Winfield High School Class of '58 in
1957 - 58


9th and Main



Looking south on Main in front of State Bank



barn ball


Barn Ball at Sunnyside School. Stan Scudder and Jean Anglemeyer dancing, Jim Watson to left of Jean against wall, Jim Davis in front of speaker, Larry Cooley over Jim's right sholder. Jackie Miller and Sonja Burrow on hay stack.


car damage



Biff Hess inspects damage to his car at right. From left Phil Hower, Larry Schwintz, Larry Cooley.



chair group



Back Row, Jim Bottorff, Marion Watts, Biff Hess, Chuck Hauber, Don Price, in center Jack Meyers, Jim Davis, Don Jenkins.



aviation club


Aviation Club. Front Neil McKoy, seated Larry Thiel, Robert Wright beyond Neil.



Dairy Queen



Chuck Hauber ordering at the Dairy Queen. Larry Samms at left.



girls basketball



girls basketball



Girls Basketball






Biff Hess getting ready to rumble. Who is flagman? Larry Cooley?






WHS Band assembling for Assembly.



gym bench



On the bench Leland Brashear, Jim Huff, ??? Jack Meyers, Terry Hunt, Chuck Hauber, Larry Thiel, Darrell Jordan, Joe Wells in back.



basketball game



Faculty vs. Seniors basketball game. Faculty won.






WHS Homecoming. Marcia Truesdell, Terry Hunt, Nola Pack, Larry Theil, Roxie Harding, Darrel Jordan.



basketball trophy



Presentation of Regional basketball Trophy's From left, Peggy Schuyler, Loretta Fox, Marcia Truesdell.






Front row from left, Marion Watt, Gerald Mcgee, Stan Scudder, Alan Lewis. Second row, Jim Huff, ???, ???, Dwight Ramsey on right. Walter Nichols and Darrel Horst on next to back row.



<basketball trophy



Presentation of Regional basketball trophy's. From back Peggy Schuyler, Loretta Fox.






Scott Higginbottom crowning Marcia Truesdell while Larry Cooley puts a lip-lock on Nola.






The Night Club at the annual School Carnival in The Harbor






The Harbor. Neal McCoy, far left, Gloria Davis behind counter at left.



hayrack ride



From left, Jean Swoyer, Gwen Matthews, Bev Standiford.



hayrack ride



At right, Gwen Matthews, Marcia Truesdell, Jean Swoyer, Jean Anglemyer outside, Neal McCoy at left with back to camera.



hayrack ride



From left, Bev Standiford, Sandy Snodgrass, Barbara Thiel, Loretta Fox, Floyd Thiel (Larry's Dad) behind Loretta eating, Jean Anglemyer, Peggy Schuyler.



hayrack ride



Loretta Fox standing in COLD water.






Floor Show at the School Carnival






Loretta Fox, reporter covering the School Carnival.






Kangoroo Court at Sadie Hawkins party in the Harbor. From right, front row (judges) Stan Scudder, ???, ???, Jim Bottorff, Larry Brown. Biff Hess on table. Bill Bottorff on chair, Larry Cooley, Janet Groom, who else ????






Downtown Winfield at night. Regent Theater, far center. Note '55 or '56 Mercury at right.






Chuck Hauber throws a punch at Mel Brown for the camera.






Weiner Roast at Bev Standiford's, Don Williams, front left, Stan Scudder, Jean Anglemyer, Jerry Norton, Monnie Mountain, Roxie Harding, (or Gloria Davis) Loretta Fox, Martha Lewis, Gayle Jirrels, Don Jenkins, Jane Weathers, Neal McCoy, Dave Norris (ala candle), Jim Davis, Sonja Burrow



Winfield Pool



Winfield Pool



Senior Play



Senior Play. Janice Moon holds suitcase. ??? at left.



Yearbook Signing



Yearbook Signing, Gerald McGee sign at center.



Senior Prom



Senior Prom, Class of '58. From left, Marion Watt, Judy Clower, Peggy Schuyler, ???, Gunter Liebherr, Jean Anglemyer, Larry Cooley.






Terry Hunts House. Bev Standiford, Gwen Matthews, Jean Anglemyer, Judy Clower.






Terry Hunt's house, Bill Bottorff, Larry Thiel, Bev Standiford






Terry Hunt's House, Stan Scudder removes dart from Bill Bottorff's forhead while Larry Thiel and Bev Standiford watch.