House Moving Day in Winfield, Kansas


House Moving Day


House Moving Day


Steam Engine


The Steam Engine


man and house


The old man (old man Hudson??) and the horse.


small girl


Small girl and house at right.




Detail of top of house. Is that a child sitting in the attic window?




The kids on the curb.

Subject: Re: Old Houses
Date: Tue, 6 Mar 2001
From: "Helen Storbeck"

Picture of "House Moving Day" is now located at 1420 East 10th. The top story has been removed, but the design of the first two floors remains. Now has a porch on left corner -- which it would seem had been removed for the moving. Will check on current owners. House is painted white now.

More later, Helen

Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878.

Robert Hudson, the "prime mover" of buildings, has removed the old post office building to parts unknown.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1879.

Mr. Robert Hudson moved the Jochem building with all the shelf hardware intact and never disturbed a thing. When Mr. Hudson goes to work on a building, he is sure to make it go.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1879.

Mr. Robert Hudson, the boss mover of Winfield, accomplished a feat in the moving line last week which is worthy of mention. He moved Harry Bahntge's old building from one lot over on another without jarring the plastering or moving a thing out of the house. The building was filled with furniture which was neither moved nor jarred.

Winfield Courier, July 31, 1879.

Last Saturday Mr. Robert Hudson finished taking out the Timber Creek bridge which was thrown down last week. The bridge is very little damaged, there being only one rod and a wooden cross-beam broken. The opinion of the persons who took the bridge out is that it did not go down in the center as at first supposed, but was thrown off of the abutment by the springing and crowding of the ponies. The irons and belts have all been taken out and are now at the foundry, and will only need to be straightened before they can be put back. It is estimated that three hundred dollars will put the bridge back on the old abutments in as good shape as it was before.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1879.

We have been instructed to say that the person who feloniously and with malice aforethought, took three of Robert Hudson's jack screws from his residence recently, had better return the same without further notice and save trouble.


Winfield Courier, August 21, 1879.

(Commencing Monday, Aug. 25, 1879.)
Robert Hudson Torrance & Asp.


Francis R. Hudson


Winfield Courier, October 23, 1879.

We appeal to the honest voters of this county to vote for Shenneman, a capable and honest man, instead of one whose unfitness requires the aid of fraud to give him any chance. We appeal to them that they see that all attempts at fraud in the coming election be detected and punished.

Here following some of the affidavits.


Cowley County. ) ss.

Robert Hudson, after being first duly sworn, upon his oath, says that he is a citizen of Winfield, in said county and state, and has been for several years last past.

That his occupation is that of house mover, that during the year 1878 James Kelly, then postmaster of this city, employed affiant to move the old post office building from Dr. Mendenhall's premises. Dr. Mendenhall commenced an action in attachment against James Kelly, and the order of attachment was placed in the hands of Charles L. Harter, Sheriff of said county, to execute, and instructed him to levy upon said building. He came down to levy upon the building, affiant at the time being at work getting it ready to move away. James Kelly was present. Harter stated his business to him and said he was going to levy upon the building and for me to stop work, and for Kelly to get out.

Kelly ordered him to leave and told him he would put a head on him if he did not go and Harter taking him at his word left. Kelly told affiant to go ahead with the moving. Affiant did so and moved the building away and Harter never did get possession of the same, and further the affiant says not. ROBERT HUDSON.

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 18th day of October, 1879.

HENRY E. ASP, Notary Public.

Cowley County. ) ss.

J. P. Mayfield, after being duly sworn upon his oath doth say, that I was one of the hands, and helped Robert Hudson move the old post-office building from Dr. Mendenhall's premises. I went there with the tools and went to work, the first man on the building. Hudson and Jim Kelly were present. Charles L. Harter came there and Kelly and he had some words. Kelly ordered us to hurry up and pay no attention to anyone but him. We did so, and we never stopped the building until we got it into the street. Harter left and never got possession, or levied upon the building at all that day, and the moving of the building went right along until we got it into the street, where we had to stop, waiting for the cattle to pull it away, and as soon as the cattle came we went ahead, and if Mr. Harter ever levied upon the building his levy did not interfere with our business, and none of us ever knew of it. It is certain he never took possession or attempted to do so. John E. Allen to the contrary notwithstanding.

Subscribed and swore to before me, this 29th day of October, 1879.

W. P. HACKNEY, Notary Public.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

Early in the week Hudson Bros., will remove their jewelry store temporarily to the building next to Brown's drug store, where Best now is, and will begin the erection of a large and commodious store building on the site of their present store. Until this is completed, their old customers will find them at Brown's old stand.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

Hudson Brothers removed Monday, and they were hardly out of the building before workmen began tearing it away, to make room for the new brick and stone one.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

Hudson Brothers.
Whatever may be said, complimentary or otherwise, of our old friend, Robert Hudson, we have this to say, that he has done more for Winfield in one respect than any other man. In the early days of this town he brought here five boys and four girls, who have grown up among us and become valued, esteemed, and respected citizens. The girls are young women of refinement, good sense, and cultivated tastes, and the boys are ingenious mechanics, and honorable, industrious, enterprising, and reliable young men in every way. Few families have had the fortune to acquire in any community so good a standing without a stain. Three of the boys are the proprietors of the Hudson Bros. Jewelry House, which moves this week to the building next south of Brown's drug store.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882. AD. WE ARE NOT BUSTED, Bur are only removing our Jewlry Store across the street NEXT TO BROWN'S DRUG STORE, Where we will be found until the completion of our NEW BUILDING! Which will be erected immediately on the site of the old store. In order to hold our trade and be ready to go into the new store with an entirely NEW STOCK! We will for the next ninety days sell Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, and Silverware at NET COST!

Some rare bargains are offered and the public should lose no time in examining the stock and selecting what they need. Every house in Cowley County should be furnished with a time piece, and never gain will the people have such an opportunity to buy them at such prices as we now offer.

Remember the place, next to Brown's drug store, with D. F. Best. HUDSON BROS.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

The excavation for Hudson Bros., building is finished, and the stone foundation is being put on.