling Line of Auto Floats Last Night.


Flying Frolic Today and "Old Man Gloom" Will Be Squashed Tonight,

Rain or Shine.


Saturday Night

Battle Royal.

Crowning of King Optimo.

Gigantic Street Masked Carnival and Dance.


At Wilson Park 2:30 o’clock—



March—Arkansas City Band.

A. C. Choral Society.

Eight Minute Address by Rev. McQuiddy.

Ladies’ Chorus.

Xylophone Solo.

Address—Community Music—Mayor Hunt.


Overture, Arkansas City Band.

Eight Minute Address by Rev. W. H. Moore.

Choral Society (two selections).

Male Quartette.

Choral Society.

Arkansas City Band.

Low hanging clouds of the morning broke, and Dame Nature condescended to send Old Sol out for a short spree over Arkansas City in the closing hours of the triumphal spring festival. This assures Arkansas City of being able to say that the business awakening was a success.

As the first light of dawn beamed in the east this morning, murky clouds could be seen shadowing all prospects of a fair day. Much consternation reigned among the crowned heads of the festival, and we may say that abusive language was used against fate. A few drops from the clouds, and the thing was practically given up, when lo, the sun appeared, and immediately the ball was started rolling on the last and the most successful day of the event.

The dark brown taste which has been prevalent for the past few months, through the time of depression, has given away to a sweeter tone during the past three days as business has awakened and the tones of prosperity are taking a larger hold than heretofore, mainly through the big festival which has gone to show that Arkansas City is optimistic and is out after business.

Last night’s industrial parade was clever.

Need anything more be said. From the cold staid business exhibits to the highly worked out floral exhibits, the parade was one of the cleverest things of its kind ever staged in the city. Every float in the entire program showed that merchants had worked carefully and thoughtfully for something to make an attraction well worth while.

Prizes awarded were:

First prize—Henneberry Packing Company, for an industrial float, with an award of $40.

Second prize—Henneberry Packing Company, for an industrial float, with an award of $40.

Third prize—Newman Dry Goods Company, for an artistic float, with an award of $30.

Fourth prize—Collinson, for an industrial float, with an award of $20.

Fifth prize—American Legion, on general merit, with an award of $10.

Honorable mention—Globe Fashion Shop, People’s Store, Penney store, Masters-Fuhrman, Downing, Kansas Gas and Electric Company, A. C. Floral Company, the Fitch Music Company, and others.

Ninety-seven floats were entered in the parade last evening, which was eight blocks in length. Headed by the Arkansas City band, the parade started promptly at 9 o’clock from Madison Avenue and paraded to Wilson Park, where it turned and came back on the opposite side of the street.

The night flying was a success. Pilots Beech and Williams cut a number of capers in the sky during the evening’s frolic, which were easily discernible from the street. The only marring feature was when Pilot Beech attempted to land, and missing his three point landing, the plane crashing slightly. Neither of the occupants of the plane were injured, but the wheels and propeller of the plane were badly damaged.

The boy scout exhibition at the vacant lot on Washington Avenue and First Street was remarkably well attended last evening. Troop No. 1 of the local organization went through some scout craft, which consisted of making fires and boiling water. A first prize, consisting of a complete boy scout uniform, was awarded to Junior Paris; and a second prize, consisting of shirt, breeches, and woolen socks, was awarded to Nordon Rea.

As a closing number of the evening’s program, five husky negroes clambered into the ring erected at the intersection of Fifth Avenue and Summit Street, and mixed it in a battle royal. The thousands of people gathered around the ringside were given one of the most pleasing exhibits of this kind ever shown here. For fully thirty minutes they battled it in the center of the ring until as a finality a big dark colored scrapper, wearing a dainty white shirt and white stiff collar, hammered loose with haymakers and strode about the ring as winner. Frankie Adams boxed four rounds with Kid Moore in a short exhibition, which was very well received by the fans.

Saturday afternoon’s festivities opened up with a parade by the students from the Chilocco Indian school. Fully 500 members of the school, both boys and girls, came in from the school on a specially chartered train, marched up Central Avenue to Summit Street, down Summit Street to Adams Avenue, and thence to the athletic field.

At the athletic field the students gave a demonstration of the drills undergone at the school. It was a sterling exhibition put on by the cadets from the school and also by the girls. The parade was headed by a band from the school. The exhibition lasted for about half an hour, after which the band paraded the streets giving short concerts for the visitors at the big show.

The vacant lot at Fifth Avenue and A Street this afternoon resembled such beautiful meadow scenes as the great masters often put on canvas. All that was lacking was the babbling brook. Tall waving trees, shade, and a herd, because the exhibits entered were large enough to make a good sized herd of cattle, presented a background which made the people realize that the livestock game is still prominent in this part of the country, especially for thoroughbred stuff.

This exhibit according to the judges was one of the cleverest impromptu affairs arranged in this section of the southwest. With just a short notice, prominent stockmen, farm clubs, and every other sort of an organization which had livestock, entered animals for the display this afternoon. The awards in the various classes will be announced on Monday.

The Side Show.

The crowds certainly patronized the Junior Chamber of Commerce last night and the attractions there are well worth the price of admission, and more than that, too. The snakes are here, the horse with his head should be (in the manger), the Peruvian chicks, the bridal scene, and many other features too numerous to mention. And then there is the men only show, which is only a joke, it may be sure, and therefore the women need not fear to have their husbands visit this attraction. Then there is the act by the two little Bennett girls, in singing and dancing, which is a thriller. These girls are clever and they attracted a large crowd on several different occasions last night. "Curly" Branine is the "barker" for the side show and he is keen in this stunt. Don’t fail to visit the J. C. of C. side show this evening.

Evening Float Parade.

The business firms and others represented in the float parade last night included the following.

A. C. Band, the new fire motor car, A. H. Fitch Music Co., Re-Nu Tire Co., Oliver & Calkins, U. S. L. Battery Station, A. C. Floral & Seed Co., Kansas Gas and Electric Co., E. Kirkpatrick, Dawson Produce Co., Busy Bee and Puritan, Masters-Fuhrman, Kuntz’s Cash Clothiers, Metropolitan Cleaners, L. E. Parman, Downing Tin and Sheet Metal Co., Newman Motor Co., Merchants Delivery, W. N. Harris, Central Hardware Co., Houston-Hill Printing Co., People’s Store, A. C. Public schools, Collinson Hardware Co., Collinson Auto Co., News Publishing Co., Newman’s, Axley Market, Star Candy Shop, The Globe, Royal Cafe, J. C. Penney & Co., Jazz Orchestra, American Legion, Henneberry Packing Co., Boyer-Bredenkamp-McNabb Hdw. Co., Business Women’s Club, Y. W. C. A., Boy Scouts.

One of the feature attractions at the auto show, aside from the new and up-to-date autos, is the old time Reo, made in 1906, 15 years ago, and which is still in use in this city. Until a short time ago this auto, now a relic, was used by Ed Lawson for the delivery of groceries in this city. The machine is a one cylinder affair and the engine is located under the seat. The auto has no self-starter, but the crank shaft is under the one seat of the little machine.

One of the real relics of the parade last night was the ten year old Franklin car, driven by Jay Myers, of the Newman Motor Car Co. This auto is a novelty at this time, compared with the fine Franklin’s of today.

The Business Women’s Club of this city is conducting several stands on the streets at the festival and they are raising funds to pay the expenses of a delegate to the national congress this summer. The auto of this organization attracted a great deal of attention in the parade last night.

Have you figured out where the water comes from that is flowing in the window of the Stoner barber shop? Fred Lawhon says the little copper wire has a hole in it. Can you believe it?

Ellis Billings, the plumber, has a unique display window, in the shape of a bathroom, and the housewife is there in person. It is a very attractive scene and one that is very keen, to say the least.

The Y. W. C. A. booths on the streets are being well patronized by the visitors, it is said, and the ladies are attempting to raise some funds in this manner.

The A. C. band, the jazz orchestra, and the male quartet kept the crowds interested last night until the parade started and the music was greatly appreciated.

The Boy Scouts’ demonstration was very clever last night and those who crowded around the place to witness this feature were given an insight to the workings of the boys in this line. They built their fires and cooked the bullion soup on the ground and then they had their wireless machines in working order; also, the boys of the city are becoming greatly interested in this work under the direction of the scout master, E. K. Kraul, who is a young man of high esteem and who is the possessor of many sterling qualities.

Commissioner John Clay had a hard time keeping cases on his auto yesterday, according to all reports. He lost the machine twice and one time it had been moved by someone in clearing the streets. The police force promises to look after John and the auto this evening.

Charlie Liston, one of Arkansas City’s pioneer citizens, stated today that the spring festival for the past three days has been the finest celebration ever held in Arkansas City. Charlie said everything was splendid. Mr. Liston certainly speaks with authority as he has attended every celebration held in Arkansas City for the past thirty years.

Arkansas City will climb on the motor car map following the spring festival, according to local automobile men. Pictures of the display, both from the street and from one of the buildings adjoining the show were taken this afternoon and these pictures will be sent to the Motor World for publication in one of the coming issues of the big motor car magazine.

The boy scouts are handling themselves in a manner befitting the organization in the spring festival. Working in cooperation with the members of the American Legion, they have been on police duty in the downtown districts. In gentlemanly manner they have kept the dense crowds from hindering the performers and they should be complimented on the manner in which they have worked throughout the exhibit.

A motor truck from the A. C. Dairy proved the most popular conveyance of this after-noon. Following in the wake of the parade of thoroughbred stock, four dainty little maidens, clad in white, were dispensing free ice cream cones made from the famous A. C. Dairy milk. Every boy in the city was following the wagon begging for a cone, and the girls passed them out as fast as they could work. It might be said that many grown-ups likewise took advantage of the opportunity to gargle the beloved frozen dainty.

The crowds were wondering where all the Franklins came from that were in the parade yesterday. There were twelve Franklins in the parade and all but three were sold by the Newman Motor Co.

H. A. Fowler, prominent contractor here, was one of the purchasers of a car during the automobile show. He purchased a Buick from the Collinson Auto Co.

Considerable comment was heard yesterday about the Franklin driven in both parades by Dick Drake of Hewin, Kansas. Mr. Drake states his Franklin is 10 years old and is in service every day. George Sayles, of the Newman Motor Co., Franklin dealers here, stated this Franklin has the same detail of construction as the 1921 Franklins with the exception of having the refinement of the new Franklins.

Floris Nagelvoort of the Nagelvoort-Stearns Cadillac Company of Wichita was here yesterday assisting the Collinson Auto Company at the auto show.

The Newman Motor Car Co. reports a great deal of interest is being taken in the "how many miles to the pint" contest on both the Franklin and Chevrolet cars. Over 300 guesses have been turned in. The prizes for the winners of these contests will probably be awarded Monday.

Chas. Nickey, special Chevrolet representative from the New York office, attended the automobile show yesterday. Mr. Nickey stated the Chevrolet company was now in a position to guarantee the refund of from $70 to $100 on all Chevrolets purchased before August 1, 1921. This company advertised this reduction, providing their sales would total a certain amount. This amount has almost been reached at the present time.

D. R. McWilliams, manager of the Hill-Howard Motor Co., of Hutchinson, was here this afternoon taking in the automobile show.

Harry Colvin, territory man of the Hill-Howard Motor Co., came in this morning from western Kansas to attend the automobile show.

Aviator Errett Williams arrived home this morning from Kansas City, Missouri, where he went to get the costumes for the big masked street dance for tonight. Mr. Williams made the trip by aeroplane and brought home about two hundred of the niftiest costumes in Kansas City. These costumes can be rented at the Kuntz cash clothing store.

Carl Garver, sportsman and airman. This name is given to the genial gentleman who piloted a Lincoln Standard through to Arkansas City’s flying frolic this morning. Garver, although a prominent farmer with a most modern ranch at Attica, Kansas, has recently taken up the flying game, and is one of the non-commercial pilots in the state who attends all of the big meets with his plane. Garver is holding an air frolic at his ranch tomorrow and several of the planes entered here will make the jump to Attica for the event.

Major Richards, the flying demon from Post Field, fought trouble all the way to Arkansas City. He landed in a pasture south of the city late last night, sore at everything because his plane would not work correctly. Early this morning trouble shooters from the Williams-Hill field were at work on his engine, and it will be in running order for late afternoon flying, it is stated.

The Fashion Parade.

The winners of the auto fashion parade held yesterday afternoon were as follows.

Class 1—Open cars priced at $1,500 and under, Mrs. Ross Jones, Dodge car, first prize.

Honorable mention—Mr. Baber’s Maxwell.

Class 2—Open cars priced at $2,500 and under, Miss Irene Bloomheart, Nash car, first prize.

Honorable mention—Claude Fogle, Elgin.

Class 3—Open cars priced at $3,500 and up, Mrs. Roy Rinehart, Cadillac car, first prize.

Honorable mention—Mrs. John Curtis, Hudson car.

Class 4—Closed car priced at $2,00 and under, Mrs. Lester Mitchell, Maxwell sedan, first prize.

Honorable mention—Mrs. C. M. Heathman, Ford sedan.

Class 5—Closed car priced at $3,500 and under, Mrs. Ben Curtis, Chalmers sedan, first prize.

Honorable mention—Mrs. Tyler, Cole 8 Buick coupe.

Class 6—Closed cars priced at $3,500 and over, Mrs. W. C. Root, Franklin sedan, first prize.

Honorable mention—Mrs. Tyler, Cole 8 sedan.

Class 7—Novelty arrangements, Mrs. "Doc" Shipp, first prize, Buick.

Honorable mention—Houston & Hill, Marmon.

The People’s Store this afternoon is holding a drawing for a pair of shoes. With every purchase during the three days, up to one thousand, they have a number. A local boy, probably a Boy Scout, will do the drawing and some lucky customer will be one pair of shoes to the good.

The $1,000 hat on display in one of the windows of the Newman store has attracted a great deal of attention from the visitors during the present week. You must see the hat to appreciate its value.

A number not on the spring festival program was given on the fistic platform at the corner of Summit Street and Fifth Avenue. Two small colored boys started a friendly top contest. One hit a little too hard and then they mixed it. The crowd had a good time in the bout, but one of the policemen called time and the boys had to quit with the decision in doubt.

One of the most attractive, appropriate, and beautiful floats in the parade last night was that of the American Legion. This float was large due to the efforts of Bob Wise, who is an overseas soldier. Mrs. Shank was the American nurse on the float, and she served at Kelly field in Texas. Dan Fisher was the sailor and Ed Kraul, the boy scout man, was the marine. Both are overseas men. Mrs. H. D. Howard, sister of Angus Ralston, who made the supreme sacrifice in France, was the goddess of liberty.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Saturday, April 30, 1921.

Roy Hume, local aviator, flew to Wellington yesterday on a short business trip.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Saturday, April 30, 1921.


Pilot Walter Beech and Plane Nosed Into Ground Last Night.

While attempting to land his plane after an exhibition of night flying last night, the Standard plane being piloted by Walter Beech was somewhat damaged when the plane landed. According to those who witnessed the accident, the plane did not hit the ground squarely, the front end striking first, which had a tendency to throw the plane forward; and it turned a complete somersault, badly damaging the radiator, breaking off the propeller, and otherwise damaging the plane.

Pilot Beech was not hurt, and it is expected the plane will be ready to fly again this afternoon. The great danger in night flying, according to pilots, is the landing of the plane, which necessitates the setting down of the plane on all three ends at one time, and sometimes it is impossible to see the ground. The accident last night was not the fault of anyone, and there was no chance for anyone to get hurt as the machine was on the ground when the accident happened and was traveling at a very low rate of speed. Walter Beech is one of the best pilots who ever flew a ship, and his accident last evening does not reflect on his ability whatsoever to fly and handle any aeroplane either in daylight or at night.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Saturday, April 30, 1921.


Oklahoma City Boy Says Local Pilots Best in the Business.

Pilot Armstrong, the parachute man who is in Arkansas City to make a series of drops from 5,000 feet for the flying frolic from a moving aeroplane, in a conversation with a Traveler representative last night, said the drop he made yesterday was one of the cleanest drops he has ever pulled off. Pilot Errett Williams drove the ship from which Armstrong dropped. He said Williams knew just how to handle a plane in a case of this kind, and he also stated that Williams had worked with him in many other towns. According to Armstrong, a parachute drop from an aeroplane is much safer than from a balloon. The altitude gained yesterday afternoon of 5,000 feet was made in a very few minutes, the last 3,000 feet being made in less than 9 minutes, which is exceptionally good. The climb was made in the new Curtiss plane recently purchased by the Williams-Hill aeroplane company.



High Carnival on Saturday Night Ended Three Days’ Affair.

Dairy Show and Parade Was Worth Seeing.

Prizes for Masqueraders and King Optimo is Duly Crowned.

The dust is settled, confetti is fast disappearing, workmen are hurriedly tearing stands asunder, as the 1921 spring festival for Arkansas City has come to a close after a riotous frolic of fun and good business spirit. The big event closed yesterday afternoon following the sacred concert at Wilson Park, which was attended by some thousand people who braved the blustery north wind for the occasion.

Ushered in by a screaming music on Thursday, the past four days have been gala days for everyone in Arkansas City. From the opening stanza through Saturday night’s hilarious celebration, and closing with Sunday attraction, everything included on the program was a complete success, and served to show that the old pep and punch of Arkansas City business interests was not disappearing. "Gus Gloom" was completely routed, he and others disappeared, and King Optimo now reigns supreme.

Sgt. Chambers, the Post Field air devil, staged his big parachute drop Saturday. Owing to the stiff wind, he did not go after an altitude record, but gave the people a demonstration which made them blink. Piloted by Errett Williams, they climbed up above the 5,000 feet mark and Chambers started on his dizzy descent. He landed within 50 yards of the starting point none the worse for his little "mile-high" sojourn.

A regular old time carnival crowd appeared on the streets early Saturday evening. Long before the band came on the streets, the drives leading to Summit Street were packed and the throng was congregating on the streets. The carnival event opened with the roping of Gus Gloom and the crowning of King Optimo at the stand built on Summit and Fifth Avenue. Then started the jazz.

From then on until midnight, hilarity, jazz, and good spirit ruled with a supremacy which kept all blues and care away. Milling from one orchestra to another, the crowd was never quiet and kept the bubble of enthusiasm going until long past the regular bed time.

One set of prizes is still to be announced, those for the livestock exhibit which was held Saturday afternoon at the vacant lots at Fifth Avenue and A Street. The prize winners were:


First—Richard Parsons, holstein.

Second—R. E. Harp, holstein.

Third—R. E. Harp, holstein.


First—Richard Parsons, holstein.

Second—R. E. Harp, holstein.

Third—A. De Bard, holstein.

Heifer Under 2 Years

First—R. E. Harp, holstein.

Second—Richard Parsons, holstein.

Third—C. E. Nichols, jersey.

Dairy Bull

First—R. E. Harp, holstein.

Second—Richard Parsons, holstein.

Third—Bob Murray, jersey

Heifer Between 2 and 4 Years

First—R. E. Harp, holstein.

Second—Kenneth Stanley, holstein.

Third—Richard Parsons, holstein.

Best Mature Cow

First—Richard Parsons, holstein.

Second—R. E. Harp, holstein.

Third—G. E. Reynolds, jersey.

The string of dairy cattle exhibited at this time was one that cannot be outclassed in any city or county in the state, and many of the milch cows seen here at that time are far above the average. However, all are registered stock and the people of this city and community should feel proud of the fact that they have the opportunity to purchase milk and milk products that are of the very highest test.

The herd from the Edgewood dairy farm, located east of the city, which was on exhibition at that time, and which is owned by S. B. and R. H. Parsons, is under the state and federal inspection bureaus.

The prizes which were awarded for the costuming Saturday night, are:

Character Prizes

First—J. W. Turner.

Second—Lois Spruill.

Third—A. D. Conely.

Costume Prizes

First—Mrs. D. C. Davis.

Second—Thelma Hendryx.

Third—Mrs. W. L. Baldridge.

Notes of the Festival

The Junior Chamber of Commerce cleared about $250 on the side show conducted on Washington Avenue during the three days of the festival. The young men in charge of the side show had a lot of fun out of the affair as well as clearing a neat sum of money, to be used in defraying the expenses of the delegates of the club to the convention of the United States Junior Chamber of Commerce, to be held in Dallas, Texas, next month. Arkansas City will be represented by at least seven of the live wires of the city at this convention. The success of the junior side show is due to the efforts of Dr. M. M. Miller and the members of his committee, in this connection. But Dr. Miller has on his hands at present two bull snakes, which were exhibited at the side show. They are for sale and may be purchased by anyone desiring such animals.

The local Boy Scouts deserve special mention for the manner in which they conducted themselves during the three days festival. These boys, about 150 in all, under the leadership of Scout Master Kraul, made themselves useful in more ways than one. They assisted in the policing of the city and the festival grounds together with the American Legion men, and also acted as information scouts during the three days. The boys also operated several refreshment stands on the streets and cleared a neat sum of money in this manner for the treasury of the local council. These boys conducted themselves in a manner befitting the boy scout name and they are to be commended for the part they played in making the festival a decided success. The local boy scouts are going to be benefitted by the sum of $3,600 in the near future, which is to be raised by the Rotary and the Lions clubs of this city.

Roy Williams, who with the members of a special committee from the junior chamber of commerce, staged the carnival attractions on Saturday night, carried out that part of the entertainment to perfection. Coach Williams is said by the school boys to be a "keen guy" and it was demonstrated on this occasion that the statement is correct. He had his cowboys trained in fine shape and pulled the shooting stunt in real old fashioned style. Gus Gloom was run down, roped, and dragged to the platform with the desired result. The last seen of him the cowboys were taking him down a dark alley.

The hobby show, located on North Summit Street, was one of the feature attractions last week and Mrs. McConn, Geo. Cornish, and Frank McDowell certainly carried out this part of the entertainment to perfection. The relics were returned to the owners today.

The auto show certainly was all that it was expected to be and the local auto dealers are to be commended for the manner in which they exhibited their fine cars on Washington Avenue and in the various street parades, as well. There were cars galore and some of the very best to be found in the state are owned by Arkansas City people.

The Chilocco Indian school students made a fine appearance in the parade on Saturday and the Indian band made a great hit with the street concert that afternoon. The Indians are splendid musicians and they are always welcome in this city. The local committee is to be commended for securing this attraction and a vote of thanks is due the management of the school for this part of the entertainment.


After New Airplane.

Ed Morris, who owns the old Newman block here, has bought a seven passenger S. V. A. airplane from Dick Phillips and he has sent Phillips and Virgil LaSarge to New York after it. They will be here about Friday or Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Morris are going to make Arkansas City their home and Mr. Morris has taken the agency for the airplane business and has already sold two airplanes in Texas. They will be delivered sometime in June from Arkansas City.



Delegates to Convention at Manhattan Will Go In Airplanes.

Arkansas City’s delegation to the state Elks Convention will attract the other cities to the fact that Arkansas City is up and after ’em.

Four of the city’s leading pep dispensers, nestled back in the cushions of a giant Italian airplane, will descend upon Manhattan, Kansas, May 27, climb out of their air plane, and go about the convention as though it is nothing unusual to be cavorting about in such a contrivance.

The four delegates will be John Floyd, Dr. C. H. House, Fred Gibson, and Dick Butler. The plane will belong to Ed Morris.

Saturday night Pilot Phillips, accompanied by Virgil LaSarge, left for New York City to get the big plane and bring it back to Arkansas City. They will return with the plane the latter part of this week.

Morris has donated the plane to the Elks to attend this big convention, which will put the local lodge and Arkansas City on the state map.


Errett Williams has gone to points in Oklahoma on a few days business visit for the Williams-Hill Aeroplane company.



Aeroplanes and Cowboys Will Mix Next Sunday Afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Errett Williams returned yesterday from Western Kansas, where they were the guests of Aviator Garver, owner of the 3-Tree ranch. Mr. Garver is the owner of several high priced aeroplanes and will hold an air frolic on his ranch next Sunday afternoon. The frolic was to have been held yesterday, but owing to the high wind, was postponed until the coming Sunday. Mr. Williams announced this morning that there would have been fifteen or sixteen planes present yesterday to compete in the different events. It is expected that at least three planes from here will be taken out on Saturday afternoon to enter the contest. Pilot Williams is confident he will take some of the prizes which will be given to the competitors.



Local Committee Looking Into New Building Proposition.

Representatives from a Wichita business firm were in the city this morning to meet with a committee from the Chamber of Commerce in regard to the proposed construction of a steel airplane hangar on the landing field north of the city to replace the hangar which was destroyed by fire several weeks ago. The meeting of the committee and the two men from Wichita was held in the office of the Hill Investment Co., and the proposition was gone over thoroughly. The representatives of the steel construction concern were advised to secure figures on the proposed building and it is the plan of the committee to look into the matter. It is an assured fact that the hangar will be rebuilt and the committee will get the figures on both frame and steel buildings. It is said that the steel hangar, erected to accommodate ten planes—which will require a building about 60 by 100 feet—would cost in the neighborhood of $8,000. Two plans were to be figured on, it is said, one for the hangar and the workshop building combined and the other for the hangar and the shop in two separate buildings. However, the committee has taken no action on the proposition, either way, as yet. Plans in this regard are only being discussed and looked into in a systematic manner.


Air Men Called to Burden.

Pilots Beech and Hill made a hurry-up call to Burden yesterday afternoon, being called there to repair an aeroplane which had been forced to land. The boys made the trip to Burden in less than a half hour and had the crippled place in the air before an hour’s time had elapsed.



Dummy Thrown From Plane Attracts Great Deal of Interest.

Tuesday evening about 5:30 o’clock people in the downtown district were given some real thrills when a dummy was dropped from an aeroplane, piloted by Pilots Beech and Hill. The dummy was supposed to be walking the wings of the plane, accidentally falling off, and the stunt was so real that those watching it held their breath and some covered up their eyes and ran away from the scene. Pilot Hill dropped the dummy and he succeeded in dropping it so it fell just in front of the Collinson hardware store on Summit street. W. D. Shultz, a representative of the A. & T. Film Company of Kansas City, and E. J. Reid were the instigators of the unique advertising stunt. The dummy, when found on Summit Street, had a sign painted on its back reading: "Not hurt, just dropped down to see ‘The County Fair.’"

After the dummy had been dropped, Pilot Williams took Mr. Shurtz for a ride over the city, and he says he was greatly surprised to see how pretty Arkansas City looked from the air as this was his first trip off the ground.


Pilot Cecil Lucas left this morning for Oklahoma City to get a DeHaviland airplane, sold to Arthur LaSarge. He will fly the plane to Arkansas City this evening, landing at the Lucas-Hume field south of the city.


A Laird Swallow plane, carrying J. Mollendick and pilot, of Wichita, on a trip from Enid, Oklahoma, to their home, landed at the Lucas-Hume field yesterday afternoon, for gas and oil.



Williams-Hill Aeroplane Company, Will Repair Army Ship Here.

Errett Williams, of the Williams-Hill Aeroplane company, announced this morning that their company had secured the contract from the United States government to repair the "Spad" aeroplane which flew to this city last Saturday to take part in the air frolic. The ship was forced to the ground near Perry, Oklahoma, Saturday morning, and it was necessary for local mechanics to go to that place and repair the plane temporarily. The ship was flown to Arkansas City and upon examination it was found the motor block had been broken. A new block was shipped from Post Field, Lawton, Oklahoma, yesterday and is expected to arrive here today. The little plane will be repaired at once and flown back to Lawton, probably by Pilot Pete Hill. The plane is at the present time located at the landing field north of the city and is attracting much attention. The wing spread is less than 12 feet, with a 250 horse power motor, capable of making a flying speed of more than 150 miles per hour. The Spad is very small though fast, and will climb 20,000 feet in less than five minutes.

The local aeroplane company expects to have the plane flying again within a very short time.



Mr. and Mrs. Errett Williams Expect to Take Off Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Errett Williams are making preparations to leave here Saturday morning for western Kansas, where they will take part in the big air frolic which is being staged by Pilot Garver, of the "Three Tree" ranch, located near Dodge City. Mr. Garver is the owner of the ranch and also owns several very fine planes. Errett Williams stated that there would be fifteen or twenty planes there from all parts of Kansas and Oklahoma. One of the main features of the event will be a parachute jump from a plane by a trained cat.

Mr. and Mrs. Williams expect to return Monday of next week.



Expecting New Plane From New York First of Next Week.

Ed C. Morris, who has recently located in this city, is becoming very much interested in aviation. At the present time Mr. Morris has Pilot Dick Phillips and Virgil LaSarge in New York for the purpose of bringing to Arkansas City an Italian airplane, two hundred twenty horsepower, and costing over $6,500. This plane has a speed of one hundred fifty-four miles per hour. It is called a two-place machine, but Mr. Morris is having it fitted for four persons. It is capable of carrying one thousand pounds.

Phillips and LaSarge arrived in New York the first of the week and since then they have been receiving instructions in flying the big S. V. A. Placards have been placed on this machine at the field in New York which say: "This plane will leave for Arkansas City, Kansas, Saturday." This is quite an advertisement for Arkansas City, and indicates to air navigators that our city is being put on the map as an aviation center.

Mr. Morris says he will keep his machine on the south field, which is in charge of Pilots Lucas, Phillips, and Roy Hume. He will make selling airplanes his business. He realizes that aeronautics has come to stay and he wants to be one of the first to get in on the ground floor.

To a Traveler representative yesterday, Morris said that he thought that possibly at this time one landing field was sufficient for Arkansas City. He thought the fair way would be, since the Chamber of Commerce has taken an interest in aviation, for that organization to work for aviation and not for any individual field. He was not only willing to cooperate with the Chamber of Commerce in securing this field, but would aid with his time and money in equipping it as it should be so that it would meet all the demands of aviators coming this way.

Mr. Morris is very enthusiastic over aviation. He has not become a pilot as yet, but he is being taught the mysteries of the air handling planes; and there is no doubt but what he will be a valuable acquisition in putting Arkansas City fully on the aeronautic map.

He expects his new S. F. A. plane to arrive here two days after it leaves New York. If nothing happens, it will be here the first of next week.


Mr. and Mrs. Errett Williams will fly to western Kansas tomorrow, to take part in an air frolic which will be held there tomorrow afternoon.

Pilot Cecil Lucas is expected to arrive this afternoon from Oklahoma City, where he went to get an aeroplane several days ago.



Plans Are Under Way For a Consolidated Field Now.

A consolidated landing field.

That is the one thing the members of the aviation committee at the board of commerce are after and this was brought out at a meeting this noon of the secretary and president of the Chamber of Commerce, the aviation committee, and the various aviators of the city at the Osage hotel.

For over two hours the men were in session, discussing the assets of the two fields. It is the ultimate desire of the interests that one field be chosen and at this field to erect permanent hangars and see that the field is kept in good shape in order that Arkansas City can climb upon the flying map in a very substantial manner.

Nothing definite arose out of today’s meeting, but future meetings are planned for at which time it is expected that the big problem will be successfully ironed out and that Arkansas City will again see the erection of a modern sky garage.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Wednesday, May 11, 1921.


Emporia Men Here to Look Over the Local Situation.

Arkansas City as exhibit A.

The advance that this city has made in the aviation world is being felt over the state as was shown today by the advent of three strangers looking into the matter. They were J. M. Hilton, secretary of the chamber of commerce at Emporia; C. H. Newman; and Pilot Nordyke, also from Emporia. They were investigating the luck that Arkansas City has had in the aviation world.

Pilot Nordyke, despite that he lost his plane in the recent hangar fire, was much impressed with the way Arkansas City was backing the proposition of flying and flying fields. The delegation from Emporia was visiting here today with the idea foremost to ascertain whether or not aviation could be made a success in their city.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Wednesday, May 11, 1921.


Big Aeroplane From New York May Land This Evening.

Ed Morris is in receipt of a wire from Pilot Dick Phillips, stating that he and LaSarge left New York yesterday morning for Arkansas City in the new S. V. A. aeroplane, which was recently purchased by Mr. Morris. The machine is one of the large type aeroplanes and is capable of making 150 miles per hour. According to this speed, it is estimated that the boys should make the trip from New York to Arkansas City in two days, barring any accidents or forced landings.

Phillips and LaSarge have been in New York for the past ten days assembling the new aeroplane and getting everything in readiness for the trip to Arkansas City.


Mr. and Mrs. Errett Williams have returned from a few days visit to western Kansas. They made the trip in their airplane.



Big Ship Cuts the Air at 150 Miles Per Hour Clip.

Aviators Chauteau and Mayes arrived yesterday afternoon about 3 o’clock from Kearney, Nebraska, leaving that place about 10 o’clock in the morning. They had intended leaving earlier and arrive at Arkansas City about noon, but owing to the fact that they had to test out another aeroplane there, it was impossible to arrive here any earlier. When interviewed in regard to the trip, Aviator Chauteau said the air was ideal yesterday for flying, especially at the altitude of about 1,100 feet, which altitude they flew on this long trip. More than 300 miles were covered in the short time these men were in the air. They reported a very nice time while in Nebraska, where they have been for the past week attending several air frolics.



Army Aviator Will Be Here to Get Government Plane.

Pete Hill, of the Williams-Hill Aeroplane company, is in receipt of a letter from Major Richards, of Houston, Texas, stating that a new 250 horsepower motor was being shipped to this city to be installed in the "Spad" aeroplane, which was left here several days ago on account of engine trouble. Major Richards advised that as soon as the plane was ready to fly, he would come to this city and take it back to Post Field, at Lawton, Oklahoma. Major Richards, who is very well known in this city, sends his best regards to all of his friends and says he expects to see them before long.



Errett Williams Makes Climb Of Over 10,000 Feet Yesterday.

Arkansas Cityans were given some real aeroplane exhibitions yesterday afternoon when Errett Williams took the new Curtiss aeroplane and made a climb test of over 10,000 feet. All eyes on Summit Street were turned towards Mr. Williams when some persons on the street happened to glance into the air and watched the mechanical bird commence to climb. With the naked eye the plane looked about the size of a big bird. The climb required more than 30 minutes to make. However, when it came down it dropped in just a few minutes. Mr. Williams stated the new plane is a dandy and is good for about 100 miles per hour.


Pilot Cecil Lucas returned yesterday from Blackwell with the LaSarge aeroplane, which was purchased there several days ago. The new plane will be added to the fleet of Arkansas City owned ships and will fly out of this territory.



Finney Ice Cream and Creamery Company Take Space on Aeroplane.

The Finney Ice Cream and Creamery company has contracted with the Hume-Lucas Aeroplane for space on the lower wings of the big Standard plane which will be ready to fly this week. The entire wing space on the bottom of the ship will be occupied by an ad for this progressive firm. There is no doubt but that this sign will cover more territory than any other kind of a sign he could put out. Roy Hume advised Saturday the new plane would be ready to fly about Wednesday or Thursday of this week. Just who will pilot the plane is not known yet, as Mr. Hume and Mr. Lucas have not decided.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Wednesday, May 25, 1921.


Lucas-Hume Has a New and Novel Covering Plan.

An innovation in airplane covering.

The Lucas-Hume company, which operates from the field south of the city, has recently completed the remodeling of a Standard plane, which was up all last summer in Arkansas City. The novel feature of the plane is that the fuselage and the motor parts are covered with fabrikord, this work having been done by J. E. Derry.

New wing linen has been put on and underneath the wings. A giant sign in red letters advertises the Finney Ice Cream. This is the second company in Arkansas City to have taken the lower base of airplane wings for advertising space.

The new plane has been up just once since remodeling, and it will be used throughout the summer in commercial work. Walter Beech will pilot the plane during the summer months.

This is the third plane owned by the company, as they have one other Standard and a Curtiss J. N.-4.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Wednesday, May 25, 1921.


Compelled to Make Forced Landing in Eastern Mountains.

Word has been received in the city from Pilot Dick Phillips and Virgil LaSarge, who are flying across country with the Italian S. V. A. plane, that they made a forced landing in Pennsylvania mountains. The wheels were collapsed on the landing. They were able to start again yesterday for Arkansas City.

On the first hop the ship traveled 490 miles. According to this rate, Ed Morris, owner of the plane, expects the plane to arrive in Arkansas City early tomorrow morning. The plane will be housed at the Lucas-Hume field south of the city.



Big Affair Expected to Attract Large Crowd May 29-30.

One of the biggest air frolics in the middle west will be held from the Laird field at Wichita, Sunday, May 29, and Decoration Day. At this time ships from over the entire country will vie with each other for supremacy. The Oriole, Laird, Curtiss, Standard, DeHaviland, and countless other American planes, with some foreign ships, will be entered in the big event.

Roy Hume, of the Lucas-Hume company, announced this morning that his company would enter at least two planes and probably three in the event. Both Standards, one piloted by Walter Beech and the other by Cecil Lucas, are sure to be entered, while it is probable that the Curtiss will be taken to the meet.


Pilots Errett Williams and Pete Hill flew to Wichita this morning, where they will remain over Sunday and take part in the flying frolic on Monday.



Will Attend Flying Frolic in the Peerless Princess.

Mr. and Mrs. Errett Williams left this morning to motor to Wichita, where they will attend the big flying frolic to be held at Laird Field during Sunday and Monday next week. Pilot Pete Hill of the company is planning to leave some time tomorrow with the new Curtiss plane, which will be entered in all the races at the tournament.

This will give a certainty of three planes and a possibility of four from Arkansas City to be entered in the tournament. The Lucas-Hume company is sending two planes to Wichita, and are contemplating sending one other to the meet.

Planes from all over the country will be entered in the meet, coming from as far north as Chicago, with some few in Canada, and many planes from Oklahoma and Texas flying fields have been entered in the meet, according to the dope sent out today by E. M. Laird, of the Laird Aircraft company.



Dick Phillips and Virgil LaSarge are Now in Eastern Indiana.

Dick Phillips and Virgil LaSarge, who recently started on a trip from New York in the S. V. A. Italian plane purchased by Ed Morris of this city, were delayed again, according to a telegram received yesterday afternoon. The wire was sent from a point in Eastern Indiana where they were stopped when they broke the landing gear and propeller.

Early this week the two men were forced to land in the Allegheny mountains and broke the landing gear at that time. The ship was making great time, and on the second day out broke the landing gear again. They were waiting in Indiana for a propeller in order to make the start again.



In Air Frolic There He Takes First in 20 Mile Race.

There was a large crowd of sightseers in attendance at the flying frolic in Wichita Sunday and one of the main events of the day was won by Pilot Cecil Lucas of this city. He won the 20 mile race to Derby and return with an American Curtiss, time 17 minutes, and won the prize of $20. Williams and Hill of this city also took part in the affair at Wichita. There is an interesting program for the air frolic there today. There were many interesting air stunts billed to take place today.



Jack Lightstone Given Publicity at Wichita Flying Frolic.

Jack Lightstone, age 14, of Arkansas City, is one of the youngest pilots in this section of the country. Wichita Sunday Beacon.

Arkansas City’s progress in air frolicing gained another advantage this week when the Wichita newspapers took up the fact that even the youngsters here have taken to the flying game and are making a success of it. Young Lightstone was one of the show attractions at the big flying frolic held at Wichita over the weekend, and was one of the very popular members of the Arkansas City flying team.



Williams-Hill Company Will Sell the Curtiss Plane.

The Williams-Hill Aircraft Company of this city is planning to branch out. This comes from a statement made by Errett Williams in Wichita Sunday when he announced that the Kansas agents for the Curtiss company are planning to open a house in Wichita.

The Williams-Hill company opened up in Arkansas City and have obtained exclusive rights for the sale of Curtiss planes throughout this section of the country. The only plane sold in Wichita at the present time is the Laird, made in Wichita, and the local men feel that the field is ripe for a new company to open.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Wednesday, June 8, 1921.


New Plane for Local Man Left at Dayton, Ohio.

Virgil LaSarge, accompanied by Dick Phillips, who recently started with a S. V. A. plane from New York City belonging to Ed Morris of this city, returned yesterday via the railroad route. The plane is in Dayton, Ohio, for repairs and will be brought to Arkansas City shortly.

The plane will be one of the fastest sky creatures in this part of the country according to LaSarge, and is capable of hitting off around 143 miles an hour. During their flight from New York City, the plane was operating perfectly and save for poor landing fields, it would have come through without any trouble.



Arkansas Threatens Farm Lands in Low Districts.


Squatters Here Forced to Move Homes on Bank.


Rampaging Torrent Gnawing Way at Boundaries Along Arkansas Valley District.

First on the Scene.

The Traveler this morning had a representative out over the Arkansas River, watching for the expected five feet rise in the river which Wichita reported. The trip was made by airplane, Cecil Lucas of the Lucas-Hume field flying the American Curtiss ship owned by Arthur LaSarge. The travelers experienced three rains in their trip, which carried them past Oxford.

Like a giant serpent, winding its way in and about the prosperous Kansas farm lands, the Arkansas River today does not present the view of a peaceful fishing stream, but that of turbulent waters, bent upon delivery destruction to every point. From an altitude of 900 feet the onrushing torrents, sweeping in from the recent Kansas rains and the flood waters in Colorado, appear to be gnawing away at the remaining feet of the bank along the river in an attempt to gain entrance to the fertile farm lands.

Along the entire route between Arkansas City and Wichita the flood waters are tearing down the stream, carrying with them refuse, mud, and rocks, which here and there presents the appearance of a dead animal, sweeping on gaining strength and momentum as it passes every mile marker.

Heading into the northwest with one of June’s "southwesters" to our back, Lucas dropped the plane to a low altitude as the first splotch of river was sighted. Leashing against the sides of the banks, here and there cutting off in small streams into the farm lands where it starts to wash away crops, the river gave its first appearance of being a troublesome factor.

Keeping low, the first rain of the morning was hit, a rain which extended five miles in width, a steady downpour which added greatly to the watery stretch sweeping down on the city. The ship cleared the initial shower just this side of Geuda Springs, and we were again able to watch the rampaging water highway.

At no place along the entire route had the water gained entrance to the lands, but in several places the banks needed just about a foot more rise before they would have given out. Here and there farmers could be seen diligently toiling to get their stock away from the river before it had leaped over its boundaries, carrying with it a huge stock toll.

Just outside of Oxford, the first evidence of what might be the initial onslaught of flood waters appeared. Swirling, making miniature whirlpools along the entire route, the dirty yellow torrents careened on down the river, dealing destruction to every living thing venturing in the way of its mad course.

To our right the flood waters were backing up through a small gully, gnawing away at the remaining space existing between the river and a farmer’s backyard. Hurriedly the farmer and his son were driving from the adjacent fields a herd of holstein cattle. Everything seemed to be happening in a hurry as the river kept on its continual maddening flight down towards the southern agricultural regions of the state.

A sudden turn on the part of the ship took place and it was headed back towards Arkansas City. Pilot Lucas pointed toward the southwest, where huge, black clouds could be seen rolling, sending a constant downpour of rain. Off to the west a lone white cloud, shaped in the form of a funnel, was seen. Lucas cut off the pounding plane and yelled his guess that it was a cloud-burst—water below, water above, and many miles from home.

Returning on the east side of the stream, the west bank looked to be the most dangerous. Through the entire wooded country near Oxford, the water seemed to be ready to dash over the banks at any minute. Whirling huge stones as easily as it regularly carries small sticks, the river presented the appearance of a giant ugly beast ready to deliver destruction at the first unkind touch.

Then we hit the storm. Heading east it was dodged, but the entire country for a width of five miles took a drenching rain. Water could be seen lying over the fields. The river, which had the appearance of having lost some of its vengeance before, seemed refreshed by the drink and sped on in its ghastly carrousel.

At Arkansas City it could be seen that the squatter region was wiped out. A long line of wagons, horses pulling through the mud, dejected looking drivers and occupants, the squatter towners this morning could be seen wending miles onward farther south to drier regions.

Home—and the river still rampaging wearilessly with the vigor necessary to wash away any obstruction. It lashed at bridge supports throughout the city, throwing a murky spray to all sides. Flood fans by the hundreds were on all of the bridges watching the advance of the waters as they rushed in from Colorado and western Kansas lands; and as the giant plane hummed over the bridge, its wings glistening in the sunlight, not a head was turned to watch its course as every flood fan was anxiously watching the bridge, its supports, and the slimy stagnation rushing to the farm lands.

About the middle of the afternoon County Commissioner Carl Dees informed the Traveler that the Arkansas was about four feet above the low water mark and was rising slowly. The Kansas Gas & Electric Co. received a message from the head office at Wichita that the river was on a standstill there. The Walnut this afternoon was up only one foot and was rising slowly. However, on account of the recent heavy rains in Butler County, the Walnut is expected to be higher in a short time. The Arkansas also is expected to be higher at this point sometime tonight or tomorrow.


Pilot Walter Beech returned last night from Caldwell, where he had been on business for the Lucas-Hume Aircraft company. Beech was flying a Lincoln Standard plane.

Pilot Cecil Lucas, the early part of this week, took Arthur "Runt" LaSarge on his first solo trip. LaSarge made perfect landings and his flying was practically perfect all the way, according to bystanders.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Saturday, June 18, 1921.

Pilot Cecil Lucas, of the Lucas-Hume Aircraft company of this city, left this morning for Hutchinson. He took John Huson, boxing referee, to Hutchinson where Huson is to work a fight tonight.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Thursday, June 20, 1921.

Pilot Roberts, of the Lucas & Hume Airplane Co., made a trip to Newton yesterday evening.

Dick Phillips, pilot for Lucas & Hume, flew to Wichita yesterday morning and to Fairfax yesterday afternoon.


Frank Armstrong, parachute jumper for Williams & Hill, arrived here today from Beggs, Oklahoma.


Flies From New York.

Dick Phillips arrived in Arkansas City yesterday afternoon from New York, flying the S. V. A. plane belonging to Ed. Morris. He was forced to land north of town on account of the rain, but the plane will be moved to the Lucas-Hume field south of town for permanent keeping. Phillips made numerous stops on the way home from New York, but his actual flying time is said to have been about fifteen hours.


Ed Morris and Dick Phillips made an air trip to Fairfax yesterday evening.

Cecil Lucas and Errett Williams flew to Burbank with passengers in their planes yesterday.


Errett Williams, Pete Hill, and Frank Armstrong of the Williams & Hill airplane company, will give exhibitions at Augusta and Sedan on the "Fourth of July." Passengers will be carried at both places and Armstrong, who is the company’s parachute jumper, will make two jumps. One will be made at Sedan at 1:30 and another at Augusta at 6:30 Monday afternoon.



Deserter Captured at Vinton Today by Local Officer.


Errett Williams Deputized To Take Prisoner to Fort Leavenworth.

Leaves Here at Noon.

About a month ago, dirty, wearing clothes which did not fit, and showing signs of great weakness and illness, Archie Cavanaugh, at that time one of Uncle Sam’s fighters, arrived for a visit with friends and relatives. Today Archie is dressed well, clean shaven, and smiling. He stepped into the Canuck, owned by the Williams-Hill Aircraft company of this city, and was whisked to the United States disciplinarian barracks at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.

Cavanaugh was encamped at Fort Jesup, Georgia, up until a month ago. He was a model soldier. A month ago he took "French leave" and since that time, with the fifty dollars reward in view, officers over the entire country have been on the lookout for the prisoner.

Deputy Sheriff Fred Eaton received word this morning that Cavanaugh was at the home of relatives near Vinton, and he captured the man there. Cavanaugh had called "enuf" and was waiting for the officer, perfectly willing to return to court martial for hopping out of the army A. W. O. L.

On his return to Arkansas City this morning, Eaton was desirous to return his prisoner to Leavenworth in the quickest possible time. He procured a plane from the Williams-Hill company, and Errett Williams piloted the prisoner through to camp, leaving Arkansas City shortly after noon. This is the first time in the history of this city that a prisoner has been shipped to prison in a plane.

Williams planned to arrive in Leavenworth this evening early and will visit with friends at Fort Riley, returning to Arkansas City sometime tomorrow.


Major H. H. Richards, Lieutenant Rogers, and Private Campbell of Love Field, Texas, are in the city today and left with the Spad plane which has been here for some time for repairs. They will fly the machine to Love Field, Texas.

Aviator Pond was in the city today from Fort Sill, on a visit with Pete Hill.

Errett Williams returned today from Fort Riley, to which place he flew yesterday taking Archie Cavanaugh, a deserter from the army. Williams made the trip to and from the fort in fine shape and he experienced no trouble while en route. He landed here about noon today.



Local Men Believe A. C. Might Get Army Air Station.

"Arkansas City should make an effort to land one of the government air stations which the government is establishing at various points in the country." This statement was made yesterday by one of the men connected with the local airplane industry.

The government is planning to establish a national airways system chiefly for the benefit of the army, with landing places at regular intervals for the accommodation of government planes. Hangars will probably be built at the points selected and other equipment provided for repairing and furnishing supplies to planes in the government service. The fact that Arkansas City already has landing fields, it is pointed out, might serve as an incentive to the government to consider this city as a possible terminal.

According to an article in a recent issue of a Wichita paper, that city has already received word that it has been designated by the war department as an air terminal. It is possible, however, that Arkansas City might still receive consideration if its advantages as an air center were brought to the attention of the government by the businessmen of the city.

In addition to the ordinary air terminals, the war department plans to establish army control stations at various central points. At these place a corps of army and aerial officers and assistants will probably be stationed.


Pilot George Ellers and Mr. Chouteau have returned from a flying trip in the northern part of the state.

J. W. Williams and son, Joe Williams, arrived this morning by automobile from Albany, Misssouri, for a visit with the former’s son, Errett Williams, and wife. Mrs. Williams arrived from Albany last night by railroad.

Art Hill has received a card from Monroe George, who is making an extended trip through the West, written from Cheyenne, Wyoming. Mr. George and his party were preparing to leave for a visit in Yellowstone Park.


Pilot Geo. Ellers, accompanied by Mr. Chouteau, who owns two airplanes, flew to Pawhuska yesterday.


Mrs. Pete Hill and son, Harold, will leave tomorrow for Twin Falls, Idaho, for a visit with her father and mother.

James Hill and Miss Norma Hill of Burbank are here visiting their sister, Mrs. O. L. Easley, and their brothers, Art and Pete Hill.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Wednesday, July 13, 1921.

Walter H. Beech, salesman for the E. M. Laird Co., manufacturers of airships at Wichita, was in the city today on business.


Pilot George Ellers and C. A. Chouteau returned last night from an air trip to San Antonio, Texas. They made the return trip in nine hours’ flying time, coming by the way of Dallas.


Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Lucas expected to leave today for Bella Vista, Arkansas, making the trip in a Curtiss airplane belonging to Arthur LaSarge, which they are taking to him.

Mrs. W. H. Hume, who has been quite sick for several weeks past, is now a patient in the Arkansas City hospital and she is reported to be doing as well as expected at present, though her many friends will regret to learn that she is very ill.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Wednesday, July 20, 1921.

Joe Williams, who is visiting with his brother, Errett Williams, returned this morning from Wichita, where he has spent the last two days.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Thursday, July 21, 1921.

H. E. Chouteau and Pilot, Eugene Roberts, flew to Chandler, Oklahoma, this morning.



Building Destroyed by Fire Has Never Been Replaced.

"What has happened to Arkansas City’s hangars?"

This is one question making the rounds among the businessmen of this city. With the hangars at the Williams-Hill landing field totally abolished by fire, the rumor was circulated that businessmen were out after new fireproof hangars. Since that time nothing has been done.

Several attempts were made by local organizations and various groups of businessmen to handle the matter for new hangars—but nothing was gained from these meetings.

Two factions were operating in the matter and it was never settled.

The city of Emporia, before the hangars burned down, sent representatives here to look over the local field and to make notes on the possibility of a field in Emporia. Since that time hangars have been built and Emporia is firmly established on the air map of Kansas.

At the time the hangars here burned, Arkansas City and Wichita were the only fields in the state boasting permanent housing for ships. Despite the fact that Arkansas 

City has two natural landing fields and a large number of ships, Arkansas City as an air center is losing its prestige.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Saturday, July 23, 1921.

The Williams-Hill Flying Circus of this city will give an airplane exhibition tomorrow at Drury Park. The exhibition will include a parachute drop and acrobatic stunts by Frank Armstrong, daredevil. Passengers will also be carried.


Big Time at Drury.

Pilot Errett Williams of the Williams-Hill Airplane co., of this city, flew to Drury Park Sunday, where he and Frank Armstrong of Ponca City put on an air frolic in the afternoon of that day. There was a large crowd in attendance and the day was perfect for flying. Armstrong made one of the prettiest jumps with the parachute that he has ever staged, it is said, and he leaped from a height of 4,000 feet. There were 1800 people at Drury on Sunday and all had a fine time, according to all reports. The local company plans to put on another such stunt at that place in a few weeks from that date.


Will Fly to Colorado.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Morris will leave the latter part of the week in their airplane for Colorado, where they will attend the flying frolic being held there. The ship will be piloted by Dick Phillips.

One of the main events in the flying frolic to be held there is a twenty mile speedway race—no ships barred. Morris will enter his plane in this event. A stake of $1,000 is up for the winner of this event.



Eugene Roberts, of This City, One of the Dead Men.

Harry Myers and Roberts Were Flying for Large Crowd at Pawnee,

When Fatal Accident Occurred.

Pawnee, Okla., July 29.—Eugene Roberts, Arkansas City, and Harry Myers, local man, were instantly killed yesterday when the airplane in which they were flying crashed and burst into flames. Both bodies were burned practically to a crisp. The plane was a total loss.

The men were flying at an altitude of about 2,000 feet when they suddenly went into a tail spin. Roberts, who was piloting the plane, righted it once but lost control of the ship and headed nose down into the ground. The instant the plane hit the ground, it burst into flames.

The body of Roberts was not burned as badly as that of Myers. Roberts was flying in the rear cockpit and his hands and feet were badly burned—while the body of the local man was burned practically beyond all recognition.


Eugene Roberts was an Arkansas City man, having been in Arkansas City for about two months. He was flying a plane for Chouteau, and had been doing exhibition work all over this section of the country. He was flying from the Lucas-Hume field south of the city.

The plane in which Eugene Roberts was flying July 28, 1921, was a new Lincoln Standard. Roberts was rather leery as to the ship as it was one of the first of such planes he had ever taken up, according to local Arkansas City men. He was in the aviation section of the army, and was discharged just two months ago from Kelly Field, San Antonio, Texas.

Roberts’ home was at Seattle, Washington. He is survived by his mothers, Mrs. V. Roberts, and one sister. They were notified yesterday evening of the accident, and it is probable that the body will be taken to Seattle for burial.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Saturday, August 13, 1921.

Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Derry will return tonight from Los Angeles. Mr. Derry accompanied the body of Eugene Roberts, who was recently killed in an airplane accident, to Seattle, Washington, and then met his wife at Los Angeles, where she has been for some time.



Well Known Church and Club Woman Passed Away Saturday.

Mrs. Ida Dorsey Hume, of 126 North A Street, passed away Saturday evening, July 30, 1921, at 8:45 o’clock, in a local hospital after a severe illness which had lasted a month. For several days prior to her death, she had been in a critical condition and the members of the family had been called to her bedside. Death was not unexpected at this time.

Mrs. Hume was one of the best known and most highly respected women of the entire community and she had resided in this city for a good many years. Coming to the city with her husband, W. H. Hume, and children in 1889, she had since that time made this her home. 

The husband, three children, Miss Mary Hume and Roy D. Hume of this city, and Mrs. Pearl Kroelinger of Florida, two brothers, R. H. Dorsey, of Cisco, Texas, and Albert Dorsey, of Perry, Illinois, and one sister, Mrs. E. D. V. Hall, of Hannibal, Missouri, survive Mrs. Hume. . . .

Mrs. Hume was also one of the oldest members, in point of years of membership, of the Fortnightly club, one of the first women’s clubs to be organized in this city. She had served as secretary of this club continuously since the year 1911 and some time prior to that date, she served three years in the same capacity.

The First Baptist Church, the O. E. S., and the Fortnightly club will greatly miss this good and noble woman from among their membership.


Errett Williams and Frank Armstrong of the Williams-Hill aerial company, were in Drury giving exhibition flights and parachute jumps, and carrying passengers yesterday. They report that there was a crowd of about 1,000 people at Drury for the day. They will probably give flights there again next Sunday.



Local Airplane Owned by Ed Morris is Out After National Fame.

One of Arkansas City’s ships is starting out after national flying prominence.

At the giant air frolic held last week at Denver, Colorado, some of the fastest machines in the country were entered in the races.

The giant S. V. A. ship, owned by Ed Morris, of this city was entered in the twenty-mile free for all event and emerged about one quarter of a mile ahead of the field, an easy winner. Morris will probably enter his plane in other of the air derbys held during the summer and fall months.

The S. V. A. has a speed of 165 miles an hour and is credited with being the fastest air bird in this section of the country. The plane is Italian made and is a facsimile of the famous Italian fighting ships.

[Note: Ed Morris was manager of the A. C. Athletic Club, which handled boxers.

Later the City Commission in Arkansas City took over boxing in the city; and for a time at least, Ed Morris was mentioned as being the manager. It appears that Morris was responsible for the division in the Chamber of Commerce as to which airport should have a hangar; and as a result, nothing was done about building a hangar.]


Pawhuska Plane Crashes.

Henry Mays, aged 28, was seriously injured Thursday when an airplane which he was flying crashed to the ground, carrying with him Arthur Fortune, age 17. Fortune escaped uninjured.

The plane had just "taken off" the ground and reached a height of approximately 200 feet when Mays, who is a local farmer and flyer, lost control when the joist stick broke from the universal socket.

Mays sustained internal injuries, his chest being badly crushed, and his head cut. He may lose his eyesight.

Henry Mays, aviator, was flying a machine owned by his brother, who taught him to fly four months ago. Pawnee Courier-Dispatch.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Saturday, August 6, 1921.


Businessmen Are Anxious To Have the Matter Settled.

A hush surrounds the contemplated new hangars, which according to reports of many months ago, were to be erected.

Local businessmen now are beginning to warm up to the question. At the time the old hangars were burned at the Williams-Hill field north of the city, work was started immediately to collect funds for the erection of fire proof hangars. And that is where the matter stopped.

Now the question of why the matter has been stopped, what Arkansas City plans to do, and other matters relating to the hangars has arisen. Merchants are beginning to wonder; in fact, several of them were solicited for funds for the new hangars, and there are no hangars.

"With the big aircraft company at Wichita and constant flying to and from southern points, Arkansas City should be well established on the air routes. This is a matter which should be taken up by the businessmen of the city, as flying is here to stay," was a statement made today by one of the local flying enthusiasts.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Saturday, August 6, 1921.


Matty Laird and Walter Beech Fly to City from Wichita.

Matty Laird of the Laird Aircraft Company of Wichita, and Walter Beech, of the same company, flew to Arkansas City yesterday afternoon from Wichita. They brought John Huson, boxing referee, here for last evening’s fracas.

The men are flying one of the latest of the Laird Swallows to be turned out by the company. The ship, according to the pilots, is the best thing having been turned out by the company and has more speed than any other ship ever turned out in Wichita.

The Laird company is making extensive plans for the air game in Wichita. A new fifty thousand dollar manufacturing plant is being constructed at the landing field on North Hillside avenue, and on top of that the Laird Field has been selected as one of the sites for United States air mail service, with a central distributing point out of Wichita.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Friday, August 12, 1921.


Local Company Closes Deal For Celebration in September.

Pete Hill, of the Williams-Hill Aircraft company, returned last evening from the 101 Ranch, near Bliss, Oklahoma, where he closed a contract for the local company to fly there during the big celebration the early part of September. The Arkansas Cityans will do stunt work during this celebration.

Arrangements for the celebration at the big ranch are being made now; and according to the advance information, it will be one of the biggest affairs of its kind in this section of the country. Besides the big Indian pow-wow which is to be held during that time, the ranch will entertain as guests the king and queen of Rumania, Douglas Fairbanks, the athletic actor, and his demure wife, Mary Pickford. Then, luminaries in the heavyweight world, "Jack Dempsey," king of sockers, and Jess Willard, ex-king of dream punchers, will both be in on the several days of good times.

The entire performance is being put on by the Miller Brothers, owners of the ranch. The Indian round-up at this time will include tribe dances from several of the tribes present. It is probable that this affair will be attended by people from over the entire southwestern section of the United States.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Saturday, August 13, 1921.

Cecil Lucas made an aerial trip to Grainola today.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Saturday, August 13, 1921.

Wins Airplane Events.

Art Hill today received a message from Errett Williams, who is entered in the air frolic at Concordia this week, stating that he had won two prizes in the air race events there. One was the handicap and the other was the take-off and landing for a mark. For the winning of each of these events, he received a nice loving cup, which he will bring home with him. This is more evidence that Arkansas City flyers are still in the ring and are capable of handling their machines in all kinds of events.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Tuesday, August 16, 1921.


Government Airships From Post Field to Use South Landing Field.

Ten government airplanes from Post Field, Fort Sill, Oklahoma, will visit Arkansas City tomorrow, according to information received today by the Lucas-Hume Airplane Co., from the headquarters of the air service observation school at Post Field.

Two formations of five DeHaviland planes each, will constitute the group of government ships which will fly here. The officers at Post Field have accepted the invitation of Lucas and Hume to use the south field here as a landing place. This field is located a mile and a half south of the city. The planes will arrive tomorrow and remain overnight, returning to Post Field Thursday.

About 500 gallons of gasoline and 40 quarts of oil were ordered placed on the field for the use of the government planes. These supplies will be furnished by the Ark Superior Oil Co. of this city. A supply officer and two mechanics were to arrive today to make all neces-sary arrangements for the reception of the flyers. There will be about twenty-three men in all in the expedition.

A second flight by the same number of ships will be made to Arkansas City on August 24, which is a week from tomorrow.

The fact that the officers at Post Field chose Arkansas City as the objective of this practice flight is considered by local airmen a testimonial to Arkansas City’s standing as an air center. The south field contains ample accommodations for receiving the ten planes and the management of the field is making every effort to give the visiting flyers a suitable reception. It is possible that the Chamber of Commerce will arrange for a dance or similar function in honor of the government aviators.

It is pointed out that the use of the local aerial facilities by the government flyers might result in the designation of this city as a regular government air terminal. The government is establishing such terminals in various parts of the country, and it is thought that if the businessmen and organizations of this city urged the advantages of Arkansas City upon the government strongly enough, this city might yet be awarded one of the government stations.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Tuesday, August 16, 1921..


Errett Williams Returns With Three Cups From Concordia Meet.

Errett Williams, one of the pilots of the Williams-Hill Aircraft company of this city, walked away with the lion’s share of honors at the interstate aviation meet held at Concordia, Kansas. Williams pulled down three firsts during the meet, and brought out three silver loving cups as trophies.

Williams placed first in the spot landing contest, the hurdle jump, and the cross country handicap event. He was pitted against fourteen of the crack pilots in this section of the country, most of whom were flying costly ships. Williams was flying a Curtiss J. N. 4C, which he said last night cost $1,500.

In the spot landing contest, the ships were sent up one thousand feet and the motors were cut off. They then made the landing. Williams dropped within nine feet of the landing spot.

In the hurdle race the ships were sent over a five foot hurdle, and without using controls, attempted to effect a stop. Williams won this event, stopping within one hundred and sixteen feet of the hurdle.

The handicap was competed in by fourteen ships. Williams in this event made fourteen and a half miles in 10 minutes and 8 seconds.

The cups returned to Arkansas City by Williams, are on exhibit now at the Sweet Shop in the Osage Hotel.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Thursday, August 18, 1921.

Fly to Concordia.

Errett Williams, of the Williams-Hill Aircraft company, of this city, and Pilot Mays, who is flying for Chouteau, the Oklahoman, left yesterday afternoon for Concordia, Kansas. They will land at Cloud Field there.

The two men will meet with the northern Kansans in an attempt to help lay out plans for steel hangars and a metropolitan flying field. Williams was in Concordia last week, at the interstate flying meet, at which time he emerged with three silver cups.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Wednesday, August 24, 1921.

Williams Scores Hit.

Arkansas City’s flying is being boosted.

Recently Errett Williams, of the Williams-Hill Aircraft company, entered a meet at Concordia, Kansas. He was practically a stranger and has walked away with three of the prize cups.

Now comes the report from the native Concordians that Williams was "the show." According to a communication received here today, Williams’ work in the air and his general flying knowledge helped to a large extent to make the air show a success.

Williams is now in an air frolic in Nebraska and from there he will go onto Montana.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Thursday, August 18, 1921.


Dazzled at Arkansas City’s Education of Flying.

Army Men Praise the City.—Give It a Chance to Lead in the Flying Game.

Hopping off at fifteen minute intervals, the twelve DeHaviland ships, in the squadron from Post Field, left Arkansas City this morning, starting at 8:30 o’clock. The ships were headed back to Post Field.

Another squadron of air men will arrive in Arkansas City on Friday, on another short test flight.

Arkansas City entertained last night.

Thirteen visiting pilots, with about the same number of machines, were guests of honor at the Junior Chamber of Commerce at a dinner held last evening at the Osage Hotel banquet room. The pilots voiced the time old sentiment of Arkansas City’s graciousness in showing entertainment for visitors to the city.

Although the entertainment last night was raised in rather a hurry, the junior chamber taking the affair in hand at a late hour last evening, the dinner was a success, from food to talks.

In greeting the visiting aviators, Stanley Spencer, president of the junior organization, said just a few words of greeting and then passed on the comments of O. B. Seyster, secretary of the senior Chamber of Commerce.

"It is unnecessary to present you fellows with the keys to the city. You do not need them, as you come into a city without keys. We are glad you are here."

The fact that Arkansas City was one of the first towns in the state to play to aviation was touched upon by Seyster, who laid out the scheme for air development as promulgated by local businessmen and flyers.

"The entertainment you men have shown us tonight is the greatest I have ever seen in the country, and I have flown in a great many parts of the country. Aviation is not an experiment and we realize this, but we must convey this to the average laymen in the aviation game. We fly all over Post Field, and make about 20,000 landings a day—with very few fatalities. What we need for national commercial flying is landing fields, and the cities taking hold of this proposition first will get on the air routes. I am glad to see Arkansas City adopt the air game as much as they have," was the response of Major Lanthier, who was in charge of the visiting squadron."

"As has been the custom in all times, the superintendent of schools is always the goat and must talk. I have paid little attention to the aviation game, because I am always dealing with a class of people who are up in the air, so steer clear of flying. However, I am for aviation," was the statement made by C. E. St. John, superintendent of schools.

Captain Mileau, air surgeon traveling with the squadron, was called upon and for just a few minutes talked upon the latest discovery in air surgery, that of the amount of oxygen consumed by pilots in the air, and the amount necessary.

Not to forget the enlisted men, Stanley Spencer, who at one time was a doughboy, called upon Mechanic Campous, a little Italian, who is rapidly advancing in the game. In broken English, the little fellow laid out his vision of the air game, which coincided with that vision seen by all men actively interested in the furtherance of the game.

Pete Hill, local pilot, gave a brief sketch of the Kansas state law for aircraft, emphasizing the principal features of landing fields and stunt flying over the city.

"We want Arkansas City to mark the name of its town on a prominent depot. This is the first town we have asked in Kansas, and this will improve the flying game. Large white letters may be seen from distances up to 10,000 feet, and Arkansas City will be taking the initiative in this move," was the request of Major Lanthier.

Pete Hill was appointed chairman of a committee to go after this matter immediately. Major Lanthier is the originator of this idea, which will make the air traffic similar to a railroad system, and will protect flying in case of bad storms, in that they will know where and when to land.

Following the dinner at the Osage, the pilots and mechanics were invited to attend a line party at the Rex theatre, as the guest of J. R. Burford, manager of the theatre.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Friday, August 19, 1921.


Attempt to Get on Air Lines Resembles Early Days of Railroads.

"What we need to make commercial flying a success is landing fields. The towns taking first action on this matter will be on the air routes." [Major Lanthier, who was in charge of the flying squadron that recently landed in Arkansas City.]

An air route—the future railroad of the country.

The matter was cited the other evening at the session of flyers, that when railroads first came into existence, the various towns fought with each other, bitter feuds arose, over the route of the railroad. It was the town to first realize the value which got the railroad.

Air traffic is a similar affair. From the first invention of a sky-going vessel (with a motor) through the various inventions of the Wright Brothers, and then the war with every country using a fleet of air vessels—following which there came that test of commercial flying.

The dawning is just ahead where the plane will supplant the railroad, the ship, and the motor conveyance. The airplane capitalists are now mapping their routes.

Arkansas City has two landing fields: in fact, two of the best landing fields in this part of the country—but Arkansas City needs hangars.

There were hangars here—on the Williams-Hill field—when fire set in and the hangars were gone, ten ships were gone, just after they had been completed. There was an immediate hurry and scurry about town for the erection of the hangars—and then it stopped. Nothing further has been heard of building hangars.

Concordia, Kansas, a little town in the northern part of the state, is figuring on hangars—Emporia has them, Wichita, with its big Laird field and factory, have hangars—and Arkansas City was one of the first air towns in the state.

Local businessmen are beginning to wonder what has happened to the hangar proposition. Many of them are more than willing to help put up hangars to put Arkansas City on the map, because Arkansas City is a logical point for an air field, being on a direct point south.

Arkansas City has the landing field and government men consider Arkansas City as a strong point—but with hangars—there would be no question but what Arkansas City would reach the pinnacle of success in the air game in this part of the country.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Friday, August 26, 1921.

Army Planes Here.

Three army DeHaviland planes landed in Arkansas City yesterday afternoon, making the landing at the Williams-Hill field north of the city. From here they proceeded to Post Field. Two of the ships were flown here from Hutchinson and the other one dropped in from El Dorado. They were part of the squadron which visited in Wichita this week.

The flyers who were here yesterday were Lieuts. J. T. Morris, W. G. Smith, G. H. Schulz, and Capt. John L. Loomis.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Wednesday, August 31, 1921.


Ten Planes and Twenty-five Service Men From Fort Sill, Oklahoma.

Lucas and Hume, of the south side landing field, last night received a message from Fort Sill, Oklahoma, to the effect that there would be a number of airplanes arriving here today from Post Field, and in accordance with the message, the planes arrived here this afternoon. The party landed on the field south of the city and there will be a number of the men in the city this evening, it is planned, and they will be entertained with a dinner at the Osage Hotel. Lucas and Hume will be the hosts of this affair, and there is a fine time in store for the visitors, it is said.

Major Howard was in charge of the party of airmen here today and there were 25 officers and men in the squad. There were 10 planes in all and some of them were seen flying over the city this afternoon. The Post Field men seem to be in love with Arkansas City, as on several occasions recently they have landed here and spent the night while out over the country on trial trips. And it is also said that they can get the best gasoline and oil here that there is to be found anyplace in the country.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Thursday, September 1, 1921.


Post Field Men Given a Royal Welcome Here Last Night.

Fifteen visiting pilots last evening were the guests of the Arkansas City Chamber of Commerce at a luncheon given at the Osage Hotel banquet room. About twenty-five members of the local club were present at the meeting.

F. O. Thomas, president of the Arkansas City Aerial company, presided at the meeting last night. He called upon several of the local men for short talks, and several of the visiting officers were asked to address the meeting.

Major Howard, who was in charge of the squadron here, complimented Arkansas City on its interest in aviation, and also upon the excellent flying field available here for visiting pilots. He stated that the field here was one of the best fields they had ever landed on, outside of an army field.

Following the dinner at the Osage Hotel, the men were entertained at the Country Club.

The flyers, in nine DeHaviland ships, left for the Lucas-Hume field this morning on their return trip to Post Field.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Monday, September 5, 1921.


Crowd to 101 Ranch Sunday Encountered Storm On The Way.

The downpour of rain stopped many Arkansas City people yesterday who were bound for Ponca City and the 101 ranch; and a lot of the enjoyment was taken out of the trip for many who had gone too far to turn back when the outburst came.

The rain put the damper on the doings at the ranch. The only events which took place were the parade and the Indian war dance. The roads leading to the Miller Bros. ranch were oiled for a short distance in every direction; and where the water could not run off, it stood in puddles and veritable lakes. Small cars were forced to the edge of the road to let the leviathans of the highway wallow through.

The rain did not extend north of Arkansas City. However, it rained east of here, quite a little, it is said. The rain here did not amount to much, but it served to cool the air somewhat.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Wednesday, September 7, 1921.


Parts of Government Planes Sent Here To Be Repaired and Built.

By strides Arkansas City is leaping into the limelight in the aviation game.

The latest acquisition of the city is an airplane assembling plant—that is, a plant where old planes are rebuilt. The company doing the work is known as the Mays-Chouteau Aircraft Company, with offices on East Central Avenue.

The first materials were received yesterday from the United States government, shipped from Kelly Field, San Antonio, Texas. The shipments yesterday were of wings and fuselages and composed two car loads.

A great bit of the material shipped yesterday was salvaged materials coming from planes which were used overseas by the various airmen from over the world. Highly camouflaged, the wings made a peculiar looking sight parked in the rear of the building on East Central Avenue.

Parts of two German Fokkers, a Gnome scout, three American DeHaviland wings from a Spad, and another DeHaviland were in the shipments. The machines are to be equipped with Curtiss OX and Hispano-Suiza motors which have been already ordered.

No estimate was made as to the length of time it will take to set up these ships, but they will be set up here and will go up from one of the local landing fields.

Charles Mays, one of the proprietors, is flying now with Errett Williams and H. E. Chouteau has had several ships flying for him. Mr. Chouteau is one of the proprietors of the Re Nu Tire Company.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Friday, September 16, 1921.

Three Army Aviators Killed.

Dallas, Texas, September 16.—Lieut. Armstrong and two enlisted men, Sergeants Gibson and White, from Post Field, Fort Sill, Oklahoma, were instantly killed at Love Field, Dallas, this afternoon when a big army DeHaviland observation plane in which they were flying went into a spin at an altitude of only about 150 feet and crashed to earth. The machine burst into flames just as it struck the ground, and the bodies of the three men were badly burned.

Home addresses of the victims were not available early this afternoon. The fliers had just taken off at Love Field preparatory to a return flight to Post Field when the big machine shuddered, started to spin, and fell. Love Field officers said the cause of the accident had not been determined.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Wednesday, October 5, 1921.

Hill Sells Airplane.

Pete Hill, of this city, yesterday sold to Mr. Monroe of Kansas City, a new J. M. 4-D Curtiss airplane. The plane will be delivered to Kansas City by Mr. Hill in the near future. Mr. Monroe is in the city at present and is engaged in setting up the X-ray machine in the new offices of Drs. McKay, Day, and Douglass.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Wednesday, October 5, 1921.

Mr. and Mrs. Errett Williams motored to Wichita yesterday to take in the wheat show and the fair for several days.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Thursday, October 6, 1921.

Pete Hill returned today from a trip by airplane to Okmulgee, Oklahoma, to which place he carried a passenger yesterday. He flew to this city from that place, which is something over 125 miles from here, this morning in 58 minutes. The trip to and from that city was made without a mishap of any sort and Mr. Hill reports that flying was fine.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Friday, October 7, 1921.


The Arkansas City Party Flew to the State Meeting.

Part of the Arkansas City delegation came by air to the American League state convention held at Hutchinson recently. Cecil Lucas drove his airplane over and was accompanied by his wife, Dr. R. C. Young, and Dr. C. Berger.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Saturday, October 8, 1921.


Today in the law office of W. L. Cunningham, depositions were being taken in the case of the Williams-Hill Airplane Co., of this city, in their suit for the recovery of insurance on the loss sustained by that firm in the burning of the hangar building north of the city some months ago.

The case is in the Jackson County Court, Missouri, in Kansas City and an attorney was here from that place to take the depositions. The testimony of witnesses was taken here before Justice of the Peace G. H. McIntire, who is a notary. It is said that the work of taking depositions here will continue into next week.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Saturday, October 22, 1921.

At the joint session of the Business Women’s Club and the Junior Chamber of Commerce, O. B. Seyster reported that the Santa Fe did not care to have the sign, "Arkansas City," painted on the roof of the freight depot here, for the benefit of the airplane men, and he said the club would have to look for another roof, on which to light.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Monday, October 31, 1921.

Pete Hill left this noon in his airplane to fly to Kansas City to attend the American Legion Annual Convention, being held in that city this year.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Tuesday, November 1, 1921.

Aviator Cecil Lucas left this morning in his machine for Kansas City to enter the races, which are an American Legion event, this afternoon.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Thursday, November 3, 1921.

Mr. and Mrs. Errett Williams, who flew to Kansas City, got back last night by the air route.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Wednesday, November 16, 1921.


Liberal, Kansas, Entertains Large Crowd and Establishes a Field.

Pete Hill, Cecil Lucas, and Charles Mayes, well known Arkansas City aviators, returned today from Liberal, Kansas, where they have been to attend a flying frolic and from which place they carried home the greater part of the bacon. In the contests there the A. C. men won some nice prizes and also made a decided hit with the large crowd in attendance. There were 11 planes at the frolic and 4 of them were from this city. The events were held on Nov. 12 and 13. The affair was staged by the chamber of commerce of that city, which is backing a proposition for a landing field there, on the nice level ground near the city. They are also going to erect a ten plane hangar there at once.

Here is what the Arkansas City boys won there in the way of prizes.

On the first day Lucas took first place in the 30 mile Curtiss race and Hill was second in the race.

On the same day the first prize in the Lincoln Standard and Laird race, was won by Mayes.

On the second day Lucas took second place in the spot landing and Mayes won first in the 50 mile handicap. There were no accidents of any kind to mar the events of the two days, the local boys report.

The field at Liberal is one of the finest that has yet been established in the state, according to Aviator Hill. It occupies a space of two hundred and forty acres of land that is a flat plain, which makes it a very advantageous landing for all air craft. This field was established under the law that was passed by the Kansas legislature last winter, and which was introduced by Senator R. C. Howard, of Arkansas City. All the regulations provided by this law have been strictly observed in the construction of the Liberal field.

Each pilot was supplied with a copy of the law and required to be guided thereby. Copies of the law were also distributed among the spectators who attended the two days frolic there.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Tuesday, November 22, 1921.


Pete Hill and Charlie Mayse flew to Guthrie yesterday, where they were called by the Guthrie Chamber of Commerce, to promote a flying frolic for the first Sunday next month, December 4. They are expected home tomorrow or next day.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Wednesday, November 23, 1921.


Big Event for Guthrie Scheduled for December 2 by Hill & Mayse.

Pete Hill, who with Charlie Mayse, flew to Guthrie yestesrday morning, returned last night by train, and reported this morning that he had got the work of underwriting the proposed frolic at Guthrie under way. Mayse with the machine flew on to Oklahoma City to look after some minor matters for the Hill-Mayse company and will return with the machine shortly.

The frolic at Guthrie, for which arrangements are now under way, is to be held on December 4. To put the frolic over requires the raising of $2,000 by the business interests of Guthrie through that city’s chamber of commerce, $1,000 of which goes for prizes, $600 to Hill and Mayse for aerial stunts, and the balance for advertising and other expenses.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Monday, November 28, 1921.


Representative of Curtiss Corporation Visits with Pete Hill.

Capt. S. C. Coon, of Love Field, Dallas, Texas, was in the city this morning, on a visit with Pete Hill and other local airplane pilots. Capt. Coon is a representative of the Curtiss Airplane & Motor Corporation of Dallas, and Pete Hill is the Kansas distributor for the Curtiss company. The two men had a pleasant visit together and they discussed the outlook for the airplane business in this section of the country.

Captain Coon has recently been instrumental in establishing the air police force at Dallas, and this is the second of the kind to be established in the United States. The first one was in New York City. He says the air police force at Dallas is now in fine working order. He carries some nice photos of the machines and the police force in that city.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Monday, November 28, 1921.


Winfield Lawyer Took Airship to Tulsa to File Papers.

Necessity that papers be filed before the close of court offices on a certain day, and that being the day, took Lucius Moore of Winfield into his first flight in an airship Wednesday, it transpires. The papers were to be filed at Tulsa. Learning that he could not get to that town in time to file the papers, Lucius went to Arkansas City and hired a flyer to take him over to the oil town.

The voyage by air usually takes but an hour and twenty minutes, it is said. The day being cloudy, however, the pilot could not see his landmarks, and so lost his direction. He made a landing in a big pasture in order to inquire the way. Tulsa was twenty-five miles to the southeast, he was told. A second flight and a second landing was made before he got to his marks again. The voyage was thus drawn out to two hours and a half. But the papers were filed in time. Winfield Courier.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Tuesday, November 29, 1921.


Government Making Inquiries Through Reserve Military Aviators.

Beachy Musselman, who is one of the several reserve military aviators in this city, has received a letter from the government making inquiries into the possibilities of locating a reserve squadron of the national guard at this place. The inquiries were with reference to local aviation situation, whether or not the city had a hangar and field, number of reserve military aviators located here, and other information, which clearly indicates, according to both Messrs. Musselman and Hill, what the government has in mind with reference to selecting Arkansas City as a suitable location for a flying squadron of the national guard.

Aviator Hill thinks this matter should interest this city and that it should demand the attention of the chamber of commerce at an early date, as it could immediately secure several ships for such a squadron; but that it would be necessary to have a hangar before anything could be done. He stated that not only would it be a big advertisement for Arkansas City, but it would mean a payroll with government money, employing a number of mechanics.

He further states that such military squadrons, when possible, work in conjunction with field batteries, and that such relations could be made here with the field battery now being organized.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Tuesday, November 29, 1921.

Weather Stopped Flights.

Pete Hill, the local aviator, with his Curtiss machine, and Walter Beech, of Wichita, with his Laird machine, flew to Leon, Kansas, Saturday, returning Sunday. They had an engagement there to take passengers on a flight, but the bad weather interfered to quite an extent.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Friday, December 2, 1921.


Hill and Lucas Interests Unite for Aviation Field—Propose Squadron.

A meeting was held last evening at the office of the Hill-Mayse Aviation Company, at which both the Hill-Mayse and Lucas-Hume interests were represented, with the result that these two companies got together on a proposition of consolidating their aviation interests in regard to the locating of a field and building a hangar.

As a consequence, the matter was this afternoon taken up with the chamber of commerce with a view to settling the matter of a field location, the local aviation interests having fully agreed to accept whatever decision might be arrived at by the chamber of commerce.

There are at present two fields here: the Hill-Mayse field just north of town, and the Lucas-Hume field two miles south of town. According to the action taken by the parties interested, one of these fields is to be abolished and one retained for future developments.

At the meeting this afternoon Pete Hill, and his brother, Art Hill, and Cecil Lucas and Roy Hume discussed the matter with Secretary Seyster and the aviation committee, consisting of Ralph Oldroyd, Ralph Sowden, and Chas. Spencer, and it was put up to the committee to make an investigation of the proposed locations and report later.

The matter of securing a hangar was also discussed. Mr. Hill suggested that the field could be established and a hangar built under state supervision and supported by taxation. However, no definite action was taken in this matter at this time. The location is the first proposition that is to be settled.

Another important proposition was brought out at this meeting. Mr. Hill gave out the information that Captain Coon, head of the Curtiss organization at Dallas, Texas, who had been instrumental in securing an aerial squadron of the national guard at New York City, and later at Dallas, Texas, and who recently visited Arkansas City, had suggested the idea of an aerial police force for this city. Mr. Hill had taken up this matter with Mayor Hunt a few days ago with the result that the mayor had appointed Mr. Hill as chief, and empowered him to appoint his own deputies. The confirmation of this appointment was to be made this afternoon so that the securing of such a squadron seems to be well on the way.

In case the government cooperated with the city in this matter and establishes the proposed unit of the national guard here, Arkansas City will be the third city in the United States to secure an aerial squadron. It is further pointed out that such a squadron could act in conjunction with the battery of field artillery for which recruiting is now in process.

In order to secure the aerial squadron, Mr. Hill pointed out that it would be necessary to have a hangar, and this matter will be taken up as soon as the matter of location has been settled. The local aviators are enthusiastic over the proposition and hope to push the matter to a successful conclusion.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Thursday, December 1, 1921.


At Post Field Kills 4.—Will Be Fully Investigated.

Lawton, Okla., Dec. 1.—An investigation will be conducted at once into the airplane crash at Post Field, near here late yesterday, which resulted in the death of four army aviators according to officials at the field today. Home addresses of the four airmen killed were announced this morning. They are:

Captain John T. Loomis, 206 Waugh Street, Columbia, Missouri.

Lieut. Jack T. Lanfall, Chicago.

Private Hubbard, Armstrong, Iowa.

Private B. A. Smith, Palmetto, Florida.

The fliers were killed when the two planes in which they were doing combat work collided at an estimated elevation of 2,000 feet and crashed to the earth a half mile east of the field. As the planes struck the earth, the gasoline tanks exploded and the wreckage was burned. The bodies were charred beyond recognition.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Thursday, December 15, 1921.


Pete Hill Has Certificate Which Permits Him To Fly Anywhere.

Wilbur H. Hill, better known as "Pete" Hill, is now a member of the Aero Club of America, having just received his certificate of membership, which is No. 5044. The club is a part of the international federation of aviators, and permits Mr. Hill to fly in European countries as well as in the United States and Canada. After the first of the year these certificates will be compulsory before an aviator will be permitted to fly anywhere, according to Mr. Hill.

Mr. Hill has been appointed as the official representative of the club here. As such an official, he is empowered to qualify any aviator as a pilot who passes the required tests. He can also observe any tests, such as altitude flights or any aerial event, and his record will be official.

Mr. Hill is the first member to join the Aero Club of America from Arkansas City. It was for the reason that Arkansas City was not represented in the club membership that this city could not participate in the aerial events at Kansas City during the American Legion convention there. Mr. Hill is now in a position where he can attend any national or international event and enter as a contestant.

Mr. Hill is naturally proud of his membership certificate, which is in the shape of a little booklet containing his photograph together with other data and a statement which is printed in six or seven different languages.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Friday, December 16, 1921.


Committee Report Made Yesterday Recommends North Site for Planes.

The committee recently appointed by the Chamber of Commerce to make recommendations with reference to the location of the aviation grounds made its report yesterday. The committee consisted of Ralph Oldroyd, Ralph Sowden, and Chas. Spencer, and they recommended the selection of the north site to the aviation interests.

The aviation interests had recently put together with a view to consolidating the two fields and all parties interested agreed to stand by the decision of a committee, which was accordingly selected, and who submitted their findings yesterday.

The principal reason assigned by the committee for the selection of the north field were:

That it was two miles closer to the city than the south field.

That it was directly on the rock road.

That it was directly on the interurban road.

That it was opposite the Empire Refining company’s gas plant, which gives the landing place a distinct identification for aviators.

That city water, light, and phone service were all available there.

Another advantageous feature not mentioned in the committee’s report, is the matter of advertising on the hangar when such a building has been secured. The north location is exceedingly fine for this purpose and there was a big demand for this form of advertising before the first hangar was destroyed by fire.

Further, the north location is considered especially advantageous as an advertisement for Arkansas City, the grounds being on and in view of several of the principal roads leading into the city.

Since the introduction of aviation, this field has been identified as a landing place, and is most widely known to aviators as such.

The aviation interests, according to report, are all thoroughly satisfied with the committee’s recommendations and will be guided thereby in future developments. They hope to secure a hangar by spring.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Friday, December 30, 1921.


Aeroplane Interests Getting Ready To Start Work In January.

Cecil Lucas and Roy Hume have moved their planes and equipment from the south field to the north field, this being the site selected recently by a committee representing the aeroplane interests for a permanent field. Plans are now being arranged for the construction of a new hangar on this site, on which it is the intention to start work immediately after the new year. Contractor L. M. Biggs is drawing the plans for the hangar, and everything is expected to be ready for the prosecution of the work early in January.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Friday, December 30, 1921.

Government Plane Landed Here.

C. P. Prime, first lieutenant, from the Post Field at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, the government aeroplane service, with his sergeant, flying in a DeHaviland plane, landed in the Arkansas City field Wednesday en route to Topeka. Pete Hill received a wire this morning that they would land about one o’clock here today for gas and oil, on the home trip.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Saturday, December 31, 1921.


Remains in the Air 59 Seconds on Dec. 17, 1903.

Accomplished Continuous Flight of 26 Hours, 19 Minutes, and 35 Seconds,

December 30, 1921.

New York, Dec. 31. (A. P.)—Man’s first feeble flutter in his conquest of the air lifted him aloft for the fleeting period of fifty-nine seconds. Eighteen years later he soared eagle-like through space for twenty-six and one third hours.

When Wilbur Wright, in a heavier than air machine flew 852 feet at Kitty Hawk on December 17, 1903, that feat was pronounced one of the marvels of the century. The whole world rang with the accomplishment.

Yesterday a monoplane, piloted by Edward Stinson, accompanied by Lloyd Bertaud, a mechanician, finished a continuous flight of 26 hours, 29 minutes, 35 second. In 18 years a span of less than a minute has been stretched to more than a day and a night. Let the marvelous performance at Mineola be heralded as simply the breaking of a world’s endurance flight in aviation.

While the advance in the science of flying has been both rapid and startling, when the period involved is considered, a careful analysis shows that the progress came not by leaps and bounds, but rather through hundreds of experiments, sacrificed lives, and determination seldom devoted to similar projects.

Five years after Wright’s flight, he still held the world’s record with seventy seven miles made in two hours, twenty minutes, and twenty three seconds at Anvours, France.

Two years before that A. Santos Dumont covered 720 feet in the first flight ever made in Europe. In 1909 Henry Farman had gained the flying honors for France with a flight of 137 miles in four hours, six minutes, 25 seconds.

Just a decade after Wright had made his first "hop off," national and international flying races for famous trophies were the vogue in both Europe and America.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Saturday, January 7, 1922.


Aviation Interests Taking Matter Up With Chamber of Commerce.

The matter of securing a hangar for the aviation field here has been taken up with the chamber of commerce. Up to the present time the matter has not progressed further than a discussion of the kind of a hangar to construct, the object being to get a hangar that will meet all the needs required, at the least possible expense. the consensus of opinion seems to favor a hangar of the same size and patterned largely after the one that was destroyed by fire. It is estimated that the cost could be reduced about $1,000 lower than the original building by using corrugated iron for the sides and roof, instead of wood, and also by reducing the height about four feet. Such a hangar could accommodate ten ships. Another meeting will be called with the chamber of commerce soon, probably some time next week; and it is the intention to push the matter through at the earliest possible time. The hangar is badly needed for the reason that the covering on the ships deteriorate very rapidly from continuous exposure to the atmosphere. The cost will not be large and a nice income will be derived from the rental of advertising space on the walls and roof of the building.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Tuesday, January 10, 1922.


Proposed Aerial Route From Kansas City to Houston, Texas.

Don Smith, a government man from Washington, D. C., was in the city yesterday looking over this field on a government survey for the purpose of locating a route for aeroplane service between Kansas City, Missouri, and Dallas and Houston, Texas. Arkansas City is directly on the proposed route. He had contracts and leases with him for the route and landing fields, also markers, consisting of round circles painted with radium paint so as to be seen at night. Further information in regard to establishing this route will be forthcoming in the near future.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Wednesday, January 11, 1922.


First of Series of Articles on Subject by Pete Hill.

The following is the first of a series of articles on the aircraft situation, aviation, and its possibilities, for the purpose of stimulating aeronautical interest and to enlighten the people of this city and vicinity as to what can be accomplished here and touching on the subject of the airplane, its birth and development, and air ports, written by Pete Hill, of this city.

The aerial life of two and one half years successful operation; the aerial forest patrol, which is credited with saving a larger amount in standing timber than was appropriated for the entire air service: aerial policing, in which Arkansas City stands as the third city in the United States to adopt; the employment of planes in newspaper, motion picture, and advertising work; aerial photography in its many ramifications; map making and surveying; exploration; timber cruising; first spotting and the saving of life and property at sea.

That of aerial transport, which has for its chief aim the fulfillment of transportation demands not met by the railroad train or the steamship is destined within the next few years to be the most important feature of aeronautics. Therefore, it is given precedence by the present wide-awake men of today, although it has scarcely had time to be established.

When the terrible effectiveness of the aerial warfare was revealed during the conflict with Germany, it became apparent to both civil and military leaders among the allies, that, no matter what the outcome of the struggle then in progress, the first—and possibly the last—

battle of the next war would be fought in the air. For they recognized in aircraft a swift universal system of transport instantly convertible into vehicles of destruction.

The aircraft industry, abruptly divorced from military activity, struggled to establish itself in commerce. Flying utilized in warfare, when the nation’s needs overrides all else, is one thing; the art applied to peace when profit and loss and public safety govern, is quite another.

Modern business development depends largely upon credit and insurance, while permanent success in the operation of any transportation enterprise can be assured only if the public is protected against injury or property damage that may be caused by the use of unfit equipment or unskilled crews, or both.

England took time during the darkest hours of the war to lay plans for British dominion of the air, while there is no, and can be no insularity. The parliamentary committee on civil aerial transport reported: "Cost what it may, this country must lead the world in civil aerial transport. For the commercial aircraft of the future will be to the aerial defense what the merchant marine has been to the grand fleet."

France, Italy, and Germany alike were alert to take great interest in the future possibilities of the airplane.

Is it not worthwhile to put Arkansas City among the first to have a municipal airport, with its equipment and skilled crews? Yours for good landing fields.—Wilbur H. (Pete) Hill.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Thursday, January 12, 1922.


The Airplane, its Birth, Development, and Air-Ports.

The first successful flights, with heavier than air machines, were made by Orville and Wilbur Wright on December 17, 1903, at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. These first great flights were made by the Wright brothers, only nineteen years ago, but whatever has been achieved has been due rather more to individual vision and courage than to general support.

The year 1920 will stand unique in the history of aeronautics, particularly in the United States, where the art had its birth. Within the United States and insular possessions, it is estimated that 15,250,000 miles were flown during 1920 divided as follows:

Army air service: 6,250,000

Naval aviation: 1,500,000

Aerial mail: 1,500,000

Civilian: 600,000

[Ouch! 6,250,000 + 1,500,000 + 1,500,000 + 600,000 does not equal 15,250,000 miles]

??? Not sure who goofed! Traveler! Hill! Me!!!

Approximately 225,000 passengers were carried by the civilian machines in addition to many tons of freight.

The year witnessed the establishment of pioneer transport lines, hopeful that congress would shortly enact a code, making easier credits and more satisfactory insurance rates possible and provide otherwise for the encouragement of the art.

The fact that the first airplane flown only remained in the air 59 seconds while Eddie Stinson recently demonstrated the durability of the airplane by remaining in the air over 26 hours, illustrates its value from a commercial standpoint.

There are over one thousand commercial aircraft in operation in the United States and Canada as near as can be estimated, in the absence of a federal system of registration being fixed only on manufactories report.

America is sadly lacking in airports. There are only 271 airports in the United States and its possessions. The United States has one airport for every 14,000 square miles of territory, whereas the United Kingdom (Great Britain and Ireland) has 101 airports, or one for every 1200 square miles of surface area. This comparison vividly illustrates the backward state of this country in aerial communications.

Owing to the immensity of the effort which such an enterprise involves, no single agency, governmental or private, can possibly create all the airports which the United States needs; while the federal government, and in particular the army air service, are directly interested in seeing the number of our airports grow because of their potential value for national defense. Hence, this undertaking must draw its main support from those agencies of human activity that will, in the end, derive the greatest benefit from the existence of suitable airports—namely the communities.

Progressive cities are beginning to perceive that a well planned airport will in the near future enable them to reap big benefits from the air transport services, which will connect the main centers of population, because the course of the coming air routes will be largely controlled by the existence, or absence, of airports. Why not a municipal airport for Arkansas City? Yours for good landing fields—Wilbur H. (Pete) Hill.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Friday, January 13, 1922.


Third of Series of Interesting Articles by "Pete" Hill.

The United States air mail, which started with the New York-Washington route, May 15, 1918, now operates daily between New York and San Francisco. Thirty-five or more cargo-laden air mail planes are actually in the air each day, flying a grand total in round trips, of approximately 8,000 miles.

If the planes under contemplation go through, the United States should witness the operation of a gigantic air mail system with terminals in most of the larger cities, and with aircraft flying more than 20,000 miles every day.

The longest air mail route at present is that between New York and San Francisco, operated in relays by way of Cleveland, Chicago, Omaha, Cheyenne, Salt Lake City, and Reno.

By cooperating with the railroads and making train connections, the aerial mail advances mail east and west from 24 to 42 hours. About 16,000 letters are advanced daily between these terminals by 24 hours. The saving in time over trains on this cross-country route is about three days, when actual delivery is considered.

The Aeromarine and West India Airways, Inc., flying the 90 miles between Key West and Havana, differs in its operation, though it saves even more time when distances are compared. Aeromarine flying cruisers leave Key West immediately on the arrival of the northern trains and lands the mail in Havana in one hour and thirty minutes. On account of boat schedules, it formerly required a night and almost half a day.

One can scarcely grasp the tremendous significance of the air mail in its relation to world communication until the mind runs back for a moment through the development of the postal service.

On first learning to write, man’s foremost desire was to get his message delivered as quickly as possible. Thus in ancient civilization of Africa and Asia, runners carried clay tablets from city to city, and galleons skirted coasts or threaded rivers with cargoes, of which the inscribed word was a precious feature. In the progress of transportation we may trace the influence of the mails. Runners were succeeded by horsemen or coaches, packets by steamers, coaches by trains—and now enters the airplane.

The establishment of the aerial mail provided a picturesque and most startling contrast to the Pony Express and the tortuous sailings around the Horn. It has quickened written communication and relieved the over-burdened older forms of transportation. Within the memory of some now living, it required six months to transport a letter from New York to San Francisco with a charge of ten dollars an ounce. The perfected operation of the aerial mail will make it possible to send a letter from coast to coast in from thirty-six to fifty hours, at the usual two cent rate.

Congress was asked to appropriate the necessary funds and $1,250,000 was set aside for establishment of the New York-San Francisco route. While waiting for the appropriation, air mail officials prepared the route. Adequate landing fields were sought. Municipalities were consulted. The route as finally chosen was decided upon principally because residents of the respective towns showed so much interest in the air mail. At least 75 percent of the fields were provided by chambers of commerce. Had it not been for this aid the mails could not have flown through to the coast because the appropriation was not large enough to supply landing fields and repair depots.

Commercial aeronautics in America in indebted to the air mail for its pioneer work. Regularity of service had to be demonstrated before business could be interested in utilizing aircraft. This has been the air mail’s greatest contribution to commercial aeronautics.

The aim of the air mail service, of course, is to make longer and longer jumps between properly equipped terminals and with adequate emergency fields scattered along the way. Eventually, the mails will fly both day and night, and it is certain that the course of commercial transport through the air will follow the path as laid by these pioneers.

Kansas has no aerial mail port. Why not make Arkansas City a municipal port, on a proposed route between Kansas City and Houston? Yours for good landing fields.—Wilbur H. (Pete) Hill.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Saturday, January 14, 1922.


The Fourth of Series of Articles by "Pete" Hill.

Through the operation in 1920 of a few aircraft lent the forest service by the army, there was saved from destruction standing timber valued at more than the total army service appropriation for the fiscal year 1920-1921, or approximately $35,000,000. Between 90 to 1,000 fires were reported, most of which were extinguished by ground forces directed from the air.

The importance of inadequately protecting our timber lands against fires can be appreciated from statistics compiled by the department of agriculture, which shows that some ten million acres of standing forest are burned each year. As the entire forest area of the United States is 463,000,000 acres, and reforestation takes about twenty years, it follows that at an average 10,000,000 acres are destroyed annually.

Each plane was always in communication by wireless with the main or sub-base. At each base the liaison officer received fire reports by radio or from the pilots after landing. He in turn transmitted the report to the forest supervisor accurately, which means that these locations given by airplane fire patrol were all within one-fourth mile of the exact location as later determined by actual surveys on the ground, and that 42 percent of the fires were reported by radio, while the ships were in flight, demonstrating without a doubt that airplane fire patrol in California has been successful.

Our forest service’s successful operations have led private interests to undertake patrols of their own, fire protection being but one of many ends which it is sought to achieve.

The Laurentide Company, Ltd., of Grand Mere, Quebec, was one of the first to put aircraft to a practical test. This firm owns thousands of square miles of timber, much of which is unsettled, and as a rule the country is such that it is not uncommon for quantities of logs to be three years in transit from the timber land to the mills, so it is difficult to discover lost "drives or log jams." More than 16,000 miles were flown over this territory, and some 5,000 photographs secured.

The two Curtiss-built H. S.-2-L flying boats were flown from Halifax to this northern country by the pilot and his wife, who acted as navigator, on this 650-mile overland journey. In this section only ten miles can be covered on the ground, while an area of 150 square miles can be covered in a three-hour flight.

The actual cost of mapping has been about $6.00 per square mile for a map containing all details, at a scale of 400 feet to an inch, where an airplane was used for mapping only. But even at the highest figure stated, the cost of mapping was far below that entailed by a land expedition.

In the United States, less than 40 percent of our area has adequate maps. In this country there is no way by which mapping can be completed of the whole area for many years except from the air; and with the proper distribution of aerial mapping facilities throughout the country, we will be able to map everything necessary within three years. If your time is money, why not fly? Yours for good landing fields, Wilbur H. (Pete) Hill.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Saturday, January 14, 1922.

Williams Car Found.

The Errett Williams Dupont roadster, which was stolen from this city on Thursday night, the same night that the Harry Oldroyd Buick was stolen, was found six miles southeast of Dexter yesterday afternoon and it is a total wreck. The car had been burned almost beyond identification, with the exception of the two front wheels. Mr. Williams was notified of the condition of the car and he went to see it this afternoon. The Oldroyd Buick touring car has not been found.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Monday, January 16, 1922.


Pete Hill Writes on Newspaper, Photography, and Picture Advertising.

In so many instances, in recent years, have aircraft been of use to journalism that it will not be long before the plane will become a necessity to the fourth estate in its varied activities, dependent for success as it is on speed and enterprise in news gathering.

The San Francisco Call-Post staged a speed contest in which an automobile, an airplane, and a railroad train contested for first place. This trial brought out a railroad train starting with the first edition of the paper and an automobile speeding with a second edition could both be beaten over a 125-mile course by an airplane bearing a third edition.

Of these were publicity features, they were "news" as well.

Many instances, such as the reporting of the World’s Series by the Philadelphia Ledger, could be cited to show how the flying machine has served the newspaper as no other agency could. The future use of the airplane by the editor will only be limited by the extent to which airports are developed. The news gatherer has not the time to investigate if a certain town or city has a landing field. He must have definite information that such is the case before he can employ the plane to get him to his destination.

The fact that the pictorial end of the news gathering has progressed more rapidly than the reportorial may be properly ascribed to the ability of the aerial press photographer to do his work without landing. Sky views of estates, beautiful homes, inspiring bits of scenery, and cities have found their way into the picture supplement in recent months.

The aerial camera occupies an important part in the laying out of commercial, postal, and military routes over the United States and to Alaska, in making preliminary surveys of little known regions in our island possessions; in locating railroads rights of way at far less expense and in a fraction of the time once required; in exploration of the Arctic and Antarctic region, accomplishing in days what once would have occupied years; in urban uses, such as city planning, rail and water terminal improvements, real estate exploitation, fire insurance classification, and the correction of congestion evils; and finally in what is proving to be a most attractive and lucrative branch—the addition to art of beautiful views which could be obtained in no other way than from the air.

Next to the newspaper, the motion picture is possibly the most effective medium of publicity. Yet the motion picture companies have found aircraft as productive of results in advertising their own products, as in furnishing publicity for other activities.

Aerial advertising has a double appeal. Today it is the airplane that is seen by all eyes on earth. Tomorrow, when many more thousands are flying and thinking of ordinary travel in the vernacular of three dimensions, that which is on earth will be seen by all in the air. Today we have "flying billboards"—aircraft with signs on roofs and highways and—who knows?—hill-sides and pastures sown to advertise some commodity. And when that tomorrow comes, who will deny the possibility of the family group at ease on the furnished or gardened housetop watching the sky parade, even as we now sit on the front porch and watch the ceaseless stream of motor cars? Yours for good landing fields.—Wilbur H. (Pete) Hill.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Thursday, January 19, 1922.

Flying 6-Passenger Plane.

Mike Foley, night man at the Hill garage, has just received a letter from Frank L. Armstrong at Chihuahua, Mexico, in which he states that the weather is fine down there. Armstrong is the man who made the parachute drops here last summer. He is with Charlie Mayse, who is flying his six-passenger S. V. A. plane between Chihuahua and El Paso, a distance of 300 miles. The boys expect to return to this city early in the spring.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Thursday, February 2, 1922.


Is Sectional Chairman of the World Aeronautical Board.

A. K. Longren, of Topeka, divisional chairman of the World Board of Aeronautical Commissioners for the state of Kansas, with power to appoint county sectional chairmen throughout the state, has appointed Roy D. Hume of this city as sectional chairman for Cowley County.

The World Board of Aeronautical Commissioners is a world-wide organization with representatives in every country to advance aeronautics and encourage the use of aircraft throughout the world. The national organization for the United States is headed by a group of forty-eight divisional chairmen, one for each state. Mr. Longren of the Longren Aircraft Corporation of Topeka, was selected by Governor Allen as division chairman for Kansas, who is completing his list of county appointments.

Mr. Hume is advised that in his capacity as sectional chairman, it will be his duty to represent the organization in an advisory capacity within the limits of this county, furnishing the board with newspaper clippings and special articles on matters of aeronautical interest. In this way the people throughout the world will be informed of aeronautical progress through the news distributing facilities of this board. From time to time Mr. Hume will be furnished with bulletins from the national board.

Mr. Hume did aviation work for the U. S. army in Texas prior to his discharge from the service, and has been identified with the aviation interests in this city ever since his return from the army. He is well worthy of the appointment and will make a valuable representative of the organization in this county.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Monday, February 6, 1922.


Matter of Municipal Aviation Field is Discussed Today.

The city commissioners met in regular weekly session in the city building at 10 a.m. today, all members being present. After the reading of the minutes, the meeting was thrown open for anyone present having business to bring before the commissioners.

The local aviation interests together with the Chamber of Commerce aviation committee were present and brought before the board the proposition of the city taking over the north field and holding same for the purpose of a municipal aviation port. Pete Hill presented the matter in behalf of the local aviators, stating that he held a lease on the land at $150 per year, the tract consisting of between 80 and 90 acres.

Foss Farrar was present and stated that the present tenant, Fred Leonard, from whom the Hill lease was secured, was giving up his lease today to Virgil Hadicke, and it was stated that the owners of the land would be willing to allow Hadicke to sub-lease this tract for aviation purposes.

It is the desire of the Hume-Lucas-Hill aviation people to have this field controlled and operated as the Arkansas City municipal landing field, according to the statement of Mr. Hill. Secretary Seyster of the Chamber of Commerce was called upon by the mayor for an expression in regard to the matter. Mr. Seyster stated he thought the city would be standing much better with regard to future developments in aviation, establishing mail routes, etc., if the landing field here was municipally owned and controlled. He pointed out that the present landing field was one of the best identified landings in the state, being well established among aviators flying in this territory. He recommended that the commissioners make an entirely new contract for the field instead of taking over any existing contracts.

The law providing for municipal operation of a landing field was read by City Attorney Dale.

Mayor Hunt in behalf of the board assured the aviation interests that the city would get back of them in this matter and the matter ws deferred until such time as a concrete proposition could be presented by the aviation committee in the matter of a lease. The proposition is for the city to hold the lease, but not be required to build a hangar. What action will be taken accordingly was indicated providing a satisfactory proposition is submitted with reference to the lease.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Wednesday, February 8, 1922.


Errett Williams and Robert Harp left this morning for Wichita, where they will take over an airplane. After attending to some business there, they will go to Wichita Falls, Texas, on a business trip. They will make the trip by airplane. Mrs. Williams will accompany them on the trip to Wichita Falls. They will be away about two weeks.

Errett Williams was for a long time connected with the local airplane company, and he is well known among the fraternity in all sections of the county.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Monday, February 13, 1922.


Idaho Couple Married Here Yesterday Given a Treat.

W. F. Faurot and Miss Alzina Newton, both of Twin Falls, Idaho, were married at 12:30 Sunday at the Presbyterian parsonage by Rev. W. M. Gardner. The ceremony was witnessed by Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Graham of Burbank, Oklahoma, Mrs. Graham being a sister of the bride.

The bride and Mrs. Graham are cousins of Mrs. Wilbur (Pete) Hill, and prior to coming to this city to be wedded, the bride had been staying with Mrs. Hill’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Piester, at Twin Falls, Idaho.

The bride is well and favorably known in this city, having been in the employ of the Hill-Howard Motor Company about two years ago. The bride and groom will make their future home in Burbank, Oklahoma.

After the wedding ceremony yesterday, the bride and groom were taken to the aviation field north of town and treated to a flight by Pete Hill.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Monday, February 13, 1922.

Ben Stockton, a mechanic employed at the Hill garage, was taken ill Saturday evening, and was unable to go to work this morning.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Tuesday, February 14, 1922.

Art Hill of the Hill garage, was reported sick this morning and unable to be at the garage. Ben Stockton, one of the mechanics at the garage, was taken ill two or three days ago and is also still confined to his home.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Saturday, February 18, 1922.

Aviator Griffin, flying from Oklahoma City to Lincoln, Nebraska, landed on the Arkansas City field yesterday afternoon, and was furnished with gas and oil by Pete Hill.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Monday, February 20, 1922.

Pete Hill motored to Burbank this morning on business for the Hill garage.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Tuesday, February 21, 1922.


Says Armstrong First Airman to Make a Parachute Drop in Mexico.

A letter from Charlie Mayse of Chihuahua, Mexico, to Pete Hill, contains the information that Frank Armstrong, well known here as the man who made the parachute drops at the local aviation field last season, was the first man to make a parachute drop in Mexico, which was made at Chihuahua on the 29th of January, 1922.

Aviator Mayse, who was flying a six-passenger S. V. A. machine between Chihuahua and El Paso, met with an accident recently when his plane fell to the earth, landing on a railroad track. Mayse was piloting the machine and had three passengers when the accident occurred. The three passengers escaped injury entirely, while Mayse received a cut over his left eye, and cuts on his left arm and leg, none of which were serious. The accident was caused by the breaking of the elevator control.

According to Mayse, the weather down in Mexico is fine—just like summer.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Wednesday, February 22, 1922.

Born, last night, to Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Lucas, a son. The baby has been given the name of William David Lucas.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Thursday, February 23, 1922.


Robert Harp, who accompanied Errett Williams on a trip to Wichita Falls, Texas, returned this morning and reported that Mr. Williams was in the hospital and was to undergo an operation this morning at eight o’clock.

Errett Williams is the well known aviator formerly of this city, and he is suffering from the effects of a fractured arm, which was injured while he was in this city several weeks ago.



Local Aviators in Mexico Expected Here By April.

Frank Armstrong, who recently arrived here from Mexico, has gone to Ponca City for the present. He is well pleased with Mexico and likes the educated class of Mexican people very much, and he made a big hit with them in making his parachute drops there.

Charlie Mayse expects to return to Arkansas City from Chihuahua, Mexico, early this spring; and upon his return here, he will be joined by Mr. Armstrong.

Pete Hill states that Mr. Mayse will fly his machine up here in April. The aviation interests hope to get a hangar built here by spring.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Tuesday, March 14, 1922.

Pete Hill went to Bigheart, Fairfax, and Burbank, Oklahoma, yesterday in company with Mr. Johnson, the feature story man on the Daily Oklahoman. The object of Mr. Hill’s visit to these towns is to line them up for aviation exhibits during the coming season.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Tuesday, March 14, 1922.


Prospective 1922 Development in Aerial Mail Service.

Government Sending Out Questions to Chambers of Commerce and

Operators of Aircraft—City Vitally Interested.

The Aeronautical Chamber of Commerce of America is sending out letters to chamber of commerce secretaries and also to owners and operators of aircraft, at the request of the congressional committee on postoffice and post roads, to learn the sentiment of business with regard to speeding up the mails through increased utilization of aircraft.

The United States air mail service was started as long ago as May 15, 1918, service having on that date been opened between New York and Washington. At the present time daily service is now operated clear across the continent between New York and San Francisco. During the past year the government has been able to maintain 89 percent efficiency, and has carried more than 90,000,000 letters, mostly on the transcontinental route, and has speeded up the service to 48 to 60 hours as against 100 hours required by train service.

In order that the public may get an idea as to the purposes of the Aeronautical Chamber of Commerce, acting on the request of the congressional committee, something of the nature of the questions sent out to that organization will perhaps furnish sufficient clue.

Here are a few of the questions asked Secretary Seyster: Is there local interest in speeding up the mails? Should mail be speeded up without extra charge for postage? Is local interest sufficient to warrant belief that extra postage would be paid? Do you believe that a special speed stamp would meet with sufficient response from local interests to assure the success of a local air mail line?

The blanks sent to the owners and operators of aircraft are the same as sent to chamber secretaries in the list of questions to be answered. Here are a few that were sent to "Pete" Hill for answer: Do you think business interest locally is sufficient to warrant an air mail line between these points (certain cities named in Kansas and Oklahoma)? On what terms would you be able to bid on air mail service, making guarantee of daily schedule? What are your local problems and just how can this organization be of assistance to you?

In both instances the questionnaires were answered by Secretary Seyster of the Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Hill having referred his list of questions to the secretary. Mr. Seyster gave the information asked for with reference to the number of planes at this field, the number and names of owners and operators, giving the facts as to the field being municipally owned, and also giving the present status in regard to a hangar and work shop.

In his answer Mr. Seyster particularly recommended an air line starting from Omaha, running south to Kansas City, and on through Wichita, Arkansas City, and Oklahoma City to Galveston. In his answer Mr. Seyster further stated that the local men would be willing to make a bid on a mail service route, guaranteeing a daily schedule, on the basis of approximately $100,000 per day.

At the present time the year 1922 is being regarded as one in which aircraft in the United States is bound to experience a big development, and the government is getting its fingers on the pulse of the business interests all over the country with a view to taking action just as soon as there is evidence sufficient to warrant the successful introduction of new air mail routes.

Arkansas City is very fortunately situated with respect to this prospective development, being located so as to be on a natural north and south route through the central west. Another important factor in her favor is that the field here is municipally owned. The big items lacking at the present time are a hangar and shop equipment. But in as progressive a city as Arkansas City, it is thought that this condition will not be permitted to last long.

Further issues of the Traveler will keep its readers posted as to this development for 1922 which, according to present prospects and indications, should place Arkansas City on the map as an aerial port.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Wednesday, March 15, 1922.

An Error Corrected.

In an aeronautical article in yesterday’s issue of the Traveler, it was stated that the local aircraft owners would be willing to make a bid to the government on a mail service route, guaranteeing a daily schedule, on a basis of approximately $100,000 per day.

This should have read $100.00 per day. The local boys claim they are not war profiteering, so that future generations will have to pay high taxes.



Oil Company Covering Surrounding Territory by Airplane.

There has been a visiting plane at the aviation field the past two days. It belongs to the Norris Oil Company of Wichita and is piloted by W. E. Nordon. A representative of the company is with the machine and on account of the excellent field here, they are making Arkansas City their headquarters while advertising and selling the company’s oil products in the surrounding territory. Yesterday in a few hours’ time, they made Mulvane, Udall, Winfield, Burden, and Dexter, taking contracts for a total of 35 barrels in a remarkably short space of time, which shows a distinctive use to which the aeroplane can be put.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Thursday, March 23, 1922.

Walter H. Beech, of the Laird Airplane Company of Wichita, flew down this morning in a Laird machine, and after exchanging courtesies with some of the local aviators at the aviation field, returned to Wichita this afternoon.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Thursday, March 23, 1922.


Made Distance To This City In Less Than One Hour.

Harry Cummings of Wichita flew to this city from Attica, Kansas, in less than an hour this morning against a heavy wind, flying a Laird Swallow plane. He was treating some of his friends to a ride at the aviation field this morning.


Cecil Lucas flew to Shidler, Oklahoma, this morning, taking a passenger to that city. This is his second trip this week on passenger service.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Saturday, March 25, 1922.


Propose Passenger and Delivery Service to Oil Field.

G. D. McKay of the Schwartz Electric Company and Cecil Lucas flew to Shidler, Oklahoma, yesterday carrying a lot of electrical supplies for delivery in that city. They are establishing an air route between here and the oil field, with a view of carrying passengers and delivering merchandise orders. They propose to route Shidler, Whizbang, and Apperson, and make daily trips. The flying time between this city and Shidler is about fifteen minutes, while it takes two hours to make the trip by automobile.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Tuesday, March 28, 1922.

Harry Cummings and wife were to fly from Wichita this afternoon to this city on a pleasure trip. Mr. Cummings flew last week from Attica to this city and was so well pleased with his visit here that he decided to bring his wife with him this time.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Wednesday, March 29, 1922.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cummings, E. M. Laird, and Walter Beech flew from Wichita yesterday evening in a Laird Swallow plane, making the trip in approximately thirty minutes. The Laird people are making plans for a funeral car for the Parman-Powell Funeral Home of this city, it being the first thing of this kind in the southwest. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cummings are very much enthused over our city and say it is a city of opportunities. They are guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Smith of the Britt Hotel.

E. M. Laird, who accompanied the party to this city, is the designer and builder of the Laird Swallow plane. The machine they flew carried the party of four.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Wednesday, March 29, 1922.


The Government is Ready to Take Action Immediately.

John Mowatt Has Letter From Sen. Curtis Inquiring About

Landing Field and Hangar for Proposed Squadron.

At the request of, and in behalf of the aviators of this city, John S. Mowatt wrote a letter to Senator Curtis at Washington, in regard to the government’s intentions with reference to locating an aerial squadron at this place.

Mr. Mowatt has received a reply from Senator Curtis in which he makes inquiries as to what this city can furnish in regard to a landing field, hangar, and the oil and gas situation, and stated that the government was ready to take action wherever the conditions seemed to be most favorable for the location of such a squadron. There are other Kansas towns in competition with Arkansas City on this proposition, and the town that first meets up to the requirements of the government will be the winner, according to local aviators.

Just at present Arkansas City seems to be at a standstill in regard to her interests. Before the burning of the original hangar on the Arkansas City field, this city was the top-notch city of the state from the standpoint of aviation, and received an immense amount of favorable advertising by reason of her advanced position. Now the interest seems to be lagging, with a chance that this city may lose out on a proposition that would mean much to the future of the city.

An aerial squadron, such as the government contemplates, located here, would mean a personnel of about thirty men who would be employed by the government at this place. Such a development would give this city a tremendous amount of free advertising and put this town in the limelight in the state of Kansas as never before, according to the opinion of the local aviators.

Pete Hill stated to the Traveler this morning that there would be no difficulty whatever in enlisting recruits for a government aerial squadron at this place. He thinks the city cannot well afford to overlook its opportunity in this matter. In his opinion, an amount of $1,500 or $2,000 taken out of the budget of the Chamber of Commerce for this year could not be spent to better advantage in any other line of activity; and that it is one of the paramount opportunities offered the city at this time.

Recently the matter of the city taking over the local aviation field was brought before the mayor and city commissioners, who promised that if the lease proposition was presented to them in concrete form, they would take favorable action in the matter. Accordingly, a committee was appointed to have a lease on the aviation field properly drawn up, and it seems that no report has yet been made by this committee.

Thus with the government preparing to establish mail routes and proposing an aerial squadron to be located in some active city in Kansas, the entire aviation situation here seems to be lying dormant. This is the situation that confronted the proposed battery for Arkansas City right up to the last moment when the business interest suddenly awakened, and the battery was put over without difficulty in a twenty-four hour campaign. The local interest who see the possibilities of aviation development would like to see a similar awakening in regard to the aerial squadron, and think some timely action right now means a lot to this city in the future.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Saturday, April 1, 1922.

Walter H. Beech, flying from Wichita to Muskogee on a publicity trip for the Wichita Eagle, went through here about 7:00 o’clock yesterday morning, making this lap of the trip in about thirty minutes. In less than two hours after the Eagle’s special aeroplane edition was off the press, Rotarians in Muskogee were reading it, Mr. Beech stated here last evening. He remained here all night, returning to Wichita this morning. He flew in a Laird Swallow plane.



Two Drives To Take Place With Airplanes To Pilot Lines.

West Bolton Township will stage two Coyote Drives, Friday, April 7, 1922. The one in the morning will be the same territory driven one year ago, centering in the Baird pasture. Hunters for the east line will meet at the Guthrie schoolhouse, two miles west of town, on Madison Avenue. Hunters for the west line will meet one-half mile south of Economy schoolhouse, which is seven miles west of town on Madison Avenue. Hunters of the north line will meet one-fourth mile south of Ohio schoolhouse, which is five miles west of town on Madison Avenue, thence two miles north. Hunters for the south line will meet one-half mile south of Mercer schoolhouse, which is four miles west of town on Madison Avenue, thence three miles south.

Men will meet at the respective places at 8:30 a.m., so they can be placed and lines filled and ready to go by 9:00 a.m. There will be mile captains on each mile, who will have charge of their respective mile. All hunters are requested to follow instructions of their captain and hunt out all ravines, ditches, hollows, clumps of trees or brush where coyotes can get in hiding as they, when hunted, are cunning; and hunters can pass within ten feet of them while in hiding and they will lay still, and the hunter that watches such places will be the most successful if he wants to get a coyote.

No weapons but shotguns, clubs, and dogs will be allowed. No boys under fourteen years of age to carry a gun, and no rifle allowed. No one will be allowed in the center ahead of the line and parties in autos must keep behind the lines. Parties on foot take your time and do not hurry as none will be allowed in the Baird pasture until all lines are up. No game is to be shot or otherwise molested but coyotes, crows, and rabbits.

Chas. Williams, the local deputy game warden, assures the promoters that no one will be molested for not having a license if said hunters comply with game laws relating to game birds.

The Hill aeroplane company will patrol the lines giving the same signals that they had last year. The zooming of the plane, e.g., going up and down on a line, means for that particular part of the line, it is behind and should hurry up. The rocking of the plane back and forth sideways means for that particular part of the line to go slower as they are ahead of the other lines.

Watch your line both ways and do not get ahead of the line. Let those behind catch up and keep all gaps filled. If any line is broken during the drive, the Ku Klux will be there to take charge of parties responsible for same after the drive.

The Hill aeroplane company will give all a chance to take a ride after each drive. Lunch will be served immediately after the round up on the grounds by the ladies, after which the crowd will go and form lines for the second drive, which will be just south of there in the edge of Oklahoma.

The lines for the second drive will be announced while lunch is being served. All are cordially invited. Come, have a days’ hunt and enjoy yourselves. If any stills are found, bring them into the center and the committee will furnish the corn.—Committee.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Thursday, April 6, 1922.


West Bolton Invited the City Men to Take Part in Drive.

Tomorrow is the day set for the big annual wolf, rabbit, and crow hunt in West Bolton Township and the members of the committee at work on the plans have everything in readi-ness for the affair, it was stated this morning. The city men and boys, over the age of 14, are invited to take part and the drive is to be complete in that section of the country, and also on the west side of Chilocco Indian reservation, which will be covered in the hunt in the after-noon of that day. The committee gives out the following instructions in regard to the drive.

The one in the morning will be the same territory driven one year ago, entering the Baird pasture. Hunters for the east line will meet at Guthrie schoolhouse, two miles west of town, on Madison Avenue. Hunters for the west line will meet one-half mile south of Economy schoolhouse, which is seven miles west of town on Madison Avenue. Hunters for the north line will meet one-fourth mile south of Ohio schoolhouse, which is five miles west of town on Madison Avenue, thence two miles north. Hunters for the south of Mercer schoolhouse, which line will meet one-half mile south of Mercer schoolhouse, which is four miles west of town on Madison Avenue, thence three miles south.

Meet at respective places at 8:30 a.m., so men can be placed on each mile who will have charge of their respective mile. All hunters are requested to follow instructions of the captain and hunt out all ravines, ditches, hollows, clumps of trees or brush where coyotes can get in hiding as they, when hunted, are cunning and hunters can pass within ten feet of them while in hiding, and they will lay still, and the hunter that watches such places will be the most successful if he wants to get a coyote. No weapons but shotguns, clubs, and dogs will be allowed. No boys under fourteen years of age to carry a gun, and no rifle allowed. No one will be allowed in the center ahead of the lines and parties in automobiles must keep behind the lines. Parties on foot take your time and do not hurry as none will be allowed in the Baird pasture until all lines are up. No game shot or otherwise molested but coyotes, crows, and rabbits.

Chas. Williams, the local deputy game warden, assures the promoters that no one will be molested for not having a license if said hunters comply with game laws relating to game birds.

The Hill aeroplane company will patrol the lines giving the same signals that they gave last year. The zooming of the plane, e.g., going up and down on a line, means that particular part of the line is behind and to hurry up. The rocking of the plane back and forth sideways means for that particular part of the line to go slower, as they are ahead of the other lines. Watch your line both ways and do not get ahead of the line. Let those behind catch up and keep all gaps filled.

Pete Hill, with his aeroplane, is working in conjunction with the big drive, preparations for which are now well under way. This drive will be staged tomorrow somewhat similar to the one last year.

Mr. Hill with his plane will make passenger flights on this occasion. Arthur Hill will go out with his automobile to carry out a supply of gasoline so that it will not be necessary to return to the city for gas.



Rain Today Prevented Big Event in West Bolton Township.

The wolf drive which was planned for West Bolton Township today was postponed on account of the rain. C. M. Baird phoned the Traveler to this effect this morning. He stated that quite a number of people made an attempt to get to the scene of the proposed drive, but were in most cases prevented because of the high waters in the creek—which was impassible this morning. There was much disappointment, but there was nothing to do but postpone the event.

The new date which has been set for the drive is next Tuesday, April 11, at which time the full program as arranged for today will be carried out. This provides for a drive in West Bolton in the forenoon and on the Indian reservation west of Chilocco in the afternoon, after a big dinner at the noon hour served by the ladies of the church in the West Bolton neighborhood.

It will be an all-day outing that will be enjoyed very greatly and everybody who wishes to participate, whether from town or country, will be welcome. Pete Hill will be there with his aeroplane to take up anyone who may wish to take flights.



Plans Again Made for Drive in West Bolton and Chilocco.

The coyote, rabbit, and crow drive, which was billed for one day last week in West Bolton Township, will be held tomorrow, according to the announcement made this morning by Mr. C. M. Baird, one of the members of the committee. The hunt will be in force all day, and in the morning the drive will be made in West Bolton and in the afternoon on the west side of the Chilocco reservation. The same rules as announced to govern the hunt last week will prevail at this time. Mr. Baird says that as the recent rains have filled the creeks and draws, the game has been driven to higher ground and will be easy to hunt and kill on this account.

All those from the city who care to attend will be welcome and it is expected that there will be a large crowd in attendance. Dinner will be served at the noon hour and all those taking part are assured of a full day’s sport program in the way of hunting.

Pete Hill this morning was completing arrangements to have his plane out over the lines in order to assist in any manner possible with the big hunt.



Report on Aviation Field Made by Chamber Secretary Today.

Secretary O. B. Seyster, of the chamber of commerce, made a report in regard to the city taking over the aviation field and making it a municipal landing field. The chamber secretary reported that all matters pertaining to the field, paying of back rent, etc., had been taken care of and everything was now in readiness for the making of a new lease with Virgil Hadicke, who has a three-year lease on the land on which the aviation field is located, this three-year lease dating from March 1, 1922.

The mayor and commissioners at a previous meeting had given the local aviation interests to understand they would enter into a new lease, which was $150.00 per year for a term corresponding with Mr. Hadicke’s lease, and also with the understanding that the aviation interests were to enter into a written agreement that they would consolidate their interests and all use the municipal field.

Secretary Seyster recommended that one commissioner be appointed to act as overseer of the field, so that the aviation people could transact business with him.

The mayor instructed the secretary to have the agreement drawn up as indicated above, and the matter would be acted upon at the next meeting of the commissioners.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Tuesday, April 11, 1922.


But West Bolton Was Having Time of Its Life Today.

The big coyote chase was pulled off in West Bolton Township this forenoon; and according to report, there was a big crowd in attendance and many participated in the chase which was in the nature of a drive for wolves, rabbits, gophers, or varmints of any kind. The day for the drive was ideal, after having been postponed from last Friday.

About 9 o’clock this morning the Hill brothers, Pete with his aeroplane and Arthur with his automobile to carry gasoline, together with several from this city, went out to participate in the event.

Up to noon not a single wolf or coyote had been picked up. This afternoon the crowd went to Chilocco reservation, where it was expected the hunters would have better luck with respect to finding wolves.

Dinner was served according to program by the ladies of the church in the West Bolton neighborhood. From reports practically all other activities were suspended in this section of the county today and everybody was having a big picnic. A detailed account will be published tomorrow.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Wednesday, April 12, 1922.


Only One Coyote Caught But There Was "Oodles" of Fun.

The wolf drive yesterday in West Bolton Township and on the Indian reservation west of Chilocco, was a great success, according to reports received here this morning. That is, it was a great success in point of the number of people who gathered for this event, in the splendid dinner served by the ladies of the church in the West Bolton neighborhood, in the outing under pleasant skies, in the social contact demanded by human mortals, in all these respects it was a very successful event, but in the matter of ridding the country of wolves and coyotes—well, it could not honestly be called a "howling" success, but it was a mighty good excuse for a good time. On the reservation some six or seven coyotes were scared up, but all evaded capture except one. However, more than a hundred rabbits were bagged. The morning hunt was fruitless so far as wolves were concerned, while the reservation was shown to be the real rendezvous of the varmints.

Pete Hill of this city was there with his aeroplane, but not much of an opportunity was afforded for flights on this occasion.

Dr. L. M. Beatson in some manner had the good fortune to secure a blue heron bird that stood some four feet high, according to report this morning. If herons abound on the Chilocco reservation, this fact has not heretofore been generally known. Anyway, the doctor was reported to be in possession of the bird.

There was quite a crowd that attended from this city, among whom were Dr. L. M. Beatson, Dr. Clarence L. Zugg, Harry Long, Alex Livingston, W. N. Harris, Mark Mollett, Mr. West (of the Scott Battery Station), Walter Peck, and Roy Smith.

It was announced that the wolf drive would be an annual affair.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Wednesday, April 12, 1922.


Letter Asks For Data on Local Aviation Conditions.

The local aircraft operators have received a letter and a questionnaire from Burdette S. Wright, captain of air service of the U. S. war department, who states that the airways section of the office of the chief of air service is endeavoring to obtain, insofar as possible, complete information on the aeronautical situation in this country, with regard to commercial operating companies, manufacturers, and landing facilities. 

According to the air service chief, there is now on file a list of over three hundred and seventy operating companies and manufacturers, in addition to information on over seven-teen hundred landing facilities. This data, in both cases, is from six months to three years old, the chief states, and in order to carry out plans contemplated for this section, it is necessary that all this information be brought up to date.

To this end the chief of air service requests the cooperation of the Arkansas City aviation interests, and asks that they furnish the data called for on the questionnaire on landing facilities, and such data as they may care to forward on the local organization, its name, place of business, functions, type of equipment, etc.

This activity on the part of the government is considered significant and the matter will be taken up and the desired information furnished, the local aviation interests working in conjunction with the Chamber of Commerce in this matter.

It is expected that very shortly the landing field here will be municipally owned; and when this becomes a fact, it will place Arkansas City in a more favorable aspect when it comes to governmental development of air routes, mail service lines, police squadrons, etc.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Wednesday, April 12, 1922.


Three Boys Brought in Yesterday, Fishless and Clothesless.

Three Arkansas City boys who went fishing yesterday just above the dam three miles northwest of town on the Arkansas River met with some wholly unexpected experiences which furnished excitement not usually incident to the life of a fisherman or expected by pleasure hunters on a fishing expedition, according to a report made by Arthur Hill this morning.

The participants in this fishing event were Bud Sospburg, W. B. Bethel, and R. W. Hide. They constructed a three-log raft which they were using, and on which they had most of their clothing, hats, and shoes. The breaking away of the canal at the point where they were located caused a rush of water; and as a result, they lost control of the raft. In order to save them-selves, they caught onto the branches of a tree and pulled themselves out while the raft came on down the canal. They were compelled to hike for town and presented a spectacular aspect, when they were later picked up by Arthur Hill in his automobile near the Chestnut Avenue bridge, which spans the Arkansas River west of town, and delivered to their respective destinations in town, fishless, and nearly clothesless, but rich enough in adventure.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Thursday, April 13, 1922.

Wichita guests registered at local hotels yesterday were: Fred T. Wilson, Geo. W. Robb, Walter H. Beech, J. Mollendick, F. D. Bird, A. H. Martin, J. A. Black, G. R. Piper and R. L. Anderson.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Thursday, April 13, 1922.


Wichita Airplane Men Visit Over Night in This City.

Walter Beech and Jake Mollendick of the Laird Airplane company, of Wichita, were in the city yesterday, remaining overnight, and returning to Wichita in their Laird machine this morning. Mr. Mollendick is the owner of the Laird Airplane company, and in company with Mr. Beech, came here to pay the local aviators a visit. While in the city they were the guests of Arthur Hill. He extended the Arkansas City aviators an invitation to use the Laird landing field at Wichita, and said they would be welcome at any time.

Mr. Mollendick has extensive oil interests and also has considerable money invested in his airplane interests in Wichita. He is very enthusiastic about the future development of aviation. He says aviation is here to stay and looks for rapid development during the present year.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Thursday, April 13, 1922.


Fleet of Nine Aeroplanes Coming April 28 From Post Field.

Secretary O. B. Seyster of the Chamber of Commerce, is in receipt of a letter from Maj. Thos. C. Lanphier of the Post Aviation field at Fort Sill, Okla., stating that on Friday, April 28, a student flight will be made from Post Field to this city, flying 8 or 9 planes. They will arrive here in the morning of the 28th and will remain overnight.

Secretary Seyster had made a little estimate of the benefits to this city that will result from this visit, and he finds that during their short stay here they will leave not less than $300 in this city, expended for gas, oil, hotel bills, and other incidental expenses.

This is only a small illustration of the benefits that will result from the proposed municipal landing field when once it has been developed and fully equipped. Arkansas City is in good standing in the aviation world, and at one time ranked ahead of any other city in the state, but development has been greatly retarded by the unfortunate burning of the hangar just after it had been built several months ago. A local aviator states that more student aviators have visited this field than any other field in the state, and it seems that regardless of the present local situation, this city still maintains its prestige in aviation.

It is thought that there are great things ahead for Arkansas City in aviation development, and this city should not fail to take advantage of every opportunity that comes her way.

That there will be many big crowd drawing attractions that can be pulled off in connection with the local aviation field is very evident, and the city that gets in on the ground floor will be the one that reaps the benefits, is the optimistic view taken by prominent airplane men in this section of the state.

It is pointed out by local aviation interests that this student flight from Post Field could have been made to any one of many towns, but that Arkansas City was selected because the local boys are all well known and have made a reputation for this city, and while the local field is at present unequipped, it is hoped this matter will be remedied in the near future; the first important step of which is the taking over of the landing field by the city and operating it as a municipal field.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Thursday, April 13. 1922.

Arkansas City men who visited the Falls City oil fields in the vicinity of Maple City today report that the Falls City company is making plans to shoot its No. 16 well there . . . .

The McGill well drilled on the Phillips Petroleum company, in the same locality, is also to be shot, in the hope of starting a good flow of oil.

Norman Musselman and son, Beachy, of this city who are interested in the Falls City field at Maple City, motored there today and they state that the roads are fine.



It seems that the Traveler's informant was somewhat in error about the item with reference to Dr. L. M. Beatson having captured a blue heron in the recent coyote and wolf drive on the Chilocco reservation. According to the doctor, the bird was dead when he found it and he did not bring it to town, knowing that it was against the law to shoot these birds.

That the law was observed in every respect and the hunters properly protected is evidenced by the fact that it was announced in advance that the deputy game warden would be in attendance at the drive. It is a fact, however, that the doctor found the bird, but he does not know who shot it.


That the airplane is there with it when it comes to quick service was demonstrated yesterday when Pete Hill made a trip to Wichita, carrying a passenger who had urgent business in that city. The passenger was Orville Parker of Shidler, Oklahoma, who is with the Parker Motor company of that city. Some electric supplies were needed, and the case was of an urgent nature. Mr. Parker came to Arkansas City by auto with the expectation that he could get the supplies here, but when he found out he could not, he engaged the services of Pete Hill. A supply house at Wichita was telephoned to have the supplies desired brought out to the Laird aviation field and Mr. Hill piloted his passenger there and returned to this city, making the round trip in one hour and 32 minutes.

Although an extra distance of 120 miles was involved, Mr. Parker was only slightly delayed in the transaction.


Retiring Mayor C. N. Hunt at city hall meeting where mayor-elect George H. McIntosh assumed his duties as mayor, did the following.

Mayor Hunt stated that the city had tentatively agreed to take over the aviation field, on a lease basis of $150.00 per annum, and he designated Commissioner Sturtz to take charge of the field as a matter of convenience to the aviation interests in transacting business with the city. This completed the session of the old administration.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Tuesday, April 18, 1922.


Dr. Young Loses Car By Fire South of City.

Dr. R. Claude Young lost his Reo sedan car by fire this afternoon. The car was on the South Summit Street road near the I. X. L. school when the fire broke out and it was con-sumed in a short time. It was being driven by Cecil Lucas and he was on his way to the Lucas-Hume aviation field south and east of the city when the car burned. There was no chance to put out the blaze, it is said, as the car was all aflame before the driver realized the situation. Lucas was accompanied by his mechanic at the time. The origin of the fire is not known, though it is thought it started from defective wiring or a short circuit. The Reo cost the sum of $3,200, when new.

Dr. Young was not sure this afternoon whether or not he has an insurance policy on the car.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Wednesday, April 19, 1922.


Bond Ordinance Was Passed.

Aviation Lease Held Over.

After the city commissioners’ meeting of last Monday had dispersed, it was arranged for an adjourned session to be held today at 10 a.m., for the purpose of passing an ordinance to sign a lease contract for the aviation field.

On account of the absence of the city attorney, no action was taken in the matter of the lease on the aviation field.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Thursday, April 20, 1922.


Local Interests Visit Aviation Field to Complete Plans.

L. A. Sturtz and O. B. Seyster, representing the city, and Cecil Lucas, Roy Hume, Pete Hill, and Arthur Hill, representing the local aviation interests, went out to the aviation field this morning to take a survey of the field with a view to ascertaining the advisability of making some improvements on the field and getting it in shape for the use of the aviators this season as well as taking care of visitors who come to the field in automobiles.

It is planned to fence off a space with an entrance leading from the main highway, thus providing a place for parking cars without opening any gates into the field. The object is two-fold, to provide a parking space and at the same time to obviate the danger of any gates being left open so that cattle may get out. The party from whom the aviation ground is sub-leased has heretofore experienced considerable trouble in this respect, and the object is to obviate that trouble.

In connection with this plan is another space that is to be fenced off just south of the old hangar for the use of planes, with a turnstile between the automobile parking space and the space for the planes.

One of the first things to be done will be to clean up the grounds. The cement floor of the hangar which was burned will be cleaned off and used for placing planes when repair work is being done on them.

The aviation interests desire to make arrangements with the Lesh Oil Products company, which company has a gasoline filling station on the grounds, whereby the company may put in a telephone for the use of aviators in ordering gas.


SUE FOR $75,000

Williams and Hill Seek Recovery of Heavy Damages.

(Special to the Traveler)

Winfield, Kan., April 21.—Petitions asking for total damages in the neighborhood of $75,000, were filed in district court by the Williams & Hill Airplane Co., of Arkansas City, yesterday.

The aviation firm is suing to recover damages caused by the burning of their plant north of Arkansas City in March, 1921.

Twenty-seven insurance companies are named in the bills, allegations being set forth that the latter have failed to keep their contracts.



Much Interest Shown in Municipal Landing Field.

As a result of the visit of the local aviation interests to the field north of town yesterday, steps have already been taken for the improvement of the field. City Commissioner L. A. Sturtz and Secretary Seyster of the Chamber of Commerce, together with Roy Hume, Cecil Lucas, and the Hill brothers, Arthur and "Pete", marked off the grounds so that each aircraft operator will have his individual space for his own machine.

All hands got busy yesterday and cleaned off the grounds, and the field is now in good shape. A "shack" is to be built over one end of the old hangar's cement floor to provide protection for supplies of various kinds. Secretary Seyster has agreed to see that a large sign on the grounds formerly used by Williams & Hill is repainted, containing the words: "A. C. Municipal Landing Field." A weather vane made of canvas is to be hoisted for the benefit of aviators. Preparations are also being made to fence off a parking space for automobiles.

Representatives of the baseball interests also visited the grounds yesterday, and it was stated last night that an agreement had been reached to allow the location of a diamond and the construction of a grandstand on the aviation field. It is planned to have all these improvements completed in time for the student flight of nine planes from Post Field at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, April 28th.

Since arrangements have been completed to make this a municipal landing field, much interest is being manifested in the direction of developing the field as a central place for outdoor attractions of various kinds, and the field promises to become a favorite place of recreation.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Saturday, April 22, 1922.

Took Pictures From Plane.

Aviator Pete Hill took W. M. Stryker of the Security National bank on a flying trip this morning, the purpose being to get some aeroplane photographs of the country northwest of the city in the neighborhood of the Dixon orchards. Mr. Stryker denies the rumor that Aviator Hill is going to make a wing walker out of him.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Tuesday, April 25, 1922.


Aviators Will Welcome Visit From Post Field Friday.

The aviation boys have been working on the field the past few days and have got the tool shed about completed. Everything is in readiness for the student flight that is to be made from Post Field, at Fort Sill, Okla., on Friday of this week. There will be a fleet of nine planes participating in this aerial trip.

Beachy Musselman is getting his hand in again as a pilot. He flew Roy Hume's machine Sunday, this being his first flight since about two and one-half years ago. He is an old army flyer.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Tuesday, April 25, 1922.


Businessmen Make Kite Tournament Attractive Affair.

The following prizes were given to the boys who took first place in the different events of the kite tournament last Friday afternoon at the aviation field.

For height, first prize was won by Wellman Smith, who received $2.50 in merchandise from the boy’s department of the Newman’s Dry Goods Co.; second prize won by Jay Plumley, a $1.50 flashlight from the Collinson Hardware Co.

The second contest was the design, which was the most interesting of them all. First prize was won by Bobbie Lightstone, a $2 cash prize from the Comley Lumber Co. Second place was taken by Mark Ingle, a $1.50 game given by the Sollitt & Swarts Drug Co.

The distance contest was won by Richard Metz, a $1.50 pail of lard from the Axley Market.

For the race, first prize was won by Fred Bugnal, a cash prize of $2 from the Houston Lumber Co. Second place was won by Jay Plumley, a $1.50 axe from the Wright Hardware Co.

The sweepstake prize was won by Walter Kahler, merchandise up to the value of $5 from the Palace Grocery Store.

The pulling contest was not held on account of not having a strong enough wind to pull.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Thursday, April 27, 1922.


Arkansas City may soon be receiving part of her mail by aeroplane. She is one of the eight cities designated as stopping places for the United States air route mail service between Chicago and Los Angeles.

This city is the only one chosen in Kansas, and was designated because of its excellent field, which is equipped with gasoline tanks.

The bill which will make this thing possible will be brought before the house May 1. It provides for individuals, corporations, or companies to carry mail from Chicago to Los Angeles, California.

If the bill is passed, it will be a big advertisement for Arkansas City. Notices were sent to all aviators to be in Washington May 8 to boost the bill; however, people interested in the welfare of our city can't help boost the bill by wiring or writing Congressman Phil Campbell and urging him to give his mightiest support to the measure.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Thursday, April 27, 1922.


A fleet of nine or more airplanes from Post Field, at Fort Sill, Okla., is scheduled to arrive in this city tomorrow morning. It is a student flight and Arkansas City was selected for their only visit.

After their visit here they will return home. The question is being asked, "How did they come to select Arkansas City as their objective in making this flight?"

The answer is that this city is known on the aviation map. The Arkansas City aviators have made it known. The local aircraft men are widely acquainted, pioneer aviators, and good mixers. They have been busy today getting ready to welcome the visitors tomorrow.

An informal dinner has been arranged at the Osage hotel tomorrow noon. The meeting is open to any businessmen of the town who desire to attend, and there will be hosts of visitors. A dance is being arranged for the evening.

There will be two officers from foreign countries accompanying the boys on this flight. One comes from Chile, South America, and the other comes from China.



Lieutenant Walker and Sergeant G. E. Settle, advance flyers of the student squadron from Post Field, landed here this morning. Lieutenant Walker says there will be fifteen more planes here tomorrow if the weather permits. This is as far as the squadron will fly, where they will remain over Saturday and return to Post Field some time Sunday.

Lieutenant Walker and Sergeant Settle started to Kansas City after landing here, but after going about forty miles north they ran into so much fog and so many low hanging clouds they were forced to return to Arkansas City.

An Observation Trip.

Lieutenant Walker thinks he will return to Post Field this afternoon and accompany the other fifteen planes up tomorrow. The purpose of this trip is for observation, and the planes will be started from Post Field in squadrons, so that each flyer will have to cover the course and will have ample opportunity for observation.

If the weather permits, the first planes should arrive in Arkansas City about 10:30 in the morning, at which time the local aeroplane men invite everyone to the north field to watch the landing, but they stated that everyone must stay back of the fences, as there will be danger in so many planes taking off and landing.

The arrivals this morning say that from Enid, Okla., to Arkansas City the fog was so low that they had to fly no higher than seventy five feet above ground and part of the way only fifty.

Lieutenant Walker and Sergeant Settle are high in their praise of the local field, saying it is the best in this part of the country, and that it is listed on the Post Field chart as one of their permanent air route stations because of its excellent landing points; being high and rolling, it runs the water off and can be landed on in any kind of weather.

The squadron tomorrow will consist of the following officers: Major T. G. Lamphier, in command, Captain Prichard, Lieutenant Wendall Brookley, Lieutenant Vidal, Lieutenant McBlain, Lieutenant Sharader, Lieutenant Evert, Lieutenant Stockhouse, Lieutenant Wise-hart, Lieutenant Davidson, Captain Derby, Lieutenant Randall and two foreign officers, Lieutenant Tien Shen of the Chinese navy, and Lieutenant Zuniga Cooper of Chile.

[Note: Article was to be continued on Page 8. It was not continued. MAW]

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Saturday, April 29, 1922.


Eight Planes in Party; Will Remain Here Until Sunday.

Praise Local Aviation Field.

Eight "Man-O-War" aeroplanes from Post Field swooped upon Arkansas City and landed on the north aviation field at 11 o'clock this morning. Fifteen planes were expected, but when the last of the eight planes here left Post Field this morning they said the other planes had not arrived from San Antonio.

The party was composed of Major Lamphier in command, with Andro as observer, Captain Prichard, pilot, with observer A. N. Smith; Captain DeFord, pilot, with observer Lieut. Shabacher; Lieut. Wisehart, pilot, with observer Private Griffith; Lieut. Davidson, pilot with Sergeant Pond, observer; Lieut. Tien Shen, of the Chinese navy, pilot, with observer Private Mudd; Lieut. Williamson, pilot, with Corporal Clark as observer; and Lieut. Stock-house with E. H. Ostrom from Washington.

Only One Mishap On Trip.

"The trip was a very successful one, from the experience standpoint," said Major Lamphier, in command of the party. "The clouds hung low and there was so much fog in the air that the boys had to depend entirely on their compasses, while in clear weather they could get enough altitude to see many miles over the country and hardly have to use the compass at all.

"None of us had any trouble." exclaimed Prichard, who was forced to land near Enid, on account of bad spark plugs missing, but even he was not delayed for long.

"We were forced to fly very low," says the Major, "and no altitude over 200 to 500 feet could be gotten until nearing the vicinity of Arkansas City, where you can fly just as high as you please. Arkansas City and vicinity has perfect flying weather because the air is almost always clear while farther south there is so much foggy weather that it is uncertain."

Stay Here Until Sunday.

The squadron will remain here until tomorrow morning, when they will return to Post Field.

Lieut. Walker and Sergeant Settle were dispatched to Kansas City this morning, where they will stay until sometime tomorrow.

The local aeroplane men are having a banquet for the visiting officers tonight at the Osage Hotel.

Mr. Ostrom, who came as observer with Lieut. Stockhouse, has a very interesting mission. He has been for some time at Post Field where he has been working in connection with the war department. He is field assistant in cereal investigation of the United States department of agriculture, a graduate of the College of Agriculture of the University of Minnesota, and was a flyer in Illinois and Texas during the war.

He will remain in Arkansas City for a few days and take the opportunity of making some experiments relative to wheat rust in this vicinity.



Deplores America Being at Tail End in Development of Aviation.

"This country is far behind every other nation in the world, including South America, in the development of aviation," Major Lamphier declared, at the banquet given the visiting party of airmen at the Osage Hotel, Saturday night.

Continuing, the major, who is in charge of the student flight from Post Field, Fort Sill, Okla., to Arkansas City, said:

"Commercial aviation in European countries is an established fact. One can go from London to Paris almost as cheaply as by train or boat and very much more comfortably and quickly. The aerial lines in Europe are subsidized by the governments.

"The reason for the backward state of aviation in the United States is because of the selfishness and lack of vision on the part of the people of this country."

Selfish in Times of Peace.

"Under the stress and pressure brought to bear in times of war we are a most patriotic nation, but in times of peace we are the most selfish people in the world.

"The politicians in congress are cutting appropriations and failing to make proper provi-sion for aviation, just as a matter of policy in the hope of securing votes in the election next November. They are not looking to the interests of the country. Their motive is purely personal and selfish.

"Just so with the people. We have no plan of broad development. We side-step everything that does not directly put a dollar in our pockets. In this narrow view we do not see the benefits coming to the individual from developments representing the interests of the people as a whole, operated by and through the people's government.

"European governments and European peoples were quick to recognize that in the next war the aerial service will operate as one of the greatest factors in the conduct of the war. It will be the principal means of observation, it will be the eye of the army, and the nation that is defective in this respect will stand little chance in that mighty conflict when the nations clash again."

"Another War Is Coming."

"The next war is coming. It will be a long war. Write your congressmen. Their selfish motives should be changed. Make them act for the higher interests, for the country's best welfare, instead of playing cheap politics," the major advised.

Major Lamphier paid Arkansas City a compliment. Speaking of this city's municipal field, he said: "Arkansas City is farther advanced in this respect than any other city within a radius of 300 miles."

He praised the local field and the natural advantages of the town with respect to air routes. He recommended that the field be bisected and a circle fifty feet in diameter be placed in the middle of the field, this being the conventional method of marking landing fields. He said a telephone should be installed. He recommended roof painting with the words "Arkansas City," so that the aviators can identify the town, also arrows pointing in the direction of the landing field. He also recommended a radio sending station, as a necessity for all towns of any considerable importance.

Steel Hangar for A. C.

He announced that he was going to take the matter up with the proper authorities in Washington to send a steel hangar here.

He said it would be made possible by the fact that the field here is municipally owned. The local aviators are more than pleased. With a municipal field and a government hangar, and with the business interests of the town backing them, they will do their part to help put Arkansas City on the aerial map.

Richard Keefe of the Henneberry Packing Plant, made a talk to the visitors, and told them to come again. "Come often and bring a hangar with you," he said. John Floyd, insurance agent, spoke and supported Major Lamphier in his declarations about the advancement of aviation in Europe.

C. B. Seyster, secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, presided at the banquet.

Commissioner Thompson promised today to put some tiling in the ditch at the entrance from the rock road, and also that he would have several loads of gravel hauled to put the grounds in the neighborhood of the entrance in better shape in case of rain and mud.

It is planned to make the field a general recreational ground, with a baseball diamond and grandstand, and for outdoor amusements of all kinds.



Fliers Cover 3,000,000 Miles Without One Being Killed.

New York, May 8.—Three million miles in cross country flight without a fatality is the safety record of aviation in the United States in 1921, according to a report just submitted to the Secretary of Commerce by the Aeronautical Chamber of Commerce of America with headquarters in New York.

The report is based upon the signed statements of 125 operators in all parts of the United States, with equipment numbering 600 planes, or approximately one-half of the total now in commercial use throughout the country. It is interpreted by officials as an effective answer to the query as to the hazard of flight invited by recent spectacular accidents.

Three deficiencies, the report states, contributes to the serious embarrassment of American aviation—small capital, insufficient terminal facilities, and popular doubt as to reliability. The correction of these deficiencies and the consequent opportunity for the rapid growth of aerial transport, depends, it is stated, upon federal regulation and reasonable control through the aerial code. The report has been laid before the house commerce which has under consideration the Wadsworth Bill, establishing a bureau of civil aeronautics in the department of commerce.

Two Classes in Flying.

The report says that flying in the United States may be placed in two general classifi-cations—operating by established organizations which endeavor to maintain regulations, and demonstrations by the itinerant pilot gypsy flier. "Experience has taught," says the Aero-nautical Chamber of Commerce report, "that in safe flying, there are the following requisites: (1) a machine sound aerodynamically and structurally; (2) an engine of sufficient power and proved liability; (3) a competent, conservation pilot and navigator; (4) air ports and emer-gency landing fields, sufficiently close together to insure gliding to safety; (5) nation-wide weather forecasts specialized and adapted to the needs of the fliers; (6) nation-wide chart of air routes."

The report adds that the established operators, having a fixed point of responsibility, approximated these requisites, with the result that in twelve months they actually made 130,736 flights, covering 2,907,245 miles, and carrying 122,512 passengers. Only twenty-four accidents occurred, in which six persons were killed. Of these three were due to unauthorized stunting, two to carelessness in policing the field, and one to storm.

The report continues: "There were twenty-one persons injured in the twenty-four acci-dents. These mishaps were due to causes which could have been removed by federal regula-tion or supervision or had landing fields, air routes, and weather reports been fully available; had the field help been more disciplined; had the pilots been more alert through consciousness of licensed responsibility, and had there been general inspection of aircraft, engines, accesso-ries, and supplies. Even so, the record shows that 6,701 flights, or 138,440 miles, were flown for every injury sustained.

Poor Landing Fields.

"Such reports as were available of the 600 aircraft in the hands of gypsy fliers showed that these machines, which also traveled about 3,000,000 miles and carried passengers probably equal in number to those booked by the permanent operators, suffered 114 accidents, result-ing in 49 deaths and injury, more or less serious, to 89. Twenty of these accidents are attri-buted in whole or in part to inadequate landing fields or to the total lack of terminal facilities.

"In 1921, these air ports totaled but 146, an increase of twenty six over 1920. Four acci-dents are attributed to the lack of weather reports and ten to the lack of clearly defined routes or limitations in traveling between or over cities. Equal in importance with ascertaining the qualifications of pilot and navigator, is inspection of aircraft and engines. Out of the 114 acci-dents, 22 may be attributed to faults which proper inspection probably would have revealed—

four concerning the plane, nine the engine, and nine an accessory, gas, or oil. This inspection must be made at frequent intervals by federal authority.

"Twenty-nine accidents occurred during stunting, twenty persons being killed and thirty-six injured—more than forty percent of the total. In other words, stunt flying in unrestricted areas was responsible for almost as many casualties as all other elements combined. A govern-ment system of control, limiting stunting for training or testing to certain areas, will remove what is probably the most prolific cause of recitation on the part of the public to believe that flying is reliable.

"From the foregoing, it is seen that flying, even with the burden of unnecessary hazard, imposed through the lack of the aerial code, is not unsafe."


The Municipal Landing Field.

The Arkansas City municipal landing field is now a reality and a big sign announces the fact to all travelers on the rock road north. The city now controls the field and as a result it can and will be recognized by the U. S. government. A car parking space has been provided, but hereafter no cars can get into the field as no gate will be available.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Wednesday, May 10, 1922.

[Item Brought Up At Chamber of Commerce Meeting.]

The secretary reported on the aviation field, stating that its establishment as a municipal field was now an accomplished fact, with the supervision of the field in the hands of City Commissioner L. A. Sturtz.

It was suggested by members present that the secretary push the government hangar proposition offered by Major Lamphier on the occasion of his visit to this city from Post Field.


Fighting Fleet of U. S. to be Equipped With 213 Airplanes, Plans Reveal.

Washington, May 12.—Plans for complete equipment of the fighting fleet with air craft during the coming fiscal year, it was learned today, have been laid before the senate naval committee by Rear Admiral Moffat, chief of the navy's bureau of aeronautics. The project contemplates placing 213 airplanes on battleships, cruisers, scouts, and other vessels and is designed to furnish the fleet with its own aerial defense against enemy aircraft attack.

Under the plan eighty-six small, swift fighting planes will be included in the aircraft to become a permanent part of the fleet aircraft defense. The machines to be used for this pur-pose are believed by navy officials to be the best developed. They are designed to repel raids against the ships by enemy bombers.

In addition, the active ships will carry 46 observation and spotting planes, 27 small spotters, 36 torpedo or bombing planes, 18 scouts, and four kite balloons for observation purposes. Each battleship of the 18 comprising the fleet, under the naval limitation treaty, will carry four planes, two V-F, or single fighters, one big spotter, and one torpedo or bombing plane. The torpedo plane will permit attack on enemy surface craft with 1,500 pound torpedo bombs.

Catapult launching devices recently developed are to be installed on all ships, enabling them to send up aircraft even in a heavy sea.

The ten new scout cruisers will carry two catapults each and fighting and scouting planes to add to their range of observation.

This airplane equipment, sought by the navy as an immediate answer, it was explained, to accusations that surface craft were defenseless against air bomb attacks, is regarded as essentially defensive. The aerial offensive power of the fleet is to be grouped aboard the air-plane carriers into which it has been recommended the battle cruisers Lexington and Saratoga be converted. The fleet aerial squadron also is supplemental to an equipment of twenty-four land planes sought for the marine corps, twelve to be fighting or pursuit ships, and twelve observation planes; and also in addition, 30 torpedo planes with which it is designed to equip naval stations.


(First Published in the ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, May 12, 1922.)


Case No. 15446

By virtue of an execution to me directed and delivered and dated the 26th day of April, 1922, issued out of the District Court of Cowley county, state of Kansas, in an action in which Thomas Broderslev is plaintiff and Henry Chateau is defendant. I will, on Monday, the 22nd day of May, 1922, beginning at 2 o'clock p.m. of said day, at the north door of the court house, in the city of Winfield, Cowley county, state of Kansas, offer for sale and sell, at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash in hand, all that certain personal property situated in said county of Cowley, and described as follows, to-wit: Four fusilage (or airplane frames), Twenty-six airplane wings or frames, said property levied on to be sold as the property of the above named defendants, to satisfy said judgment. Witness my hand at my office in said city of Winfield, this 12th day of May, 1922.—C. N. Goldsmith, sheriff. W. L. Cunningham, attorney for plaintiff.

[Note: There is some doubt as to whether it is "Chateau" or "Chouteau." MAW]



Washington, May 13.—The house today agreed to a senate amendment to the post office appropriation bill, providing $1,900,000 for operation of the New York-San Francisco air mail service during the coming fiscal year beginning July 1.



Commission Takes Action On Law Introduced by Senator Howard.

The final steps were taken at the commissioners meeting this morning to make the local aviation field a municipal field. The law which makes this action possible was introduced in the Kansas state senate by Senator R. C. Howard, of this city, and was enacted into a law at the last session of the legislature. The commissioners adopted a resolution setting forth the provisions of the law, formally taking over the field, in accordance with those provisions, and designating Commissioner L. A. Sturtz aviation commissioner to have the supervision of the field.

The city attorney, L. C. Brown, then presented a lease on the grounds, the parties to the lease being L. A. Sturtz and Virgil Hadicke. The latter has a lease on a tract of land for a three year period from March 1, 1922, and the aviation field is on this tract, the lease to the city being in the nature of a sub-lease by Mr. Hadicke.

By the terms of the lease the city is given control of the grounds for aviation purposes for a period of three years from March 1, 1922, the expiring date being March 1, 1925. The lease is only costing the city the very small sum of $150 per year. The terms of the lease do not prevent Mr. Hadicke, who is a dairyman, from using the field for pasturing purposes, with the exception of automobile parking tracts to be fenced off so as to have an entrance from the public highway and another tract suitable for parking the aeroplanes.

Other Matters Disposed Of.

Upon the opening of the session this morning, City Attorney Brown read the new dog ordinance, by the terms of which the license for male dogs was fixed at $1.00 per year and for female dogs $5.00 per year. This ordinance was adopted.

The matters pertaining to the aviation field were taken up and disposed of.

Other Matters Discussed.

Thos. Baird made a suggestion with reference to an auditorium for this city. He thought it was time to begin to think about this matter and discuss it. With good crops and favorable oil developments, he thought the people might be ready to give favorable consideration to this matter by fall.



Local Municipal Landing Field Attracts Wide Attention.

O. B. Seyster, secretary of the chamber of commerce, has a letter from the American City Magazine, published in New York, making inquiries about Arkansas City's municipal landing field. This publication is one of the best known magazines going to municipalities throughout the United States. The fact that this city has a municipal landing field is getting it a vast amount of publicity and helping materially to put this town on the map.



Local Service Men March in Parade at Winfield this Morning.

Arkansas City figured conspicuously today in the state encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic, which opened yesterday at Winfield for a three days encampment. The meetings are held at Island Park.

Rev. Bernard Kelley presided at the meeting last night. A parade was staged this morning in which Arkansas City was represented by the different delegations from this city embracing members of the local post G. A. R., Sons of Veterans, Ladies of the G. A. R., American Legion, ex-service men, and the Arkansas City Symphony band.

Extended Courtesies to Veterans.

Pete Hill flew his Curtiss machine to the Winfield encampment this morning and distrib-uted some circulars in that city extending courtesies to the G. A. R. and inviting them to the big military celebration to be held in Arkansas City on the Fourth of July under the auspices of the American Legion and Battery F of the 161st Field Artillery.

Aviator Hill had intended to fly low over Winfield when distributing the advertising and also to perform some aerial stunts with his plane, but the motor of his machine developed some spark plug trouble which prevented him from doing this. On this account he did not land at Winfield as intended, but kept his altitude and returned to this city to land on the home field.

Other A. C. Features.

An attractive feature on the encampment program tonight will be furnished by Arkansas City performers. Mrs. C. H. Quier will sing a soprano solo, with violin obligato by Miss Lorah Tufts, accompanied on the piano by Miss Mildred Swarts.

George Jones' municipal band from this city helped to furnish the music today and made a nice feature of the program. This consists of some thirty members, who make an imposing appearance in uniform. They added much to the Arkansas City unit in the parade and their music was a much appreciated feature of the day.

Winfield Visitors.

Among the old soldiers who went to Winfield this morning to participate in the encamp-ment were John Sturtz, L. G. Plham, J. T. Hight, Jacob Rarrick, C. B. Potter, A. Bannister, J. M. Patterson, J. R. Carson, J. H. Farrar, G. M. Abbott, and F. M. Abbott.

W. R. C. ladies were: Mrs. J. R. Carson, Mrs. J. H. Farrar, Mrs. Mary Brigman, Mrs. J. C. Bennett, Mrs. A. R. Wagner, Mrs. Dora Parker, and Mrs. Maggie Marshall.

Among the legion and ex-service men who were in attendance at the encampment today were: W. B. Oliverson, James Woods, Jr., C. C. Baker, Earl Kelley, E. K. Kraul, J. D. Gamble, J. M. Goodwin, C. D. Grant, Ralph Cutter, Fay Burns, Eugene Wimpey, Reed Fretz, Chet Brown, D. B. Parker, Paul Taylor, Merle Whitehill, J. C. Frost, Beechy Musselman, Cecil Lucas, Pete Hill, Boyd Mohler, Fred Kuhn, John Floyd, and Robert Cox. Rev. Frederic Busch drove one of the cars up for the boys.



Officer From Gen. Pershing’s Staff En Route to Washington.

Visiting planes at the aviation field today carried some high U. S. army officials, including Brigadier General William Lassiter, of General Pershing's staff, Washington, D. C., also Major C. L. Tinker, an Osage Indian aircraft operator, who is now commander of the aviation field at Fort Riley, Kansas.

They were piloted by Lieut. Nelson from Post Field, Fort Sill, Oklahoma. The brigadier general was being relayed from Post Field to Kansas City, making his way in relays back to Washington.

Lieut. Harry H. Mills and First Sergeant J. L. Moore, from Post Field, were also in the party. They will fly to Kansas City. Lieut. Mills will be remembered by many people here as the aviator who had the German Fokker plane here during the air frolic.

Major Tinker intends to return to Arkansas City in the near future to map the town and surrounding country and to take photographs of the landing field and many other views. It is thought this work is preparatory to establishing an aerial mail route through here by the government.



Lieutenant Harry H. Mills and Lieutenant Nelson, flying on the return trip from Post Field, at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, to Kansas City, landed on the local field yesterday for gas and oil.

From Kansas City to this point they averaged ninety-five miles per hour. They got out ahead of the storm, which came from the north, and as they traveled faster than the storm, probably experienced no difficulty from this source. But three of the five men who went from Post Field got lost somewhere before reaching Arkansas City yesterday and evidently had to land on account of the storm. Major Lamphier was reported to have landed near Wichita.

According to Messrs. Mills and Nelson, officials at Washington are getting ready to make the field here a U. S. Government landing field.


Forced To Land.

Wichita, May 22.—Three army airplanes en route from St. Joseph, Missouri, to Fort Sill, Oklahoma, were forced to land here last night because of the severe rain storm south of Wichita. They continued their journey today. The planes were piloted by Major Lamphier and Lieuts. Davidson and Galloway.

No reports have been received here from twelve other planes in the squadron, which it was feared were stranded in fields south of here. Belief was expressed at the Laird landing field, however, that the pilots had been able to get through to Fort Sill.


Irl Beach went to Oklahoma today to get the airplane which he was forced to leave on account of the storm. He landed in a soft wheat field near Kaw City. He was flying Roy Hume’s plane.


Flying Frolic at Covington.

There will be a flying frolic tomorrow at Covington, Oklahoma, according to local aviators. Some of them are figuring on taking in the events there.


Dick Phillips, formerly of this city, and who has been in the airplane business in Texas the past winter, returned yesterday via airplane. He is back here for business.


Pete Hill was detailed from the police department yesterday to take a boy to Pawhuska to his father. The son was picked up here on notification from the Pawhuska police.



Sergeant Chambers Will Arrive From Post Field Tomorrow.

Sergeant C. C. Chambers of Post Field, Fort Sill, Oklahoma, will arrive here tomorrow, according to word received by Pete Hill late this afternoon.

Sergeant Chambers has just received his discharge from the U. S. army, and is coming to Arkansas City to make his future home. He is a world-famous parachute jumper and holds the record for the highest altitude jump which was made at the American Legion carnival held at Kansas City last fall. The record made at this time was 26,500 feet and established a new world's record that has not been beaten since.

Sergeant Chambers will work here in connection with Pete Hill, the widely known local aircraft operator.

It is considered a great honor to Arkansas City to have such a distinguished air man locate here. Mr. Hill, together with the other local aviators, have done much to put Arkansas City on the aerial map, and that the acquisition of Mr. Chambers will help greatly in future aerial development here, is the belief of those especially interested in aviation here.



Used by Sergt. Chambers in Making World’s Altitude Record Jump.

Sergeant Encil Chambers, the parachute man who holds the world's altitude record, and who arrived in the city Sunday from Post Field, at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, has on display in a show window of the Osage Sweet Shop the parachute which he used to make this record flight.

Sergeant Chambers hung this record up at the American Legion convention at Kansas City, the date of his record jump being November 3, 1921. He reached an altitude of 26,800 feet, establishing a new record which has not since been beaten.

The parachute he used and which may be seen at the above place, is made of Shantung silk, being so finely woven as to be airtight. There are forty cords attached to it, each of 250 pounds tensile strength. The cords are also made of silk.

Some of the European countries doubted Chambers' achievement, and had to be furnished with conclusive proofs from official sources. He reached this altitude by flying in a DeHaviland ship piloted by Lieut. Brookley.

Of course, the airmen had to be supplied with oxygen. But from the time Chambers left the ship until he got into atmosphere that he could breathe, he practically "passed out," but when he got in air with sufficient density his parachute slowed down and he regained his breath and consciousness.

Sergt. Chambers was the first airman to make a "Santa Claus" drop, which he did at Post Field last Christmas, to the delight of the children. His home is at Cameron, West Virginia. He has come to Arkansas City to make this his headquarters and will operate in connection with Pete Hill, the well known local aviator. They want to make arrangements, if possible, for some aerial demonstrations at the military Fourth of July celebration being planned for this city.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Wednesday, May 31, 1922.

Walter H. Beech, pilot for the Laird Airplane company at Wichita, was in the city last night.



Local Men to Put on Exhibition at Celebration There.

Pete Hill and Irl S. Beach, the local aviators, and Encil Chambers, the parachute man, went to Shidler yesterday flying two planes and taking the parachute belonging to Mr. Chambers. Shidler is having some kind of celebration and the boys went down there to put on a flying exhibition and to make a parachute drop.



D. A. McIntire Brings Oil Supply Man Here For Business.

D. A. McIntire, of Tulsa, piloting a five-passenger Bristol airplane, from the Southwest Aircraft Co., flew to this city this morning and has a passenger, J. W. Reed, who came here on a hurry business call for the Midland Supply Co. The trip to this city from Tulsa was made in the record time of 58 minutes and without any mishaps. The machine has a 240 horsepower Sidney-Duma motor and it is a powerful plane. McIntire and his passenger left the city at 2 o'clock this afternoon for the return trip. The Tulsa man landed on the municipal field north of the city. Hardly a day passes now but that some visiting airman lands on the field north of the city, which is one of the best landing fields in the states of Kansas and Oklahoma, accord-ing to the airmen.



Giving Demonstrations; Arranging For Parachute Drop Sunday.

Local aviators, Pete Hill and Irl S. Beach, and the local parachute man, Encil Chambers, who holds the worlds record altitude drop, who are in Shidler, Oklahoma, giving some demonstrations, will remain until Sunday evening, according to word received here today.

They are assisting the Shidler aviation interests in fixing up the landing field at that place, and besides giving demonstrations and taking passengers on air flights, are arranging for a parachute drop by Chambers Sunday.



Local Aircraft Men Preparing Data For Several Publications.

Encil Chambers, who holds the world's altitude record for a parachute drop, and Pete Hill, local aviator, are preparing data for a write-up in the New York World, Chicago Tribune, Denver Post, Wichita Eagle, the Aerial Age of New York City, and also the Aerial Age of London.

The occasion of the write-up is the recent discharge of Chambers from the army and his coming to this city to take up aircraft work in connection with Pete Hill. Arkansas City's status in aviation development, her municipal landing field, placing this city in line to become a U. S. government landing field, and other items of interest, will come in for mention in this write-up.

Sergeant Chambers is said to have a very fine army record, and some data in this regard will also make up part of the article. By reason of his aerial achievements, Chambers is an international character. He and Mr. Hill will operate out of this city together. As soon as it becomes known over the country where Mr. Chambers is and what he is doing, it is antici-pated that calls will soon begin coming in from all parts of the country for aircraft maneuvers and parachute drops, as special attractions at celebrations and public events of various kinds.

It is estimated that the publicity given these two Arkansas City boys in the above publica-tions will be read by at least two million people and the eyes of that many people will thus be directed to Arkansas City.

An effort is to be made to have these boys give an airplane demonstration and a high altitude parachute leap as a feature of the military celebration to be held here July Fourth.



Encil Chambers Made Successful Parachute Drop Saturday.

Pete Hill, Encil Chambers, and Irl Beach gave an aircraft demonstration at Shidler, Oklahoma, Saturday afternoon, which is reported to have been entirely successful. Chambers made a parachute drop from an altitude of 4,000 feet.

Yesterday Messrs. Chambers and Hill flew to Wichita and returned.



U. S. is Considered Best Field in the World.

Genoa, Jan. 6.—Gianni Caprona, the Italian airplane inventor and constructor, considers the United States today to be the best field in the world for the development of Civilian aviation. He prepared and brought to Genoa a comprehensive program for aerial communication over Europe, but this will have to wait, he said today, owing to the limited financial strength of the various countries embraced in his scheme. The Italian inventor stated, "In the United States, civilian aviation promises to make rapid progress. The country covers roughly about the same area as Europe, and all the elements for speedy growth are present. I hope to contribute to this branch of American activity."

Germans are showing the greatest activity in Europe at the present time in the field of aeronautics, according to aerial observers at Genoa during the recent conference. Anthony Fokker and Professor Junkers, both German experts, have leased three airplane factories in Holland.

The Zeppelin company is active in a factory on the Swiss side of Lake Constanza, and at the same time has leased an Italian factory near Genoa and is organizing a company for aviation construction near Seville, Spain.



Small Flyer Using 3-Cylinder Motor Landed Here Today.

A. J. Trenler and companion, representing the Longren Aircraft company of Topeka, landed on the local field today for gas and oil. Mr. Trenler was on his way to Tulsa to establish an agency there for the Longren company.

Trenler was flying the new Longren individual plane, which is a small machine equipped with a three cylinder motor. The machine was designed and built by A. H. Longren. Its total weight is about 1000 pounds—it has folding wings and can be kept in an ordinary automobile garage.

It is a nifty machine, carrying two passengers side by side, and is designed wholly for individual purposes. It sells for about $2,000.

Mr. Trenler was greatly pleased with Arkansas City and her municipal landing field.


Aviation Notes.

Jack Mollendick and Walter H. Beech of the Laird Airplane company at Wichita, flew to this city today looking after sale prospects for their Laird machine.

D. A. Biffle, salesman for the Lincoln Standard Airplane company, has been here since Saturday looking up prospective purchasers for the Standard plane. He says there is more aviation activity in Arkansas City than anywhere he has been.

Irl L. Beach flew Roy Hume's plane to Moline, Kansas, today to do some exhibition work and carry passengers. Irl is a local find who is a bear of a hustler, the boys all say.

All the airplane men who visit this city speak very favorably of the municipal landing field, and say that the next step is to get a government hangar. But when it comes to all other accommodations, the local field has them, and visiting airmen always receive a courteous welcome by the local aviators. They are very appreciative of service and courtesy, and these two factors have figured largely in putting Arkansas City on the aerial map.


Plane Makes Flight At Night Between Paris and London.

Paris, June 8.—The first aerial round trip at night between Paris and London was negotiated last night by an airplane carrying 10 passengers. Strong lights have been installed along the route at Beauvais, Amiens, Boulogne, and Dover for the guidance of pilots, and the terminal aerodromes at Le Bourget and Croyden are illuminated with a brilliance approaching that of daylight.



Local Operators Receive Inquiries Over Broad Territory.

Say Towns are Beginning to Realize Value of Senator Howard’s Bill

For Municipal Landing Fields.

The aviation outlook for the present season is looking good to the local aircraft operators. They are very much enthused over the prospects. They have done so much to give Arkansas City free advertising, that they now think it is up to this city to get behind the proposition of getting a hangar here good and strong. It is true Major Lamphier of Post Field promised to get a government hangar here, but it is thought the matter can be whipped up considerably by the citizens getting back of the proposition and insisting upon action in the near future. The government is now rating towns and cities by their municipal equipment. If Arkansas City is to hold her position in the A-1 class, she will have to land a hangar soon, the boys say. This city has heretofore set the pace in aviation in Kansas due largely to her enterprising aviators, and it is up to the city to back the boys up and help keep the city at the front, is the sentiment of the local boys at present. They say now is the psychological moment to strike, and the city shouldn't fail to put in the proper licks for progress now.

One of the local aviators declared this morning, "All the towns starting aviation are now beginning to realize the value of Senator Howard's bill, which was enacted into a law in this state, providing for municipal landing fields."

The Steenerson bill providing for the establishing of air mail routes is now up for hearings before the committee on postoffice and post roads in the house of representatives. It is house bill No. 11193.

By the specifications of the bill, "air mail" means first-class mail proposed at rates of postage prescribed in the bill, and that the rate shall not be less than six cents for each ounce or fraction thereof.

The bill authorizes the postmaster general to contract with any individual or corporation for transportation of mail by aircraft between given points at a rate not to exceed two mills per pound per mile.

The published statement of the hearings before the committee, the report of Luther K. Bell, representative of the Aeronautical Chamber of Commerce of America, giving a digest of the reports received by the aeronautical chamber from various towns throughout the United States, and this list is headed by Arkansas City with a report as follows: "Arkansas City reports frequent calls for commercial trips to Tulsa, Oklahoma City, Wichita, Kansas City, Kan., Kansas City, Mo., and Joplin, Mo. Arkansas City is one of the largest mail dis-tributing points in the territory southwest of Kansas City and if a route is established from Omaha south through Kansas City to Wichita, Arkansas City, Oklahoma City, and Galveston, it is believed there would be a big demand for such service. Local operators want a guaranty of $100 per day."

The above hearing and report from Arkansas City constitutes a part of the congressional record and is one of the means by which this city is receiving some wide publicity.


Aviation Notes.

Jack Long, of Oklahoma City, landed on the local field yesterday to gas up. He was flying a Lincoln Standard.


Walter Beech made a trip from Wichita to Okmulgee, Okla., yesterday, returning to this city in the afternoon. He was flying a Laird machine and circled around over town a few times.


Hill and Chambers are now receiving inquiries from all over the country in regard to aerial exhibitions including airplane demonstrations and parachute drops. The range of territory covered by these inquiries extends from Pocatello, Idaho, to Cameron, West Virginia. They have already signed up for engagements starting after the Fourth of July. They are negotiating for a demonstration here on the Fourth.



Challenges Chambers, Present Record Holder, To a Show Down.

Sergeant Encil Chambers, late of Post Field, Fort Sill, Oklahoma, but now of Arkansas City, holder of the world's record altitude parachute drop, has received a "challenge" from an aspirant to the "championship" belt. The letter, which has occasioned much amusement among the local airmen, is as follows.

Sergeant Encil Chambers, Post Field, Fort Sill, Lawton, Okla.—Dear Sir: Just a few lines to state I have just discovered your account in the Aviation and Aircraft Journal, which states you have taken the world's or believed to have taken the record for high altitude jumping, when your record showed the distance of 24,850 feet.

"My ambition is to show that I can beat that if given a fair chance at it. I am only a starter in the aviation field, but I dare say if I get a show, I shall break your record by one hundred or maybe two hundred feet.

"If you are champion, I challenge you to a show down and let the best man win, for I am ready to show I stand by my word at any time I am called upon to do so.

"Hoping you will give this your strict attention and answer me at soon as possible.

"I remain as ever, challenger to the champion.—Private Ferdinand Depoortere, Air Chanute Field, Rantoul, Ill."

It is thought the "challenger" must have been a prizefighter, for if this aspirant really desires to hang up a new record, all he has to do is to go to it and break the record made by Chambers. Since he seems to have the ambition and the determination, the Traveler would advise him to get busy and do it. If he can do it, or anyone else, then Chambers will lose no time in an endeavor to hang up a new world's record, as he proposes to keep the "title" right here in Arkansas City.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Saturday, June 10, 1922.

Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Lucas and baby, of this city, attended the surprise party given for his mother, Mrs. W. J. Lucas, southeast of the city, last night.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Saturday, June 10, 1922.

Mrs. W. J. Lucas, of southeast of the city, was the honored guest at a surprise party given at the Lucas home last night. The occasion was Mrs. Lucas' 53rd birthday anniversary and there was a party of relatives and friends numbering about one hundred in attendance. The affair was a complete surprise and Mrs. Lucas was the recipient of some nice gifts.

The members of the party all paid their respects to Mrs. Lucas, who with her husband and children, has resided in Kay county near this city, for a number of years.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Saturday, June 12, 1922.


All branches of the government having to do with the operation of airplanes are closely cooperating for the advancement of the art of flying. Improvements in methods of air defense are being perfected, and commercial planes are closely cooperating for the advancement of the art of flying. Improvements in methods of air defense are being perfected, and commercial planes are also benefiting from the investigations.

The big increase in commercial aviation is due largely to the encouragement received from federal sources. It is estimated that in 1920 1,000 planes carried 41,390 pounds of freight and 115,000 passengers, at an average charge for short flights of $12.50. In 1921 1,200 planes carried 12,227 pounds of freight and 122,000 passengers for an average charge of $9.00. As the number and capacity of the machines increase, the efficiency of operation rises and the cost drops.




Hill and Chambers Will Make Parachute Drop Here.

Another big feature has just been contracted for the Fourth of July celebration in this city. Pete Hill, local aircraft operator, and Encil Chambers, holder of the world's record for highest altitude parachute drop, have arranged for an airplane demonstration and parachute drop as a feature of the celebration here. It will be one of the first exhibitions of the day, coming on at 10 a.m.

Mr. Hill and Mr. Chambers are in demand for Fourth of July engagements. Besides their appearance in Arkansas City, they have contracted to fill two other engagements on the same day. At 2 o'clock p.m. they are scheduled for a drop at Cottonwood Falls, and at 5 p.m. they are due for a similar performance at Salina.


Irl Beach, aviator, flew to Augusta yesterday on a business trip.

Walter Beech, of the Laird Airplane company at Wichita, was in the city transacting business last night. He returned home this morning.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Wednesday, June 14, 1922.


Local Airmen Propose to Advertise Arkansas City.

Pete Hill and Encil Chambers, local aircraft operators, left last night for Lincoln, Nebraska, where they went to negotiate for a Lincoln Standard machine. The machine they are after carries about one thousand pounds and has a 150 h.p. engine.

If they are successful in securing this machine, they intend to paint it with Arkansas City advertising. The words "Arkansas City" will be painted in big letters on the bottom of the ship, and the Chamber of Commerce will also be advertised.

This is in accordance with plans made by Mr. Hill some time ago, and who has been fortunate in getting associated with himself the man who holds the world's record for high altitude parachute drop.

The boys are contracting dates rapidly covering a wide section of country, and this advertising for Arkansas City will help to put this city on the aerial map more than any other one proposition.

It is the intention of Messrs. Hill and Chambers in flying their new plane home from Lincoln, to make parachute drops at two or three towns en route, arriving here Monday. Arthur Hill, brother of Pete, was today closing a contract for an engagement of the boys at Springfield, Mo., immediately after the Fourth. Their drop in this city on July Fourth will be the first event on the program, occurring at 10 a.m. It is their intention to make this drop from an altitude of 8,000 feet.



Detailed Account of Chambers Drop at Kansas City.

Stevens Reached Altitude of 24,206 at Dayton, While Chambers’

Official Record is 24,850 Feet.

The parachute jump made by Captain A. W. Stevens at Dayton, Ohio, June 12, and which was proclaimed to have broken the world's record for high altitude drop, when he descended 24,206 feet, has been denied from an authoritative source, and Encil Chambers of this city still holds the record at 24,850 feet made at the American Legion convention in Kansas City last fall.

The Kansas City Times of June 14 gives the details of Chambers' drop at that time as follows.

"Official figures given out following Sergt. Chambers' parachute drop at the American Legion air meet here last fall indicate that he is justified in his contention that he still is the holder of the world's record for high altitude parachute drops.

"With Lieut. Wendell Brookley of Post Field, Okla., as his pilot, Chambers left ground here November 2 for his record breaking drop in a DeHaviland airplane. The motor of the machine, a Liberty, was specially equipped with a Moss supercharger—a device designed for the purpose of supplying the necessary oxygen to the carburetor at high altitude.

"Both men took with them oxygen tanks. Brookley's fur flying suit was electrically heated, but because Chambers was to leave the airplane, the electrical connections were not made from his suit to the motor. Instead, he crawled down inside the rear cockpit shortly before they left earth, and a canvas cover was fastened with a string over the top of the pit to keep out the biting winds.

"The start of the flight was made at 2:50 o'clock. Half an hour later the plant disappeared above the field. Minutes passed. Glasses were focused on the machine, which had long since passed from the vision of naked eyes, until it finally went above the vision of the most powerful of the glasses. Late in the afternoon the parachute was sighted, falling slowly and swaying from side to side in the high winds. Around and around it circled the airplane.

"Chambers landed in a yard at Eighty-fifth street and Prospect avenue. On returning to the flying field, Brookley announced that his altimeter had recorded a maximum of twenty-six thousand feet at the time of Chambers' start for his record.

"Later the altimeter reading was corrected to 24,850—a mark 644 feet higher than that made by Capt. A. W. Stevens in Dayton, Ohio, Monday, June 12. Captain Stevens' drop, although not as great as that of Chambers', required twelve more minutes to complete. From the time Chambers left the machine here, eighteen minutes elapsed before he touched earth at Eighty-fifth street and Prospect avenue.

"Chambers is now in Arkansas City, where he is forming an aerial circus for the purpose of giving exhibition parachute drops. He recently resigned from the army."



Hill and Chambers Will Make Parachute Drop at Lincoln.

Arthur Hill got a wire last evening from his brother, Pete Hill, who with Encil Chambers, went to Lincoln, Nebraska, to make a purchase of a Lincoln Standard plane, stating that the machine had been purchased. According to the wire, the boys will make a parachute drop at Lincoln on Sunday, and are expected to arrive home Monday, flying the new machine.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Saturday, June 17, 1922.


Both Flyers Are En Route From Oklahoma to Wichita.

George Newell of the Norris Oil company, Wichita, flying a Laird machine, landed here today for oil and gas. He flew from Slick, Oklahoma, this morning, and was en route to Wichita.

Clyde Horchem, of Attica, Kansas, who played this city as the "human squirrel," doing a building climbing act, some time ago, landed on the local field yesterday for oil and gas. He was flying from Hominy, Oklahoma, to Wichita.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Saturday, June 17, 1922.

Will Fly Home This Evening.

Roy Hume received word from Irl Beach yesterday that he would arrive in the city with Roy's plane this evening. He has had the plane at Augusta for a week doing some special


ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Saturday, June 17, 1922.


Daily Service To Be Installed Early In July.

Wichita, Kan., June 17. Daily airplane passenger service from Wichita to Kansas City will be inaugurated early in July, L. C. Stearman, factory manager of the Laird airplane company of Wichita, announced today.

Two planes will be used at the start, each making one flight a day. The machines have been built at a local factory and now await the arrival of high-powered motors. The capacity of the planes is six persons in addition to the pilot. Compartments are provided for passengers' baggage and light express shipments.

The actual flying time, Wichita to Kansas City, will be about two hours, Mr. Stearman said.

Emporia is to be used as a landing station en route, to let off and take on passengers. Topeka and other points will also be designated regular landing stations, if arrangements now under way are completed.

"It is the intention to add new planes as traffic increases," Mr. Stearman said, "and it probably will not be long until four machines are in operation. This will make it possible to fly from Wichita to Kansas City in the morning and return in the afternoon."

The Laird company also has in contemplation the inauguration of regular air passenger service from Wichita to Oklahoma City and other points.

"Aerial transportation is now completely safe," according to Mr. Stearman.

"The United States government reports that in its air mail service an average of but one pilot is killed for each million miles traveled," he said. "The danger is in the stunt flying. Nearly all aviation accidents are the result of trick flying."



Military Celebration to Eclipse Anything City Has Ever Done.

Next Tuesday Arkansas City will have a big military Fourth of July celebration, which promises to be one of the greatest celebrations ever held in this city. The celebration will be under the auspices of the American Legion and Battery F.

There will be thrilling events galore, and there will be something doing every minute from early morning until late at night. Besides the events provided by the local committees the Broadbeck Amusement company will operate in Paris park all day and evening. There will be attractions for young and old.

Field Day Program.

The army field day events will take place in the afternoon on the athletic field between Paris Park and Madison Avenue, near the Midland Valley tracks. The tents will be pitched on the field Sunday and it will be a regular military camp with many sports, ceremonies, exhibitions and demonstrations.

In the evening there will be a display of fireworks, and a masked street dance and carnival. The program will be as follows:

10 a.m.—High altitude plane flight and parachute drop by Pete Hill and Encil Chambers (holder of the world's record altitude drop).

10:30—Band concert corner Fifth avenue and Summit street.

11:00—Auto fashion show and parade.

Afternoon Program.

1:30—Military parade.

2:30—Military events at Athletic park.—Exhibition drill, Battery F and American Legion.

Events scheduled.

1—Shelter trench race.

2—Squad tent-pitching contest.

3—Shelter tent-pitching contest.

4—Rifle race.

5—Naval squad drill.

6—Litter race, medical corps.

7—Gas drill.

8—Tug of war.

9—Competitive squad drill.

10—Competitive platoon drill.

11—Guard mount.


13—Batallion review.

14—Big army feed, open to public.

During the afternoon there will be a number of races and events not listed, that will be staged.

In the Evening.

In the evening there will be a band concert, fireworks, and a masked street dance and carnival.

At the park there will be a ferris wheel, merry-go-round, and various other amusements and attractions going on all day.

Some fifty business institutions of the city have individually extended the people of surrounding territory an invitation to attend this celebration, by means of a page display announcement in the Traveler. A great time is promised, and no one for miles around can afford to miss this celebration.



Program Will Begin Tomorrow Morning On Schedule Time

With Fair Weather There Should be a Record Crowd in the City

For the All Day and Evening Festivities.

The final preparations for the celebration of the Fourth of July to be held in this city tomorrow are being made today, and from all indications, by morning the city will present a gala appearance.

The celebration will be different from anything of the kind ever before seen in this city, on account of its military character. It will also be far different in the number of attractions offered, and the entertaining character of the attractions. Never before has a celebration of such magnitude been undertaken by any city in the state of Kansas. Arkansas City heads the list with a celebration of such proportions as has never been equaled in the state.

Today the weather is cool and fine, with every indication of a continuation of favorable weather over tomorrow. Reports from Arkansas City territory for miles around in all direc-tions indicate that there will be a tremendous crowd here, and there is no doubt that they are coming to the right place for a good time and interesting and profitable entertainment, as well as a fitting observance of independence day.

The celebration is being put on by the American Legion and Battery F, and these organi-zations are receiving the cooperation of the chamber of commerce. Efficient committees are on the job, and it is safe to say the program will meet up to all expectations and there will be no lack of attractions to amuse and entertain the crowds.

Big Guns Are Here.

The big guns for the field artillery have arrived, Captain W. B. Oliverson announced this morning. The shipment consists of field pieces and machine guns, besides arms of smaller character. The field pieces and machine guns will be used for display and also for demonstrations providing the shells arrive. The shells are to come from Hutchinson it was learned this morning, and the battery at that place was wired this morning to get the shipment through.

The parade in the afternoon will be strictly a military parade, participated in by members of the Legion and Battery F. This parade will be formed at 1:00 at the Legion quarters on West Madison avenue, and will march down Fifth avenue to Summit street, then south on Summit to Madison and west on Madison avenue to Athletic park. The parade will be headed by the band.

The Auto Show.

The final arrangements for the automobile show and parade were completed this morning. The cars will be arranged for exhibition on streets intersecting at Madison and Summit, as follows: All Ford, Chevrolet, Overland, and Dodge cars, on Summit street south of Madison avenue, heading north; all Studebaker and Nash cars, on Madison avenue west of Summit, heading west; all Hudson, Essex, Buick, Cadillac, and Haynes cars, on A street south of Madison avenue, heading north; all Franklin and Jewett cars on A street north of Madison avenue, heading south.

The cars at these locations will be arranged in the following order, viz., roadsters, tourings, cabrolets, coupes, in which order the various makes of each company will appear in the parade. The parade will start at 10:30.

Other morning events will be the band concert and the parachute drop. All the field events will be on Athletic park in the afternoon. The Broadbeck Amusement company with their line of attractions, including ferris wheel and merry-go-round, will hold forth all day in Paris park. The fireworks will be sent up from near the lake in Paris park, in the evening. The street dance and carnival will be held on Central avenue between Summit and First street, beginning at 9 o'clock at night. It is desired that the businessmen decorate their places of business, and that the national colors be displayed in the city to the greatest possible extent.

The Official Program.

Following is the official order of events:

10:00 a.m.—Parachute jump. Pete Hill, pilot in charge of plane. Encil Chambers on parachute.

Band concert 5th Ave. and Summit St.

10:30 a.m.—Auto Fashion Parade on Summit street from Madison avenue to Chestnut avenue and return.

11:15 a.m.—Battle Royal on Central avenue between First and Summit.

12 to 1:30 p.m.—Dinner Hour.

1:30 p.m.—Military Parade. American Legion and Battery F, 161st U. S. Artillery, on Summit street.

2:00 p.m.—Athletic contests in Athletic park. Myron Bell's trained colt and amusements in Paris Park.

4:30 p.m.—Guard Mount—Review—Retreat.

5:00 p.m.—Mess by Battery. Open to public. 50 cents—plate.

7:00 p.m.—Band concert and amusements in Paris Park.

8:15 p.m.—Fireworks display in Paris Park. Will be announced by firing of French 75's.

9:00 p.m.—Masked carnival and street dance on Central avenue and First to Summit.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 5, 1922.


Out of Town Visitors Are Pleased With Elaborate Program.

What was undoubtedly one of the greatest events that ever occurred in this city was the military Fourth of July celebration given yesterday under the auspices of the American Legion and Battery F of the Kansas national guard.

The celebration had several outstanding features worthy of special note. The people got more than was advertised. The celebration got the crowd. The crowd got the entertainment. The program was pulled off on time. The day was perfect.

A Big Thrill Not Advertised.

The biggest "thrill" not on the advertised program was the runaway engine from the Midland Valley depot, which went past the celebration grounds with throttle wide open, puffing and snorting like a huge beast let loose, weaving from side to side and vibrating with the energy of uncontrolled freedom.

For half a mile alongside the celebration grounds thousands of people witnessed the spectacle, while the lives of hundreds who were standing on the track were especially endan-gered. The narrowest escape was the case of one woman who barely got off the track in time to prevent being run over. At the time the puffing locomotive, without human hand to control it, approached the celebration grounds, accelerating rapidly in speed, the throng of people was intent on the soldiers' contests taking place on the grounds. It was some of the battery and legion boys who first sensed the danger to the crowds on the track, and they ran over in that direction giving warning. The crowd at the south end of the grounds began to move off the track and the warning given first by the soldiers was automatically extended clear down the line, the track being barely cleared in time for the locomotive to pass.

Band Is Highly Praised.

As to the program of the day the consensus of opinion of Arkansas City people today seemed to be that there were three things in particular which especially deserved a vote of thanks—the band, the legion, and the battery in their efforts to entertain the people and make the celebration a success. This sentiment was voiced by the secretary of the chamber of commerce and other celebration workers not members of the three organizations named.

The band received compliments on all sides. With its twenty-six members assembled on short notice and who had never played together before as a body, it was pronounced the best band Arkansas City has had in many a day, and demonstrated that the players were experienced musicians.

"You cannot praise the band too highly," said R. H. Rhoads, of the Palace grocery, who had an active part in the preparation of the program. "Not only did it furnish splendid music, but the band conducted itself in a pleasing manner. Arkansas City certainly has a right to be proud of such a musical organization." Secretary Seyster said: "I would like to have the band especially praised for their splendid work throughout the day. It was a fine feature of the celebration, the boys did credit to themselves, and the city is proud of it. The people are praising it on all hands. You can't make it too strong in your write-up."

The credit for such a splendid band goes largely to Director Geo. W. Jones, who put forth his united efforts to get this bunch of musicians together. For the purpose of the occasion the band was under the leadership of Fred Funk, of the clarinet section, who proved himself amply efficient in this capacity, while Director Jones was the baritone man for the day.

The boys were on the job all day, heading the two parades, playing for the legion and battery drill work on the grounds, and the evening program at Paris Park was opened by an hour's concert by the band.

Each band member was issued a military uniform for the day, which added much class to the band's appearance. No one now questions that Arkansas City has the musical talent and the A. C. Symphony band and orchestra will be heard from in the future.

Much Credit Due Ex-Soldiers.

The work by the legion and battery was all voluntary work, and the Arkansas City people are giving great credit today for their efforts to furnish entertainment for the people. The field day sports and contests furnished clean entertainment that highly pleased the crowd. Too much cannot be said for the legion and battery in making the celebration such a magnificent success, is the general sentiment being expressed here today.

While the field day program was being carried out, the Salvation Army made a clever demonstration of its relation to the soldiers on the battlefield. Capt. J. E. McCullah was there with big baskets of doughnuts which he passed around to the boys while they were on duty on the field. The crowd was quick to recognize the practical service rendered by the Salvation Army.

Spectacular Parachute Drop.

The first event of the day was the high altitude airplane flight and parachute drop made by Pete Hill as pilot of his Lincoln Standard machine, and Encil Chambers, holder of the world's record high altitude drop. Hill has a national reputation as an aviator while the reputation of Chambers is international, and both men reside in Arkansas City. That is a credit that no other town on earth has at the present time.

The weather conditions were ideal for this aerial demonstration, and like all the events on the program it came off right on the dot. The plane ascended to a height of close to 8,000 feet when the drop was made. It was so high in the air that it took close watching not to lose sight of it. The parachute landed about a block east of the Santa Fe tracks on Cedar Avenue, with its occupant safely on the ground.

After making the drop here, the boys went to Douglass where they made a flight and drop at 7 o'clock last evening. They reported today that everything went off nicely at Douglass. This afternoon they went to Burbank where they will perform for two days, giving a plane flight and drop at 7 o'clock both this evening and tomorrow evening.

The Automobile Parade.

An attractive feature of the morning program was the big automobile parade, headed by the band. It was estimated that there were more than a hundred automobiles in the parade and the line was nearly two miles in length. The cars came into line for the start of the parade on Summit Street at Madison Avenue, and when the head cars had made the turn on North Summit Street and came back to the starting point, the cars were still coming into parade form at this point. Thus there was a double line of cars the full length of the distance traversed by the parade. The cars ranged all the way from Fords to Cadillacs, the Fords and Chevrolets making a conspicuous display by their number. Each dealer lined up his cars in the following order, viz: roadsters, tourings, coupes, cabrolets, sedans. It was a splendid showing for both the car manufacturers and the local dealers. It was a success as a fashion show and parade, and was a big feature of the day's program.

March To The Grounds.

At 1 o'clock the American Legion boys and members of the local battery formed in marching order on the streets in front of legion headquarters, in the Fifth Avenue Hotel, and headed by the band took up the march north to Central Avenue, east to Summit Street, south to Adams Avenue, and west on Adams Avenue to Athletic Park.

The seating capacity of the bleachers was soon taken up, and there were two or three times as many people standing on the grounds and on the railroad grade and track as there were on the bleachers, to say nothing of the entire field being surrounded by hundreds of automobiles with their occupants.

It is said to be the largest crowd ever assembled in Arkansas City; and it is estimated that at least ten thousand people witnessed the events of the day. Some estimated it a great deal higher than that.

The program opened by a salute from the big guns of the battery, the field pieces which arrived here Monday evening. Some twelve or fifteen shots were fired; and with each shot, the concussion seemed to jar the earth while the sound reverberated in the heavens. It was a new and novel feature to hundreds of people who had never before heard the roar of field artillery. The guns were brought to the grounds by Fordson tractors, the battery horses not having yet arrived.

Fireworks Display.

The fireworks display was made on the bank of the lake opposite the crowd. The red and green flares, casting their colors on the water, added much beauty to the spectacular scene. Fifty rockets were shot besides many other displays.

While it was an excellent display and seemed to come up to the expectations of the crowd, yet Secretary Seyster stated this morning that as a matter of fact they "gipped" on the fireworks for the reason that the goods delivered did not come up to representations as ordered. This was no fault of the local men, yet the display would have been much better, the secretary stated, had the goods come up to the standard as specified in the order.

Street Dance and Carnival.

At about 9 o'clock the crowd began to disperse from the park, coming uptown where the remaining attraction was the masked street dance and carnival. Central Avenue was roped off between First and Summit streets, and all four sides of the blocked-out space were lined with a sea of faces, and many couples tripped the modern fantastic on the street. The orchestra for this occasion was composed as follows: Ernest Hatley, violin; Mrs. Mabel Orr, piano; Chas. Tafoya, cornet; Fred Funk, clarinet; Harry Ream, trombone; Lee Heflin, drums. Dancing continued here until 11 o'clock, while amusements at the park lasted till a later hour.

There was a ball game on the local aviation field in the afternoon which was largely attended.

All together it was as nearly perfect an occasion as would be humanly possible. From the weather standpoint the day was grand, cool, clear, and no wind. The decorations added to the gaiety of the scene. Practically all business houses were decorated and the city decorated the lamp posts of the white way in bunting, while flags and bunting were everywhere.

No Serious Accidents.

One of the most remarkable propositions in connection with the celebration was the fact that there were no accidents, automobile collisions, or fires with but two or three slight exceptions. There were two small fires which called out the department. One lady received an injury in the way of a burn from a firecracker which was thrown in the car seat where she was sitting and exploded between her and the back of the seat, burning her clothing and also burning her considerably on the body. The clothing damage would probably amount to $35 or $40, it was thought. This was the work of some boys who became careless in the use of firecrackers.

The crowd conducted itself in a most orderly manner, and responded readily to every request made. The spirit was good, and jovialness reigned throughout the day. There was at no time the slightest indication of rowdyism. There were no fights and not a single drunk was seen. There was not a thing occurred to mar the beauty of the celebration. It marks a stepping stone in the progress of this city and sets a new record in the matter of Fourth of July celebrations, the program being largely new and original with Arkansas City men.

The Band Personnel.

By request the members and instrumentation of the band are published as follows.

Cornets—Ernest Hatley, Chris Tafoya, M. L. Klinck, D. A. Steele, Clifton Ramsey, and Clifton Wentworth.

Clarinets—Fred Funk, Harold Ream, Paul Lonneke, and Merle Turner.

Flute—Harry Unsell.

Altos—J. H. Dweelaard and Gerald Barnes.

Baritone—George W. Jones.

Basses—Marion Jones and W. L. Baldridge.

Trombones—J. B. Shumatona, Harry Perico, Lonnie Rose, and Chas. D. Wentworth, Jr.

Saxophones—Edward Lamb, Fred Klinefelter, and Otis Gilbert.

Drums—H. C. Small and Lee Heflin.

Drum Major—Sergeant Woods.



M. V. Locomotive Runs Wild Past Park While Celebration On.

One of the real features of the celebration of the Fourth in this city yesterday and which was not listed on the program, was the runaway engine on the Midland Valley railway, which created great excitement among the crowd at Athletic Park, late in the afternoon and which ran wild past the park, at a time when there were several hundred men, women, and children lined up on the track, watching the maneuvers of Battery F.

In fact, it was miraculous that there was no one injured by the runaway engine and the great wonder to all is that it did not cause serious damage to life and property, before it ran off the track, at the Dixon spur, two miles northwest of the city. Fortunately those who lined the railway track were warned in time to get in the clear, some of them running ahead of the engine for some distance and others falling off the high grade, in their excitement as they did not understand why the engine was approaching the crowd at such a high speed, and it seemed to be gaining speed all the time, which as a matter of fact was true.

Was In Charge Of Hostler.

The engine was in charge of the hostler, W. B. Burris, colored, and the time it started on the wild run and as he was not in the cab at the time it was impossible for him to stop the locomotive. Burris had taken charge of the engine shortly before the time it broke loose as the freight crew had just arrived in the city from the east and had tied up here. The engine was at a point just south of the station and the hostler was in the act of banking the fire box. The engine sprang forward and was off down the track before Burris and other men standing near realized what was taking place. As soon as it was seen that it was loose and must go direct toward the crowd on the track west of there, men who realized the situation ran ahead of it and warned those on the track to get in the clear.

The engine seemed to gain momentum with each succeeding puff of the great iron monster and it was but a very short time until it reached the guard gate at the Frisco crossing, smashing through this as though there was nothing in the way at all. On toward the west it sped and very shortly there were many people in autos trailing the runaway, around by the roads, one leading up the canal and one on the west side of the river.

Off The Track And Over.

Soon it was learned that the engine had jumped the track at a point just west of the Dixon spur, near the R. C. Dixon orchard, northwest of the city. The engine ran off the track at this point where there is a sharp curve and turned over on its side to the left of the track. Indications were that the wheels of the engine sped around for some time after going over, but it could do no more damage after leaving the track in this manner. The cause of the engine starting on the wild run is thought to have been a leaky throttle, according to the Midland Valley local officials. As soon as it was learned that the engine had jumped the track, the conductor of the freight train was sent to the scene of the wreck to make an investigation and to report to the officials.

Traffic Not Delayed.

Late in the day yesterday the section crew here was called out and they built a track around the engine as it was partly obstructing the track at this point. The west bound passenger train had gone out just ahead of the runaway engine and the new track was built in time for the train to the east to pass that way this morning. The work of placing the engine back on the track was begun this morning, with assistance from Wichita and Pawhuska.

It was reported today that the engine and the tender were badly damaged when they were wrecked. The tender jumped the track first, it is thought, and this caused the engine to be ditched. The escaping steam dug a great hole in the earth where the engine was derailed.


Offer $1,000 Reward in Midland Valley Runaway Engine Case.

The Midland Valley railroad company is offering a reward of $1,000 for the arrest and conviction of the person or persons who on the Fourth of July caused the damage to its engine No. 16, which ran away from the local station and was turned over at the Dixon spur west of the city. It is the supposition of the railway officials of that company, who have been conducting an investigation of the matter, that someone trifled with the engine, for the reason, it is now stated, that when the engine was found wrecked, the throttle was wide open. At the time the engine ran amuck on the track here, it was stated that there was no reason to believe that it had been tampered with, but there now seems to be a question in this regard.

The engine was in charge of the hostler, William Burris, negro, at the time, and now it is stated that he had stepped away from the engine to get a drink of water and that when he discovered it had started down the track, toward the large crowd in attendance at the celebration at Athletic Park, he was unable to catch it. The result was that the engine ran about two miles to the west, ran off the track, and was turned over.

[Note: There was a nationwide railroad strike at this time. MAW]



Big Crowd at Wichita Sees An Unusual Stunt Performed.

Wichita, Kan., July 17.—Within view of 10,000 spectators at Laird field, Twenty-ninth street and Hillside Avenue, Sunday afternoon, a drama of the air was enacted. An airplane, falling in a loop, hurled an aerial acrobat from the top wing down into the cockpit on top of the pilot, rendering the acrobat unconscious and the pilot nearly so.

The ship, 2,000 feet in the air, turned into a barrel roll and an Immelman turn as the pilot in his last conscious effort, grabbed his partner by the belt as the latter was slipping over the side of the cockpit and held the machine into a glide which ended in a perfect landing in the center of the field with hardly a jar and with no damage to the plane.

How death was escaped, neither knows, nor do the experienced airmen with them. J. D. Jernigan, the pilot, and Harley Douglass, the acrobat, called it a miracle, after each had recovered at the hospital where it was found injuries were slight, though Douglass later collapsed from the shock after returning to his hotel. Douglass received a slight cut on the back of the head, where he had struck full force on Jernigan. Jernigan was cut above the eye, on the nose and the forehead. His goggles were shattered by the impact which also dented deeply the gasoline tank and crushed part of the frame work of the cockpit.

Jernigan, on his bed, related the details. The engine was missing badly, he said, and failed at the top point of the loop. Douglass was hurled down upon him head first, their heads hitting with a terrific shock. "I remember the thought, 'grab Doug'. He was just slipping over. That was all I know."

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Saturday, July 29, 1922.


Government Active in Making Preparations for an Emergency.

The postoffice department at Washington has been making special preparations to handle mail by air mail service in case any emergency should arise. The government has been working this out for some time, but preparations have been hastened by the present strike situation.

Postmaster George S. Hartley has just received a communication from the postmaster general, Charles I. Stanton, advising him that if occasion required he would call upon W. H. (Pete) Hill for his services as pilot and also for two planes offered for service by Mr. Hill.

Mr. Hill had received information to the above effect several days ago, but the matter at that time was indicated as being confidential. However, the postmaster general in his letter to the local postmaster, gave the latter the privilege of giving the facts to the press for publication.

[Note: At this time a national railway strike was making it almost impossible to carry on "Business as Usual." MAW]

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Monday, August 14, 1922.

Encil Chambers Loses Two Fingers When Aerial Bomb

Explodes In His Airplane.

The premature explosion of an aerial bomb resulted in the loss of two fingers for Encil Chambers of this city at Falls City, Nebraska, Saturday, while participating in a big aerial frolic at that place according to word received by Arthur Hill yesterday morning.

There were a number of ships participating in the frolic and Pete Hill and Encil Chambers were flying their Lincoln Standard special built machine when the accident occurred. They were throwing smoke bombs from an altitude of about three thousand feet. Chambers pulled the fuse on a bomb, which exploded in his hand and blew one side of the cowling off the ship. Pilot Hill landed safely.

The message received here was to the effect that Chambers is in a hospital at Lincoln with a badly burned hand and two fingers blown off. It is probable that Mr. Chambers will be brought to this city.

He had accident insurance with the Northwestern Insurance company. The terms of the insurance provide $250 for the loss of a finger, which in this case would mean $500, the victim having lost two fingers. The policy also provides for the payment of doctor's and hospital bills and $150 per month while the patient is unable to work.

Before the accident occurred Pete Hill sent word to his brother, Arthur, that he in com-pany with the Lincoln Aircraft company's engineer would be here today on business. It is believed that when they come they will bring Mr. Chambers with them. Mr. Chambers holds the world's record for high altitude parachute drop. This record was made at the American Legion convention at Kansas City last fall, when Chambers established a record of 24,850 feet.

He and Mr. Hill, the well known local aircraft operator, have been working in connection with the Lincoln Aircraft company, filling dates for aerial exhibitions in various parts of the country.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Thursday, August 17, 1922.

Bottom of Ship Blow Out and Aviator Loses Fingers When 15 Bombs Explode.

Mrs. W. H. Hill received a message today from her husband, better known as "Pete" Hill, at Lincoln, Neb., stating that he will be through here next Tuesday, flying a five passenger ship en route to El Paso, Texas.

Mrs. Hill also received a letter from Mr. Hill which contains the details of the accident which happened to Encil Chambers, resulting from the explosion of what was supposed to be a smoke bomb and in which Mr. Chambers was reported to have received injuries including the loss of two fingers. According to Mr. Hill's letter, the original report was erroneous in several respects, and Mr. Chambers is a very much more seriously injured man than was intimated in the first report received here.

It appears that when the accident occurred, Hill was not the pilot. Chambers had gone with a pilot by the name of Johnny Moore to Hickman, Nebraska, to make a parachute drop late in the afternoon, and from there went to Falls City for the evening aerial demonstrations. The Lincoln Aircraft company had sent Pete direct to Falls City with a special Standard machine. Chambers and Moore had been ordered to throw some bombs from an airplane "but the company made a mistake and sent some mortar bombs," the letter explains.

Explosions Are Described.

What took place is then described in Mr. Hill's letter as follows:

"Chambers and Moore then went up with the bombs. Airplane bombs have 7 second fuses on them, but mortar bombs go off at once, so when Chambers set it off it exploded instantly. He had 15 of these bombs in the seat with him, and all of them exploded one at a time. He was blown to the center section, and when he came back there was no bottom in the ship and he almost went through. While he was down in there, the bombs just blew him from one side to the other, until he finally crawled back to the pilot and told him not to jump but stay with the ship. They got down without wrecking the ship.

"Chambers was burned all over. His right arm is broken and they have not set it yet and cannot do so until the burns are out of it. He had both little fingers blown off, also the fore finger of his right hand. All of the flesh was blown out of his right hand. He was burned to the shoulder, and his chest and face and both legs were badly burned. He is powder burned all over. A big piece of wood was blown through his right leg. It burned his clothes completely off. He went through an awful experience."

May Lose Right Hand.

"Chambers has a special nurse and the best doctor in Lincoln. We have done everything for him that could be done, and if he does not lose his right hand we will be thankful. The doctor thinks he can save it. There may be some skin grafting to be done. He will be laid up for ten weeks at least. Everybody here has sent him flowers."

The facts as told in Mr. Hill's letter, while more serious than anticipated, were no surprise to the intimate friends of Mr. Chambers here, as they felt something was being held back. Mrs. Hill was reported to be in much uneasiness until she received this letter from her hus-band giving the details of the affair.

The accident occurred at Falls City, Nebraska, last Saturday evening as reported in Monday's Traveler. Chambers and Moore were three thousand feet in the air when the first bomb exploded. Mr. Hill's letter was written from the office of the Lincoln Standard Aircraft company. He explained all the rest of the pilots were out and Mr. Page, the manager, had asked him to stay at the factory in order to make ship demonstrations in case a prospective buyer should come in.

Arkansas City Traveler, Friday, October 13, 1922.

Airmen to El Dorado.

Irl S. Beach, S. N. DeVore, and Frank Hamilton, local airmen, will fly three planes to El Dorado tomorrow, where they will take passengers on flights Saturday and Sunday.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Friday, October 13, 1922.


One of Party from This City Badly Injured, It’s Reported.

Late today, a phone message from Douglass, Kansas, was to the effect that one of the three Arkansas City aviators who flew to that place today, had fallen with his plane and was badly injured. The three men who went there this afternoon were Shirley N. DeVore, and Frank Hamilton, and the party who telephoned to Art Hill of this city, who was so excited that he did not tell which of the trio was injured. Art Hill and Robert Finney started for that city by auto late this afternoon, or as soon as the message was received here.

Late this afternoon the Douglass Tribune stated to the Traveler that one of the men had fallen and was at that time in an unconscious condition. He had both legs broken in the fall and was said to be fatally injured. His name was not learned as he had become separated from the other members of the party and was unable to tell anything regarding the accident.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Friday, October 13, 1922.


Local Airmen Fly From Here to Lincoln in 2 Hours and 10 Minutes.

A wire from Pete Hill was received by his brother, Arthur Hill, stating that he and Encil Chambers made the flight to Lincoln, Nebraska, yesterday afternoon in 2 hours and 10 minutes. They were aided by a forty mile wind.

The distance by auto is 368 miles and it is a hard day's drive by that method of travel. The time consumed in making the trip by train is 26 hours.

In making the flight in 2:10, the previous record made by Aviator Gardner was beaten by 35 minutes, his time being 2 hours and 45 minutes, made a year ago. Gardner was not aided so much by the wind.

Hill and Chambers took the airline, making no stops.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Monday, October 16, 1922.

DeVore, Airplane Victim.

Shirley N. DeVore, the local aviator who fell near Douglass, Saturday afternoon, receiving fatal injuries, died at 6 o'clock in the evening, in a hospital at Augusta.

Arthur Hill was the first person in this city to be notified of the accident. He and Robert Finney arrived at the hospital about ten minutes before the victim passed away.

DeVore never regained consciousness after the accident, it was reported. Those arriving on the scene immediately made arrangements to take him to Augusta. For this purpose a pallet was made over the seats in an enclosed Hudson car.

When they were placing him in the car, the injured man spoke three words and repeated them: "Go easy, boys"—Go easy, boys." These were the last words spoken by DeVore, resulting, it is believed as the action of the sub-conscious mind.

Body Badly Injured.

According to Arthur Hill, death might have resulted from any one of three or more causes. DeVore had received a hard blow in the forehead, the bridge of the upper part of his nose was mashed in, and he had received a severe blow on the left temple. His left leg was broken and the bones shattered and three outer fingers on the left hand were mashed. There was also an injury on his left side. DeVore was a heavy man, weighing more than 200 pounds.

The plane was a complete wreck. It went to the earth in a nose dive while at the same time circling to the left. The aviators who viewed the wreck and talked with those who were able to give any information in connection with the accident agreed upon the probable facts and evident causes leading to the disastrous end of the flight.

The landing had been effected in a corn field near a farmer's house where the airman de-sired to get information as to his whereabouts. In the "take off" he headed due north facing a wind coming straight from the north.

Machine Falls 200 Feet.

At about 200 feet in the air, the machine started to turn and continued turning and at the time of the fall it was headed southeast. This indicated, in the opinion of the airmen, loss of control. They attribute this loss of control to the fact that the aviator had several articles which he was carrying in the seat with him. Among these was a 5-gallon can of motor oil, a hang bag, some tools, and a coat, which were in the front seat. It is believed that some of these articles might have fallen in such a way as to interfere with the control levers.

Reports varied in regard to the ignition switch, some saying that it had been turned off while others maintained that it was on. Local aviators stated that if the switch was off, it no doubt had been turned off to avoid fire. The wings on the left side of the machine were crushed and the wings on the other side had been knocked loose and were twenty feet away from the motor. The wreck was so complete that it was figured there wouldn't be salvage to the amount of $25. It was uninsured. This is the plane that Roy Hume had just overhauled and got in working shape.

Sad News for Home Folks.

Shirley DeVore was raised on a farm near Winfield. He was well liked by the boys, who say he had a heart in him big as an ox. He had a wife, but no children. The father was reported to be prostrated over the unfortunate ending of his son. The wife was reported not to be making any demonstrations, it being believed she would not come into the full realization of the sad affair until later.

When the accident happened at Douglass, there was no way by which those at the scene could immediately identify the injured man. Later his name was found in a hand-bag which was among his effects in the front seat. The telephone message came to Arthur Hill just as he and Bob Finney were about to leave the Hill garage to go on a duck hunt. Instead of going hunting they went to Douglass, where they lent all possible aid.

Victim Was a Mason.

The body was brought to Winfield on Santa Fe train No. 5 last evening, and arrangements were being made to hold the funeral this afternoon. Shirley DeVore was a Mason and it was thought the services would be conducted under the auspices of the Masonic order. Whether DeVore carried any insurance was not known here.

Roy Hume, the owner of the plane, and Cecil Lucas went to Douglass late Saturday after-noon and remained in Augusta Saturday night, returning home yesterday. Several of the local airmen went to Winfield this afternoon to attend the funeral.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Wednesday, October 18, 1922.

Mason, Klansmen, and Airmen Pay Last Respects to Dead Aviator.

Winfield, Oct. 18—His companions of the air, Masons, and the Ku Klux Klan participated in services here this afternoon for Shirley L. DeVore, young airman who lost his life Saturday near Augusta when his plane went into a nose dive.

While two planes circled overhead at Highland Cemetery, the Masonic ritual was held at the grave. Following this 17 members of the Klan marched to the grave and formed a circle about the coffin. The leader offered a short prayer after which the Klansmen each deposited a sprig of fern on the coffin and withdrew. Irl Beach, a companion of DeVore on his last ill-fated journey, circled above and near the close of the services he dropped flowers from the air.

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Friday, November 10, 1922.

Quinn Terrill Tells Where Local Service Boys Were on Armistice Day.

Quinn Terrill, who served with the Navy and was located in Boston when the Armistice was signed, gathered at random the following story for the Traveler from ex-service men relative to where they were and what they did on Armistice Day.

Reede Farrell, 224 Aero Squadron—We were located at Croydon, England, getting ready to go to France. We got all our things together and at about 11 a.m. received news the Armistice had been signed.

Leo Givens, porter Fifth Avenue Hotel, 388th Inf.—We were located at Pontmaison, France. We were to relieve the 366th Inf., at 12 noon, but we got news about 10:30 that the Armistice had been signed.

Fred Norman, Hi-Speed Co., playing at Rex Theatre, 316th Eng.—I was in the hospital at Valdahon, France. Everybody not absolutely laid out was up and dancing around and raising h__l in general.

C. C. Calegy, Navy, on U. S. S. Lydonia.—We were 150 miles out of Bizerte, British and French East Africa, the seaport of Tunis. We arrived in Bizerte on the 12th. We crowded all the steam we had in order to get in; however, before getting into port, the British ship Maison, which was in our convoy, was sunk. It was her maiden voyage and her cargo consisted of English race horses, which swam around several hours before perishing.

Boyd Mohler, Co. F., 21st Eng.—We were four miles back of the line in the Argonne woods, hauling supplies to the front. About 10 a.m., we were shelled by a heavy barrage which halted our train. A big negro came running up the track at about 40 miles per hour. I asked him what was the matter and he said: "Lawd, God, Man, haven’t you’se heard the news. De war am over." His face was loomed like Haley’s comet and his eyes sparkled like two big diamonds. He was about the most excited human I ever laid eyes on.

Fred W. VanSickle, 9th Field Art.—Honolulu.—Everybody seemed to be having one swell time celebrating on Hawaiian red eye.

Foss Farrar, at Camp Pike, Arkansas.—I was at the Gallery target range trying to learn how to shoot straight for if I met a German over there, I would have furnished him a big target to shoot at. A party of Little Rock people came out and celebrated; however, we were not allowed to stage any demonstration due to the fact that about a week previous an erroneous report was circulated declaring the armistice had been signed and it was almost impossible on this occasion to hold men in check. Consequently, we had to wait for an official report.

Tony McAdams, 90th Div., 315th Sanitary Train.—I was in the base hospital No. 25 at Alleray, France, flat on my back with a hole in my back. Everybody in the hospital brought refreshments from the other fellows.

Guy R. Panthier, 130th Field Art., 130th Div.—We were located at the observation post Wilson, one kilometer in front of Fort Lunneville. At 11:30 a.m., we went over the front line trenches and talked to Germans. First time they had talked to allies during the war. They seemed tickled the war was over.

Roy Hume, Air Service, San Antonio, Texas.—Picked up nine wrecked planes that day, which were due directly to the armistice day celebration.

William Gragg, 135h Reg., 35th Div.—Carcelles, France.—At the time the armistice was signed, I was getting a haircut. The barber became very excited and made dangerous swipes with the razor; however, I managed to escape from the shop without getting any bodily harm.

J. F. Pickens, 35th Div., M. P. in France.—Bets even armistice hadn’t been signed. Couldn’t believe we were not going to get the chance to eat our Christmas dinner in Berlin. From then on I didn’t remember much for the festivities of the occasion rose to a staggering height.

D. E. Dorner, Inf., Presidio, San Francisco.—I was in the hospital and unable to celebrate. San Francisco went Klean Klazy.

W. B. Oliverson, 413th Telegraph Bat.—I had been on leave to Paris and was loathe to leave the cabarets, but was going back to duty. I rode on the train all day and spent the night in Noirt, which was a city of about 25,000. There were only two American soldiers in this town that day and the keys of the whole city were turned over to us. We showed them how to celebrate in the good old American way.

Otis Grimes, Santa Fe fireman, Ft. Riley, Kansas.—Memory very vague. Big celebration, plenty of noise and all the trimmings even if we were in a "dry" land.

J. R. Hill, Hill Buick Motor Co., 110th Ammunition train, Choneville, France.—

A Y. M. C. A. man came in about 6:30 a.m. and over to the village church, and tolled the bell all day long. We bought a big chicken and had an old French woman fix up a big dinner.

"Slim" Richardson, 353rd Inf., Stnay, France.—Marched all night of the 10th and were pretty tired armistice day. We slept all armistice day until that evening when General Wright came along and told us the war was over. Some fellow called him a liar.

[Stnay?? Could it have been Epernay, Bernay, Annonay? Could not find Stnay! MAW]

G. G. Stamm, fireman for Santa Fe, with the engineers in France.—I was at the Monticello hotel in Paris with a couple of French chickens. Went sightseeing in the apache section, which ordinarily is wild, but on this day was the wildest that had ever been known because this was the first time in five years that Paris had been unveiled.

E. K. Kraul, 5th Marines, 2nd Division.—We crossed the Meuse River before daylight on the 11th, being under attack that morning. We dug in in "fox holes." Firing ceased and we learned of the Armistice. I slept most of the day in two inches of water in a fox hole.

[Bill: Other than the next item, which happened in 1923, and some coverage of the flood of 1923, which was incomplete, I stopped covering flyers in October 1922....By this time Kay was ready to start at the beginning of events in county. Had to get all these items via copying machine on microfilm reader at the library...very costly! Kay talked to head librarian and found out that they had put old microfilm reader in basement. He was glad to let us use it...much later the head librarian (a woman) said to keep it and forget that we ever got it before from someone else. Anyway, reader was not very good...I got terrible headaches until Kay looked and found that the liquid used for taking photos was still in machine...he removed it and headaches went away. We really struggled in the early years for data I did get. So: I evidently looked hurriedly to find out what article is all I have.

MAW...MAY 15, 1997.]

ARKANSAS CITY DAILY TRAVELER, Saturday, April 14, 1923.


A. C. Aviator Arrives Via Plane For Fire Insurance Case.

Winfield, April 14.—District court will face a singular situation next Monday in the lawsuit of the Williams-Hill Airplane company, legally known as Errett Williams, et al, against a dozen different insurance companies for the payment of policies on a hangar and two planes burned north of Arkansas City a year ago. The insurance companies allege that they canceled the policies before the fire, or in fact, refused to write them at all. Rather than draw out the term of court indefinitely the cases were consolidated for next Monday.

"Pete" Hill, one of the birdmen, arrived at the city Thursday evening from Lincoln, having made the trip in a little over three hours. He flew a Lincoln Standard tournabout. When he left Lincoln he was flying with a strong wind from the north and he figured he could make the trip in a little more than two hours. But he had not gone more than sixty miles when he ran into a strong wind from the south. This made impossible the contemplated record-breaking flight.

[Note: Flyers were involved with 1923 rather scanty concerning events. Many of the flyers got bogged down elsewhere. Irl Beach, Walter Beech were very busy.

Oldroyd notes reflected that Mrs. Childers, who lived at that time on A Street, had John Robson take her by canoe to north field, where a drunken flyer took her down to look for the big tank that had floated away from Kanotex. She was secretary-treasurer of the company at that time and I gather she "ran" things. Can’t help think Walter Beech was the drunken flyer, if this story is correct. Saw Marilyn Childers in the grocery store when Kay and I were busy getting book ready for printing and somehow or other conversation turned to the June 1923 Flood. If memory serves me correctly, she said she had papers written by Mrs. Childers (her mother-in-law) re riding on the tank to make certain it was not stolen. You might want to give her a call relative to this and also obtain some facts, possibly, about Kanotex Refinery.

[Phone still shows name of her late husband: Robert L. Childers.]

She lives at Crestwood...and like Jana and Bob Brown...betcha has been given some weird address by post office. Phone number: (316) 442-4932

Kay became friendly with Bob Childers years ago through a friend of his, Clyde Shaw. They all went to trap shoots in Wichita, Enid, Anthony, etc. We were very sad over Bob’s death. Lost touch with Marilyn. She was on school board for many years. She has always paid her dues with Historical Society...but I have yet to see her attend a meeting. She might be helpful re data she evidently has. Then again, she may not be. Hard to tell about people sometimes. If I recall rightly, the natural bridge is on her property at Crestwood or adjacent to it.

Now, if you want me to, will research more thoroughly June 1923 Flood...Winfield was hit harder as I recall than Arkansas City and all news concerning it is rather sketchy, as I recall.