William W. Crabb


TRAVELER, JUNE 13, 1877.

Killed by Lightning.

Mr. Wm. Crabb, of Pleasant Valley township, was killed by lightning on Sunday night last. He had just returned from church to his farm, turned his horse out in the pasture, and started to the house, when the bolt struck him on the fore part of the head, passing down his body and lower limbs to the ground. In its passage down his shirt front was torn out and both boots torn nearly off his feet. He was, it is supposed, walking toward the house, when struck by the force of the stroke and was whirled completely around so that when found he lay on his face with his head toward the pasture. He was a single man, and was boarding with a family living in his house; and they, supposing that he had gone home from church with some of the neighbors, thought nothing of his absence. Hence, he was not discovered until the following morning.

The coroner, upon hearing of the accident, empanelled a jury and drove down. The investigation brought out no facts except those mentioned above.

Mr. Crabb was a young man, well respected and liked by all who knew him, and great sorrow over his death is expressed by all his neighbors and friends. Telegram.

To the Traveler for June 6 to July 11, 1877

William W. Crabb, born July 30, 1846. Killed by lightning June 3, 1877. From tombstone in Highland Cemetery, Winfield Kansas. Photo taken Sept. 24, 1999 by Alice Valencia.


Crabb tombstone



William McCrabb's Log Cabin




Is this the same guy as William Crabb, who was killed by lightning, June 3, 1877? He lived in Pleasant Valley Township. Where was this cabin? This picture is from about 1900.